....—~~r~-—---—....—.-. Scenes and Persons in tie Current News 1—The Erie, first of a new dais of 2,000-ton gunboats, floated at tbe Brooklyn navy yard. 2—Group of A. it. past eonunanders received by President Boosevelt when Jhey were in Washington to make ar ' its for the national encampment in September. 8—Model of th^ million dollar memorial shaft that be erected on the San Jacinto battlefield near Houston, Texas, for the Texas Centennial celebration; be 660 feet high. 5*->-;-: ess Smelled Took L a few year*, of Deylne, Texas, neaaea enterprise and was know J “World's Bermnda Union The depression 'came, bank I1 , * . 11 • failures wrecked the financial struc ture of business, and today he Is | fighting his way back to economic , 'Independence as a salesman of toys t In a store In Pasadena, Calif. Emperor of japan at Army Review Mounted on his favorite charger, “Shlrayukl,” the emperor of Japan, Hlrohlto, with princes of the blood and military leaders of his empire, reviewed the 10,000 troops-stationed in the Japanese capital on the Yoyogi parade grounds. Museum to Show President’s Sailfish W. L. Brown, chief taxidermist of the Smithsonian Institution, mounting a 9 foot 8 Inch sallfish landed by President Roosevelt at Cooes Island, off Costa Rica, last October, which will be placed la the^Natlonal Museum. «**-.-I-y---‘ ".''"V' -;-—--—-* Old Man Winter Is Viola’s Best Sweetie Miss Viola Smith of White Plains, N. V., Is. the, versatile snow qneen ol ■ ... ■■ ■ —.i».. Ji... r. —.. * Would Check Foreign Importations Representative Jennings Randolph of West Virginia, who Will shortly open a drive against the importation of foreign-made goods in the United States. Mr. Randolph's drive is especially aimed at Japanese and Russian articles being sold in this country. —?—-—r" When the Snow Flies ItVaV frmltl Orville Borgeraen of Seattle doe* not recommend this stunt unless yon know yonr stuff and have plenty of fresh snow to land In. Borgersen has gone to the winter Olympic games where he will locate training quarters for American contestants and assist In training. He could teach ’em a few tricks, all right! He does'stuff like this just to “warm up.” Bone of Contention in the Aegean Sea «*» 1 1 • y 1 .-• View of the Island of Eeros, one of the Dodecanese islands, which the Italians term the "Helgoland of the Aegean.” The Island was taken by Italy In 1912 from Turkey, and heavily fortified. Now Turkey Is thinking of taking it back while Italy is engaged In Ethiopia. However, the island is predominantly populated by Greeks and Greece believes that In case of a redistribution she should be given the Islands. This Little Lady Gets Younger Every Year Fannie Ward; the little lady who seems to have learned the secret of eternal youth, pictured on her ar rival at New York from Europe on the liner Bremen. She was accom panied by her daughter and son-in law, Lady and Ldrd Terence Con yngham PIunkeL Here’s a New Musical Instrument The solfia, a new musical Instrument Invented by Bans Kaulbersch of Berlin, is hetre shown. It can be operated either by blowing through the rubber tube or by a bellows. The solfia is intended to supply a demand for a low-priced musical Instrument for homes of persons In moderate circumstances. Champion Amateur Gardener and His Garden j i CONSTIPAT_ I Dri&a wmam\