Auto Industry Ready for Peak Year as Strike Ends 1—William S. Knudsen, vice president of General Motors, who signed the agreement for his company which ended the costly motor strike. 2—Last vigil of the "sit-down” strikers before they marched out of the plant in Flint, Mich. 3—Gov. Frank Murphy of Michigan, who conducted negotiations that led to solution of strike difficulties. Salute of Daggers for II Duce With drawn daggers, his personal bodyguard salutes Mussolini dur ing the celebration of the fifteenth anniversary of the founding of the Blackshirts. This dagger-salute, incidental is supposed to date back to the arrogant emperors. TO WED ERIN’S ENVOY Mrs. Nicholas F. Brady of New York, widow of the utilities mag nate, whose forthcoming marriage in Rome after Easter to William J. Babington Macaulay, Irish Free State minister to the Vatican, was revealed by friends recently. It was also reported that the ceremony probably will be performed by Car dinal Pacelli, Papal secretary of state, who was a guest at the Brady mansion at Manhasset, L. I., during his recent visit to this country. RESCUED FROM MINE 1 Peter Robert Johnson, thirty-six year-old coal mine operator, who was rescued alive from the Pitts vein mine at Flemington, W. Va., after he had been buried by a cave in for a week. CCC workers and other volunteers, aided by the en tombed man’s dog, worked 18 hour shifts, 24 hours a day to save John son. The mine operator’s rescue was regarded as one of the most amazing feats on record. Snow Queen Statue Wins College Cup Florence Allen, of Birmingham, Ala., Queen of the Snows, presents a cup to Joseph Fogarty, of Newburg, N. Y., representing Delta Tau Delta fraternity, which made the best snow statue, picked by Judges at the annual winter carnival here. The statue shows the founder of Dart mouth greeting the carnival queen. U. S. Army Demonstrates Its Landing Efficiency First equipment brought ashore by the U. S. army, taking over Cabriilo beach, near San Pedro, Calif., in preliminary landing exercises, included tractors, trucks, field and machine guns. Photograph shows a tractor and trucks being put on the beach to demonstrate with what efficiency the army can disembark its troops and gear in the event of hostile attack upon our shores. Scenes and Persons in the Current News 1—Members of the Sailors Union of the Pacific Coast as they cast ballots to end the costly marine strike. 2—Speaker William B. Bankhead (center) shown with Congressmen Hatton W. Sumner of Texas and U. S. Guyer of Kansas studying the President’s proposal for reorganizing the Supreme court 3—President Roosevelt, who recently recommended to Congress legislation reorganizing the federal judiciary and the Su preme court G. B. Shaw Sits for the Sculptor George Bernard Shaw, British playwright and caustic critic of mod em life (left), pictured in London with the sculptor Sava Botzaris and the bust the latter is making of him which is to be cast in bronze and gilt. CINDERELLA HEIRESS Lillian Elifsen, maid in a West Englewood, N. J., home, took a day oil to visit New York when she heard that she had inherited $600, 000 from her foster father in Nor way, but she is going to hold her job until the fortune is turned over to her. Lillian’s family name is Petersen and she was bom in the United States, but when she was two years old she was adopted by a Norwegian shipbuilder and was taken by him to live in Norway. KING’S BIRTHDAY King Farouk I of Egypt, whose seventeenth birthday recently was observed throughout his nation by his subjects. The only son of the late King Fuad and Her Majesty, Queen Nazli, he acceded to the throne last April upon his father’s death. De Forest’s New “Dynathern” Fights Flu Dr. Lee De Forest, wizard of radio and talking pictures, took a look at the influenza epidemic and decided something ought to be done. So, he offered his latest electrical invention in Los Angeles, the “dyna them,” to a world suffering from coughs, sneezes and aching muscles. Built on radio principles, the dynathem uses ultra-short waves over a email field. The patient is placed within the range of these impulses. It attacks the organs internally, relieving congestion. Two Men Escape Uninjured in Freak Accident Two men In an automobile crushed between two street cars luckily fscaped injury in a freak accident in downtown San Francisco. John A. Toso, driver of the machine, said he attempted to get ahead of a street car. Anothfer trolley car coming from the opposite direction cut him off with the result that he was crammed between them. n HouseMd ® • Ques/fonr Winter Salad—Mix one cup of celery with one cup of tart applet and half cup of walnuts. Cut the celery and apples into very small dice and combine with mayon naise or cream dressing; Add Wal nuts just before serving. Garnish with celery tips. • • • Sometimes ink stains can be re moved from the hands by rubbing them with the inside of a banana peel, • • • You can produce your own sour milk for use in sour-milk recipes by simply adding a teaspoon of vinegar to each cup of fresh sweet milk. • • • Cane-bottomed chairs should be brushed to remove all dust and then washed with salt and water and placed in the open air to dry. This treatment tightens up the cane. * * * If the roof should leak and stain your ceiling, cover the stain with block magnesia. Rub the block over the spot until the stain is covered, then smooth over with the tips of your fingers. It works like magic. • • • If you want to make bread crumbs in a hurry and have not a sieve or a large grater, put the bread in the oven or under the grill a few minutes to dry, but not to get brown. Then rub the two pieces together, and you. will have quite good crumbs for eggs and bread crumbing or for stuffing. © Bell Syndicate.—WNU Service. PAIN IN BACK NEARLY DROVE HER CRAZY Got Quick RELIEF By Rubbing Muscles were so sore she could hardly touch them. Used Hamlins Wizard Oil and found wonderful relief. Just rubbed it on and rubbed it in. Thousands say Hamlins Wizard Oil works wonders for stiff, aching muscles. Why suffer? Get a bottle for speedy comfort. Pleasant odor. Will not stain clothes. At all druggists. HAMLINS WIZARD OIL For MUSCULAR AC HES .inci PAIN S Due to RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA LUMBAGO CHEST COLDS One Kind of Vanity Every person complains of th» badness of his memory but non» of their defective judgment.—La Rochefoucauld. Miss REE LEEF says: y77r\ CAPUDINE relieves HEADACHE quicker because it’s liquid.. a/netufy dissolved MASSANUTTEN CHICKS VIRGINIA PULLORUM CERTIFIED TESTED ROCKS • REDS • LEGHORNS | 30,000 OFFICIALLY CERTIFIED BREEDERS m ttmtnUd Cataht > Bn B Stows Kurils Massannllen Hatchery, Inc., Hamsonbutf., Va TAKE MILNESIAS Milnesia, the original milk of magnesia in wafer form, neutralizes stomach add. Each wafer equals 4 teaspoonfuls of milk of magnesia. Thin, crunchy, mint-flavor, tasty. 20c, 35c & 60c at drug stars*.