Christinas Flower WHEN you buy one of those scarlet-petaled flowers called the poinsettia to add to the festive appearance of your home at Christ ie mas time, you are helping perpetu ate the fame of an American who little realized that his name would become associated with one of the symbols of the Yuletide. For Joel yR. Poinsett had so many other claims to distinction that it seems curious he is best remembered be cause a flower bears his name! Born in South Carolina in 1779, he studied both medicine and military Science abroad but his father in duced him to abandon his intention of entering the army and to be come a student of law. Poor health forced him to give that up and he asked President Madison for a com mission in the army. Instead he was sent on a dip lomatic mission to South America where he mixec in the politics of Chile, and fomented revolution un til he became known as “the scourge of the American continent” and was recalled. Next he was sent to Mexico. Always interested In botany, he brought oack from that country the flower which was given the scientific name of “Poinsettia Pulcherina.” » Just as he had been a stormy petrel in international politics, so he was a disturbing element in the politics of his native land. During the Nullification controversy in South Carolina he organized and led • the Unionist forces. By doing that he won the esteem of the nation al government and President Van Buren made him secretary of war. Poinsett improved and enlarged the army, organized a general staff, built up the artillery, directed the Seminole war and managed the re moval of some 40,000 Indians to In dian Territory. In the midst of this activity his scientific interests were not neglected. He experimented with scientific agriculture, sent out vthe Wilkes expedition into the Ant arctic and was largely instrumental in founding the National Institute |or the Promotion of Science and the Useful Arts which later was inerged with the Smithsonian Insti , -Hution. His busy career came to an