* Wallace Fire Department Enjoys Excellent Record of Service Here Organization Was Formed in 1926, Being Governed by Rul es and Regulations of State Firemen’s Association. MANY DESTRUCTIVE FIRES f FOUGHT SINCE BEGINNING Averages Being on Honor Roll Six Months Out of Each Year, Sec. Reports It is often said — and with truth—that a town is as good as its citizens. This could be amended—and still with a lot * of truth—a town’s as good as its fire department. For it is a fact that without the efficient work of a good fire department ( irreparable damage could result to a community, both in loss of money and in prestige. That Wallace can and does boast of one of the most efficient fire-fighting units in any town in North Carolina, size for size, is well known to residents in Duplin’s strawberry belt, and to many people in other places. It is therefore, with a desire to give credit where credit is due, and to offer a word of praise to the local fire laddies for their unselfish and efficient work that this article is writ ten. For a long time prior to 1926, the people of Wallace and vici nity were aware of the fact that their community needed a fire department that was able to cope with destructive fires, and much talk was from time to time indulged in with this end in view. But little was done towards accomplishing anything until the closing days of 1925. At that time the growing town more than ever felt the need of a reassurance that only a well conducted fire department could give. Accordingly, on January 15, 1926, plans came to a head, and a meeting was called by J. Au brey Harrell in the old Wallace Motor Company building where the Cavenaugh Chevrolet Agen cy is at present located, for the purpose of organizing a fire de partment for Wallace. On the afternoon of that day, the meeting was held, plans and WELCOME TO THE FESTIVAL From JAMES HENRY CURRIE „ AND HIS Standard Esso Station Wallace.N. C. • We’re located right across the Corner from the Brick Warehouse, the Center of Festival Activities , . . Your Most Convenient Station. You’ll like our Quick, Efficient and Courteous Service, which embraces Everything the Motorist Desires. “Happy Motoring” COMPLIMENTS —of— SHEFFIELD GROCERY (Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Sheffield) Wallace, N. C. — The Home of — THE BEST IN PURE FOODS AT RIGHT PRICES AND HON EST TREATMENT. Headquarters for Fancy Groceries and Feeds WE EXTEND TO ALL FESTI VAL VISITORS A WARM AND HEARTY WELCOME Come to Wallace to the FESTIVAL and COME TO SEE US. MAKE OUR STORE YOUR HEAD QUARTERS. —AND IF WE CAN ADD TO THE PLEASURE OF YOUR VISIT, WE ARE READY AND ANXIOUS TO DO IT. .s resolutions were drawn up and the present Wallace Fire De partment came into being, with fourteen members. Mr. Harrell was unanimously elected chief of the new organization, and the following were charter mem bers: R. L. Fields, Howe B. Dunn, J. P. Murray, J. W. Hof fler, H. A. Register, R. W. Foun tain, Emmett Williams, O. T. Fountain, W. C. Sykes, Jr., Geo. L. Boney, M. P. Kimball, Gra ham Pope, and B. H. Ipock. Equipment was immediately purchased, and this included various pieces of fire-fighting paraphernalia, such as a fire truck, hose, axes, etc. Later on in the same year uniforms, con sisting of coats, hats and boots, were purchased by the Town of Wallace for the department. Until April 14, 1933, the fire department operated under the direction of Mr. Harrell, but at that time Mr. Harrell was forced to resign the leadership, owing to ill health. The department then unanimously elected J. W. Hoffler as chief to succeed Mr. Harrell in appreciation of his work, who was given the title of honorary chief of the fire de partment for his lifetime. Mr. Hoffler has served ever since. Another “old timer,” who has served as an official of the Wal lace Fire Department since the date of its organization, is Howe B. Dunn. Mr. Dunn was elect ed secretary and treasurer at the first meeting, and has re tained that position from that day until this. To no small de gree is the record of the local fire department due to the tire less energy of this local busi ness man. The present fire department is a member of the North Caro lina Firemen's Association, and operates under the rules and re gulations as set up by that body. Each year two delegates, with all expenses paid, are selected from among the local firemen and sent to the state convention held by the Association. A complete system of fire alarm boxes, gre fighting equip ment and water mains serves Wallace, and for the outlying districts chemical equipment is carried by the truck for use where water is not available, or when for any other reason its use is necessary. Under the efficient leadership of both Chief Harrell, and, later on, Mr. Hoffier, the present chief, the Wallace fire laddies have established an enviable re putation for their skill as fire fighters. It is in the records that they have never refused to answer a call for assistance, either in Wallace or nearby points. They have helped to fight fires in Rose Hill, Teach ey and Burgaw, and also in sev eral outlying rural districts. To show the versatility of the local department, the firemen at one time went to Rose Hill and helped the county fire warden fight and control on one Sun day a destructive forest fire, for which piece of valuable work a letter of commendation was for warded to the local outfit by the North Carolina Department of Conservation. From time to time, in appre ciation of the good work of the Wallace Fire Department, the entire personnel has been invit ed to dinners in the homes of Wallace citizens. As a tribute to the extraor dinary work of the local fire department, it averages being on the honor roll of the State Firemen’s Association around six months out of each year. To be eligible for this honor roll, a fire department must hold down the fire losses in the com munity it serves to a minimum of five dollars or less in a cur rent 30-day period. That the local boys are able to do this is an excellent indication indeed of their fire-fighting abilities. In addition to this honor, there have been received from time to time by the fire department many letters of congratulation and thanks from various con cerns and individuals whose places the Wallace firemen have been instrumental in saving. Once a year, usually in Octo ber, a national Fire Prevention Week is proclaimed by the President of the United States and the Governor of North Car olina. This week is participat ed in by the local fire depart ment through the holding of fire drills in both the colored and white schools. There is al so some member of the depart ment selected to give a talk in the schools on fire prevention methods and similar subjects. Throughout the years which have passed since the local de partment came into being there have been many fires fought, any one of which could be men tioned as an example of the ability of the members to fight fires and take it. Several in stances of extreme heroism in line of duty have been perform ed, but in no single case has any fireman ever suffered any other than minor injuries, a re cord of which any town or city, either, could be justly proud. One of the most outstanding acts of heroism performed by a local fire laddie, was that of Fireman H. B. Dunn, who has been the secretary and treasur er of the Wallace Fire Depart ment from its beginning. On January 21, 1927, Fireman Dunn, at great risk of his life, enter ed a building which was almost completely on fire and after his third attempt succeeded in bringing to safety a small col ored child imprisoned in the blazing structure. Another example of the ten acity and heroism of the local boys was on the occasion of the burning of the old Bank of Dup lin and Wanoca Theatre build ings. This destructive fire took place in bitterly cold weather during February 1932, on the 21st. For five hours the local firemen battled the flames against the greatest of odds, not the least of which was the ice and slush that formed in the freezing temperatures prevail ing. Time and time again it looked as though the whole place would be destroyed, but the boys of the Wallace Fire Department never stopped fight ing until the fire was out. The buildings were valued at $16, 000, and the loss was kept to $7,500, all of which was cover ed by insurance. While a system of alarms has been in operation for several years, a better system has been installed with the following numbers: No. 1, telephone call; No. 2, Dees Pharmacy corner; No. 3, M. O. Powell corner; No. 4, Frank Boney corner; No. 6, John Wells corner; No. 8, W. D. Campbell corner; No. 9, William Farrior corner. Undeniably, the air of excite ment and danger which sur rounds a fire must be counted a factor in holding the interest of any volunteer fireman, but this, to a certain extent, wears off after a long period of service. When this becomes true, one can truly describe a volunteer firemen only by saying that his is one of the most unselfish ser vices any citizen of any town is called upon to perform. —Come to Wallace June 7-12— Attend the Strawberry Festi val here all Next Week. 1 I l j I LANIER’S BARBER SHOP ! LLOYD H. LANIER, Proprietor Brick Warehouse Building WALLACE. N. C. Where Two Registered Barbers Are j Ready to Serve you at All Times. A New Shop for the Whole Family. Special Atten S tion to Ladies and Children. “WE MAKE BARBER1NG OUR BUSINESS” Lloyd H. Lanier • J. C. Campbell “Hygienic Barbering—Skill \ and Care” WELCOME to Festival Visitors STRIP-CROPPING HELPS (Continued from Page 3) John C. Shiver, assistant soil conservationist. Such crops as small grains, sorghums, legumes, and grasses are readily adaptable to the strip cropping and fit in well in strip rotations with clean-cultivated crops. Strips can be used to establish terrace lines, making It possible to build terraces at a more convenient time. Width of the strips is depen dent upon the slope of the land and requirements of the indi vidual farmer, Shiver said. On gentle slopes it is considered good practice to lay off the strips 20 to 30 feet wide and on steep slopes 40 to 50 feet wide. The Store Of FOODS Of "Paramount Excellence” Joins in Extending an Invitation and a Hearty Welcome to Visitors to The “Bigger and Better * Strawberry Fes tival, and especially to The First Lady, The Governor and other Not ables. A nd, we further invite you to Visit our Store for the Best in— STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES FRESH FRUITS i VEGETABLES At the most Reasonable Prices to be Found Anywhere, plus an Honest and Satisfactory Service. MAKE OUR STORE YOUR HEADQUARTERS DURING THE FESTIVAL. i. W. POWELL & COMPANY Wallace . . . North Carolina L Welcome... Festival Visitors! We Specialize In • Motor Re-Building • General Repairing • Acetylene Welding • Top and Glass Work • Battery and Ignition Service • Wrecker Service • And Accessories -------4 “WHEN GABRIEL BLOWS HIS HORN” When your Car is wrecked or your Motor gets sick, The wise thing to do is see us Quick. We do it all, from Tires to Top And you have to make but just One Stop. Our prices will please; Our work vou‘11 like: And you'll smile with Satisfaction as you speed down the pike. When on the Road Misfortune might stalk. It would be dreadful to have to Walk. Our Service is Known and Preferred by Many; We'll find and fix your trouble, if There is any. When all your patience and strength are shorn, Just Call for us and hear Gabriel Blow His Horn. “Gabe” and His “Crew” . . . every one of 'em, make their Bows to “King Straw berry”, and heartily Join in extending a Glad Hand to all who will come our Way. “Gabe” and His “Crew” would be mighty Glad to Know you ... so Come to see Us. GABE’S GARAGE GABRIEL BONEY, Proprietor Wallace..North Carolina __