Ipritish Plane glazes Trail for Overseas Line i Pictured at the airways base at Port Washington, L. I„ is the British 15-passenger flying boat “Cavalier” ■' after completing the first east-west survey flight from Bermuda. These survey flights are in preparation for the eventual trans-Atlantic passenger service which will be jointly operated by the Imperial Airways and Pan -American Airways. Simultaneously with the Cavalier’s flight, a Pan-American Sikorsky clipper made the west-east flight to Bermuda. ffSW ' -- I Ohio Will Have a “Little Ruhr” A new “little Ruhr” is rising seven miles up the Cuyahoga river Cleveland, Ohio, which will mark it as America’s meeting grounds iron ore and coal. The development is part of the Republic Steel ■poration’s program of expansion. A $15,000,000 plant, shown above, is construction, which, when completed, will be the world’s most itinuous strip mill. BREAKS NARCOTIC RING Miss Joyce McAllister, twenty seven-year-old former Santa Bar bara, Calif., college student, whose under-cover detective work is cred ited with leading to the arrest of seven Chinese and a veteran federal' agent in raids on night clubs in the Chinese quarter of Reno, Nev. The sheriff’s office and the federal nar cotics bureau provided her with $1,000 with which she bought nar cotics, thus obtaining information leading to the arrests. BLIND LECTURER Miss Hazel Hurst, blind lecturer, being led up the gangplank an Atlantic liner by her “seeing companion, “Babe.” Miss with the aid of “Babe,” was route to France. < 'Mariner Plans Sea Cruise in Tub ■mi.-.mi—. -m r--- ....-.runrnrmr.r-.mu Ernest Biegajski of Buffalo, N. Y., evidently believes in safety first, for he has put on a life preserver before hoisting sail and moving out into Lake Erie in his remodeled pickle barrel schooner in which he plans to go to Europe this summer if present experiments prove successful. This is the second such boat he has built with his soldier’s bonus money. The 1936 model leaked so badly that only the timely arrival of the coast guard prevented its maiden voyage from turning into a tragedy. Sons of Diamond Daddies Good at Baseball tout stalwarts of the University of Florida baseball team ought to be pretty good at the national ( there is anything in the theory of heredity. All are sons of famous major league fathers, whose tfrfeecnebold words a few years ago. Left to right are Ed Manning, twenty, son of Ed Manning, (nr die St Louis Browns; Lee Meadows, Jr., nineteen, son of Lee Meadows, old Pittsburgh Pi* pd ace; Jimmy Shotton, seventeen, son of Bert Shot ton, a former St Louis Cardinal, and Wilbur whose father ones played third for the Chicago White Saab ' . Scenes and Persons in the Current News 1—Scene In the Queen Anne room of St James palace, London, as premiers of the various dominions and other delegates attending the Imperial conference following the' coronation conferred on problems of the British empire. 2—Employees of the Jones & Laughlin Steel corporation, whose vote adopted a C. I. O. union for representation in collective bargaining. 3—President Roosevelt who has asked congress to enact legis lation establishing wage and hour standards for labor. Sir Harry Lauder on World Tour Famed Scotch singer. Sir Harry Lauder is pictured as he arrived In Los Angeles from Australia aboard the liner Monterey, accompanied by his niece, Miss Greta Lauder. Sir Harry, who has retired from concert work, plans no stage appearances on this round-the-world trip. STICKS TO HIS LAST i___ —.I.I.. Bubbling over with joy, Salvatore BrancHiella is pictured in his shop at Mamaroneck, N. Y., as he soles a pair of shoes for a customer. Sal* vatore’s joy comes from his receipt of the news that President Roosevelt had just signed a special bill grant ing him the right to live in the United States. He was to have been de ported on a charge of allegedly stealing $15 from an employer in Italy 10 years ago. The charges were proved false and Branchiella was exonerated. LOYALIST STRONG MAN Indalecio Prieto, dynamo of the loyalist cause who has become key man of the civil war in the new Spanish republican cabinet organ ized by Premier Juan Negrin. He plans to revamp the fighting forces. Dr. Wang New Chinese Envoy to U. S. Dr. C. T. Wang, newly appointed Chinese ambassador to the United States, shown soon alter his arrival in this country. With him are his daughters, Yeeh on the left and An-Fu on the right. Ranger Is Crippled on First Test Cruise Soon alter being launched at Bath, Me., the Banger, Commodore Harold S. Vanderbilt’s America's cup con tender met with disaster on her first test run and lost her mast Towed to port it had to undergo repairs to fit it for competition with other American ships for-the honor of meeting the British challenger, Endeavor IX. ■cane above shows the Ringer at the time at bar launching. < V ; ■ . (|&W K*©• /pSsfcfc*-* !T /■*“£* fa -ySsSafs ^NV%ab}^- tt°d O/ — “WVie*. ^O 33'"°»XS% For Women! 'THOUSANDS of women A now keep the allure of youthful, dewy-fresh skin at 30—35—40 and even after! Now a modern skin creme acts to free the skin of the age-film of semi-visible darkening particles ordinary cremes cannot re move. Often only 5 nights enough to bring out divine new freshness—youthful rose-petal dear ness; and toeliminate ugly surface pimples, black heads, freckles. Ask for Golden Peacock Bleach Creme today at any drug or department store ... or send 50c to Golden Peacock Inc., Dept. H-315, Paris, Torn. The Required Qualities The same qualities are requisite to make' a good master and a good servant, a good chief and a good soldier.—Wagner. GS Honoring the Day Every day should be distin guished by at least one particular act of love.—Lavater. URE WAY Akim TO Kill ANIJ Ants an hard tt> loll, but Peterman’* Ant Pood ia made especially to get them and get them Cut. Destroy* red ants, black ants, tdhan kills young and eggs, too. Sprinkle along windows, doors, any place where ants come and go. Safe. Effective 24 hours a day. 25^, 35/ and 6of at your druggist's. PETERMANS ANT FOOD Great Talent • How often the highest talent lurks in obscurity!—Plautus. Lazy, bored, grouchy You may feel this way as a result of constipation Constipation Is an enemy of pleas* ure. It dulls your enjoyment of the best entertainment and the best friends. To neglect constipation is to In vite serious trouble. For your health’s sake, take Black-Draught at the first sign of constipation. Ton’ll soon feel better. Here’s a laxative that is purely vegetable, prompt, reliable. BLACK-DRAUGHT A GOOD LAXATIVE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT BEAUTY CULTURE 8CBEBTS SYSTEM at Beauty Culture $1 postpaid. Why your feet hurt $1.00 postpaid. Aaenta wanted. CrandeU Box 99. StaUem Y.New Ysrk.N.Y. AGENTS AGENTS BEAT COMPETITION. Money 147