REDDY’S HOMEMAKING NEWS By SARAH T. JONES Home Service Representative Carolina Power & Light Co. Pennysavers Little boys and girls have a way of tearing holes in their clothes, ripping seams, catching heels in hems. To keep even sturdy clothes in good repair means continued alertness. There are several ways to put to use the modern iron-on corduroy or denim patches, which are iron like in endurance and will out wear garments on which you at tach them. Your notions depart ment carries these patches in many colors. Put the patches on in a decorative way, in diamond shapes, crescents, r o u n d s or squares. You can patch a tear that is on the right hip and put a 'mat ching patch on the left hip. One side of the back, just below the center waist, might be torn, so you can put the piece across the center back to give balance to the patch. You will be surprised what fun you and the children can have in cutting paterns for patches and ironing them to position. These patches will wash and wear, and if you plan them so, they can really give a perk-up to faded and tired PHONE 657-1 Wells & Hussey SHELL SERVICE Corner US 117 & N.C. 41 24 Hours Road Service GUARANTED GREASE' JOBS and WASHING WALLACE, N. C. Venetian Blinds so light • riny cfjik! cart r$ise, i lowr — o&e-tfurd Z. J. Carter & ffc Build & Furnish The Home Phone -135-1 Wallace, N. C. weight oi military blirxf*. ^JTTe custom tn#d# of tia* nnr inixiuir flat rvitfcmi" - garments. Falls rate high among causes of injuries from home accidents at all ages. But it is to people over the age of 65 that falls arc most likely to be fatal, according to Na tional Safety Council figures. The whole family can help fall - proof tlie home and grounds just by giv ing more thought to doing away with fall hazards. For example, check on steps and stairways to be sure they are well lighted, in good repair, have continuous hand rails and hand rails on both side if they are wide. Children can learn to keep toys off the floor or lawn except in their own play area. Many an elderly person has trip ped on toys left on stairs, walks or other unexpected places. Be sure open windows have tight screens or other safeguards to pre vent falls.. Be sure garden tools are not left where they may be trip - hazards. If you substitut.e scatter rugs or grass rugs for win ter carpets be sure they are se cured against sliding underfoot — or catching a heel or toe. Special floor finishes may be used that are no slippery. Health For All TB In The Classroom Could your child catch tuberculo sis in school? Your immediate reaction is, “No, of course not.” Not with all the public health regulations, school doctors and nurses. Nor in that handsome new brick building with the big shiny windowpanes. Any way, you say, not many children get TB these days. But can you De sure that your child is safe! A recent discovery of active tuberculosis in a six-year old girl led to the disclosure of three other infected first-graders. Investigation showed that their ap parently healthy young teacher had the disease. Children do get tuberculosis. The incidence is lower than in adults partly because their opportunities for contact with an active case of tlie disease are fewer. During the years when a child’s world inclu des little more than home and school, the chances of his catching JONES’ PORK SAUSAGE (The Ham makes it Different) JONES SAUSAGE CO. Garner, N. C. FGX FEED, SEED & FERTILIZER 5 V Galvanized & Roll Roofing Baby Chicks WALLACE FARMERS EXCHANGE Wallace, N. C. FCX Dealer - Agent WATCH FOR FRIENDLY ACRES For Your BEAUTIFUL HOME SITE Just Off Highway 117 North Contact— E. S. WILLIAMS, Mgr.-PHONE 3414 0Deco*4,twi& 7tote&oo6 —- by Alicia [Joyce - Greatly improved staling and the greater variety in summer furni ture styles provides you with the prospect of an attractive summertime setting that need not be stored out of sight for the winter. The same qualities that make it so practical outdoors make it equally so for an indoor recreation room, or to accent your home with a note of summer the year ’round. The grouping shown here, is completely correlated with dinettes, occasional tables, sectional pieces, rockers, lounges and chairs. The seat ing pieces are alternated with either a lightweight woven fibre or removable plastic upholstered cushions. Sturdy, also lightweight, black tubular steel frames attractively outline the extensive array Of vivid summer colors used for this grouping. Color, being the newest fashion note, is found on all types of summer furniture from the most rustic to the most traditional, on metal or wood. For a utilitarian note, the tables all have plastic laminated surfaces banded attractively in brass. The foot glides, also in brass, are Self-leveling to justify uneven out door surfaces. Summertime furniture is hardier than ever. It is sun-proof, rain proof, rust-proof, mildew-proof and insect-proof. It has been st.vjed to look and be less cumbersome, while being completely functional. Select wisely, with versatility in mind, and your outdoor furniture will make both summer and winter more enjoyable. tuberculosis can be minimized. The infection is most likely to reach him from adults with active TB. And these will most likely be in a limited group including the adults in his own family and his school teachers. Responsible parents will make sure, of course, that there is no I chance that a child is exposed to jtubeculosis in the home. With the I modern chest X-ray there is no ■ excuse for doubt on this score. But what about the school? Re sponsible parents should know for ' sure what measures are taken to protect the health of their children in the classroom. Does your school | system require an annual physical 'examination and a chest X-ray of all its teachers? If there is such ia regulation, is it rigidly enforced? I If tiiere is no requirement, is there isomc community group you could join in working for it? Teamwork bv parent organizations, doctors, i educators, the health department, and tuberculosis association can prevent the needless tragedy of the I child who catches tuberculosis in ithe classroom. New NC Driver’s License Ruling !For Servicemen I The Motor Vehicle Department announced today a new driver’s li cense regulation that will affect I thousands of Tar Ilecl servicemen stationed outside the'.slate. I The new legislation passed by the | recent General Assembly became j effective July 1 and requires out jof-statc Tar Heel servicemen to ! renew their operator’s permits by I mail. Formerly no renewal was neces I sary so long as the driver was in service at a military installation {outside North Carolina. { However, after July 1 renewals ■ must be secured. The agency said CROU__ SPRAYING AIRPLANE CROP^S^ SPRAYING CROP SPRAYING Quickest, Surest Way to Protect your Crops. Our Planes Fly Low Over Your Acreage, Thoroughly Spraying Your Crops for Full Pro tection Against Blight, Scale, Rust or Insects-Get Our Quotations. Let Us Kill Your Tobacco Horn Worms, Flea Pugs and Lice. Also Corn and Cotton Insects. —Guaranteed Coverage— FOR PROMPT & DEPENDABLE SERVICE Contact: Ray Lanier Lyman, N. C. Roy Grady, Rt. No. 1, and Harry Murphy Kenansville, N. C. Linwood Howard Howard’s Drive-In Philip Sanderson Sanderson Airport Wallace, N. C—Ph. 6467 Levon Sandlin Parker’s Store Chinquapin, N. C. Phone 2191 Beulaville Livestock Market Beulaville, N. C. • Fountain’s Store Rt. No. 1 Chinquapin, N. C. Ph. 2211, Richlands L & F AERIAL SPRAY SERVICE, INC. Phone Richlands 2211 Route lf Chinquapin, N. C. Fountain’s Store applicants should notify the Motor Vehicle Department shortly before their license is to expire. A re newal form will then be mailed for the applicant to complete and re turn. It must be signed by the applicant’s commanding officer. The ruling applies only to Tar Heel military drivers outside the state, the department emphasized. Those within Noipth Carolina must see a license examiner. RAMSEY’S FEED MILL Rose Hill, N. C. JUST LIKE GENUINE FORD PARTS ARB IDENTICAL “TWINS’! OF THE PARTS USED TO BUILD NEW FORD CARS AND TRUCKS Unit's why you'll always And MADE RIGHT FIT RIGHT LASTIOHGER ho BOSTIC-HAWES Motors Inc. Hiway 117 Wallace, N. C Social Security News Among the important changes in the Social Security law provided by the recently passed 1954 amend ments is the disability “freeze” provisions provided in the law, N. A. Avera, District Manager of the District Office of the Social Securi ty Administration, at Wilmington, said today. A new feature was add3d to the law by Congress generally to pre vent the depreciation of or loss of benefits suffered by wage - earn ers and self - employed individuals who became totally disabled and thus unable to maintain their re gular earnings under the Act. Un der the previous law if a person became disabled and incapacitated for work there was nothing to be done until he reached age 65 or died and a claim was filed on his wage record. During the period of his disability, when his earnings decreased or stopped altogether, the wage - earner’s average mon See B & P Electric Company for KELVINATOR Sales and Service , Residential and Commercial Wiring Phone 423-6 116 W. Main St., Wallace, N. C. thly wage decreased, thus lowering his benefit payments or in some cases eliminating them altogether because of lack of insured status. The 1954 amendments to the law do not provide for insurance pay ments to be made to wage - earn ers and the self employed when the disability first occurs, but merely to freeze the wage record at that point upon certain conditions to be met by the disabled persons. Any disabled worker covered by the law shoul dcall or write the Dis trict Office in order to make ap plication to have his earnings re cord frozen. ' Mr. Avera pointed out that de^ tailed information would be carried in the columns of this publication about the disability “freeze" provi sions of the law. In conclusion he stressed the importance of secur ing correct information from this source and other articles publish ed by the Social Security Adminis tration. The ministry is not an easy pro fession, despite all the jokes to the contrary. WANTED TO BUY GUM AND MAPLE BLOCKS, 74 INCHES LONG. CONTACT BUYER AT RIVENBARK’S OLD BRICK YARD OR W. T. HARPER P. 0. Box 133 WALLACE, N. C. They’re Piling Up..* We’re Clearing Them Out1. VALUES! BARGAINS! BIG BUYS! USED TIRE * priced as low as $095 § • Every one checked for your protection! 1 • Many with thousands of safe miles left in them! _ good/year XTRA-MILEAGE NEW TREADS • Same top-quality materials used in new Goodyear tires. • Same tread design as on new Goodyear tires. • Applied by experts using Goodyear approved-methods. as low as $g9° and your recappablo tire 6.70x15 Applied to sound tire bodies or to your own tires —____