CARTERET COUNTY It's a Pirribgt To Vole Cast a Ballot Tomorrow A Merger of THE BEAUFC3T NEWS (Established 1912) anil THE TWIN CITY TIMES (Established 1936) 38th YEAR, No. 4 BEAUFORT AND MOREHEAD CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, MAY 28, 1948 PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS Voters Will Go To In Primary Tomorrow TIMES 10c ' t-i:.::,-'":iy v..--r'V. Pol Jaycees Mother Oi Four Children, Beaufort, Freed Of Charge 01 Child-Beating Charged with maliciously and mercilessly whipping her child, a defendant Tuesday in recorder's court was freed, in a case which Judge L. R. Morris called "certain ly a sad commentary on our pre sent day existence." State's witnesses who took the stand testified that the divorced woman, a resident of Beaufort, worked day and night to provide food and clothing for her four young children, but that she' was unable to control them and they were running loose on the street. The four witnesses said that she had beaten the child in a moment of exasperation after coming home from work in the shirt factory to find a window broken and the house wrecked. They added that the child would not go to school, ran about at all hours and would not listen to the mother's or their pleas for correction. Lawyer Attacks Society C. R. Wheatly, Jr., representing the defendant, emphasized in his closing statement that it was not the woman who should have been on trial, but Carteret county, in allowing such a condition to exist. He said that attempts had been made by the woman to care for her children through a proper in stitution, and they had been of no avail. At present, the mother is. get ting aid through the' Welfare de partment: , -i Also dismissed in Tuesday's court trials. wj Arnt Baker, ': andJufrivfeMerse, tried kr (peek ing and driving without a licenM in connection with an accident about two weeks ago in Morehead City. Judge Rulea After the state, represented by Harvey Hamilton. Jr., had rested its case, Judge Morris cut short further talk by saying that none of the state's witnesses had testi fied that Arnette Baker was driv ing. He said that the closest ahy of the four came to it was that "someone about her size got out of the driver's side of the car," after the car struck a truck, be longing to Harold Baldrie, 109 North 11th street. Patrolman Carl Blomberg, ar resting officer, testified that Juni us first said he was driving and then later that she was driving the car. Each had accused the other of being at the wheel in tes timony under oath at Morehead City mayor's court, but this evi dence was not admissible in record er's court. Neither defendant was asked to take the stand. Concerning the theft of house hold goods in his Morehead City home by a minor working as a house servant, J. F. Reynolds ask ed leniency on the part of the court. Speaking up for his past employee, een after she had pleaded guilty to the theft, he stated that she was a "good work er, commendable." and that he thought "she had learned a lot" in the two weeks since the theft. Judge- Morris placed her on good behaviour for five years and ruled that she pay $10 plus court costs. Robert Whalry was fined costs of court on the charge of slapping 8ee COURT Page S f Queen of Vida Lee Mason, Miss Harkers Island-Straits, was crowned Queen of Tidewater League baseball by league president, D. H. Lashley, . last riight, winning the beauty contest over seven other contest ants from the teams in the league. -The contest was the highlight of an evening's dancing at the county recreation center, with about 200 people enjoying the music of a 15 piece orchestra. The Collegelans, from ECTC. , Miss Mason was presented with a gold bracelet from the Tidewater League, a bouquet of roses, and gifts from other league teams. - Appearing In bathing suits and , In evening dress, contestants ap peared on the stage to a musical accomnaniment. Miss Mason wore a gold and black swim suit, and a black gabardine evening dress with a rose corsage. ' Other contestants were V"'Nr lcne Stewart, Swaj;;ro; Vida Lee Will Select Miss Legion Post Sponsors Dedication ol Tower A special service will be Ik 1 tl at 2 o'clock Sunday afternoon at Newport to dedicate the M. Simmons Memorial Tower." In charge of the service is Newport American Legion Post No. 203. Mr. Simmons, after whom the tower will be named, was formerly employed at Croa tan National forest. He lost his life while serving in World War II. Speaker for the occasion will be C. F. Strosnider, of Goldsboro. Com. R. A. Curtis, chaplain, USN, Cherry Point, will dedicate the tower. Chamber Plans Move Forward W. L. Woodard, James Biggs, C. Z. Chappell Serve on Committee Possibilities of a new Chamber of Commerce for Beaufort are more evident today, as a result of the meeting of Rotarians, and bu- lineMinen Tuesday' ight av fatal to Elected tA $ tfwnflii M UPr? W proposed moves re W. L. Woodard,, C ZChappell, and James Biggs. . Charles McCullers, Kinston Chamber executive secretary whe addressed the group at the Inlet inn, said that such an organisa tion was of great benefit to a com munity and pointed out from his own experiences how much it aid ed the town. , ; ' . In urging Beaufort to get its name on the map, ha cited the need of fellow understanding, co ordination of effort and pooling of resources. Ha advised that a Chamber of Commerce should have some 150 members and at least a $6,000 budget. w Mr. McCullers stated that Kins ton had increased its population by more than 9,000 in six years, and added that Beaufort could double its population in five years, with a live-wire executive secre tary and an active Chamber of Commerce. He told how the Rotary club and other civic organizations in Kinston got .together to estab lish the Chamber and suggested that a minimum membership fee should be $20. The committee appointed to look into Mr. McCuller's suggest ions will report its findings to the Rotary club board of directors as soon ss possible, it was, agreed. Grayden Paul, visitor Tuesday evening, led the group singing at the meeting, wjth Joyce Johnson playing the piano accompaniment. Howard Jones, jr., pantomned Al Jolson in a song and dance routine of "Dixie," and "California, Here I Come." Mason Wins Title, League Baseball' Mary Lou Hirris, Jacksonville; Eli labeth Willis, Beaufort; Ella Mar garet Morris, Morehead City; Elea nor Doll Rhodes. Newport; Dorris; Wright, Havelock; and Betty Lou Dowdy, Marshallberg.. ; Ray Cummins, master of cere monies, was dressed in a-Chicago Cub uniform. : , ; , Judges were Commander j. A Breslan, of the Coast Guard cut ter Cherokee; Lt. W. H. Burgess of the Coast Guard cutter Agassis, and Brodle Hood, owner of Hood Sporting Goods. Burlington, N. C ; Miss Mason will reign as queen at the All-Star 'game to be played later in the scajon, - , k ,y Taxes Due 8sm ; . at.-",.. William Hatsell. cits- clerk Beau fort, reported this week that the tax notices be out by -the middle of n t month. If the taxes re p'1 y i J-ine 29 there vl'A be a t 1 1 pr ezzt Beaufort's beauty contest will be held at the Surf club Monday night, June 14, contest chairman Odell Merrill reported to the Beau fort Junior Chamber of Commerce at Monday's meeting in the Inlet Inn. All girls between 18 and 28 arc eligible, and will have a chance to win prizes and gifts as winner and runner-up. Miss Beaufort will also be given an expense-paid, trip to Carolina Beach to participate in the state beauty pageant there. Members emphasized ihat talent, poise, personality, as well as beau ty have been the determining fac tors in contests recently. Last year Miss America, for which title Miss North Carolina will be selected to compete, won largely on the first three. Cash prizes and other gifts are now being collected by Junior Chamber members. The orchestra to play at the Surf club dance the night of the beauty contest has not yet been selected. Chairman Merrill stressed that judges this year will be from out of the area and that the parade procedure of the contestants will be simple and effective. Henry Hassell, chairman of the sign committee that the owner of land at the intersection of high way 70 and 101 agreed to permit Junior Chamber put up their pro posed 8 by 18 foot sign. The in scription will read, "Historic Beau fort," in big letters, and under neath, "Turn left for shortest route." Members decided to work On the sign Sunday mornings. Also discussed at the meetinr was establishment of a small float, to be used by swimmers at Front srreet-JBocKs. j. o. Barbour, co chairman of the "clean-up cam' paign," along the waterfront, re ported that more than $200 had been spent doing everything they had had in mind. He added that there are still a few merchants who still have not fully co-operated. ' , ' Mr. Leslie Davis, Jr. urged the founding of a iaycee Softball team to compete with the other jaycee teams in the area. Jarvis Herring, new member, was introduced. Four Schools to Close Today Four schools in the county will close today and three will close Monday, ending the 1947-48 school season, according to an announce ment this week from the superin tendent of school's office. Camp Glenn, Salter Path, W. S. King and Morehead City schools are closing today. Beaufort, South River, and Smyrna will close Mon day. The majority of the schools closed yesterday. These were New port, Atlantic, Cedar Island, Stacy, Davis, Marshallberg, Otway, Queen Street (Beaufort), North RiveH and Merrimon. , Sea Level, Markers Island, Bo- fue, and Stella schools locked the bors Wednesday, and White Oak school closed earliest cjf.all. Fri day, May 14. Mon Lei Again Docks JU Morehead City ' Believe it or not, the Chinese junk which attracted so much at tent ion at Morehead City Texaco station dock yesterday belongs to "Believe It or Not" Robert Ripley Ripley was not aboard. About 62 feet long with a 16 foot beam, the Mon Lei is on' its way to Westchester, Long Island. "Powered with Chinese Diesel engines In addition to sails,"' is what Skipper Piatt answered the Inquirer yesterday. Then he asked for a left-handed monkey wrench. 4S Babies Ban ' , ' Forty-three babies were born in the county ia April, four of them Negro. Fifteen persons died and Of- these, all were Neffrn. unr1- tog to health department records. Beaufort Poor Cabbage Season Comes To Close; Dryness, Pests Affect Other Crops New Arendell Street Section Opens to Traffic The newly-constructed section of Arendell street east of 4th street to the Morehead City Yacht basin office opened to traffic Wednesday morning. The asphalt surfacing was laid Tues day. Now all westbound traffic will make the gradual curve on to Arendell street's north side be fore reaching the Jefferson ho tel. Eastbound traffic will con tinue on the south side as pre viously. Iron standards have been sunk along the side of highway op posite the hotel where cars park ed at one time, creating a af fic hazard. V Director Names Club Contributors Teen-Ager Writes Letter From Langley Air Field, Virginia ''.Mrs. Harold Sampson, director of the Carteret County recreation center, today released the'list-'of adult memberships in the Teen Age club. Half of the list appears below. - The remainder will be published in the next issue of the News-Times. More memberships are being so licited and Mrs. Sampson has em phasized that county-wide support is required to maintain the center in its present manner. This week Mrs. Sampson receiv- ed a letter from a former visitor at the club, Frank Willis, who is stationed now at . Langley Air force base, Hampton, Vs. Believing that the letter shows what the club means to those who go there, Mrs. Sampson suggested that part of it be printed here: ". . . . I miss the club very much. I'm at Langley Air field in Virginia now, but I'll be leaving in about a month. After I get a permanent station I think I'll like the Army Air corps. But right now I'm lonesome and sure would like to get sorke mail from all the gang . . . please, all of you, drop me a line and tell me the news and happenings of the club. "Today is Saturday and tonight you will be dancing and skating and having a big time; so while you are doing these things, think of me ... " Names of those who appear be low have helped to suport the club with $5 memberships. Those names with larger amounts listed with them contributed more than the membership fee: Marion T. Mills, H. S. Gibbs, Jr., Wade Peletier, Ben Alford, Henry R. White, Mrs. Doris White, Mr. and Mrs. W.,0. Flowers. W. B Chalk, Mrs. WJ B. Chalk, Dr. Sam uel Hatcher. Mrs. Samuel Hatcher. Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Eure, H. M. Eure, Mrs. H. M. Eure, Mr. and Mrs. D. Cordova, Mrs. Rosalie Dow dy, Mrs.' A. B. Roberts, Mrs. Ruth McRackan, J. C. Taylor, Mrs. J. C. Taylor, Mrs. A. Hoffman, (Bogue Banks) $20; Miss Gabriella Braid. James Webb, Walter S. Morris, Benjamin May, Mrs. Carita Jack sop, Mrs. Walter Derrickson, Mrs. Robert Taylor, Mrs. Marion Davis, Miss Bessie Tolson (Route 1, New port), Jerry J. Willis, Luther R. ' See DIRECTOR Page 3 Tractor-Trailer Overturns On Highway 10L Tuesday ' A large tractor-trailer truck loaded with cabbage overturned about noon Tuesday on highway 101 about three miles from Hunt ley's. " , ' V: No one was injured shd the truck was not damaged, although traffic was blocked for a short while. The truck, driven by Carol Broom,' of Richmond, Va., belongs to Broom's father. t The accident occurred, according to Patrolman R. M. Fowler who in vestigated, when one wheel caught at the side of the road, causing me trues to turn over. : i June 14 Farmers are experiencing the last days of an extremely poor cab bage season, K. M. Williams, coun ty agent, commented today. Har vest of Irish potatoes has begun but movement of these arc slow with the government buying most ly B grade. Three railroad cars of cabbage moved out Tuesday and there has been some light movement by truck. Heads now are beginning to black rot and soft rot. Some cabbage farmers made ex penses, a very few made slight pro fit, and a larger number lost mo ney on this year's crop, the agent said. Plenty of labor is available to handle potatoes, reported Mr. Wil liams, with digging getting under way in earnest this week. Govern ment representatives in the potato purchase program are headquar tercd at little Washington. Movement of potatoes out of the county is mainly by truck. La rues' buyers are S. M. Jones Co. of New Bern, W. B. Knox, of Snow Hill Md., and Hugh Swann, of New Bern. Buying on a smaller scale are Beaufort 'Cannery and Jamc! Lcary, of little Washington. Crops as a whole are suffering from dry weather but in addition to this, worms and other pests are playing havoc with tobacco and corn. Cutworm are attacking tobaccr plants as they attacked cabbage Tobacco farmers are- also having trouble witn wireworms. - Another type of peat has been, attacking corn, cutting the bud and eating holes in the leaves. Insect infestation. Mr. William' says,, is the heaviest it has been in years. Farmers have had te plant corn over, breakine stands This county is known to have the European com borer, but present trouble has not been pinned dowr to one particular pest. Mr. Williams has solicited heir on the problem from the state agriculture station, Raleigh. V. C. Potter s Expected Soon Van C. Potter, from New York, who has purchased Mayor Law rence W. Hassell's home on Pol lock street, is expected here any day, again to make Beaufort his home, the Mayor reported today. The mayor spoke fondly of Mr Potter "Yes, when we were jus that high," he said, holding his hand a short distance from the ground, "Van sold lettuce and 1 sold sevey beans, 8 cents a quart or two for 15." The Mayor and Mrs Hassell arr living now in the house facinr Front street which they recently purchased from D. F. Merrill. "That's the old John Forlaw home in which I lived until I wat 7 years old. My oldest sister wai born there too," related Mayoi Hassell. At the age of 13 he agair found himself living there anc" now after many years hopes tc spend the rest of his days undei that roof. The property was purchased bj Mr. Merrill from A. W. Daniels formerly of Cedar Island, now of Charlotte. Morehead City Lions Make $150 on Shows Morehead City Lions made $15f profit on their talent shows, Vic tor Wickizer, president, reported this morning. This money will go toward the blind aid fund. The Lions are planning to make the talent search an annual affair, with improvements next year in classification of entries and me thod of sponsoring the shows, Mr. Wickizer said. Precinct Officers Change' F. R. Seeley, chairman of the board of elections, today announ ced a change in the precinct offi cer for Harkers Island. Registrar will be Charles William Hancock. judge. Alton Willis, and poll hold er, Fate Jones, Jr. Previously list ed as registrar was Mrs. Mabel Lawrence and Lawson Willis as Judge. Bundy, Abernethy Seek Office of Solicitor Polls in the primary election to morrow will be open from 6:30 to 6:30, Fred R. Serley, chairman of the county board of elections said today. The Carteret countv official De mocratic primary ballot will have two contests, Charles L. Aberne thy, Jr. opposing William J. Bun dy for solicitor of the fifth judicial district; and Isaac J. Kellum, D. L. Ward, Elwood R. Willis. Albert J. Ellis, and John D. Larkins, Jr. running for state senator from the seventh senatorial district. Two of the five will be elected. Only township contest will be in Morehead township, which takes in Atlantic Beach and five miles west of the city. Hubert L. Fulcher is opposing Charles M. Krouse for township constable. Mr. Krouse is holding that office now. On the state ticket, William B. Umstead is opposing J. Melville Rronohton for U. S. Seiator; Char les M. Johnson Oscar Barker, R. Mayne Albright, Olla Rav Boyd, W. Kerr Scott, and W. F. Stanley, Sr., are running for governor; H. P. Tavlor is opposing Dan Tnmp kins for lieutenant governor; John T. Armstrong and Thad Eure are vying for secretary of slate; Char les, W. Miller and Henry L. Bridges arc running for state auditor; Z. W. Frazelle, Brandon P. Hodges, and James B. Vogler seek the state treasurership and Forrest H. Shu ford and Donald Boone Sherrill oppose each other for comtnissin er of labor. The short term indicated on the .tain ik j Ilnitnrl Clilm ClniJC. tor starts after the election re suits are turned in and continues Sea VOTERS Page 3 JCs Entertain Six Beauties Lois Chadwick, Helen Gould. Orilla Hughes, Ella Margaret Mor ris, Viola Styron and Jean Farrior, contestants for the Miss Morehead City beauty pageant, were guests at p dinner meeting of the Junior Chamber of Commerce Monday evening. After the meeting, the girls prac ticed at the county recreation cen ter the numbers they will present at the pageant on June 12. Coach ing the girls were Mrs. Helen Carl ton, Mrs. A- T. Leary, and Mrs. Bertha Stallings Billy Merrill, young ventiloquist, entertained members and their RUests. Charles Will's won the $1 door prize, a prize to be given ar all future meetings. Harvey Hamilton, J., president of the Young Democrats of Civ leret county, urred members to vote in the Primary election this Saturday, and said the Young De mocrats would ; lovide any desired transportation. fJarquette Sails iterranean The U. S. S. Marquette, 435-foot 10,000 ton troop and equipment transport, shoved off Wednesday morning from Port Terminal, car rying Marines and supplies to the Mediterranean sea. Approximately 750 Marines were aboard, and will relieve the fleet mrlne fore in the Mediterranean, a force which left Port Terminal four months ago in January. The relieving group is slated for a four months four of duty in the Medi terranean region. Capt. A. C. Livendahl is com mander of the Marquette. Employment Commission bsnes Report on County During the fourth quarter of 19 47, Carteret county employed 1," 611 workers who received total wages of $808,135, or an average weekly wage of $38.58, according to figures compiled by the State's Employment Security commission. Both total employment and ave rage . weekly wages reached the highest point in the history 'of North Carolina, exceeding even he wartime peak reached in 1942, For Med tha report said. v Morehead City Re-Names Two to Race Commission Mayor George W. Dill, More head City, and the town com mis-' sioners, reappointed A. B. Coop er for three years as a member of the Morehead City Racing commission Wednesday and ('. N. Bennett, for two years. Mr. Cooper's previous one year term expired in February 1947 and Mr. Bennett's two year term in February of this year. The third member of the commission, Dr. Ben F. Royal, was appointed for a three year term in Febru ary 1946. Class Of 1928 To Hold Reunion 21 Class Members Will Ban quet, Attend Commence ment Monday The class of '28, Beaufort high school, will hold a 20-year reunion Monday night, celebrating with a dinner at the Inlet inn, followed by attendance at the high school commencement exercises of the class of '48. This will be the first the class has met as a body since graduation day to - . Twenty-one of the 25 class mem bers will be there as well as five of the seven teachers who shep herded the class towlrd their dip lomas. The teachers are Mrs. Lucille Pond Mumford, Wakefield, Va.. Miss Lena Duncan, Miss Gladys Chadwick, Mrs. Ben Jones, and Mrs. Roy Eubanks. The other two teachers could not be contacted, according to Miss Hazel Noe, alum na who is making arrangements for the affair. Four class members who will be unable to attend the reunion are Annie Laura Rumley Creedmore. Norfolk, Clyde Ramsey, Washing ton, N. C, Cecil Longest. Chapel Hill, and Com. Ernest M. Snowden who is in Argentina. Those who will attend are Fan ny Caffrey, Washington, D. C, Ruth Fulcher, Mountain Home, Tenn., Burchie Felton Nelson, Au lander. N. C, Ruth Morrison Ab bott, New Bern, Sarah Hill King, Washington. N. C. Virginia Howe Hassell, Susan S. Rumley, Miss Noe, Louise Hudgins Nelson, Julia Graham Copeland, Thelma Pake Simpson. Ellen Lup ton Dickinson, all of Beaufort. Anna Skarren Matthews, , Ra leigh, Vera Longest Pake and Fred Lewis, Morehead City, Charles K. Howe, Jr., Radford. Va., Vida Longest, Julia Parkins Basden, J. O. Barbour, Jr., Frank L. King, and Clarence II. Guthrie, all of Beaufort. ' Place cards at the dinner will be black cardboard replicas of mor tarboards with white silk tassels Printed inside will be the names of each class member, the class song which was written 20 years ago by Clyde Ramsey, and the class poem which was written by Susan Rumley. County's ACC Profits In April Total $3,834 Net profit from liquor sales in the county in April totaled $3, 834.00, according to figures releas ed by James Potter, county audi tor. Beaufort sales amounted to $18, 472.15, Morehead City'i. $22,337.35, and Newport's, $11,318.45, totaling $50,127.95. Sales tax was $4,260.- 88. Beaufort's share of the profits was $753.60, Morehead City hospi tal $510.97, Newport $517.62, and Morehead City, $510.97. Officers De-Commission North River Still ' M, M. Ayscue. ABC officer, and Deputy Sheriff Murray Thomas at 5 o'clock Saturday morning dr commissioned a still in tha North River . section. At the time the officers made the discovery, the still wis in operation. One of the operators was pur sued from the site but made his escape. Four hundred gallons of mash wan confiscated. - Legion To Receive Ships Plaque Comdr. T. McHale, Norfolk, To Make Presentation Sunday at Courthouse In afternoon Memorial Day cere monies to be held at 2:30 on the courthouse lawn Sunday afternoon, C. R. Wheatly, Jr.. will accept a plaque and history of the mer chant ship S. S. Beaufort, in be half of arterct Post 99. The pla- Morehead City and Beaufort banks will be closed Monday, May 31, in observance of Memor inl Day, Sunday, May 30. que will be placed in the hall of the post for educational purposes, said C. L. Beam, veteran's inform ation service officer. Commander T. McHale, of the fifth naval district in Norfolk, will present the plaque. , Sponsoring the ceremonies are the American I-egion Posts of Newport, Beau fort, Morehead City, and Davis. Arrangements are being made to have music provided by the Cherry Point Marine band, Mr. Beam add ed. State College Adds. New Course rtt.Estitute Addition of a two-year marine technical course to the curricula of the Morehead City Technical institute of N. C. State college has been announced by Director Ed1 ward W. Ruggles of the College's ' Extension division. ' ' The new program of instructibn' will include training in navigation, naval architecture, marine biology, ' electricity, and small business practices. It will also consist of training in wood shop practice,' a '. course in which a small boat will be designed and constructed. Graduates of the new course will be prepared for employment In shipyards engaged in building small craft for the fishing indur tries as well as pleasure craft and will be equipped for work in the fishing trade and in the operation, maintenance, and design of boats used in coastal and inland water way transportation, Professor Rug gles explained. ., He said the Technical institute, a functional branch of State col lege, will continue to maintain its one-year general technical courie, ' in addition to the new course. v' The one-year period of instruct tion, which is already in operation, offers training in electrical work, radio, tefepnone maintenance, woodworking, metalworking, con struction work, automotive engi neering, Diesel engineering, heat ing, and other industries in which ' technical training is essential. , 1 In commenting on the new type of training, Director Ruggles saidt "Recent studies of industry! needs for technical men indicate that there is a demand for an avn rage of five technicians for each professional engineer employed and that normally most industries are understaffed with technical workers. These facta mean employ ment opportunities for men with -suitable technical training, with excellent oportunities for advancement." City dork Clarifies Privilege Tax Rnlbgs John Lashley, city clerk, today clarified ordinances regarding bu- ' siness privilege taxes in Morehead City. Payment of the taxes was discussed Friday at the commis sioners' meeting. ','f' A 10 per cent penalty will be added to the business privilege tax -if it is not paid by the due date, July 1. Although the wine and beer privilege tax was due May i, no penalty will be imposed on that, he ssid, Bond Sales Total $18473 . . .'- Bond sales in Carteret county during the' period from May 9 through May 15 amounted to f " 542, giving a final cumulative st. a of $18,873, about 14.5 per cent c I its quota which is $130,000, Vict r Wkkizer, Morehead City, ia chi min of tit bond drive.