PAGE TWO , FRIDAY, JUNE 4, IMS Carlcrei County News-Times A Merger Of The Beaufort Newt (est. UU) The Twin City Timet (est. 1936) EDITORIAL PAGE Check Thai Car ".r: The motor vehicle inspection lane is paying its second visit : to this county. Although lanes are. scheduled to return to towns ". throughout the state more than one or two times, the last time will come upon us before we know it and then there will be fraz il jried -nerves caused by waiting in line. The mechanics at the in- ipection lane will be rushed, and all will be turmoil unneces sarily. The inspection lane supervisor is begging motorists to bring 1 .their cars, trucks, and other types of motor vehicles for inspec tion now. The lane will operate in Beaufort until noon tomor row and in Morehead City until noon next Saturday. Reality: A Chamber of Commerce Beaufort's Chamber of Commerce is no longer a thing of the past. Nor is it a talked of possibility for the future. It's a re ality of the present. A Chamber of Commerce is a necessity in every town with a population over 2,500 and with enthusiasm shown at Wednes day night's meeting when ihe board of directors were chosen, this Chamber of Commerce should not fall by the wayside as did the one during the '20s and the other in the late '30s and early '40s. Enthusiasm is a strange quality, howver, where it concerns a project launched by a group of individuals. It's like a freshly opened bottle of soda pop. Tingling, invigorating at first, but as time goes on, it tends to' get flat. No more tiny bubbles, no more energy, no more effervescence. Those who participated in the earlier Chamber of Commerce are the first to admit that they failed because of lack of interest. It finally fell on one or two men to do all the work. A Chamber of Commerce, is not, primarily, a social organiza tion. Businessmen who join it with the thought of having a good time or merely gaining prestige by being able to say, "I'm a mem ber of the Chamber of Commerce," are kidding themselves and being unfair to other businessmen earnestly interested in building a town that will attract commerce. And attracting commerce is the objective of such an organ ization. Gaining this objective involves keeping an eye on serv ice by public utilities, making the town a pleasant place to live, providing opportunities for employment. All projects directly and remotely connected with making more money tingle in the cash register are the responsibility of the Chamber of Commerce. In the times between Chambers of Commerce, the Junior Chamber of Commerce has ably and willingly carried the ball. If the "senior" Chamber of Commerce accomplishes as much as the Jaycees have, Beaufort will hold an even more important place on the map. In The Good Old Days ' THIBTY-FTVB YEARS jCO P. B. Bearhem of North River road was showing an egg one of his hens laid. It measured 6 14 by 7 14 inches. Irish potatoes were selling for $4.25 a barrel. St. Paul's school closed for the year last Monday 'night. Miss Sid ney Leone Adair, a graduate from the kindergarten normal depart ment was honored by a party given by Nu Pi Gamma society over the weekend. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO : Injet Inn was sold at publfc auc tion; under foreclosure of a mort gage. The property was bid in by J. R Grantham and W. B. Blades of Ifew Bern. : An attempt to kidnap 5-year-old Tronic Thomas ended in failure. The attempt took place at 8 o'clock in the evening when an entertain ment at St. Paul's school had clos Acricullnre Bullelia CfijjU With Gisease Control on Cucumbers O usting Cucumbers to Control . Dow ny Mjldew" is the subject of a full- :oJqt bulletin just released by the North Carolina Agricultural Exp rlment Station. Copies of the publ cation. Bulletin No. 362, are avai able free on request to the Agricultural Editor, State College Stitjon, Raleigh. " Authors of the bulletin are Pr. B.;4 Ellis' research associate pro fessor of plant pathology, and R. S., Qpx, graduate assistant, at the Experiment Station. In their in troduction, the authors point out that 'downy mildew has cut cucum ber production by about 90 per cent', each year since 1945. Much of this loss isneedless, they lay, sine the disease can be controlled. Inf tests at the WillardDelway and fMcCuIlert Station farms, the pathologists tried out tlx different fungicides. In all tests tribasic copper sulphate' gave the best re sulti A dust containing tribasic v Carteret Covaty's Only Newspaper v A Merger Of BEAUFORT NEW3 (EM. 1913) ae4 THE TVIN CITY TIMES (Eit.1936) v , Published Tuesdays and Fridays By THE CARTERET PUBLISHING COMPANY. INC THE Lockwood Phillips Publishers Eleanore Pear PhlUj Ruth Leckey Peeling, Executive Editor Publishing - lap craven Blreel, Sur Evans Street, Mall rates: In Carteret, Craven, Paml Icq. Hyde sod Oulovv Counties S3, 00 one year; 13.00 six months; S1.T8 three months; tl.OO one month. Outside the wwe named counties ftVoo one year; S3.90 six months; SJ.tO three months: ll.flp flne month. " Mtsoetatea Press 7 Greater Weekllea, - N.- C. i V Audit Bureau-ol Circulations Entered as Second Class Matter j ne Associated Press la eatltM exclusively to use fop republication or lo st m i printed In this oewspauer. as well as ail AP new dispatches, i i .tics of republication otherwise reserved. - FRIDAY, JUNE 4, 1948 ed and the" audience was leaving the building. TEN YEARS AGO Senator Robert R. Reynolds was the principal speaker at the Me morial Day exercises sponsored by the American Legion and the Le gion Auxiliary last Sunday after noon. The Beaufort News was to have loud speakers placed in front of the office Saturday night so that election returns could be heard as soon at possible. FIVE YEARS AGO The Carteret County Home was closed at the beginning of the week after beiBg in operation for 29 yeara. - Dick Chadwick, Lennoxville Point, shipped about 400 bushels of potatoes Tuesday, the first sent out from the county. plus cryolite (for insect control) gave result 4hat were almost as good. Zerlate and Fermate gave poorer control. The time ' to Start dusting fox downy mildew depends on when the fungus reaches North Carolina from the south. On the basis of experience in the past few years dusting should begin in the south ern partof the itate by June 5, if the weather is wet. In the cen tral part $f the state, the begin ning date should be around June 12 and in the northern counties, June 20, If the weather it dry, dusting may be dejaydd a week or ten daya. A contrasting set of color pic tures in the bulletin shows the im portance of frequent dusting. Plots that had been dusted very 10 days and after each rain retained their healthy appearance, while those not dusted were severely attacked by the disease. Enough dust should be used to completely cover the plants. Offices At Beaufort, N. C." Morehead tixy, n.,c N.- e. Press Assoc la Uoa at Morehead City, N. C. ufcm . fcsl " v .Assess A7r Mmr - ' H) aleigh Roundup By Eulu Nixon Greenwood I NEW HOPE FOR THE SOUTH This is to predict that big things are in store for North Carolina's new United States Senator, J. Mel ville Broughton, who won a thump ing victory over Senator William B. Umstead in last Saturday's Pri mary. Possessed of an ncccnt like a Harvard man, n bodv like a black smith, a sharp mind, and a fcen sense of humor, J. M. Broughton m:iy bring new glory to the South. He will be able to look after him self in the US. Senate, whether it he the Democrats or the Re publicans running the show, have no worries about that. Sooner or later, he will become a national figure. With the South growing fast and becoming more important every day on the broad U. S. scene, Broughton might be come the first President nearly in 100 years from North Carolina. ONLY HOEY AND BROUGH TON With money spent lavish ly and organization handled effec tively, only Clyde R. Hoey and J M. Broughton -could have with stood the tremendous power gen erated by the generals in Senator W. B. Umstead's headquarters. Un til 11 o'clock Saturday night, there was doubt that Broughton could stand up against It. But stand he did by virtue of Baptist strength, the rural and labor vote, and gen eral mass appeal. But people are funny, particularly when they are voting. Mecklenburg, home of the new National Treasurer Joe Bly the, an all-out Umstead man. gave Broughton a hinge vote, but Wake, Broughton's home county and the area which gave him his start, went for Umstead. TWICE IN EIGHT By win ning, J. M. Broughton for the second time in eight years put the quietus on a budding political machine. He did it -in 1940 and again last Saturday. This grouD must now decide whether it will attempt to salvage something from Saturday's wreckage. Will it' go with Johnson ... chances are it w.'ll- . . , or with Scott? After looking at Saturday's returns, it would not Seem to make too much difference either way . . , If the people are on their toes pa June 26, date of the runoff. NOES In Alamance County, W. Kerr Scott received 6,119 out of 7,575 . , In Pender, Charles M. Johnson got B.279 out of 2. 648 . . . In Scott's home county Albright was in second place . . . In Pender, Scott was, second . . . Nash County, Johnson's Tom Pear fall's home, went for R. Mayne Al bright . : . Guilford, home county of Scott man Capus Waynick, went for Scott . . . Edwin Gill, Johnson brain-truster and Revenue Com missioner, $aw his home county of Scotland go for W. Kerr Scott . . , . . . Thabest man in North Ca rolina to listen to on Primary or election night is Carl Goerch. He 4s tops by all -odds . . . and on last Saturday night presiding at WPTF here In Raleigh, he was in fine fettle ... calm . . . friendly voice . . i a keen sense of news value . , . and with everybody on this crackerjack station , . . includ ing the i comnrwlal man, : OJlie Cairnterf"' iat, radio in North cGolarad' Carl Goerch LAST ONE IN-; of The State were at their best in the news field on the evening of May 29 and the morning of May 30. . . . Lloyd Griffin, strong Um slead and Johnson man and head of tlv N. C. Citizens Association, saw his home county of Chowan go for Broughton and Scott . . . These things happen. COUNTIES AS this is written in the wee. small hurs of Sunday morning, May 30, it is still too early fpr a final view of the guber natorial situation, but figure com piled here show that Charles M. Johnson carried . . . Bv "carried" we mean led in the voting . . in 52 counties, Scott in 43, and A1-. bright in five. Albright carried Burke, Edgecombe, Nash, North ampton and Washington. Gaston County stuck by its na tive son. Gov. R. Gregg Cherry, by giving Charles M. Johnson 4,468 votes to 1.287 for Scott and 1,182 for Albright. Cleveland County, home of the "Shelby Dynasty", went along with the machine as follows: 4,392 for Johnson, 1,524 for Scott, and 332 for Albright, Wake County: 8,697 for Scott, 5, 408 for Albright, 5,338 for John son. NEW EDITOR This column was started five years ago. Some times it has been rather fierce in its (.ttacks, but has not knowingly pnnted a falsehood. It has strived at all times not to take itself top seriously, but in any event always tc be readable, interesting, and maybe a little different front the usual run of Raleigh stuff. Several papers in the State dur ing the. campaign ran articles on the candidates for State office, usually beginning with Albright on down the alphabetical list. This column, figuring that the three principal contenders would be Al' bright, Johnson, and Scott, decided it would give out with material f.bout these three, but rather than to be like the other columns and papers, would begin with Scott . . . then Johnson . , . then Albright . There was no beating about the bush when this was done. Scott's article went out. And then for the first time in five years an attempt was made to throttle this column . . . to control it . . . or possibly to stop it. When the Johnson piece Went out, the Scott folks probably raised Ned, but no attempt was made to control the column. Albright's column movd into the papers without difficulty. But the articles . , , that fint one for Scott .' . . was the reason you missed seeing this column for at least one week . probably two weeks . . . and that's why the per son who has been .assisting with the column for five yeara now has complete charge of it . . and bears all responsibility for what appears in it. It should be point ed out , that at no time did any candidate for Governor or any of the assistants or managers in the various headquarters, attempt to control this column . . . and the Johnson folks in the county which tried to pressure the column, and did get a new editor, saw their man run third in that county, and that county paper no longer re ceives the column, ' ' ;? NO fiUCH THING It is vir tually impossible for any newspa perman to be Impartial.' Scott readers have said this corner was J r-. .mm mmmfmm for Johnson, and Johnson people have said it was for Scott, .while Albright followers thanked it for any nice things said for their man. And so it goes. Possibly, uncons ciously, partiality has been shown. Two weeks ago it was reported around Raleigh that Lynn Nisbet was for Scott. Last week it was reported he was for Johnson. The Charlotte News came out for John sen. However, it is almost impos sible to know how any paper stands on any candidate. It's Inn kLl PW swindles! whem when Peter Minult ld the Indians $24 for Manhattan Island back In 1626. But It's tine thai if Polar had insured his Island then and uffered total last taday, he would reallio hardly onough to pay for load of modem Manhattan' dirt. Yes, value change constantly. What was adoqualo Insurance coverage us a few year ago can be woe fuMy inadequate bow. A Central Planolysli Chart will how at a glance whether your policy I in step with present marching value. H will point the way to full protection loday, tomorrow pnd next year. Step In or , phono for your PRII Planalysl Chart. . S. A. CHALK, Jr. First Citizens Bank Building Phone m sactt Morehead City ANNOUNCEMENT We Art Pleased to Announce to the Motoring Public oi Carteret Conniy That We Have Queued a Showroom For the Sale Cf , Kaiscr-FrJizer for$ V7illys;-Jc:? Station Wagons and Trcifts - EIcq Truchs Csrf psratlsa ii ia charge oi Mr. El) KEMP; who has R&sy f ?jarieac in the automobile tasiness. C wiU vcHaa in cporissity to serve Per? ll b ly Ik W. II Dye, another weU-qiiaII5ed.aiuJ (srisd esSocst&s man who U well ftsown ia Jlsrshe&d City and cnr reondix izmisxj. . WP ABE LOCATED AT W. IX DYE & SON GARAGE - ft)9 AtENDElL ST, Director Insiitnles At Recreation Club ' - . ' 'i Last night was the first of the weekly membership nights at the Crteret cojunty recreation center. :- ; v. 6: Each Thursday adults and teen-age members wiU be privi leged to use club facilities. Mrs.' Ear old Sampson, director, has reported. Hours are from 7:30 to 11. Those who are not members of the club may purchase member ships at the building. Last night was open house for all club members. all according to who is reading the paper. MONEY The money will flow during the next three or four weeks. It's shameful, but it seems nothing can he done about these terrifif expenditures to woo voters. WHAT WILL ALBRIGHT DO? The $64 question now is: Will R. Mayne Albright swing to Johnson or to Scott? He is going to be subjected to all kinds of tempting offers during the next few days. This column's guess is that his for ces. ... a majority of them. . . . will swing to Scott. . . . with or without help from Albright. This will mean that the Johnson forces must dig deeply into the till for cold cash to combat this added Scott strength. Also, it is felt that the Johnson folks brought out John Armstrong against Thad Eurc, Secretary of State, and so Thad is, expected to work for Scott between now and the runoff. Will your next Johnson or Scott? Governor be NEW YORK (AP) U. S. Paci fic Coast states gained about' 3. 892,000 people between 1940 and 1947, about one-third of the in crease for the whole nation. The annual per capita U. S. consumption of fresh fruits in the best fjve years of the depres sion 1930s was six pfcr cent higher than in the best five years of the prosperous 1920s. a moot question, skeotlcs sav. as to who MOBETIEAn CITY Al Cily Theatre lijsuiisau '-.-jtmmmmmmmmmmammmmmmm -''' f '. - V , , if ":;v ; A I MMaaMaseWlJnWaVj HENRY FONDA plays the egotis tic hero of "Fort Apache," saga of an ind'aa campaign. He co-stars with John Wayne, Shirley Temple and Pedro Armenduriz. John Ford and Merian C. Cooper produced for RKO release. "Fort Apache opens at the City theatre Sunday. British Government -Won't Bar Private Traders LONDON (AP) - The Bri jish Government will put no bars n the way of private traders seek ing to make a profit from Marshall Plan goods they may buy from the government. And it contemplates no special arrangements for distri bution of the goods received under the American aid plan, says Glen vil Hall, Financial Secretary to the Treasury. Hall says that supplies received under the plan will be used "in the best interests of the country, both socially and economically." Our FLOUR, 104b. bag : 95c 25-LB. BAG $2.15 Quality and Satisfaction Guaranteed Or Yonr Money Back GARDEN PUSH PLOWS -RAKES -PITCHFORKS Now Stocking FLOUR...-, SUGAR LARD AhcaileriBiai Groceries ' r " sasss asBssB assss apaj BsaaBvjp FARM AND FEED MILL "Direct From The Mill To You" Carteret County Branch Wholesale Representative H. B. Chadwick, Jr. TURNER ST. Yonr land may net need contour strip cropping to maintain U productive power, Yet all land needs at least ine soil conser vation practice to maintain' hi;h crop yields. Yonr County Soil Conservationist is lere to help yon plan a systssi cl fann ing which gives every acre ei land what the land needs. Apply to tie Lower Reuse Soil Conservation Putrid lor his assistance ' ITC-t TOT TESTED VESIBEB FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Agriculture Department , Names Pclato Ccmmillee COLLEGE STATION, Raleigh The U. S. Department of Agricul ture has announced selection of the Southeastern Potato commit-, tee to direct local operation of the marketing order on potatoes pro duced in North Carolina and six counties of Virginia. North Carolina producer mem bers, and their alternates, include: H. C. Ferebee, Camden, Gaston Small, Elizabeth City;' ' John Broome, Aurora; A. D. Swindell, Pantego; Ralph W. Spivey, Tabor City; and John Brandon, Mt. Olive. Handler members, end their al ternates, in North Carolina in clude: Tom Sawer, Belcross; C. S. Hotchkiss, Currituck; Muse McCot ter. New Bern; R. L. Oibbs, Engle hard; Nelson Ricks, Mt. Olive; and B. A. Garrell, Tabor City. Members of the committee will serve for a term ending Octobes 31, 1948. Friday edition of The News Times covers all the news from 6 p.m. Monday to 6 p.m. Thursday. Tuesday edition of the News-Times covers all the news from 6 p.m. Thursday to 6 p.m. Monday. For all the news read all editions of The News-Times. By mail less than 5 cents per issue. Subscribe today. Commercial Refrigeration SALES & SEBV1CE 103 NORTH 11th ST. PHONE M 9391 Best' Mgn of Beaufort Branch,, A. T. Smith, Sr. BEAUFORT