CARTERET COTJ NTT Astronomical Data Sun Seta Tonight 7:22 P.Mr Sun Rises Tomorrow 4:53 A.M. Moon SeU Tonight 11:31 P.M. Moon Rises Tomorrow 16:15 A.M. A llergw ol TEE BEAUF03T HEWS (Established 1912) and THE TWIN CITY TIMES (Established 1936) 38th YEAR NO. 7. BEAUFORT AND MOREHEAD CITY, NORTH CAROLINA FRIDAY, JUNE 11, 1948 PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS T I ME S 10c Jaycees Hake Final Preparations For Hiss Ilorehead City Contest . At the regular Monday night meeting of the .Morehead City Junior Chamber of Commerce fi nal preparations were made for the presentation of the Jaycees' beauty pageant tomorrow night at the Roda theatre. The program starts at 8 p.m. Twelve beauties have entered the Miss Morehead City contest and the girls have been rehearsing two and three times a week. One request was made by the chair man of the committee in charge of the program. He asked the Jay cees to "please refrain from whist ling at the girls during rehearsals." It was also pointed out that $300 of the Junior Chamber's money had been already invested in the program, and that ticket sales should be pushed in order to cover costs and make a profit. Members were told that "it's a good show and you shouldn't hesitate to re command it to your friends." Tickets have been placed on sale and posters advertising the event have been distributed for display. An investigation was asked in the matter of local bus service. Complaints have been received that, the schedules of a local bus line were not being complied with and that several Morehead City residents are planning to move be cause of this. It was pointed out that "it is the city's job to see that busses run on schedule in the best interests of the public." The mat ter will be referred to Mayor George Dill. Award pins for the Jaycees' two outstanding committees will be presented at the next meeting. Keys will be awarded to the Ame J. W. Jackson Honored In Ceremony Tuesday at Ilorehead Garment Co. ivrs Hones 38 To Be Distributed The next issue of the More head Beaufort telephone director ies will be delivered in August and will carry a new classified section, according tit L. A. Daniels, manager of the Carolina Telephone and Telegraph company. Mr. Daniels points out that the need for the new classified section has been brought about by the in creased number of telephones. Rcords show that during the past year 203 telephones have been added in Morehead and Beaufort, and that in addition to the 1,792 telephones in service here there are now 170 applications on hand for telephone service. "We are doing everything pos sible to give service to all who want it," Mr. Daniels said. "And we know that all telephone users " find the new classified tele e directory a convenient e of useful business informa tio. The classified section will be printed on yellow pages and will be similar to those now ap pearing in directories published in many of the cities throughout the country." The new yellow page section will list the names, addresses, and tele phone numbers of business tele phone subscribers under headings alphabetically arranged and will describe their business, profes sions, or the commodity or service they sell. Summer School Summer school sessions at Duke Marine laboratory will begin Tues day, June 15. Construction of a new building, which will house a research labor atory, will begin on the Duke uni versity property this summer un der the supervision of W. K. How ard, maintenance engineer at the university. , This building, which will be Iden tical to the one now used for a laboratory, will be built just east of the concrete drive leading to the end of the island. Funds for its, construction were obtained through a $3,000 grant from, the Rockfeller foundation. This sum was matched by the university. .. ' Ehe huilding In' which the lab oratory is located low will be used for d-wooms, . i - j - To Begin Tuesday ricanism and Christmas activities committees. A suggestion was made that the necessity of certain ' "stops" signs be investigated. One member stated that some- signs were "not only unnecessary but confusing." A new member, Paul Branch, manager of Rose's five and ten cent store, was introduced to the club. At the board of directors meet ing following the regular meeting, plans were made to issue a weekly bulletin that would be mailed to members. The style of the bulletin would follow others produced throughout the country. The board explored possibilities of painting house numbers on curbs for a nominal fee. It was pointed out that this would be of great assistance to night drivers, doctors, and others. A list of committee chairmen was released by the board. The new chairmen are Norman Wade, national security; James Webb, Americanism; James Murdock. ag riculture; Marion (Tom) Mills, aviation; Ethan Davis, city beauti fication; Bobby Bell, Christmas ac tivities; Skinner Chalk, fire pre vention. Joe Bailey, governmental affairs; Sam Hatcher, public health; H. S. Gibbs, Jr., safety; Gerald Phillips, trade promotion; Bill Flowers, youth welfare; J. R. Sanders, now member reception and education; Charles Willis, membership build ing. Quincy Stimpson, finance; Frank Hatton, local publication; Bud Dixon, publicity and radio; Walter Morris, programs and meetings; Walter Morris, social affairs; and Bernard Leary, money-making pro jects. "ftx Vade,'yuotf sen of Mrs. IredelL de, an employee at the Morehead' City Garment company, unveiled an oil portrait of J. W. Jackson, founder of the shirt fac tory, at the company's 12th anni versary observance Tuesday after noon. Approximately 35 business as sociates of Mr. Jackson and all the company's employees attended the ceremonies which were a tribute to the founder, now deceased. Mayor George W. Dill, in intro ducing the speaker, Dr. Ben F. Royal, remarked that Mr. Jackson "exerted an influence on the eco nomic life of Carteret county which will not cease because he is no longer with us." In his address, Dr. Royal, who gave a brief history of the build ing of the factory, commented that Mr. Jackson did something There the like of which no one hat, ever done before. He established a re gular payroll enterprise. The first unit of the shirt fac tory was completed July 4, 1936. At that time machinery had been installed on the second floor of the civic center where future em ployees were trained. That same week the factory was begun and was completed Tuesday after Labor Day in 1936. Two years later unit 2 was built which doubled factory capacity. That sec tion is now used for storage. In 1939 the box factory was built. Constructed in 1941 Was the recreation room and laundry, la ter transformed to a cutting floor, and last year the warehouse and shipping department were built The portrait of Mr. Jackson was accepted by Miss Bertha Smith, on behalf of the employees. Present at Tuesday's ceremony were Julius Peters, New York, vice-president, who joined the com pany in 1939, Philip Newman,. Phi ladelphia attorney, and local busi nessmen, including Dr. Darden Eure, George R. Wallace, Dr. John Morris, Lou Gore, W. C. Carlton, Robert Lowe, George McNeill. Walter Freeman; N. F- Eure, ueorge Stovall. H. P. Scripture. T. D. Lewis, Rudolph Dowdy, Bruce iTOoawin, sam Llpman, ; Gibbon Sanderson, C. C. Brewin, Lonnie Dillv Av.l. v- "; Stanley Woodland, H. S. Gibbs, Sam Adler. W. C. Matthews, Lock wood Phillips, John Lashlev, I. E. Pittman, H. L. Joslyn, Hubert Ful cher, L. A.' Daniels, Delfido Cor dova, and Clyde Jones. ..- Also present were Mrs. J. W. Jackson, now president of the com pany. Mrs.- Ben F. Roval, Mrs. Lon nie Dill, Mrs. Jack Roberts, and Miss. Dorothy Roberts. . Hoars Change; ', .S, V .." The area rent control director, A, U. Wilson. New Bern, has office hours in the municipal building, Morehearl City, Wednesday after noon, bejinning at 2 o'clock. He formerly had office hours hr nn Thursdays, ', '-xvf' V:;:;.; v:u Criminal 15 Beauties Enter Contest For Selecting 'Miss Beaufort' Teen-Age Club ' To Cast Ballots For Royal Family Voting Will Begin Tonight, Winners to Be Crowned At Coronation Ball The king and queen of the More head City Teen-Age realm, as well as the prinncc and princess, will be chosen during the coming two weeks at the county recreational center, Shepard street. They will rcgin at a semi-formal coronation ball Tuesday night, June 22, at the center. Mayor George Dill will crown the king, Mrs. George Dill will Becinning Tuesday, June 22. the Teen-Agers will meet each Tuesday night at the recreation al renter, Shepard street, instead of Friday, as now. crown the queenn, and magic wands wil be presented to the prince and princess by Grover Munden, of the radio station, and Lockwood Phillips, publisher of the Carteret County News-Times. May or Dill, Mr. Mundnen, and Mr. Phillips hold honorary Teen-Age club memberships. The king and queen will be chos en from the. senior Teen-Age club and the prNK and- prmccus from the junior dub. The contest opens tonight, when first ballots will be cast from 7 to 9 o'clock, The 20 boys and 20 girls high in the voting tonieht. both from the junior and senior clubs, will be in the running and may be voted for tomorrow night. Ten boys and 10 girls from each club high in the voting tomorrow night wil have ballots cast for them Friday night, June 18, and the five boys and five girls high in the balloting!) that night, will be in the final running for the king, queen, and prince, and prin cess. The telling votes will be cast Saturday night, June 19, and an nouncement of the winners made at the coronation ball. Votinng tonight and June 18 will be from 7 to 9, hours for balloting tomorrow night and June 19 will be 7:30 to 9. Junior Teen-Agers will be admitted to the club both Friday and Saturday nights during the contest. Every member of the junior and senior club is eligible for the royal offices. Club members are being asked to choose them on the ba sis of the most loyal, best worker, most civic-minded, most talented, and most cooperative. There will be separate ballot boxes for the juniors and seniors See TEEN-AGE Page 3 Forest Observation Tower NowBears Name of 'Simmons' i . fj r, rT r . il The ' forest observation tower, one half mile from Newport ' on the Nine Foot road, is now known asjthe Simmons tower. In special services recently the tower dedi cated to the memory of SSgt Fur nifold M. Simmons, of Rheims, N. C. -;. Sergeant Simmons, who was a crew chief of a B-24, was killed in. an air crash near Peterson field, Calif., on April 3, 1044. From August 1035 to February 1043 Ser geant Simmons was in the Croatan National Forest service. . Pictured above, in front of the Court Term Ends, Civil Term Starts The number of girls competing for the title "Miss Beaufort' Mon day night, June 14, at the Surf club, has grown to 15, Odell Mer rill, chairman reported today. Play ing for dancing and the contest will be Jimmy Livingston, well known band leader, and his nationally-famous orchestra. Thirty-year-old Livingston, sax olayer plus, has broadcast over CBS, MBS, ABC, and NBC net works. He and his 12-pieee .com bination have also made word ings for RCA Victor Bluebird, Var sity, and Southland. Contestants in the beauty con test, which will begin at 10 o'clock, are Carol Lasher, Joyce Johnson, Merry Johnson, Betty Lou Merrill, Betty Rice, Elizabeth Willis, Eliza beth Temple, Hildred Caraway, Addie Carrow Thomas. Neva Allen, Ellen Congleton, Esther Bell Fod ric, Virginia Jones, Fay Laughton, and Joyce Biggs. Contestants will lead the first dance, with their escorts, at 9 o'clock. Tickets are on sale at Carteret Hardware in Beaufort and Hill's in Morehead City. Only evening gowns will be worn in the contest and judges will be from beyond the limits of Carteret county, Mr. Merrill announced. Each contestant will carry a num ber as she appears before the au dience so that judges need not identify her by name. Winner of the Miss Beaufort title will be sent to Wrightsville Beach in July to compete for the Miss North Carolina title. She and the two runncrs-up will also re ceive numerous gifts from Beau fort merchants. The gifts are on display now in Davis Brothers' window, Front street, . 4- -Among them an 21-jewI watch, an electric traveling Iron, hot plate and toaster combination, birthstone ring, luggage, clothing, and cash prizes. $50 permanent wave will fall the winner s lot ana two $25 permanent waves will be offered the runners-up. There will be no Junior Cham ber of Commerce meeting June 14. the night on which one is regularly held. Jaycees serving on the beauty contest committee, besides Mr. Merrill, are David Hill, Roger Hunt, and Gerald Woolard. Ronald Harpe to Servo On Recreation Club Board Ronald F. Harpe, newly-elected secretary of the Morehead City Lions club, has been chosen to take over the job as Lions club repre sentative on the board of directors of the Carteret County Recreation club. Harpe will replace Lufkin Sampson, who was transferred in business to Greensboro, N. C. Mr. Harpe and his wife, the for mer Miss Helen Finer, have just returned from a fourmonth stay in Tampa, Fla., where both were active in recreation work. He has been active in this type of work in both Morehead City and Tampa during the past four years. X f Sit fc. ( p Photo by th News-Ttmet tower, is Franklin Jones, Newport, one of the two forest rangers oa duty at Simmons tower. In the center of the picture is the bronze plaque erected in memory of the sergeant.'" -, The Newport American Legion attended the dedicatory service in a body. Also present were a firing squad and bugler from the Marine Corps Air station, Cherry Point. Com. Ralph A. Curtis, USN, chap lain of the Protestant chapel at Cherry Point, had charge of the service. . Jimmy Livingston Dozens of Glads Leave Beaufort Fifteen to 1,800 dozen gladiolas are being shipped daily to numer ous sections of the country from the H. B. Avery gladiola farm, Beaufort. The blooms leave by railway ex press, headed for Buffalo, N. Y., New York City, Boston, Philadel phia, Chicago, Detroit, Minneapo lis, and Milwaukee. Mr. Avery rr rM he's 'getting the highest holesale price in the south for his flowers. The plads began to bloom about the middle of May, late this year, Mrs. Avery said, and are at their height now. The 60-acrc Avery flower farm is located on highway 70 opposite its junction with route 101. Varieties of glads raised include Corona, a large white blossom with a purple edge, Margaret Ful ton, a flamecolorcd flower, Bea con, an orange-red color with yel low throat, and Maid of Orleans, which is white. Smaller varieties of flowers, sucn as the corn flower, gypsophi Ha, and baby's breath arc frequent ly shipped by air. 3 Youths Win Slogan Contest The three winners of the safety slogan contest sponsored in More head City last week by the police department, aided by cub Scouts, have been announced. The contest was conducted by Miss Marjorie Froyd, of Chicago. The first prize went to Francis Swanson, 304 S. Hth st., who en tered this slogan: "Before crossing a street look every way, and al ways do what the patrol boys say." The safety message that won second place was penned by Helen C. Willis, 910 Evans st, "and it said: "When a car meets you in the street, and you are in doubt, keep straight ahead, and don't turn about." . , Linda C. Long, 508 Bridges st., won third prize in the contest. Lin da's slogan was: "Take good care of babies every where, Mind your doctor, because you see, He helps all people j even you and me." " Honorable mention was given to Walter. Lewis, 1111 Arendell st.; ueorgia nttman, 10Z Miepard st.; Lester Lewis. 1412 Sha UIfnrrt I . . ' 7 7- n j Ann Swanson, 304 S. 14th St.; Car roll Rice, 509 Fisher St.; and Neil Webb, 209 Fisher st. All contestants entering slogans were between the ages of 6 and 12. The three prize winners plus the seven who received honorable mention will receive , certificates signed by Ned H. Dearborn, presi dent of the National Safety coun cil. ' v...- ' The names and slogans of these 10 children will appear in the safety book, "Invitation to Live," which jaqrehead City police will distribute In six weeks and which will. appear in the schools in the Id Bullets Cause Closing Of Rifle Range Persons West of Morehead Register Complaints With Coast Guard Complaints bullets frou the Coast Guard rifle range west of Morehead City were iravclin.; a hall mile beyond the range, en (lingering lives of ivrsons living in that area, has caused the range to iy temporarily closed while an in vesication is conducted by ('cast (iui.itl officials, it was reported .to day. Residents in the area beyond K W. Copeland's new tourist coin", reported to (lie Coast Guard two weeks ago that bullets were pass ing over their homes, snapping twigs clean off in the woods and making peoplie afraid to venture out of their homes. One officer who went to the area lrom which the complaints came is repotted to have admitted that while there he counted seven bullets passing by. Residents commented that dur ing the war the Army discontinued use of that range and moved the practice urea to the beach because bullets traveled into inhabited areas. The bullets, traveling in a straight' line from the rifle range laid out in a north-south direction, cross highway 70 running cast and west, to land in the area from where complaints are coming. The Coast Guard cutter Ingham, frofn "Norfolk, is docked at Port Terminal now. The skipper, Capt. V. E. Day, is reported to be mak ing the rifle range investigation. Grand Jurists Return Report The grand jury returned its re port to the court Wednesday after noon, approximately a day after it had been impanelled. Superior court convened at 2 o'clock Tues day afternoon. All cotintv offices were found to be in "excellent condition," and the jail properly maintained. They recommended, however, that two additional rooms be built to the jail to provide accomodations for white and colored women, that all windows be screened and that the canopy over the front be repaired. It was recommended that a new water cooler be purchased forthe court house annex. According to the report, II. L. Joslyn, superin tendent of schools, stated that all necessary repair work is "progress ing as well as can be expected." John Johnson, caretaker of the courthouse grounds, was commend ed by the grand jury for his work and the judge, Henry L. Stevens, thanked Jor instructions in his charge to the jury Tuesday after noon. Judge Stevens requested the men to visit various county offices, "remembering that it is your duty to report to the people of the county the manner in which the See GRAND JURV Page 6 Ilolor Vehicle Law Violators Crowd Tuesday's Recorder's Courf Two drivers paid court costs and fines and surrendered their driver's licenses after pleading guilty" to charges of drunken driv- jng Tuesday morning in recorder's ti,.f- ..1 mui v, ucauiuil, I It, I C another heavy docket, 46 cases, was dispos ed of. The accused drivers were Thomas Ball-Mann, who was order ed to pay a $150 fine, and Clarence Miller, who was fined $100.', Gattis C. Honeycutt, accused of speeding at 80 miles per hour, was found guilty of doing 70 to 75 miles per hour after the evidence of the court was heard. Honeycutt had to pay costs and a fine of $100. Speeders Psy Up Other speeding cases included James Washington, who paid costs; Milton L. Eason, Jr., costs and $10; Sam Lee Peterson, costs; Joseph C. Peejl, costs and $10; William H. Gurskin, costs and $10; John S. Phillips, costs; Robert Scott Lsng ley, costs and $10; Percy Lee lea Robert Willis Pleads Guilty To Assault On Female Under 12 Superior court adjourned yester day morning, concluding the criminal- docket, and will convene ."gain Monday morning at 10 o'clock to hear civil cases. Robert Willis, Morehead City, was sentenced to three to five years in the state prison after pleading guilty yesterday morning to the charge of assault on a child under 12 vears old, A. II. James, tent to commit rape, A. II. James, clerk of court, reported. The trial began late Wednesday afternoon when 7 war-old Peggy Ann Wilis, the child allegedly attacked by Willis, told her story from the wil ness stand. l'egliy Ann. after assuring Judge j Henry I, Stevens, that she would j tell nothing but the truth, uniavel j eil a sordid tale of assault by the defendant. She told the court that on April 14. Robert Willis took her and a olavmale, Kaye Guthrie, in to his car with Kaye in the rear seat and Peggy Ann in the front scat. This, she said, was the first time she was attacked by Willis. Willis later lured the two girls into his home with candy. Peggy Ann testified that he took Fayc into a room and locked the door. She said she was ignorant of any thing that trespassed in the room at that time. Willis then took Peg gy Ann into the room where Willis allegedly attacked her the second time. Peggy Ann did not tell her fa ther of the incident until a day or two later because she was "scared." tinder cross-examination by de fendant's counsel, George Rail, Peggy Ann contradicted herself as to whether she had been raped or not. In the midst of her confusion, Peggy Ann burst out into hysteri cal sobs and ws unabje te talk co herently. The judge excused her from the aland, and 10 minutes later she was back to finish her testimony. Mr. Hall then asked her,' "Who told you to say that?" in reference to her story of the attack. She gave no answer. The cirl's father, Plymouth Wil lis, was then brought to the stand and he told what he knew of th ? ease. Under cross-examination, Willis told the court that every thing he knew about the case was told to him by Peggy Ann. Mr. Rail (hen accused Willis of coaching Peggy Ann to testify that she had been raped instead of merely assiultcd, but this Wilis vehemenlly denied. The girl's la ther continued, "1 knew the girl hadn't been raped. He fell all over her merely to satisfy his rwn lust. It was assault with intent tr rape." Dr. K. P. B. Bonner testified he had examined Peggy Ann and that she had not been criminally as saulted. Court then adjotirnej at this point until 9:30 a m morning. Serving on the jury for the Wil lis trial were Allen Jones, John Noe. Harry Gillikin, Dcnard R. Lewis. Gerald Davis, Clinton Gar ner, Charles W. Hancock. Kl'ja Sal ter, H. T. Rhue. J. G Weeks, George Rose, and Alfred Willis. James Gaskins -tnd George How land. chaRed with stealing and selling 1,450 pounds of lead were sentenced to 12 mont'is on the roads. They were nlaced on pro bation and ordered to remain on good behavior five years, not to violate any stale or federal law and to remain gainfully rmploved. The same applies to Sam How land, who was charged with steal See SUPERIOR COURT Page 4 gue, costs and $25; James Otto Wall, costs and $26; James Davis, costs nd $10; Norman F. Towers, costs and $10; and John Harvey King', costs and $10. Cecil M. Bell pleaded guilty to parking his truck on a highway and doing damage to the road. Judgment was suspended upon payment of costs. Pleading guilty to.a charge of driving with improp er brakes, Joe Teel, Jr.,' was or dered to pay costs of court. Jessie Eatherly paid $25 and court costs for driving without a license. Warren Styron, Jr., paid court expenses for driving with no license plate on his trailer. Stan Icy K. Baldrec pleaded guilty to failure to make the: proper hand signal on a left turn, and judg ment was suspended upon payment of costs and $23. ,, Annie Mae Lewis pleaded guilty to a charge of driving without a Bee RECOBPEX'S COURT Fait Monday Overflow Crowd Packs Town Hall Beaufort Commissioners Be set By Meter, Train, Boundary Problems The always present problem of locomotive soot, grime and dust on Broad St.,. fledgling movements to join Highland Park and Ocean Breeze Park to the Town of Beau fort and the parking meter diffi culties of Beaufort's wholesaler! confronted Beaufort's town com missioners Monday evening. Kach problem had its host of expounders, cxhortrrs and dissen ters. The spacious town hall as sembly room was jammed and the overflow poked curious eyes through every window Anxious to get to their group problems little heed was paid the financial statement of the town for the month of May which was read by town attorney, Judge Julius F. ) Duncan. The statement showed Beaufort as being progressively solvent and sound. A gasp of amazement, some of it pleased amazement, some of it disgusted amazement, was ex ploded when Judge Duncan read, "Received from parking meters months of April and May $1,000. 88" first on the list were the Broad Slrccters, residing between Turner St. and the freight office, where the B & M locomotive raises par ticular holvwijh, the fine dust of that unpaved 'Section. ...... . . i can iiihsuii, une oi me spoKce-iv men for the croup, pleaded for some remedy and suescstinnf. came from several sources but' nothing more immediate than Mayor Hasscll's resolve to confer with A. T. Leary, lessee of the railroad. '. Old records having to do with the original railroad franchise in 1905 were interpreted by Judge Duncan as indicating that the pres-' cnt railroad has no dbligations other than td muintain its track age and eighteen inches more on both sides. Mr. Mason said he would be will- i ing to pay his proportionate share of a paving job but others in the group turned thumbs down on that or any other plan which would in volvc personal expenditure. Claud Whcatly, Jr., responded as spokesmen for residents of Ocean Breeze and Highland Park desiring incorporation with Beau See CROWD Page 3 R. 1 Williams Goes On Tour Robert M. Williams, county, agent, is touring Tennessee, Ken tucky, Indiana, and Ohio this week with a bus load of other North Carolina county agents, to observe work in the agriculture extension program in other states. Extension service and experi ment station personnel of the other states will join the group to show the visiting agents various prac tices in livestock production, bet ter breeding, and pasture manage mcnt. Demonstrations in field trucks and truck crops will be ob served. Two bus loads of state farm agents have recently returned from a 10 day tour of Tennessee, Ken tucky. Ohio, Indiana, and Mis- ' souri. These tours are being taken at the request of the County Farm ', Agents association for a program of professional improvements. Tide Table i - HIGH LOW Friday, June 11 ' 11:15 A.M. 5:16 A.M. 11:37 P.M. 5:24 P.M.- Saturday, June 12 " 6:10 A.M. 12:14 P.M. . 6:28 P.M. Sunday, June 13 12:34 A.M. .7:08 A.M., 1:14 P.M. , 7:37 PJtf. Sunday, June 14 1:35 A.M. ' 8:03 A.M. , 2:14 P.M. . 8.48 P.M. ; Tuesday, June 19 ' 2:38 A.M. . ,8:05 All 3:18 PJJ. t.53 p.L!