IAGS FOUR CAKTCSST COUNTY prSXS-KS, ZZA.VTCZ1 AKD KCZZZZAD CTir. N. C. FRIDAY, JUN2 11, ISil oreljeab (Ettg Croljra Falcfc.r, Social? Editor Bert Kalbfleisch, of Washington, D. C, is spending several weeks visiting Mrs. 0. B. Wade. Mrs. C. R. Lincoln has returned home from a visit in Mount Holly and was accompanied home by her daughter, Mrs. A. U. Strupe, Jr., and two grandchildren. Miss Mabel Lainc, of Goldsboro. spent the weekend with her moth er, Mrs. Oscar K. Laine. Miss Dorothy Harrcll and Mrs H. M. Euro attended a Woman's Club convention in Hendcrson ' ville this week. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bradley and young son, Ken, Jr., arrived last week to spend some time with Mrs. Bradley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Pittman. Miss Libhy Wade has accepted a position in Jackonville, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Boren, of Greensboro, will arrive today to spend a week with Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Royal. Mr. Julius Peters has returned to New York after attemlins the 12th anniversary of the Morchcad City Garment Company. Mrs. J. I,. Burgess and grandson, John, of Waco, Tex., arrived Sun day to spend several weeks with her brother, Dr. 0. H. Johnson. Floyd Jones, of the University of North Carolina, arrived home Monday evening 1o spend the sum mer holidays here with his family. Mrs. George Snooks left Monday to visit her niece, Mrs. Bill Kanlo, in Norton, Va. Ralph Wade has returned to Welch, West Va., after spending ten days lire with his parnts, Mr. andn Mrs. T. C. Wade. Mrs. Ralph Wade and daughter, Alice, are spending several weeks visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Wade. Mrs. Sally O'Neal has returned to her home in Ocracoke after spr.Kling a week with her daugh ter, Mrs. Clyde Willis. While here she attended the graduation of her firanddaugbter, Miss Gwendolyn Willis. Miss Marianne Pate is visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. E. Gunner in Martinsville, Va. and will continue on to New York City with,, Meg, Gunner for several days. . ' ' Cecil Adams and Jack Stalling. motored to Norfolk, Va., on Sun day. Herbert Phillips has arrived home from the University of North Carolina to spend the summer ho lidays. Mrs. Grace S. Pratt, of Oneonta, N. Y., and Miss Mary Ruth Haig, of Raleigh are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Correll at their home on Arendcll Street. Miss Haig is a member of the music faculty of St. Mary's College in Raleigh. Giles Willis, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Giles Willis, 3307 Arendell street, is spending the summer in Dallas, Tex., with his aunt, Mrs. Helen Willis Fisher. Miss Carolyn Taylor left Wed nesday to attend summer school at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Miss Dorothy Sampson left this week to attend summer school at Woman's College, Greensboro. Rev. L. A. Tilley has been at tending pastor's school at Duke University in Durham this week. Miss Barbara Jean Olsen has been ill at her home on Bridges street since Sunday. v , .shaving sets and many i tuner way a nappy one. Day Phones B-323-1 B-913-1 Night B - BELL'S DRUG STORE Complete Drug Siore Service front Street . Beaufort facial jNrftts Pbooa M-S7S-1 Mr. George Roberts Wallace and son, George, left Wednesday night for a business trip to Jacksonville, Fla. Miss Lily Macy left Wednesday for South Bend, Ind., after spend ing several months with her broth ther, Mr. J. B. Macy and family. Mrs. A. C. West, of Clinton, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Duffy Guthrie. Mrs. Robin Hood, the Rev. Step hen Gardner, both of Washington, N. C, and Mrs. George Howard, Fairfield, arrived Wednesday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Philip Ball. Mr. and Mrs. Philip Ball and Mrs. S. P. Willis left this morning for Charleston, S. C, where they will attend the wedding of Mrs. Ball's son,-William Baugham to Miss Gloria Mahony. Philip Ball Will be best man. Bible Schools to Begin Monday Morning Pre - summer vacation Bible schools will begin in Morehcad Ci tv and Beaufort on Monday, June 14. Mrs. E. H. Potter will direct the school for two weeks from 9 a.m. until 11:30 a m. in the Ann Street Methodist Church for those be tween the ages of 4 and 16. Follow ing are the tentative list of lead ers for the various departments: Kindergarten, Miss Rosemary Bcs scnt and Mies' Addie Carrow Jones; Primary, Mrs. Louis Hayman and Miss Bettie Lou Merrill; Junior, Miss Carrie Lee Jones and Miss Pat Webb; Intermediate, Miss Sue Murray Thomas and Mrs. George Linnemaicr, and General, Miss Neva Bell, Miss Joyce Biggs, and Mrs. Vert Slubbs. The First Methodist Church of Morehcad City will hold school for those between the ages of 4 and 12 with Mrs. J. C. Taylor as direc tors from 9 a.m. until 11 a.m. Leaders will be: Beginner, Mrs. Ro bert Laughter, Mrs. Josiah Bailey, Misses Dora Mae Station, Peggy Leary, and Betsy Wade; Primary, Mrs. Bob McLohorn, Mrs. Walter Morris, Mrs. John D. Willis, Misses Betsy Thornton and Betsy Joe Mid gctt; Junior, Mrs. Fred Lewis and Misses Eloise Tilley and Ann Mills. The First Baptist Church of Beaufort will conduct its Bible School from the hours of 8:30 un til 11:30 beginning on the 14th. Miss Myrtle Davis will be direc tor and; superiritAidcnts of the Va lium 4caartmcnts are: Beginners, Mis Mary Mason; Primary, Mrs. Sarah Guthrie, Junior, Mrs. L. S. Davis and Intermediate, Mrs. Wi ley Taylor. At the conclusion of the two weeks of school a commencement will be held at the regular church hour on Sunday evening, June 27. Woman's Club Board Meets for Luncheon The 'executive board of the Woman's club met at noon yester day for luncheon at the recreation al center, Shepard street. Plans were mads for the coming year, including arrangements for the installation of officers Tuesday night at 8 o clock at the Civic cen ter. Officers of the four depart' ments of the club will be installed by Mrs. Harold Sampson, presi dent. Those present were Mrs. Ruth McRackan, Mrs. Harold Webb, Miss Pearl Brinson, Mi's. G. D. Gamble Mrs. Darden Eure, Mrs. Martin Davis, Mrs. Jack Roberts, Mrs, George McNeill, Mrs. D. Cordova, and Mrs. Sampson. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Vick and sons, Thad and Larry, of Pasadena, Calif., and Mrs. M. D. Oberstreet, of Enfield, visited Miss Christine Vick last week. FATHER'S DAY GIFTS Wt are well slock ed lo supply Fath er with his favor ite tobacco, cigars and cigarettes We also have filllfnldc other gills to make Phone 397 - 1 ' Misses Windell and Hufham Honored at Tea Wednesday Mesdames Waldron Baily, Sam Holloway, Delfido Cordova and John Phillips entertained at tea on Wednesday afternoon from 3:30 to 5:00, at the Civic Center in hon or of Miss Garybel Windell, bride- elect of June 12 and Miss Sarah Hufham, bride-elect of June 26. Mrs. Lawrence Vickers greeted guests in the hall which was at tractively decorated with many ar rangements of spring flowers. Mrs. Waldron Baily then intro duced those present to the receiv ing line which was composed of Miss Wendell, her mother, Mrs. Gary T. Windell, Miss Hufham and her mother, Mrs. Walter Hufham. Miss Hufham and Miss Windell wore shoulder corsages of white rosebuds and fern and their moth ers wore white gardenias. From the receiving line guests were directed to the punch bowl by Mrs. Luther Hamilton where Mrs. Cordova and Mrs. Holloway, assisted by Mrs Oscar aLine and Miss Mary F.tta Hufham, presided. Delicious refreshments of lime punch, nuts and cakes decorated in Jhe bridal motif were served from the lovely lace cloth covered table which was centered with the punch bowl surrounded by a floral display of gardenias and fern with glowing white candles in crystal candle holders. Miss Jo-Jane Windell furnished soft music at the piano through out the afternoon, and Mrs. Josiah Bailey, accompanied by Miss Pearl Brinson, sang, "Ah, Sweet Mys tery of Life." Goodbyes were said to Mrs. John rhillips. During the afternoon approximately 70 friends called to congratulate Misses Windell and Hufham. Business and Professional Women lo Meet Monday The Business and Professional Woman's Club will meet at the Civic Center in Morehcad City on Monday evening, June 14, at seven o'clock for their monthly dinner meeting. Installation officers will be held at this time and all members arc urged to be present. Members who are unable to at tend should call Mrs. C. L. Beam, B 432-1, Miss Patsy Ballon, or Mrs. M. M. Ayscue in Morehead City to cancel their rcscrvtions. Mrs. Vickers Entertains Tuesday Bridge Club Mrs. Lawrence Vickers entertain ed members of the Tuesday eve ning bridge club at her home at eight o'clock on June 8. - i Lovely spring cut flowers were used throughout the home. Guests were Mrs. S. A. Chalk, Jr. and Mrs. W. B. Chalk. High score prize was won by Mrs. Arthur LaMontagne and sec ond high by Miss Coretta Thomp son. Guest high, a package plan), went to Mrs. W. B. Cha'k. The hostess served cokes with mints and nuts at refreshment time. Lanier Book Club Holds Picnic Tuesday The Lanier Book club members gathered at the Civic Center on Tuesday afternoon for a delight ful picnic supper. Due to bad weather it was impossible for the picnic to be held out-of-doors as planned. A short business meeting -was held after which the members en joyed the delicious supper with all the trimmings. SUNDAY, v-v .. . . t I IS FATHER'S DAY . "Go Farther With Father" at LEARY'S ' : "THE STORE FOB HEN" Arendell St. M $316 Irehssd Ciry ' Robinson-Buck ; . . , . Mr, and Mrs. Leb Buck announce the engagement of their daughter, Dorothy, to Mr. C. J. Robinson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Ro binson, of Morehead City. The wedding will be solemnized June 27 in the Free Will Baptist Church, Morehead City. Floating Bridge Club Meets "With Mrs. Howland Mrs. W. A. Howland, Jr., enter tained members of the Floating Bridge Club at her home on Evans Street, Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock. . Special guests were Mrs. Clyde Helms and Mrs. Clyde Young. Upon arrival the hostess served delicious cherry pie with coffee and during play iced grape juice with peanuts was enjoyed by all. Mrs.' Percy Deyo received lin gerie as high score prize and sec ond high, a pyrex baking dish, went to Mrs. Helen Williams. Mrs. Clyde Young received a lovely handkerchief for guest high. STORK NEWS Mr and Mrs. Robert Lee Maides, announce the birth of a son, Char les Mct'levcster, on June 3, in the Morehead City hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Oliver Wil liams, of Beaufort, announce the birth of a daughter, Mary Joyce, in the Morehead City hospital June 5. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Weston Sal ter, of Davis, announce the birth of a daughter, Sandra Lee, in the Morpoead City hospital June 6. Mr. and Mrs. Cicero Shakespeare Mardison. Jr., of Morehead City, announce the birth of a son, David Earl, on June 6, in the Morehead City hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Washington Gray Dudley, of Beaufort, Rt. 2, an nounce the birth of son, Thomas Glenn, on June 7, in the Morehead City hospital. Miss Frazier Attends Csnvention Miss Octavia Frazier, superin tendent of Nurses of the Morehead City Hospital, has returned from Chicago, 111., where she attended the National Nurses Convention. Miss Frazie was one of thirty officials from North Carolina at tending the convention. The Friday edition of The News Times has all the news, and ac curately, from 6 p.m. Monday to 6 p.m. Thursday. The Tuesday edition of The News-Times has all ha news, and accurately, from 8 m. Thursday to 6 p.m. Monday. Ad both editions and know all the news. Only 5 cents an issue by mail. Subscribe today. fit M Qttwtts Omnts JUNE 20th HOSPITAL NOTES Mrs. Blanchard Davis, af Davis, is a patient In the hospital. Miss Glenda Fay Gould, ten year old daughter, of Mn. Ethel Gould, of Newport, is patient in the hospitaL Mrs. Robert L. Garner, of More head City, is doing nicely follow ing an operation. Miss Mary Emma Lewis, of More head City, is a patient in the hos pital.,' ' Miss Beatrice Mashburn, of At lantic Beach, is a patient in the hospital. Mrs. H. D. Paul, of Beaufort, is patient in the hospital. Mrs. Anna Richardson, of Beau fort, is a patient in the hospital. Mrs. Moll Wilis, of Morehead City, was' discharged from the hos pital Wednesday and is recupera ting at the home of her son, M. L. Willis in Beaufort. Miss Shirley Garner, of Newport, was discharged Wednesday. Miss Polly Ann McKnight, four year old daughter, of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. McKnight, of Morehead City and Miss Andrea Madge McKnight, six year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. McKnight, were discharged from the hospital Wednesday. Mrs. Joseph M. Taylor, of Have lock, was discharged Wedae6day. Mr. James Taylor, of Sea Level, was discharged Wednesday. Mr. Dayton, of New' Bern, route 4, was discharged Wednesday. Mr. Robert G. Pigott, of Smyrna, was admitted Thursday. Baby Mary Louise Jenkins, daughter of Mrs. Marion Jenkins of Beaufort was admitted to the hospital Thursday. MichaeT Taylor, 12 year old son of Mr. William I. Tahlor, of Beau fort, was discharged Wednesday. Mrs. Harvey Adams, of Newport, is. a patient in the hospital. Mrs. David Coy of Hnvplrvk ic doing nicely following an opera tion. THAMH,pu AMP THAWCHOU v88 T he For gotten W o m e n . . THE DRESS.SNOP , WE APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE , Dial M 453-1 - " Arendell St , . MOREHEAD CITY V " (Continued From Page One) lng and selling 1,200 pounds of lead.. ' Both Roy T. Guthrie and Harry Dearman : were assigned to six months on the roads on the charge of operating a car while under the influence of some intoxicant. The case of James Edwafd Guth rie, charged with abandonment of his wife and three, children, was continued, as well as Gerald B. Gil likin, and Gfllikin the cases of Ray mond H. Wilson and Elijah Rich ards. Wilson, too is charged with abandonment and .inadequate sup port. Richards is charged with manslaughter. He was driver of the car in which Ira McCIee Moore was killed last January. Richads' bond was set at $1,000. ' L. J. Hill, charged with driving drunk, did not contest the charg es. His 12 month jail sentence was suspended providing that he re main on good behavior two years. He was ordered to pay $100 and costs. ' In the case of Aulbert Mason and Carrie P. Willis, judgement was remanded to that of the low er court from which appeal was made. Mart Washington, charged with stealing three chickens, with drew his appeal from lower court. Zioh Mickings Levis, charged with driving drunk, was ordered to pay $100 and costs. Roy Beau-' fort Litton, facing the same charge, was found not guilty. Claude Wallace, charged with larceny of a motor bike, pleaded guilty and was given 12 months in jail, suspended on condition that he remain on good behavior two years and pay a hosiptal fee of $08.10 incurred when he was ad mitted to Morehead City hospital. He was injured by a policeman's bullet the night he attempted to take the bicycle. The case of K. P. B. Bonner, Jr., charged with larceny of a car, reckless driving, and carrying a concealed weapon, was continued. Monday Afternoon Storm Damages Tobacco, Boats The severe rain and hail storm which hit Carteret county Monday afternoon seriously damage tobac co plants in the Mundine section of Newport and played havoc with boats at Harkers Island. One or two small skiffs sank, several boats went adrift and one of Davis Brothers boats was beach ed. Supersonic sound can boil an egg. Yes. we're talk ing about those women who wear sizes 14 1-2 to 24 1-2 and sizes 38 to 44 clothes. The Dress Shop hasn't forgotten: those are just thOj sizes we have in stock in latest style cottons, sheers and crepes! Come in today and. look around. $7.98 $25J0 Ancient Eessa Cesse Unearthed at Canterbury - CANTERBUR, England (AP) Foundations . believed , to be those of a second century Roman town bouse have been discovered during excavations here on the sites of the Royal Fountain and Rose Hotels which were destroyed during the war. Some of the foun dations are five feet thick. A large Roman bath room, thirty feet thick. A large Roman bath room, thirty feet square, and a cobbled quadrangle between two wings of the ancient house are among the discoveries. The smaller finds include nu merous urns, one of the Emperor Claudius era (A.D.-41-54). as well as Samian ware, some decorated and others baring the potter's names, bronze rings and pins and pnrt of a gold necktace. cooper Hamilton Receives Uegiee hooper Hamilton received his B. S. degree in chemistry- In gradua ting exercises at the University of North Carolina this week. He is tht soil of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey HamiUon, of Sunset Drive. SUITED TO THE SEASON.... t iSlrj A well-groomed appearance plus that feeling of con fident assurance which springs from being comfortable and correct is yours in any of our new suits! Choose from quality fabrics in a wide range of colors, tex tures, sizes. All are priced to "suit" you! DAVIS front Street GIFT Suggestions For FATHER'S DAY : i. , Get Dad in a good humor! Make his daily "Battle of the Beard" easier with an electric shaver Nationally advertised brands that you know are de pendable. . WW . . . of give him a sup ply of his favorite tobacco,' cigars or cigarettes. And don't forget a new pipe! ' .Your .Patronac 1 Appreciated JOE HOUSE DRUG STORE "ASK YOUR DOCTOR - Day Phones 3331 9011 Night Phones 3461 5861 - BEAUFORT, N. C, - Swiss Storks Near Extlnctloa I ZURICH, Switzerland (AP)J The stork U likely to become non- s existent in Switzerland, the "Orni- thological Observer" warns. The I periodical says there were . only r eight nests In Switzerland last sea-1 son, and only five broods resulted! with 20 young. . One of the babies"5 was killed when it came in co tact with a high-voltage electric line. ' At Schlattingen, where . ad pair of storks raised five youngs, other storks attacked the family. One of th aggressors was killed1 in the fight. i.l The Nile crocodile is said to kill'"1 more human beings than any other1 "" wild creature in Africa. DOES IT TAKE A Long Time To Get Thai Book By Kail? Watch Tor The Opening Of THE B00KK00K BROS. Beaufort .it Is he a camera enthus iast? : Select from our camera stock for a gift that will please! 1 1 l nit 1.) ill .M ;t At j il T I.') .it to iT Ho 0 1 ill '