Astronomical Ds!a " Sua Seti Today 7:28 P.M. Sun Rises Tomorrow 4:87 AM. Moon Rises Midnight Tonight. Moon Sets Tomorrow 12:15 PJM. A Horger ol THE BEAUTC3T KEWS (Established 1912) and THE TWIN CITY TIMES (Established 1936) 38th YEAR NO. 13. BEAUFORT AND MOREHEAD CITY, NORTH CAROLINA TUESDAY, JUNE 29, 1948 PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS .Power Failure Causes Thousands of Dollars Loss 10c Beaufort Elects Group to Deal With Power Co. Citizens Collect $161.84 to Finance Committee Op i eralion One hundred fifty Beaufort cit izens met last night at the court house and elected a committee to deal with Tide Water Power com pany in regard to its srrvice to Beaufort and down-east communi ties. Claud R. Wheatly, Jr., heads the committee and Pritchard Lewis was elected treasurer. Donations . collected at the meeting to finance the committee's operation totaled $161.84. Fifty dollars of this a mount was contributed by Beau fort Cannery. Dr. S. F. Greco, of Beaufort Cannery, made a short address in which he remarked that Beaufort Cannery was a tremendous eco nomic asset to the community but that without electric power it would have to cease operation. Members of the town committee who will meet this afternoon to plan a course of action are J. O. Barbour," Jr., Leslie Moore, George Brooks, Sr., Hugh Hill, Paul Jones, and Elmer Willis, of Williston. Mr. Wheatly said yesterday that plans will probably be made to ob tain signatures for a petition to be presented to the State Public Util ities commission requesting effi cient service to Beaufort and the eastern section of the county. . Elected temporary chairman of last night's meeting was Graham t . W. Duncan, Jr. . Lions Mil Meet At Former (ISO Morehead City Lions club will 'meet at 7 o'clock Friday night at the Carteret County recreational center for its regular weekly meet ing, Ronald Harpe, secretary, an nounced today. . Guest at the meet ing will be the district governor of the state. Recently-elected officers of the Lions club are as follows: David 1 Battle Webb, president, Glenn Rose, vice-president, Fred Lewis, first vice-president, Duffy Roe, second vice-president, D. J. Hall, third vice president. Mr. Harpe, secretary, O. N. All red, treasurer, Lester Willis, cor responding secretary, Joe Devon schic, Lion Tamer, and Joe Rose, Jr., Tail Twister. Mr. Webb succeeds Victor Wic kizer as president. Safety Committee Head Studies Traffic Problem , . i ' Clyde Jones, chairman of the public safety committee of the Morehead City Chamber of Com merce, has undertaken the task of easing the heavy traffic to Atlan tic Beach on weekends. The ulth mate coal of committee is to have stoplights put at busy intersections. The reason for this movement is that the traffic situation could get so out of hand that it would nullify all the benefits that the businesses at the beach are now en joying. Mr. Jones was instrumental in securing the aid of the state high way patrol in handling the 'traffic in the past two weeks, and he will work with state and city agencies for future improvements. Guilford Pilots Make Flight to Morehead City Thirty-one pilots of the Guilford Pilots association, Greensboro and High Pplnt, flew to Morehead City Sunday morning in nine planes. The group, under the direction of Flight Commander Hemphill, stop ped for breakfast) here and some spent the day on the beach. The reason for the flight is that some time ago one of the pilots of the association had' been shown such courtesy, at the local airport when be developed engine trouble that he decided he would return to enjoy the same ' courtesy once more Not only did he "return, but he brought 3dther airmen with him, .' ' Royal Teen-Agers Elected by Morehead City Teen-Agcrs as their king and queen are Ottis Jefferson, Jr., of Beaufort, pictured above right, and Ann Dale, left. Below them are the prince and princess, Denny Law rence, right, and Ellen Ray Gaskins, left. These four teen-age club members had their titles bestowed upon them at a coronation at the recreation center Tuesday night. Photo by Guy Paul Dixon Schooling Races Will End Tonight, Track Opens Officially Tomorrow Tonight will conclude the three nights of schooling races at the dog track west of Morehead City and the 100-day racing season will officially open tomorrow night, the first race scheduled at 8:15. Schooling races went off much better Saturday night than Friday when the power failed and the dogs, probably much to their amazement, caught up with the mechanical rabbit. One dog who actually made con tact with" the leaping lure, Mr. Long Ears, hit the steel bar which holds the rabbit and broke his leg. I,. . The (tagV-tlot - Js V. ctraerf by Robert Townsend and Valued at $500, was taken to a veterinarian where his leg was set, but his racing days are over. Because the lights along the track were not ready for use Fri day night, the, races began at 7 o'clock in order that as manv as possible could be run in daylight, Paul Cleland, manager, said. Power at the dog track is sup plied by Tide Water Power com pany, but to guard against any future occurrence similar to Fri day night's, an auxiliary plant will be installed, according to Ed Hoe bel, contractor and engineer. Neither was the track complete ly illuminated Saturday night. There were lights only on every other pole around the track but this in no way reduced the en thusiasm shown by the crowd, esti mated at about 2,300. Recreation Board Elected Thursday At the first annual meeting of the board of directors of the Car teret County Recreation Associa tion, Inc., Thursday night at the Recreational , center, Morehead City, the directors appointed to serve when the association was or ganized early this year ' were re elected, W. C. Matthews, presi dent, announced today. Also discussed were means of interesting civic organizations to use the center's facilities. Mrs. Harold Sampson, director of the center, will remain in that posi tion, Mr. Matthews said. The directors, besides Mr. Mat thews, are Mrs. Sampson, Victor Wickizer, , ffony Seamon, Harold Sampson, W. L. Derrickson, M. T. Mills, W. C. Carlton, Walter Free man, all of Morehead City, Ken neth Prest, C. R. Wheatly. Jr.. both of Beaufort, and Harry Mi aelle, Newport. Ulrich Hester, Motorist; To Appear in Court today Beaufort police court yesterday found probable cause in the case of Ulrich Hester involved in a mo tor vehicle accident Thursday morning in Beaufort. The case was bound over to recorder's court to day. Hester was driving east on Broad street shortly after 12 mid night Thursday morning and Del mas and; Ray Mitchell Willis, brothers, were riding on a motor cycle south on Live Oak street when a collision occurred. : Hester took the two boys to the hospital where they were treated for minor injuries. Jaycees Construct Swim Platform In Front of bin Work on the swimming platform being constructed by the Beaufort Junior dumber of Commerce in rtrone-flf the Inlet inn on Fron street, Beaufort, is scheduled to be completed by the end of this week, according to James Potter, co-chairman of the Jaycees' com mittee in charge of the project. The platform is being construct ed on the edge of the channel and will have one section built especial ly for small children and another for older ones and advanced swim mers. Some time in the future, the Jay cees hope to add a soring board and a diving tower so that when the tide is high swimmers will be able to dive. The work on the platform has been going on for the past two weeks and it will cost the Jaycees from $300 to $400 when it is com pleted. Ordinarily, the cost of such construction would run up to $2. 500, but much of the work and materials are being donated. Mr. Potter voiced special appre ciation to B. H. Stephens of the inn for permission to build the platform and to N. F. Eure, con tractor, for donating his services. The money being spent on the project is what was left from the profits of a Jaycee dance about three months ago. The Jayccs spent the first portion of it in cleaning up the waterfiont, and this, combined with ths building of the swimming platform, repre sents a total of .700 tnat the Juni- r Chamber has spent along this line. The other cochiiirman of the Jaycees' committer dire .-ting, the work is J. 0. Barbour, Jr. JCs to Install Officers Tomorrow at Core Creek The Beaufort Junior Chamber of Commerce will install officers for '48'49 at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow night at Core Creek. It will be a ladies' night, and a picnic supper will be served. The new officers of the Jaycees are Claud Wheatly, president; Ce cil Harrell, reelected vice-presid ent; Gilbert Potter, recording sec retary; Osborn Davis, correspond ing secretary; and Odell Merrill, treasurer. Stepping down from the top po sitions will be John Butler, presi dent; Frank King, recording secre tary; Charles' Cheek, correspond ing secretary, and Alex Erickson, treasurer. Temperatures Climb To 83's Over Weekend Friday Saturday, and Sunday's temperatures hit the 90's, E. Sta nley Davis, official weather nhsor- ver, reported yesterday. There was no rainfall on these three days. . Maximum and minimum tem peratures were as follows: J Mai? Min. Friday . 97 77 Saturday M ' Sunday vv r 91 78 AEC Stockholder Denies Road Sale New York Firm Has 60-Day Option to Buy Mullet Line The Mullet Line, running from Goldsboro to Morehead City, offi cially known as the Atlantic and East Carolina railroad, has not been sold, according to reports from Harry P. Edwards, New Bern, one of the four major North Ca rolina stockholders. Mr. Edwards late last week, how ever, confirmed reports that nego tiations were in process with New York interests in regard to sale of operating rights, according to a dispatch from the Associated Press. Seventy-two per cent of the road is owned by the State of North Carolina and the operating fran chise is controlled by Mr. Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Buehan, Kinston, and J. A. Bolich, Jr., Wnston-Salem. Mr. Edwards stated that A. W. Bankert and Company, New York, has a 60-day option to buy the operating rights. He and Matt Al len, general counsel for the road were in New York farly last week negotiating for sale of the fran chise. Affiliates of the banking firm. C. P. Lowe and Walter Keers, and Charles Pinkerton. president of the Detroit and Mackinac railroad were in Morehead City and New Bern Saturday inspecting the road, shops at New Bern, and docking facilities at Port Terminal. Mr. Keers, spokesman for the Bankert firm, on Saturday con firmed reports that the road had not been sold. Local employees state, however, that they have been informed the line has changed hands and they will be retained in their present positions. W. Kerr Scott, prior to his win ning the democratic nomination for governor Saturday, stated that the operating rights were being sold because of "the realization of banker creditors of the railroad . . . that Treasurer Johnson hasn't a chance to win and that they wanted to get the railroad lease in the hands of management of their selection prior to the change in administration." Mr. Edwards denied a statement also made by Scott that the road had deteriorated. Since the opera ting company took it over under lease Sept. 1, 1039, he declared, more than $1,000,000 has been spent in improvements. The road in 1939 had 60-pound rails and "rotten ties" which limit ed speed to 15 miles per hour, Edwards said. But now it has 90 pound rails and full trains run over it at 40 miles per hour. He added that the property is "several hundred per cent better" than it was in 1939. Police Tag Tide Water Trailer lor No Lights i Phillip Thomas was ordered to pay $10 fine and $5 court costs yesterday afternoon in Morehead City police court for having im? proper lights on his trailer. The vehicle belongs to Tide Water Power company. Saturday morning at 1:30 a.m., when the company was attempting to meet the power failure emer gency in Beaufort, Thomas was transporting a light pole for the company and did not have any warning light on the end of the pole, according to police. At 5th and Bridges streets the pole da maged the car of Dr. J. 0. Baxter, Beaufort. . In two other cases handled by tne court, Konald Henry Brizell paid $25 and costs of court for peeping and trespassing, while Bonner Guthrie and Roma Wade each paid $20 and $5 costs for be ing drunk and disorderly. . Tide Table HIGH LOW Tuesday, June 29 1:05 A.M. 7:35 A.M. 1:51 P.M. 8:17 P.M. Wednesday, June SO 1:56 A.M. . 8:23 A.M. 2:43 P.M. 9:15 P.M. Thursday, July 1 2:53 A.M. 9:15 A.M. 3:18 P.M. , 10:14 P.M. Friday, July 2 " 3:51 A.M. 10:05 A.M. 4:32 Pit ' 11:09 P.M. Beaufort Without Power 14 Hours; Morehead Businessmen Complain To the 15 businessmen who met with Mr. Jones yesterday afternoon in the chamber of commerce of fices no assurances were given that immediate steps could be taken to improve the power supply in More head City. "I'd rather not make any prom ises," said Mr. Jones, "until 1 re ceive a report at the end of the week from our electrical engi neer." Mr. Jones assured the men that the local power plant, beginning last night, would go into operation night and day. In answer l the question involv ing danger of fire in homes and businesses when the voltage is re duced and motors burn out, Mr. Jones said there was no danger. Ray Garrett, of the Blue Hibbifn club, countered with the fact that during one failure a thousand gal lon pump burned out. "If I hadn't discovered it smoking in time, the whole place would have burned down," he remarked. The vice president of the power company said that adequate pro tective equipment would prevent burning out. "That's why our men arc here this week, to see where we can help you stop these lowes," said Mr. Jones. J. A. Wright, electrical engi neer, arrived here yesterday to study the situation. George It. Wallace, of Wallace Fisheries, addressing Mr. Jones, said. "In 1945 we signed a con tract with you people to provide us with power and we pay you for electrical service we never get." J I stated that because of power inadequacies one of their three fish plants has been shut down.. Power failures have caused a tremendous loss of fish and inability to pro cess the menhaden has made a nauseating stench in vicinity of the Wallace plants. Throughout thp discussion, Mr. Jones' main defense was that Morehead City is growing so rap idly that the vast needs of this area now were not thought of in Tide Water's long-range planning. He cited the growth at Atlantic Beach and location here of the roofing plant and the race track as creating unprecedented de mands on the city's power facili ties. He stated that the 1.200 kilo watts required by the felt plant is 50 per cent of the entire needs of Morehead City in 1944. In answer to questions about power surges, Mr. Jones said that nothing can be done about those when an interconnected system is in use. He said that lightning trouble in Goldsboro or Raleigh would cause a power surge here. Mr. Jones'said that as far as he could see at the moment, no perm anent solution to the situation cnuld be made until new equip ment, ordered more than a year ago, comes through. He stated that present plans pro vide for erection of a power line from Cherry Point along route 101 to Beaufort, providing a line du plicating the one now in use from Cherry Point to Morehead City. But this line would not be in op eration before Februaury or March. Morehead City Firemen Made State Hose By F. C. Salisbuuruy Pictuured here are the members of the City Fire department who in 1914 established a hose race record at the firemen's convention held in Winston-Salem that year that was never equaled in the state. , Y Attending a firemen's conven tion in Fayettevile in 1912 the Uam took part in .their1 first con Failure of power in both Beaufort and Morehead City during the past seyeral weeks brought action yesterday on the part of citizens in both towns. Mayor Lawrence Hasscll, Beaufort, announced a meeting at the court house last night, and Morehead City businessmen met in cham ber of commerce offices yesterday afternoon with A. E. Jones, vice president of Tide Water Power company. Ringing Power Goes OH on Telephones Telephones in Beaufort have been out of order several times during (he weekend. The ringing power went off shortly after 6 o'clock Saturday night and was nut restored until shortly before 8. I,. A. Daniels, manager of Carolina Telephone and Telegraph company, said yesterday morning thnt he didn't know what the trouble was but that thev were "working on it." Yesterday afternoon the ring ing power went off again for a short time. Dialing certain Beaufort numbers brought no thing but crackling and roaring. Plant Lice Attack County Tobacco R. M. Williams, Agent, Rec ommends Spray Method Of Control Tobacco fields throughout Car teret county are rapidly becoming infested with plant lice, "R. M Williams, county agent, commented today. This pest has attacked tobacco earlier this season than it did last year, he remarked. The lady bug is a natural enemy of plant lice; however, the lice reproduce more rapidly than they are being con sumed by the lady bug. No re commended insecticide on the market has proven very effective in controlling the aphid. Mr. Williams recommends the following: Tetracthyl phosphate is suggest ed as a control measure and is sold under the trade names of musifos and vapotone xx. It should be applied when the plants are dry for best coverage. If aphis infestation is spotted in the field, hand sprayers may be used. If the infestation is general, horse-drawn sprayers can be used. A barrel type sprayer mounted on a tobacco truck with eight spray nozzles is required to do a good job if tobacco is large. Four noz zles should be placed low with two directed at an angle to spray the sides of two rows. Two nozzles arc directed paral lel to the ground to spray higher up on the plant and two are direct ed downward. A sprayer rigged up in this manner should be driven down each middle row in order to get complete coverage on both sides of the plant. Tetracthyl phosphate must be See APHIDS Page 6 test, winning second prize. At the convention in Wilmington the next year they did not compete but when they went to the gathering at Winston-Salem they were ready for all comers. ' ' After .running the regular sche duled race and setting an unpre cedented record the judges were of the opinion that the stop watch es were at fault. They were re quired to make another run. Just I- I A survey yesterday morning of only a few Beaufort merchants re vealed a loss of almost $5,000 as a result of I he power stoppage Sat urday night and Sunday. This, with spoilage of food in home refrigera tors and deepfreeze units, stores' closing early Saturday night and resultant loss of business, runs the estimate of cost to Beaufort for 14 hours without power well ovjer $10,000. Places of business down east, also in darkness, withstood losses swelling this figure. Cause of power stoppage was due to failure of the cable across Gallant's channel that a deep draft tug, passing through the draw at low tide Saturday, may have dam aged, but this has not been defi nitely determined, George Stovall, manager of the local Tide Water plant, stated. According to Mr. Stovall, the power went off at 8:10 Saturday night and didn't come on until 9 53 a m. Sunday. Source of trou ble was not located until 1 a.m. Sections of the line were cut out until the difficulty was found. When the cable was tested it was learned that one phase was grounded. At present power is going into Beaufort through an overhead line Repair to the underwater cable would. feqair. ai Jfit twq weeks. Mr. stovall said. TwWlO-foot patss were erected on each side of the channel and aluminum wire, light enough for ovehead use, was truck ed here from Wilmington Saturday night. By the time the truck arrived at 3:30 a.m. the poles were up. Two crews, Tide Water crew, and men from the Z. A. Sneeden Contract ing company, New Bern, worked all night under portable flood lights. The auxiliary plant In Beaufort went on at 9 a.m., providing pow er to pump water and power for street lights. Because machinery there is not in perfect condition and spare parts will not arrive un til next month, Mr. Stovall said that a heavy load was not put on the plant for fear it would fail completely, making it impossible to supply water. Because of the overhead wire across the channel, both the rail road and draw bridge are closed to water traffic. Mr. Stovall com mended Chief George H. Meekins, commander of the Beaufort group, United States Coast Guard, for sending out warnings regarding closing of the bridges. J. B. Hut chins, New Bern, district highway engineer, also notified bridge tend ers throughout the state. Power service was interrupted again Sunday night, however, when a craft went through the draws, da maging the overhead line. The line passes directly over Noe's fish house to a pole set in See POWER Page 6 l ''''l ' ' "I if 'V f to show up the judges, they beat their first record, establishing a time record of 27 35 seconds. That record holds to this day. Besides the driver, seven men took part in the race. A flying start was made 50 yards from the starting line, then a run by the horse and. cart of 200 yards to a hydrant, from which point 288 feet of hose" was laid to the finish line, the time being recorded when Johnson Carries County Saturday In 2nd Primary Winning Candidate, Scoti, Receives 1,053 Votes, Johnson 1,994 Although Kerr Scott carried the state and won the Democratic nom ination for the governorship, which is tantamount to election, his op ponent, Charles M. Johnson, swept Carteret county by almost a 2 to-1 margin. A total of 3,0-17 votes were cast at the polls Saturday, which is 1,000 more than were counted in the first primary sev eral weeks back. There are 9,000 voters registered. Caileret county gave Johnson t total of l,f)94 votes, while Scott re ceived 1,053. In the first primary, Johnson received 1.625 and Scott was credited with 657. Apparently the vote given to Mayne Albright was pretty well split up between the two candidates in Saturday's election with a slight edge going to Scott, with several precincts cither unanimous or nearly unan imous in Scott's favor. There was an increase in the agricultural vote, and the best part of this also went to Scott. Johnson, however, took the vote where it counted the most, in the larger communities of Morehead City, Beaufort, Harkers Island, and Atlantic. Johnson swept Atlantic by a 219-lo-8 vote. He also took Sailer PtuflaomouMy bjrHng all 116 ballots cast. Hot- (c hnu tha PonHirlarm tarmA in each of the 27 precincts of Car teret county: Atlantic, Johnson 219, Scott 8; Beaufort, Johnson 390, Scott 255; Bettie, Johnson 26, Scott 30; Bogus Johnson 1, Scott 40; Broad Creek; Johnson 65, Scott 3: Cedar Island, Johnson 49, Scott 14. Cedar Point, Johnson 0, Scott 35; Davis, Johnson 67, Scott 10 Harkers Island, Johnson 175, Scott 94; Harlowe, Johnson 27, Scott 21; Long Pine, Johnson 0, Scott 12; Marshallbcrg, Johnson 71, Scott U. Merrimon, Johnson 29, Scott 19; Morehead City, Johnson 417, Scott 235; Newport, Johnson 72, Scott B8; Otway, Johnson 29, Scott '21; Pellctier, Johnson 1, Scott 37. jj Portsmouth, Johnson 9, Scott fl; Salter Path, Johnson 116, Scott 0; Sealevcl, Johnson 74, Scott ,20; Smyrna, Johnson 28, Scott 8; Stacyj Johnson 11, Scott 13. h. - . Stella, Johnson 9, Scott 9; Straits, Johnson 57, Scott 39; Wild, wood, Johnson 17, Scott 31; Wil- , union, jonnson 10, ocou o; wire Grass, Johnson 17, Scott 24. 1 1 -A I m a. . Grass Burns fv. The Beaufort fire department i was called out at 2:30 p.m. Sunday afternoon to put out a grass fire on Ann street extension. The fire men wero at the scene about one hour. No damage to property was reported. Race Record Members: from left to right, ChlefG. L. Ar thur, John Webb, Clar ence Taylor, George ; Adams, Cleveland Smith, Manny WllhV Earl Piper, horse "Gib," Charlie' Smith, Elijah' , Willis, Charles Styrww ' Vannle Willis, Fred.' Royal, Charles Wallace,' Jr., Richard Fodrla. ' -' -J the stream of water came front the nozzle. . John Webb was hydrant Jumper: His duty was to connect the hose to the hydrant while Elijah Willis stood by to turn on the water by the time the nozzle was connected. George Adams who was the nozzle man fed out the hose to the slack catchers, Richard Fodrie, Charles Wallace and Vannie Willis. When S FIREMEN Page I

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