CARTERET COUNTY Astronomical Dala inni . 1'Gc Sun Sets Tonight 6:54 p.m. Sun Rises Tomorrow 5:30 a.m. Moon Rises Today 6:12 p.m. Moon Sets Tomorrow 3:12 a.m. A Merger of THE BEAUFORT NEWS (Established 1912) and THE TWIN CITY TIMES (Established 1936) 38th YEAR NO. 27. EIGHT PAGES MOREHEAD CITY, AND BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY, AUGUST 17, 1948 EIGHT PAGES PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS MES Lawyers Elect Local Attorney To District Office George McNeill, Morehead City attorney, was elected second vice president of the Fifth District Bar association meeting Saturday at New Bern. Other officers for the coming year are Henry A. Grady, Jr., New Bern, president, Samuel B. Under wood, Greenville, first vice-president, Owen Rodman, New Bern, secretary-treasurer, and Albion Dunn, Greenville, national coun selor. Mr. Rodman succeeds Mr. McNeill as secretary-treasurer. On the executive council, which was re elected for the coming year, is Claud Wheatly, Jr., Beaufort. Resolutions of resnect for three deceased members of the associa tion were passed. These members were Claud Wheatly. Sr., Beaufort. A. B. Morris. Morehead City, and David Clark, Greenville. Principal speaker at the meeting was Luther Hamilton, Morehead City, superior court judge, whose topic was the background of the U. S. constitution. The other speaker on the program was Edward Can non, Raleigh, secretary of the State Ear association, who reported on the activities of the state organiza- i tion. Travelers to West ComeSafely Home The travelers have returned home. Eight thousand one hundred twenty-six miles without a flat tire is the record Miss Lena Duncan, IHTs. N. F. Eure, Toirfmy Eure and Howard .Tones. Bpflllfnrt' Call- jl fornia trippers, are boasting of to day. - '? They visited 23 state snd Can ada In their five-week tour which began fafurday, July 10. Main purpose of the trip was to take Mrs. Robert Poulk, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Eure, and her 18-months-old son, Bobby, to San Francisco where they boarded a Navy transport for China. Mrs. Poulk is joining her hus band who is stationed in Nanking. For a short while she and her son will live in Shanghai until Mr. Poulk, who is in the Navy, finds quarters for them in Nanking. They expect to be in China about a year. The transport, loaded with Navy wives, is expected to reach its China port of destination about Auk. 29. The travelers took the southern route to California, across Ten nessee, Arkansas, Oklahoma. Tex as, New Mexico, Arizona, Colorado and then California. They visited the Grand Canyon, Boulder Dam, saw Hoover dam, and Yosemite National park. Of course, they crossed the Mojave desert, a trip made by night be cause of the intense heat. .. "Everyone travels across the desert at night it seems," said Miss Duncan," and as far as we could eee along the highway there were lights of moving automobiles. When the moon was full, the de sert was lovely." They visited Lss Vegas too, and jt's as wide open as they say it is, remarked Miss Duncan. Roulette wheels and gambling devices of all sorts were in windows of shops and practically' right on the street One week wis' spent in San Francisco and then the Eure auto, See TRAVELERS Page g Brash Fire Breaks Out Again on Barkers Island ; The brush fire which consumed acres of grass on Harkers Island Wednesday broke out in the vici nity of the old ferry landing again Friday morning and was reported to the Beaufort Fire department at 11:30 a.m. Although the fire covered the entire Island, no damage was done I to buildings. v . I The cause of the blaze is un-l determined but it was unofficially reported that sparks from a fire! started by a woman boiling clothes tin a pot behind her home had igni ted tht brush. i '; i The fire department, with the aid of several Harker'i Island re ' aidents, brought the fire under con trol within an hour and the fire truck returned to Beaufort at 1 p.m. ; " . 1 The very rapid Wcad of the fire was due to the drv spell which ended Saturday evening with the uun stormy f t ; " . Naval Aviator X, - Ensign Macon S. Snowden, USN, of Beaufort, is one of the officer and midshipman students designated as Naval aviators at a ceremony conducted by the commanding officer recently at the Naval Air station, Jackson ville, Fla. Ensign Snowden, the son of Mrs. Helon McPherson Snowden, of 131 Craven St., has received his wings and will now be order ed to duty with the United States fleet. Ensign and Mrs. Snowden, the former Miss Evelyn Grass, of Beaufort, will be enroute shortly to their new place of assignment. Lightning Strikes Home at Bettie The severe electrical storm which struck this area Saturday night caused extensive damage to the home of Roland Salter, Bettie. A bolt of lightning struck the roof near the chimney, tore off shing les and caused the wiring to burn out throughout tk house. , It IS believed that the" entire house, will' have to be re-wired and probably a new roof put on. Had it not been for the type of shing les used, the house probably would have burned, Mrs. Salter re ported. . The family was in the house at the time, but none of them was injured. A bolt of lightning struck in the middle of Front street, Beaufort, in the vicinity of Beaufort theatre, causing a woman to faint on the street. She was revived and tak en to a nearby automobile. The current went off in Beau fort at two separate times in the area east of Crave street, and otherwise no serious damage has been reported. W. E. Adair, Undertaker, Constructs Warehouse W. E. Adair, Beaufort's under taker, is building a 72 by 20 foot warehouse at the rear of his pro perty on Craven street. The warehouse will be used to store coffins and vaults which are at present in two separate build ings. It will also serve as a garage. The building was obtained from Camp Davis and brought here in sections. Re-assembling and con struction on a concrete block foun dation began about 3 weeks ago. The north end of the building, used for the garage, will be equip ped with two 8-foot sliding doors. S. W. Morgan Dredges Boat Slip on Inlet Isle S. W. Morgan, New Bern, has bean engaged during the p-st month in dredging the boat slip on Inlet Island from deep water north about a half mile to the Morehead City-Beaufort causeway. The channel, about 8 feet deep, lies about 100 feet- east of the Inlet Island road. Mr. Morgan who says he be lieves this section can be built into one of the most important ports on the Atlantic coast, operates his own dredge, the Callie. He owns a large portion of the island and is carrying out plans for laying out building lots with water frontage. ' . , . .. , . , J. D. Eason. Beaufort, Pays Speeding Fine J. D. Eason, of Beaufort, paid $10 and costs yesterday afternoon in Morehead City police court after pleading, guilty to a charge of speeding 50 miles per hour in -city limits. . v. .". ,. , ;i The cases of Willie Montague, Negro, and his wife, Nellie Dudley, were continued to next woek. Both are charged with being drunk and disorderly. - . . Policeman Shoots fdidnight Intruder Four Carcasses Remain Afler Craven Street Episode Wednesday Four murders were committed at 128 Craven street. Beaufort, early Wednesday morning, and the Beaufort police department Rets the credit for shooting the killer before he could commit more crime. The criminal was a raccoon who tilled four chickens in the coop of Mrs. Louise Case at the Craven street address between 12 mid night and 2 a.m. Wednesday morn ing, and in the process of elimina ting the killer just about the whole neighborhood was awakened. Suspicions of Miss Sally Slanril, 1 neighbor, were aroused when he heard at commotion in Mrs. Case's chicken coop at midnight. She tried to awake Mrs Case, but to no avail. Miss Stancil then no tified Mrs. Dee Fodrie, another neighbor, who telephoned Mrs. Case at 1 a. m. Then Mrs. Case, thoroughly aroused, went out and tried to rescue her hens from the unwel come visitor, although no one knew for sure just what it was. Guesses ranged from possum to a house cat. No success had been attained by 2 o'clock, so Mrs. Case called the p lice and Carlton Garner respond ed. Garner and Mrs. Cafe then went after the culprit which they now realized was a coon. Some shots were poured through the window of th? coop and the coon left the place in a hurry, but the two pur suers kept on the trail. Garner pumped a few more bullets into the animal, but instead of falling the coon merely licked its wounds. "Finally," Mrs. Case remarked later, "I took one look at those dead thickens, and I got so mad that J, picked P ou oot fence rai! and Started beating the coon. It Just wouldn't die." A couple more shots and the animal was done for. Garner fyred seven shots in all. It is believed that the raccoon en t,rrii the rnon. which was closed up and screened, through an open ing used for ventilation, oeiween the roof and the walls. The dead animal vas about two rr two and a half feet from-end to end. and he tipped the scales at 7 12 pounds. This wasn't the first time the coon visited Mrs. Case's chickens. He was there twice last week, kill ing a chicken each time. Three of hie virtims this time were white leghorns, all "goodlaying hens," and one Rhode Island Red. rinps Mrs Case feel more at ease now that the coon is dead? Not on your life, because she thinks there Is another one at large. She's hoping Mr. Garner will nffnr his assistance again in case of necessity. Two college boys, John Havas ana hteve Kainon, uhn are living at Mrs. Case's and arc -working this summer as re porters on THE NEWS-TIMfcS, mav Hp nf heln next time, but Wednesday night they slept in nocently through the whole thing. Their room is several feet from the hen coop. Bine Narlin Escapes Darcey Willis on Friday Morehead City boatmen and sportsmen groaned dismally as a ship to shore radio announced at noon Friday that the blue marlin hooked four hours earlier had broken the line and escaped. The blue marlin, first hooked h several years off this coast, took the lure of Darcey Willis, Jr., fish ing aboard the Dr. Nellis of this port. The boat's radio kept shore men advised of the fight. The,, big fish was brought up to the boat several times before freeing him self. He was hooked about IS miles southwest of Salter Path. $305 Collected in Duke Drive in This Area A total of $305 was collected in the Carteret-Jones-Onslow county area for the first annual Duke Uni versity Loyalty Fund drive accord Ino tn an announcement today bv Skinner A. Chalk, 1609 Shepard 5t Moreneaa city. From Carteret. Jones and On slow counties, Cities and towns the nation over, contributions to the Duke Royalty Fund amounted to mnre than CI 12 000 and aurnassed tha nricinal Goal nf Slflfl.OOO. Alum ni' and friends 5,610 strong made average ' gifts of slightly more tAan $20,000. 20 MCTI Students to Receive CertificatesFridayatHighSchool Twenty Morehead City Technical institute students will be graduat ed Friday night in commencement exercises at 8 o'clock in the More head City high school auditorium. Paul Mitchell, director of the institute, has requested the pub lic to attend the exercises and the open house to be held at the in stitute at the former Navy section base from 2 to 5 in the afternoon. Hosts will be students and fac ulty members of MCTI. Ir. Fnink P. Graham, president of the University of North Caro lina, will deliver the address to graduates. Dean J. H. Lampe. of the School o( F.ngineering, North Cirolina State college, will present the cer tificates and the invocation will be given by the Rev. William Y. Stewart, pastor of Core Creek church. Invitations to the commence ment exercises, bearing the seal of North Carolina State college, have been sent out recently by eradicates to their" relatives and friends. Shrimpers Make Large Catches From present indications, the current shrimping season along the central North Carolina coast will equal that of 1945 when more shrimp were taken by trawlers than ever before in the state's his tory, it was reported today. That year the shrimping indus try forged ahead of all other fish eries in the state and 10 million pounds, valued at $800,000, was, landed. , ThcXshrimping fleet within the past two weeks centered its-, op erations in the Neuse river from a location near Wilkinson Point to the mouth of the river in Pam lico Sound. Good catches were being made also in the Rogue Inlet area Where many shrimp were being taken, but by a smaller fleet of boats. Johnny Hemmcr, official pho tographer for the State News bu reau, has been on the coast this week making a picture story of shrimping activities. The commercial fisheries com mittee of the State Board of Con servation and Development will meet Thursday and Friday, Aug. Z6 and 27 in the board room at the section base. On Thursday oyster men will be heard and on Friday, oyster dealers. Newly weds Furnished Their Home at Millers in 1913 int. The Simmons block, which n and the Busy Bee restaurant was first occupied by the Miller Fnrn in this building were considered t teret county. By F, C. Salisbury If you were a newlywed ready to furnish your "love nest" or if you were just in need of a new piece of furniture for your home, and were out shopping 35 years ago, you no doubt were attracted by the display of household fur nishings as shown in the store of the J. D. Miller Furniture company in this city.' . - , Atlantic Hotel - Victim of the Sea When Aug. 18 rolls around many ol Beaufort's oldtimers recall the storm of '79 when wind, wave, and rain staged a rough partv which left the Carteret coast desolate. Among these oldtimers are Capt. Isaac Noe, of Moore street, .1. W. Mason, of Marsh street, II. C. Jones, Oueen street, Mrs. Carrie Noreom and Charles ('arrow, both of Craven streets, Beaufort. Mr Carrow says that he distinct ly remembers as a lad coming into Beaufort from his home on the New Bern road and looking at the debris left by the storm, especially the foundations of the old Atlantic hotel, pictured above, which was swept away during the early morn ing hours of that fateful day. The afternoon of the 17th Mr. Carrow said that he was with his father in their corn field and his father commented that the stand Opening Date oi School Remains at Sept. 2 No date other than the orig inal opening date of school, Sept. 2, has been set, II. L. Jos lyn, superintendent of schools, stated yesterday. Rumors that school will open later are with out foundation at present. There is a possibility of school opening later, due to the polio epidemic, but before this decision is reached there will be a meeting of the health board to consider the proposition. Opening school later next month would mean an extension of school in the spring. w houses the Hotel Fort Macon built some 35 years ago and was Mure store. Their display rooms he most up-to-date of any in Car- , This concern, which ' was a branch of the J. D. Furniture Com pany of New Bern, was located in the Store space which is now the lobby of the Hotel Fort Macon. R. S Dowdy, who at that7 time was ing in New Rem and had been associated with this firm for 15 years was sent here as manager of the store. ' From that time down until a few Sea MILLERS Paga 8 : . -aaVaBBaJta , it i atolls M of corn was the best he had ever i;,ised The next morning the stalks were lying flat, beaten into the mud, the crop ruined. The storm claimed two lives in Beaufort alone. Many of the build ings along Front street were wash cd awav and many n boat that had been on the waterfront the after noon of the 17th was carried by the water as far as Ann street. Other debris from the storm even littered Broad street. IMIess it was the storm of 1933, no attack bv the ocean and wind since 187!) has equalled the terror filled night that heralded the dawn of Aug. 18. Since that time man made obstacles have been put in the way of "Ole debbll Sea" and the "hurricane season" omes and goes, bringing with it Jittle need for fear on the part oL Beaufort residents. Stanley Woodland Conducts Morehead City Rotary'' Clob Meeting Thursday Night Stanley Woodland, cliairman of the aims and objects committee, Moichcad City Hotary club, con ducted the weeklv Rotary club meeting Thursday at the Hotel Fort Macon, describing the spheres of activity of the various committees of Rotary. "The service co.-m.-r-'.ces are the backbone of the organization of Ro tary and provide the machinery (or thr operation of programs of woik of all Rotary organizations that comprise Rotary Internation al," Mr. Woodland explained. He emphasized the fact that through the active and planned ef forts of the Vocational Service committee, the Community Service conr.nittee, the International Ser vice committee and the Youth Ser vice committee, a balanced and well-rounded effort to work for the good of any community could be carried to a successful conclusion. The opportunity to serve, through Rotary, any phase of com-, munal activity is the privilege of all Rotarians, Mr. Woodland re marked. The principle under which Rotary was founded and un der which it has developed as an international organization is that of service through fellowship. This is carried out in each individual organization through the policy of establishing memberships compris ing one representative from each of the communities in which Ro tary is active. Through this medium as wide a range and scope of interest is as sured and it is the object also to spread throughout each such clas sification in each Rotary organiza tion the ideals and principles of Rotary, declared the speaker. Through this means also, the ser vices of the largest possible1 cross section of each community are secured in carrying out the pro jects under each of the committee activities. Tide Table HIGH LOW Tuesday, August 17 6:37 AM 12:53 AM 6:56 PM 12:47 PM Wednesday, August IS 8:22 AM 1:34 AM 7:39 PM 1:31 PM Thursday, August 19 8:03 AM 2:09 AM 8:18 PM 2:12 PM Friday, August 20 8:40 AM 2:43 AM 8:50 PM 2:50 PM Rotary Governor Visits Beaufort Rotary district governor, Jean Patrick Booth was a guest of the Beaufort Rotary club Tuesday eve ning at their regular dinner meet ing in the Inlet Inn. Beaufort. Governor Booth spoke informal !y of some of his experiences while attending (he International Rotary assembly at Quebec, Canada last April and May. lie told the local Rotarians of a monument to Generals Montc:ilm and Wolfe, who commanded op posing armies for the battle of Quebec during the American re volution, and were both killed in the battle. He quoted the inscrip tion on the monument, "Their courage gave them the same fate, histcry gave them the same name, and posterity, the same monu ment." Governor Booth stated that spi ritualistic progress has not kept pace with materialistic progress He explained that "materialistic ogress cannot solve the pro blems of the world alone, spiritual islic progress is also needed." "Military preparedness is neces sary," he said, "but it needs a supplement of educational and spiritual guidance." Mr. Booth closed his address by repeating the Rotary Four-Way Test of business, "Is it true, is it fair, is it beneficial to both parties and will it build friendship." "The closer we come to each other," he said, "the closer we will be to becoming brothers." '.. , ,- -n.-l Post 46 Conducts Membership Drive The present membership of Morehead City American Legion Post No. 46 is expected to increase to 400 by the time the current membership drive closes, Skinner Chalk, Jr., chairman of the drive, announced today. If the roll grows as it has been the past seycral days he has hopes of concluding the drive within a month, several weeks prior to the closing of the national drive which is Armistice Day. Nov. 11. The membership campaign offic ial lv oncned yesterday. Membership applications may be made at any of the following plac es in Morehead City: the city hall, Ream's Market, Chalk and Gibbs, the ABC store, the bank, Leary's, and the Chamber of Commerce of fice. Mr. Chalk pointed out that the Leeion is the largest veterans or ganization. Men still in the serv ice arc eligible as long as they served in World War II. Dues are $3 annually. , Assisting Mr. Chalk in the mem bership drive are W. C. Carlton, commander of the post, and Ethan S. Davis. Number of veterans in Post 46 at present is 275. At Friday night's monthly meet ing at the American Legion hut the veterans set aside $100 to send to boys to Boys' State next year. rarmers Urged to Report Practices Under ACP Farmers of Carteret county are again reminded that they have un til Sept. 1 to report any practices carried out to date under the 1948 agricultural conservation program. B. J. May, PMA administrator, has announced that all money al lotted to farmers in the county not reported will be placed in a county pool to be assigned to any farmers who are planning to carry on ap proved conservation practices for the remainder of the year. Mr. May states that farmers should bear in mind that after Sept. 1 no practice can be paid for unless it is reported to the county PMA office and approved before actually being carried out. Error In Names In THE NEWS-TIMES of Fri day, Aug. 13, there appeared a story in which it was stated that Walter Moore was acquitted oi charges of drunk driving, reckless and careless driving, i nd being in volved in a motor vjnic ie accident. The man acqn'ttud was not Walter Moore, of Bobufor:, Lut Walter Moora Yeomans i f Harkers Island. Eastern Belt Leaf Auctions To Begin Aug. 19 Sales Expecied lo Fall Short Of Lasi Year's 449,762, 491 Pounds Marketing of the 1948 cron oi flue-cured tobacco moves another step forward Thursday, Aug. 19, when auctions begin in the Kaslern North Carolina belt. This is about one week earlier than selling be gan the previous year, when Aug ust 25 was opening day. The United States and North Ca rolina Departments of Agriculture report that because of an approxi mate 28 per cent reduction in the overall fluecured acreage, sales are expected to fall far short of the 44i, 702, 4!)1 pounds sold for pro ducers in this belt the foregoing year. These sales averaged $43.48 per hundred. The U. S Cron Re porting board estimated, as of Aug. 1. the 1!)48 cron of Tvpe 12 tobacco to be 335,160,000 pounds, or around 131 .million pounds under the re cord harvest of 1!47, and the small est crop since 1043. Output of all flue-cured types this year was in' dicated to be 1 .005,007,000 poinds almost 312 12 million pounds less when compared with the year before. Production of the crop got off to a pood start. Plants were plenti ful and sufficient moisture was res ponsible for very good stands in most fields However, during the latter part of June and most of July, hot and dry conditions hasten ed maturity and reduced the yield. The yield per acre is estimated to be less than last year in spite of the fact that plants were set closer together and fertilized heavily. Re cent rains have resulted in a good recovery in some sections and the crop took bn "new growth" in these locations. Loan rates of the- Commodity Credit corporation have been in creased in most instances from $1.00 to $8.00 per hundred; how ever, rates for some grades, mostly lower qualities, remain unchanged. The grade price loan rates for flue cured tobacco average 43.9 cents per pound, which is 00 per cent of the June 15 parity price. The loan rates for "tied" offerings range from $9.00 for nondescript to $70. 00 for choice lemon wrappers. Re ceipts of the Flue-cured Tobacco Stabilization corporation last sea son of Eastern North Carolina markets amounted to 45,028,000 pounds, or 10.2 per cent of net sales The rate of sales will be 400 bas kets per hour per set of buyers and each market will be permitted to sell five hours each sales day. Maximum weight per basket is li mited to 250 pounds, with a tole rance of 50 pounds to help elimi nate a large number of small bas kets, j.,, ... Federal Tobacco Inspection and Market News services will be , in effect on all markets. Market news information also will be issued daily and weekly through the faci lities of press and radio. The daily price reports which show both the current auction bid averages and advance prices by U. S. Grades, should bo obtained from tobacco inspectors at the warehouses. James Walker Hospital Has No More Vacancies Tor County Polio Patients The county health office has been notified to inform all doctors in the county that James Walker1 hospital, Wilmington, is filled to capacity with polio patients and that in the future patients from Carteret county should be sent to Duke hospital, Durham, Rex and St Agnes hospitals, Raleigh. To send patients to these hos pitals the doctors must first get permission, Dr. Ennett reported. Duke hospital takes both whiU) and Negro patients. St. Agnes hos pital is for colored patients, nh;. The five Carteret county chlldr ren stricken with infantile par Ivsis and who are now in James Walker, Wilmington, are reported to be in good condition. Dr. En nett said today that they probably will not be discharged until their treatments are completed. Firemen Answer Call At 7:30 Sunday Morning. J Morehead City firemen were call ed out at 7:30 Sunday morning to extinguish live .it the home of LI B. Jenkins on Evans street between' 20th and 30'h ' ' The fire, wbith i believed to have originated from a short cir cuit, caused little dair.'.pn Wood work was scorched and the wiring damaged. ... '