U,. 1': CARTERET COUNTY Astronomical Data Sun Sets Tonight at 5:45 p.m. Sun Rises Tomorrow at 6:M a.m. Moon Sets Tonight at 7:39 p.m. Moon Rises Tomorrow at 10:25 a.m. 10c A Merger of THE BEAUFORT NEWS (Established 1912) and THE TWIN CITY TIMES (Established 1936) 38th YEAR NO. 41. EIGHT PAGES MOREHEAD CITY, AND BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1948 EIGHT PAGES PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAY News Local Fishery Biologists Defend IMorth Carolina fishermen (The following article reflects the opinion of biologists and fishery experts of this area and their reaction to a recent article written by Miss Lorraine Low den, guest columnist for Aycock Brown in his column "Covering the Waterfront." This column appeared in Friday's issue of THE NEWS-TIMES). Journalists sometimes rush in where experts fear to tread. This, if local reaction be any indication, is what happened in the case of a recent guest columnist in "Cover ing the Waterfront," Miss Lorraine Lowden, formerly of Beaufort, now of Newport News, Va. Granted that most of the opini ons resulted from conversations with Virginia authorities, it be hooves both Columnist Brown and Contributor Lowden to give both sides of the story. Inasmuch cs they haven't, local experts have been requested to fill in the pic ture. Worthy of note is the fact that those going to bat for Caro lina shrimpers are Carolinians by choice and adoption, not circum stance of birth. This, and a matter-of-fact scientific outlook, should exempt them from the onus of mere myopic sectionlism. Several biologists have lent weight to the evidence by contributing factual information. Others have fe't so strongly that both sides of the question should be aired that they have spoken out, by mail and for publication. One official, who has spent many years in close contact with local fishermen, points out that more shrimp are caught in states south of here in a few weeks than in the wnole season in North Carolina. The statement that "in a number of the inland waters of North Carolina, the dead fish cn the bottom of the inlets, bays, and rivers, are reported to be so nu merous that shrimpers can not even pull their-nfl rfbjrpugb iMlinu theories rewriting .-from half- water" brought fortll chuckWHrtfths and empirical thinking. ; Under Severe' Handicap, Miss Martha Leads Useful Life In Beaufort Rotarians Hear Heal Officer Dr. N. T. Ennett, county health officer, deplored sanitation con ditions in Morehead City, Beau fort, and Atlantic Beach and urged for local support of increased state appropriations to health depart ments at an address before More head City Rotary club Thursday night. Thirty-eight Rotarians attended the supper meeting at the recre ational center. Citing the need of ' increased nursing and medical service for the schools and additional sanita tion services, Dr. Ennett told the results of surveys of sanitary facili ties in Morehead City and Beau fort. Out of 1500 homes represented in the Morehead City survey, Dr. Ennett said, 51 or 3.4 per cent have no toilet facilities whatso ever. In Beaufort it was found that 37 out of 1,000 homes repre sented, or 3.7 per cent, have no sanitary facilities. "I don't think there's anything comparable to health work but the church," Dr. Ennett declared. Prospective residents in a town want to know three things first, 'the county health doctor said. Aft er inquiring about the schools and the churches, they want to know the health conditions. Dr. Ennett said he received a copy of an editorial which appear ed in a Kinston paper, and later a letter from the Kinston. editor, " criticizing sanitation conditions In this area. The editorial merely mentioned "a certain area," he said, but the letter was very spe cific, referring to unpleasant ex periences which the editor had had in an ice cream dispensing place at Atlantic Beach this sum mer. '.-.. Conditions in eating places could be improved, Dr. Ennett stated, if the health department could afford to have more inspect ing personnel - The health doctor charged that Chamber of Commerce gents sometimes play up business and recreational advantages but fail to mention health. ; v , t' Something needs to be done bout the softening of the water here, Dr. Ennett declared.'- Many See ROTARIANS, Pag, 4 . and the remark rom one official that he had "not heard that one." Working on the basis of figures given in the article, which found its way into print in a number of state papers, the six and .wo-ihk'ds billion fish destroyed would amount to seven times the annual catch in all America! Should mis be so, boats couldn't ply the sounds much less pull nets! "Using their logic," explains Dr. Eugene R. Roelofs, fisheries spe cialist of Morehead City, "all the small fish growing to adult size would mean that there would be no room for water." "Assuming that shrimpers kill half the small fish, that leaves an other six and two-thirds billion for them to calch much more than is produced in the whole country." "We don't know,?' he continued, "but we hope to find out, on the basis of careful observation and reliable statistics, iust what the ef fect of this thinning-out is. Con clusions worked out in regard to haddock, in England, have shown that it is, actually, efficient re moving competition for food among the small fish." "Furthermore, wurt.eis in Mary land have evidence to show that adult croakers from Chesapeake Bay go out and spawn north of Hatteras, offshore, and the young return to the Bay. Thus there is some proof that the populations don't mix and Carolina croakers never get as far north as Virginia." Adhering to the theory that scarcity results from productivity cycles and natural phenomena, ra ther than overfishing, arc Martin Burkenroad, internationally-known expert on shrimp, and Dr. H. .1. Humm, director of the Duke Ma rine Laboratory on Pivers Island. In a letter to Miss Lowden, ex cerpts of which follow, Dr. Humm points, out that a writer assumes a grave responsibility when publish Novelist Commends Work CI Cemetery Association , - Inglis Fletcher of Bandon plantation, Edeaton, whose Ra leigh's Eden, Me of Albennarle, and ether book have delighted Carolinians, is deluuged with du ties in connection with her new book Roanoke Hundred which will come from (he press Oct. 18. She has, however, taken time to write the Beaufort Graveyard Restoration association tn role as vice-president of the So ciety for the Preservation ot An tiquities: ". . . . the restoration of the Beaufort Graveyard interests me greatly. I am heartily in accord with all restoration and preser vation of early North Carolina whether It be records, homes, public buildings, or tombs. This state has been very neglectful in such matters, and I hope the work that you are doing will sti mulate Interest in other forms of restoration." September Comi Receipts Amonnl to $4,417.01 Total court receipts for the month of September amounted to $4,417.01, according to the report made to the county commissioners by ,A. H. James, clerk of superior court, at the board meeting yester day morning. Recorder's court receipts totaled $4,311.21, superior court receipts, '7.85, probate and clerk's fees $87.05. Orthopedic Clinic Today Dr; Hugh Thompson will be at the health center, New Bern, for the regular orthopedic clinic at noon today. Anyone needing this service is eligible to attend, Dr. Eugene A. Bain, Craven county health officer, announces. Tide Tabic HIGH LOW . Tuesday, Oct. 5 9:54 a.m. S:36 am 10:13 p.m. : 4:22 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 10:41 .... 'r4-r W 4:21 un. U:0l p.m. , v g:12 D.m. Thursday, Oct ? v-m,-11:30 a.m. , ; .5:09 a.m. U;47 p.m. .' . ' '6:03 p.m. : Friday, Oct. ; . 12 noon . - , ,.:5fl i.at 1ZA9 p.m. . . ;58 jp.m. "The power of the press as an influencing factor in fishery regu lations is 1,000 times greater than all the marine biologists combin ed" he states. "Your article (Miss Lowden's) could lead to the estab lishment of laws which would work against the best interests of the .fishing industry." "Assuming that the estimate is correct, Dr. Humm continues, "that each peck of shrimp caught results in the destruction of 20.000 lbs. of fish ... of the 20,000 pounds, NONE is food fish in the sense that they are of edible .size. Of that 20,000 pounds, a large portion are fish of species that have ab solutely no food value; never have, probably never will. Take "pin fish," for example, 1 have gone out on shrimp trawlers many times to obtain specimens and I have seen the trawl come in with 99 per cent pin fish. Is that waste? Take the clear-nosed skate; .... at some times of the year it makes up a considerable portion of the total weight of the "trash. I think this theory worked out by some of 'he older commercial fisher men that "20,000 pounds of food fish are destroyed for each peck of shrimp caught' needs to be re vised. Such revision should come before publication." Dr. Humm points out further that "if there were a shrimp fish ery along the Virginia coast equal to that of North Carolina, would the Virginia fishermen , enact for their region the sort of closed season they propose for North Ca rolina? You say "South Carolina cooperated by declaring a closed season on shrimp in all 'its inland waterways to allow the production of small fish to get back to nor mal" .... Before being closed, how many shrimp were caught in the inland waterways of South Carolina? .... "In North Carolina a significant See BIOLOGISTS Page 4 "I've not accomplished as much as I would like," was the modest remark of Miss Martha Jones, after relating the story of her life while seated in the living room of her little home on Queen street Friday morning. Miss Martha, who is 42, has been totally blind since she was 10 years old. She was born in Grimesland in Pitt county Nov. 29, 1905. For a short time she lived with her par ents in little Washington and then came to Beaufort when she was six years old. "s .:J - Her education, from. "kindergar ten through two years ot college, was obtained at the State School for the Blind, Raleigh. The sum mer months were spent at home with her parents. Miss Martha could see, although not perfectly, the first few years of her life and she can remember yet how this world of ours looks. When she was just three days old. she related, her eyes were in flamed but the doctor to whom her mother took her did not know exactly what to do. When she was a month old, she was taken to an other doctor in Washington, N. C. In the meantime her mother had tried every remedy possible, what friends or neighbors would sug gest. By the time the Washington doctor saw her, however, he said it was too late, there was nothing he could do to save her sight. The sight of a brother and sis ter, both more than 10 years older than she, is normal. Miss Martha has taught piano and voice lessons. At the school tn Raleigh these subjects were taught, as well as typing. Boys are taught piano tuning, playing of band instruments, weaving chair seats and similar skills. Miss Martha's first music pupil was her mother. "She learned to read notes to me and there has been no one since who helped me as much as she," declared the blind woman. Her mother died four years ago. April a year ago Miss Martha moved into the little four-room home built especially for her. Through The. Beaufort News and other interested persons and or ganisations, she said. $2S8 was rais ed to help; pay for the home. How ever, she is still making monthly payments on it from the $30 pen sion received every four weeks from the State. . Mist Martha is a faithful mem ber of Ann Street Methodist church and Sunday school. For more than four years recently she (aught a woman's adult Sunday school v class. While at church , See HISS MARTHA Page 4 Elections Chamber of Commerce Schedules Dinner Heeling For Thursday, Oct. 14 Court Officials Receive Pay Raise County Board Increases Salaries of Recorder, So licitor Salaries of the county recorder and the county solicitor were rais ed by the county board at its Oc tober meeting yesterday morning in the courthouse. The raise, Dr. K. P. B. Bonner, chairman, pf the board, pointed out, was'justified by the increased returns from recorder's court. Re corder Lambert Morris's salary will increase from $162 per month to $185 and the solicitor's from $132 per month to $150. The salary of secretary to the home agent was increased $15 per month. This was justified, the commissioners believed, because the new home acent secretary is Miss Josephine Stanton who for merly worked in the auditor's of fice at a rate of pay higher than that paid the home agent secre tary. No replacement has been made in the auditor's office. Most of the other matters con sidered by the commissioners dealt with land transactions. The board 'accepted one 'half of the 1945 tax on the property at 208 Marsh street, bought from the county in 1945 by Luther O'Neal. This set tlement was made because there was irregularity in the manner payment of taxes was "handled when the property was purchased. Luther W. Guthrie who express ed a desire to redeem his property which has taxes owing on it since 1927 was told that he could do so at a cost of $150, to be paid to the county within 90 days. Tax certificates on property in Newport - township were assigned to Mrs. Clara Rouse, Kinston. These certificates cover the years 1948, 1947, and 1948. For $100 a portion of property northeast of Beaufort was deeded to the North Carolina Pulp com pany. Before passing into nanas of the county this property was owned by Beaufort Lumber and Manufacturing company. Dr. Bonner requested that the auditor, James, Potter, investigate the cost of building fireproof vaults for records in the auditor's office and also the possibility of enlarging the vault in which rec ords of the register of deeds are kept. At the request of Ed Piver and Dr. C. E. Paden, North River cem etery was declared a public ceme tery and the road leading to it a part of the county system of roads. Complaints that John Johnson, custodian at the court house, spent his time in fishing and neglecting his duties at the court house, were referred to Commissioner C. Z. Chappell for investigation. Commissioners present yester day besides Mr. Chappell and Dr. Bonner, were Lionel Pelletier, and Wallace G. Styron. Home Agent Announces Week's Club Meetings Home demonstration club meet ings for this week, as announced by Mrs. Carrie Gillikin, home agent, are as follows: Bettie, 7:30 Tuesday night with Mrs. Myrtle Golden; Harlowe-Core Creek 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon in the Core Creek community house, Mrs. E. M. Foreman, hostess, and Pel letier, 2:30 Friday afternoon at the church. Miss Josephine Stanton, former ly clerk in the auditor's office in the court house, has accepted the position as home agent secretary. She began her work with Mrs. Gil likin Friday. Eeanlort PTA to Meet Tnesdaf Eight, Oct. 12 Beaufort Parent-Teacher asso ciation will meet Tuesday, Oct. 12, with John Wilkinson. Republican candidate for the United States Senate, delivering the address. A previous announcement of this meeting did not specify the date. The meetings will always be held he second Tuesday of each month in the school auditorium and will I begin at 8 o'clock. Board Announces The Beaufort Chamber of Com merce will hold a dinner meeting, open to the public, at the high school cafeteria Thursday night, Oct. 14, at 7 o'clock, Dan Walker, manager of the chamber, announc ed today. The purpose of the meeting will be to explain the program of work of the Chamber of Commerce and to make plans for the coming year. A speaker of national repute will make the address. Mr. Walker said. The dinner will be served by the Beaufort PTA. The Chamber of Commerce is especially interest ed to have the women of Beaufort present, Mr. Walker stated. Tickets will go on sale next week in most of the Beaufort stores. Cemetery Group Issues Report Approximately $1,000 Spent This Year In Restoring Burial Plot Appearing below is the report of the Beaufort Cemetery associa tion, released today for publica tion: A year ago the religious and civic organizations of the town or ganized the Beaufort Cemetery Restoration Association to do something about the old graveyard which has fallen into a state un worthy of the town. The Plan The group had no precedent for their, work but decided to make u census of the graves then writ" those with a heart interest because of loved ones buried there to res tore the graves in which they were interested. An appeal was then to be made to the church and or ganizations for a pledge of $25 a year for upkeep and restjralion of common features such as wall and gates. How the Plan Has Worked On October 22, 1947, Dr. Thomas Ennett of the Rotoary Club, Huius Sewell and Odcl Merrill of the Jay- cees, David Merrill of the Town Board. M L. Davis of the Baptist Church, and Mrs. Rose Merrill of the Womans Club listed the graves. The letters were sent out and beginning with an immediate ly reply from the Thomas girls through their mother, Mrs. Mary Thoomas, authorizing work on the graves of Dr. and Mrs. James Man ney and Nancy French, 136 stones have been cleaned and repaired by those interested, vaults have been mended, walls repaired, wrought iron fences restored, and with the cooperation of the town, trees whitewashed, dead trees taken out, broken fences removed, grounds raked, and the cemetery wall put in perfect condition from the Town Hall around Purvis Chapel, the Methodist Church, and to the west corner of the Baptist Church, and then the whole has been painted. A committee is now working on suitable gates for the south and east entrances. Approximately $1000 has been spent, $621 of which represents work done by in dividuals on family lots. Looking Forward Those who are able and willing to have lots restored have about all responded. Looking to the fu ture, some means must be taken to restore old stones of those with no one living who is interested especially those of people buried in the 1700's. The gates unuer consideration must be worthy of the purpose they are to serve. Estimates on hand indicate that they will cost more than the sum now in the treasury. The committee must plan for more adequate cleaning in short get out the briars that have pre empted the place so some plan may be made to turf and mow it. To do all this will require money another $1000 for the present season. For that reason the as sociation will shortly give those not already represented in the work an opportunity to have a part in it. Rags Catch Fire A bundle of smouldering rags at Dale's Paint shop on Bridges st. brought firemen to the scene, at 2:30 a.m. Saturday. The situation was brought under control before the blaze spread. The night police man saw smoke coming from the paint shop and turned in the alarm. Registration days for the gen eral election Tuesday, Nov. 2, which this year is a Presidential election, have been designated, as Saturday, Oct. 9, Saturday, Oct. 16, and Saturday, Oct. 23, by the county board of elections, Fred R. Secley, chairman. Those registered for town elec tions arc not automatically regis tered fur the coming November election. Mr. Seeley has pointed out. Qualifications for voting in a county, state, and federal election are as follows: the person regis tering must be 21 years old, he must have been a resident of this state for one year, a resident of the county and of the precinct in which he votes for four months'. Those who voled in the May pri mary or in the run-off election for the North Carolina governor in June are eligible to vote this No vember, continued the board chairman Prospective voters should regis ter at the polling place in their precinct on the three Saturdays specified above, or the registrar can enter their name on the books any day between Oct. 9 and Oct. 29.' Eligibility of anyone registered to vote can be challenged Satur day, Oct. 30. Absentee ballots can be obtain ed by voters of this county who are serving in the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard, r Merchant Marine, by any voter who will he out of the county Nov. 2, and by anyone who is sick and unable tn go to the polls. The voter can apply to the coun ty board of elections office in the court house annex for his absentee ballot either by letter, or by send ing his father, mother, sister, brother, son, or daughter. In mak ing this application, the precinct of the voter must be given. No nnnlic-tion will be accepted after Oct. 30. Mr. Secley emphasized in' re gard to registration that oply men and women serving In the armed forces can be registered by the county board. All others must be registered on precinct books. Native Son Talks With President Graham L. Davis, son of Dr. and Mrs. J.. J. Davis, Smyrna, who is president of the American Hospi tal association, conferred recently with President Truman on com pulsory health insurance. Other hospital officials compris ing the delegation which visited the chief executive included Oscar R. Ewing, social security adminis trator, Paul C. Elliott, president of the American Protestant Hosp;tl association, and the Rev. Get-rgc Lewis Smith, president of 'he Ca tholic Hospital assocoiation. The President designated Mr. Ewing as his representative to dis cuss with the three national presi dents of hospital associations their objections to the compulsory health insurance recommendation in Mr. Ewing's 10-year plan for the nation's health. Mr. Ewing's recommendations for compulsory Government insur ance, Mr. Davis told reporters after the visit to the President, had given rise to fears that the hospitals would come under Gov ernmen control, and that their ser vice would deteoriorate. President Truman, he said, em phasized that his own intentions were entirely too the contrary; that the private hospitals would in no way be endangered by the com pulsory insurance plan. The hospital group also report ed that with regard to the nation's health facilities Mr. Davis had made the appeal: "Let's lake this thing out of partisan politics " Mr. Davis said that the hospitals had always worked with the Gov ernment, that they would continue to cooperate, and that they ap proved many of the recommenda tions of the . Ewing report. Mr. Davis said that President Truman asked him, to submit a memorandum on his association's suggestions for combining Govern ment and voluntary activity to meet the nation's health needs. Dr. Davis, Mr. Davis's father, practiced medicine h Beaufort for about 16 years. One Case Heard Morehead City mayor's court heard only cne case in its weekly session Monday. George Mitchell, charged with speeding, pleaded guilty and was fined $10 and costs. G. R. Wallace Appointed George R. Wallace, class of '27, Duke university, Hat been appoint ed class agent to collect money for the second annual Duke Uni versity Loyalty Fund drive. Registration Days Education Board Down on Pupils Post 99 To Print Service Record Roy Eubanks, Editor, Re quests Photos of War 1 and 2 Veterans Under Ihe supervision of Hoy Kiihanks, ex-commander ol .ir teret Post No. 99, American Le gion, a service record of veteran of world war I and world war 11 is being prepared. When finished, this bound vo lume with pictures of the men in the armed forces, their .service re cord, and other feature will be available at a cost ol several dol lars, Mr. Kubanks said. He requests that all veterans bring him their picture snapshots will do -and the information about their, service in the Army, Navy, Marines, or Air Corps. There is no charge, he emphasized, to have a picture placed in the service re cord. To all members of Post No. 99, Mr. Kubanks announced yesterday, photostatic copies of their dis charge papers will be made free ol charge if they pay '49 dues. These copies will then be placed in the office of C. L. Beam, vet erans' service officer. This will be helpful to both the men and the service officer, Mr. Eubanks explained, because vet erans go to Mr. Beam to make out various applications or fill out gov ernment forms, but fail to take with them the information carried on the discharge paper. If Mr. Beam has a copy in his office, it will facilitate matters for everyone concerned, he said. Men turning in photos for the printed service record should take them to Eubanks' studio, Turner street. Discharge papers, of which photostats will be made, should be taken there also. New Bern 'Cyclist Hurt In Collision O. T. Brown, New Bern motor cyclist who was injured in an ac cident on highway 70 at Wildwood Saturday night, was discharged Sunday from Morehead City hos pital. State Highway Patrolman W. E. Pickard who investigated said that Brown was traveling at a high rate of speed and that he was under the influence of an alcoholic bev erage. Brown's motorcycle struok the left rear and side of a '42 Oldsmo bile sedan being driven by James F. Edwards, of Newport, accord ing to Patrolman Pickard. Brown was proceeding toward Morehead City, passing several cars, when the collision with Ed wards' car occurred. Brown suf fered head injuries and Edwards minor leg injuries. The Newport man was treated Saturday night at the hospital and discharged. The accident occurred at about 8 p.m. Real Estate The following transactions cover the period from Sept. 15 to Sept. 28: NEWPORT TOWNSHIP W. P. Garner, wife to O. L. Pres cott, $100; Violet F. Whitley to Wayne West, Jr., $10; B. B. Sugg, et-al to International Paper Co., $64,000. MOREHEAD TOWNSHIP Abbott Morris, wife to Kenneth T. McCabe, wife, $10; Kenneth T. McCabe, wife to Abbott Morris, $10; L. W. Willis, wife to A. C. Monk, $400; A. C. Monk, wife to Morehead Development Corp., $400; Willie T. Guthrie, wife to Perald T. Murdoch, wife, $10; Dr. R. G. Tyndall, wife to L. T. White, $100; Sally Grey Bailey, husband Herbert T. to W. C. Hargrove, Sr., $10; E. M. Jones, wife to George Larson, wife, $100; Joseph R. Mc Arthur, wife to Joseph V. Sey Decides to Crack Playing 'Hooky' The board of education at its October meeting yesterday after noon in the court house annex de cided to rigidly enforce school at tendance. Too many youngsters of school age simply stay out of school, I). Mason, member of the board, declared, and plans were made to hire a truant officer. Number of pupils attending school each day determines the number of teachers the state al lots to each county. Discussing a proposed and re visod calendar for the school year, Ihe board deeideil to let the teach ers decide at their county meet ing Oct. 30 what Ihe schedule shall he. ()erating under a calender suggested bv II. L. Joslyn. super intendent of schools, school would close June 10. The calendar orig inally adopted during the summer had lo be scrapped because of the delay in opening due to polio. Mr. Joslyn reported to the board that a total of $1,154,000 would be needed in the county to put the school system in A-l shape. This estimate was made by Mr. Joslyn at the request of state authorities studying the school situation. The superintendent also report ed that the plan for schooling for mer White Oak pupils had been approved by the state. Those pu pils north and northeast of Broad Creek are attending Camp Glenn and Morehead City schools while (hose south, southeast, and south west of Broad Creek are going to Swanshnro. To accommodate the additional pupils at Camp Glenn, 105 new desks were purchased. The board has granted the State Highway commission permission to construct a 12 bv 12 font build ing near the school bus garage to house grease, oil, and other sup plies. Mr. Joslyn reported that final enrollment figures at the various schools were due in his office yes terday and reports on the number of pupils in the schools will be a vailablc this week. Superior Court ; Term Opens 18th Carteret county's October term: of superior court will open Mon day, Oct. 18, and continue through Thursday, Oct. 21, according td the docket issued yesterday from the office of the clerk of superior court. Presiding judge will be Paul Frizzelle, of Snow Hill. Criminal cases will be tried Monday. Tuesday, and Wednesday during that week and civil cases will be tried Thursday. Divorce cases will be brought before the court any day of the term. , . Civil cases are as follows: Lynott vs. Brooks, Pate vs. Morris, Guth rie vs. Russell, Russell vs. Scott et al; Freeman vs. Thompson; Hamilton vs. Dye; Horton vs. Lyon, and Turner vs. Beaufort Cannery. Two motions have been enter ed, Eubanks vs. Mason et al and Whitaker vs. Pointer. i i Divorce cases are the following: Hanrahan vs. Hanrahan; ChadWick vs. Chadwick; Hughes vs. Hughes; Mahala Lewis vs. Robert E. Lewis; Lockcy vs. Lockey; Elijah Lewis vs. Ruby Lewis, Gaylord vs. Gay lord, Norcum vs. Norcum. i Parker vs, Parker, Clark a. Clark, Mason vs. Mason, Willis vs. Willis, Sullivan vs. Sullivan, Mur doch vs. Murdoch, Tomasette vs. Tomasette, English vs. English, I and Smith vs. Smith. Transfers mour, wife, $100; Atlantic Beach, Inc. to H. L. Winfield, wife, $100; Atlantic Beach, Inc. to Virgie, J5. Winfield, husba id II. L., $100; J. M. Willis to Lucille Richardson, $10; J. F. Lyon, wife to S. y. Thompson, Jr., wife, $10; John JF. Lyon, wife to Clyde A. Douglass, wife, $100; J. J. Perry, wife, to Roncy Morton, $10; Clarence F. Zingheiin, wife to Cecil B. ,La Fayette, wife, $100; H. Emmett Powell, wife to Gardner Edwards', wife, $10,000; Marion R. Cowper, wife to Phil lip K. Ball, wife, $10; Hubert T. Long, wife to Henry E. .Herscbier, w,ife. $100; George Edward Harris to Burke H. Taylor, wife, $10; & W. Thompson, wife to John F. ty- on. wife, $100; Dominic S. Femia, wife to Ben R. Alford, $100; R hert T,.Monk, et-al to Dominic S. -Femia, $550; D. E. Oglesby, wife See TRANSFERS Page 4 '7

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