CARTERET COUNTY Astronomical Data Sun Seta Tonight 5:43 p.m. Noon Rises Today 12:33 p.m. Moon Sets Tonight 10 p.m. Sun Rises Tomorrow 6:09 a.m. A Merger o! THE BEAUFORT NEWS (Established 1912) and THE TWIN CITY TIMES (Established 1936) 31th YEAR NO. 42. EIGHT PAGES MOREHEAD CITY, AND BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1948 EIGHT PAGES PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYL If If l lOe V E W 5 Commissoners Tackle Ditch Problem, Appoints Town Planning Board Rdarts Child Uy Drowns Mrs. Winfield Webb, Jr., Rescues Dianne Roberts At 17th Street Dock Little Dianne Roberts, 2 12 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs A B (Jack) Roberts, 1503 Aren- dell street. Morehead City, nar rowly escaped drowning at high tide Tuesday morning when she ttepped off the pier at 17th street. Mrs. Winfield Webb, Jr., 301 S. I7th street, who happened to glance toward the water at the time, saw the child and ran out on the pier which was partly un der water. Duffy Guthrie, mail man, who was passing in the fclock at the time, ran down to the water, too, planning to wade or swim toward the little girl. Mrs. Webb, however, leaned ,over and grabbed the child by the hair of her head and pulled her to safety. Mr. Guthrie, who wit nessed the rescue, said that the little girl was still breathing but had turned purple around her eyes and lips. Her hands were cold and she was too near unconscious ness to cry, he related. "After we walked her around to get the water out of her she start ed to cry," said Mr. Guthrie. No one could identify the child, but when she was taken to the home ,of Mrs. Mary Shockley, 1612 Shackleford ave., and Mrs. Shock ley recognized he: and called her mother. Mrs. Roberts said Dianne had -never wandered away from horat, tha? Uie Jia ho JrKl known she had been outdoors playing with two othor littlo girls. Mr. Guthrie aaid that he believ ed Dianne ventured out on the pier, and thought she was walk ing on the boards, but because of high tide, stepped off into the water. "It was Only because of Mrs. Webb that she was saved," he said. "If anyone had looked to ward the' water a moment later, they wouldn't have seen her, be cause she had started to float un der the pier." ,9 . JCs Posh Fire Prevention Week Morehead City Jaycees were in full swing with the observance of National Fire Prevention Week this week. Activities included contest for school children, the sale of fire extinguishers, distri button of home inspection blanks to school children and a public fire-fighting demonstration. In a contest on the theme of fire prevention which ended yes terday, school children competed for prizes by completing the fol lowing statement in 25 words: pledge to do my part in fire jre vention by ." Announcement will be made ear ly next week of the winners of $9 prizes being offered to contestants in primary, grammar and high school divisions of the Morehead City schools, white and colored. ' Contest dates were Oct. 3-6, al though Fire Prevention Week lasts through tomorrow. Under Jaycee auspices, the Morehead City fire department conducted a fire-fighting demon stration on Arendell st. near the City theater yesterday at 11 a.m. Fire Chief Vernon Guthrie was in charge, Firemen set off a smoke pot. Home inspection blanks are de signed for the detection of fire hazards in the homes, the blanks will be returned to the schools an then handed over to Chief Gut; rie. ,;- ,'. ., . .... ,-, Skinner. A. Chalk, J., chairman of the committee for fire Preven. ton Week, , outlined the commit, tee's plans to Jaycees at' their meeting at the recreational center Monday night. , Mr. Cfcalk stated that sales of the fire extinguishers are oroeresi- ing nicely. Serving with him on the committee' art TA- H. James. Jr., rrank . Bines, and Linster Lewis. 1" . Beaufort and Morehead City, a long with Wilmington, were fea tured In an article on the activities , of coastal Jaycees in the Septem ber. Jssue of Future, official Tar He?l flicaijon pf, Jaycees. 4 , - Beaufort's town commissioners called for an engineering survey on a, proposed solution to the "open ditch fpr sewage disposal" problem hi northeast Beaufort and appointed a town planning board in decisive action on two issues brought to their attention Monday night. Mayor L. W. Hassell, presiding at the weekiv bor.rd meeting, call ed upon A. D. Fulford, county sa nitarian, to explain the ewage disposal problem and a recoiT.nn'ii ded solution to the commissioners. An open ditch where rav sew age empties, starting at U. S. high way 70 and tunning adjacent t; property being developed as Han cock Park, housing area, just outside the northeast town limits caused the Carteret county health department to call a state engine er here for an inspection last Wed nesday. Diagram Shown Mr. Fulford displayed a digram to the commissioners t-howin; the existing sewage disposal plat, in the affected area, together with an iteration recommend'Hl hy stile saniary engineer, E. C. H ibbard. He stated that he had put fluo rcscine dye in a toilet at the Beau fort Cannery co. on Lennoxville road and had traced the brightly colored dye to the open ditch. Solution Proposed The proposed solution provides for the laying of a sanitarv trunk line from Mulberry st. down Hen drick st. to Pine St., thence 'o Live Oak St., the nearest sanitary Few age line. This would relieve the ditch of unsanitary wastes by en bling property owners in the vici nity to disconnect from a storm sewer which empties into :he ditch and cut in on the sunitary ryitem. Nothing moie tnn water would then flow through the storm sewer into the ditch. The commUsionwi catted upon top uniutibif com'mirtet of the board lo. tave a survey made to determine grading conditions along the proposed route of the sewer connection. The existing load on the sanitary sewer along Live Oak St., which the proposal would uti Use, must also be investigated, the commissioners agreed. ' Engineer to Moke Survey uray . Hassell, local engineer. wno was present, was asked to make the survey and agreed to do so, A suggestion that septic tank, be constructed to remedy the dis posal problem was advanced by D F. Merrill, but the majority of the commissioners felt that the laying of the trunk line would provide a more permanent solution The question was raised whether the town might fill in the ditcn itself. It was agreed that the res ponsibility of the town in connec tion with the ditch will end when drainage into it from the town has been made sani ory, as the ditch lies outside the city limits. An opinion was expressed that fit ing in the ditch wouid not be Per mitted by the hijnway authorities anyway. . Planning Board Appointed In later action the commission ers appointed a town planning See BEAUFORT BOARD Page S 71 Join Connty Farm Bureau Seventy-one members have been signed up in the 194649 Carteret County Farm Bureau membership drive, Raymond Ball president, reported after the first check-up meeting 01 solicitors Wednesday night. The annual drive was launched with an address by D. S. Coltrane, ttaieign, state Commissioner of Agriculture, at the court house sept. .13. Community membership cnairmen received membership blanks for the drive at that time, and the tjuota for the coming year was sei at now. Eight solicitors attending the cneck-up meeting in the' county agent's office promised to speed up the membership effort which nas another six weeks yet to run. The next report meeting will h held Oct 19. Those attending Wednesday night were Hugh Carrawav, Bean. fort R.F.D.; Neal Campen, Wire orass community; Oscar Salter, Bettie; 8. D. Edwards, Newport; Raymond Ball, president, Harlowe; R. E. La wton, Morehead -Citv: Will Hardesty, Core Creek; and Rog ers Murray, North River, renre- tenting Negro farmers. . i The group also discussed a speaker for the climax meeting at the close of the Farm Bureau membership drive. , - , Wiley Taylor, Jr, Heads Seal Sale Sale to Finance TB Control Work Will Begin Monday, November 22 Wiley H. Taylor, Jr., Beaufort attorney, will be chairman of the committee in charge of the 1948 Christmas seal sale to raise funds for tuberculosis control work of the Carteret County Tuberculosis association, Stanley Woodland, president jal the association, an nounced today. Laricrei county s campaign is part of the nationwide 42nd annual Christmas Seal Sale which opens Nov. 22 and will continue until Christmas. "Mr. Taylor's record of interest in and service to the community makes him a logical choice for chairman of this campaign," said Mr. Woodland. "His leadership in this annual fund-raising appeal, I am confident, will go far to as sure the success of the campaign which is vital to community health." Mr. Taylor, who is a veteran of world war 2, member of the Amer ican Legion and the Beaufort Jay cees, said he was glad to accept the chairmanship because he was eager to do all he could in support of the tuberculosis association and its expanding tuberculosis control program since it directly benefit ted Carteret county's health and welfare. Mr. Taylor added that he will name his committee within a few days. "Volunteers for the com mittee to assist me during the eam- Saign will be more than welcome," e said, "I know that I Can al ready count on a number who will gladly serve. I trust that anyone who would like to help me with this worthy assignment will visit or phone me at my office, 8251." N.F. lure Auto Struck By Train N. F. Eure suffered minor in juries and his 1946 Hudson auto mobile was badly crushed in on the right .side when a switch en gine of the &M railroad struck his car on highway 70 Wednesday at 9:45 a.m. and dragged it a con siderable di-tnnce along the track. Mr. Eure said he had a bump on the head, scratches on his left hand and a wrenched back. The switch engine was going "perhaps 15 or 20" miles an hour, Mr. Eure said, when it crossed highway 70 near the Highland Park housing area, striking his car a little front of center and drag ging it along the track. Mr. Eure had just turned out of his driveway in the Highland Park onto the highway and was headed toward town. He said he was concentrating on the traffic light at Mulberry and Live Oak, not thinking of the possibility of a. train, when he suddenly saw the locomotive bearing down upon him a few feet away. He did not hear a bell or whistle, he said. The impact of the collision threw him from the driver's seat to the right side of the car, where he found himself when the engine'and automobile came to a stop, Mr. Eure said. Local Draft Board Receives First Call The first draft call for six men has been received by the Carteret county draft board, Wiley H. Tay lor, Jr., acting chairman, announc ed Wednesday. The call is for men born in .the years 1922-25, he said. It will be necessary to summon a large number of men of that age in order to find six that arc elig ible, Mr. Taylor said, and he in dicated that 30 to 50 men will be ordered to report for physical ex amination. He said this was because a laree number of men from that age group were rejected In the war drafts and likely will be now. Mr. Taylor also announced that he can no longer serve as chair man of the draft board, and his successor will be named in the im mediate future. His appointment was not approved, he said, because the. law requires that every mem ber of the board be at least an years old. He la 28. NLRB Investigates Madix Roofing Case Payment Received Oci. 1 mmmX f ' Vv I -..Xx' Pl bbbbbbbbbbbb) ...... , . .-.-asWWatfsMSMBMHHmM A $25,000 check representing Morehead City's share of sum mer dog racing receipts, is being presented here by the treasurer of the Morehead City Racing commission to the town treasurer, while town and racing commissioners look on. Of a total 27,000, a sum of $2,000 has been retained by the commission for operating expense. Left to right: John Lashley, city clerk; W. L. Derrickson, chairman of the town finance committee; Mrs. Klanda McLohon, town treasurer; Mayor G. W. Dill (obscured behind Mis. McLohon); A. B. Cooper, chairman of the racing commission; ('. N. Bennett, secretary-treasurer of the commission; M. T. Mills, town commis sioner; and George McNeill, town attorney. I'hoto by The News-Times Mayors Issue Proclamations For Business Women's Week Court Docket Slims to 21 Cases Only Six Cases .Heard; T5 Charged With Motor Law Violations The slackening of summer tour ist activity in Carteret county was reflected in a slim recorder's court docket Tuesday, with only six cases. Failure 'to display inspection stickers certifying that their car or truck had been inspected brought charges against three per sons, however, and 12 other cases involved motor vehicle law infrac tions. One man was "given the benefit of the doubt" on charges of drunk driving, and his case was dismiss ed, while one other so charged was fined. State Highway Patrolman W. E. Pickard testified that he stopped Eugene Andrew Hesse on a recent morning after his car was observ ed to be weaving back and forth on the highway. The smell of his breath and his general deportment then led the officer to arrest him on drunk driving charges, accord ing to testimony. A plea that he was excessively drowsy after working all night, coupled with the testimony of character witnesses that Mr. Hesse is a citizen of good reputation, convinced Judge Lambert Morris that he should be "given the ben efit of the doubt." The case 'a gainst' Mr. Hesse was dismissed. B. F. Cannon was fined $75 for drunk driving. Dallas Walter Law rence was found guilty of reckless driving and fined $25 and costs. Nol pros with leave was ruled in the cases of two violators of the driver's license law. They were Lloyd Gilbert Gonyea and Parnell Ennetta Latham. In other viola tions, bench warrants were issued and the charges continued against Dover Pittman Lawrence and John H. Campbell. Glenn B. Ritchey and William L. Royster, charged with speed ing, did not appear in court, and capias were issued. William Gordon Brewer was cit ed on two charges, but his case was continued on both counts. The indictments were for "reckless and See COURT Page 3 . Legion Pest No. 45 : To Hear Three Beporijr American Legion Post nta 46 will hear a report from three-More-head City youths who attended the Tar Heel Boys State at their meet ing at the Legion hut tonisht at 7:30... . , " For the reports. Skinner fthalk. Jr., will present W. C. Mafthews, Jr., Alex Lewis. Jr.. and Morton Davis who went to Chanel Bill in June for the Boys State pregarm. Mr. Chalk made arrangements for the boys to attend the ttat. wide American Legion sponsored event , 1 f . - Mayor George W. Dill, More head City, and Mayor L. W. lias sell, Beaufort, yesterday issued proclamations calling for obsor vaiue of National Business Worn en's Week Oct. 10-16. Theme of this week, which is sponsored by the National Fed evation of Business and I'rofes-I 1)$ Women's Club; Ink, lM "Use Your Vole in '48," Mm. M. M. Ayseue, president of the Car teret Business and Professional Women's club, announced recent iy. Both President Truman and Governor Cherry have issued spe cial proclamations endorsing Na tional Business Women's week. President Truman praised the selection of the voting slogan, saying, "Our country will con tinue .' a bulwark of democracy olny through forthright majority rule, urn! such rule is a reality on ly when ever;- citizen votes." In observing this coming week the Carteret club, which last month received its churter, will meet for breakfast at !) o'clock Sunday morning in the Jefferson restaurant, where they will hear an address by the Rev. W. Y. Stewart, pastor of Core Creek Community church. "It's Up to the Women," u 15 minute skit, will be presented over tilt- radio Tuesday and oLher plans are in the making for full observance of coming week. ...., , Lin? 1 1 iiim-iuiim K.t h I....H..K, Un... 1.. nons empnasizeu tne necessity of women voting, urging also (hat other citizens cooperate with club members' efforts to have every- one cast a ballot this year. Live Oak Cemetery, Beaufort, A Heritage Worth Keeping... f r, aWiitftM A section showing the condition of Live Oak cemetery which the Cemetery association Is restoring. The white slab on the ex treme left, marking the grave of Jesse Plver, has been restored, and at the rear right through the trees can be seen stones of the Thomas family which have been restored. Photo by Roy Eubanlu Boast Not many community graveyards in North Carolina are as old as Live Oak Cemtery in Beaufort a boast which cannot be established. . Nat EitablUhcd but The earliest marker in the graveyard is dated 1779, that Of Jacob She pard, father of Hannah, whom Hearing in Progress Now In Morehead Town Hall From present indications the National Labor Relations Hoard licaiing on alleged interference of Madix Asphalt Hoofing manage ment with union aclivity at their plant will continue until next week. The heal ing, now in progress on the second floor of the municipal building. Morehead City, began Wednesday morning. Sitting as trial examiner at the hearing is John II. Kadie, Wash ington, I). ('., and representing gen eral counsel of the NI.RB are George 1.. Weasler and II. It. Clus ter, Baltimore. Appearing as counsel for Madix Asphalt Hooting corporation and its affiliate. Soul hern Kelt, are George McNeill, Morehead City, and K. ('. Brooks, Durham. Harvey Hamilton. Jr., Morehead City, re presents the Carteret Roofing and Kelt Kmployees association, the in dependent union recently organiz ed at the Madix and Southern Felt plants. The American Federation of La bor, in its complaint, alleges that four Madix workers were dischai ti ed for union activity, that manage ment interefered with the rights of the men to organize, that they threatened to shut down the plant if organization was affected, that they caused h certain employee to leave the county, and that the Ma dix corporation contributed to, fos tered and dominates the Carteret Roofing and Kelt Kmployees' as sociation. On the basis of these charges, which Madix denies, NI.RB is making the present investigation. First witness to take the stand Wednesday moxning. was t- Lewis J . r - - ' i.. n $46.67 CoUected In While Cane Drive By noon yesterday Teen-Agers had collected $46.67 for the White Cane fund, Lois Webb, president of the Teen-Agers, dis closed. The campaign will continue through tomorrow. Four girls are assisting Miss Webb in col lecting contributions. They are Gerry Ann Guthrie, ..Theresa Whealton, and Marjoric Stone. Persons who have not been contacted and wish to donate money to aid the blind should phone Oscar AHred, Early Jew elers. Mr. Alfred is a member of the Lions club, which is spon soring the campaign. Meal Price Dror! Meat prices id Carteret county followed the trend throughout the nation, as evidenced in food ads carried in today's NEWS TIM KS. Although Pender's ad, which nsu ,i ..... any appears each Friday, arrivec too late for this issue, prices on certain meats sold by this chain store as well as those in the A & P store, have also dropped, it was reported yesterday. Capt. Charles Biddle, of Phlladel phia, married and took back North with him. ' It is probable, however, that the first dead buri ed there date back to 1713 and 1714. It is not unlikely that among these first were numbered victims of Indian Wars, their skulls cleft with . tomahawks of Price, Plymouth. AFL representa tive in this area, who told the court that iic came to Morehead City in April 1948 to gather in formation for the organization of a union, the International Brother hood of Pulp, Sulfite, and Paper mill Workers, AFL. Mr. Price said he continued to come here once a month and that during the evening of July 28 about II Madix workers sign ed union cards. He left here to return to Plymouth July HO. hut came back again the following day. (n the night of July 110 the car belonging to his brother, Grady Ward Price, had been burned in Holder's Trailer park west of Morehead City, Mr. Price related. Grady Ward Price was employed as a welder al Madix Asphalt Roof ing corporation. (In a civil suit which is sche duled lor trial this month in su perior court at Plymouth Grady Ward as plaintiff is suing officials of the Madix corporation to the extent of $50,000, charging that the defendants burned his automo bile and so threatened his life and properly lhat he had to flee Car teret county). The AFL representative, con tinuing the account of his activi ties in Morehead City the last weekend in July, said that on Sat urday night, July 31, a car drove into Holder's park and out of it stepped Glenn Rose, general super intendent of Madix Asphalt cor poration, Ed Parker, felt mill su perintendent, one Mr. Willis, time keeper at the company, and one Mr. Zajac, another employee. As his brother, Grady Ward .See Nf.Rf, Newport Rejects Bids On Erection Of Water Tank Newport commissioners during their regular meeting Tuesday night in the town hall, Newport, rejected the two bids received for erection of the town's water tank. Both bids were too high, the com missioners decided. No bids were received on digging of the well. The town fathers agreed to let local workmen look et specifica- tionsfor the tank erection in the hope that these men will be able to do the job for an amount less than that named in the bids. Bidding on he job were T. A. Loving, Cherry Point contractor, and E. L. Davis, Beaufort contrac tor. David R. MacCain, commission cr, has been appointed by the may or as treasurer of the firemen's relief fund and Henry Edwards und Harold Wilton, commissioners as trustees. The trustees will dc termine, in case a fireman is in jurcd, whether he is eligible for compensation. The town will bond Mr. McCain for $1,000. Town tags and dog tags for 1940 will be ordered this week, in com pliance with an order by the com missioners. Town tags, numbered 1 to 25, will be red and sold to the town's firemen. One hundred yellow a:id black tags will alswbe ordered. The commissioners also ordered that a carload of crushed rock to repair the streets and 350 feet of 15-inch tiling for draining the streets be purchased. hostile Core or Neus Indians, Beaufort didn't just grow. It was laid out before 1723. Streets did not follow old meandering paths skirting a marsh here and a creek there. They ran parallel. forming blocks of uniform size, and from the beginning land was allotted for the church and other public buildings. Lots "in Beau fort Town" were sold and desig nated by number as early as 1713 and 1714. The graveyard grew about the building used for reading services of the old Anglican Church, fore runner of the Episcopal church. There are stones there of a score of people who lived their lives completely in the 18th century, and many more who barely touch ed the 19th. William Robinson and Jacob Shepard never saw the beginning of the American Revo lution, Col. William Thompson was born before The Father of Our Country and outlived him, See CEMETERY Page 9 Raleigh Engineer To Speak Oct. II At Dinner Meeting PTA to Serve Chamber of Commerce, Guesls at 7 P. M. In High School James K. Coad, industrial engi neer from Kaleigh, will be the R-uest speaker at the Beaufort Chamber of Commerce dinner meeting at the hirh school cafe teria Thursday niht at 7 o'clock. The nuetiiiK is being held for the purpose o'f informing resi dents of Beaufort and the county of the services and objectives of the Chamber of Commerce. Plans for the coming year's work will also be made. Tickets for the slipper event are on sale in Beaufort, stores, and Ian Walker, chamber man ager, requested that interested persons purchase their tickets by the Monday deadline in orr that the I'TA will know how miL persons to serve. Mr. Coad served as managei the Superior, Wisconsin, Chan. "J' of Commerce and led in the d m . lopment of the Twin City port i( Duluth and Superior, a ma Great 1-akes port. During the same period he c ganized the Great Lakes St. Li , renee Waterway project and p and p for t' erved". t. sonally secured $250,000 original engineering and tional work. He later se liason officer between the Uni State and Canada on the proj The ftuWigh fnjfinoor a'jf pj a UarffTiB; rm. iii thaView, ment of the MiiKkifon,'. TiitH, ' harbor and the Bayboro harbor at St. Petersburg, Fla. He served for several years as manager of the St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Coad is now interested in the industrial and port develop ment of the North Carolina coast, particularly in the Beaufort area. For several years Mr. Coad was National Education Director for the American City bureau, during which time he was actively engaged in the building of indus trial foundations and commercial organizations in larger cities. During World War II, he serv 3d as Coordinator of War Indus trial activities in North Carolina. He is now engaged in the engi neering and construction of frox en food locker plants in North Carolina, Virginia, and Florida. Tuesday's High Tide Floods Sections ol Town Tuesday morning's high tide caused flooding of several seo tions of Beaufort. The low area directly cast pt the draw was covered with a ftfot of walei which went down 4n bout two hours, but the middle part of the 700 Block of Ann street was flooded all day. front street between Craven and Queen was covered with wjh ter, most of which backed up from a storm sewer near Craven and Front. The turn table at the west end of Front street formed the bot tom of a large pool and when the water receded, what jjiould ibe left behind but a mullet! Wil iiam Skarren, of Sunset -, Late, felt sorry for the poor fellow left there all by himself, so he caught him with his hands and took .Mm home for supper . . . one and three quarter pounds of fish on the table! ' " Chamber to Broadcast v' The Morehead City Chamber of Commerce will be heard weekly over the radio in public service broadcasts designed to give the people a better appreciation of Chamber of -Commerce services, Robert G. Lowe, Jr., announced Wednesday. Tide Table HIGH LOW Friday, Oct. 8 ' 12 noon 3:36 AM 12:19 PM 4:22 PM Saturday, Oct 12:40 AM 6:59 AM M3PM 7:59 PM Sunday, Oct 19 1:44 AM 7:58 AM 2:13 PM 9:05 PM Monday, Oct 11 2:46 AM 9.13 AM 3:14 PM 10:05 PM , Tuesday, Oct 12 ' 3:56 AM 4:11 PM 10:33 7p 3 1

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