-j-t-f'liit.v'fl iHnimMi asttiP "'. lltsJsV ! f AGE TWO QUtTESKT CWKT7 VEWS-TIM33, MOfCSEAfc CUT AXD BEAUFORT, N. C, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1948 i, 1 4 r f'Vi Carteret Counly News-Times A Mergtr Of The Beaufort New (est. 1912) The Twin City Times (est. 1936) EDITORIAL PAGE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1948 Lcsking at the Books j& Morehead City's receipts from the race track this EKrnmer 4ced the towq's total "miwellaneous revenue" for the fiscal year, 947-48, by $3,337.01. The dog dividend Is approximately four rid a half times the revenue expected from Port Terminal levy ignd for operation of the hospital, and is only $6,358 less than the "total amount of tax revenue slated to go into deot service for the leurrent fiscal year. if' Comparing the $27,000 with total amount of taxes expected 'fa be collected during 1948-49, the race track revenue is equal to lllightly more than 31 per cent of the anticipated tax Income, and fyn comparison with the total revenue expected, during the current (fiscal year, $111,041, the $27,000 equals about one-fourth of this J figure. Since there was no way to estimate the amount of money Isvhich would be the town's share of the race track take, no pro Vision was made for it in the 1948 49 budget which appeared in ;THE NEWS-TIMES ill July and from which the above figures fire taken. It was known at the time the budget was drawn up, however, that the town's share of race track revenue would be j)ut aside as a special street-paving fund. ' ' Morehcad City right now is in, the uncomfortable position of , being looked upon enviously by towns or cities which do not have ,$ similar source of irfcome. Cities outside Carteret county will have to paddle their own -canoe in this respect, but as for us, improvement of one section the county is improvement of the whole. v. Tire Prevention Campaigns Pay Oil ' Well-planned fire prevention campaigns do pay dividends. ' Proof of this fact is shown by a report from the United State"! Navy's Bureau of Yards and Docks. Through a nation-wide fire prevention campaiun, the bureau, which is responsible for maintenance of, Navy shore installations, was able to reduce fire damages by marc than a million and a ; half dollars during 1948. ... J Fire losses for the first quarter of this year wore $756,873, Jdrop of nearly a million and a half dollars from losses of $2, ,050 in the same period last year, the bureau reports. The 'iber of fires dropped from 26 to 17, and average loss per fire pped from $89,387. in the first quarter of 1947 to $44,522 in f first quarter of 1948. I Fire Prevention Week ends tomorrow, but fires caused by felessness will continuo as long as we' continue to tolerate boding places of fire, such as heaps of trash and oily rags, tum edown buildings, and buildings without adequate number of tat last cigarette in bed or as long as we neglect to put out the e in bed and as long as we neglect to put out the glowing ashes ) a campfiro. ImDortant nlaces these davs to Dractice fire Dreventlon are ScKocs. Theyi are ot of fife riost modern construction and es coillo sweep most' of the buildings In 6ur"counfy with the Iwiftncss of lightning. Think what might'Cave happened if chil- itren had been in the White Oak school at the time it burned'. . . Handbooks on school fire prevention can be had for the ask- jig by writing the National Fire Protection) Association, 6Q Bat- itrymarch street, Boston, Mass. Teacher should Impress upon children the importance of obeying all rules during fire drills Ind the importance of following orders, without panic, in. case lite should break out. Most of us know the usual causes of most fires ... yet we continue our careless ways. We're gamblers, with life and prop erty at stake. Now is the time to reform, I Teen Topics By "Gene" Long MorVhcad High School I think everyone in Morehead should feel proud of our music director, Mr. Ralph Wade. This year promises to be full of-music and our band, glee club and even the grade school music has im proved wonderfully already. (Just think how good they'll be at the end of the year!) The Glee Club is almost equity divided between boys and girls this year and the most beautiful music is drifting out of the auditorium, afternoons at activities period. They were singing "Silent Night" Inst Monday and you almost felt lik crying, it was so pretty. Basketball practice has started and our fie coach, Mr. Talbcrt, has urged everyone to try out. He's going to nick only the best pros pects so we want him to have a good supply to choose from. So, everybody get out your tennis shoes and hurry out to practice. But, don't l'o unless you leally intend to work hard. Girl's prac tice is at 3:45 and boys' at 5:00. The Senior Class elected of ficers Monday mining "nd they are us follows: Tommy Cordova, president: Jimmy Smith, vice president; Margaret Mitchell, secretary and treasurer. I be lirve we made a good choice for I'm sure all these peonle are dependable and w'M carfv out (hc'T jobs to the best of their ability. Talk about something funny, you hist should ha"c been in the halls on Tuesday. Oh, the most horrible creatures were wandering around with pigtails flying, ragged clothes, books in dish pans or a sack and a faint, very faint, smell of onion j'bout them. I won't say for sure but I was told, from a reliable source, that they were girls!! They had the excuse that they were being initiated into the F. H. A. club but I don't know. (They looked "erv much like can nibals to me. Or something like that enyway. The Beta Club held its first re gular monthly meeting last 'i tits day and cw officers were elected Since the oresident and socreiaiy were elected at the end of las' year from the now senior class the other officers are juniors. They are Lois Simpson, vice-president; Betsy Thornton, treasurer. As pre sident 1 appointed several perma nent committee chairmen: Jane Howerton, chairman of the devo tionals; Ann Oglosby, program chairman; Joan McKnight. perma nent chairman of the "hall and room clean-up" committee with a cor.-miUrte which will be changed, every two weeks; SheR Sampson, chairman of the "yard clean-UR" committee; Lois Webb, chairman of the project committee for rais ing money. We took as our pro- MARSHAlULm Capt. Gray Harris ha returned to his home at Brooklyn, N. Y. after spending about two weeks here with, his sister and bet family, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph NeaL Mrs. E. H. Davis is visiting her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Wil lis at Brunswick, Ga. Mrs. Charles Plner, Jr., and. young baby have returned' home, from the Morehead City hospital. Mrs. Chas D.. Harris, Jr. and boys have returned home from Merry Hill where she visited her parents. Mrs. Sam Harris has returned home after visiting Mrs. Adell Sal ter at Sea Level, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. Reginal Styron, of Davis. N. C, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Bedsworth Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Willis have returned to Charleston, S. C. after spending the summer here. Mr. Reginal Moore was home for the weekend Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ballance, of Hatteras, N. C, are here visit ing her daughter, Mrs. Roy Brown, and Mr. Brown. Mr. Roy Willis, of Norfolk, Va is home on leave with his brother, Mr. Shelly Willis. Mrs. Lambert Guthrie is visiting rolatiyes at Harkers Island, N. C. Mr. and Mrs. John D. Willis and daughter of Morehead City spent Sunday here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Willis. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Fodrie and children, of Newport, N. C, visit ed their daughter, Mrs. James Wil lis and Mr. Willis Sunday after noon. Shower Compliments On Tuesday evening, Sept. 26, members of the Wesley n Service Guild of Marshallberg compliment ed Mrs. James Willis with a mis celaneous shower at the home of Mrs. H. G. Cuthrell. Mrs. Willis, was presented; with a cor.sago of pink roses. After that there was a white and red- , i . 1 ,"' ; wagon loaded with; presents pre sented to her. Those who attended were Mrs. Will Willis, Mr. Jennie Hill, Mrs. Roy Brown, Mr. Vernon Lewis, Miss Ruth Davit, Mrs. Julian Brown, Jr., Mr. Homer Guthrie, Miss Lucy Willis, Mrs. Grayer Wil lis, Mrs. Alton Gaskill, Mrs. Claud Brown, Mrs. Grayden Moore, Mrs. Melvin Davis, Miss Margie Willis. Refreshment, were coca cola and mixed cakes. XlTIl RIVER Rev. T. R. Jenkins filled his ap pointment here Sunday. My. and Mrs. Herman Smith spent the weekend here with par ents, Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Hill and family. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Beachem and daughter, of Bettie, spent Sun day afternoon here with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. P. B. Beachem. Mrs. Thelma Whitchurst, cf Beaufort, spent the weekend here with Mr. and' Mrs. Riley Beachem. Mrs. Walter Arthur and son, Clifton are spending a few days in Beaufort, visiting Mrs. Arthur's daughter,- Mrs. Clarence Noe and family. Miss Gladys Cox spent Sunday afternoon with Miss Pat Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. William Fulcher and daughter, Ann L. spent Friday in New Bern, shopping. Dr. and Mrs. H. W. Pate and daughter, of Goldsboro, spent the weekend here with Mrs. Pute's parents, Mr. and Mrs.'Jol Willis. ' Mrs. Riley Beachemspent Sat urday with her daughter, Mrs. M. G. Taylor. , : Mr. W. W. Garner, of Southport, spent the weekend here with Mrs. W. W. Garner and son. Mr; and Mrs. James Garner, of Southport, spent Sunday here with Mr. Garner's' mother, Mrs. Essie Garner. SMYRNA The District W. M. N. meeting was held at the Baptist church here Friday, Oct. 1, with around one hundred and twenty persons present. Reverend W. B. Sprinkle arid wife; of Morganton. Dr. Buhn, of Morehead Baptist church, Rev. crend Lee Phillips, of Marshall berg Baptist church and Reverend Davis, of Beaufort church were the pastors present at the meeting. Reverend Sprinkle is a former pas tor of Smyrna Baptist church and addressed the meeting as did Dr. Bunn. Mrs. Sprinkle sang a solo. The many friends of Reverend and Mrs. Sprinkle were glad, to have them come back to Smyrna church and to hear them speak and sing again. A plate lunch was served at noon. The :;oorl wi;rk and fellowship of such occasions are always uplifting to ur church es and communuities and so much er.joycd by all wli. are 'ible to at tend. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Moid, of Beaufort, wore weekend guests of Mr. Reid's parents, Mr. end Mrs. Lonnie GilliJtin. ;: Mr., and, Mrs. Harry Chdwi-k attended services at t'ic Straits Methodist church Sv.ncluj night. Mrs. Hilda Gillikin spent Sun day afternoon with Mrs. Floyd Chadwlck . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnston, who has been spending ne time in New Jersey,, returned here Sat urday to spend the winter. 4 T71iat A Sliame! Hope Yen People Are TeU Insured She may no! know art but she does know the value cl insurance! Insure your properly against damage, theft, fire, with us. DIAL M 3621 JOHN L. CRUI1P INSURANCE & REAL ESTATE 823 Arendell Street Morehead City ject for the entire year a cleaff-up campaign which will be conducted in the same manner as it was the last part of last year. The 4-II club, of our school was. organized Tuesday afternoon and the following off icer were elect ed: Jane Stroud, president; Ben jic Swlnson. vice - president; Grace Oglesby, secretary and treasurer; Frances Brinson, re ports; Dori Jean, song leader. The elub meets one Tuesday a month. f- By the way, the first basketball oame will be November 23rd. and I'm not quite sure as yet but I believe it will be a town game; jQurchedule'S going to be ratljeaj heavy this year. 26 games and two' tournaments, but our teams can take it! . . . Bye now . LETTERS TO THE EDITOR rathe Editor: Heckles driving is the cause of ( th nisands of deaths and afflio ti ns today. Year after, year, day af er day we hear. the same heart bi laking story. As we all' know, at idents are caused primarily fr ipn these three main factors: in to pcatlon, faulty outos and pure, It $id foolishness. first, let's take intoxication, It ,e try driver today would only .top lo rjg enough to consider his chan ce i of, ever coming but of his auto al to while driving under the In fl fence of alcohol, he would -me-ly wait and take that drink, after his car was narked. They never think that they might, kill someone, or themselves. Mae if they picture themselves at a funeral. Their funeral. The odds are against you from the stalj, THINK first and use. a little common sense. Set-odd, faulty auto. Many acci dent are caused simply became the owners do not take the time tqfcave their autos Inspected as .tcqmri i by law, A fauly steering, wheel or a bad' lire, bad- lights, or no born can all lead to ultimate disaster. It is the duty of every car owner to have his car inspect ed regularly by expert mechanics. That way he can be sure of having -or that he can drive with a urance and confidence. Third and, most important: Fool' ishness. There are certain young i: Smile a While. :: The managing editor, wheeled his chair his swivel chair around and: pushed a, button in the wall. The person wanted entered. "Here," said, the editor, "are a number of directions from out siders as to the best way to run paper. See that they are all carried out." And the ofice boy, gathering them all into a large wastebasket, did so. Sunshine Magazine Although the Rhine is less than half as long as the Danube it has, in modern times, carried at least twice the volume of commerce. The hardest Job for a, young ster to learn is good manners with out seeing any.. people a well a the older, in this very town who consider -it a Rre.it sport to race about like speed de mon. These are onea who nave no respect: for their- fellow man, no love of: life. Anyone who it old enough to drive should: know better than: to be foolish whet other lives are at (take. I do not Imagine it i a, very, oleasnnt sigh1 to see someone you love very dearly die just: for the lack of, little consideration and common sense. Remember, accidents can be. prevented. It's up to you, the public. Earl Willis Beaufort,. N. C. WHAT IS All EXTEHSIQU TELEPHONE? An extension telephone is an extra telephone in strument attached: to your present line. It can be plac ed in your home or place of business. Since the tele phone instruments, are again available we are happy to announce that EXTENSION TELEPHONE SERVICE IS AVAILABLE AGAIN. Main, telephone service however la still on. the "hard-to get" list because production of the central, of fice equipment and lead, covered cable needed to ex tend' our. present facilities, is slow and, delivery date uncertain, We shall, continue however to install main telephones where we have the necessary, outside facili ties and central office equopment, Carolina Telephone and Telegraph COMPANY ' " Carteret County's. Only Newppr ' A Merger Ot THE BEAUFORT NEWS (Est 112) and TUB TWIN, CITIt TIMES (EU.1938) - Published Tueideys and Frldsysr By "THB CARTERET PUBLISHING COMPANY. ING Loekwood PMlHpi Publisher Eleanors Dear phllflpt Ruth. Uckejr Peeling, Executive Editor 7 . Publishing" Office At" " 1 807 Evans Street! Morehead City, Ni O. 130 Cravao Street. Beaufort, N. C. MiUl' ntesi In Carteret, Craven, Pamlleq, Hyds and Or low Counties S5.00 on jreerj 3 00 six months; U.75 three months) 11,00 on month, Outside tie above named, countle jd.Qfc on year; 3,$Q fix Bum thai si.00 three months; 11.00. oaa nonUv . . T "(TV' "" ... Member Ot '. '' .' ' "' Aasoeiated Press Greater Weeklies N: C. Press Association . . AiMh, Bureau ot ClrealaUoo Y: Entered aa Second Clas Matter at Morehead City. N. C - unde. Act, ot Marsh , 1B7. ' Associated. Prea I entitled exclusively to us, for repablleatlon el lo i iflnted In this aewepapar, a wall-a alt AP Hw4 dispatches , . of JrepubllcsUon othenelsf. reserved. I r- V - i .. IIosl Sails Shculd Da lirid For Grcvinrj Icur rmST-ClTE5I3DIUE i TC3 TCT TESTED VEiUBER federal deposit insurance corporation t Gallahooting around at qiidniglic in glass slippers and one of them kicked off in her haste. Tsk! Tsk! If you ask us, it's a wonder the Prince didn't find her in a hospital. Take no chances with health. It is the most precious of alt possessions. At the first suggest tion. of illness, go at once to see a physician. And when you have his prescription, may we invite you to bring it here for careful com pounding. Your patronage is appreciated. ; t M CUTH3IE-J0NES D3UG STC3E ilralim B 49811 FRONT ST. BEAUFORT J'.'MIW A N is tr ,'COME AND GET YOUR PUflltJA DOG CHOV; k . k &a mt mm m M m.m Sfl a s , I IK mi anrtuRi CONTEST Don't foil to get In this big $10,000 pris oonteat for sportsmen. You'll get o big kick out. of judging, th dogs and you may win a fin prise a Jeep station Wagon, a iu It. DEEPFREEZE, an L. C. Smith ' gun or many other sports awards. Pick up a bag of Dog Chow and get-youi oontMt booklat. fTTT C. G. Gaskill Lee Ilurdock Beaufort Wildwood J. C. 7Him & C0IIPAI1Y Craven. & So.. Front Sts. How Eera 7 a I i i i e Begins at "40 EngmeJM Tedious Engine u Break-In " Elimmateii No. touav'Veajp-in'' poriotl is ihkk I sary for new iMes owners. With Dodge you,oandNv aUbuUCpec xight.xora. i the start Dodge actually "apeed-ppoof"- your engine . . , givei cylinder-walls BrotccUx. oit-abMrbing coaling tbstt ,aaainM dawceducing th.criti. eal "brMaViiV' aailta, Xhit process is. ; ejcclusivewiU Df&i? at no.exli cost. Stop, by your Dbdg Dealer- and look over- to6ys luxurious Dodjjo. Check the many other big advantage Dodge oflcm ;! . Alt-Fluid. Drivar . . . Full Floatitig , Ride . ChaisHighL Seats , . ., eJctrflTfltomy, interiors. Xhen- yojiUlt aiow hy. ownor are- so enthasiastie abpntlheit Dodse cars,. ..W.h; Dodge. gfvfi most Cor- yoms new-oarr duUan .today. "sma-PROOfj;' uifijn ViuutlUswlltsivetadgn pcoesa.jrou can atari of( at 4fcV mile pet. ham,. Altar $0 miltSj.car. speed VP) 1m lnereaaed at the . tflt A& I milt per, houc lbreachUinlIesvtnslet& At only 350 miles, you 'engine is ready to. "go". lO,HliS,,FRl$B9CA& VtfTIl FhUWt DJtlVE A' it 1 T T 1 1 .

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