RET COUNTY V 13 Sua Sets Tenia ht 8:34 pjn. Moon Rises Today 4:39 p.m. Moon Seta Tonight 4i45 a.m. ', -.. .- , " Sua Rises Tomorrow 6tl4 a.m. 1 v n wj V0-t4& :, A Haga cl TEE EEACFC3T EEWS (Edablishsd 1912) and TEE TWIN CITY TCSES (Established 1936) 38th. YEAR NO. 44. 14 PAGES HOREHKAO CITY, AND BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1948 10 PAGES PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAY CA Hew s i IOC Beaufort Jaycees Proceed With Plan For Minstrel Show Grayden Paul io Play Role 01 Interlocutor; Dues Raised Beaufort Jaycees made further plans for the staging of a minstrel show this fall at their bi-weekly supper meeting at the Ann Street Methodist church annex Monday night. President Claud Wheatly told members that Grayden Paul has consented to be interlocutor and reminded them of the outstanding performance which Mr. Paul gave in that role in the Jaycee-sponsor-ed minstrel two years ago. Other assignments for the pro duction are as follows: Odell Mer rill, in charge of end men; James Wheatley and James Potter, quar tet and choir; Cecil Harrell, the "Spike Jones" orchestra; Harry McGinnis, make up man; John But ler, stage and ' scenery director; Ralph Eudy, business manager; and Rufus Sewell, in -charge of non-Jaycee participation. Women have agreed to help on the costumes, Mr. Wheatly said. Mr. Whitley expressed the be lief that working up and present ing the minstrel show would great ly stimulate interest of Jaycees in their group's activities. ' Charles Hassell reported that he and Robert Stephens appeared be fore the town board of commission ers and succeeded in having them appoint a town planning board to consider the Jaycee-sponsored pro jects of zoning and town limits extension. The Jaycees voted unanimously for a motion presented by J. O. Barbour, Jr., that members Have their blood types filled at More- head City hospital with duplies feeords to'be senttd aflhdocter's offices. Jaycees will also promote this idea among the public. A motion introduced by Preston Mason was passed requesting1 the state highway department to in vestigate the possibility of turning on the lights on the draw bridges between Beaufort and Morehead City. - The getting of "new blood" in the club was the subject of a pro longed discussion on a renewal of membership solicitation. Duet were advanced from $5 to $8 an nually, payable monthly. Teen Topics By "G.n." Long Morchcad High School Hi Folksf ( , I The Herf-Jones salesman came to school on Tuesday and the Ju nior class chose their rings. I haven't ,een one myself but from all reports they are much prettier than ours. ' The Seniors, on the same . day, chose their personal calling cards, invitations for gra duation, and some jewelry with the school name pr emblem on it. Wednesday the Seniors chose their caps and towns and this year we ve decided on grey. Of course it's a long way off yet but it's certainly a nice thing to think about, isn't it? Anyone that is interested in taking 'dancing lessons can do -so by seeing Miss Rose at the recrea tion center off Saturday after noon. Lessons are $5.00 for six lessons. . .. , '. T hear that the Teen-Aee Dro- 'gram last Saturday morning was very good. The new announcer was Lois Simpson, taking! over from Judy Perry who served al most a year. The program was -as follows: Billie Joyce Watson sang; "Moonlight Becomes You;" several girls sang together, ,"Jua,t Because" and "Dear One Be- . lievee;" Bobby Hesse ? playefl a piano aolo, "It's Magic." If there are any others With as fcood ta lent please tell either Lois ; Webb or Lois Simpson and they will be glad to schedule you on one' of the future programs. The Teen-Age Club officers held ! a' meeting Tuesday after noon at the recreational t center , and discussed plans for their Hal lowe'en masquerade 'party. It's to be next Friday flight and every one u asicea w go m costume. The admission - with a costume , and a mark oft is 25 cents and without yostume will be 60 cents, r There'll 'be 'door prises, cake walks, a program, prises for costumes, fun house, booths, and ' just loads of. fun for everybody And incidentally, 1 Derryle Gar, , , . See TOPICS Page ' Teen-Ago Canteen Will Locate in Seoul Building Mrs. Blythe Noe, of the Beau fort PTA, announced today that beginning Saturday night, Oct. 23, the Teen-Age canteen will be located in the Scout building on Pollock street. She stated that the PTA is Is extremely grateful to the legionnaires for permitting their hut on Turner street to be used for the canteen for the past two years. It la no longer conve nient tor the youngsters to use that building, she remarked, be cause of the program planned there this winter by the Legion post Group Starts little Theatre Initial Meeting Held Mon day Night at Civic Cen ter A little theatre group is a horn ing in the twin-city area. Seventeen prospective thespians, set-painters, and costume makers met Morfday night at the civic cen ter, Morehead City, and selected Ansil Chapin, Miss Doris Leach, and Earl Lewis as ateering com mittee to take. charge of the group until organization is effected. The next meeting will be at 8:30 Monday night in the civic center and anyone interested in dramatic productions are requested to at tend. Membership fee has been set at $1. Tentative plans to produce one-act play and to read and select other longer plays were discussed Those present were the follow ing: Ella Margaret Morris, Frank Hatton. Thomas Respass, Lois Webb, Bob Hessee, Mr. and Mrs. Ansil Chapin, p. G. Bell, Thelma Branch. Guv Smith' Jessie Devon- chik, Mr, Lewis, Mis. Leach, Bailey:' Ruth Peeling. Jane Ham mersley, Norma GaskiU, and Char les Markey. Business Club To Sponsor Sale Members of the Carteret Busi ness and Professional Women's club will sponsor a bake sale Sat urday morning, Oct.' 23 in front of Merrill's Dress shop, Beaufort On sale will be pies, cakes, and homemade candy which will be donated by members of the. club. Proceeds from the sale will be used to pay for the air-condition ed oxygen tent the club is pur chasing for the hospital. It was reported that S39.6Q was made on the benefit bridge given this month at the cviic center, One hundred dollars has been con tributed also toward the purchase of the tent by the Carolina Rac ing association, .' y - Boxes of Christmas cards were distributed to club members at the meeting. Money received front these sales will be put in the oxy 2n tent fund. Mrs. Sara Bradbury, of Beau fort, was accepted into the organ isation. The next meeting will be held in Beaufort Tuesday, Nov, 9. Place will be announced later. A Story of the Man Everyone Knowi - Appearing in Tuesday's Issue f THE NEWS-TIMES will be the life story of the best-known man on the' North , Carolina' coast,, Aycock Brwn.';V.'',J.J'- ' The famous Tar Heel column ist who has put North Carolina before every reader ill over the world I living example of a Uanwhe wanted to be a writer, more, than anything else and in spite of Innumerable reverses a entered his foai": HIGH I mil Friday. Oct. IS V i 8:23 a.m.'v- ' :' 12:16 a.m. 6:35 p.m. ';-,t U-.Z9 p.m. , f $ i Satorday, Oct.' 16 , v. 7:04 a.m. . - 12:54. a.m. 7:13 p.m. . t . 1:19 p.m. ' , Suadajr, Oct. IT . . 7:37 a.m. ' .-,.' 1:28 a.'m. 7:49 p.m. ' ' 2:01 ; -v Moaaay, Oct.,- It -8.13 '..., ' ! t:00 ajri. 8:26 awm.r , 2:35 p.m. Taasday, Oct. 10 8:4 a.m. - t.t 5; ; i 2,;32 ajn. 9:00 pni.' ' 3:13 pnl State Commission on Education Makes (This is the first In a series of articles explaining the report of the State Education Commission to Governor Cherry and the Gov ernor and General Assembly of 1949 on conditions in and reco mendations for North Carolina Public schools. On the basis- of this legislators will make finan cial decisions about the State school program, decisions which will vitally effect the education system In this county Ed). North Carolina should under take a six to ten year school build ing program at an estimated cost of. $150,000,090 with "as much as practicable and needed" for an urgent six year program provided from state surplus funds, the State Education commission has recommended. The legislative commission said that the school plant financing plau should provide for 'annual state allotments to counties for capital outlay. The plan would be based on need and ability formula which bases need on the number of state allotted teachers in the counties, and local effort on the taxpaying abilities of the counties. The Commission said the $150, 000,000 should be spent as fol lows: sites, $1,500,000; new build ings, $78,600,000; additions, $48, 000,000; renovation, $12,000,000; and equipment, $10,000,000. To replace at least 400 white and 1,000 Negro school plants which should be , abandoned, 17, 500 new rooms, plus administra tive and service facilities, are ne cessary, the commission found. These rooms would include 8,500 elementary, classrooms, 2,500 high school classrooms ' 2,500 special instruction rooms, Vnd 1,600 large general wo ma f or Dmis achoote; Ond J,i00 elementary classrooms, 1,600 high. school classrooms, 1, 500 specif instruction rooms and 1000 large general rooms for Ne gro schools. t The' report was signed .by eleven of the Commission's 18 members. ' A' minority report, submitted by seven dissenting members, says that the present plan of having individual counties bear the res ponsibility of -constructing their own school buildings should be retained, but that the state should See EDUCATION Page 6 v. eceives 48 New Books Forty-eight new books have re cently been added to the Carteret County Public librarv. Twentv seven are for teen-agers, 20 are for children arid one is Current bio graphy of 1947 in which appear the life stories of 361 persons who ugurea in tne news last year. The books and their authors. follow: teen-age -'Janice, Airline Hostess, Haker; Vulpes, the Red Fox, .George; Daughter of the Mountains, Rankin; Your Loving Sister, Pat Downing, v Wright; A Girl Can Dream, Cavanna. In Norway, Thorne-Thomsen: Blue Dowry, Ppdegraff; Where the Heart' Is, Lambert; A Little Maid of Vermont,' Curtis; Judith of France, Leigh ton; Dusty of the Double Seven, Dean; WUd Horse. Baicn... , I Work on a Newspaper. Lent: Baseball for Everyone, DiMaggio; Party Fun, Shelia Daly- Guide Book for the Young Man About Town, Jonathan; Beany Malone, Weber: Joan, Free Lance Writer, Colveri . Canadian Summer, van Stockum. - 1 :' v'v'. Your Kind Indulgence, Malvern; The Riddle of the Hidden Pesos. Baxter; Bittersweet, Harper; .Jeff Robert)', Railroader, Ford; Blue Spring Farm, Bishop; Your Plans for the Future, Detjen. ' Trudy TerrUl, Bryant; A Wish for 'Tomorrow, Miller; The Crim son Anchor, Biesenberg. ;. Juveniles -The Witch , of Scrap faggot Green, Gordon; Sloppy Joe, Even;' Mary 'Ann's Picture, Brom hall; Mickey Wins His Feathers, Glick; Steam . Shovel Family, Eberle; The Enchanted Book, Dai gliesh. V -,' t 'Fish in the Air, Wiese; Apple seed Farm, Douglas; Pinto's Jour ney; The Twenty-One Balloons, du Bois; The Bewitched Caverns, Rienow; The Barkingtons, Palmer; Peter Paints, USA, Bare, v Lassie Come-Home, Knight; ijib by the Cat, Sal ten; The Horse Call ed Pete, Bialk; Poetry, Golden Books; Creeper'! JeeD. Gramatkv: Trains at Work, Elting. fi . n LioraryK . . i Report to It- . Site of North Carolina Beauty Contest Will Be Morehead City in 1949 Criminal Docket lists 10 Cases Oclober Term of Superior Court Will Open Mond&y Ten criminal cases huve so far been entered on the docket for Carteret county's October term of superior court which opens Mon day, Oct. 18, and will run through Thursday, Oct. 21. Presiding judge will be Paul Frizzelle, of Snow Hill. According to a listing released Wednesday by the clerk of the su perior court, the following crim inal cases will be heard: Elijah Richard, manslaughter; James Salter, abandonment; James How ard Davis, embezzlement; Nathan iel Bennett, theft of a truck; Rob ert S. Hines, driving under the in fluence; James E. Paul, speeding 85 miles per hour; Garland Grey Gillikin, reckless driving; Alexan der1 Kuchinsky, Jr., driving under the influence and speeding 80 miies per hour: Harold Comer-, ford, false pretehWWalter HaolJ m "Wnnnrrf livin' liniUr .hl influence. , Criminal cases will be tried Monday,' Tuesday, and Wednesday and civil cases Thursday. Divorce cases will be brought before the court any day of the term. Civil cases are as follows: Lynott vs. Brooks, Pate vs. Mor ris; Guthrie vs. Russell, Russell vs. Scott et ai, ' Freeman vs. Thompson, Hamilton vs. Dye, Hoi ton vs. Lyon, and Turner vs. Beaufort Cannery. Two motioiuj have been enter ed, Eubanks vs. Mason et al and Whitaker vs. Pointer. Divorce cases are the following:' Hanrahan vs. . Hanrghan; Chad- wiek vs. Chadwtek; Hughes vs. Hughes; Mahala Lewis vs. Robert E. Lewis; Locttey vs. Lockey; Eli jah Lewis vs. Ruby Lewis, Gaylord vs. Gaylord, Norcum vs. Norcum. Parker vs. Parker, Clark vs. Clark, Mason vs. Mason, Willis vs. Willis, Sullivan vs. Sullivan, Mur doch vs. Murdoch, Tomasette vs. Tomasette English vs. English, and Smith vs. Smith, County Farm Bureau Ilcmbcrs Attend Stale' IleciinrJ at Raleigh Thursday R. M. Williams, county agent, S. D. Edwards, vice-president ' of the Carteret County Farm bureau, and Oscar Salter, chairman of the membership drive, .attended the State Farm bureau meeting Thurs day in Raleigh Memorial auditor Addresses were made by Dr. J. H. Hilton and Dean I, O. Schaub on the needs of State college. ' Dr. Hilton, who is in charge of the School of Agriculture and the Agriculture Experiment station, related , that , the agriculture pro gram coming from this institution Kbelonged to the rural people of North , Carolina. Agriculturally, the state will progress only in pro portion to tne progress of the col lege and experiment station, he said.- ;;-!.!'' --.p t :, 1 Dean Schaub .'told ' the - ktoud that North Carolina had made more progress in the past 10 years than any other state lit the 'un ion. He, stated that .it was grati. lying to him that during the past few years' the com yield had in creased from" a 'state average of 22 to 32 bushels of corn per acre. This has resulted in a $30,000,-' 000 increase in income. to North Carolina farmers. The tobacco yields' have advanced from : 760 pounds to 1,19.0 pounds per acre. Many other similar agriculture ad vancements have ' come to our North Carolina farmers as a re sult of better agriculture practices stated Mr. Shaub. - f- , , The Farm Bureau- appointed a committee to work with the two Governor Morehead City Jaycees will spon sor the annual "Miss North Caro lina" pageant at Morehead City in July, 1949, and definite prepara tion for the event was begun at their weekly meeting Monday night at the recreation center. Walter Morris is chairman of the committee to plan for, the beauty festival in which a Tar Heel lass to represent North Carolina at Atlantic City, N. J., will be chos en. The beauty contest in the past has been held at Wilmington. H. S. Gibbs, Jr., reminded mem bers of the "Get Out the Vote" campaign which Morehead City Jaycees are backing in an effort to see that every voter in More head City township is registered for the Nov. 2 elections. The dance which Jaycees held at the recreational center Oct. 6, with Larry Clinton's orchestra playing, was not a financial suc cess, Sam Guthrie told the group, but "fun was had by all." The group launched a member ship program, with Charles Willis chairman. All eligible young men in the town will be sought for membership. The chamber also decided lo launch a scrap paper drive, dates to be announced next sVeck. One guest, Hubert C Ilepler of Morehead City, was introduced. CGResccesBoat The Plaxco, a 250 ton, 115 foot menhaden boat operating out of Southport, was towed off a shoal in Beaufort channel and proceed ed to its destination under its own steam Wednesday '.afternoon at 3:30 after going aground at 4 o'clock Wednesday morning. The U. S. Coast Guard cutter Agassiz performed the operation. assisted by a power boat from Fort Macon Coast Guard station and the Bonner C. Willis, a Beau fort menhaden boat. A Mr. Gough is master of the pogie boat N which went aground on the east side of Beaufort chan net near nun buoy No. 2 while proceeding out of the harbor. Lt (jg). W. H. Burgess, com manding officer of the USCGC Agassiz, attributed the mishap to an inexperienced pilot attached to the vessel. A strong current evi dently set the, vessel to the left of the channel grounding it. deans in studying the colleges needs and budget before the leg islature convenes. ' , E. Y. Floyd, who was appointed by the Farm Bireau last April to serve as chairman of a committee to study equalization of railroad freight rates, gave a report of his findings. Mr. Floyd found that freight rates on grain and other products being shipped, out of the state was greater than the rates for the same products being ship ped In. In conducting this sur vey Mr. Floyd found that with 70, 000 Farm Bureau families back ing -him that lt was easv to eet hearings with various railroad of ficials. ' M '1 .Flake Shaw, executive vice pres went 01 tne r arm oureau, gave a report of the recent meeting of National Farm Bureau directors which waa held in Chicago. ' Near the close of this meeting a report waa made from each coun ty represented of the progress of its membership drive. . .'( ' n Smyrna PTA fa Serve Clichca Is-ar Tenighl the Smyrna Parent-Teacher as sociation will serve a chicken sup per in the new school lunch room at 7 o'clock tonight. .1. Tickets are on sale at H. G. Willia' store, . Smyrna, and- the Willie Brothers store, .Wiliiston. Beaufort PTA To Serve Dinner At District Meet The Beaufort I'TA, which spon sored the Chamber of Commerce dinner last night in the school cafeteria will ulso sponsor a din ner Oct. 27 when the district meeting of the PTA is hold in Beaufort, according to an an nouncement made by Mrs. Robert Safrit and Mih. James H. Potter, III, co chairmen of the ways and V John Wilkinson meHns committee. The first meeting of the year took place Tuesday evening with the president, Mrs. Ralph Eudy, presiding. The Rev. T. R. Jenkins, pastor of the Ann Street Methodist church, led the -devolionals, after which the minutes of the previous meeting Were read and accepted The treasurer, Paul Jones, report ed $734.84 in the bank. Reports by the chairmen of standing committees were given. Chairmen are ways and means, Mrs. Safrit and Mrs. Potter, room representatives, Mrs. Gehrmann Holland,- magazine, Mrs. John Haynes, publicity, Mrs. Blythe Noe, program, James Wheatley, membership, Mrs. George East man, grounds, Mrs. Warren Alli good, hospitality, Mrs. F. R. Bell, and recreation, Mrs. Grayden Paul. Mrs. Eudy announced that Mrs. Ernest B. Hunter, state pre sident of the PTA, Mrs. Paul Dayeport, district director, Dr. J. D. Messick, president of ECTC, and Charles Phillips, of Greens boro, will be present at the dis trict meeting. A motion was made and carried that the teen age canteen, which must move from the" American Legion hut, move to the Scout building, and that the PTA assist the teen agers in raising money to keep the canteen going. ine roll call prizes were won by Miss Gaskill's second grade, Mrs. Jenkins' sixth and Miss Hod rick'a 11th grades. James Wheatley introduced the speaker of the evening, John Wll kinson, Washington, D. C who gave a talk on .astronomy. Following Mr. Wilkinson's talk there was a reception in the home 1 . - Lcconomics room. IIYT Snidulrici io Heel Al AllaiOie TonijU Methodist Youth Fellowshlo sub- district will meet at Atlantic Me thodist church at 7:30 this evening. The Atlantic MYF is in charge of the program and the Beaufort MYF in charge of recreation All MYF groups of the county are invited. This includes Metho x Si dist youth between 12 and 23. IILRB Hearing on Moves ai Iladix Final testimony in the National Labor Relations Board hearing, an investigation of alleged violations by Madix Asphalt corporation of federal labor laws, will probably be heard today, according to attor neys for the respondent. The American Federation of La b'or. in its complaint, alleges that four Madix workers were discharg ed for union activity, that Manage ment interfered with the rights of the men to o'anize, that they threatened to shut down the plant if organization "-s affected, that they caused rlain employee to leave the ...ty, and that tin dix c dtion contributed ' , 10s tered and dominates " Carteret Hoofing and Felt EunHuyees' as sociation. On the basis of these charges, which Madix demies, NLRB is making the present investigation. General counsel for NLRB con cluded its presentation of evidence Wednesday afternoon . following testimony by C. C. Brewen, presi dent of the Madix corporation. During the time Mr. Brewen was on the stand, both on Wednes day and yesterday, when he was called by the attorney for the Car teret Roofing and Felt Employees' association, the witness said that he was unaware of . any union ac tivity, AFL or otherwise, at his plant until July 29 when four of the Madix employees were dismiss ed. Then he said he did not learn that Ed Parker, Madix superinten dent, had allegedly made the state ment to one of these workmen that the worker was being fired lor trying to organize labor "Actually," Mr. Brewen contin ued, "I didn't know that he had made such a statement until the time of this hearing." Mr. Brewen has been present at each session of the hearing since its beginning Oct. 6. While being questioned by rep- see Nino rage u one Knows, It s rtlullet Tone It's mullet time, and fishermen who catch everything from the finest of shrimp to the tastiest of mackerel are enjoying their favor ite dish. "Mullet fishing," says Tony Sea- mon, "is kind of like licker drink- ing. It sort of grows en you." Peo ple who can make two or three times a.s much money party-fishing, or carpenting, or bricklaying, are deserting their accustomed pursuits1 to go out on the beach end gamble with the mullet runs. Tony had a boy working for him one year who was maklnc rnnnd $6 a day, the most he'd ever made in nis lire, but he up and auit. "What's the matter? Aren't you mailing enough money?" Tony The boy squirmed a little and fin. II.. 1 J . mat . iinaiiy aia: - wen, yes; out today I seed more mullet jumping than I ever saw befort; and I want to go mullet fishing." Tk. .. ., . ..... k. . iiio mi-cuieni nine tisn are caught mostly from the beach, wun mayDe o men handling a net. A good catch is 20,000 pounds, and it will sell for from 12 cents to 14 cents a pound. Most people like them corned, and once properly salted down they will keep all , winter. For cooking, take them out of the brine before going to bed and let them soak ail night in plentiful water Next morning, roll 'em in cracker crumbs, fry in hot fat until almost crisp. Some people, after soaking, hano them up in a paper bag (with holes punched in if) for a day to dry out. Mayor Issues Proclamation For Navy Day, Oct 27 Mayor L. W. Hawaii, Beau.; fori, by proclamation, has call ed anon citirtnt of Beaufort to display the Anaricao flag and participato in ' ottMrvanco of Navy Day, Wednesday, Oct. 27. "It is fittinc," ho remarked, "that our citiaens be Informed and aware of the corrent aims and activities of oar sea-air Navy, victor in war, and guard ian in peaeo.,r'- ; f . ' - - y Revenue from Beer Beer taxes collected by the State during September totaled $589 187.85, sending the aggregate amount collected from beer in the first pine months of 1948 to the record-breaking f igurd of $4,263, 039.78, The State Department of Revenue reported today. The fig ures do not Include eales taxes paid on beer or local and Federal Every license taxes, . . ' Alleged Anti-Labor Will End Today Feuding Women Land In Court Evangeline Debrix Gels Sus pended Six-Monlh Sen tence, Pays Fine A longstanding feud bifween two Negro women in Beaufort was aired for the second time in re corder's court Tuesday as Judge Lambert Morris heard the case of Evangeline Debrix charged with an assault with firearms on Alber ta Fair. Evangeline Debrix was senten ced to six months in the state house of corrections for threaten ing Alberta Fair with a flare pis tol, with judgment suspended on good behavior and payment of $10. and costs. The defendant was found guilty in a previous case of assault with a knife on the plain tiff. Testimony revealed that Alberta . Fair was dancing with Martrose Debrix, her uncle and the husband, of the defendant, and that Evange line Debrix was having a beer with Alebrta Fair's hoy friend at the time that their quarrel began at Club 65 on Craven st., Beaufort, Pick Concealed The quarrel was continued out side. Evangelino Debrix testified, that Alberta Fair produced an ice. pick from her bosom and that she picked up a pop bottle to defend herself. ' Alberta Fair had nothing to say about an ice pick or a pop bottle but declared that when they got 1 outside of the building, aha saw that the other woman had flare pistol wrapped in a handkerchief, n . .1 a .: -.. 1. qua iwore . uiu cvaiikvune- w ivi btt ;ii lhiVW "W. ) ror some distance, ine testimony of other witnesses in the case fail ed to support or disprove her claim that the defendant had pos session of a gun and threatened ( her with it. Evangeline Debrix denied the charges. 7 The recorder found her guilty of the assault charge, however, and passed sentence. , ) Martrose Debrix Wanted Beaufort police have a warrant for the arrest of Martrose Debrix, the defendant's husband, in con , nection with the flare pistol wounding of two other Negroes al See COURT Page 6 Smyrna Seniors J Elect Officers The senior c(ass of Smyrna chose the following officers re cently: president, Marguerite Lewis; vice-president, Catherine Lewis; secretary, Ora Dean Mid gette; treasurer, Joyce M. Lewis; reporter, Ion Love Lewis. 1 During our meeting we discuss ed the possibilities of publishing a year book, which will be the third edition, of the "Whispering Pines." It is the desire of each and every Ntudent, so we have al ready started 'planning just how we will make money to carry out our plans, -There was no further business so the meeting wax adjourned. , This year we are really, proud of our school. Why shouldn't we be? We have some of the things that we've been wanting and have needed for years. We have the new heating system, toilet facili ties and a school lunchroom which' furnishes , well balanced ' , meals. This has been made possible thru the help of our parents , and friends. The students of Smyrna appreciate all that has been done and we wsih to thank every one who has helped us. - ( ; , Ora Deaa Mldgett, , . Secretary. Signal Light in Beadsri Moved lb Ann and Macro ; The signal light which for Ihe past month has been at Ann andy Turner street was moved yestert day . to Ann and Moore streets. Where it was to be hung original? ly-- ' , ' A petition signed by the resl denta oh Ann and Moore; streets ' in the vicinity of the intersection was presented to Beaufort com -missioners at their October meet- t ing,' requesting that a stop light be placed at their corner to pre vent motorists from speeding' oft the bridge into town,' endanger ing, lives of their children . and other pedestrians, '; f r V x