,1 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1948 .S3 TT?0 CAflTEKETr COUNTO yCW&TT.V MOftESSAfr CITg AM) BE AlTFORTt N, ft 13. LIAIIA! ToscHdown tji THB SacOND OUAP.TEO, iHAAnBIKTS STAR HALF shoots a pass 7vrgLJ P1 ) HJuT FROM OUT OF MOWMIW COMES A I FLEET FOOTeD (KIDMnDI BUM TAW) NABS THC BW- iV SAVIN AND BOBCING THC SHIFTY RUMNBB &VADES EVEBX HamfiFuT TACKLER AND RACES TO A TOUCHDOWN Z0-21 FAILS TO MAKC-THE tXTWA POINT ANH THC HALF INBS Huuntfl SWOM0K-6I DIANA! A LAST CHANCE i j U FELLOWS PLAYED LIKE fiUIW" THAT LITTLE SKIDAWRE A P1INCH OF WkNTy WAISTS, TACKLE- PUSHED YOU ALL y--i i in in, f OVER1 TUB PIELa GET IN TrljZjr ' I THERE LOW AND FIGHr H HIS- AMND AND ' ' J THB OLD, IfttAOITIOHAl. tmc- uaac it MAMMfn-'O-AuiMMRC'tf OH, DIANA! WlTH THE GAME WON, JKJDMOP.B rvwra wnn An um 1 TACKLE PLAY. I CHEER GOES UP FOR THE TEA AS IT COMES ON TO THE FIELD- I L HAM BERT END RBCCIVES i tuf Kiric-nccr AT (StARr OH THE kP I SECOND HALF 1TOOO IN iOUMITtll .SKI MORS HAS THK BALL. TUC n 1 1 ftTILL SKlOMORf OAUT B3AKS : lrs auy- BODyS BALL AC TUC PLAYERS ALLV KUbH lO RECOVER IT. BUT... Nk :,"W A THE SHIDAAORA HITS THB LINE THE BALL PUIS OUT OF HIS GRASP... ; 'A VJ-11 OUR HERO frrs Slurp, the HAMHERT TACKLE, WHO GRABS THB PIQ SKINw 10-15 Several oeoDle from Smyrna at: tended the Meadow-Chadwick wedding at traits church Sunday afternoon. v Mra. TL F. Taylor and children Lionel-, and Oianna, Mrs. noya Chadwick and Mrs. Hilda umiKin spent the weekend' in Southport with Mrs. Kiley wiuis ana iamny. Mr. ancf Mts H a, i;naawic MY onH Mrs. W. L. Smith. Mrs. E; Hr Heady; Mra. William Tyler and daughter, Rachel, Mrs. HerDen Hancock and Lonnie Guthrie attended- servioes- at- tne Methodist church at Wilhston Sunday nignt. Miss Elise Willis, who has Deen HI' for fhe past ten days, was able to return to her work in Beaufort MnnHnV . . Reverend, and Mrs; L. C. Chand ler called on Captain and Mrs. Hi C. Willi early mondayv morning - Reverend Havwtod Harnelli fill ed hist regular appointment at the Methodist church here; Sunday at 11 o'clock.. It was Reverend Kartell's-last service here before the conference which will convene in Greenville. Nov. '2. ' Mrs. Hettie Stead, of Gloucester, attended, the services here Sunday morning at the Methodist church. ' Te Woman! Society of Christr ianri service met Thursday night with Mr Hi. R. Chadwick, with nine tttWbers. present. The devotional.- was given by Mrs. E. H. Haadv.' After all business was transacted, asocial hour was en joyed by alii a butterfly salad was served by the hostess. Latest thing designed for baby is an electric food warmer to be used in cars; it can be attached to the steering post and operated off the battery. Ardennes Still Disputed BRUSSELS (AP) The Bel gian Touring Club wants to erect a special milestone to mark the furthest poini gained ty FieW Marshal Runastecrt Ardennes of fensive in the winter of 1944-45. But hre'fr th snag Na less than threat-village-claims the honor j-i.it... UAii.MntM . nmp and ueuea, - -. Achene. The stone hasnt been erected yet. Hong Kong is a rocky island tebout 11 miles long in the South China Sea. ' FREE FREE FREE FREE FREB F7.EE FREE FREE u- Thi agency has. paid n g our policyholders. $6,44.- a 43 in dividends. These Ed. dividends- are- savings in- 9 g. their insurance cost We g ,M" represent oly legal re- S) serve companies- owned, s h; by their policy holders, g !.' Let us show you- how Wu these- savings ca. be made available for you at b w no obligation or expense. B S. A. CHALK, JR. B MUTUAL INSURANCE W AGENCY g U. lst. Citizens Bank Bldg. M U Telephone M 8S62 J ee Morehead City, N. C. g l?REE FREE FREE FREE FREE T'S MQfMHff, THE STORM IS . OVER. AUP OAKY IS HAVWfl BREAKFAST WITH THE DUKE OF P0UBL0OH.. 10-2.1 YOU CAM TELL KIMS CORWV THAT you DID AM EXCELLEMT irn rsn rr in .. jup run MCi Y SHI t(t SIR OAKY vnT ie id Ml I jti u 1 OAKY IOAKS WHAT'RE TURW K GOOD N VOU GONWA)) HIM MORMlWfi. DO WITH -0VEf? l?OMSL THAT PIRATE) TO (Trt5 Ikl VOUR THE Ti K4 DUMCEOMSKERJ nv iavf rf;;if )- vf; fatufd... how vnuVE r cut my hair a y i fHAUGED Z-7 AUD GAVE MYSELF x u nnurf YES, FATHER I CUT MY HAIR MJD GAVE MYSELF lllWU. . . New Look KIUDA PRETTY, ISM'T SHEJ 3IK OAKY.- (xVaTjb iffiu ( DOM'T S0,L : ... v OAKYCAM'T 1 rs l you stick , TELL KIW6 CORNY GEE.' "AarOUWD A I'M SEMDIWG MYIU TEU. )i LITTLE CHECK FOR A A HU.rT) WHILE LARGER L0AU-;Y0UR VtVl lOUCfp? ASM!X!? OAKY 1)0 AK9 LOOK V NO' IF T DID AT ME. j I MIGHT WOT OAKY A WANT TO GO-) V A V AMD I'VE ir jSs?oTf GIOOAP V u i on. IGNORANCE IS BLISS 51 FASTER.kellie i'm scared to T IPU A Evil IklO ,"Tn WAuf- e 53 Chapter 19 IT WAS an hour or two later when Sheriff Loomis and Depu ty McCabe rode into town Jed reached the doorway when they had passed. He cupped his hands around his mouth and yelled. "Sheriff!" "S'matter. Jed?" Loomis asked. "Will you come inside a minute, please?" "Want me, too?" McCabe asked. "Yeah," the Sheriff answered. "Mebbe you'd better sit in on this too. Pat" MPVia rllemnnntari - he fol lowed Loomis and Oliver into the bank. Jed went at once to ine lea der, opened it. "See that?" he asked. "Sure," Loomis said. "What's it supposed t' be?" "It's a ledger page," he said. There was annoyance in his voice. "It's the account of George Akers." "Oh," Buck said. "George Akers, eh?" "Yes." Jed said. "See that de Dosit fiaure there?" He Dointed to it and both Buck and Fat Dent over. "Vitro fVinmanH Hnllflrs denosit ed to his credit today," Oliver said "Does that mean anything to "You're darned tootin' it does," Loomis said quickly. "When was he here "Vfc cont it in " "A young woman brought the deposit. A very pretty young wo mn. tno. I might- add. A Mrs. Mr-rahn turned tn the Sheriff. "Hey. that just about ties things up, don't it? "TTh-KiiVi " Rtiflr caid nnddine. "Mister Akers is where I would HIGH POCKETS n't be, headin" f r a harigin. Come on Pat" Fr WAS evening Gay, anH George Vnr1 -in of oaoAi IViomuplvPS fit the table. Gay having returned from town but minutes Deiure. Cathy moved about in her usifal quiet and efficient way. She served Gay, placed George's plate in front of him .brought her own plate to the table and sat down facing them. She picked up her fork, glanced at her sister. "Gay." she said, "what' made you go on to town so suddenly?" "O-h," she answered. "I had CAmalVilnff trt nttand tn in tfiwll-" There was a sudden ciauer oi hoofs and the three of them looked up as one. George put down his Kniie and ioric "I'd better see who it is," she said and she went to the kitchen door. She opened it. Two tall fig- ures nued tne doorway. Lieurgo, Cathy said over her shoulder, "it's the Sheriff." Loomis pushed into tne Kitcnen. "Cv.it.-'J" rlnaraa ncVed and his voice was hard and annoyed. TnmK up some more quesuunsi "Akers, I understand you de nosited five thousan' dollars in the bank t'day." George s head jericeu upwaru in surprise, but he managed to check and control himself. "O-h." he said. "VA HVo tn irnnu, where vntl cot that dough." Buck concluded. Ilnrtfflo eml Orl f fl rl V "I borrowed it," he said and he smiled again, almost tauntingly. "T e'nnnea unit n'n nrftVA VOU borrowed that five thousan'. can't- cha?" "I don't aim t' orova- anytmng, George said angrily. "If you're chargin' me with anything, it's up t you t' do tne provm . his that Thofr eve clashed, but the Sheriffs did not waver. Sheriff Loomis shrugged shoulder. "V'unHootand AkerS. you're actu'lly forcin' me t' take you in, don'tcnar ne asKea. "Sheriff," Gay said suddenly, ana all eyes -turned to her. "Maam? "The money was mine." she said quietly. Loomis coughed lightly behind his hand. "Uh-huh," he said. I know you d'posited the money for him, Mr.'m Anil if aa vnn AV. it was ... u .... . J f -- your money, why'n thunder could- n t he say -so 'steao o acxin- so danged mysterious about it?" "Because he didn't know any thing about it. Loomis eyeDrows arcnea. "I offered to lend it to George," she went on presently. 'But he rerused it. "And then what?" TKn nnW had returned to Ciav 9 face and she seemed considerably more at ease. "George asked me where 1 nad the money." she said. "When I told him that I had it here, in the house, he suggested that in view of things, it would be wiser and of course sater U l put it in tne bank as quicKiy as possioie. "l see. ... t AMAaA tn talro it tn the hank without further delay. While Mr. Oliver was entering the deposit in my name, l asKed mm to crecui it to George's account." "Even though George didnt want it?" "Yes." "Where'd you get that money?" "From my husband." Gay ex plained gently. "It wa3 the money I got for our place in Texas." LFAVIkIC HFE WAS THr HARDEST Trims-1 EVER DID fSLOWUR)! ) NOW- BESSIE 13 -.-J rJ lT , . nnu.tMO. SHE'S THE NICEST. SWF.Lt.EST I IIC3I CrlKL 1 I THAMKlH LatV LF. N . ... J- Yl AMONG THOSE PRESENT CTM AIL HFUmCk BESSl bARE YOU HERE ASAIN SCCHCnY L""JTH - MV FATHER WISHES VOU AND ) SAHIf SVKGS TO SHARE THB JOV OF HIS RBNTTATEMENT 1 SCORCHY Doio Dood It SAHIB-SCORCHY KBS ASVD FATHER I I h w 'SMERE SAMI8-SCORCHY f v I Y J Tf ANP SAHIB SYKBS AS VOU - Ko!fMt Matal Aumiaai DftcMt ct dfliBBi t don oa litis; oHtf ffkBBly sktlMr th SBMt) omM4v yews- dtor. Tbsre idM fmf wiB0ws, poKhat- wMt tmct.tB RBia-pnet vBuHla tiwv. , QWlwl? btMtf, oM(M flaaMBBBBBBBBBBBBBa BBBBbTJHbHBBBT BBffMBTIaBBBBBfe.B "'''y pp7WtTSbtTW wmBBWr ott o ttefMr pkIcbhI Oufof-Tww Orders SbUdttd !'( S WmawK wi Jsss&C.CAUscsii.issr PhMnn R S7M 310 Marsh Street BBAUFORTi N C. Chapter 20 PARLY the next morning Phil Martin was buried in the fenced-off clearing on the fringe of the grove of tall cotton-wood trees beyond the big house. George and Cathy joined Nettle on one side of the already dug grave. The coffin was unloaded and placed beside it The punch M-i otnnd nn thA nnnmite, aide. Gay, her head bowed, stood behind the puncners. Hopes were suing under the coffin. Cathy nudged George and he turned to her; 'Sav something" she whil miial " nered. "You. must He frowned,' moistened his Hps with his tongue, drew a deep breath. H& raised; hit head. 'find " ha Mid. "Thi 1A. Phil Martin ' we're- burying. He was a asinA. man We. hit wifft- and) hil Bvw .w, - , friends, ask you to take good care or mm. Amen.' An tha flrat shnvelflil' thudded on the coffin. Nettle flinched. Pathv. stenned un to her- aulcklv, put her arm around Nettie's waist Presently, the grave was All-ul; nn.4 Iha. AIt nUM it Will lllivu. cum hw-," -" ' - smoothed down. There was a mo- mnl't oilenna at.mntlnnlesa nause. then, the punchers nearest the ovnu Bothered un the rones and the shovel, Finally the entire eroun. of men turning as one, MOJllUCWf v.,1. ........ ' with tbem quickened- hen pace . and left them behind her. and (led I in the direction of the house. Net- ,' Hm- ttirnins fnl1nwH h(n with I he! eye Georg came forward ,i nn It. hulled! nt( Nettie', side. "Nettle," he said,' and she looked 'i up at: him, "Nettie, there"- ain't much anybody c'n say t' you. at a ' tune iiko tnis. stui, i wain you i t Know mat rm sorry. - ! nnU " oaiA mith n.ilat orviil anA h marvftlled , ft! heri courage. "And thank vou for what you said about Phil. I know he would have liked it" I don't know what plans you've made," he went on. "But Id riVa t' hue win stnv here. The cottage was home t' you and PhiL and even tnougn nes gone now, If kinda think he'd like V know you re still - around. Tears welled, up into her eyes. "Thank you again." she re- nliedi Thev left NetUe standing be- :a. Ua iirivat lUHnutM lft lor. when they looked? back, wetti; was on her knees. They trudged alone in silence until, they reached the house. "That , was . . sweeii oi ., you, aeorge," Cathy, sd; J U& ilnnmai lnnkd-! dftWlW Bit . AAV- pwp.vw, " " " hert patted her shoulder, then he stepped' past her ana-, siroae on toward the corrali A3fT was standing;' at? the win !dow in their bedroom, when Cathy entered; Gay did mot turn. Cathy stood beside her for a; moment s "When i she leaving?" uay asked presently "She isn't leavina," Cathy an swered. ... Gay looked at Her quicKiy. anraa acked hlMF tn stBV." i7oiki uint nn "T think it was the only decent thing to do. She accepted." There was; no comment from UOJ, . ... . .. ' "Cathy,T Gayy said: and. uatny turned: toward i herr again. "Phil was in love wiin me, xou, uiuii k thsti AiA t viiT" aetUallyv Know it oven, tnougn 1 1 dld feel! that there; was: some thing betweeiKyout two," "Whuti dt. vnur meant' i "WaIIj iti vnuu altbr' voui re- 4,irnnd! frnm thatl nieht1 in, the shaclfii I(. noticed that: George wasn't so cordial toward you after that, then I began to sus pect that pernaps eveiyiiims wasn't just the way it was sup posed to appear, or at least the way George said it was. I knew youd never carea nmtu u, George. You said as much once. So it had to be PhiL" "I see." "Do you think Nettle suspected anything?" Gay shrugged a slender snoui- dC"i don't know," she answered. "However, I've had an idea- for some time now that she sus pected something but that she wasn't quite sure." ... - unbriuM that's whv-she looked at you so. Or perhaps thafa why you. imagined she looked ,ygu.. uatny saio. i wobuh ever told ner anyining! "I don't think so." She got to her feet "Cathy, I'm gpme away." . "But wnere win-you goi "O-h. I'll And a place, never fear. It won't have- to be muclt because anywhere-at au, wuDe better man 8iayuiK nere wiui "oi so near me. I couldn't, stand; that for long." ... t . ' "Perhaps it wouia oe wisest. "Of course." "When do you plan-to go?" Th mniu, the hetter. Prob ably tomorrow,'; Gayf saidi "Right now I think I'll go for, a ride. The air and. the exercise will do me good, . ... Cathy, followed' ner to-me auor. "You'll be back for dinner, won't you?'' she asked, "1. really, don't know. The way. I feel; now, foods doesn't- sound nartirnlnrlv. noDealine. However. maybe alter I've Deen. out tipr a while. I'll feel differently. But don't worry about me. I'll be all right"' ITo b ceBttnueA) oi: H;sre Thfire'.A Wanl, Thcra'ii A Way! AUiaSMITU AND KAUIB cvion. vaut ALitTNm and PROWWI MAW! WSTOtBP JUSTKI 0 RtTZANFUR.' I AM PCSPLV . ORATBFIXTOYOU tOTHM T SMI1H (-kV I I U All A JK T rsmrt YIKES! WHERE'S SYKES! SCOKCU Trrt) Vv -! .... , i 2 vmBUT. NMEBB J9 V ; SAHI STICKS j;u; ' f I THC4J0HT9VKE81 f THERtfS A RATHER v yn.- WASRBHTRHINP V 0OOF TWCX A V K: Af WHBMWfXAMB i WRESTLER CHAP J mm A TICKLISH ' SPOT II r 7)MSPt A lKftll0 mi".... .vtl -J' -m--r , X, AW "v. " W mt . bV . - 5, S u II PAKA0R O KB AU, SHEW i' rtanrnr, enammr to acme and. pew--' Ttf stops kxhood; iach- we stm; m EACH OmCBREtT". OIC1UJ DAL tiir, pfu. Piu?e Aim atPf.c BQeeoon to jack hif. y mat ooes tAemtf ' -H i ... . Mfl mum: uvi i icnrc vuk g . LEADING- LAMB6- TO TUB SUAUOHTEBl TA 7AY M fOOtTV THAV'-m! a si. Bk. 4 ...J --nr?''V iiao7 1 I ho- ftLT4 L3h-p itH; '. .uruDf-nn boat 70P SO&XJLED -- TH ' CAPTAli CAHf STAHO CAXD a&reesf footsteps-' THEWS COAWa K6: 1 .r-iy . rrr n TM:,'. tiABSHf TMtW i Max QkWXrtBt&ime njwi ' n.i . i n,h. ' T7 61 -MMISt'OC&.B&iriA AiA"M.aa; m camamct.-$smf? it ' " . ' . . ... ...'-.-::.

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