HvH'-V'V;;.' PAGE FOUR ' r A . J. Michael Moran, Society Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Faucette, of Burlington spent the week end at the Jefferson Hotel. Mrs. W. C. Matthews and Mrs. Gordon C. Willis spent Tuesday in New Bern. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon C. Willis celebrated their 26th wedding an niversary with a dinner party at their home on Bridges Street last Sunday. Fifteen friends of the cou ple were present. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Grace, of Falamanca, N. Y., visited Mrs. H. P. Scripture this week. Mr. H. P. Scripture attended the milk convention in Atlantic City this week. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Tolson, of Ocracoke, returned homo yester day after visiting Mr. and Mrs. Stamey Davis. Miss Kdilh Davis spent last week end in Raleigh where she attended the Stale Fair and visited Mr. and Mrs. George Wesley Williams. Mrs. Marjnrie Oglesny is visiting her daughter. Mrs. George Wesley Williams, in Raleigh. Mrs. J. Dewey Willis, Mis. I'ar nell and Mrs. Fannie Robinson .spent Tuesday in New Hern. Mrs. II. M. Kure was a visitor in New Bern Tuesday. Miss Lee Gould left Sunday night for I.os Angeles. California, to resume her studies alter spend- ...CAUSE SANTA CLAUS IS CONING TO TOWN!! . . . and it's sooner than you may realize. There arc . . . 49 Shopping Days Till Christmas! DON'T STRAIN YOUR MIDGET! t'OMR IN AND USE OUR LAY A WAY PLAN NOW! EARLY JEWELERS "Across from Western Union" AiTtidelj St. . Morehead City In Smart Fitting" Style tor Fall! ENGLISH TOWN CLOTHES "The Best In 20 Years" $35 to" $55 IN MOREHEAD CITY LEARY'S Men's Wear Known Everywhere ARENDELL ST. MOREHEAD CITY Phone M 5781 ing a two weeks' vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gould, of Morehead City. Miss Gould, a registered nurse was' also a student at William and Mary College of Norfolk, Va. Friends of Mrs. W. G. Oglesby will regret to learn that she is ill at her home on Arcndell Street. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. McBanc and daughter. Patsy, spent the week end with Mrs. McBane's sister, Mrs. Gordon C. Willis. Mr. lvey Wookcock attended the State Fair last week rather than Mrs. Wookcock as stated in Tues day's issue. Mrs. Ivey Wookcock is improv ing at her home following a recent illness. B. L. Adams, of Miami, Flu., and Fort Benning, Ga., will arrive to day for a visit with his niece, Mrs. Lcnwood Brinsdn. Mrs. Alvah Whealtnn and son, Alvah, Jr., of Black Creek, are visiting relatives here this week. Mrs. D. J. Hall was discharged from the Morehead City Hospital on Sunday and is recuperating at her home on Arendell Street. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ferehec have returned from a week's visit in Washington, D. C. Mrs. I). C. Sabiston, of Jackson ville, N. C, was week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Briuson, of Cincinnati, Ohio, returned home yesterday alter visiting Mrs. Melis sa Hrinson this past week. Mrs. Norman Dunlap, of Detroit, Mich., is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Griffin. Registered Nurses to Meet The" Carteret County Registered Nurses' Club will meet at the Fort Macon Hotel on Wednesday, Nov. 3, at 7 p.m. Local Girls to Attend Birthday Dance at Lejeune Young ladies trom Morehead Citv and Beaufort will journey to Camp Lejeune on November 10 to attend the annual Buthdav ball in celebration of the Marines' an niversary. Transportation will be furnished by the Marine Corps and the bus "wjjl leave Beaufort at 6:30 and Morehead City immediately after wards. PRESCRIPTION HEADQUARTERS BELL'S DRUG STORE BEAUFORT . IT'S Editor Pi 4mt Hi Surprise Birthday Party Given for Mrs. Haither Mrs. S. W. Hatcher' was given a lovely surprise birthday party by her husband at the Recreation Center on Wednesday evening. Thirty friends were present and enjoyed a Hallowe'en party wit't games, bobbing for apples, and fortunes told bjf Mrs. Tressa Vick ers. Marshmallows and hot dogs were roasted and served along with delicious birthday cake and coffee. Mrs. Hatcher received many at tractive gifts. Floating Bridge Club Meets With Mrs. Howland Mrs. W. A. Howland entertained the Floating Bridge club on Wed nesday afternoon. Guests were Mrs. S. J. Rabon, Mrs. John Johnson and Mrs. Sadie Howland. High score prize, a waste bas ket, was won by Mrs. Julius Nel son, Sr., while Mrs. Gene Hessee received a relish dish for second liigh. Mrs. Rabon received facia tissues for guest high. Upon arrival of the guests Mrs. Howland served apple pic with coffee and peanuts with cokes were served (luring play. Medical Auxiliary Formed By Ladies of County A luncheon was given at home of Mrs. Ben Royal last day at 1 p.m. to organize tin Fri the auxiliary of the Medical Societv Carteret Con A nominal ing ! committee was selected for the election of officers, and those elecle'd are: Mrs. N. T. Knnetl, president; Mrs. Mason, vice-president, Mrs. S. W. Hatcher, secre tary and Mrs. 1,. W. Moore, trea surer. The meetings are to he held the second Monday of each month al 6:30 p.m. Mrs. M. B. Morey was re-elected chairman of the committee for obtaining subscriptions to the hv- Drtinn tnni'uvinft in f nrohn:iH Cilu I and Mrs. J. Wav in Beaufort. i Mrs. G. L. Arthur Presents 'Proqram at Lanier Club The Lanier Book Club met al the Civic Center on Tuesday wilh 14 members present. Mrs. G. II. Jackson was welcomed as a new member and Mrs. Wimple as a guest. Miss Pearl Brinson, president, presided over a short business ses sion. Roll rail was given and min utes of the last meeting were red after which Mrs. Arendell read the treasurer's report. The meeting was then turned over to Mrs. G. L. Arthur who read a paper on the compilation of the Bible. She told of the many sizes of Bibles Irom those 1 inch square up to huge sizes which arc worth a great deal of money, Also, she told of the years of untiring labor which are needed to make this Book possible for us. Miss Brinson then served plum pudding with nuts and carried out the Hallowe'en motif in the re freshments. A social hour fol lowed. YOU CAN BUY A GOOD QUALITY INNERSPR1NG MATTRESS FOR ONLY $3S Minus $10.50 for your old mat. Comfort Innerspring Unit Guaranteed By Good Housekeeping CaU or Write RESTWELL MATTRESS CO. 2104 Trent Blvd. 2889 New Bern Pickup & Deliver Anywhere rami Now Located About 150 Yards East 01 The Main Gate Al Cherry i - 1 Point On The Old Beaufort Highway A CARTERET COUNTY NEWS-TEE3, KOEEEEAD CUT AND tZAUFOBT, Harried i i v nurAv rsF.Y-' xi Mr. and Mrs. Chester Edward Burgher, whose marriage was solemnized in the Macon Methodist Church on Saturday, October 16. Mrs. Burgher is the granddaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. W. t'. Piner, of Morehead City. Tuesday Club Meets With ..ulMrs. Kenneth Wagner Mrs. Kenneth Wagner entertain ed the Tuesday evening bridge club at her home on Arendell Street. Chrysanthemums were used throughout the home for decora tions. High score prize, a slick pin, was won by Miss Corctta Thompson and second high, also a stick pin, went to Mrs. M. B. Morey. The hostess served pineapple up side down cake with nuts and cof- fee as refreshments and cokes were enjoyed during the progrcs- ! sions. I Mrs. Bob Shaw will entertain I the club next week. F.H.A. to Celebrate Its National Anniversary j National F II A. will celebrate i jts fourth anniversary the first week in November. The Morehead City Chapter of Future Homemak ers of America began its celebra tion by attending church on Sun day at the Franklin Memorial church. The pastor, Mr. W. D. Caviness preached a splendid ser mon on Christian Home Life. On Tuesday evening, Nov. 2. the chapter will entertain the other chapters of Carteret county at the Civic Center at their meeting where the Stale F.H.A. president. Lcatrice Hill, of Choqowinity, will speak about her trip to the Na tional F.H.A. convention in Kan sas City last summer. On Thursday in chapel, the F. H. A. group will present a pro gram on the meaning of F. H. A., by giving their emblem ser vice, after which two red rose bushes, the official flower, will be planted on the school lawn. Shipyard Enjoys Oyster Roast On Tuesday evening employees of the Morehead City shipyard and their wives enjoyed an oyster roast. A delightful time was had by all. Rocky Mountain goats arc not goats at all, but a type of antelope. They belong to the ox family. When alarmed they travel at a stiff gallop but their customary gait is a casual shuffle. i Havelock. II. C. How Stocked With COMPLETE LI1IE CE ui&iKi s urn FOR CIIILDREII OF ALL AGES STOP IN TODAY f, ? ' t Mrs. John D. Willis Entertains Club Mrs. John D. Willis entertained members of her bridge club on Tuesday evening at her homo on Arendell Street. Mrs. Francis Wade was a guest for the evening and received a lovely box of handkerchiefs. Club high, scented soap, was won by Mrs. Jarvis Herring. Mrs. George R. Nelson was consoled with hand lotion. The hostess served delicious homemade carmel pecan cake with ice cream and coffee. HOSPITAL NOTES Mrs. August Schrader was dis charged Wednesday following a major operation. Mrs. William II. Quinii, of New port, was discharged yesterday fol lowing a major operation. Mrs. Lcb Buck, of Morehead City, was discharged from the hos pital on Tuesday. , Mrs. K. W. Copcland, of More head City, Rt. 1, was discharged from the hospital yesterday. Mrs. Nettie Golden, of Beaufort, RFD, was discharged from the hos pital Wednesday. Mrs. Cecil C. Jones, of Newport, Rt. 1, has been discharged from the hospital. Baby Marian Ann Smith, of At lantic, was discharged from the hospital Tuesday. Mrs. U. E. Swann, of Beaufort, was discharged from the hospital Tuesday. Mrs. Franklin Willis, of New port, RFD, was discharged on Tues day. FOR ALL YOUR SCHOOL SUPPLIES IT'S BELL'S DRUG STORE OF TO LUUMJ N. C STORK NEWS Mr. and Mrs. John Lasiew, of Morehead City and Camp Lejeune, announce the birth of daughter, Bonnie Joyce, in the Morehead City Hospital on October 26. Mr. and Mrs. James Ray Hardi son, of Havelock,: announce the birth, of a son, James Ray, in the Morehead City Hospital on October 26. Mr. and Mrs. David Freeman, of Morehead City, announce the birth of a son, William Mitchell, in the Morehead City Hospital on Oct ober 27. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Day, of Roe, announce the birth of a son, Rodney Allan, on October 25 in the Morehead City Hospital. Mr. and MYs. William H. La moreaux, of Atlantic, announce the birth of a son, Harold Mace, in the Morehead City Hospital on Oct ober 25. Mr. and Mrs. George Jones, of Harkers Island, announce the birth of a daughter, Daisey Alecn, in the Morehead City Hospital on October 23. Mr. and Mrs. Quenton Ncal Wil lis, of Beaufort, announce the birth of a daughter, Millie Patricia, on October 25, in the Morehead City Hospital. The average adult opossum weighs nine pounds and is about the size of a house cat. Snakes and fish have cars but these ears have no outside open ings. They "hear" mostly through vibrations in the ground or water. Skirt The ssue This 1847 Rogers fros. Silverplate $64.75 1? Jtil Ladies and W Awf Gents Watches ... in one or two of lhe lovely skirts that we have just received! Plains, plaids, woolens, and cord uroys ... a skirt for every whim! They're warm, wintry, and lovely ... the batter half of a perfect ensemble. Come in today and see this new shipment hi sizes 24 to 30 ... and they're priced ever so low! $5.98 - $12.95 THE Dial H-4534 CEDAR ISLAND Oct. 29 -- Messrs. Arthur Good win and Roland Lupton left Sun day morning for Tamaqua, Pa., they will return last of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Powers, of Norfolk, Va., arrived here Sunday afternoon to visit her brother, Mr. Morgan Goodwin. They returned hpme Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Smith, Jr. spent a few days last week to Ocra coke visiting her relatives. Miss Iris Mason, of Stacy, spent the week end here with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Daniels. Mrs. John Styron took her son, Mack to Beaufort to the doctor Saturday. Mack has been confined Formal Opening Momhy, Nov. 1, 1948 H0DERIIE BEAUTY SHOPPE N0REHEAD CITY 1109 Arendell Si. Phone N 7396 Refreshments Grand CONE ONE Everybody IT'S LATER THAN YOU THINK Only More Saturdays 'Til Christmas LET JARVIS HERRING'S Christ mas Lay-A-Way plan solve your Gift problems this year. A small deposit will hold your se lections for your entire Gift 'til Christmas. CALL Today while stocks arc new and complete. It's not too ear ly. Jarvis Herring JEWELER Corner Front & Craven bts, BEAUFORT F DRESS SHOP WE APPRECIATE YOUR PATRONAGE MOREHEAD CITY FRIDAY, OCTOBEB 29, IMS at home for over a year ndjve would be very glad to see nim get well again. Mrs. Irene Sandelin and grand- son and Mr. James Arthur, ot Norfolk, Va., returned home Tues day after spending a .few Myl here with their brother, MorgaTf Goodwin. "A number, of Atlantic High School students from here attend ed the State Fair at Raleigh last week. Mr. Earl Styron, of Bogue In let C. G. station, spent his leave here last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Styron. More eevsers exist in Yellon;! stone than in all the rest of UK world. Prize $25.00 Permanent J CONE ALL Welcome! -It- Keepsake HEATHER EngaRi-nient Ring $350.00 Also $100.00 to $3400.00 Wedding Ring $12.50 Ladies Birth Stone Rings As Low As $12.50 Ronson Lighters, Also Pencil Lighters $6.50 to $18.00 Arendell St -(Vi Ms J Iff if" .

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