CARTERET COUNTY NEWS-TIMES, MOREBEAD CITY AND BEAUFORT, N. C FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1948 , PAGE SIX CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE CONVERT your old sewing ma chine into an electric model, Motor and parts $19.95 complete. City Appliance Co., Front St., Beau fort. Y tf SAVE MONEY on back to school clothes. We are featuring McCall Patternsfyard goods, covered buck les and buttons. Mason's, Arendcll St, Morehead City. U EXPERT RADIO repairing on all makes. Philco car sets for immed iate installation. Matthis Radio Service Co., 140r Bridges St., Morchead City. tf PRICES DRASTICALLY REDUCED!!! Prand New 1948 PLY MOUTH Special Deluxe 4 door Sedan. Equipped with radio, heater, scat covers, bumper guards. Undcrcoated. Brand New 1948 PLY MOUTH 6 passenger Club Coupe Special Deluxe. Brand New 1948 CHEVRO LET Fleetline AeroSedm Brand New 1948 DODGE 2 door Sedan. Heater and scat covers. Brand New 1948 CHRYS LER Windsor 4 door Sedan. 1947 PLYMOUTH 4 door Sedan. 194(i CHEVROLET 4 door Sedan. Radio and heater. 1941 PLYMOUTH 2 door Sedan. Can Gei Practically Any Make Or Model Car You Desire On Shorl Notice. DICK PARKER MOTOR Co. 1302 Arendell St. Morchead City SINGER Sewing Machine in good condition. Phone B 4677. N5 MISCELLANEOUS WALL WASHING, wall paper cleaning interior and exterior painting. Work guaranteed. Phone Mr. Sheets B 3471. It LONG OR SHORT distance haul ing. Phone M 9551 or see G. W. Phillips, 905 Bridges St., Morehead City, for quick service. N2 " FOR RENT ' MAKE OLD FLOORS look like new. Rent our High Speed Floor Sander and Edger. Low rates Western Auto Store, Beaufort Phone 3651. tf LADY desires to share completely furnished house. Couple preferred. 2907 Arendell St., Morchead City. Up 4 ROOM apartment with private bath, electric stovp and refrigera tor. Suitable for couple. Phone B 3211 or B 5926. Also one sepa rate bedroom. lip WANTED HOUSE to rent, furnished prefer red, 3 or. 4 bedrooms, Morchead City. Contact Capt. Taylor, 1500 Shack leford or phone M 5662. N5p HELP WANTED CARRIER BOYS here is your chance. New routes open in More head City. Apply at NEWS-TIMES office on Evans St. DH POSITIONS" W ANTED LADY desires general office work. Experienced in typing and book keeping. Phone M 3741. ' 029p t COURT (Continued From Page One) noon recess of court that he must return One indictment against Adams read public .drunkenness, resisting arrest and using profane language. Two others were for giving a bad check and stealing fish. A bench warrant was issued Daniels. Driver's license cases were, continued for Dover Pittman Lawrence and John H. Campbell. Fines of $100 and costs were im posed on Ellis Fausel Reid and Robert Powell for drunken driving J. B. Taylor, also charged with drunken driving, was fined $50 af ter his attorney entered a special plea that he be sentenced on . a charge of reckless driving only. Nol pros with leave was ruled in Legal Notices for Adams and his case continued. Abandonment and non-support the cases of Mike A. Mason and charges against Jethro Barefoot Joe Teel, Jr., who figured in ac- were settled out of court but ap proved by the court upon payment of costs. The defendant agreed to contribute $10 a week for the support of a minor child until further. orders of the court. " In twqjjublic drunkenness cases Willie Stewart was fined costs, and P. H. Taylor received a nol pros with leave ruling. Nol pros with leave was also ruled in the case of Tom West, charged with larceny of two fox and deer hounds. J. B. Taylor and J. P. Taylor were indicted along with Robert Adams for stealing $10 worth of fish from a fish market. Their cases were con tinued. The following cases of speeding received judgment: Samuel Erwin speeding 80 miles per hour, $25 and costs, and Charles C. Schwartz $10 and costs. Speeding cases not heard were Glen B. Ritchey, nol pros with leave; Douglas Lawrence and Simon Jack Foss, bonds for feited; and Ernest Reginald Alls brook, continued. Wilbur Roscoe Boone was sen tenced to pay $200 and costs or serve six months on the road for driving after his driver's license had been revoked for a conviction of drunken driving. The following were ordered to pay costs for driving without a driver's license; John Henry Daughtery, Gene Neilson, J. W. Evans, Stacy M. Davis and Harold cidents. Mason was charged with failure to give a left hand signal causing a wreck, and the charge against Teel was passing another vehicle causing a wreck. Judgments were as follows in minor motor vehicle law viola tions: driving with improper lights Guy Roosevelt Pritchett and Rev. Millard Maynard, costs; failure to have their cars inspected, Iner Jo seph Lawrence, half costs, and Ira Pake! costs; improper brakes, Rev Woodrow D. Cavincss and David W. Clement, half costs. Cases of minor traffic law in fractions not heard were the fol lowing: John Bunch, continued; Whitt Alexander Cutthius, bond forfeited; Thomns Wright Harris nol pros with leave. The'cnsc of Mcivin Styron, Jr.. charged with selling a mortgaged bus, was continued. Robert Lewis and C. L. Grover made charges against each other which were settled as malicious prosecution in the office of the clerk of court. The prosecuting witness in each case was fined half of court costs. Recorder's court will not be held oa Nov. 2, election day, but will convene again on Nov. 9. CARNIVAL i 1 (Continued From Page Qne) Rodney Garner, seventh; Chuck Ballou and Clem Woodard, eighth. Barbara Emily, Margaret Pake, ninth, David Noe, 10th, Theresa House and 1 Harry Gillikin, 11th, and Sockie Dickinson, 12th. Winner of the baby contest will receive a sterling silver knife, fork, and spoon, donated by Bell's jewel ry store, and the second place rize, a silver baby cup, will be presented by L. Jarvis Herring, jeweler. ' Merchants who have donated prizes for bingo are the following: Fox-Downum, Davis Brothers, Mar saret's Beauty Shop. Merrill's, Wil lis Radio Service, Dill's, Potter's Grocery. Mrs. B. A. Bell, Duchess Beauty Parlor, House Drug Store, Rose's Five ad Ten, Cily Barber Shop, Unmans, Owens Grocery, Carolina Grill. A & P Tea Company, Ben's Bi cycle Shop, Herring Radio Service Felton's, Beaufort Theatre, City Appliance, Biggs Shoe Shop, Ram IIEATROLA coal stove. Reasonab ly priced. Contact Bruce Goodwin, 105 N. 10th St., or call M 4211. 029p EXPERT alterations on men's and women's suits and clothing. Work that satisfies by an experienced tailor Famise Corset Shop, 1103 Arendell St., Morehead City. tf NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE UNDER DEED OF TRUST Under and by virtue of the pow er of sale cont jined in that certain Deed of Trust executed by George Hardesty and wile, Goldic W. Har desty, to It. P. Holding, Trustee, dated March 15, 194C, and record ed in Book 108, Page 594, Carteret ly, at Beaufort, N. C, at 12:00 o' cl i. noon, on the 29th day of November, 1948, the land describ ed in said deed of trust, the same lying and being in Morehead Town ship, Carteret County, North Caro lina, and on Atlantic Beach, more fully described as Lots Eleven (11), Twelve (12) and Thirteen (13), Block One (1), together with all buildings and improvements situate thereon, as appears in the official plan of Atlantic Beach. Terms cash, and no bid will be County Registry; tid default hav ing been made in the payment of the indebtedness secured by said considered unless accompanied by deed of trust, and upon 'demand j a rash deposit of at least 25 per made by the holder of the note se- cent of the bid. The cornerstone of the Washing ton Monument in Washington, 1). C. was suspended in 1854 when the shaft was 150 feet high and was not resumed until 1880. Dr.J.O. Baxter Jr. THE EYE ONLY Front St. BEAUFORT N. C. FRIENDLY FOUNTAIN SERVICE BELL'S DRUG STORE BEAUFORT . 0. H. JOHNSON, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE & THROAT SPECIALIST GLASSES FITTED Office Hours: Morchead C ity 9 AM to 5 PM Including Sundays DR. E. F. MENIUS OPTOMETRIST 3rd Floor Elks Temple Rooms 307-8-9 & 10 NEW BERN N. C. cured thereby, the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale, and i will sell, at public auction, to the I highest bidder, for cash, at the ; court house door of Carteret Coun-' This, the 27th day of October, 1948. R. P. Holding, Trustee Hamilton & McNeill, Attorneys. 4t 029 N5-12-19 FLORENCE hot water heater with 30-gallon tank. Good condition. L. J. Norris, Western Union. tf GOOD small pic' -up truck tires. Perfects. Money back guarantee. Tire Service Co., 1300 Arendell St., Morehead City. tf , : ( 6-FT. FR1GIDA1RE, scaled-in unit. Capacity load governor. New mo tor, foui-year guarantee, $140. See ft garage apartment, rear of Curve Inn. Hp DURA-LITE concrete blocks. See these before you buy. D. E. Wil liams, 1700 Arendell St., Morchead City. N2p 1941 FORD super deluxe 4-door sedan. Just overhauled. Tires prac ticallv new. Reasonable price. Dan Smith, 606 Cedar St., Beaufort. B 5847. ltp CIRCULATING fans for Norge space heaters now available for first time in three ye?rs at City Appliance Co., In Beaufort. . It CHRYSANTHEMUMS for sale. See Mrs. Sam Darling, 502 Broad St., Beaufort. ltp LIBERTY weekly income record $5.80 complete. Your protection Commonwealth Publishing Co.. C, W. Stevens, representative, 325 Front St., Beaufort. ltp Sfi&ifomen: come and get your niiniri ft i-Av "fiiff MFViruuiUi4 CUV IIVW r AND ENTER THE ANNUAL r r t f CONTEST Don't fall to at In thU big $10,000 priu oontMt for portimn. You'll g.t a big kick out of Judging th. dogs ana you may win a fin pris a J..d Station Waaon. a 10 ft. DEEPFREEZE, an L. C. Smith in ei many oth sports awards. iok up a baa of Dag Chow and n gst your oontsst booklst. mm rAl M . . ' ' MSK-JMIl-WW 'S1 I mi in "-1MHITI-T nr'Wmhmmi-' -tft-. lf rxr-' 1 1940 DODGS coupe, 33,000 actaal miles, 4 new tires. One owner car. 12 So. Craven Drive, Havelock, N. C. ltp miscellaIJeous ALL APPLIANCES repaired We pick up your lamp, iron or other items, repair and then return them. Phone Sound Appliance Co., M 8011. Your Frigidaire products dealer. tf LICENSED electrician for electric al installations and contracting. Call City Appliance. Front St., Beaufort Phone B 325 1. tf . ELECTRIC appliances repair ser vice. Ranges, water heaters, refrig jerators, electric motors, .washing (machines and other small ap pliances. Phone M 3947, day or flight. Robert L. Garner. Shop lo cation, 202 South 19th St., More . 'nead City. N5 l . . . jWE BUY :rap iron, steel, tin, au ito radiators, bodies, fenders, bat teries. Gev our prices first. Salt er's Iroi. & Metal Co., on More head City Highway. Phone New Bern 3910, or write P. O. Box 736, 'ew Bern. " - . tf TYPEWRITERS, adding machines, calculators. Sales and service. Taff office Equipment Co., 2-2 Craven. 'St, New Bern. Phone 3133. tf DUPLICATE k'.s made to order ; We have the blanks and the ma chine Protect yourself by having an extra set of kevi made to out . 4pisafe place. Western Auto As sociate Store, Beaufort. N.C. , tf mm C. G. Gaskill Lee Hurdock Beaufort Wildwood J. C. WHITTY & COMPANY Craven & So. Front Sis. New Bern Only m 45 Quart u It II II - BLENDED WHISKEY BUNDED WHISKEY S6 WOOF. THE STRAIGHT WHISKIES IN THJS PRODUCT AH 4 YEARS OR MORE OLD. 27Y STRAIGHT, WHISKEY. 72W GRAIN NEUTRAl SPIRITS. 171 STRAIGHT WHISKEY 4 YEARS OLD. 10 STRAIGHT WHISKEY 5 YEARS OLt W. K HAILER CORP, PHIUC f A. t If mnv of vimi r farm utruc- tnrro need rcbnlMinR , . nr If yon plan to ndd new build inKN . . play nafe and build Willi Duru-l-lte Concrete Mn aonry. Thn you will noi only b protected agiinit flr and storm damao. but your buildinqs will al ways look neat, Irtish and new. Re pairs and upkeep wflL be low and daily chores easier. Concrete Masonry Is the Ideal ma terial for building barns, cattle sheds, hog houses, poultry houses, granaries silos, tool sheds, milk houses or any other farm structure that call for low cost modernisation. FREE! Write or coll for your copy of thit complete itery of Concrete Masonry construction. MANUFACTURED BY New Bern Building Supply Co. NEW BERN, N. C. Sold In Beaafori By G. W. HUNTLEY . Bill tmj Roller Bcinnti Tkroufhout .;: Cops First Five Places in Class ' I In Annual 134 Mi. Albany- new Torn uuTDoard &rhtd! Racing tfumH comprtilivf mnlnrn of 12 grfilcr displacment. the 7.J hp Atfrrury flashed cro itie finish line first, tipping along it kltrr llian 19 mil ptt hour in the annual Hudson River classic Cngi- nrcd for stamim. sprfd, and versatility, her is the all-purpose outboaid that gives more fun miles pet gallon of gas, delivers topnoltli performance at any speed, year after year, MORE WINNERS! Me-vnrr 10 Ip. T -chining also capture! first five places in i.s r,. Tru ran t beat class! And Mercurvs have r'ei";- of if - See the Mereuryt winneit of ne iW"i' R;ver race today. Get the full itciy abant luJI jentied Power? BEAUFORT HARDWARE CO. rECNT STREET ' BEA0TC3T scy's Wholesale Grocery, Bell's Drug Store, Guthrie and Jones, Beaufort Hardware, Pender's, Car tere Hardware. City Grocery, Jones Grocery, Beaufort Florist, Beauty Bar, and Ann Lou Florist. PTA (Continued From Page One) City, chairman of the. courtesy committee, following the after noon session, read in rhyme an account of the day's activities. Parts of this report,1 written by Mrs. Eure, follows: "Thanks to all who have weir corned us here, You've done your part for the District this year. Your building is pretty and comfortable, too So we say thanks to you and you and you . . . The president's reports show they are doing their part So accept our thanks from the bottom of our heart . "United for Youth", is our theme Let's make this more than a dream, For we can build peace this way v . Let us begin, now, here, this day. ' So to all officers, old and new, who have with us their know ledge shared,. For youth we are indeed grateful that you cared; Under such leadership we can't help but go far So thanks lor hitching "Our Wagon to a Star." ELECTION (Continued From Page One) termincd by a majority of votes actually cast. Morehead City township voters will receive a ballot containing only one name. Hubert Fulchcr is seeking the ever, opposed by Charlie Krouscj who is seeking election by write-in votes. , . . . w Morehead City townshiD include Ik f11s.Hiiti nt-Aitits. MnrAhpan lUUVITIIIj WIMVMI. City, Wildwood, Broad Creek and Salter rain. SYMPHONY (Continued From Page One) tra, many of whom never heard svmohony before. Others were going back for the second or thit time, repeating the experienct with an added sense of enjoyment Kangaroo meat is considered delicacy by Australian natives. QUICK, EFFICIENT PRESCRIPTION SERVICE BELL'S DRUG ST03E BEAUFORT jneii mm IU SU Mi n nfirpoi mm A DOLLAR... Spent foolishly is picked up by a wiser person You won't be spending your dollar foolishly if you buy furniture from the WILLIS FURNITURE CO. . . . And what is more, you won't be spending so many of those dollars. Ask some one who trades with us to find out how we save money for you, and rOLLOW THE OTHER THRIFTY BUYERS TO 1 WILLIS FURIIITURE COMPANY At The Furniture Sign Front Sireet Beaufort In? j I ; iJEuUl ....tegax-.-. -.VOGUE new hue new yog For your fashion changeover this Fall, select our MOJUD STOCKINGS in Fashion Harmony Colors. Here are nylon stockings exquisitely molded.. .in exciting new colors to complement all your new clothes.' Whether you like them sheer, sheerer, or sheerest, you'll look lovely right down to your toes in our famous Mojuds. FIRST QUALITY . Afternoon Sheer $1.40 Sheer 51 Gauge-$1.75 mmmmmmm The VOGUE ' FRANK LEONARD, Mgr. Front St. Beaufort