FXX4T, CCTOBSK & IMS. CARTERET COUNTY NWS-Tn!& KOfiSSBABt CTIt AND HTAlTORt If, C PAGE TUSKS "-; Gni!?arJCemtff CrI Wins Dress Revue 07k ." j. Peggy Caroion, Guilford County 4 II Club- girl, is shown here wearing the orchid picolay dTss with which she won Ihe 1948 Dress Itewe Contest fur North (aiolina. Peggy won first place among ' 5,00 club girls in 88 counties and will represent the State in the national contest to he held at the 4 II ( lull Congress In Chicago in December. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Carnion of GibKonville, Route 1. Teen Talk AP Sewsfeatures WhSj's your troubl, gal? Bow legged? ;Jtnockkneed? Pteeon-toed? Skiimjtf, Fat? Just plain homely? Don't--filve it another thought. YotfTt'ite downright pretty, tven -ttyil-'ra ugly. That para doxicit .remark was made by one of America's most famous model agents .oh 1 Robert Powers. ; Mr powers was- talking about that;.J?cir,Uin- something that some girls, fcffae and other girls just haveftTf He says it is an inner glow Whioh- oft limes is more easily spotted: in the not-so-pretty girl. Beautiflil' girls pre likuly to take their .beauty for granted .nd rest on their-laurels. The homely gil l knows sh should develop her per sonality and interest in people to succed socially. Hf cited the instance of a re- nnrtr who was sent to IntfwiM I a woman billed by th circus as "th- homeliest woman- in the world." The reporter interviewed the woman, wrung from her a back ground of hardship and, un pleasantness which, had' left her completely u.Uouehed. She hud learned to rise above all misfor tune which hid touched her. When he had. finished with his interview, ha decided it was impossible to write about the homeliness of the woman because she actually hjd become beautiful in his eyes, , Mr. Powers of course makes his living ps agent for pretty women. Primarily, he needs girls who will photograph well. All ot them don't need radiant beautv to ap pear before a camera. However, Mr. Powers is noted for his ability to select girls who possess both beauty and that "inner glow." There aren't too many girls pos sessing this happy combination. 1 RUSSELL'S CREEK Oct. 2!) The revival meeting ' held last week at Live Oak Grove j hurch by Rev. It II. Walker of! Aurora closed Kridav eve liiu: while interest increased each day , Mrs. Clyde I,. Whitehurst and ' son Kenneth of (Jlom-ester vis. ted relatives here Monday. Mr. and Mrs. I., nrinson and Mrs. James Player, of 'Morehead City, attended the revival services here last week. , i Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Fulcher and Kimily, of New Jersey, socnt a few days here last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Morton. Mr. Geo. Russell and son, Goo. Miller motored to North River Sun- j day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. It. II. Walker. Jr. , of Aurora, spent a while here Kri day evening. , Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Powell and j Miss Jessie Powell attended the family re-union Sundav which was held at Mrs. Joe Paramoic's of near Vanceboro. t ' Mr. and Mrs. Dorscy Rice of Morchead City Attended services at Live Oak Grove Church Friday evening. Miss Bernill Tallman spent the weekend at Straits. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Morton and little Marsha Morton left Satur day night with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Fulcher for New Jersey where i they're planning to spend two weeks. Mesdamcs L. D. Sprinkle. A. II. Tallman, Sarah Whitehurst and George R. Russell motored to Gloucester Friday. The members of Live Oak Grove Church feel fortuiatc in getting the Rev. I! II Walker for paslor for the coming year, lie will preach his first sermon of the year on the 3rd Sunday morning in November at eleven o'clock and Sunday evening at seven o'clock. Midget Cyclslron Under Construction at Carnegie PITTSBURGH (AP) Though a midget anwiv! giants, Carnegie Institute of Technology's new 1,-500-ton synchro-cyclotron will pack a punch equalling that of cyclo trons weighing twice as much. The new atom smasher now un der construction will be in opera tion by 1950, experts at Carnegie Tech predict. The instrument will produce 400 -million .volt particles.- Tie increased magnetic field of the pyjrtbrren results from improv ed overall "hihgnet and pole tip design. It will be used to produce mesons, the tiny mysterious parti cles found in cosmic rays. Scientists are attempting to learn more about these rays, be lieved to be the life-force of the universe. J FRESH CAUGHT DRESSED & DELIVERED Phona M-401-1 M -402-1 Call on ua today if you want informa tion on fishing boat for charter or an ot$i df, nt Armmmm.A flak OTTIS' MOREHEAD CITY FISH MARKET r If L L it 4 SC1EI3EEY . RESERVE Blended Whiakejr 86 Proof! The straight whiskies la this prod uct are S years or mere old.35 straight whiskey. 65 grain aeutralapifilt, 10 ttraight whiskey 5 years old. 21 atraight: whiskey 6 years old, 4 straight whiskey 7 year old. j Schenley Distiller Corp, New York City' know two models, neither oJ them Powers' girls. Nor do they work for the same agency. One is a perfectly beautiful blonde who always has had life handed to her in i gold cup. When she started her model career she made instantaneous monetary success . In a short time, however, her selfishness was ap parent to everyone she came in contact with. Models disliked her because she wasn't cooperative. Photographers began to see her tace i.s a perfect blank. Pretty socn she slipped from a S300 a week fashion and pho'osraphic model to practically nothing. Now she asks, why? She tries tc explain it to herself by saying people are used to her face, per haps she shouold change the color or style of her hair, the shape u. her eyebrows or lips. She might Uiki a tip from the other girl I know. She is tall but thin. At 23, her hair is graying Her teeth protrude slightly. But ' , '" 1 1 : !- 1 - ' I Mom -Dad -Sis 1 1 and Bud all say 3 V I bread! J I because I they like it J 1 C ' I f I TAKE HOME BAMBY BREAD J after a year in the modeling busi ness she has it in the palm of her hand. She' started in a small way, was willing to t; ke advice. When she began to make a good deal ot money, she didn't invest in a mink coat or in jewelry. She found her happiness i.i taking care ot others. She has supplied her fam ly with a few of the comforts they had missed cleaning women and launderesaes to help her mother, a television set lor her father, a house in the country for the whole family. Her simplicity desm'te the wor'.d of adulation she now lives in, leaves everyone amazed. Her own wardrobe is scanty but she always looks neat and well-groomed. That i.-mer glow that Mr. Powers describes shines from her pretty blue eyes. It's something she couldn't buy if she won Fort Knox in a beauty contest. Bees can distinguish between different degrees of brightness of a given color, but are blind to red. I BERLIN - (AP) Berlin' ghouls have no respect for royalty. They have been plundering tho graves of kaisers and princes and stealing coffin covers for firewood. This desecration centers chiefly nt the old Garrison church near the imperial castle in the Soviet sector. The church was ruined during the war. However, in its vault are still some 200 coffins. Tnieves who have broken them cpen apparently were searching for valuables. But the wooden covers obviously were removed tor fuel. food stores) I I CT I y I Equality! .FOOD STORES GUARANTEED MEATS CENTER CUT FORK CHOPS, lb. 81c SIBLOm, T-BONE, ROUND BABY BEEF STEAKS, lb . 77c BABY BEEF CHUCK ROAST, ft. Slcj SlUKhUl Krispy CHACKERS, Mb. flc 25c Sunbritt CLEANSER, 2 cans 15c Granulated PERK SOAP, 22-6K pk?. 36c l?OB3RY, 3 reg. cakes 28c l Cold Seal GLASS WAX, pint can 59c Mueilers Thin SPAGHETTI, 8-oz. pkg 13c PORK ROAST V 55c END LB. TOMATO JUICE F29c REDGATB CREAM STYLE Golden Corn, 2 IJo. 2 cans ...35c MRS. FILBERT'S EASY-MIX Margarine, 1-lb. pkg. 42c EASY TO USE CRISCO Shortening, 1-lb. jar $1.21 IDEAL FOR SANDWICHES Armours Treet 12-oz. can 51c SERVE WITH PORK C S AFFLE SAUCE, 2 No. 2 cans 27c HANOVER RED ; KKKEY BEANS, 2 No. 333 cans 21c COLO tADEL coffk frnrrpp I lurrcci M9 - 1-U Pkg. GABDEN TBESn PRODUCE FANCY CALIFORNIA ' , Tohay Grapes 2. lbs 25c OREGON STATE , Cose Pears, 2 lb. . . .. . ...... 27c FANCY COOKING Ucrh Tipples, 3rlbs. 25c lL S. NO. 1 WHITE T .'. 18c Flako HE CITJST, p!:r. . ToiletSMp " SWEETHEART, reg. cake .. 10c Laundry P & G SOAP, cakfr 9c Jiffy ' , n:CC2T IOX; 43 pkg. 43c Giant CSEEIf PEAS, Ho. 337 can . 21c Chocolate Covered CCiniIES.l-lIi.box 79c BRINGS THESE BIG VALUES ANN PAGE WITH PORK St TOMATO SAUCE MBBY'S CORNED BEEF HASH l(i-oz. Can 37c LIBBY'S VIENNA SAUSAGE Size Can 19c LIBBY'S POTTED MEAT V4 Size Can 10c LIBBY'S LUNCH TONGUE V4 Size Can 27c LIBBY'S POTTED MEAT Size Can 16c Beans s 10c PACKER'S LABEL ORANGE Juice - 25c WASHBURN'S Pea Beans . . ffi 29c PACKER'S LABEL Tomatoes CAMPBELL'S TOMATO Fruits & .Veuiabics Grapes, 2 Ik 23c ORANGES (200-216 size) 2 dcz. 33c m.L0W ONIONS. 2 lbs 9c GRAPEFRUIT (46-54) 5 far 29c Cabbage, lb 4c IDAHO RUSSET POTATOES. 10 lbs. 59c CHESTNUTS, lb. 33fr CRANBERRIES, lb 23c . - Cans 29c Soup 2s'21c IONA YELLOW CLING Peaches . . . ."as4 29c A & P FANCY TINY Peas ! 27c SUNNYF1ELD SELF RISING Flour s 78c A & P S OWN VEGETABLE SHORTENING dexo , ... 3 a $1.13 White Houie '-W ... TN. " ' Evaporated ... fir . j, - i MILK . c7 3 g; 40c "fc ate DELICIOUS Apples, 2 lbs. PALMOL1VE SOAP Reg. Bar 21c 1 WJ"r& t I I i .I -1 ' lain I II am CASHMERE BOUQUET SOAP Ban 23c Lge. Pkg. VEL 32c BLU-WHITE FLAKES SWEET HEART SOAP 2 21c LUX TOILET SOAP 2 "a 21c Pkg. 10c LIFEBUOY SOAP 2 ' Heg. Ban 21c LUX TOILET SOAP Bath Ban OCTAGAN ' .' SOAP CLEANSER 2 18c u Q MEATS ; SUrtKKlGMT Morrel Prid HAKS, lb. .... 63c Morrel Pride Smoked PICNICS, lb. 55 a Native Dressed IIEIiSJ 58c Dressed, and Drawn FRYERS, Ik 65c Fresh Ez&tv SKn-iIirC ft dQf L rCTATCSS, 10 Its. . 7Zz mi IH" "II Ttc:3 Pri:cs Apply to S!:rcs b L'::rl li L;rc!::d i