CARTERET COUNTY A&osooic&l D&la - Moon Rises This Morning 8:03 a.m. Moon Sets Tonight 6:10 p.m. Sun Sett Tonight 5:13 p.m. Sun Rises Tomorrow 8:31 a.m. A linger of THE BEADTOST HEWS (Established 1912) and THE TWIN CITY TIMES (Established 1936) 38th YEAH NO. 49. SIX PAGES MOREHEAD CITY, AND BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1948 SIX PAGES PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAY! 10c 1 Editorial Think Then Cast a Ballot Today the people of North Carolina will go to the polls to elect local, state, and national governmental Officials and to ex press their opinion on four proposed amendments to the state con stitution. Three of these amendments should be approved. These are 1, 3, and 4, as listed on the ballot. The other amend . roent, number 2 on the ballot, carries with It potential ca tastrophe similar to that experienced in many countries dur ing the depression. If approved, it would lift the limit now set on the amount of money a county can borrow. The pow er to decide how much money should be borrowed would lie solely in the hands of the county board. The amendment listed as number 1 on the ballot, if passed, will increase the pay of state legislators from $600 to $1,200 tor the year in which the General Assembly meets, with a propor tionate increase in pay for 20 days of a special session. At the rate our representatives are being paid now, a man with an average yearly income, or slightly lower, cannot af ford to serve. Only a relatively well-to-do individual can go to Raleigh every two years and spend more than he is paid for his job. It is not amiss to think, either, that these men who can afford to spend about three months away from their business every two years have interests peculiar only to them and their strata rath er than an interest in the needs of the average citizen. Amendment number 3 would increase the county tax from 15 cents to 25 cents on the hundred dollar valuation, in creasing the amount of money obtainable for operation of the county government. If this amendment is approved, it does not mean that the tax will automatically be increased immediately by 10 cents, it merely means the counties will have permission to increase by this amount when and if needed. With the tremendous rise in the cost of living, most counties cannot pay salaries or meet the cost of other necessary ser vices at the present tax rate. (As far as Carteret county is con cerned, the tax rate would probably remain at IS cents, for our county commissioners in monthly session many times have ex pressed their objection to tax-raises). However, rising costs warrant the opening of a new source of revenue. Whether the various counties take advantage of this source is their concern, but they should not be bound by a sta tute put in the state constitution many years before county gov ernment has reached the proportions it has today. The amendment listed a awssier 4 da the ballet would, abolish the ruling that special iaies or band issues could be voted against merely by staying' away from the polls. Ail that is required under the present law to constitute a nega tive vote in such a referendum is registration. In other words, the results of special elections should be de termined by majority vote. Voting for the amendment listed as number 2 on the constitutional amendment ballot would mean that the only safeguard against excessive county debt would be removed. It would permit unlimited borrowing without a vote of the citizens who would be paying off the debt Under the present ruling, a 1936 amendment to the consti tution provides that borrowing without permission of the voters must be( confined to twotthirds of the amount of debt the county retired the preceding year. To abolish this amendment now would make it possible for counties to do what they did in th'e lush 1920's when they bor rowed to the hilt, running North Carolina's per capita debt to the highest in the nation. And there is no guarantee that the pres ent period, similar to the 1920's, will not be followed by another depression when local government units defaulted and credit ratings went flooey. To vote 'officials out of office after they have incurred a tre mendous debt is like locking the stable door after the horse is stolen. Then it's too late. All four of these amendments are of vital importance, and with the exception of this one, listed second on the ballot, war rant the approval of voters. Don't neglect to go to the polls today. Democracy is not self -perpetuating. To function it must be practiced. Quali fied voters who fail to cast a ballot undermine democracy more surely than any communist or fascist ever can. Royalty Reips At Carnivals Carol Chadwick and Charles King reigned as king and queen at Beaufort Hallowe'en carnival Fri day night and Leslie Feagle and Shirley Keith reigned as king and queen at the Morehead City school festival the same evening. Winners of the baby contest were Gaynelle Felton, first prize, and Clem- Woodard, second prize. At the Morehead carnival the grammar .school, prince and prin cess were Douglass Taylor and Ann Hardy, while the primary school prince and princess were David Neison and Sarah Goodwin. A net profit of $908.14 was rea lized at the Beaufort carnival. Fi nal figures were not available yes terday on the Morehead affair. At the Morehead City Teen-Age club Hallowe'en ' party recently, $106 .was made. -. '-v, Prince arid .princesses for the . various .rooms in grades one through eight at Beaufort school are the following! George Huntley, See CARNIVALS Pag 0 . First Baptist Church To Construct Annex The First Baptist church of Morehead City will consider a bid aiext Sunday for the con struction of an educational build ing. Dr. John H. Bunn, pastor, revealed yesterday. A bid has been received which In likely to be acceptable to the church members, Mr. Buna said, and the. board of deacons will submit the matter to the church Sunday. The proposed plant will be complete and modem through out, Mr. Bunn said. It will con tain 35 class rooms, a dining room,-recreation room and of fices. FCC Makes Investigation Cf Eaybsro Cost Owners Use of ship radios for personal conversations, failure to keep com plete and accurate logs, and varia tion! in transmitting frequencies has caused the federal communi cations commission to crack down on boat owners in regard to opera tion of marjne radio-telephones in the Bayboro area, it was reported here recently. Polls Open for 12 Hours Baptist Group Takes Stand Against Gambling Association Adopts Resolu tion Against Both Legal and Illegal Types The Atlantic Baptist association, meeting at Swansboio Baptist church Thursday and Friday, took a stand against all gambling legal and illegal and appointed a com mittee to state its position in the form of a resolution. Discussion preceding this action centered pri marily on gambling at the dog race track near Morehead City. The committee was instructed to bring the resolution to the per sonal attention of the senators and representatives of the counties in cluded in the Atlantic Baptist as sociation. These are Carteret, Craven, Jones, Onslow and Pamli co. Appointed to draft the anti gambling resolution were the Rev. Winfrey Davis, Beaufort, chair man; the Rev. Thomas W. Fryer, New Bern; and the Rev. II. B. Hines, Oriental. The Rev. Thomas W. Fryer was also named to carry a notification of the association's action to the state Baptist conven tion, which meets Nov. 16-18. A pressure petition aimed at the revision of the Carteret county law which permits pari-mutuel gamb ling at the dog race track near Morehead City is still being circu lated among church groups in the county. the petition, sponsored by the Coastal Ministerial aisodationfhas been circulated in all except two churches of the County, the First Baptist church of Morehead City and the St. Paul's Episcopal church in Beaufort. Dr. John H. Bunn, pastor of the Morehead City First Baptist church, stated that he was in a greement with the anti-gambling resolution passed at the Sept. 13 meeting of the Coastal Ministerial association but that he did not cir culate the anti-gambling petition in his church. The resolution put the Coastal Ministerial association on record as "opposed to all forms of gamb ling, legal and illegal." Dr. Bunn said he brought this action to the attention of his church members and psked for alt who were oppos ed to gambling in any of its as pects in the county to register their opinions personally. The Rev. W. L. Martin, Episco pal rector in Beaufort, when asked to state his position with respect to the anti-gambling petition, re plied, "1 have no position. Vou might say I am a non-combatant." He said he had not asked the mem bers of his church to sign the pe tition and added, "I am not going to." Morehead Rotary Hears Oil Dealer The -prospects for an adequate supply of fuel oil through the win ter in Carteret county are better this winter than last, T. T. (Tom) Potter, Sinclair agent, told More head City Rotarians at their meet ine at the recreational center Thursday night. With care, we might be able to squeeze through, he said. Mr. Potter's inventory of stock shows 150,000 gallons of fuel oil more than his inventory of Nov. 1, 1947, showed. . He is just one of the distributors of the county, however. - Fuel oil supplied him in October represented a 105 per cent in crease over October of last year, he said. Mr. Potteralso stated that the increased demands made on Sin clair this winter will not be as great as the increase in his inven tory. He eplained that his inven tory has been increased because as many customers as could have supplied themselves with larger storage tanks and filled them al ready. - George McNeill,. Rotary .vice pre sident, presided at the- dinner meeting in the absence of L. D. Gore. Robert Taylor led in the ainging offjmiliar songs before Robert G. Lowe, Jr., presented the speaker. County Home Demonstration Clubs Will Observe Achievement Day with Program Thursday Polio Strikes Again, Salter Path Child HI After a lapse of 46 days, the county's 1Kb polio case. of 1948 has been reported to the health department. Roy C. Salter, aged 2, son of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Salter, Salter Path, was stricken Saturday, Oct. 23, and taken to James Walker hospital, Wilmington, Thursday. The case reported previous to this, was that of Clarice Mason, 11-year-old Atlantic girl who died. This was the only summer polio fatality in the county. G. E. Gillikin Faces Trial In Superior Court George E. Gillikin, owner operator of Gillikin's store. and 11th and Shepard streets, Morehead City, was placed under $1,500 bond yesterday afternodn in mayor's court after probable cause was found in a case charging him with willfully and maliicously burning personal property. Mr. Gillikin's store partially burned Thursday night. The fire alarm was answered by the More head City Fire department which put the flames out in about three quarters of an hour. Mr. Gillikin will be tried on the arson charge at the next term of superior court in March. Police Officer Hubert Fulcher was the first to testify in mayor's court, which was held in the audi torium of the municipal building. Fulcher said that he was informed by Fire Chief Vernon Guthrie and James Smith, first lieutenant, that the store had been deliberate ly set ef ire. He learned, the witness contin ued, that Cecil Guthrie had been at th6 scene drunk and later that evening he arrested Mr. Guthrie who had been causing a disturb ance at the fire house. The officer said that at the time he made the arrest Guthrie was drunk and was wearing a coat sat urated with kerosene. Police Officer Herbert Griffin, following Fulcher, stated that he assisted in an investigation of the fire. He related a conversation he had with Cecil Guthrie in which Mr. Guthrie told him that Mr. Gil likin talked all day about burning his store. Officer Griffin told the court that Guthrie, in this conversation, said that he and Gillikin drank a bout two and a half pints of whis key that day and that Guthrie tried to talk Griffin out of his idea about burning the place down. According to Guthrie's story, as related by the policeman," Gillikin put a candle on a gas-soaked blank et and ordered Guthrie to watch it until the blanket caught fire. When the blanket caught fire, Griffin said that Guthrie told him he went out the window into water about knee-deep (the store is lo cated in the sound), waded about a . half block away, then changed his clothes and returned to watch the fire. Guthrie, when asked if he want ed to testify, declined, but after Claud Wheatly, attorney for the defendant, asked that the case be dismissed on the grounds that Griffin's testimony was hearsay, Guthrie took the stand and said, "George set the store afire, I didn't do it." Guthrie told the court that Gil likin poured kerosene all over him and the store, 'Toured kerosene over too?" auestioned the mayor. See GILLIKIN Page 6 you, Tide Table men low Tuesday; Nov. 2 8:46 AM 2:25 AM 9:02 PM 3:15 PM Wednesday, Nov. t 9:31AM 3:10 AM 9:48 PM 4:06 PM Thursday, Nov. 4 10:16 AM 3:55 AM 10:33 PM 1 4:48 PM Friday, Nov. 5 11:01 AM 4:11 AM 11:22 PM 5:37 PM Commissioners OK Re-Check On Sanitary Systems Morehead Board Resumes Meeting Thursday; New Street Lights Approved Morehead City town commission eis, at a continuation of their Tues day meeting on Thursday after noon, voted to conduct a survey of sanitary facilities to check up on the compliance of citizens with a survey made last year and to re quire the compliance of slackers. A. I). Fulford, county sanitari an, and Doil Hancock, superinten dent of Moehcad City streets, will make the survey. The commissioners also voted to start enforcement of an ordinance passed June 1, 1944, requiring every resident and place of busi ness to maintain a covered recep tacle for garbage. Action was also taken in favor of extension of street lights on Arendell beyond 'third in the vi cinity of the yacht basin. Five more lights will be placed there. The commissioners approved a re commendation 'on lighting in that area presented by Tidewater Pow er Co., with certain alterations. An ordinance passed by the com missioners Oct. 20 will require owners of bicycles to secure bi cycle license plates and install and display them for one year from Jan. 1, 1949. A fine of $2 will be imposed on violators, each sepa rate day that the ordinance is violated to constitute a separate offense. The sale of licenses will begin Dec. 1. A. D. Fulford reported that "un believable" conditions are existing at a shack north of Bridges st. be tween 10th and 11th sts., without sanitary facilities where an old man is in ill health. County health, sanitation and welfare officers have visited the old man, who receives an income from the insurance of a deceased veteran son, and have reported a lack of cooperation from him in improving his condition. The man is in need of hospital ization, and neighbors reported that the conditions in which he is living constitute a public nuisance. rger Struck By Bus " The condition of Tucker Smith of Marshallbcrg was reported fair yesterday after he was hit by a Seashore Transportation co. bus on the Smyrna to Marshallberg high way near Marshallberg Sunday night shortly before 7 o'clock. Mr. Smith was rushed to the Morehead City hospital by the Adair funeral home ambulance, Beaufort. State highway patrolmen and passengers on the bus declared that the accident was unavoidable, according to Harry Hill, manager of the Beaufort bus station. Mr. Smith, who is partially deaf, was reported to have started across the highway just after a truck passed him ahead of the bus. , Mr. Hill said that Donald Gilgo, driver of 'the bus, blew his horn, applied brakes and ran completely off the highway to the left, at tempting to miss the pedestrian: He said that Mr, Smith, however, continued to cross the highway without heeding the bus and that the right corner of the bus struck him. There was also fog at the time of the accident, Mr. Hill stated. The bus was the regular Smvrna to Marshallberg run leaving Smy rna at 6 o'clock and due in Mar shallberg at 7 o'clock. The place where the accident occurred is called Tusk. Carteret county has been placed in district two by the American Cancer society In its grouping of county, units of this , state, it was announced today. If I 111 Marsnaune Beginning at 6:30 A.M. Carteret County Home Demonstration clubs will observe Achieve ment D?y with a program Thursday night in the Beaufort school auditorium. Presiding will be Mrs. B. F. Copeland, president of the county council. The meeting will begin at 7:30. Delivering the main ad dress will be H. I.. Joslyn, county superintendent of schools. Entertainment for the evening will be provided by Ted Spivey, pianist, and Ann Spivey who will dance. Dr. John II. Bunn, pastor of First Baptist church, will lead the devotionals, Mrs. W. A. Smith, Beaufort RFD, will give the ad dress of welcome and R. M. Wil liams, county agent, will also bring greetings. A review of home demonstration work (lining the year will be pre sented by Mrs. Hugh Pake, Bcttie. Awards will be made to the most outstanding club of the year and to the one that travels the farthest' with the most members to attend Thursday night's meeting. Each member who has attended 11 meetings during the year will also be recognized and given a small award by the home demon stration agent, Mrs. Carrie Gilli kin. After the meeting refreshments will be served. On display in the hall outside the auditorium' will be five ex hibits, on arts and crafts, house furnishing, food preservation, clothing, and flowers. Clubs in charge of the Achieve ment Day program are the fol lowing: decorations, Crab Point; program and report on accomplish ments, North River and Bcttie clubs; refreshments, Wire Grass and Core Crcck-IIarlowe clubs; courtesy and welcome, Camp Glenn, Wildwood, and Williston. Trade Promotion Committee Meets The first formal meeting of the Christmas trade promotion com mittee of the Morehead City Cham ber of Commerce was held Thurs day in the form of a luncheon at the Jefferson restaurant. It is planned that this commit tee will act as a steering committee for the merchants division of the Chamber. Bernard Leary, chairman of the promotion committee, explained that mercantile promotion has been carried out by Chamber of Commerce members at large. It is now believed, he said, that the effort has advanced to the point that a merchant division is need ed. Serving on the committee with Mr. Leary are the following More head City businessmen: W. D. Chalk, Bruce Goodwin, W. C. Mat thews, Walter Morris, Frank Mo ran, Jim Wheatley and Alfred Cooper. Robert G. Lowe, Jr., is secretary. Proposals for Christmas trade promotion were considered at the initial meeting Thursday, and Mr. Leary said that an annoucemcnt will be forthcoming. Gulf Oil Honors Station Operators Awards in recognition of 10 or more years association with the Gulf Oil corporation were present ed to six independent service sta tion operators of the Morehead City area at a meeting at the Jefferson restaurant Thursday. The observance was one of the many being conducted this fall throughout the company's sales area to honor station operators with pioneer records in its service. Awards were personally present ed by J . J. Bowden, manager of the company's Goldsboro sales dis trict. They consist of a plaque bearing the operator's name and a message of appreciation from the company. The plaque is de signed to be hung in the service station. Of dealers in this area receiving awards, five have been associated with the company for 10 to 15 years and one from 16 to 20 years. . The five are V. T. Fodrie, Beau fort RFD. A. M. Garner, Morehead City, L. H. Hardy, Merrimon, J. G. Taylor, Bogue, Joe Davis, Davis, and D. Ira Garner, Newport, P. H. Geer.t Morehead City distributor, See GULF OIL ,Pafe Beaufort Baptist Revival Continues The Rev. L. Grady Burgiss, Jacksonville, Leads Services The Rev. I,. Grady Burgiss, Bap tist minister from Jacksonville, will preach hi.s second sermon of the revival at Beaufort Baptist church tonight on the subject, "A Future Event." Evangelistic ser vices are being held at 7:30 o'clock each night this week and well con tinue through Sunday. "The Needed Revival" was the topic used by the Jacksonville preacher last night, and he will base his message tomorrow night on "The Serpent of Brass." The revival services began Sun day, with the Rev. Winfrey Davis, pastor, preaching. Special music is being provided each night by the church choir. Mr. Burgiss has been pastor of the Jacksonville church four years. For six years prior to that he was pastor of the Magnolia Street Bap tist church in Greensboro. He be gan his ministry at AffM(nTtan. list church near Elkln, serving two years. The revival preacher is also ac tive in his church association. He is now vice-moderator of the Wil mington Baptist association. While in Greensboro, he was clerk of the Piedmont association for three years and was secretary and presi ident, successively, of the Greens boro pastor's conference. While at Elkin, he led in erec tion of the church building there. Mr. Burgiss has journalistic side lines in addition to his pastoral work. Formerly a reporter for the Elkin Tribune, he is now a newspaper and radio columnist. "The Village Parson" column, of which he is editor, is heard over the Jacksonville radio station weekly and also appears in The News and Views, Onslow county newspaper. The Jacksonville minister stud ied at Guilford college near Greensboro. Clubs io Hear Discussion On 'Art oi Slaying Young' "The Art of Staying Young" will be the topic of discussion at two demonstration club meetings this week, Mrs. Carrie Gillikin, home demonstration agent, has announc ed. The Bettic club will meet at 7:30 tonight at the home of Mrs. Hugh Pake. The Core Creek Har lowe club will meet at 2 o'clock Thursday at the home of Mrs. Roy Mason. Gull Men Receive Awards fit n I r u 11 J. I. Bowden, district manager of the Gulf Oil Corporation'; Goldsboro district, extends his congratulations to three of the slx dealers, each with ten or more years association as a dealer with? the company.. P. H. Gcer, Morehead City distributor, has been as sociated with Gulf for 19 years. Left to right above are Mr. Geer i. G. Taylor, Bogue, Joe Davis, Davis, D. Ira Garner, Newport, and h i. Bowden. ' . . . , . '.;,' Polls opened at 6:30 this morn ing and will close this evening at G:30. With the choice of President a foregone conclusion, Kerr Scott's election as governor certain, and little doubt as to the outcome of county elections, Carteret county, like the nation, expects a calm election day today. In the county, H. S. Gibbs and William J. Bundy are unopposed to succeed themselves as represen tative to the General Assembly and solicitor of the superior court, re spectively. A Progressive party candidate, Mis. Gertrude Green, Negro, is contesting one of the two senator ial scats of the Seventh district. Democratic nominees are I). L. Ward and John D. Larkins, Jr. For clerk of superior court, A. I.. Wilson. Republican, has chal lenged Alfonso II. James. Demo cratic incumbent who succeeded the late I), li. Willis and is now running to fill the unexpired term. F. K. Hyde, Republican, and Prilchard Lewis, Democrat, are contesting the office of coroner, which Mr. Lewis now fills. Philip K. I'all, Democrat, and George J. Brooks, Republican, face each oth er for enmity surveyor. With Harry S. Truman practical ly alone in predicting a Democratic presidential victory, nothing shirt To assist voters who would find it difficult to go to the polls today for luck of transportation, the Seashore Taxirab co. of Men-head City is offering a free ride to any voter in Morehead City who will call 5721 and re quest it. The free ride service is being offered in connection with the Jayeee sponsored "Get Out the Vote" campaign, Josldh Bailey, Jr., announced. of one of the nation's major po litical upsets in history appeared likely to keep Thomas E. Dewey i'i,VX tPe ttffaVfwcy.'x, . v . .- Progressive candidate Henry' A. Wallace and States' Righter J, Strom Thurmond were allowed four per cent and two per cent of the popular vote, respectively, in Gallup poll results announced yes terday. .. Candidates for governor .'of North Carolina are W. Kerr Scott, Democrat; George M. Pritchard, Republican; and Mary Price, Pro gressive. '".". Four proposed amendments to the state constitution require the voters' attention. The first a mendmcnt would raise the salaries of members of the General Assem bly and presiding officers. The second would remove debt limita tions upon the state, counties and municipalities for necessary .ex penses. . 1 j The third amendment would in crease the amount of total state and county tax which may be lev ied on property by changing the limitation from 15 to 25 cents en the $10O valuation. The determination of results -of special elections by majority vte to rule out the provision that reg istered voters may cast a negative vote by simply obstaining frc-nt voting is the object of the fourth proposed amendment. - foa ., i Meeting Postponed i f The Army Reserve unit, sched uled to meet tonight at the Rec reation center, will meet two weeks from tonight. The meeting ha been postponed because of election. i 'IT ' aV ....

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