Y": CARTERET CO UN T Y On Astronomical Data 10c Sun "Rose Today 6:32 i.m. Sun Sets Tonight 5:10 p.m. Moon Rises Today 11:16 a.m. Moon Sets Tonight 8:44 p.m. A Merger o! THE BEAUFORT NEWS (Established 1912) and THE TWIN CITY TIMES (Established 1936) PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYl 38th YEAR NO. SO. EIGHT PAGES MOREHEAD CITY, AND BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1948 EIGHT PAGES County's 1948 Vote Slightly Better Than Average MES Education Board Discusses Report By Grand Jury Members Express Approval Of Views Taken by NEWS-TIMES Editorial The Carteret county board of education, meeting Monday after noon, discussed the superior court grand jury report for the October term and expressed approval of a recent NEWS-TIMES editorial, en titled "Grand Juries Are in a Rut," published Oct. 26, H. L. Joslyn, county schools superintendent, re ported yesterday. The NEWS-TIMES editorial cri ticized the grand jury report for indulging in "routine criticism of the schools." "Everything the October grand jury pointed out in its report re garding schools," the editorial maintained, "is well known to the board of education, the superinten dent of schools and readers of THE NEWS-TIMES." The editorial charged that the jury "revealed" or "discovered" no thing. Mr. Joslyn, who said he agreed with this view, stated that they (the tounty board of education) "are doing all they can with what they've got." it is hoped that a new boiler at Atlantic school to replace the one which cracked and went out of commission Oct. 21 can be install ed within two weelu-ihe school superintendent said. A boiler has been ordered and will be delivered by motor freight Members of. the school board were urged to attend the annual meeting of the state school associa tion at Chapel Hill Nov. 11. Kerr Scott, governor-elect of North Ca rolina, will be the keynote speaker. Mr. Joslyn said he has notified principals of the various schools in the county to be extremely care ful that smoking is not allowed by pupils or teachers in any school buildings. Jaycee President Commends Group H. S. Gibbs, Jr., Josiah Bailey, Jr., the Seashore Taxicab co., and others who made the Jaycee spon sored "Get Out the Vote" cam paign a success in Morehead City were commended by Bruce Good win, Jaycee president, at their Monday night meeting. A total of 500 voters not pre viously registered had their names placed on the voters' list by the Jaycees. Mr, Goodwin urged Jaycees themselves to go to th polls and stressed that they should vote for the amendment to the special elec tion procedure. A proposal that the Jaycees co operate with Morehead City hospi tal nurses in staging an all-male singing and dancing "girl show" in which the men will impersonate such glamorous females as Lana Turner was referred to the money making projects committee. No action was taken on pro posal for a dance during the Christmas season. A ladies' night barbecue supper was voted for the holidays, however. The president recognized L. G. Dunn, new member, and Keith Sawyer, visitor. The group adjourned after din ner to the lounge room of the re creational center for a movie, "Story of the Diamond Knot." The film is based on the largest marine salvage operation ever carried on in the Pacific ocean the removal of a cargo of salmon from a sunk en ship. . After the showing of the film the Jaycees went tj the Idle Hour amusement center for round one of their winter bowling tourna . ment. ' ') In 1940. more than a quarter o' the population of the .United States were peoole who were bom outside the country - r born of alien parents. v . Miss Buedsclieid, Germany, Changes Name and Residence -nriT t -I! "Y " -Aw 1 vr ' 1 e 1 "llli,.:. ft " S I , ... IH"!! -"" n I i m ' , Pictured here in front of the cathedral, Cologne, Germany, are Earl and Marianne with Marianne's parents. Reading from left to htfSfcl- ' Frau "Bjedacheld, Another war bride has come to make her home in Carteret county. With the addition of Mrs. Earl Murdoch to the populace of Wild wood, Germany shares the honors with England and Australia. Mrs. Murdoch, the former Ma rianne Buedschcid, of Cologne, ar rived early last Friday morning in New York Cily by plane. Due to the serious illness of her husband's father, the couple could not re turn to this country together. Fear ing his father's death, Earl, who is in the Army, left Germany on an emergency leave several days prior to Marianne's departure. His three-year re-enlistment af ter the end of the war, just to return to Germany and Marianne, will end this month. Then he and his bride of four months hope to move into their new home near Earl's home at Wildwood. Marianne and Earl met in May 1945 while Earl was or guard post at Hersfeld checking persons pass ing by. Because Marianne could speak English fluently, they be came better acquainted and three years following that meeting, on June 26, 1948, were married. The Buedscheids had to flee Co logne twice during the war when allied attacks destroyed their home. It was while they were living at Schwarzenbach, a little place about 400 miles from Co logne, that Earl was able to bring them food which staved off star vation. Living in a tiny room were Marianne, her sister, and their par ents, Michael and Matilda Bued scheid. Observing a quaint German cus tom, Marianne's sister, when the wedding day neared, made a little booklet or "wedding paper" which tells in rhyme, both in German and County Teachers Attend Meeting Practically every teacher in the county attended the first county wide teachers meeting in the Beau fort school auditorium Saturday morning, H. L. Joslyn, superinten dent of schools, revealed. , Organization meetings were held afterward by the local chapters of the NCEA and the North Carolina Teacher's association (colored). J. E. Miller, associate in the Div ision of Instructional Service of the state Boasd of Education, was the speaker at the teacher's meet ing. Mr. Miller served in connec tion with the work of the North Carolina Education commission. The speaker talked of democracy in the three R's and how to vitalize subject matter. ' ''.: v "L ' ' '- 'v ' ' Earl,' Ms' bride, aiMMUrr Bned- English, how Marianne and Earl met, and how the romance ended in marriage. Each rhyme is illustrated in pen sketch and crayon. Part of one of the rhymes, reads, Meeting in Hersfeld, they show ed readiness To establish in Wildwood their happiness Parents are sad by this separa tion, But Earl only says, "My repara tion." Marianne can speak French in addition to English. Both langu ages were learned in school. Al though a Catholic by birth, she at tended the Wildwood Presbyterian church and played the first Sunday she was here, doing very well, everyone said, in spite of the fact there were hymns she had never heard before and a piano on which she had never played. She still wears her wedding ring on the third finger, right hand, in accordance with the European cus tom. Asked if she was going to change it to the left hand as Amer ican women do, she laughed and said she didn't know, but from the look In her eyes I imagine the ring will stay always where it is right now. The abundance of food here amazes Marianne, as well as the array of clothes available. "I didn't bring many clothes with me," she explained, "I imagin ed it would be like this here. When I rode in a taxi in New York, everyone looked so dressed up I thought they were all going to a party!" Marianne "likes it here very much" and hopes the day is not far distant when her family can come for a visit. Beaufort Group Observes National FHA Week The Future Homemakers of America, Beaufort High school, ha ij their second meeting of the year Monday in recognition of Na tional FHA Week. The meeting was called to order by the president, Shirley Lipman. Betty Eudy, secretary, called , the roll and the minutes were read and approved. Mrs. David Beveridge, advisor, read an article about Governor Cherry presenting proclamation on National FHA Week to the State FHA president. The Beaufort group will meet Sunday morning and attend the Baptist church in a group. . FHA officers ' are Anna Lou Laughton, parliamentarian, Vera Lou Loftin, reporter, Jane Mason, historian, and Lorna Smith, song leader, . ,,- County Symphony Membership Goal Placed At Seven hundred fifty dollars in memberships to the North Caro lina Little Symphony is the quota for Carteret county, Mrs. B. F. Royal, membership chairman, an nounced yesterday. "Sales are progressing very sa tisfactorily," Mrs. Royal stated, and added that she was delighted with the interest being shown in the return of the Little Symphony to the county next year. Memberships are being sold in Beaufort, Morehead City, Atlantic and Newport. The Little Symphony is a group of professional musicians, taken from the full orchestra of the North Carolina symphony. Its pri mary function is to play to the smaller towns and communities where stages or auditoriums are too limited for the larger group of seventy musicians. An orches tra in miniature, with the four principal choirs of a full symphony the brasses, woodwinds, stringed choir, and percussion instruments its repertoire is wide and varied. Because of its mobility and size, the Little Symphony probably reaches more children in the rural and isolated districts than any other orchestra in the country. Its free concerts for children are at tended by thousands, year by year growing more truly conscious of the inspiration of great music. The Little Symphony has an en thusiastic following. During the 194748 tour. It reached forty five thousand people and played in ap proximately 33 towns. A special concert was given in Raleigh when the Little Symphony joined forces with the city's choral groups In an Easter program. It also gave out-of-state performances in Georgia, and ten radio concerts. Under the direction of Benjamin Swalin, the Little Symphony began its 1947-48 tour early in February when North Carolina was having a stormy bout with the weather. Starting with their first concert in See SYMPHONY Page 8 S750 Salter Path Alone Survives As Village on Outer Banks Beaufort Board Receives Audit The official audit of the town of Beaufort for the fiscal year end ing June 30, 1948, released this week, revealed that bonded in debtedness of the town was re duced from $479,526.74 as of June 30, 1947, to $468,536.98 during the year. Williams and Wall, Raleigh, pre pared the audit, which was accept ed by the Beaufort town commis sioners at their regular monthly meeting Monday night. Frank P, Wall, C. P. A., of the firm was present and explained the audit, item by item. Included with the audit was a statement commending the "fine condition of the town's records." Bonds retired during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1948, were valued at $10,989.76. Equipment valued at $5,253.83 was also pur chased by the town during that period. The balance cash on hand and on deposit as of June 30, 1948, was listed as $12,126.46. The town's assets stand at $567,144.80. The financial statement of the town of Beaufort as of June 30, 1947, was based on a 10-year audit, which was the first audit that had been made in the period of time. The June 30, 1948, statement is therefore, only the second in many years. Lejeune Team Off to Bermuda CAMP LEJEUNE, Nov. 4 The Lejeune Marines, in an effort to get back into winning stride, after their 6-0 loss to the Little Creek, Va., "Ampbibs" last Saturday, will travel to Bermuda to take on the Air Force eleven at Kindley Field. The team will depart by air today, and will have a light work out on Friday in Bermuda, prior to the game on Saturday. . ' . CourlClerkPollsHighestlSumberVotes South River Nan Killed While Deer Hunting George Tosto, 61, South River, was accidently shot and killed at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon while deer hunting. Carl Can non, 18, fired the fatal shots when he saw bushes moving, thinking it was a deer, accord ing to L. L. Dixon, also of South River. One shot glanced off Mr. Tos to's forehead, the other two struck him in the chest. He died in about 30 minutes, never re gaining consciousness. Funeral arrangements are incomplete. Both Guthrie, Gillihin Face Charge Of Arson Facing the criminal charge of arson in the March term of super ior court will be both Cecil Guth rie and George E. Gillikin, of Morehead City. Each of the men was put under $1,500 bond by Mayor G. W. Dill, Jr., in mayor's court Monday afternoon. Gillikin and Guthrie are alleged to have willfully and maliciously burned the store at 11th and She pard streets, owned by Gillikin. The back part of the store was damaged by fire at 6:20 Thursday night, Oct. 28. According to testi mony offered in the Monday hear ing, Gillikin requested Guthrie, his clerk, to stay in the store and watch until a candle burned down and caught fire to a gas-soaked blanket. Then, according to testimony by an investigating police officer, Guthrie escaped from the place by going out the back. From the store, located on the sound, he jumped in water about knee-deep and waded half a block away. After changing his clothes, he returned to the scene of the fire By F. C. Salisbury From the time of the early set tlement of Carteret county the Outer Banks from Cape Lookout to Boguc Inlet have had many small settlements. Diamond City on Shackleford Banks was probably the largest and the longest lived of the several hamlets that sprang up on that section of the Banks and which were deserted following the violent storms of the 1800's, driving the inhabitants to the mainland or to more protected sections of Bogue Banks. Familiar landmarks on Shackle ford Banks besides Diamond City were Bell's Island, Uncle Devine's Phce and the home group of Joe, Abe and Owen Lewis. Old timers who passed their early years in any of these settlement recount vivid tales of the storms that vis ited the Banks, of the whaling off shore, of the thousands of wild duck killed each season to be ship ped to inland markets and the vast variety of seafood that was there for the taking. At the western end of Bogue Banks, small settlements similar to those on Shackleford Banks flourished for several years until the shifting sands and storms kill ed the trees and vegetation, driving the inhabitants eastward along the Banks from one location to an sther. The first known settlement on the western end of, Bogue Bankf was Bob's Cove, not far from the present location of the Bogue In let Coast Guard station. Driven from there by the encroaching sand and storms, the inhabitants moved eastward to a point that was given the name of Yellow Hill. Again a move became necessary, so another settlement was estab lished to the east and given the name of Rice Path. Here the group, which by this time had de veloped into quite a good size com munity, remained for several years. Once again the elements wrought vengence upon that sec tion, compelling the people to make another trek eastward set Bee SALTER PATH Page I By GAINER BRYAN, Jr. Votes cast by Carteret countians on Nov. 2 bettered the 1944 vot ing record. by 200, approximate returns indicated yesterday. A reg istration of 9700 was on the books when the polls opened. Alfonso L. James, Democrat, polled more votes than any other candidate in the county elections,' defeating A. L. Wilson, Republican, 3,795 to 1,144, to succeed himself as clerk of superior court. Phillip K. Ball, Democrat, ranked second in the balloting with 3,702 votes which won him the race for county surveyor. His op ponent. George J. Brooks, Repub lican, polled 1,270 votes. Mrs. Gertrude Green, Negro, Procressive candidate for one of the two senatorial seals of the Seventh district, polled the lowest nu"iber of votes of any candidate. The count was seven for Mrs. Green, and 3.3!)fi and 3,684, respec tively for the Democratic nomi nees, 1) L. Ward and John I). Larkins. Jr. I'rilchard Lewis, Democrat, de feated !'. E. Hyde, Republican, 3, 527 to 1,280 for coroner. II. S Gibbs and William J. Run dy polled l;iruc returns though uni pposed. The count for II. S. Gibhs. ninning for reelection as representative to the General As semhly, was 3.703. William J. Rundy succeeded himself as solici tor of superior court by a vote of 3,717. The tally of votes east at Cedar Island had not been received by presstiine in the office of the county board of elections. The race for constable in More head Cily township was nip and luck with Krouse emerging just five write-in votes ahead of his op ponent, Fulcher, to win the elec tion. Final count was Krouse, 711; Fulcher, 706. The Morehead City vote on elec tion day was 1,280 out of a 2,850 registration. Election results in the Krouse Fulcher battle are as follows: Morehead City, 435 for Krouse, 637 for Fulcher; Salter Path, 90 for Krouse, 25 for Fulcher; Wildwood, 97 for Krouse, 38 for Fulcher; Broad Creek, 89 for Krouse, 7 for Fulcher. Carteret county contributed its part to the historic upset in the presidential election by going for Truman by more than 2-to-l. The tally for Truman, 3,447; for Dewey, 1,501; for Thurmond, 130. Henry Wallace received 15 votes. Democratic nominee Kerr Scott swept the county with a 3-to-l vote over Pritchard, running up 3,757 votes to Pritchard's 1,134. In the contest for U. S. Senator, .1. M. Rroughton defeated Wilkin son, the Republican contender. Tctals for Rroughton were 3,509 for the short term and 3,433 for the regular term. Wilkinson re ceived a count of 1,264. For Congressman from the Third district, Barden, Democrat, defeat See ELECTION Page 8 Police Dog Attacks 3-Year-01d Wayne Nelson Wayne Nelson, 3 year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Nelson, 2107 Evans street, is recovering today from dog bites he received Thurs day. Mr. Nelson said that his son was attacked three different times Thursday by a German police dog belonging to W. L. Derrickson. The dog is now under observation at kennels in New Bern, Mr. Nelson reported. Wayne was bitten first on the arm and as the child was being led into the house the dog bit him again on the back and after the child left the house with his moth er to go to the doctor, the dog, vhich was lying under a bush, rushed out and bit the youngster igain on the arm, inflicting a wound in which five stitches were taken, according to the story told by the father. Mr. Nelson said that the doctor treating his son reported that Wayne was the sixth child bitten )y the police dog. Tide Table HIGH Friday, Nov. . 11:01 AM 11:22 PM Saturday, Nov. 12 Noon 11:48 PM Sunday, Nov. 12:14 AM 12:35 PM Monday, Nov. 1:10 AM 1:30 PM Tuesday, JNov. ,2:14 AM 2:29 PM " LOW 4:11 AM 5:37 PM I 3:30 AM 6:27 PM 6:23 AM 7:22 PM I . -' 7:22 AM 8:18 PM I 8:28 AM 9:14 PM Board Authorizes Request For Bids On Sewer Line Taking their second decisive step in the elimination of an unsanitary sewage disposal problem in Beau fort, the Beaufort town commis sioners Monday night in regular session voted to ask for scaled bids for 30 days for the construction of a sanitary sewer in the northeast ern end of town. Acting on the recommendation of Engineer Gray Hassell, follow ing a survey which he made on the commissioners' order, the town board authorized a sewage line to be laid from Mulberry st. south down Hedrick to Cedar. The new line would provide for the sanitary disposal of sewage which now flows through a storm sewer to an open ditch just out side of the town limits between the Beaufort graded school and property being developed as Han cock Park, a housing area. Mr. Hassell estimated that the cost would be $1,700. Before re commending the Mulherry-Hedriek-Cedar route, he made a survey Of a proposed route from Mulberry down Hedrick to Pine, thence to Live Oak, but discovered this would not be feasible because ele vation at Live Oak is higher than at Mulberry. The unsanitary drainage situa tion came to the attention of coun ty sanitarian, A. D. Fulford, late in September and was inspected by a state sanitation engineer Sept. 29. The town commissioners complied with his recommenda tions at their Oct. 4th meeting by appointing Gray Hassell to conduct a survey for the construction of a sanitary trunk line. The board unanimously accepted the town of Beaufort audit for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1948, prepared bv Frank P. Wall of Wil liams and Wall. Mr. Wall was pre sent and explained each item of the audit. A permit was granted Price Johnson to sell beer at his Oyster Bar. Will Arrington offered to deed water lots No. 125, 126, and 127, belonging to the I. E. Ramsey estate, to the town provided no building be erected on them. This proposal was taken under advise ment. A motion was made by Commis sioner J. O. Barbour, Jr., seconded by Commissioner D. F. Merrill, that police officer Maxwell Wade, who has resigned, be paid the ba lance of his salary for October. The motion passed. Civil Service Exams Open For Mechanical Apprentice A civil service examination for the position of apprentice, mech anical trades, fourth class, in the federal government is now open at the U. S. Marine Corps Air sta tion, Cherry Point, it was stated today by William E. Ward, record er of the Board of U. S. Civil Ser vice Examiners at Cherry Point. The examination is being held to fill positions at the air station. Original appointments are made to apprentice (fourth class) i at $6.08 per diem. Promotions may be made after the required period of service in each class to appren tice (third class) at $7.04 per diem apprentice (second class) at $8.00 per diem and apprentice (first class) at $8.96 per diem. Applica tions must be received by the re corder, board of U. S. Service Ex aminers, gate No. 1, U. S. Marine Corps air station, Cherry Point not later than Dec. 1, 1948 in order to be considered in the examina tion. Competitors will be required to pass a four-part written test of aptitudes for trade apprenticeship training. The written test will require approximately 3 12 hours. Complete information and ap plication blanks may be obtained from the recorder, board of U. S. Civil Service Examiners, at the U. S. Marine Corps air station, Cherry Point. Morehead City Adds Voice To Plea For Ports Chamber Manager Appears Before Budget Commis sion at Raleigh Robert G. Lowe, Jr., manager of the Morehead City chamber of commerce, went to Raleigh Wed nesday to add his support to a plea before the state advisory budget commission for $7,558,372 for port facilities at Wilmington and Morehead City. Col. George W. Gillette, execu tive director of the North Carolina Ports Authority, presented the re quest before the body which passes on all state budgetary additions. Various interests also se:it repre sentatives to add their voices to the plea for development funds for the state's ports. Senator-elect J. M. Broughton made a statement on behalf of Colonel Gillette's re quest. Representatives of the Atlantic and Eastern Carolina and the At lantic Coast Line railroads pointed out the advantages of port develop ment from the freight rates stand point. Benefits of the coastwise trade with adequate ports in North Caro lina were stressed by representa tives of textile Interests. Spokesmen for the tobacco in dustry contributed their voices to the advantage of tobacco storage facilities on the coast and the de sirability of ports for the export of-domestic tobaeooa-and the im port of Turkish blends. Tobacco is now coming from Georgia and South Carolina into North Carolina for processing, it was pointed out, but must be shipped to out of state ports for export. North Caro lina ports, it was stressed, could handle the export of these pro ducts, in addition to its own, which constitutes 68 per cent of the na tional tobacco exports. ' C. C. Brewen, speking for Ma dix Asphalt Roofing corporation, Morehead City, said he established his business here primarily be cause of expected coastal benefits. Mr. Brewen revealed that he could receive certain raw materials by barge at less than half of the pre sent railroad freight rate. There would be an $8,700, a month net saving on the present one-shift operation, he said, and when he begins a contemplated three-shift operation, his monthly saving would be more than $25,000. Schools to Observe Education Weeki Strengthening the Foundations of Freedom is the theme of Ameri can Education Week which Car teret county schools and schools over the nation will observe throughout the coming week, Nov. 7-13. This will mark the 28th '.an nual observance. At Morehead City school posters will be displayed, patrons will visit the school Wednesday afternoon and the American Legion will sponsor a program Thursday mqrn-, ing in the school auditorium. Daily topics will be emphasised as follows: Sunday, Nov. 7, Learn ing to Live Together; Monday, Improving the Educational Pro gram; Tuesday, Securing Qualified Teachers; Wednesday, Providing Adequate Finance; Thursday, Safe guarding Our America; Friday, Promoting Health and Safety; and Saturday, Developing Worthy Fa mily Life. Ai'J, The first American Education Week was observed three years after the World War I armistice was signed, while the battle slo gan, "making the world safe for democracy," was still ringing fn the ears of Americans. -:'r The aim of the observance was to help carry the word of the schools into the home "to gain public support of school efforts and to strengthen the fiber of bur Nation through education," found ers said. ' , ,. Its timing during the week which Includes Armistice Day, Nov. 11, was planned by educators. American Education Week .Js sponsored by the American Legion,' the National Congress of Parents and Teachers, and the Nations! Education Association.

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