TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1948 Beaufort Victor Girls Score Onesided Vic tory of 40-8; Return En gagement Thursday Beaufort boys and girls teams triumphed in a cage contest with Atlantic at the Atlantic gym Thurs day night and will play them a return engagement in Beaufort this Thursday, starting at 7:30. Score in the boy's game was Beaufort 41, Atlantic 32. Beaufort girls bested their opponents by 40-8. Alton Willis led the victory march for Beaufort, ringing the hoop for 10 points, followed by A. 0. Rlartknnship and Jimmie Piner, each with 8 points and Howard Fowdre with seven markers. High scorer for Atlantic was John C. Hamilton, 15 points. Rose scored 12, and Smith five. The local quintet led the op position all the way, with the mar gin never less than five points. The score was 18-13 at the half. Coach McQuaid's outfit played a man to man defense all evening. Piner and Stewart hit the basket for some beautiful distance shots. Alton Willis turned in an excellent game under the basket, as did Blankenship. Results (boys game) Beaufort - Piner, V Stewart, F - . Bliinkenship, C 8 Willis, G H. Fowdre, G 7 Atlantic Rose Smith Hamilton Salter Nelson Beaufort substitutes: Bcnchcm 2 Fowdre 2. Atlantic substitutes: none. . CITY THEATRE Morehcad City IUESDAY - WEDNESDAY DENNIS O'KEEFE MARSHA HUNT CLAIRE TREVOR in "RAW DEAL" THURSDAY FRIDAY JOHNNY WEISMULLER MAUREEN O'SULLIVAN in "TARZAN'S SECRET TREASURE" ROYAL THEATRE MOREHEAD CITY TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY RALPH RICHARDSON JUNE DUPREZ in JTOUR FEATHERS' THURSDAY . FRIDAY RANDOLPH SCOTT ANN RICHARDS in "BADMAN'S TERRITC3Y" t S lY m Jhvlibl' WMifcfyi, li (Mi prtJvct flft S I I 1 W r ' mops voa N sVif cad j 10 X TV fr Grjr fndian& ' CAief- - Jfy SOUTH RIVER Nov. 2 Chief Harry Hardy and Mrs. Hardy, of Wilmington, are spending a few days with his parents, Mr. and 'Mrs. George Hardy. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Edwards and daughter, Virginia, of Norfolk, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hardy, Mr. and Mrs. Will Hardy and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Guthrie and "soni liunmici of i Beaufort, iittpeoti Suaday afternoon with her iiiuurt, irs. man r-UDanKS. Mrs. William Cannon and sis ter, Mabel Eubanks visited Mrs. ALL HONOR B IS to America's Fighting len I To men who wear the uniform of the United States Armed Forces Army, Navy and Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard the people of this nation owe a full meas ure of respect and grati B IS B B t BEAUFORT HARDWARE CO. J Hrront Street Reanfortgfl ALL HONOR to America's To men who wear the uniform of the United States Armed Forces Army, Navy and Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard the people of this nation owe lull meas ure of respect and grati 1 W" in w . - IV.VSfEX A 73rSs 4S7 ME WAS A7 George Tosto Wednesday morning. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Courtney and Mr. and Mrs. Carleton went to Beaufort Saturday, shopping. Mrs. Theo. Johnson and Mrs. George Tosto visited Mrs. Guy Carrnway at the post office Mon day afternoon. Miss Shirley Wallace and Ger trude Mason visited Mrs. George Tosto Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Johnson and daughter, Linda, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gay and daughter, Barbara Ann went to the show at Beaufort Sat:, urday night. '' Mrs. Willie Pittman and daugh ter, Mrs. Johnnie Cannon went to Beaufort Monday shopping. tude. They have taken on one of the most important tasks ever shouldered by a body of young men , the preservation of Peace I in an uncertain world. ' For that great service to mankind, we honor them. 8 Fighting .Lien I tude. They have taken on one of the most Important tasks ever shouldered by a body of young men the preservation of Peace in an uncertain world. For that great service to mankind, we honor them. CARTERET COUNTY NEWS-TIMES, MOREHEAD Pre-Season Hoop Contest M W Wat Emm OJJdim Mrs. Nannie J. Pittman came home Sunday afternoon from Oriental. She had been spending sometime with her daughter, Mrs. George Norman. She has been sick, but has got some better and hope she will soon he well again. Kathleen Hardy spent Saturday night with Janice Norman. Mr. and Mrs. William Pittman and daughter, Nancy visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Willie Pitt man Saturday afternoon. , The, choirs from the, Free Will 1 Baptist church and several., ftf the older people and also the small children went to Morehcad Sunday afternoon to the convention. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Johnson and daughter, Linda went to Fort Macon Sunday afternoon. Between 1776 and 1820, a quar ter of a million Europeans immi grated to the United States, half the number which poured in each year between 1890 and 1900. BEAUFORT THEATRE Beaufort, N. C. TUESDAY WEDNESDAY GEORGE RAFT WILLIAM BENDIX in "RACE STREET" THURSDAY FRIDAY AUDREY LONG FUZZY KNIGHT in "ADVENTURES or GALLANT BESS" i -plus : LATEST WORLD NEWS TEST WORLD NEWS j iilijm'H"W" 'jimp twt yvyr jfv. :fAff:A : fits St' CITY AND BEAUFORT, N. C Moody and Hipps Star As Lejeune Swamps Kindley The Camp Lejduiic Marines init iated the Kindley air force grid ders into the 1948 football season with a 34-0 trouncing before a sell out crowd Saturday afternoon. The Marine cloven, paced by hallhaeks Leo Moody and Claude Hig Hipps, scored in the first few minutes of play when Hipps skirt ed his own rii'ht end to go over standing up from the Lejeune 12 yard line. The Leatherneck scorers: Claud ljipps, first quarter; Leo Moody, second and third quarters; Dick Stein, third quarter. Mauro San chez passed to Willi llamnlnn for the final tally. Stein made three conversions; Ward, one. NEWPORT Mr. and Mrs. II. I!. Anderson, of Aberdeen, Maryland, are visit ing Mr. and Mis. T. W. Garner. Mrs. Claude Garner is spending some lime in Elizabeth Cily wilh Mr. and Mrs. James Rogers. She will also visit Mr. and Mrs. John Hatfield in Norfolk, Va. Lt. and Mis. Harry Livingston and little son, Billy relurned Wednesday from 1'cnsacola. Kl.i. where Lt. Livingston has been sta tioned since July. They will move ALL HONOR I 1 i V I I i I to America's To men who wear the uniform of the United States Armed Forces Army, Navy and Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard the people of this nation owe a full meas ure of respect- and. trail . I I I I I JEFF'S BARBER SHOP jjj 'ront Street PROVE j4S -wi - " ' A, ;;' Ai;iAA':CAAA ' " prod,,,., W lot TU y oM; 6SC Z -y 6 yn old Q40 FSQT. into their new home on Church street next week. Leon Mann, Jr. is spending the week end here with his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Troy Brown, of Norfolk, Va., Mrs. John P. Caffcy, of New York City, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hcrrington, of New Bern, and Mr. and Mrs. Horace Parlette and children, Betty, Tommy and Larry, of Norfolk, Va., were here for the celebration of their parents' gold en wedding anniversary. T. L. Patrick, of U.N.C., Chapel Hill, spent the weekend here with his wife and children and attend ed the golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. C. K. Hcrrington, Mrs. Patrick's father and mother. Miss Mi na Garner and Miss Emily Young, of Burlington, arrived Fri day to spend the weekend with Mrs. P. P. Garner. Miss Heulah Rasberry, Miss He len Spruill, Robert Garner and Ti mothy Woodhill attended the Caro lina - William & Mary game in Chapel Hill Saturday. Little Ted Garner. Jr. is spend ing some time here with his grand parents. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Garner. OTWAY Nov (i Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Lawrence had as their guests, El der T II Edwards and others from Jacksonville, N. C, for the week e::d. Mr and Mrs. Lee (lillikin and children, of Williamsburg, arc visit -iiiL' their folks over the weekend. Miss June Iiloodgood. of More head City, visited Mrs. Iieulah Dowty Sunday. Mr. and Mrs Di lanee Willis and daughter, Ltronna, of North River, to I !:) ! ! I I up i l I Fighting f.lenl tude. They have taken on one of the most Important tasks ever shouldered by i a body of young men j the preservation of Peace in an uncertain world.' For that great service to mankind, we honor them. i Beaufort Ml IN YOUR "T-ZONE"! MAKE the Camel 30-day mildness test and sec how mild a cigarette ran be! When hundreds of men and women made this same test smoking Camels exclusively for 30 days an average of one lo two packs a day noted throat specialists who examined the throats of these smokers every week (a total of 270 ex aminations) reported NO THROAT IRRITATION one to smoking QJ r, wm w w : due to smoking CAMELS I railrL, . , - . n"' no 'IT. 7 'vl attended the service here at the Disciple church Sunday night. Mr. Bedford C. Dowty, who is employing at the Norfolk Motor co., spent the weekend with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Lawrence and his mother, Mrs. Beulah L. Dowty. Mrs. O. W. Lewis called to sec her sister, Mrs. Emma C. Law rence Sunday night. . Mrs. Percy Mason and children snent a while Monday evening with Mrs. Beulah Dowty. ALL HONOR to America's To men who wear the uniform of the United States Armed Forces Army, Navy and Air Force, Marines and Coast Ouard the people of this nation owe a full meas . ure of respect and grati S. W. DAVIS BROS. Beaufort, N. C. Nothing like a stretcher case to stretch your savings to the limit. And doctor's tonics don't do bank accounts any good. Our tonic Is a health and accident policy that covers you from heat to toe. Be prepared. Consult with us today. DIAL JOHH L. INSURANCE 823 Arendcll Street & this choice, u n THANKSGIVING TURKEY Y0UrS AT WHEN YOU 0E1GE PAGE THREE " JLV-". Mrs. Sara Piner visited Mr. B. B. Lawrence Monday afternoojv Bonnie Piner, of the USCG, who is stationed at Swanshoro, spent several days this week with his family. jj Percy Mason, of USCG, visited his wife and children this ek. Miss Joyce Styron spent Friday night with her sister, Mrs. Sylves ter Lawrence, Jr. Mr. Eugene Shepard, of Jackson ville, is here for the weekend, gt ing friends. Fighting Men I tude. They have taken on one of the most important tasks ever shouldered by a body of young men 1 the preservation of Peare in an uncertain world. 1 For that great service to mankind, we honor them. I Feel A Little Run Down Doc, Maybe I Heed a Tonic. M 3621 CRUMP REAL ESTATE Morehead :il NO EXTRA COST BUY ANY ; ' Gas Range Mr Norge Is the only range -with the famous hlghtvi speed, fuel-savin "Con-,, centra tor" burner. " But'-' it has a score of other" great advantages, too, such as the one-piece, seamless. acid-resisting top . . . the big, family size oven ... the deeper, "smokeless" broiler . . . extra-thick oven Insula j tlon . . . two utensil draw erst Set it today! Model N-407 ' $184.03- CITY APPLIAIICE GOIIPAim ROY HAMILTON C. Z. CHAPPELL . ywn m mm wii pUliu WiVt EASTIIAII FURNITURE CO. ' - ... Morehead City Reanfort Mm. ,. : . . Austirvichols i tCaJniS Inc. I Front Street B 3251 Beauf mm 1 's I