FACE THUS Hps Joins r tl Tfiaes Sfafif Astronomical Data Sun Rises Tomorrow 7:00 AM Sun Sets Today 4:56 PM Moon Rises Tomorrow 10:41 AM Moon Sets Today 7:29 PM "'UP JOB t" A Merger oi THE BEAUFOBT HEWS (Established IS.) and THE TWIN CITY TIMES (Eslabluhed 1936) 38th YEAR NO. 58. FOURTEEN PAGES MOREHEAD CITY, AND BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1948 FOURTEEN PAGES PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAY! CARTERET COUNTY V, CROPBoxmrtoMdveMonday,Dec.l3 NCTI Slndents Elect Governing Council I ' A air! Is. V r Shown here are the officers of the Student Council at the Morehcad City Technical institute, a branch of North Carolina State college. Left to r ght: Harold Ketterer of Reading, Pa., president; Robert Crutchfield of Reldsville, vice-president; and Charles Dunman of Greensboro, secretary treas urer. (Photo by Craig Nealj Morehead Merchants Stage Dollar Day REA Members Re-Elect 1948 1 Board of Directors . " ' hi.. ' v- y . , . j lA iHtp VOlcti increase IQ Debt Limit io $5 Million Al Meeting ; The nine members of the Carteret-Craven Electric Membership corporation board of directors who served during the past year were re-elected at the annual meeting Wednesday afternoon in the re i creation center, Shepard street, Morehead City, and members of the corporation voted to raise the debt limit from one to five mil lion dollars. The directors are L. W. Pelletier, Stella, Gordon K. Laughton, Crab Point, G. W. Ball, Newport route 2, John S. Joones, Swansboro, G. B. Whitehurst, Straits, Eugene Tingle, Merrimon, Headen Willis, I Salter Path, Clarence Millis, New l , port, and Earl C. Day, Lola. In annual reports officials stated that there are now 1,380 custom ers serviced from 276 miles of line, an increase from 1,106 customers last year on 186 miles of line. A new substation, adjacent to the present one at Newport is be ing built in order to provide bet ter and more adequate service, they stated. Three officials of the Rural Elcc trification administration, Wash , ingtcn. D. C, attended the meet " ing. They were Earl C. Patterson, Randolph Williams, and G. Leslie Rucker. Mr. Rucker made a short address. . ' In the absence of Mr. Pelletier, who is in Calif ornia, G. W. Ball, secretary-treasurer, presided. He gave the fiscal report for the year ending Oct 31, 1948. Miss Dorothy UlUUCI IO, ogling luauatvi i gave a report. Georoge R. Ball, attorney, ex plained to the group the legal ar pects in the debt limit question. i Ten REA members were award ed electrical appliances presented by electrical appliance dealers of Beaufort nd Morehead City. These prize-winners were Gereald 4 - "Whitehurst and G. B. Whitehurst, traits, Mrs. W. F. Sholar, R. L. Martin, Jr., R. R. Bull, all of Have- , lock,, W. H, Hardesty, Newport route 2, Mrs. G; C. Pollard, New port route 1Mrs. J. R. Ball, North Harlowe, Mrs. Clyde Tayloro, Har- 1 lowe, and Mrs. J.. B. Rice, Crab Point ' Approximately 100 members at I tended the meeting, witnessed de , monstrations and . saw ' electrical " appliances displayed by the coun- r ty's leading dealers. - , . . Elks Lodzo io' Csaor : Departed Heaters Sunday . Elks of Morehead Clty-Beauforl ti lodge No. 1710 will hold a service in memory of departed member. ; at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon a' the lodge rooms.' - L. D. Gore, exalted ruler, has re quested that all Elks attend.. ' 3$ n..i...mVii.ii 1 rvf For the first time in the history of Morehead City retail trade, merchants arc cooperating in a Dollar Day sale. ' This event will take place all day tomorrow, from 0 o'clock in the morning until 7 o'clock in the eve ning, closing time. Dollar Day is one of the big events in - the Chamber of Com merce's Christmas trade promotion campaign. For each dollar's worth of merchandise purchased a ticket fiu.-Be giyon wt Buyer, i nese no- pfto-wtw entitle certain consumers to partseipirte in a quiz program at 1:30 1 tomorrow . afternoon at the municipal building and the win ners will be awarded $200 in cash. Prizes will be given away each Saturday until Christmas with a total of $400 to be given to Christ mas " shoppers the day before Christmas. Merchants cooperating in the Dollar Day sale are the following: Early - Jewelers," Morehead City Floral company, Huntley-Prest company, p., B. Webb Clothing store, Hardware and Building1 Sup ply, Dee Gee's Shop, Betty Jay shop, Hill's Clothing store. Weldon Jewelers, Walter Morris, Jeweler, Clyde Jones Gas and Ap pliance company, Blancbard's Elec tric service, The Dress Shop, Leo nard's, Jenkins Furniture ompany, Stroud's Food center, Leary's Mens store, Cherry's Market. Sound Appliance company, Wil lis Sinclair Service station, R. T Willis & Sons, Garner's Gulf sta tion, Reams market, G & W Child ren's shop, Fran-Kay studio, More head City Drug store, Matthis. Ra dio shop, Chadwick's Dry cleaning B it H Grocery, Wainwrtght Tire company, V-C Buyer's service, Fred Phillips It Sons, Freeman Broth era, R & N Furniture company, Carteret Motors, Dixie Dairy, Boot shop, S & .W drug store, -Irene's Gift Box. K. Guthrie 'grocery, Fresh Fruit and Produce company, L. Guth rie's grocery, and W. F. Fodrle grocery. ' Morehead City Jaycees at their meeting Monday night at the rec reation center decided to sponsor two scrap paper drives, one before Christmas and one soon after. The dates will be announced by Kenneth AVagner, chairman of the scrap paper drive committee. . Robert (Bobbie) Bell', chairman of the Christmas activity commit tee, reported that the toy collec tion netted a large number and va riety of toys which will be repair ed by the Jaycees and distributed to children for Christmas. r Serving with him on the Christ mas activities committer are War ren Styron, Bobby Styron, Charles Stanley, Jr, Hubert Hepler ' and Clarence Stamper. , This committee will have charge, also, of prizes for the best outdoor Christmas home decorations.; Mrs. B. F. Royal spoke to the group on promotion of the sale of memberships in the North Caro lina Symphony orchestra society.' "Morehead City has grown phy- sically," she said, ."now it must grow culturally.". - - - ' , The board of directors met. fol lowing the regular session. -' , JCs To Spsor Scrap Paper Drive v Inspector Changes Town Mail Routes Beaufort Postoffice Begins .Delivery , ol COD Pack a9M . ; A recent visit to the Beaufort postoffice by a government inspec tor, as requested by Wiley Taylor, ar., post master, resulted in a change in letteicarrier routes in Beaufort and the initiation of de livery of COD packages. Some of - the homes that were formerly on the route covered bv mail-carrier W. D. Skarrcn were placed on Dan M. Darling's route. The inspector recommended that there be more street help and auxi liary help in the office. In addi tion to Mr. Skarren and Mr. Darl ing, mail is also carried in town by Nelson Lewis. To handle the increase in mail during December Mr. Taylor said that an extra clerk will h sHHpH within the next few days. He also stated that unless Christmas pack ages for overseas are in the post office by the end of this week, tney will not reach their destina tion by Christmas. ' Because of the increase in freight and express rates, Mr. Tay lor reported that businessmen have started to order merchandise by parcel post and at present an ave rage of 225 packages per day are handled at the postoffice. Since delivery of COD packages has begun, Mr. Taylor has request ed that persons expecting a pack age have the money ready when the carrier comes. The packages will be taken to the address once. If the person is not home or the money is not paid him then the package will not be taken back the second time. Heretofore, only prepaid pack ages were delivered and these only to persons who didn't have post office boxes. "I'm glad this has been chang ed," commented Mr. Taylor, "be cause the old method seemed to penalize those who rented a box." He also requested that Christ mas cards be gotten in the mail early. "We have the most trouble with people who at the last min ute remember someone to whom they should have sent a card or lse they receive, a card from a oerson to whom they didn't send -nc, and oh Christmas Eve, cards 'till come flooding in. We can't get those out by Christmas day." Tide Table 4' KJ HIGH LOW Friday, Dec. S 9 52 AM S:32 AM 10:11 PM 4:26 PM , Saturday, Dec. 4 10:34 AM 4:18 AM 10:57 PM 5:10 PM Sunday, Dec. 5 11:17 AM 5:04 AM 11:46 PM . 3:55 PM ' Monday, Dec. 0 12:00 AM - - 5:54 AM 12:02 PM , a 6:41 PM Tuesday, Dec; 1 12:35 AM -6:48 AM 12:45 PM 7:26 PM Carteret county's boxcar of food to be shipped overseas is scheduled to leave Beaufort Monday, Dec. 13. It must be packed and ready to go Sunday, Dec. 12. The week's intensive campaign to collect food will begin Sunday, the day after tomorrow, when youngsters will take a can of food to Sunday School and their par ents will also make a good contri tion at the 11 o'clock church service. Each minister throughout the county has been requested to direct the drive in his community and act as co-chairman with the Farm Bureau officer in his locali ty. Where there is no Farm Bureau official the minister will cooperate with, the president of the Home Demonstration club. Head of the Christian Rural Overseas Program is B. J. May, Beaufort. Secretary is the Rev. W. D. Caviness, Morehead City, and treasurer is the Rev. L. A. Tiiley, Morehead City. "We must gel uils fool collect ed in a hurry," commented Mr. May yesterday. "On Wednesday, Dec. 8, school children throughout the county will be requested by their principal and teachers to bring one of the items on the list below to school with them. This food will then be picked up by trucks which will take it to the warehouse where it will be packed in the box car." S. M. Jones, New Bern, has made his warehouse on the Len noxville road available for storing the food. The box car will be on the siding next to the warehouse. Owners of trucks in Beaufort and Mouchead City are requested to contact Mr. May, B4006 Or Mr. Caviness M4871, if they can offer their truck for an hour or two of service next week. Barrels in which food can be placed to go in the box car will be put irt food stores in Beaufort andJ, Mdrehead City, and housewivmv, J?.600, exclusive of doctor's fees, tney m their dally or weekly shop, ping, are requested to put an item or several items of food in the barrel. Perishable items will be accept ed but they will be sold and the money used to pay cost of ship ping. Chairmen in the various com munities, who will cooperate with the ministers, are the following: J. R. Ball, Harlowe, Oscar Salter, Bet tie, H. D. Carraway, Beaufort RFD, D. W. Truckncr, Pelletier, Thomas B. Oglesby, Crab Point, Roy T. Garner, Newport, and Albert Walker, president of the Newport Junior Chamber of Commerce, Neal Campen, route 101, Guion Lewis, Otway. Pelham Jones, president of the Marshallberg Junior Chamber of Commerce, Wiliard Willis, presi dent of the Harkers Island Junior Chamber of Commerce, Mrs. Lee Daniels, president of the Atlantic Home Demonstration club, Mrs. Pauline Wade, Williston, and Mrs. Fannie Wallace, Merrimon. If the persons listed here are not contacted by their respective pas tors by tomorrow, Mr. May re See CROP Page 6 Little Drama Phone User in Negotiations Ro-Oponed On Evans Stroe! Paving Mayor George W. Dill, More head City, announced today that Z. A. Sneeden's Sons Contrac tors, Wilmington, have re-opened negotiations en the paving of Evans street, offering to do the job it a cost which will probably be lower than in their original bid. Their bid, opened Nov. 18, was the lower one of the two bids submitted then. . The commissioners conferred on the Snecden offer Wednes day afternoon and it is expected that the agreement will be made final this weekend. If so, work on tbe pa vin of Evans street will begin Monday. November's Rainy Days. Oninnmber Sonny Ones Rainy days outnumbered sunny ones in November, 19 to 11." A to tal of 7.92 inches fell during those 19 days, an average of .26 inch per day, according to E. Stamey Davis, official weather observer. . The average maximum tempera ture for the month was 69 12 degrees and the average minimum temperature 52 12 degrees. The highest temperature during the daytime was 83 and the lowest 52. The highest minimum at night was 67 and the lowest minimum at night was 43 degrees which was registered Tuesday night. . . Alphonso H. James to Serve As Chairman of March of Dimes A. II. James, of Morehead City, Carteret county's clerk of superior court, hrs been appointed chair man of the county's 1949 March of Dimes. Carteret county's quota this year will be double that of last year's, which" was $3,600. The increase has been necessary because of the large number of cases here during the past summer. Money had to be borrowed from the National Foundation to enre for the pa tients, Mis. Pauline Dickinson, of Beaufort. 1948 chairman, reported this week. Twelve infantile paralysis vic tims in this county were hospital ized. Two are still in the hospital A. II. James at Wilmington. The hospital bill of a "child recently returnad was Mrs.' Dickinson revealed. During the epidemie in this state this past summer the Nation al Foundstion recruited 54 physic al therapists and 500 nurses for emergency duty and provided the following 'equipment: 26 respira tors, 80 hot pack machines, 2,488 pounds of hot pack material, 475 bedside tables, 14 refrigerators, 141 tables, 390 chairs, 64b" beds, cribs, and sterilizers, chart desks, suction machines, oxygen equip ment, electric fans, and blankets. , The cost to national headquar ters, in addition to the money spent by North Carolina Infantile Paralysis chapters, exceeded one million dollars. The 1949 March of Dimes will be the most crucial ever since the fight against polio was begun on a national scale, Mr. James com ments, because 1948's epidemics made serious inroads on local chapter funds as well as the emer gency fund of national headquar ters Within the next several weeks Mr. James will appoint March of Dimes chairmen in communities throughout the county. in the Life of A Carteret County Time: 11 a.m. Thursday morn ing, Dec. 2. Place: Chamber of Commerce office, Beaufort, NEWS-TIMES of fice, Morehead City, City Grocery, Beaufort. 1 Scene: Phone conversation be tween Dan L. Walker, chamber manager, and reporter. Phone: Clickety, click, click, clickety, click. Dan to Reporter: Is that you or termites on this wire? Reporter: It's not me! Leslie Moore (City Grocery): When you pick up this phone you're just as likely to get Hong Kong, China, as grumble, grumble, grumble, this is Leslie Moore at City Grocery, BY THE WAY, who is this, is this you Dan? Dan: Yeh, I've talked to that phone company and it doesn't do any good. What's your number? Leslie: 4741. I ve cussed cm out about this until I'm blue in the face. Dan (laughing): On you it looks good, . Leslie! Ye ah! Well give 'em , Dan. ' Dan: OK. (silence) Reporter: Now who's on this wire and who isn't? Dan: We are, honey, now as I was saying . . . (censored) (Footnote: The telephone com pany reported late yesterday after noon that there was trouble on the "400 line" and that it was being - 'A -.-Si La b 1 fixed immediately): '; Santa to Arrive inBeaufortWednesday Beaufort Car, Stolen Sunday. Found By Police Toolbox Wilh$50 Worth of Tools Stolen; Battery Dead The 1938 Chevrolet seda i belong ing to John Butler, Beaufort, which was stolen early Sunday morning was recovered by slate police Sun day night, abandoned on a dirt road seven miles from Wilming ton. A tool box, containing $50 worth of tools was stolen from the car and the battery was dead. Other wise it was in good condition. In the back of the car was found an old fur coat which evidently was the property of the thieves. Mr. Butler discovered that his car had been stolen Sunday morn ing at 8:30 when he left his apart ment at the Inlet Inn and went to the parking lot at the rear of the inn. Although he thought he had locked the car the night before, he evidently hadn't, Mrs. Butler related. The thieves shorted it to get it started. Another resident at the inn said that he thought he heard a car start at about 3 a.m. but didn't imagine it was being driven away by anyone other than the owner. Mr. Butler went to Wilmington Monday afternoon and brought his car home. State police told him he was extremely lucky to get it back. Two other stolen cars had been re covered in that area within the past few days, they said, one was stripped of all usable parts and the other whs burned. Cases Settled By 11:15 Tuesday One "of the shortest recorder's court sessions in many a week took place Tuesday morning in the court house at Beaufort. The last case was settled at 11:15 a.m. Charles Jones pleaded guilty to public drunkenness and leaving a motor vehicle unattended on the highway without lights. He was ordered to pay $10 and costs. Romeo and Annie Crooms each pleaded guilty to public drunken ness. Judgment was suspended up on payment of costs. For driving 45 miles per hour on a bridge where the speed limit is 20 miles per hour William Enoch Pcttie way paid costs of court. He plead ed guilty to the charge. Bryant B. Worthington pleaded guilty to speeding at 70 miles per hour. Judgment was suspended up on payment of costs. Jefferson O. Weeks also pleaded guilty to a speeding charge of 65-70 miles per hour and-was ordered to pay costs. Cases continued were the follow ing: Dover P. Lawrence, Willis Pickett, Saul Jones, Clyde Gaskins, Leslie D. Norris, Washington Gray Dudley, Victor Gaskill, James Ed wards, James Moore, Theodore J. Kircher, and Llewellyn Kenner. There will be no recorder's court session Tuesday of next week be cause of the superior court term in which civil cases will be tried. Firo Damages HP Hut On Bin Sired, Morehead The U. S. Marine corps military police hut on S. 8th street, next to the Morehead City police de partment office, was slightly da maged by fire at 9:30 Monday night when the oil . stove over heated. The hut was torn down and replaced Wednesday. The MPs had just left their office and had gone to the corner when they smelled smoke, Mack Edwards, fire truck driver report ed. The alarm was turned in at box 14. Firemen put the flames out in about 20 minutes, using water from the booster tank. None of the police records or nearby buildings were damaged. ' Santa Claus is coming to Beau fort! In a gala parade Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock, after coming ashore from a boat at the postoffice dock, he will ride in a fire truck down Front street to the center of town. There, to the first 1,500 youngs ters who present him with a letter telling him what they want for Christmas, he will give a gilt. Santa Claus will make the spe cial Beaufort visit, coming down from the North Pole, just to see nil the boys of Beaufort, Morehead City, and the whole county! Accompanying him in the parade will be the Beaufort High school band, Frank King, leader, Girl Scouts, Hoy Scouts, and the Queen Street high school band under the leadership of Abe Thurman. The bands will appear with the special permission of T. G. Lcary, principal of Beaufort school, and Randolph Johnson, principal of the Queen Street school. In charge of the Girl Scouts will be Mrs. Robert Safrit, Jr., and in charge of the Boy Scouts will be Charles Hassell. Fire Chief Dulton Eubanks has made it possible for Santa Claus to use the shiny red fire truck. Should it rain, John Haynes, chairman of the Beaufort Chamber of Commerce Merchants commit tee, said that Santa Claus will be asked to postpone his visit until 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon. Rotary-Anns arty At inn Dec 21 Beaufort Rotarians will enter tain their Rotary-Anns Tuesday night, Dec. 21, at a Christmas par ty at the Inlet Inn. President B. J. May requested that club members offer their as sistance to the Rev. William Mar tin in the Christian Rural Overseas program. Mr. Martin heads the food collection drive In Beaufort. Presented by Mr. May too R. M. Williams was a Rotary past presi dent's pin. Mr. Williams served as head of the Beaufort group last year. Dr. W. L. Woodard, chairman of the Beaufort Planning board, told the group the purposes of the group which he heads and asked them for suggestions which the planning board could present to the town board. Dr. Woodard stated that thus tar there have been SUCCestlons to make improvements which would result in a lowered fire insurance rate, improve the appearance of the waterfront, and make a boat basin to the north of Beaufort. The speaker suggested that an expert on town finance from the League of Municipalities be re See ROTARY Page 6 To Attend F JCs Concentrate on 'Capers;9 Nurses Guarantee Laugh Hit County Lacks $1.75 b Symphony Drive Carteret county has not yet reached its quoU in the North Carotins Symphony drive, Mrs. B. F. Royal, chairman, reported yesterday. One hundred seventy five dollars is lacking. Morehead City has not yet met its alloted amount and Beaufort has fallen slightly short of its quota. Although there is the possibi lity that this amount will be paid In admissions at the door when the conceit is given here, . . we can't depend on that," Mrs. Royal declared. Persons who wish to hear the symphony, which has gained nation-wide acclaim during the past few years, should get their membership tickets now from Mrs. C. R. Wheatly, Beaufort, or Mrs, B. V. Royal, Morehead City. Toy Collections 'Fine. Beaufort firemen reported that secondhand toy collections were coming along "fine." Repairs will begin this week. Farmers Elect Committeemen In PMA Program County Convention Will Be Held at 7 O'Clock Tonight In PMA Office County farmers yesterday elect ed community committeemen as required under the Agriculture Adjustment Administration law and also chose delegates to the county Production Marketing ad ministration convention at 7 o' clock tonight in the PMA offices t the postoffice in Beaufort. Community committeemen in the various communities are as follows: While Oak township Ice land II. Morrij, chairman; Her man Taylor, vice-chairman; Julian I'. Weeks, regular member; Lee Sawrey, first alternate; Marion Weeks, second alternate; delegate '.o the convention Herman Taylor, alternate, Elmo Smith. Morehead City township Rob ert Laughton, chairman; Thomas Oglesby, vice-chairman; Addison McCabe, regular member; Bernlce Mann, first alternate, James G. Murdoch, second alternate; dele-. gale to the county convention, Col ert E. lauRhtoii, and al'ernate, Fred L. Bell. " ' Newport township CCC".H. Pringle, chairman, J. B. Keliey, vice-chairman; Y. Z. Simmons, regular member. Artis Garner, first alternate; Carl Garner, sec ond alternate; delegate Lonnie W. Howard; alternate delegate, Er nest W. Quinn. Beaufort-Harlowc community Gus Lancaster, chairman; Manley M. Eubanks, vice-chairman; Her man Merrill, regular member; Wil liam J. Hardesty, first alternate; Nick Culpepper, second alternate; delegate, Delance Willis; alternate, W. J. Hardesty. East Merrimon community Os car Salter, chairman; Doll Lews, vice-chairman; Brondell Gillikip, regular member; Mrs. Mildred Lawrence, first alternate; Curtis Pake, second alternate; delegate, Hugh Pake, and G. T. Spivey, al ternate. B. J. May, Production Market ing administrator, said that 40 per cent of the farmers eligible to vote turned out for the election, a splendid showing, he commented.. The county committee will be elected at the convention tonight. This committee will administer the PMA program in the county for the coming year. , J Present county committeemen arc Sam Edwards, chairman, Ro land Salter, vice-chairman; and D. W. Truckner, regular member. Al ternates are Herman K. Norris and L. A. Garner. Morehead City Jaycees rehears ed Tuesday and Wednesday nights for "Hollywood Capers," the all male-cast musical show guaranteed by the Carteret Registered Nurses' club, producers, to rock the town with laughter. r Morehead City school auditorium at 8 o'clock Friday night, Dec. 10, will look like the Milky Way .there will be so many stars on the stage, Actors and "Actresses" vying for "Oscars" in this extravaganza are listed below: s Rockettes: George Adams, Ge rald Phillips, Charles Willis, Quln cy Stimson, Cecil Adams, Colie Hepler, Sam Guthrie, James Webb, Lee Parker, Bill Jenkins. "r;., Red Skelton, Ethan Davis; Wil liam Powell, Mac Collins; Al Jol wi James Willis; Cary Grant, -Ben Alford; Ray Milland, Bill Flowers; Tyrone Power, Paul Branch. . 1 a . Fred Astalre, Walter Morris; Mickey Rooney, Joslah Bailey; Van Johnson, J. G. Murdoch; Gary Coo per, Kenneth Wagner, Clark Gable, D. J. Hall; Henri, Floyd Chadwick; Pierre Charles Stanley, master of ceremonies. Mayor G." W. (Pat) Dill. -V.-: . .-...'- f Kate Smith, Bobbie Bell; Jane Russell, Jack Stallings; Maureen . See JAYCEES Page

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