PAGE TWO CARTERET COUNTY jCETT&fR&ES, HoSES-AP CTTT AND JU7FT. V. 42. FWDAT, DEOK2Ea t, IMS CLCUCESTES of Southport, Mrs. Lionel Taylor and Mrs. Truman Davis of Smyrna, land. Ohio. 1 of Morehead City, were guests of ) Mrs. Fannv N'on wn B-" the Misses WhUehurst, Thanks . . ... t.ff ' .. ' !..! . ., V ; . . 1". were in out community Thursday fort to gpena nanjgmng wivu giving. Nov. 30 Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie WhlUhurst returned to Baltlmort, afternoon. - , v Edward Welsoa and fanilly Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Pentecost ajid Hi. boturday afternoon after visit ! lo rJativs hare. - , Mrs, Levina Whlteburst eallei A snooting- match 'was held it two daugnlers. Mrs. Wortfc Class on Mrs. iura Chadwick Friday afternoon. Capt. Lester Pigott returned from McClellanville, C. after a successful shrimping season. He Is fitting ut his boat for the floundering season.! ' Mr. ond Mrs, Biehard White hurst have returned from Cleve- J. s. Pigott store p arew a jnd son,. Mr. and Mrs. Charles crowd of people from here and sneiion were . i naiiKsgivmg aay other nlaces. Turkeys were won guests of Mrs. J. H .Dixon and son, Mif. -H -. .! i i 7 lir. ii i. ( U- '.llf. Mr. Calvin Pigott and daughter. Betty spent the weekend here! i Mrs. Lillian Pigott returned with thein. by Ervjn Davis and Kennetn Bates of Gloucester, Ralph Chadwick of Straits, and a fellow from Harkers Island. Mr. end Mrs. i. Ba Sanders, Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Whitehurst, and Predecessors of modern British restaurants were coffee houses and taverns, which had a daily "ordi. nary" a dinner or supper served Mrs. Gertie Chadwick. Mrs. Ben I Watson, Mrs. Nellie Watson, of -traits, Mrs. Ernest- Watson of Kinston, Mr. and Mrs. Riley Willis at a common table and generally Mr." and Mrs. Richard Whitehurst for a fixed1 price. -"1 :0 mpi CAKY E3AB3 " - " y : : . - ' ! ' : HsJ flagician I : S i I WUHfl GOSH 41 I I'M NOT GOUWA DO V I BUT SUPPOSIUfi PPIMCESS V A I I WMATSA 'MATTFP '-J 5 I l AUA 4 .K' T I ICARMCD MY 1 LCCTA IS SOM6 DISH- 7 MATTER EMOUGM I'M . , 1 r&ss gs&fssH ssri. l ffla-gssn - , j?jti"i'vi wq iwsvsKr-rH t mormon rovml -c i I..-1 hVrWfiiJ S,VK KP HHiraKW K Tffl OAKY DOAKS CURIOUS KING bi-' n-"' ' 'WHO 5AY5 1 I SOME SMART ZJam, )i I HMM- DR. MULL THAT V HAS VVil N I COME-SHOW MEI 1 3s ICAU'T.? ALECK HAS GIVEU W IT L OLD FAKER CAWT GIVE WELLIE SAY THIS MIGHT BETH' i : T-1 AUOTHER SIR OAKY'5 H0R5E J) WAS ME AUY COMPETITION' REALLY Wl" """ START OF TH i V.' MURDOCK, V WIZARD IS PRACTISIM "I A PAIR OF r-M OWLY J . r--r . 7 fcnAlBAGtM WAIT YDU MAGIC IMMYp-r WIWGsO ' DR t NT (wiUffi OAW?' f 4 lVv OAKY I) OA KB " ' IMPORTANT INFORMATION '. I " 77- '-" F ' 1 I I I PROB'LY SHOULDN'T) WAL, WHADDA YA KUOWF ) 5UFFERIW' CATFISH.' I'VE ) C3rV-i , 3 READ HIS MAJESTY'S TH' SOCIETY T GOTTA TELL HIM WHAT . ' WMV K- LETTERS, r 0' WITCHES, SV'-ff Jg ' w a V(5uccA-yf ( ? , BUT-AA l5 0RDERIWf 4 JWrEVn ride ourwl y. zvCfl y him to r Vf-'l vtLil1!, 1 r ' 1 DICKIE DARE The Piclure Changes I -Sv j I ' lMCklE;DARE , ' ' W: !:' - DICKIE MAKES A POINT . ' rfVr I .-micm mmcm houdm a PiAce'-imrlf Mr ,A&AiH'. '-ooik' think t s Bill tiott uDiOtl V a a mo aess, it hoilo ' to. WOOi rtys! v S7nes J tmw xotl P AH' isio . A ! UltKIE DARE ... . , . , -. . - .. . "CIVILIZATION, TAKE IT AWAY!" I '; , 1 I tVPOPLt 1KXK tAea I I AMD Ail TiiS -K BECAUSE . Fr"s . " ive Aie mocemto kjbr-i, people we bem vmD r ' i . ,. new naita nme. x tunett, no fVfcen(Cfrj the horwble 'behefits 1 VV k i v Pfoae A-j wiotuwcEt1 of cmuzatioh' , J IV I CaANAJ" : .. Pop Cleans Up i - I TAKE TVCSB CXO SHOES UP 1 1 . II M I ". . ' f HERE'S MY HEAy FLANNB. 1. II IVE BEEN LOOKIN' Mi. . i TO TMB TTIC. J VNT TO L v - r rtf A SHIRT. I WONDERED WHERE I '' OVEB FOR THESE T n L OH. I)1ANA! , ( .iy" '"SO-IeD I ' I " ffcO THAT. VOUR MWlV ir u-r-HUH TM A HI f A REAL BcbuT, EH? 1 t' ATS SOMS " OT UWA 1 'f- I UNIFORM. VOU SURE REAL BROWNIE WELL, WHAT GOOD PECO CANOV.,.. TOO IAANV I l i. U30K SMOOTH N IT I SCOUT NOW. I O- VOU CO TOOAV P frJ SWfiETf ARB BAD FOR I i::fflMioEis f UM-M-M- THISL I I I UKE THE CHOCOLATE 1 1 GOOD " HEAVENS J . LIT HQW CAN I ' I ', ICE CPEAM IS y jg f. I ON THE OUTSIDE. UTTUE SIS. JUSTl -C AWCB; rWnit(t2X- J, , - k:ilPs r rr !fs r31 vSJi ? M "PVPft v wy1 V' 4 j; ' - 1 ' . - '. ' - --..0 !l . ... . - 1 -" , . .,Jiin.. . fmmmt pon T YOU CAN GIVE Ar.jVC L ly-'fu'LtitiVm l-JHENYOU iOmOV AT PONNEY'S! DOUBLE OR TWIN CHENILLE SPREADS 9.90 Penney's helps you stretch your Christmas bjuiget! This buy Droves it! Row after row of plump chenille lufts firmly stitched to make a spread of rich, lasting beauty! Multi-colored floral scroll design accents the while or pastel colored grounds. Need not iron. I LB. MINIATURE GIFT CHOCOLATES 1.49 Eating out this CLI-as? Take a box of these delicious miniatures to your hostess! 160 bile size pieces coated with rich, pure milk choco late . . . loaded with melt-in-your-mouth good ies. Tangy creams, crunchy nuts, mouth-watering caramels and jellies! In a Mary Esther gift box! I , , . , ; ; yj ' - -. J HEN'S PAJAMAS FOR CHRISTMAS! ;3. 9S . Towncraft pajamas magic words that can solve so many of your Christmas gift prob lems! They are made from fine quality San-, forized cotton, Bright colored stripes that all men liko to wear, Slipover or coat styles. Elastic or drawstring - trousers. A. ?. C. D. A rtd by si 15 frl;:! SET A LOVELY CHRISTMAS TABLE! . - ,'-'-. . .' : '4'-' k . ' - . . 1 . . 498 : Set your Christmas table to bring compliments and ilill save oney! Fine cotton woven tn " to sturdy lace for long weart Graceful floral , design gives a delicafe lookto set off your china, llyer and glass. Makes, a splendid "gift, tool Resists shrinking, 72" x 90." ; T7 o r rvrrrvr Jul J J I