ags rot CAMERET COOTJTT NEWS-TIMES, MOREHEAD CITY AND BEAttOM, N. ft. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1948 iHordjeafc (Eitu . J. Michael Moran, Society Mr, and Mrs. George Stovall re urned Friday evening from a two veek's vacation in Florida. Dr. and Mrs. S. W. Hatcher and hildren motored to Wilmington his week end to see the Christmas arade. Mr, and Mrs. W. L. Dcrrickson eturned Sunday from Jackson ville; Fla., where they spent the weekend. Miss Nancy Derrickson, ho accompanied her parents, at tended a at the University of Florida. ' Mr. Joe Jett and Mr. Cole, of Norfolk, Va.. made n business trip here Friday. I Bob Powell spent the week end at his home in Goldsboro. Mrs. John Nclsoon attended a meeting of local N. C. E. A. presi dents and chairman of legislative jcommiltecmcn in Raleigh Friday (and Saturday. Charles L. Gates, machinist's mate, third class, USN, son of Mrs. jVelma Nolan Gates, of 513 Aren idell St., Morehead City, is serving "aboard the aircraft carrier USS Franklin I). Koosevelt, cruising in the Mediterranean Sea as part of the Sixth Task Fleet. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Smith and son, John Christian motored to New Bern Saturday. Judge and Mrs. Luther Hamil ton, Mrs. J. C. Long and Mrs. Elta Hales spent Sunday in Goldsboro with Dr. and Mrs. Ira Long. Mrs. Joel Davis and daughter, Mary Elizabeth, of Harlowc, spent Saturday here. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Jovncr, of Farmville, visited Mrs. L. L. Leary Sunday. Mrs. R. W. Taylor, Mrs. M. T. Mills, Mrs. J. C. Taylor and Mrs. Floyd Chadwick left today to spend several days in Richmond, Va. Pfc. Clinton Phillips left Sunday for Camp Kilmer, N. J., after spending a fifteen day furlough at home. Cpl. Gaylc Guthrie, of Langley Field, Va., is spending a furlough at Jhome. Miss Annie Gillikin is spending twfj weeks' vacation in Miami, Fla. Bridge Club Meets With Mr; and Mrs. Robert Taylor Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor en tertained their bridge club at their home on Evans Street Friday eve ning. Dr. and Mrs. Alva Van Nortwich were invited guests for the eve ning. . . At the conclusion of play Mrs. Van Nortwich was declared high score winner and Miss Dorothy Ro berts second high. Dr. Van Nort wich was low scorer. Refreshments served were sand wiches in the Christmas motif with brownies. Elks To Observe Ladies' Night On Thursday The Elks Club of Carteret county will observe Ladies' Night this Thursday at the locoal club. A delicious dinner will be served ut 7 'clock and all Elks are urged too . attend and bring their ladies. Proceeds from the event will go towards their annual Christmas charity' fund. -On Sunday afternoon the year Memorial Service was held at the club and was well attended by lo cal citizens. Quests Registered at Elks Club Out Of town guests listed at the Elks Cub this past week included Leon Flas, of Norfolk, Va., Thomas j..Peck, of Charlottesville, Va., J. L. Mefrill of Pohowekee, Fla., R. D. West, of Greenville, and Frank Champbell, of Charleston, W. Va When shopping, buy an extra lood item, packed in tin, cello phane.j or paper carton for the CROP box car. foetal jNriits Editor Pbonv M 9781 Junior Woman's Club Has Christmas Program The Junior Woman's Club held its December meeting in-the Civic Center Wednesday evening at 6 o'clock. ' The Public Welfare committee decided to furnish clothing for needy children at school rather than lunches as was originally planned. Also, the Ways and Means committee have postponed plans for the bridge tournament until the January meeting. As the club is a sponsor of the local Girl Scouts the members voted to provide refreshments for the Scout Christmas 'party to be held on December 15. A program of Christmas carols was sung by Mrs. Ruth Bailey, ac companied by Mrs. Lonnie Dill aid Mrs. Malcolm Collins gave two selections entitled "Thirty seven Different Christmas's" and "Keeping Christmas." Fortnightly Club Meets With Mrs. W. C. Matthews Mrs. W. C. Matthews entertained the Fortnightly bridge club at her home on Evans street on Satur day afternoon at 3 o'clock. Guests for the afternoon, were Mrs. Robert Taylor and Mrs. Alvah Hamilton. Mrs. Harold Webb was high score winner for club. Mrs. Ro bert Taylor was guest high. Mrs. W. C. Carlton received the low scoroe prize. Refreshments served were ham biscuits with fruit cake topped with whipped cream and coffee. STORK NEWS Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Crowell, of Morehead City, announce the birth of a son, Robert Crowell, in the Morehead City Hospitul on Dec ember 6. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Pittman, of Utway, announce the birth of a daughter. Susan Annette, in the Morehead City Hospital on Dec ember 5. Mr. and Mrs. David Allen Yea ger, of Morehead City, announce the birth of a son, David Allen, on December 5, in the Morehead City Hospital. Service Club To Have Chrisinfo? Party The 4 H Service Club will hold its December meeting at Taylor's Community Hall, Harlowe, tomor row evening at 7:30 p.m. Members are urged to bring an inexpensive gift to exchange and encourage other to come with them for an interesting Christmas pro gram and an evening of recrea tion. Army Reserves Corps to Meet The Army Reserve Corps of Car teret County will meet tonight in the Carteret Recreation Center at 8 p.m. it was announce today by Captain T. B. Leary. -pnojECTons- Yon May Real Film From Oar FILM LI23ARY VC BUYEIiS SEnVICE 920 ARENDELL ST. There's an awful lot of difference between a light and a lamp . . . most anybody will give you a light . . . and Dee Gee will practically give you a lamp . . . Because we have just received a new ship ment of smart and beautiful new lamps we are re ducing all our old ones ... See the new ones in our main shop . . . the old ones all greatly reduced in the annex. DEE GEE'S SHOP South 8ih Street Miss Caroryn A. To Donald L. Harrison Friday Miss Carolyn Arden Ballou, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Car roll Ballou, of Morehead City, be came the bride of Mr. Donald Lee Harrison, son of Mr. and Mrs. Por ter H. Harrison, of Rockmart, Geor gia, in the Franklin Memorial Me thodist Church on Friday evening at 7:30 o'clock. The Reverend W. D. Caviness officiated using the double ring ceremony. Vows were spoken befoore an altar of white which was banked in soouther.i smilax and pine while glowing white tapers in four and five branch candelabra with cand ies in the windows threw a sol light throughout the church. Flooi baskets of white- gladioli wert also used for decorations. Prior to the ceremony Mrs. Wil liam Lewis, organist, played "Love's Old Sweet Sonn," "Melody of Love," and Mrs. Josiah Bailey, soloist, sang, "Through the Years," "One Alone" and a "Dedication" prayer. During the ceremony "Be lieve Me If All Thoose Endearing Young Charms" was sooftly played. The bride, given In marriage by her father, wore a gown of ivory satin which featured a yoke of imported illusion outlined in a scallopoed satin bertha, a fitted bodice shirred at the waistline and fitted sleeves which ended in caila points oover the hands. The full skirt of her gown was fashioned with a bertha and ended in a circu lar train and her fingertip veil of Erench illusion fell from a crown of seed pearls. She carried a bou quet of white carnations fastened with satin streamers and her only ornament was a single strand of pearls. Miss Jane Ballou, sister of the bride, was her maid of honor. She wore a lime velvet gown with illusion neckline, shirred bertha and three-quarter length sleeves. Her headdress was rosebuds of matching velvet and she carried a bouquet of gladioli and carnations tied with coral satin ribbon. Miss Geneva Bruton and Mrs. Roma Styron were bridesmaids. They wore coral velvet gowns fash ioned along lines identical to those of the maid of honor's gown and headdress of coral velvet. Their bouquets, also identical, were fast ened with lime ribbon. Miss Deanna Ballou, sister of the bride, was a junior bridesmaid. She was gowned in coral velvet and carried a bouquet identical to these of the other attendants. The bridegroom chose his twin brother, David E. Harrison as best man. Ushers were D. B. Willis, Roma Styron, Warren Grant and Salvatore J. Palazzo. Honorary bridesmaids were Mrs. Warren Grant, Misses Janice Lew is, and Marion Lewis, Mrs. Coleen Andre, Mrs. Don Brewer, Mrs. Will Lawrence and Mrs. David Harrison. The bride's mother wore a dress of black crepe with a corsage of red roses. Immediately following the cere mony the bride's parents entertain ed with a reception at their home on Bay Street. The home was decorated throughout with smilax and bas kets of gladioli. Refreshments were served from a lace covered table with the wedding cake as a cetiterpiece flanked by three branch candelabra. After the first slice of cake had A CHRISTMAS GIFT THAT WILL ADD UP TO HOURS OF ENJOYMENT FOR THE WHOLE FAMILY from $17.59 up M 898 MOSEHEAD CITY Ballou Is Wed been cut by the bridal couple Mrs. Iona Ballou served it while Mrs. Warren Grant served punch. For travelling the bride changed to a green gabardine suit with DiacK accessories ana wore a shoulder corsage of carnations lift ed from her wedding bouquet Af ter a wedding trip to Atlanta, Ga the couple will be at home at the Dunn apartments on Arendell Street. Mrs. Harrison is a graduate of i the Morehead Citv High School 1 and at the time of her mnrria?e ' was employed by the local thea tres. Mr. Harrison attended Rockmart High School and served two years with the United States Marine Corps. He is employed by Mr. H. H. Sampson at the present time. On Thursday evening following the rehearsal Mrs. Darcy Willis, grandmother of the bride, enter tained at an informal coca cola party for the wedding party at her home on Bridges Strc . . Out of town guests here for the wedding included Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mason, of Atlantic and Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Taylor, of Sea Level. HOSPITAL NOTES Mrs. John W. Willis, of Atlantic, was admitted to the hospital Sun day. Mr. Reginald Gainer, of New port, was discharged Friday. Riehard A. Kittrell, of Morehead City, was discharged Saturday lol lowing a tonsillectomy. Mrs. Ollie Neal, of Beaufort, was discharged from the hospital Fri day. Mrs. Earl Davis, of Smyrna, was discharged Monday following an operation. Mrs. Carl Willis, of Harkers Is land, was discharged Sunday. Mrs. Frank B. Webb, Jr., of Morehead City, was discharged Sunday following a major opera tion. Mr. James W. Norris, of Swans boro, was admitted Saturday. Master Jackie Neal, of Beaufort, was admitted Friday. Mr. Charles Parrish, of North Harlowe, was admitted Friday. Mr. Joseph Smith, of Cedar Is land, was admitted Friday. Miss Barbara Gillikin, of Beau- beadle Esa ftcmr Er!l ineir eld, kmy. iil-d-dale Irca tsJTlJi tfo itr will giv Tea $1.31 for II. ITo ctil:r wbl rtyb or Btlsll, Trade V Dec. 3. Mrs. Darcy Lewis and Mrs. Guy Sabiston spent Tuesday in New Bern shopping. . .. Mrs. Roy Lewis Roy, Jr., and sister, Sherril, are back home a gain after a stay in Washington, N. C, with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sharpe and family visited at Russeils Creek Su.iday. Mr. and Mrs. Fernie Willis and son have moved to Newport. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Clark and daughter, Judy, spent the weekend in Chocowinity with the parents of Mr. Clark. Down from Pennsylvania visit-1 ing Mr- and Mrs' R- D Kemp for lhe holidav were her Pntt, Mr. and Mrs- w- D- KemPi unt. Noma Heinrich; and grandfather, Mr. W. M. Heinrich. Lucky you. Mr. Frnacis (Scotty) Scott of Fernandina, Fla., Is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Cicero Guthrie for sever al days, This past Saturday night Mrs.1 Leonard Lewis entertained her friends with a turkey barbecue supper. Mr. Julius Lewis paid a visit to his newest grandchild at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Albert Or mond. Kinston. Mrs. Julius Lewis, who was already there, returned with him Sunday. Mr. Jimmie McEIroy left for Asheville to visit his mother. Ac companying him on the trip is Mr. Earl Dunn who went there on busi ness. Mrs. Paul Mitchell and her chil dren went to Louisburg to visit Mrs. Mitchell's brother. Mr. Cicero Guthrie left Tuesday en a business trip to Rocky Mount. Dec. 4 The Women's Society of Christian Service held its regu lar meeting at the church, Wed nesday. Choir practice wa9 done Friday fort, rt. 1, was discharged Monday following an appendectomy. Mrs. Howard L. Rivers, of More head City, was discharged Friday. Mrs. W. B. Smith and infant son, of Atlantic, were discharged Mon day. Mr. Charles C. Lewis, of Beau fort, rt. 1, was admitted Saturday for treatment. FOES SEE BVSSaSMsaSMsSHSMHSMSHnssMSflMSflSSaSBSHSSSSSaSMi G & W CniLDREII'S SHOP POSSESSION KOW 03 FIRST OF TEAR. CAN BE FINANCED tf5 EESPCNSELE PARTT. in your Old Gel a nw G. E. Acloalic Irta ihl b fed tzi easy isr oily $11X3 pin ycir cli irca. Any Old Iron Flaitrori Sadiron Ancient Model Gel rid cf thai "Welle Eltpisnl" ii yesr fcsae Walk oil with a rcders easy-lo-cso, actftsuJic irca. Only $2.00 Dcvn! Tlio Roil In Easy Payments TIDE HATED POUEO COIIPAIIY . night by a. newly-organized group that looks and sounds, very pro mising. Mrs. Joe Lockhart spent several days with her mother, Mrs. Steve Styroft and sister, Mrs. Charlie San ders of Morehead City. w nti. , r,., .... I , una, jvmuic iiicuuiB apem ruuay , Lewis, Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Willis and daughter. Essie of Norfolk spent the week-end at the home of Mr.: and Mrs. Karo Guthrie. Mr. and Mrs. Albin Beacham motored to Washington, N. C, Fri day to attend to some business matters. Mrs. E. W. Copeland has entered the Morehead City hospital for treatment Mrs. Ella Willis called at the home of Mrs. A. E. Gaskins, Fri day. County Supt., Mr. H. L. Joslyn visited the' Camp Glenn school Thursday afternoon. The Camp Glenn Lunch room was paid an inspection visit by the State Health inspector. Mrs. Unice Willis spent the week end in Williston at the home of her sister. Mr, and Mrs. Manly Fulcher spent the week-end at the home of his father in Atlantic. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Swinson and daughter, Kathleen, of Pro vidence, R. I., are here to stay with his parents until Christmas after which they will depart for Jack sonville, Fla. LENNOXVULE Dec. 9 Mrs. Elmer Dudley and baby have returned home from the hospital. Mrs. Julia Pake and daughter, Mrs. Wjlliam Willis attended the concert at the Franklin Memorial church at Morehead City Sunday afternoon. Little Jamie Lawrence is spend ing a while with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.- A. Lawrence, of Ot way. Mrs. P.andolph Willis and child ren, of Morehead City, spent Wed nesday with her mother, Mrs. Roy Goodwin. B.M. 1c Gerald Gillikin and father, of Otway, visited friends a short while last Friday. Mrs. A. Lawrence, Mrs. Bonnie Piner, of Otway, visited Mrs. Iron for a Frank Mcintosh a while Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Baker Lupton and children, of Suffolk Va., spent the' veekend with Mrs. Sophie Lupton. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Conner, nave returned home after spending two VWM i" iiiuuici, ui nuimic u u:M v. .... n A i. , i ; Tava i Mr. and Mrs. Van Etten, who pent last week with their son nd family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Van Etten, left Sunday for their home at Mcintosh, Wis. Miss Reginia Pake celebrated her 7th birthday Monday after noon. Everyone had an enjoyable time. Ice cream, cake and candy of Southeast Asia will remain "for was served. ever England." In them memorial . . , , , 1 cemeteries are being constructed Patricia Lupton celebrated her , for Brtish servicemen. Unlike the 7th Oinhday Wednesday afternoon. Americans, who have returned Relatives and friends were invited home ,he o some 30 ooo and all had an enjoyable time. j war dead since iast October, the Mrs. Tom Bell, of Morehead ; British decided to leave their dead City, spent Wednesday wun ner mother, Mrs. Roy Goodwin. Mrs. Sophia Lupton and Mrs. Baker Lupton spent Saturday with Mrs. Roy Dickinson. Mrs. Monroe Simpson went to New Bern shopping Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Pittman have returned after spending i while with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. William Gordon and family. NEWPORT Dec. 5 Mrs. Harry Livingston spent Thursday afternoon shop ping in New Bern. Lt. and Mrs. William H. Bell and little daughter, Rozanne, spent the week-end here with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bell. Mrs. Lemuel C. Mann was a bu siness visitor in New Bern Thurs day. Mrs. Paul J. Corona and little daughter, of Washington, D. C. are spending some time with Mr. Bertie Bell. Mrs. W. J. Kirby and Mrs. Floyd I CAMEL flf mumL , I I XJSJSJ? lit 1 smoked camels for y 0 Make the Camel 30-day test! When hundreds of men and women recently, from coast to coast, smoked Camels exclusively for 30 days in a similar test, noted throat specialists who examined the throats of these smokers every week -a total of 2470 examinations - reported NO THROAT IRRITATION diM to smoking CAMELS New GE Automatic Let this, new G. E. Auto- ! matic take the work out of ironing.. Get it from Tide 1 . Water's junior salesmen. Harness shopped in New Bern Thursday. Mis. k. T. Pruitt spent Saturday shopping in New Bern. Leon Mann, Jr. returned to Ra- leigh Sunday after, spending the week end nere wiin nis momer. Mrs. Clarence. Millis and child ren and Mrs. Zeb Mauney and little daughter, Korsbeth, returned Sat urday from Hopeville, Va. Bodies oi British Soldiers To Lie In Southeast Asia SINGAPORE (AP) Corners in the areas where tnev fen Initial work is accomplished by teams who locate and identify bo dies in the isolated troieal jungles of Malaya, Burma, Indo-China and the East Indies. Lt. Colonel L. S. Ilarrop plans and coordinates cf forts to locate the estimated 10,000 men still unaccounted for in South east Asia. Recovery of approxi mately 6.000 bodies to date in cludes Malays, Chinese and Indians who fought with British soldiers in Asia. Recovery of approximately 6,000 bodies to date includes Ma lays. Chinese and Indians who fought with British soldiers in Singapore and the Federation of Malaya. Once bodies are gathered to gether in the military cemetery, Graves Registration hands over its job to "Imperial War Graves" which converts the cemetery into a permanent memorial. The American species of rein doer are called caribou. To Kit i.l'J jlli ) Hi I I'll Hi nit i :: I'm. "hi .I .I ' ' irl 'I 'I'M l !('.('

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