J i PAGE TWO SCCRCHY SMITH ctinflEkft cbuSt wsTO:s, lidtoiEAT) crfy AN7J ffeEXtlfblS, N. fc. ri i i ri i it ! fc J Hi ifiB FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1948 . J.T Nineteen, Twenty, That's A Plenty J HARLOWE ; HAWVW.' V CK-UHI5 THERE X WRONS PIP VOU -I . PIP Wi REALIZE fTWHTV -'-.-. '.X I WELL,. ( SOMETHING WRONG REALIZE THAT TUB V THAT BEAST HAS 1 TOES i ' i WLUi WITW E CLEPHANTS BEAST HAS - rTWINTY TOES ?) V r f J scorchy swnn THE COtNT TftAT-mfNTs 7sOELOISE - . HAS TWENTY yES TWENTYl I TOES TOES tT IS.' J Vg .' g y THE. CONTRACT DIDN'T STATE HOW MANY TOES VOU WANTED ON YOUR R ELEPHANTS, RAJAH.' n 7 BUT ALL ELEPHANTS HAVsN IIT MEANS THAT AS tONG W 7) 1 ONLV EIGHTEEN TOES .' THIS LMM5 TALISMAN OF THE s THIS ONE fS A PERFECT OOPS REWNS HERE, ONLYO00p SPECIMEN, ANO SHE HAS J LUCK ANP PROSPERITY CAN COME fj TWBNTV ' PONY VOU p TO RITZANPDR.'. AMP VOU. REALIZE WHAT THAT" FRIENDS ARE 'RESPONSIBLE .J ANS?. y ' SCORCHY SMITH Atos across WtEttE Royal Request I VI I I I y , 'HT"' 1 1 . 1 ' 1 INFINITELY; VQU 5H ALL RECEIVE 15,000 KATW) WE RE I ' V. W . ""M SOME YEARS I ANP ALSO I HEREBY V IN BUSINESS..' J f RAJAH YOU BELIEVE THAT -i AGO THE GRANT TO VOU AND YOUR X. . '. . W. " 1 V THIS ELEPHANT BRINGS ONLY MAHARAJAH PARTNER ALL RIGHTS TO X " .V GOOP LUCK JUST BECAUSE IT P OF MySORE BUILP ANP MAINTAIN v I2ca Z2T -' JiaJfc HAS TWENTY TOES INSTEAD PAIP 10,000 AN A1RFIELP WITH AIR N llftj 1 V '7 1 OF THE USUAL EIGHTEEN ? RUPEES FOR1 SERVICE WITHIN, TO ANP T II V I ; OAKY DOAKS j X' .7 X TN4T BEFORE YOU 5AID 50 STEER NELLIE I T TMEW GO THAT VvWY.' IT'S I 1 I KWOWN PKIWCE5S LEETA MIGHT BE FOR THE LAUD OF V EeT A5 GOOD A DIRECTION AS J RnTvnDN WOAW.' A GLAMOR-PUSS.' KJOW I'VE I THE LOTUS E ATE R5L i S AWV , -mT SajfTty' YOu) V,7 DECIDED TO POSTPONE MrQ D0 YOU r- kZ-V y J DAKY DOAKS FROM BAD TO WORSE ! Vjr GOLDERKJ IT, J I'VE CHAWGED I'LL TRY;- 1 V0U'RE-M4KW(J TrCAKl'Tj ' '' -1 OAKY DID .j TTTX. MY MlkJD BUT ' 'TlE PfllY " T WE'PE W f-f '' WE HAPTAjTl Z.'9UR0,1 TURW AROUND ,M WELLIE STOP GOtNG- jTCAUGHT, IW A t TfLY IWTO THIS THUIJDEi?5TU0?7W M4JESJ,'" AkD GO -r-" STEERS 1 IW CIRCLES S WHlRLWlMO.J C' ' " " V "ri,yH'v','aig Y0U A5KED ME BA0 WFUL HARD Ja . , ,'rr - to r fj1 gJy ' ' ' ' Wjj M !(, V '' OAKY DOAKS , THE KING IS RIGHT Egj?ZjUMPIw' I THIS 15 WO TIME FOR I 771 ( APE YOU ALL PIGWT. ) . , MJIUIUY k HER TO MOULT rsg illlf ll MAJESTXV DICKIE DARE " " .. . It fielier Be'SUck, Slick mvxrmel6iiT I'uMt? I thm mt'T se PTi'l l r titeM to mtntiOiI , mwLe msm wrt, iMFZ$Sk to moe tub wsk'wf I nffU,'SLforsmTe rnKxinetiTFinmap voti.vtw-'i nzsl nam -biij too hops I tiEPE'S W 1WE F S W 'GHPIX Mite KXl&tNS OUT mfc 'till cTTI)IGY TO PEfiSMDe HEP it SSU I OHe-OFlOW'SllCK' CV W DOES HOT L " BE m M IOEA -"..IT ' "MO I THUK I KHQH J DICKIE UAKE .. v " ..' t - V "Mrtms atoea op I I r cofcg sv ptem!-- 1 1 7?gg roteotefiToon' t ZZZIjZ7r! MOllLimil'A'FElN'WMP' I COMI HELP WHEte HeAMilM&S. TUePe AlPErt HOH. ; HITHfBHEMi.EEOAUiNMEX OHLimEOHE riEAbl-mAT OKeM)V Aii-ter . AtMP-TOOmngi m&TEH ?, WE HAS PET riEADMTEPSl CQtU) J2JJ "Vr ' jgCMfT tfgr WtM DICKIE DARE - . - . -, ,T ' ' SI'TJStoalAiiML. 1 I 1 I f BNHKfW NITHHIS I HO' T CAfT DO V I CAlY 1 j jj '- JEWELS. THAT PPCE fC J IET-MV PEOPLE SUFFER ifPOtGH J iJKt 1 t OtERHEAPOiOllPPUnl.lOOr smi-BtT THEH THB TE HOPPOPOF CMUZMOtl. f T N VOi fa TXVWf Or df SW HQtW WOtlLO HHOH 0F 1 0P6HAL 'MTEHT STAHDS. J r fS; 70 SfF PlABlOS CO DOtM THIS tALLEi-'PEOPlB" V VCW flii MI Hf frlVti t(rK .ry Svi'iV;. .v( , J kw.: iiuicji--J IX r.,a is v I Il ,.;, ... ' . . .. --J Dec. 4 Mrs. M. C. -Adams, J. C. Adam and Everette Taylor mo tored to Newport Tuesday evening for Mrs. Adams 'to see Dr. Maton. son. ' 'i Mr. and. Mrs. Will Conner, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. W.'Ball, Will Hard esty, MeSdahVCs Raymond Ball, Carlton Taylor, and Rufus Ward and PHillol. Tlylor Wrended tile Rural "Elecfriflcatfon meetWg Wed nesday afternoon in Morehead City. Mrs. Ashby B. Worton spent Thursday in Beaufort. Mesdames Harry Davis, Emma Oglesby and Hoy MmOh Vrtte in Moreneaa: city rnoay morning. Mr. and Mrs. Maude Taylor and daughters, Claudte and 'Susan, of Bachelor, wre tiere Wednesday afternoon to see Mrs. Ashby B. Morton. Llnwood Brinson, of 'Morehead City, Was In the ebnimunity Wed hesday. Mrs.'Geo. W. all land Mrs. Char He Bell "Spent Friday in Morehead City. Mesdames (Jlyde Tayldr, Rufus yVard, Carlton f aylbr, Rdy Mason, Emma'Ogtesby, 'Harry Davis, Char he Bell, Will Conner tend A. N. Bell attentfed the Home Demon stration Club hrlsrftras party Thursday afternoon t "the Core Creek ebnimunity hotise. Mrs. JJbhh E. , TayJbr, bf New Bern, Tsjpeht "Sunday efe. Mr. -ahd Mrs. Waiffe Taylbr, of Wilmington were guests of Philip Taylor ahd family -'during' the 'week end. Mr. and Mrs. Cehophon Mason and on, Charls, bf Marshallberg, spent Sunday With Mr. nd Mrs. Roy Mason. Mrs. Ray Green and Miss Ann Johnson, of Raleigh, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ashby B. Morton during the week end. Mr. and Mrs. W. Everette Tay lor and Mrs. M. C. Adams were in Beaufort Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton 'Everette and Vernon Everette, Of near Greenville were In the community Friday. Mrs. Carlton J. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Ives attended the show Friday evening. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. James L. Smith, Jr. of Bachelor. Willie Bradshaw was in Kinston Friday on business. Mrs. L. C. Blanchard, of near New Bern, was guest Saturday of Mrs. Ashby B. Morton. Mesdames A. N. Bell, Luke Tur ner, W. K. Williams, Edsel Bell and Eddie Turner and Gary Wil liams "were in Morehead City Sat urday morning. Mr. and Mrs, Reginald Adams were here Saturday evening to see Mrs. M. C, Adaiits who has been 'HI.: " - ' " Mrs. Alton Waters spent pttqday with Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Taylor. Rev. J. M. Jollif hehj the services here Sunday morning. . Mr. and Mrs. Claude Taylor and daughters. Jean, Claudia and Su san, of Bachelor, were liere Sun day afternoon to see Mrs. Ashby B. Morton. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Morton spent the weekend with relatives near Wasnhigtbn. A- !B. Mbrtbn, Jr. 'was in Beau fort Saturoay to se Dr. Moore. The Woman's Society of Christ ian wrvlce will meet Friday eve- hing with Mrs. Harry Davis. Christ mas gifts Win be exchanged instead of the "PoHyahna" fame. - The Woman's Society lbf Christ ian sbrvfce met whh Mrs. W. 'C. Witliants Friday evening for their srndy class Sf "Oh Our 'Own Door iteps.' Tailts tif rhtertit-ima 'edu cational "Were given" by Metdlmes Jdel Davis, 'Ooi-dbn Bectbh, Roy Mason, Vlll ConnerClyde Tay lor, C. Wittiams 'and Miss Elea nor Taylbr, Mrs. WHlMhw assisted by Mrs. Mason served hot cho colate and wafers, , Mrs. Emma Oglesby spent Fri day night with Mrs. primrose Gooding at JorthKfver. Mr. and Mrs. Gaston Salter, of New Bern, passed through Sunday enroute home from visiting Mr. and Mrs. Osmond Salter at Bache lor, ,. Mrs. .Carl H, Morton spent. Fri day in Beaufort with Iter mother, Mrs. .Dallas Sadler and Mrs. Wil liam Noe, Mr. and Mrs. Elmo TVlor, 'of Bachelor, visited in the communi ty Sunday afternoon. , , Clarence Salter, of Bachelor, passed through Sunday evening en roiM to Havelock to see John Neal Salter. Mr. hd Mrs. Claude Taylbr Vnd daughter, 'JftnClaudfa and Susan, of BacHelbr, were here Sunttay eve Whg to see Mrs. Ashby B. Mbrtbn. Mr. nd Mrs. William Wallace ahd 'daughter, 'who rfate been MVing M TVey Taylor's oM ftbrte, nave moved to Ntfwpbrt. ' Mr. tend Mrs. Ashby B. Morton -their guest, Mrs. Rty 'Green fend Miss Ann Jbhttsbh motbfefl to Bachelor early Sdntfay Ifterrtobn tb see Mr. ttnd Mrs. 'CiaotJe Taylor. thfee Ttfvers DIcV,efe4 MOBC0W--A,P) Thte Wreto for ihkhefh rtVefs nafe eeH tfis cbVered th Hiberfa. A Tsa dis patch frbrti -Lenmgrtd reTated bow ah'-exptdmbn V)f scientists hearfed tirbf. A. A. Feiflbrov.bf the 'Bo tanical instttbte f Sciences, ptrte trated 700 kilometers of Siberian forest trails to 'find - the rivers. They were ail In the little explored central mountain range tt the Say ansky mountains.- In addition to the tivers the scientists fouhd four, large flaclers . and . several large and deep lakes 'rich In fish. 'Gigantic tedwooJl Irees, Inhabi tants -of "the north-west, 'reach heighU of i40 feet. BACHELC3 Dec. 7 Mr, nd Mrs. W, Adams, Mr. ahd Mrs. E. T. Becton. Mr. ahd Mrs. Elmo Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. 'Fred Smith nd Mr. and Mrs. C. -H. Smith were in Beaufort Sat urday. ' - - - '. - Mr. and Mrs. R. Tt. Rawls n& children, FfaHk and Harold of Cherry Point, Mr. and Mrs. John WulTdn and cMasen, Steve ami "HeTeh Vefe ?eceiit visitors bf Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Becton. - -- Misses Eva Adams Vivian Ben ton arid "Patsy Becton visited Miss es Betty Faye and Ann Rose-Flowers Sunday. Harold and Buddy Waddell were guests of Misses Qwynh Adams and Lois Benton Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Smith attend ed the "Better Farming for Better Living" program and luncheon at the Recreation Center in New Bern Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Claude Taylor and daughters, Jeanne Claudia and Susan, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Harris and Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Taylor visited Mr. and Mrs. Simon Becton and children Sunday. Misses Sue Ward and Ethel Jar hum honored Junior Ward Friday evening with a wiener roast at the home 5f Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Belartgia on Neuse river. The fol lowing guests were present; Misses Nellie Ward, Ann Rose and Betty Flowers, Lois and Vivian Benton, Eva, Emily and Gwynn Adams, and Mary Davis of Harlowe, Bob and Bruce of Cherry Point, A. G. and Clayton TayTb of TfafTowV, "Ellis Worthington, John and Ken Dick erson of Beaufort RFD. Surprise Anniversary Party Miss Sadie Lbuise Harris, with Mrs. E. L. Becton and Mrs. Os mond Salter as Cb-hdstesses, enter tained about forty friends at her home Saturday evening, Nov. 27, honoring her parents, Mr. ahd Mrs. H. N. Harris, their 14th wedding anniversary. The lace covered was centered with dining table a beautiful candles. The house was decorated with native Christmas greens. Mrs. Fred Dotger of Charlotte served the three-tiered wedding cake While the Mfe-sss Served Russian tea, mints and toasted nuts. Mr.-and Mrs. Harris received ma- fy 'lovery Hts l everyone en- Joyed a nice evening. Mrs. Hadder and son, John, Mrs. John Boyd, Mrs. Koonce and child ren. Merle and Pete of New Bern, RFD, spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Becton. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Small and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Small and son, -of -Raleigh, Mr. -and Mrs. -Oeorge Huntley, jr. ana cnuaren, ot Beau fort, spent Sunday "With the J. L. Smith families. Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Smith, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Taylor and Mrs. George Conway were in New Bbrn Wednesday. Early American eating places were patterned after European bouquet of roses and white lighted Inns, taverns arid coffee houses. 191) TOtm IF BEAUFOBT in A TTD mm these Tags Can Be Secured al Hie Town Qil or front Street Police Station Mil L. IIATSELL, Tax Ccllec-r CaricrDi tdnnty, llcrili Carolina COIIDEIISED ' FbctlYeiftErtdedJtine 33,493 'ASSETS -m;'-,-... . - : . $ !isfii7:n 6,340.73 Cash Oh Deposit, Various County Funds 'Uncollected Taxes Lbss: Re'serVe for Deferred Collection and Lbsses Investment in Carteret County Bonds (Face Value $177,600.00) .; Certificates of Deposit First:itizens Bank & Trust Co Accrued Interest on Carteret County Bonds Fixed Properties: 'Cburity Board 'f Education (School PfbpertieS) Other County ""Properties Total itsseHs LIABILITIES AND sSSlUS: Prepaid 1948 Taxes Undistributed Registered Bond Account Bonds, State Loans and Interest Payable: Bonded Debt Bond Interest Coupons Due Interest on Notes Payable Prior to 7-1-35 , State Loans Surplus: Opertttfffg Tbhtfs .....1 $ 238,427.09 Beaufort "School Btiildlhg fond 3,017.20 AtWntfc "Schbbl RiilWing Fund 47.6M00 -Capital Fund u. 1,808,45.32 Tol liabilities flvaTMWs Vcawal iMtVaMi""! lllW Vawwiwad'UiiUS) 1ttt(5tilPTS: Taxes ahd penalties 'CbirecfCd Schedule "B" 'ticenses - - Clerk of Superior Court Fees Register of Deeds Tes County Board of Alcoholic Control Sale bf Foreclosed Property Flifes anil Forfeitures "State and Federal Appropriations State Donations Library Commission 'Crbatata Forest Reserve 'Electibh Fees Miscellaneous ...!.....;: ..... "titA taffeta,. Balance Cash on Hand July l, 1947 $ 113,433.193 73,'47.l H5,0i07 7,00fl.0 3,!tMX) l,t)39-,95ff.6u 3,579,800.00 $4,94'2,216;l $ 3'3,08$9 32.43 -2,95h,rr21 120,893.28 11,620.05 li22,iB4.54 ,094,03.61 $4,942,216.41 $ 234,783.09 2,373:75 '27,296.64 ,fm.30 'iro,ooo.oo 1,800.01 1M8.10 tfB.itKfa 4,962.5 i;i55.97 124.00 Mill 134,597.48 , "':'''eBite taA'Biiilaiicc DISBURSEMENTS: Woriityhbrtl Fund $ 95,B6f.60 County Welfare Fund 17,830.26 Old Age Assistance Fund 54,807.00 Aid to Dependent -Children Fund .?. 10,012.00 Cotaty Health Fortd -.u-s 12,000.00 County Bonds Paid 62,554.60 rnfetest on'BbnaB ahd School Notes 56,716.39 Bank Charges, Cbmmission and other Bond Expenses 1,843.84 Transfers to County Board of Education - 106,675.00 $ 536,575.73 Total Disbursements I 9,268.04 "BALANCE - J- ASll ON HAND JUNE 30, 1948 CERTIFICATE:. .y. "We hereby certify that we have made an audit of the, financial reebrfls of "Car Heret Codnty, North daroUna, for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1948; and "have 'Tiled a complete audit report thereon. ? We turther certify 'thirt we 'have prepared the above -cotidetned statement from ur general report; n4 that the above statements are in fereerrTent "wlrh bAr 'report and the books of account. . Therefore, 'wiiiertjfy Hhat, In oui; opinion, the above represents ii We statement of the financial condition of Carteret County, North Carolina, at June -30, 1946, and a summary of Receipts and Disbursements for year ended same date. WILLIAMS WALL, -Raleigh, North Carolina, - By Frank P. Wall, December 3, 1948. ' . Xftifiefl 'Ftihffc 'Accountant.

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