3 1 PAtiTWO ' Garterci Coanly Ilevs-Times A Mercer Of ' ' The Beaufort Kewi (est. 1912) & The Twin City Timet (eft 1938) EDITORIAL PAGE r TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1948 Service Beyond the Call of Doty . Every Christmas there are several mail carriers or postal clerks (in the older age bracket) who drop dead during the Christmas season because of overwork. There are no citations or medals handed out to these men posthumously for service beyond the line of duty, their death is merely attributed to a "bad heart" or "overwork." In their daily routine, working for Uncle Sam, they were car rying out the glamorized slogan of pony express and stage coach days, "The mail must go through." Regardless of the number of extra clerks the postoffices add during the December rush, the load always falls on the regulars who know the ropes and have to correct the mistakes the novices make or else in desperation do the work themselves. "Do your Christmas mailing early" arc words that mean to m.-ny people the same thing that mistletoe and holly and ever green means. They always come with the Christmas season and that's that. Christmas is less than two weeks away. The holiday season for postoffice personnel can be a merry one, too, but it depends upon all of us. lAntTittT mem mttme woftcmp crrt aW bea treat. kTcT 1 R5D PEPPER i: Tl! RICE DOVL Dear Rulh ... Carteret cminlians will have the opportunity tomorrow night to see a better th:in amateur play. "Dear Ruth," a comedy that had Broadway holding its sides for months, and later had movie audiences all over the nation recking with laughter, will be presented at 8 o'clock tomorrow night in the Morehead City school auditorium by the New Bern Little theater. Under the sponsorship of the local little theater group, this phy comes to us, an indication of the numerous ways in which our own group of dramatists can improve the cultural side of life and offer (Vs a greater variety of entertainment. Those who have seen 4 Dear Ruth," as presented by the New Bern group, have nothing for it but highest praise. The audience in the school auditorium at 8 o'clock tomorrow night can be assur ed of an evening of splendid entertainment. fr ViJ lost Over 100.000 Fish Today . . ." Remember the well-known fisherman's story, the one that always tells of the "big one" that got away? So it seems with the pogics. We daily hear weeping and wailing tnd gnashing of teeth over the ones that got away. To really find out whether any fish are being caught one has to use his eyes boats with the sideboards up, factories with the smoke pouring out In while clouds and one's nose. Thoughts for an open mind,.. To most men, some kind or progressive career is Important. To be glad of- life because It gives you the chance to love and to work and play and to look up at the stars. To be satisfied with your possessions, but not contented with yourself until you have made the best of them. To despise nothing in the world except falsehood and meanness, and to fear nothing except cowardice. To be governed by your admiration rather than by your disgust: to covet nothing that is your neigh bor's except his kindness of heart and gentleness of man ners. To think seldom of your enemies, often of your friends. HERE and THERE With F. C. SALISBURY, Morehead City fH" it ' Construction work is underway on a group of small houses on the property to the west of the Camp Glenn school recently purchased by F. C. Noyes of Sea Level, opera ting under the name of Sea Level Development. It is stated that this concern will build some 30 houses in this development. Alter a lapse of nearly 100 years this section now under develop ment has come into its own. Not in quite as big a way as was plan ned back in 1852 when the Caro lina City Land Company purchas ed 1000 acres in what is now known as Camp Glenn, laid out a site for a towh to be called Caro lina City. A large three-story hotel was erected at about where the new homes are now being built also a few business places dotted the site near the water. The place st rived as a summer resort until Morehead City was opened up a few years later with the extension of the A. & N. C. railroad to Shepards Point. The hotel was burned before the Union forces of the War of '61 in vaded this section. Carolina City is known today as one of the ghost cities of the state. Uncle .Sam mailed . out his usual December greeting cards the past week in the form of blanks to fill out one'a income tax. The state Department of Re venue waa right behind Uncle Sam for their share ef the take. It is stated that no extension beyond the December 31 dead line for having, new auto plates on your car or truck has been granted. Distribution ef 1949 license plates are said te be run ning behind last yeaf a figures. The first white frost of the sea- Thc pontifical dissertations of the self-righteous person, enables us to understand why the Lord loves the repentant sinner. Instinctive happiness: the scrt of thing that is diminished by ill health and destroyed by a bad liver. Jim Morrill. In The Good Qld Days . M 11 ti , '1.1 . n 1 . 'hi 'Ml II i,. THIRTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Luther Hamilton and Alonzo Thomas were added to the com mittee to investigate the road and bridge matter from Williston to Atlantic. ' The school term, in Marshall berg, Crab Point and Wire Grass opened a week ago. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO At a special meeting of the town commissioners, the board voted to prolong the street paving program. An editorial In the paper cited the need of telephones connecting the esstern part of the county with Beaufort and Morehead City. f TEN YEARS AGO J - Dr. K. P. B. Bonner of Morehead t City was appointed chairman of ';' the new Jboard of county commis sioners. Christmas lights In both Beau v fort and Morehead City streets !' wece to be up by the weekend. FIVE YEARS AGO Town commissioners of Beaufort gave the lot next to the Recreation center at Broad and Pollock streets for a building for the Girl and Boy Scouts. G. W." Duncan was honored by the American Insurance Co. of Newark, N. J., for having been thelf representative for over 25 years. 1 I Feel A Little j Run Down Doc J Ilaybe I Heed a Tonics Nothing like a stretcher case te stretch your savings to the limit. And doctor's tonics don't do bank accounts any food. Our tonic' is a health and accident policy that covert yon from heat to tee. Be prepared. Consult with us today. DIAL M 3621 JOHN L CBUffP INSURANCE 823 Arendell Street ' & REAL ESTATE ; v Morehead City I :: Smile a Yflul : : No, you don't have t6 live h Paris to be a parasite. The best way to catch a rabbi Is to hide behiad a tree and mak a noise like a carrot Rice, basio diet for millions, 1; an annual grass. Most of it 1 grown with its roots standing It water, but other species grow sue cessfully on ordinary land. r MS CABTEEET CCUHTY lOTS-TEIES Carteret County's Only Newt mm '''1 . - A Merger Of- . 'ii tHZ BEAUFORT NBWS (Bit. 1913) and THE TWIN CITX TIMES (EiMftW) Published TuMilava mnA B.. TH CARTERET PUBLISHING COMPANY. INC .. tin Lockwood fWmPf Publtahers - Ekamn Dmi Phillip, ' v Ruth Leckey Ptlln. Executive Editor PuhllMnr Office At i - ., ' 80T Eyang Street, Morehead Clty.'N. C. t ' Crv" Street. Beaufort, ft C n "' ' ' wlnji'.'. ,-. . '" Member Of r - . v Associated press - Gr.w WeeklUs N. C. Prett AaMdauoa Audit Bureau of Circulation mmmum St Entered aa Second Claaa Matter at Morehead City, N. d . " J . '. nder Act of March 81878 lilKatt of repuMtcaUo oUmtwIm reaarvad. uiaparenea, i n JiiiiliM Fnhing favorite) The Chrbtmw . gift that packs untold hours of veealioa fun I Top quality. Ad vanced feature. LatM modettt A low,,.....JM " corn's VntS3 V:STORt .' A son greeted the people along the coast in this section on Friday morning. The mercury dropped be low the 40 mark for the first time this season. Last month i? report ed to have been one of the mildest in the history of the weather sta tions. Roses have bloomed later than usual. Bulb plants that should not have blossomed before Spring, along with fruit tree blossoms have been in evidence while ripe straw berries have been picked from many patches. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 14, IMS reported that a large number of sportsmen were on hand Mr the ytany -slaughter. The season Will continue through January 8. Shooi inc starts a half-hour before sun rise and inust cease an hour before sunset. One loose and four ducks per day is the bag limit. Clubs and guest houses along Core sound are making bids for hunters. . 7" What we would like totae the coming summer is a good old fash ioned Fourth of July celebration. Plenty of old time sports that everybody caft havt a part i in. Greased pole, greased igt pcjla toe race, running ami bicycle races, tug of war, in fact a regular gymkhana. At night put on some sort of a pageant depicting the early days of the settlement of this section including stunts by lo cal talent. Start early and work up a good program. 1 At a recent meeting of the pas tors of the Methodists churches of the New pern district with Rev. B. B. Slaughter, district superin tendent presiding, a program of activities for the churches and its allied organizations for the coming year in this district was adopted. Objectives were set up for lay activities, evangelism, church schools, adult work in the district were set up. Rev. J. M. Jollff, New port pastor, led the devotionals. Contractors who have the con tract for repairing and resur facing Evans street lost no time getting to work on the Job, Work started last week with the hum ef the compressor driving the de molition tools to dlgV out the broken places in the pavement. Most of the repair work IU be done this week followed along with laying of drain tile te (are for seepage that has been work ing under the pavement. ..':,' f :.''.'. f . ....... t . , week end In Durham with Mr. and the month with his sister and mU mily. Dr. and Mrs. Manly Mason and children spent last week end in Raleigh and Coats. Their daughter, Mrs. Leonard Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. D. Ira Garner, Mrs. Floyd! Harness and ntne daughter, Beverly spent Tuesday in Raleigh. Mlaa Mnrlnnntt WaaItb nf Maiu. ton Grove, returned home Sunday Jean, who attends Meredith Coi-i ofto ,n.nj: k. ... i. i ...:.u ' leire. ioined them for the waalronrl T M.tva vfuuutug tuc ffCCK CUU WHU w w , " ..... Mm Christobel Norris. " Mrs. Mattaline Rivers and child ren, Harry and Anne spent the Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd N. Gamer weekend in Greenville with Mr. and children, Gilbert and Maria and Mrs. Walter Glenn Garner., left Wednesday for Norfolk to David R. McCain and Miss Julia spend several days with-Mr. Gar-. Hill sptnt last Sunday in Rocky uci s sisiers, mis. i uruin ana Mrs. mount, i uuuuie. . , . Tim Woodhull left Tuesda for Raleigh. He will fly from there to San Diego and return later in All parts of the rice plant are useful. Even the husks are used as fuel. , t iVb changed to I . . CAMELS. THAT A V I Scamb2 MILDNESS 1 r S ARE9omLOt ly V N (A WONDERFUL J jaU ' xAxls 1 1 . SSTIaaaaaaMaiaaaWaaaaalliiaiilfa Raleigh has been chosen the place for the holding of the 1949 state convention of the American Legion on June 20-21. The an nual Post Officer's conference will be held at High Point on February 5-7. Duck and geese hunters got a cold reception on Friday when the season opened at noon ok that day. In spite of the void morning U,. ie. Dave Freeman is enlarging his upholstering and furniture repair ing plant of Fisher street to give him a show room and more work ing space. The building will be of concrete block construction. Dave says he will have one of the best upholstering plants in Eastern Carolina when this addition is completed. NEWPORT Dec. 13 Mrs. Paul J. Corona left Wednesday for Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howard, of Wilmington, N. C, spent the week end here with Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Howard. Mrs. Alice Simmons and Mrs. Moses Howard shopped in New Bern one day last week. ' Lt. and Mrs. and little son, Harry Livingston Billy, spent last arutiittia iiifi&llftyiyCzl Make the Camel 30-day teat) When hundred, of men and women recently, from coast to coa$t, (moked Cameli exclusively for 30 days in a similar test, noted throat specialists who examined the throats of these smokers every week-a total of 2470 examinations-reported NO THROAT IRRITATION due te allotting CAMELS "If you want to give a gift this Christmas that will be ap preciated for many years to come give furniture. And there's no better place to solve your shopping problems than at lEILlG-LCVinE !0 Co mplete He me F u r n 1 1 he r s ".'WS!' FRONT ST. NEW BERN. N. C scwjtwn A .Radius Of 100 Miles DIAL 4063 CHRISTIIAS GIFTS GALORE --TILL YOUR GIFT "PRESCRIPTIONS" AT HOREIIEAD'S LARGEST DRUG STORE! CHIIITMAS IMC M Glomow gift i for yeorbvaty lodyl Foee fowrfer. Rouge and Up- flck i 275 STAR HOSTESS! n r eiry.-aBr m-r-..', ,.m r v i j m i s pr' .- freaturebos' 'erftme,Baii Cologne, Talcum, - PaaPew'der, Rouge, Upttkfc 1.00 OTHR GIFT SITS 1.10 to 21.00 ledics' Cclcrrne Scls -by- -C0TY -YAXLEY -TAW . , , ' -ELiLirrni actzu ...a:.d cities She'll love it . : . aad she'll use it that erV night for a-iuper Christinas nppart It serves fasaily-iita sneala qukkar and easier . . . in the house, or on the porch or atrraca. Wonder ful for snacks aad parties, tool A palate-pleaser for every member of thefamily- Has all the features she'd ' like to haval ONIY IAY1708DII Kayweedie- pipes 'ere" fathwnse) In 128 eere' ttons whlck raqeirp at' nwch skill a Mie cvtHna of a diamond. None bat ter (or balance, comfort able ethplece end . beauty ef bnor p'OinJ Synchro-Jteei and "Dnnk 1 less" fltaient etsvre cool, cleea pleetereoble .. Moke..-" . .v:k. 7 Olii.aroodiesefUSO. $ oo. 7.Jo.tio.oo ilia. Ilea's S!:ivir.3 Sols -r::3Ts:iAii LUGGAGE Fcr Ihs Utole Fcnily fcr Every Uo ilro Ptrlidpding h I3:;c!::d Cili fa RcJ3 Prccn" f MOREHEAD: CFFf DUi UG CO. Am. .ILL si ..t I k.ui a 4 wra I 111111 seAt? . (siXY