1 PAGE Sg CARTERET COUNTY NEWS-TOIES, MOREHZAD CITY AND BKAVFORT. N. C TUESDAY, DECEMBER It, IMS CLASSIFIED ADS FOB SALB v FOR' SALE CONVERT your old sewing ma chine into an electric model. Motor and parts $10.95 complete. City Appliance Co.. Front St., Beau fort, tf SAVE MONEY on back to school tlothes. We are featuring McCall Patterns yard goods, covered buck les and buttons. Mason's, Arendell St., Morehead City. tf WARD'S Trailblazer Tires. Size 600x16, $12.60, tax included and in stalled. 8th Street Service Station, nth and Evans Sts., Morehead City, (hone M 3681. tf ' $10 OFF THE PRICE OF " ANY CAR WHEN , ACCOMPANIED BY THIS AD! I Brand New 1948 CHRYS I LER Windsor 4 Door Sedan. I Radio and Heater, r Brand New 1948 PLYM , OUTH 4 Door Sedan. 1947 FORD Special Deluxe 4 Door Sedan. ' 1946 PLYMOUTH 4 Door Se '! dan. ') 1941 CHEVROLET Club Coupe. ' ALL ABOVE CARS IN EXCELLENT CONDITION I' 01 OPEN UNTIL 9 P. M. CK PARKER MOTOR Co. 1302 Arendell St. Morehead City GOOD small pick-up truck tires. Perfects. Money back guarantee. J"ire Service Co., 1300 Arende1! St., Morehead City. tf WARD'S Winter-King Standard fatteries, 24 months' guarantee, 12.95 exchange installed. 8th Street Service Station, 8th and Evans Sts., Morehead City, phone M 3681. tf SHRIMP BOAT now in operation $600. Phone M 737-8 or caU at 307 N 23rd St., Morehead City. D 14 p 5 ROOM HOUSE with heating hall and bath, furnished or unfurnish ed. Located at 1600 Ann St., Ext., Beaufort. See Robert Modlin at same address. D 17 COOK STOVE which uses coal, wood or gas. Good condition. $50 Hugh Farrior, Newport Rt 1. D 14 p PEDIGREED black female cocker spaniel, age 7 months. Papers ready for registration. Price $50. Phone M 4457 after 6 p.m. D U HOUSE "FOR SALE at 120t Shackleford St., Kelly Guthrie. D 14 p DUO THERM water heater; Coles Hot Blast heater, man's bicycle Phone B 423 1 or B 324 1. TF NFW MODERN homes. One five room house. Immediate occupancy. One two bedroom house, about "i weeks occupancy. One three bed room house, Evans St., 7 weeks oc cupancy. Reasonable down pay ment. Balance FHA insured loans. Call Mr. Ballou, Hotel Fort Macon. D17 HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE V MAN or woman to take over route of established Watklns customers in Morehead City. Full time in come averages $43 weekly. No car o rinvestment necessary. We will help you get started. Write J. R. Watkins Co., Dept. S-3, Richmond, Va. ' :.'"'. D17p WANTED INSTRUCTOR Morehead City Technical Institute wishes to tent 2-bedroom house' in or near More head City by Jan. 3. Phone Mit chell M 995-1. D14 FEMALE HELP WANTED AVON PRODUCTS are in great de mand. Splendid opportunity for ambitious mothers who need to earn but can only work part time. No . experience necessary to start. For details write Mrs. Ruudabush, P. O. Box 223, Wilmington, N. C. D17p DRESSED fryers. Orders taken un til Thursday for delivery on Friday in Beaufort. Phone Mrs. R. S. Smith, Beaufort 5168. D7-14 Beware Coughs From CoRSRicn Colds That HANG ON Creomuliioa relieve! promptly because it goes right to th Kit of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ I id en phlegm and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflimed bronchial mucous membranes. Tell your druggist to sell you bottle of Creomuliioa with the understanding you mult like the way it quickly allays the cough or you ire to have your money back. CREOIYIULSION forCoughs.ChestColds.Bfonchitis Arthritis Pain Tot mlek, atUftaUullr oaforUnf help . KbM anel pain of Mtrautlam, Arthritis, yoarttls, LasakafO, aelatlM, or Htnnlcte try Itinilnl Worm through tho blood, FlrH torn saalljr start aUevlaUaf pain M too eas work, rajoy life u4 Hoop Bon eoaf ortaMjr. Pot . Mini rt nfttt fcxwr. ns. " plefci saUelactleo oc boht Sack parantee. ASTHMA Don't let conihlnf. wheoslnf . recurring t lacka ot Bronchial Asthma rata aleep anal energ without trying MINDAOO. which Worki thru th Mood to rtach bronchial tubo and lungs. UauoJl hlp nature ajulckli remov thick, stlckf mucau. Thus elleelatet couf bin ond sldt freer srYathlng and better, sleep. Oet MCNDACO from aruinUt. Ball. lacilea oc mon; back guaranteed. Bacciaceig Tor outer, comforting help for Beekaeho. ftfceumaUe Palni. Getting Up Iflght, strong eloudjr atlas, Irritating paaaafw, Loe Falsa, circles under ej.ee, and swoUen ankles, due to non-oreanlc and aon-systemle SUdrwjr and Bladder trouble try Crates. Quick, complete satisfaction or mono back fuaranteed. Ask Kay drtuj tst for Cpee tsda. rl-H-H-H-t t-M-M-t-H 1 Dr. J. O.Baxter Jr. THE EYE ONLY Front St. i BEAUFORT N. C MISCELLANEOUS iYPEWRITERS, adding machines, calculators. Sales and service. Taff Office Equipmert Co., 222 Craven St., New Bern. Phone 3133. tf LICENSED electrician for electric al installations and contracting. Call City Appliance, Front St., Beaufort Phone B 325-1. tf FOR CORRECT TIME: M 8006. For correct jewelry, satisfactory watch repair, Early Jewelers, 812 Arendell St., Morehead City. tf K)R SALE at wholesale cost for cjuick sale: Six table model Philco radios; one Philco cabinet combi nation; one 52 gallon electric wat er heater; three kerosene water heaters; three 30 gallon tanks. The Kerosene stoves have been used but in good condition. R. H. Dowdy, 106 Sixth St., Morehead pity. tf i : ' EXPERT RADIO repairing on all makes. Philco car sets for immed iate Installation. Matthis Radio Service Co., 1401 Bridges St.. Morehead City. tf j ; ; WARD'S Commander Batteries, 12 months guarantee, $8.73 exchange Installed. 8th Street Service Sta tion, Bth and Evans Sts., Morehead pity, phone M 3681. tf i : WE BUY :rap iron, steel, tin, au to radiators, bodies, fenders, bat teries. Get our prices first. Sautt er's Iroi. 4 Metal Co., on More head City Highway. Phone New Bern 3910, or write P. O. Box 736, New Bern. tf DUPLICATE keys made to order We have the blanks and the ma chine Protect yofrself by having an extra set of keys made to put in a safe place. Western Auto As sociate Store, Beaufort, N C. tf jlARVIS Shell Shop, 510 Arendell pt, Morehead City, invites you to come in and see our beautiful line jf shell work for Xmcs. Wholesale ind retail. Pin sets, corsages, amps, gardens all sizes, flowers, tirds and animal earrings. D17p jl ROOM house with bath. Has a pmall two room dwelling at rear. Corner of Broad and Fulford Sts., peaufort. See Mr. Howard Hun tings, 205 Fulforj at. for quick tale. D17p HNE BOSTON BULL puppy, one rear old male. House broken. C. f. Taylor, North Harlowe. D 14 p FRUIT TREES. Elberta and Gold en Jubilee peach; Golden Delicious Early Transparent apple; Kief r Pear and Gold Plum, bearing age 5 to 6 years, $1.50 each; Ever bearing and Brown Turkey figs, bearing size, $1.00 each; Azaleas, $1.00; Crepe Myrtle, 75c and $1.00; Abelias 75c; Hydrangeas, $1.00; Australian Pines, 4 feet, 75c; Gar denias, 75c. Nursery Closed Sun .days. Copeland Nursery, H'way 101, Beaufort, N. C. Phone B4145. D17 CHRISTMAS TREES. Beautiful red cedar trees, 3 1-2 to 7 feet. Limited supply. Come early or phone B 4145. Copeland Nursery, H'way 101, Beaufort, N. C. D17 SHOTGUN, 16 guage. Double. Like new. 75 shells. 1607 Evans St., Morehead. City, after 5 p.m. ltp NORGE electric range, porcelain with well cooker, clock and light. Reasonable. Phone B 4886. DH i SERVEL gas refrigerator. Seven foot capacity. Four burner Dixie gas stove also. Both reasonably priced. Phone B 3366. D17p CIVILIAN Jeep, four wheel drive, metal cab, extension body and ex tra teat, only 10,000 miles. In per fect condition. Heavy duty trailer Built for Jeep. All (or $1,050. Mit chell's Carpenter Shop, , Moreehad Bluffs, 2 12 miles west of More head on New Bern H'way. ltp 32 FT. BOAT for sale with Chrys ler Marine engine used less than three months. Elijah Piner, Smy- , t.v.v". : D17p CINDERELLA baby washing ma chlne. Good for small washing' and drapers. Slightly used. Excellent conditionCall B 8376. ' D17 1946 , FLEETuNE Chevrolet Black,' just like new and clean ss a pin. $1550. May be seen at cor ner 9th It Fisher Sts., Morehead City. ' - ltp ALL APPLIANCES repaired We pick up your lamp, iron or other Items, repair and then return them. Phone Sound Appliance Co., M 8011. Your Frigidaire products dealer. tf WALL washing, wallpaper clean ing, interior and exterior painting. All work guaranteed. Mr. Sheets, 120, Ann St., Beaufort. B 3471. D17 PIANO TUNING also repairing. Finest work guaranteed. 25 years experience. Contact through THE NEWS-TIMES B 448 1 or M 578-1. D 28p LOCAL AND long distance haul ing. Furniture : moving. Phone M 9551 or see G. W. Phillips at 905 Bridges St., Morehead City. D17 FOR RENT MAKE OLD FLOORS look like new. Rent our High Speed Floor Sander and Edger. Low rates. Western Auto Store, Beaufort. Phone 3651. tf TWO furnished apartments, cor ner 20th and Bridges Sts., More head City. ltp COMPLETELY furnished 5-room bouse; two bedrooms, living room, kitchen, bedroom. 1307 Shepard St., Morehead City. See Mr. Davis, Broadway Cafe. Phone M 4411. It I! USE COAL And Ge! the Most and Most Satisfying Heai For Your Home lt us solve your Winter heating problems by filling your bins now with choice Coals from our present large stocks. Your orders will receive our prompt attention. WE APPRECIATE YOUR BUSINESS CARTERET ICE AND COAL COMPANY Phone M 3701 "Since 1898" Morehead City Ieverythiiig good to eat fl For The Holiday Season 1 aai Ti 8 1 TURKEYS - CHICKENS FRESH VEGETABLES - CRANBERRY SAUCE PECANS & ASSORTED NUTS Everything Priced To Fit Your Budget from Freeman Bros. DialM-5751-115761 mm m see 150 and 280 GALLON GULF OIL CORPORATION P. H. GEER PHONE 5861 MOREHEAD CITY 0TT7AY Dec. 11 Mr. Uzzell Lewis mo tored to Eastern Shores, Va. Wed nesday on business. .. . v" Miss Joyce Styron spent Wed nesday night with her sister, Mrs. Sylvester Lawrence, Jr ' ' , -. ..v,.- ...x. .. . Mr. Julian Brown, of Marshall- berg! spent a while Monday with Mr. 'and Mrs. S. W. Lawrence. ' Master Jammie Lawrence, of Lennoxville, is spending sometime with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Lawrence. Mr. Eugene Shepard, of Jackson ville, N. C, was in the community this week visiting friends. Mrs. Marie Lawrence and Mrs. Pearl Lewis were in Beaufor; Tuesday. Mrs. Linel Gillikin went to Beau fort Monday shopping. We are sorry to say Mrs. B. B Lawrence is still on the sick list Bonnie Pjner, of the U. S. C. G. is spending the weekend with hi: family. The Sunday School people will give a Christmas program at the Desciple church, Dec. 23. Every one are cordially invited. Miss Equila Lawrence and Mrs CAK? CUES YOU CAN BUY A GOOD QUALITY INNERSPR1NG MATTRESS FOR ONLY $35 Minus $10.50 for your old mat. Comfort Inncrspring Unit Guaranteed By Good Housekeeping Call or Write REST WELL MATTRESS CO. 2104 Trent Blvd. 2889 New Bern Pickup & Deliver Anywhere Mr. and Mrs. Tulley Sutton and their daughter, of Kinston, visited at the home of the Robert Buttons, Sunday, also visiting them from Kinston was . Mrs. Joe Ray Bumey. Some of those that attended the Hollywood Capers," ' from this-a-way, and en-masse, were the Cic ero Guthries, the Latham Glan ?ys, Russel Willis's, A. W. Thomp ns, Fred Willis's. Mr. and Mrs. James A. McCoy f Interlaken, N. YV, are here to ipend the holidays with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Beachem. Sgt. Cecil Beachem Of the 40th Fighter Squadron, 35th Fighter Linel Gillikin spent Friday with Mrs. Uzzell Lewis. Mr. Hardy Lawrence visited friends at Marshallberg Thursday night. DR. E. F. NENIUS OPTOMETRIST 3rd Floor Elks Temple Rooms 307-8-9 ft 10 NEW BERN N. C. LET'S FACE IT GET set for the future by in vestigating opportunities in the new U. S. Army and U. S. Ah Force. Face the future with confidence.' Steady employment, free retirement plan. For the ladies, opportunities in the WAC or WAF offers careers with bright promise. See your recruiter now at Room 304, P. O. Bldg., New Bern. Get full facts without delay! TOYS & SMALL APPLIANCES We are now featuring an unusually complete stock of toys and smaU appliances that will make welcome gifts this Christmas, and be both uselul and practical for years to come. Drop in and look over our stocks. You can solve many shopping problems at- VC BUYERS SERVICE 920 ARENDELL ST. M 5986 MOREHEAD CITY Group, Is home after putting in 24 months service in Japan. He received his discharge papers at Ft. Stoneman, Calif., and is fram ing them.; The future lies ahead, but Christmas is a definite realiza Uon. Mrs. Roy Lewis with son Roy, Jr., and daughter, Sherril, motor ed to New Bern, taking Mrs. J. C. Pake to the airport where she boarded the plane for Memphis, lenn. Mrs. D. Fred (Britty) Guthrie has been confined for the past four days with neuritis. That cloud-like, white, billowing smoke that is ever ascending from these parts are actual guaranteeing signs for a merry holiday. Two Countians Enlist Alonzo T. Smith, Jr., son of Mn and Mrs. A. T. Smith, 302. Cedafl street, Beaufort, and Ellis E. Fod rie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis A Fodrie, Newport route 1, have en listed in the United States Aii Force for three years, according to a report from the New Bern recruiting station. Rhubarb is Known in manjl places in the United States as "pie plant." $010 PINT V -34o u RES E RVE Blended Whiskey 86 Proof. The straight whiskies in this prod uct are 5 years or more old.35 straight whiskey. K grain neutral spirits. 10 straight whiskey S years old. 21 straight whiskey 6 years old. 4 straight whiskey 7 years old.. Schenley Distillers Corp, New York City - Wagons -Dolls - Kiddie Cars - Scooters - Chemistry Sets -Games ... AND MANY OTHER TOYS FOR FUN INDOORS AND OUT! For Dad- We Have Rifles. Shotguns, and Rods & Reek. FOR MOTHER-Gifis to Make Her Housework Easier at- HARDWARE & BUILDIIIG SUPPLIES CORP. Arendell Street Norehead City faMSSbe SMsMMi good telephone manners cro fun! Most children enjoy VJoing things right JVhen they're shown the right way to use the telephone with proper consideration and courteay they're Mturally better telephone users. Telephone neighbors will appreciate their consideration and each member of their own family Will enjoy a fair share of telephone service. This tuMiroefrienti r lier and better telephone service for everyone. Carcliaa Telephoseti Tcl:aph Cespny 1949 TOVII OF BEAUFORT TIG 7II. L. imTSELL, Tax CcUcclor These Tags Can Be Secured at the Town Hall Front. Street Police Station FOR CHRISTIIAS DIIIIIER Choice Tender Birdaeye mm TU 1 with the purchase of anew ' i -.- : . ... .. mm gas range Now Norgt Mocftft Prleid From $199.00 r CLYDS JOISS GAS G AFPLIAIICE CO. Phone. 115327 , 2Slh h Arendell ... ' MOREHEAD CITY n ii 1 '