CARTERET COUNTY F3 Astronomical Data Sun Rises Tomorrow .... 7:14 AM Sun Sets Today 5:02 PM Moon Rises Tomorrow .. 2:28 AM Moon Sets Today 12:57 PM A Merger o! TEE BEAUFORT NEWS (Established 1912) and THE TWIN CITY TIMES (Established 1936) 38th YEAR NO. 64. TWO SECTIONS 12 PAGES MOREHEAD CITY, AND BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1948 TWO SECTIONS 12 PAGES PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAY! MES 10c Health Office Plans TB Meeting Friday, Jan. 10 Group Will Discuss Mass X-Ray, Siaie Field Direc tor lo Attend A county-wide meeting to ex plain the proposed mass X-ray of residents in Carteret county will be held at 7 o'clock Friday night, Jan. 7, in the court house, Dr. N. Tho mas Ennctt, health officer, has an nounced. Attending this meeting will be leaders from the communities throughout the county and Miss Lulabelle Highsmith, field director in mass X-ray work. Stanley Woodland, president of the Carteret County Tuberculosis association, Mrs. Martha Loftin, secretary, and Wiley Taylor. Jr.. chairman of the tuberculosis seal sale, will be present. Between 1(H) and 200 persons arc expected, Vc. Ennctt commented. "This is the most mportant meeting in connection with the mass Xray program," he said. Funds received from the seal sale will be used to finance the visit of the mobile X-ray unit here. In connection with the program, Dr. W. A. Smith, director of the tuberculosis division, state board of health, will speak to doctors of the county at the January meeting of the Carteret County Medical society, Monday, Jan. 10. Rotarians Give Party For Wives Beaufort -Kotariamr niertaina their wives at a Christmas party Tuesday night at the Inlet inn. A turkey dinner was served on tables decorated ' with miniature Christmas trees and red candles. A large Christmas tree was put up in the dining room by the decora tion committee, headed by R. M. Williams. Dr. N. Thomas Ennett gave the address cf welcome to which .Mrs. T. R. Jenkins responded. The Rev. W. Y. Stewart humorously describ ed Rotary organization, the Rev. Winfrey Davis read a portion of scripture and the Rev. T. R. Jenk ins, program chairman, gave a short talk on the meaning of Christmas. Mr. Jenkins conducted games and stunts, one in which Jack Oak ley, John Steed, and James Davis selected "mamas," Mrs. John Steed, Mrs. C. E. Paden, and Mrs. V William Martin. The mothers "dressed" their "sons" and then fed them milk out of a bottle. The men received mechanical pencils as favors and the women were presented with boxes of can dy. The dinner menu consisted of grapefruit, turkey, dressing, mash ed potatoes, peas, cranberry sauce, rolls, fruit salad, ice cream in Christmas tree molds, and coffee. Guests at the party were Mr. and Mrs. E. Slamcy Davis, More head City. Tide Table HIGH LOW Friday, Dec. 24 2:40 AM 9:11 AM 2:59 PM '9.25 PM Saturday, Dec. 25 3:44 AM 10:16 AM 3:59 PM 10:22 PM Sunday, Dec. 26 4:44 AM 11:21 AM 4:59 PM 11:17 PM Monday, Dec. 27 5:39 AM 12:00 AM 5:55 PM 12:17 PM Tuesday, Dec. 28 6;32 AM 0:49 PM 12:09 AM 1:09 PM Wednesday, Dec. 29 7:22 AM 12:59 AM 7:37 PM 1:06 PM Thursday, Dec. 30 8:07 AM 1:46. AM 8:22 PM , 2:40 PM Friday, Dec. 31 8:49 AM 2:30 AM 9:06 PM , 3:21 PM Churches Will Observe Sports Beaufort Girls Down Oriental Taking lOlh Straight Victory Newport School Principal Lists Honor Pupils R. L. Pruit, principal of New port Consolidated school, has re ported the following honor pupils for the recent reporting period: First Grade Joe Allen Mann, Al len Trader, Jr., Linda Garner, Mary Elizabeth Gould, Brcnda Long, Shelva Jean Mann, Dicky Garner, Shcrrill Garner, Arthur Johnson, Judith Hardcsty and Mar tha Lockey. Second Grade Charles Whee ler, Franklin Oglesby, Judith Slaughter, Virginia Whalcy, John ny Mason, Peggy Cannon, Mary Fulcher, Clyde Mann, Glenda Mil ler and Signa Faye Roberts. Third Grade Reuben Lilly, Iris Fleming, Alton Hardison, Al len Ray Gray, Brenda Kelly, Myron Durham, Jenelda Garner, Rebecca Miller, Movclla Clement, Tommy Howard, and Tommy Joe Garner. Fourth Grade Mary Jane Mc Cain, Violet Rowe Gray, Reba Ca rol Masters, Belva Lorraine Ful cher, Billy Dail, Allen Ray Garner, Bonnie Garner, Gaynclle Gray, Ja nice Howard, Peggy Howard, Vir ginia Mann and Rachel Simmons. Fifth Grade Virginia Hill, Wil lilou Mason and Thomas fray. Civtk i-biIb - Uanrtf Plitmant i... niu.r. h Sativ Van-1 diford. . ....... - -- Seventh Grade Meredith Smith, Ann Murdoch, Etta Mozingo, La vonne Mann, Florine Gurganus, Juanita Johnson, Bonnie Elliott, Lawton Mason, Mannie Allen, Joan Garner and Ronnie Garner. Eighth Grade Roy Dennis, Howard Garner, Gerry Garner, Billy Widgeon, Carolyn Garner, Jean Garner, Ann Mozingo, Rachel Mundinc and Francis Prescott Craig. Ninth Grade Gaynellc Sim mons. Tenth Grade Keith Mason. Eleventh Grade Iris Cannon, Betty Jo Hill, Camile Stembridge and Peggy Thompson. Twelfth Grade Clco Garner, Judy Mann and Peggy Mann. 11X7 SHOPPING PAY straw CHRISTMAS Babson' s Forecast for '49 to Appear Dec. 31; Columnist tot Summarize County's '18 Events Roger W. Babson's Business and Financial Outlook for 1949 will appear in the .Carteret Ornnty NEWS-TIMES Friday, Dee. 3L Mr. Babson, a pioneer in the field of business and financial sta tistics enjoys a remarkable record for accuracy in his annual fore casts. His score, for 1948 was 91 per cent correct. On Jan. 1, 1948 Babson was the only commentator who dared to predict: (1) That there would be no World War III in 1948; (2) That "due to the bungling of the price controversy Mr. Truman has a fair chance of re-election," (3) That the Dow-Jones industrial ave rages would fluctuate between an upper ceiling of around 185 and a floor of around 165, and that com modity speculation would be curb ed, -v .v Born in 1875, reared In an old fashioned ; atmosphere of hard work and hustle on a farm in Glou cester, Mr. Babson went to the Beaufort girls' team won its 10th straight victory Tuesday night when it defeated Oriental 46 7. Coach Shirley Johnson's girls have yet to meet defeat this season and they hope there is no setback in the offing. In the opinion of the experts, Beaufort has one of the best girls' team in its history. Hign scorers were Carol Ann Willis and Betsy Fulford with 10 points each. Iris Davis made 8 points, Peggy Guthrie. C. Gaskill, and J. Willis 4 points each, and Nancy Russell, 0. Six of Oriental's 7 points were scored by E. Hoffman. E. Brilcy made 1. Others in the starting line up were J. Gilgo, C. Emory, S. Gil go, ami F. Flowers. In Beaufort's starting lineup were Iris Davis, Peggy Guthrie. Carol Ann Willis. Lelitia Simpson, Rosalie Chadwick, and Cora Belle Willis. Substitutes were Betsy Fulford, C. Gaskill, A. Dudley, J. Simpson, S. Lynch, J. Willis, and N. Russell. Game officials were Sadler and Hasscll. MCTI Adds New Faculty Member Appointment of Charles I. Price, Jr., of Whitcville, Route 3, as an instructor in engineering drawing and wood shop at the Morchead City Technical institute, a branch has been announced today by Df rector. Edward W. Ruggles of the college's extension division. He replaces Julian Bell, More head City, who has gone to Texas. A native of Delco, Price was graduated from the Whitevillc High school in 1938 and was awarded a B. S. degree in civil en gineering by N. C. State college in 1941. He will assume his duties at Morehead City on January 3. His duties at Morehead City. Ruggles ssid, will be devoted chiefly to teaching woodworking courses and small boat construc tion, two of the main courses of fered at the Technical institute. Price, a veteran of World War II. has worked as an engineering clerk in the Raleigh offices of the Carolina Power and Light com pany, as a junior naval architect in the Charleston, S. C, Navy yard, ss an instructor in surveying at State college, and as a securities salesman for McDanicl Lewis and company of Greensboro. He is cur rently employed as an instructor in the veterans farmer training program in the Williams township high school in Columbus county. While serving in the Army dur ing the war, Price held the job of an engineer in this country and abroad and was injured in combat in the European Theater of Opera tions. Massachusetts Institute of Tech nology. Upon graduating in 1898, . 'See BABSON Page 7 . 1 i. ' i I ' ! 4" i , I. Roger W. Babaon Christmas, Youngsters lo Receive Treat Christmas Eve Beaufort youngsters will re ceive a treat from Santa Claus at 6:30 tonight, Christmas Eve, on the court house lawn beneath the big Christmas tree which has been decorated by the fire de partment. Three Beaufort pastors will he at the gathering, the Rev. W. L. Martin, rector of St. Paul's Epis copal church, the Rev. T. R. Jen kins, pastor of Ann Street Metho dist church, and the Rev. Win frey Davis, pastor of the First Baptist church. Grayden Paul will lead the youngsters and their parents in inging Christmas carols. The program Is being sponsored by the Beaufort fire department which has also collected second hand toys and repaired them for distribution to kiddies on Christ mas day. F. C. Salisbury, creator and au thor of THE NEWS-TIMES widely-read column, Here and There, has summarized the news events in Carteret county for the past year. ' The information has been taken from the files of THE NEWS TIMES, the only authentic recor der of hap pen i n g s in Carteret county from day to day. It is the only perm a n e n t rec.ord of meetings of numerous or ganizations in Beaufort, V Morchead City i and many out lying : com munities. . " , ' This summary wilt appear in the See COLUMNIST Page 7 Christmas with Forty - Eight By Thomas II. C'arrow I see by the NEWS-TIMKS that five thousand jammed Front Street in Beaufort, .Wednesday December 9th to welcome good old St. Nick. I also notice he ar rived on the bow of a yacht pro vided by Hie Coast Guard. God save the mjrk! Dear old Nick dis carding his reindeer and travelling by water. It just proves that even Santa Clans has lo keep up lo date. Willi,1, s the post-card headache (l mean for the V. O.). Anybody that hasn't got fifty or a hundred on their mailing list is But thry siy tics aren't doing so well. Colors arc loo loud or don't blend or something and you can spot 'em right off. They usual ly scream. Handkerchiefs arc still on the list, but as a gift they arc mighlly thin and hard for the re cipient to show much enthusiasm over. However, there is no falling off in the number of things suit able and acceptable lo the child ren. Bicycles, velocipedes, trains, cowboy suits, games, guns and gimracks are available, for say, twenty live to titty dollars. Lolly pops, stick-candy, raisins and an orange or an apple don't fill the bill anymore. Kids have outgrown trifles. Their wants have to be satisfied, no mailer what. Why should kids wait till maturity to capitalize on mass production, anyway. 1 I saw the little fellow who got so many presents that he was completely obfuscated, if you know what I mean, and stepped in his drum with both feet. Originally, and up to the turn of the Century, Christmas was just a festival consisting of eating, es pecially delicacies, hanging up stockings, and hobnobbing. That made it Cc'sy for mothers and fath ers and, friends to observe the sea son. Every housewife who was able to do so made cakes and pies and had turkey, chicken or ham. 1 think the feast was always prepared on Xmas eve. The men folks, both young and old, except, the teetotalers, were sure to have a bottle put away just for old times' sake. The women made short visits and the men folks would gather together where con venient and swap greetings and possibly a snort or two. Up to the beginning of this Century for what reason or why I have never discovered, child See CHRISTMAS Page 7 Many Children's Parties To Take Place Friday Although many churches observ ed Christmas with special services and music programs last Sunday, there will be worship services also on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. A candlelight holy communion will be held in St. Paul's Episcopal church, Beaufort, at 11:30 Christ mas Kvc and there will also be holy communion at 11 o'clock Chris! m;ts morning. The holy communion will be clc bratcd again at 8 o'clock Sunday morning, Dec. 26. Church school will be at the regular hour, 9:30 a.m., morning prayer and sernnn at 11 a.m. and the Young People's service league at 7:30. There will be special church de corations in green and white for the Christmas services which will be put up by the "ltar guild, Mrs. Claud Whcatly, Sr., in charge. Services at Sl.Egbert's The Joyous Feast of Christmas will be ushered in at Saint Egbert' Catholic church, 17th and Evan streets, Morehead City, with a high mass at mid-night Christmas Kvc. Father Elmer J. Landser, T. O. It., pastor, will be the celebrant of the mass and preach an ap propriate Nativity sermon during Mass. Elias Miialem and Leon Mua lem will assist during the Muss a? Acolvles. The choir, under the direction of Lt. E. M. Patrias, will sing the Gregorian music taken from the Vatican Edict ion of the "Missa dc Angel is." The choir is composed of Mrs. McDeed, Mrs. Seymour, Mrs. Dennis, Mrs. Woodland, Miss Mualcm, Mr. Onorio and Mr. Ryan. Miss Whcalton will be at the organ, , Benediction of the Most Blessed Sacrament, will follow immediately after the Mass. There Will be two low masses on Christmas Day: the first at 9 in the morning and the second at 11 in the morning. Frank Onorio, chairman of the ushers committee has appointed 'the following to serve as ushers; Lt. C. M. Canan, Mr. Mualcm, Mr. Cantclli and Mr. Hatton. Decoration of the altar and con struction of the Crib is uidcr the direction of Mr. Minatcl, Mr. Har dy, and Mr. Zajac. Christmas confessions will be heard on Friday night between 7 and 8 o'clock. First Methodist, Morehead City The children's Christmas parly will be held at 7 o'clock Friday night, Christmas Evp. in the Kst Methodist church, Morehead City. The regular Sunday program Businesses to Observe Long Holiday Weekend Most business houses and pub lic offices will take a long week Christmas. end holiday in observance of Stores in Morehead City will be closed Christmas Day and Monday. Banks and the post offices will be closed Saturday, Christmas Day. The court house in Beaufort will be closed Friday through Monday, as will most of the county offices. THE NEWS-TIMES office will close at noon Thursday, Dec. 23, and will remain closed until 7 a.m. Wednesday, Dec. 29. The issue of Dec, 28 and Dec. 31 wil be combined and will appear Fri day, Dec. 31. This issue, dated Friday, Dec. 24, Is being distributed Thursday morning, Dec. 23. Beaufort Distributes Frozen Menhaden Roe More than a hundred pounds of fresh frozen menhaden' fish roc, with instructions for preparing, have been sent to various state of ficials and publicity agents by thc Beaufort Chamber of Commerce. On a label with the roc also is thc following: Packaged and dis tributed through thc courtesy of the menhaden industry, Carolina Grill, Beaufort Quick-Freeze, and the Chamber of Commerce. The roe was prepared by Dan L. Walker, who originated the idea, and Holden Ballou, of thc Carolina Grill. It was frozen at thc Beaufort Quick-Freeze plant. Special will be followed on the day after Christmas. All Methodist churches arc observing "Student Recogni tion Day" when college students are especially invited lo attend t lu ll o'clock services. Free Will Baptist churiTies The Free Will Baptist church, Morchead City, the Rev. J. C. Grif fin, pastor, will have its Christmas exercises Friday night and light its Christmas tree. There will nlso be a Christmas program at 7 o'clock Frid:.. night in the Free Will Baptist church at "tlie. First Baptist Chur .Hoichcud At 7:30 Christina.) Eve in the First Baptist chinch, Morchead City, there will be a Christmas any for the Sunday school and i members of the congregation. Each one at the party will be presented I with a sack of Christmas candies, nuts, and lrnil. The gifts will be distributed by Santa Claus from under thc Christ - mas tree. First Baptist Church, Beaufort Thc various departments in the Sunday school will have Christmas exercises Sunday morning, accord ing to the Rev. Winfrey Davis, pas tor of the First Baptist church Beaufort. The adult choir will give i program of ('hirst mas music al 7:30 p.m. United Methodist Church, Ocracoke There will be a Christmas pro gram at 7 o'clock Friday night in the United Methodist church, Ocra coke, given by 'children of the Sun day school. Each child will be given a gift of candy. Parents also will attend. Franklin Memorial Methodist "The Choir of Bethlehem,'' Christmas cantata by Noel Benson, will be given at wW:!4'rtiUjf night, Christmas Eve,' In Franklin Memorial Methodist church, More head City. Soloists will be Helen Guthrie, Suzanne Land, Luctta Lewis, Shir ley Willis, and June Ballon. The choir will also give thc cantata at 8 o'clock Thursday night at Camp Lejeune and on Sunday night at Cherry Point. The voung people of Franklin Memorial Methodist church will go carolling at 11 o'clock Friday night, visiting the sick, especially. Other carollcrs are invited to join them, thc Rev. W. D. Cavincss, pastor, announced. Camp Glenn Methodist Church Thc annual Christmas program will be at 7:30 Friday night. In charge of thc program is Mrs. M. L. Mansfield. (More Church News on Page 5) Cameraman Ends Assignment Here Robert F. Sissons,- National Geo graphic magazine photographer, left Wednesday morning for Washington after spending nine days here taking photographs of the menhaden fleet, fishing, and processing of fish. Writer of the article which .will be illustrated by Mr. Sissons' shots is Leonard Roy, head of thc ed ucational division of National Geo graphic. Mr. Roy returned to Washington last Thursday. While here, Mr. Sissons took pictures from thc Mary Ellen, cap tained by Fred Ilaney, fishing for Harvey Smith. Pictures of pro cessing were taken in bolh thc Smith and Potter plants in Beau fort. All pictures by Mr. Sissons arc in black and white. The weather was not favorable for taking color shots, he said. Mr. Sissons, who is a member of thc White House News Photographers association, a House of Representatives photo grapher, and a member of thc so ciety of Photographic Engineers, was assisted here by Dan L. Walk er, manager of the Beaufort Cham ber of Commerce. Markers Island Downs Hobucken Harkers Island defeated Ho bucken at Hobucken Tuesday night 45-31. Frank Fulford starred for Harkers Island, making 20 points. The girls' team lost 58-29. ; . . Services County Donates Six Tons Food To Europeans B. J. May, Chairman Of CROP Committee, Grati fied With Re-ulis Six tons of ' istuffs valued at three thou'- dollars, and $232 in cash are mc net results of the Christian Rural Overseas program in Carteret county. The food was shipped Tuesday i morning and the cash has been scnl to CROP headquarters at Ra- i i,,:.,,. whrl.p will be used to pur- chase more food at wholesale prices' for shipment overseas. B. J. May, chairman of CHOP, 'expressed his thanks to all who t.ooperi,t0(i jn (hc food collection ilt thc box car dedication service ! a. U) o'clock Tucsdav niornine at the S. M. Jones warehouse, Beau fort. Thc CHOP committee was ex tremely gratified with the results and owe thc success of the pro gram to thc churches throughout the county, the schools, and others who donated money or foodstuffs. Speaker al thc box car dedica tion service was Stanley Woodland, Morehead City, who described the conditions of starving persons in Europe. i 1 "Existing on a diet of 1500 ca lories daily," he remarked, "is not enough to live on, but just too much to die on. Lack bl food causes widespread disease, people shun responsibility, and make it easy for political 'ismsV catch hold." he -Utrtfn' v ,v.v V A ItarVlnff EurWf it-iger,v 0US Europe," the speaker warned. He concluded his talk with words of dedication. Miss Ruth Peeling, chairman of the food collections in Morehead City, expressed her thanks to those who helped make thc program a success, James Wallace, member of the publicity committee, spoke briefly, and thc Rev. W. D. Cavi ness, pastor of Franklin Memorial Methodist church, Morchcud City, and secretary of thc county CROP committee, read a letter from Ger many which expressed thanks for food and medicine which has been sent there this year. Thc invocation at thc dedication service was given by thc Rev. W. L. Martin, rcclor of St. Paul's Epis copal church, Beaufort, and chair-' man of thc Beaufort food collec tions. Thc benediction was pro nounced by the Rev. L. A. Tilley, minister of First Methodist '.hurch, Morehead City, Volunteers who helped pack fdod at the warehouse over the week end were Thomas Eure, Clifford Lynch, J. II. May, Miss Mabel Can nady, R. M. Williams, and studcnU of Beaufort school. '-' New CPA Office! To Open Dec. W A certified public accountant's office in Morchead City will open Tuesday, Dec. 28, in the Wade of fice building, Morchead City, by Albert C. Gaskill, originally of Beaufort, and Frank C. Sproul.V Mr. Gaskill, for thc past five years, has been lecturer in account ing at the University of North Ca rolina where he obtained his ba chelor's degree. f( He is a member of thc American Institute of Accountants the North Carolina Association of Certified Public Accountants, and holds' a North Carolina CPA certificate.''' Mr. Sproul was associated with A. M. Pullcn and Company, Rich mond, Va., for four years and with James A. Councilor and Company, Washington, D. C, for 11 years"." He is a member of thc American Institute of Certified Public Ac countants and the North Carolina Association of Certified Public Ac countants. He holds a CPA certifi cate fr the states of North Caro lina, Virginia, and the District of Columbia. He has had offices in New Bern since 1042. 7f r; I :''; ,' i i..,.,f Tnr.,-,-ir,,-( , 1 . I? t t I i' :. I , I i i wA..-'vi lh .i .t.A. '(ff)lii

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