CARTERET COUNTY NEWS 10c NEWS-TIMES OFFICES Beaufort: 120 Craven St. Morehead City: 807 Evans St. A Merger of THE BEAUFORT NEWS (Established 1912) and THE TWIN CITY TIMES (Established 1936) 39th. YEAR NO. 13. MOREHEAD CITY, AND BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1949 EIGHT PAGES PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIO AY'S 12-Year-Old Likes World of Magic Twelve-year-old Billy Murrill. who lives on 14th street. Morehead City, is well on his way to becom ing an accomplished magician and ventriloquist. Billy; the son of Mr. and Mrs. William E. Murrill. and grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Willis, be came interested in "magic" when he was 11 years old. Most youngs ters lose a taste for the fantastic after they have passed the "tell-j me-a-story" stage but Bill has re gained his interest in the type ol ; magic that can keep people fasci nated for hours, and mystified.! too' In the picture here, 'he young magician is performing one of his favorite tricks with a newspaper, a checker, and an empty glass. Savs Bill as he begins, "Now I'm going to place this checker under the glass, cover the glass tightly with the newspaper and make the checker disappear." He says some magic words and waves his hand over the covered glass. Upon removing the glass, I the checker remains on the table. "Oops," exclaims Bill, "it didn't work." He repeats the performance again, and still the checker doesn't1 disappear. "Well, says the young magi eian finallv. "I guess I'll have make the glass disappear, instead So he covers the glass tightly with the newspaper, after placing the, checker once more under the open part of the tumbler, he smashes his hand down hard on the paper, the paper flattens out on the tabb , ho lifts nn the Daner. the checker: is gone and he pulls the glass out from UNDER the table! Billy appeared in last year's I. ions club talent search as a ven triloquist complete with dummy on his knee. He reads books filled with magic tricks and has become so-proficient in the art that he is asked frequent ly to entertain at youngsters' par ties. Asked if he intends to become a professions! iLu.tian aim venlii loquist, Billy grins and says. "I don't know right now I just like to fool with it, that's all " Circulation Goes Up at Library Books Borrowed in Janu- ary Exceed Number Taken Out in Jan., 1949 Circulation at the Carteret Coun ty Public library hit a record high last month, 3.501 books were bor rowed. 1,254 more than during January last year. The majority of these books. 2,247, were circu lated from the bookmobile which travels throughout the county. Through the library books are also being supplied for reading recom mended by the state to home de-lg monstration club women. New adult books are now ready for circulation and approximately 80 teen-age and juvenile books will go on the shelves soon. Adult books are as follows: fic tion The Golden Coast, Rooney; What Grandpa Laughed At, Croy; High Holiday, Norris; Catch a Fall ing Star, Van de Water; North Face, Renault; Hospital Zone, Sei fert; The Young Lions, Shaw. The Big Barbecue, Hughes; And Now Good-bye, Hilton; Elizabeth, Captive Princess, Irwin; Kings ridge, Colver; Frontier Doctor, Crumbine; The Husband Who Ran Away, Dolson; Trumpet in the City, Miller; Dinner at Antoine's, Keyes; One Basket, Ferber. The Big Fisherman, Douglas; Watch for a Tall White Sail, Bell; A Clouded Star, Parrish; John Goffe's Mill, Woodbury; Remem brance Rock, Sandburg; Five O' clock Surgeon, Walker; The Tend er Melody, Lynd; Castle in the Swamp, Marshall; Larks in the Popcorn, Smith; The Room Be yond, Carr. The Hearth and the Eagle, Se ton; Spring Dream, Holliston; Ri ver to the West, Jennings; Yankee Auctioneer, Bean; The Fire Bal loon, Moore; Guard of Honor, Coz zens; South Shore Town, Coats worth; The Precipice, MacLennan. Doctor Bill, Hancock; High Tow ers, Costain; The Heart Has Rea sons, Sturgess-Jones; Within the Harbor, Bassett; I Thee Wed, Gab riel; Hound-dog Man, Gipson; Cheaper by the Dozen, Gilbreth and Carey; The Sky is Red, Berto. Nonaction: The House for You, Sleeper; American Woman's Ency See LIBRARY Page 5 j i l w t. -i m i U I as tin - KOr ill irf'?K , t-rr j it t MwW - mrj Here in his home Hilly Murrill performs his fascinating glass- checker-newspaper trick. Scouting Interest Grows in County Ecys Recti". 4 Awards, Uu- it Badges at Court of Honor, Scout Hut Scouting has increased in impor tance in Careteret county due to the efforts of Rotary clubs, church groups, and young men interested in acting as leaders of troops. At the recent court of honor in the Scout building local Scouts who completed the requirements were awarded merit badges and ad- va.ncrd in 1 a'lk . In 4hafrsc l Sl'ou,t iiu.unvLiiii ill uuiun l71WI11. Beaufort. James Potter, chairman of the Carteret county district committee, made introductory remarks, com menting on Scouting and Scout week. John Haynes presented second; class awards to B. G. O'Neal, Pier son Willis, Billy Simpson, and Don Fulcher. , First class awards were made by: Dr. C. E. Paden to Dickie Diekin-1 Because so many unemployment son, Jimmy Guthrie. John Lynch, compensation claims are being Gene Lewis. Jimmy Modlin, and JJfield y fishermen, Mrs. Julia Ten-1 stuart B.J. May presented merit badues i for home rept s to Gene Lewis and Jimmy Guthrie. James Smith, of troop 22, Beau fort, has been authorized to receive the coveted Star award. Presenta tion of this award is scheduled to be made at the next court of honor in April. The awards mentioned above i were presented at the Scout hut last Thursday night. The nation's 2.200,000 members of the Boy Scouts of America last week observed the 39th anniver sary of the organization. The programs of Scouting, lead ers in the organization say, pre pare Scouts to face the future, helping to build a new world with construction, not destruction as the goal. Scouting in the 42 nations recognized by the Boy Scout In ternational Bureau has an enroll ment of 4.409,780 Scouts and lead ers. They are striving, Stout leaders say, for. a future of peaceful li ving where every man is a brother to every other man. regardless of his race, creed or color. The World Friendship Fund of voluntary contributions from Scouts and leaders totaled $135, 000 in a little more than three years, inrougn it, scouting in 46 lands received assistance in re building their organizations follow ing the war's disruption. "Adventure-that's Scouting!" the theme of Boy Scout Week this year is a reaiity for hundreds of thousands of Boy Scouts. They enjoy thrilling experience in the 701 long-term c?mps maintained by Local Scout Councils and an See SCOUTS Page 5 Rat Campaign Begins; A campaign against rals throughout the rural area of the county will get nder way Monday night when a sound film in color, entitled, "Vandals in the Night" will be shown at Lionel Con ner's store, Harlowe, Monday littht at 7:30. This picture will be shown at 7:30 Tuesday night at Cleveland Gilliin's store. Bettie, at 7:30 Wednesday night at the I'nitari an chrch, Pellelier, and at 7:30 Thursday night in the Newport school auditorium. Rat poison will be distributed to participating farmers March 4. More details will be announ ed later. Unemployed File Claims at Office In Municipal Hall ney. manager ot me united atatesi Employment Service office. More- !neart City, announced today that more room was needed to take care of the claimants. Claims can be filed now every Tuesday afternoon, beginning at 1:30 p.m. on the second floor of the municipal building in the audi torium where the USES office was located before it was moved to the 'building at 7th and Evans streets ! Mrs- Tenney expressed her ap preciation to the town for permis sion to use part of the town hall and estimated that the auditorium would probably be used for sev eral months. Thus far, approximately 150 un employment compensation claims have been filed by fishermen. Mrs. Tenney st?ted that there has been the usual January and February drop in employment in the county, the slump between the end of the fishing season and the beginning of the resort season. Employers, she said;, are co operating much better in informing the employment office of their needs in the way of employees. One large plant in Morehead City does its hiring only through the employment office, she stated. More Applications Wanted An insufficient number of ap plications have been received for the following civil service positions at Cherry Point Marine air base, it was announced today: sandblas ter, gasoline distribution system operator, sewage disposal plant operator, and water plant operator. Applications will be accepted until needs of the service have been met, civil service examiners stated. Towns With County on Fo rmer Utilities Officials Considers Morhead's Rail Facilities Adequate County U.S. Bonds Total $3,195,825 Slate's Holdings Tolal $641,439,784; National Figure Higher Than '45 The people of Carteret county idav are holding a backlog of fi nancial security in U. S. Savings bonds amounting to $3,195,825.75. Victor N. Wickizer. countv chair man of the Savings Bonds commit - tee announced today. "This sum represents the net increased iralfic resulting from ex the past ; ear holdings of Series K, F and G War j Pulsion of port facilities at More- There were 2,330 patients ad Bonds and peacetime savings head City, railroad officials inline- milled during I he year, including bonds, (alter all redemptions orldiately will provide improvements 511 births. Days of care rendered ('shins' have been deducted ::i"d additions to meet the situa were 13, 0!)2, and emergency treat since May 1, 1941 and through Dec - ember 31. 1948," Mr. Wickizer said. This information was received by the county chairman from Allison Jamcs. State Director ol the 1'. S Savings Ponds dn isiun in bold, in the anni al 'a in (ireens- bunds report for 1948 Savings bonds sales lor this county tin the yo.,r 194H (Jan. 1 Mirough Dec 31 i were as billows, according to the annual report: Series E bonds. $330.5ti8 00; Scries F bonds, S5.383.0l). Series (i bonds. S6l.000.0l). v"'intv total ( -.948. $396,951.00 "These splendid U. S. Savings bonds holdings and sales are com munity assets of the highest type," Mr. Wickizer continued. "They will stand the many indi vidual owners in good stead in time of financial need: they will help stimulate local community bu siness when and it times get hard: they bring in to our county in interest and accruals ahoul 2 12 per cent a year on the total hold ings." In conclusion Mr Wickizer said that net holdings of Series !'.. F and G bonds for the slate of North Carolina as ol Dec 31. 1948 were $04 1.439,784.25 Nationally. 80. 000.000 individuals hold $47 bil lion in E. F and G bonds- a great er amount than during the War time peak of 1945. Sailors Attempt Assault on Girls Awaiting trial in recorder's court Tuesday are two sailors, James Ed ward Redfield and Edwin Earl Rci gent from the CSS Vermillion, who are charged with attemnted assault on a female. Redfield and Reigent were com mitted to the county jail following a hearing before Mayor George WJUance Mason. Uayview Mrs. C At the time of his appointment Dill, Jr., Wednesday afternoon in'F. Weeks. Davis Clifford Willis, as active director he was an in 'he municipal buildim!. Morehead Mrs. Lynell Everhart, T. Tallak- structor in math and physics at the City. son. Marshallberg Steven F. Institute. Mr. Mason received his According to testimony at the; Harris. Smyrna Randolph Pake, bachelor of arts degree at the uni hearing, the two sailors attempted j Loss by death and the removal , versity of North Carolina and since 'o assault a 15-year old and an 18-jof members to other locations oc-j receiving this deRree has under vear-old girl at 6:10 p. m. Tuesday icasioned by the shutting down of taken graduate work, on Arendell street between 10th ! war activities. decreas"d the mem-1 The dininc hull .-it mcti ,.,i and 11th. Cries of the f iris, it was report- ed. called neighbors' attention toichurches in Carteret countv show the scene. The men were piaceaian increase of 80 over the pre-, in Morehead City jail until taken be '"re the mayor. ""Sa USS Vermillion, ic of the nvior vesels in the second task j vi" Aiianuc command, sailed frm Morehehead City Wednesday rr-'ming. Following trial here, the s,vt( --s will be sent to the nearest Na' il station, Mayor Dill stated. Smile a While ;of the churches totaled $39,264.36. He stopped dat a small hot-dog jand for gifts for all purposes such stand and ordered coffee. Just to! as missions, education, orphanage be "olite he said, "Looks like rain.iand denominational uses, totaled doe n't it?" "Well," snapix'd the proprietor. "It tastes like coffee, doesn't it?" inspection Lane in Beaufort The automobile inspection lane arrived in P.""irort Thursdr " lo be there until Saturday noon. Refuse j RALEIGH. Feb. 25 - Railroad (facilities to and Irom Morehead City are fully adequate to handle jthc initial volume of traffic expect . ed to develop when port facilities ! there arc expanded and modern ized, it was said today by R. (). Sell of Raleigh, former official of the Stale Utilities commission, who is considered an impartial authority on both railroad and highway transportation "I do not think there would be any dilliculty in affecting prompt and efficient movement of even more than a normal volume of traffic into and out of Morehead .City by present railroad facilities," Miss Christine Vick. administra jSelf said. "1 long have been an lor of the Morehead t'ilv Hosnilal. j advocate of ports improvements, and believe, if il is necessitated by 'lion. Sell rilled attention lo the fact lhal (.oidshoro. western terminus of the Atlantic and Fast Carolina Railroad, ot which Morehead City is the eastern gateway, has con neetions lo the noil h and south with lb Atlantic Coast Line, and to .the Industrial Piedmont and western areas ot the State with (he Southern Railroad. II is a well known lad. Sell said, "that the railroad trackage used by the Southern Irom (liar- See UTILITIES Page 4 Atlantic Baptist Group Publishes' 48 Report By F. ( . Salisbury During the past year ol the At lantic Baptist association the churches ol that organization made a fine record as shown in the an neal report nl the association re (cull, published The l94o session of the associa tion was held with the Swanshoro Baptist church. M. Leslie Davis of liea'.lort presided as moderator for the 34th time since 1909. Dr. J. II. Bunn, pastor of the First Baptist church of Morehead City has serv ed for the past eight sessions of 'the Association as clerk treasurer, i Both these officers were re-elect- ed to serve in their respective ca- pacity. One new church, the North j Jacksonville, was voted in the as sociation. Death removed 40 members from the churches of the association during the year. Members of churches of Carteret county taken by death were: Morehead City -C. E. Leggette, Mrs. Ida Howland, Mrs. John Rogers, D. B. Willis, R. A. Armond, Alfred Smith, Sr. Beaufort Clem M. Merrill, Mrs Alice Noe, Mrs. Elmo Stewart. At- lantic Charles A. Mason, Miss il L.: . ..r 41 i u.... lut-iMiip in many in 1 1 it i-iiuii-iic.Y !rTI,n mAml,n-..1,ln nl llin i i lit luiai iiiiTiiu,,-, .jii t vi u i. vious vear. The two larcest in - creases of membership by baptism were the Atlantic church of 40 and the Morehead City church of 31. (The Atlantic church iincr,,ase of m(.mh(,,s lead in the of the Sun- day school from 80 to 132. The in crease for the county shows 62. Contributions made by the eight. Ichurches of the county established ja fine record. Gifts for local works $49,326.09. The eight Baptist churches of the county and their membership are Atlantic 123, Bay view 49, Beaufort 384, Marshall berg 130, Morehead City 700, Smyr na 44, and Woodvillc 53. The 1949 rssion of the Association will be held at Trenton Oct. 26-27. to Go New ABC Set-up Administrator Releases Report On Hospital Morehead City Instituti Admits 2,330 Patients During 1948 Institution todav released the following reoort of the hospital's activities during ment was given to not admitted lo the patients hospital X ray examinations were made of 1,087 patients and 8.2(16 laboratory ex animations were done. Occupancy was down from a daily average ol 42 in 1947 to 3(i in 19411 This is in keeping Willi the nation-wide trend which has been downward all year, , Vick. and according tated Miss to hospital experts, may be expected lo con tinne during 194!) .Cost of operation continued See REPORT Page 8 to James I. Mason Succeeds Mitchell MCTI Director Appoinnitent of James I. Mason, Morehead City, as acting director' of Morehead City Technical insti tide has been announced by E. W. Buggies, director of the Extension division, North Carolina State col lege. Mr. Mason replaces Paul Mitchell 1 who resigned to continue graduate! studies at the University of Ken-: lucky. Mr. Mason has for many years been active in education in. North Carolina, lie taught in pub j lie schools of the state for the past' 20 years; the last 10 in the More- head City High srhool. , ... Monday, under the management I...... I tir ' .. inn r.H w I'liif.r it ni,,r ..... fitv it hnli i,,,,,.,' ,.i,....,i r. ' . week to allow for imnrovement i ilihinx fueiliti,u m ...... Tide Table 11 Hi II Friday. Feb. 18 12 midnight 12:17 I'M LOW 6:15 AY 6:25 PiV Saturday, Feb. 19 12:52 AM 1:12 I'M 7:17 M, 7:22 PV. Sunday, Feb. 20 1:54 AM 2:14 I'M 8:25 AM 8:27 PM Monday, Feb. 21 Pellelier and Cedar Point ap-roxi- AM 9:55 AMjmately 300 persons IM 'N:35 I'M j Not announced heretofore was 3.01 3:51 Tuesday, Feb. 22 4 08 AM 10:41 AM 10:39 PM 4:28 PM Along Dismis.sing the numerous s.cle ar guments cai ricd on throughout the special meeting ol the county and town commissioners at the court house Wednesday morning, the call ed sessio i In discuss distribution of ARC store money was .(induct ed in an unusual alnio acre of c.i I m Present it the session were coun ty commissioners and the town boards of Beaufort. Morehead City, and Newport who listened as Dr. K. P. li Bonner, chairman of the county hoard, requested that the towns approve a new setup where by they would get 2 1 2 per cent of liquor store sales after slate sales tax was deducted The re maining 2 1-2 per cent of the 3 per cent now going to the towns w"ld he given to the county to be set up as a special lund to pay bills of indigen' Carteret county pa tient?, at any hospital in the stale. II. at the end of the year, there was money left in this special lund. il would be used for county schools. Dr. Homier stated Morehead City said "We like things as they are." Beaufort said: "No!" Newport said : "No!" These negatives replies came? even after Dr. Bonner declared thai unless the towns agreed tu split their lake, petitions would be circulated to call for a referendum on liquor. Liquor would undoubt edly be voted out, he said, and then there would be no ABC money for anyone. If this was done, he continued to meet expenses the coimiv would have to raise !.:cs tu 2 50 per hundred dollars valuation rence llassel lleaulort s mayor. said, II mere is no Alii money, Beaufoil taxes would ha' e to be raised in 'i 1(1 per bundled The county lax rate is now $1 !!() and ''eai-fort'x is 8'i Nr too, would be required to raise it-, rate above the tin-sent 35 cents From February 1948 II rough January P ' I Dv Bonner . iiauunc- ed thai I'a ! t receive,! $(),. (154 93 from the ABC fund. More head City and (he hospital icceiv See TOWNS RE FUSE Pa ;e I Ministers Offer Support to X-Ray Program in County Miss Lulu Belle Ilighsmilh. of the tuberculosis division of the Slate Board of health, spoke Mon day morning at the meeting of the Coastal Ministerial association, re- ROl'TE OF THE X-RAY UNITS Today 11 a. m.-.r p. m S acy and Nine-Foot Road, Jesse How ard's House. Tomorrow, Sunday, and Monday Not operating. Tuesday, Feb. 2211 u. m. -5 p. m. Davis and Mini ton of N ne Food road and Musontnwn n ad. Wednesday, Feb. 2311 a. m. 5 p. m. Williston Metln dist church and Ocean, A. R. Part field's station. questing coopera'im of the coun ty's ministers in the mass ray program. Ministers told Miss Hi I smith that th"y wieild ur"e ine nl. rs of their eon,.,re,,;i'ion,i and re1' ents of their commuir.i s to h.:' I est X r-vs. The mass X-ray began in the on i v Tnrsd,-'- and w'l end March 18 in Beaufort and .M'ire '(id Ci'v wli '-e the mobile nits omplete thee- t e rs A unit will ,p,.. (., j town. Miss Highsmith explained that if he lirsl X-rw 'hows ovid 'iiees of rouble in the chest region, the per on is asked to have a larger X ray made, al no cost to him. If this hows the need for tn'atmen' the nitieit is referred t i his private ihysician. The health department, vorking with doctors and the wel fare department is' responsible for seeing that all those found with tuberculosis receive treatment X-rayed at Atlantic Tuesdav and Wednesday were 450 neisons at the fact that a mobile X-ray unit will be in the llarlowo .; tion, Conner's store, March 11.

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