.S CARTERET COUNTY NEWS-TIMES jsl A Mercer of THE BEAUFORT NEWS (Established 1912) and THE TWIN CITY TIMES (Established 1936) 88th YEAR ? NO. 25 EIGHT PAGES MOREHEAD CITY AND BEAUFORT. NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY, APRIL 5, 1949 PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS Rotary Club to Sponsor Coast Guard Banquet Telephone Men Ask Applications For Radio Service Southern Bell, Carolina Telephone Officials Con fer wilh Committee The number of applications turned in at the Carolina Tele phone and Telegraph office re questing: harbor and coastal radio marine service will be one of the deciding factors in the establish ment of a radio telephone station on the Carteret coast. This decision was reached at a meeting of Carolina Telephone and Telegraph and Southern Bell offi cials and members of the county radio telephone committee Satur day morning in the chamber qf commerce office, Morehead City. Southern Bel|, which has the franchise for all marine radio tele phone service for North Carolina was requested by Carolina Tele phone to send representatives to the meeting. Southern Bell officials were presented with figures on boat registrations in this area and were told that the radio telephone sta tion now being erected near Wil mjngton cannot adequately serve the needs of this area. The officials told the Carteret committee that figures presented them and on which they based their decision to build a station south of here were evidently in error or highly misrepresentative. They stated that if a sufficient number of applications were made1 for the radio-marine service wnich includes shore-to-ship com munication, they would consider the building of a station on this coast. These applications would ! 4 fiited out H;f Vrrt owners, captains, or others inter ested in the service. When local committeemen ask ed the officials why construction on a station could not start be cause figures already show that a vast greater number of commer cial fi.-hing craft operate in this area than Wilmington, the tele phone men said they didn't want to "make the same mistake we made at Wilmington." Those at the meeting were J. S. Bonner, general sales manager, Southern Bell, Atlanta; E. A. Clem nions, district manager, Southern Beil, Raleigh; J. C. All??n, special sales manager, Raleigh; W. C. Darrow, commercial manager for Caiolina Telephone and Tele graph, Tarbo^o. L. A. Daniels, Carteret county manager, Carolina Telephone and Telegraph; George Eastman, chairman of the radio telephone committee; Charles Bennett, com mittee member, Joe Devonchik, technician; Dan Walker, manager of the Beaufort Chamber of Com merce, and Robert G. Lowe, secre tary of the Morehead City Cham tor of Commerce. Dr. J. 0. Baxter, Sr. Perfects New Technique On Eye Examination A new method of eye examina tion for the fitting of glasses de ? veloped by Dr. James O. Baxter, Sr., of New Bern, has been pub lished by the American Journal of Optometry and Archives of the American Academy of Optometry. The method was written by Dr. N. M. Baxter and appeared in the February 1916 issue of the Jouf nal. Dr. Baxter is the father of Dr. J. O. Baxter, Jf., Beaufort. Since then the new technique has appeared in the new college text book "Clinical Refraction," by Dr. Irvin M. Borish, former pro feasor at Ohio State university, for the fitting of glasses was ac This i method1 of eye examination for the fitting of glasses was ac cepted by Dr. Borish as the best technique for thoroughly relaxing the eyes without the use of drops. One of the most important phases of this method of eye exam ination is that the use of drops is made obsolete for the fitting of fcl?*ses The final results of an ex amination using this new techni que are considered more certain than the older technique of using drops in the eyes. And finally glasses do not have to be changed as often after tlris method is used, ia the result of over 16 yeari of Thia system of eye examination ? research on the port #f Ur. Bax wter Sr., who sayt he hat thousands of case records to substantiate and prove the ?mloe of the sys ?nem. r Morehead City Rotarians will ' sponsor the award dinner at which | Fort Macon Coast Guardsmen will receive their racing trophy Thurs day, April 14, 7:30 p. m. at the Blue Ribbon club Rotarian D. G. Bell was placed in charge of arrangements at Thursday night'* meetirg of the club at the recreation .center, Shepard street, Moreheac City. Commodore J. E. Whitbeck, Norfolk, the commander of the Coast Guard Air station, Elizabeth City, officers in charge of all the Coast Guard stations which com peted in' the race, and representa tives from every civic club in Beaufort and Morehead City will be requested to attend. Rotarians will also bring their wives. Place for the banquet has not yet been chosen, but plant* are well in the making for a member of the Daniels' family Raleigh, to present the Josephus Daniels Memorial trophy to the winning crewmen, who of course, will be guests of honor. The Fort Macon surf boat crew won the half mile race and cap size drill Aug. 4, 1'.'49 at Cape! j Hatteras. They competed against : Virginia Beach, Oregon Inlet, and j Chincotcague Coast Guard sta , tions. Gov. W. Kerr Scott has also j been invited to Morehead City for] the occasion. Board Hears Grand Jury Report A. H. James, clerk of superior court read the report of the March yrand jury to the county board at their monthly session yesterday morning in the court house,. stating that Jud^c (.'lawsr.Ti Williams told i him to inform the board that un 1 less the sanitary conditions of the schools are improved by the next term of superior court, county of ficials would be indicted. The major p^rt of the grand turv report dealt in length with UMCU. lack of toilet papw towels and other health facilities. Dr. K. P. B. Bonner, chairman of the board. suggested that the county commissioners earmark a certain amount of the funds set aside for education, these to be used only for the improvement of sanitary facilities. Dr. N. T. Ennett. health offlfer. attended the meeting, for his own personal satisfaction, he said, in order to explain his viewpoint on j the situation. The health officer told the coun | Iv board that rich school in the , county is inspected in the fall by the sanitarian and reports filled , out in triplicate; one goes to the orincipal of the school, another to i the superintendent of schools and ! the third is filed in the health of fice. Dr. Ennett stated, and in this cpinion the commissioners con curred. that the correction of the sanitation problem must begin at the schools H. I.. Joslyn. superin dent of schools, reported to the health officer that there arc sup plies of toilet paper, and paper towels always available. Dr. En nett stated that the major part of the problem lies with the princi pals. teachers, and jrnitors. He suggested that, if necessary, district schcol committeemen s'-oulrt be required to see tint the schools are kept clean and the problem pursued until the desired effect is obtained. On many of t(je outdoor toilets throughout the county the health officer said there arc no doors At tempts to keep the toilets clean by locking them?are to no avail, he continued, because principals s?y passers-by bre?k the locks and even tear off the doors. The health officer suggested th-t taking one or two such vandals to crvirt would solve the door breaking problem. During discussion of the school nrcblem in general James Davis Potter said that during the past forr years Carteret county has paid $250 000 aNjve operating expense for repair snd improvement o' schools, "-"id that's for I a bankrupt county," he added. County's Sales at ABC Stores Total $41,558.40 Sal*s at the three ABC stores in f-e c-unty last mfnth totaled $41,558 40. it wis reported today ] by James Po't?r coutily auditor Moreheari City's sites amount -4 $17,087 67, Beaufort's $14. 277.80, and Newport's $9,313.15. Grow profit smotMpd to $10. 886.55 and net profit was $2,510 07 North Carolina anles tax to taled $3,532 46 and operating ex peitaes we I2.pq.7f. Beaufort's thai* of tie dividends was $883.20, Newport received $42808 and Monbeed City and the hospital got $41101 each. Veterans Survey Housing Sites Chamber of Commerce Of ficials Meet With Group At Court House A group of 10 veterans and fu ture homeowners looked over three plots of ground on the north east limits of Beaufort Saturday with an eye toward developing a new community. With the assistance of the Beau fort Chamber of Commerce they hope to obtain loans to build their homes after they purchase the land. Douglas Merrell was elected chairman of the group Saturday afternoon at the meeting at the court house which preceded the trip to lock at the prospective home sites. Serving with him on the executive committee are Ernest B. Marquez, George H. Herbert. Jr.. Walter C. Helms, Jr., and J. j N. Miller. I This executive committee will meet at 8 o'clock tonight in the Beaufort town hall to draw up by | laws and make arrangements to confer with Federal Housing ad ministration officials. I Any veteran interested in join j ing the group of men who are pro ceeding on ( plans to build their own homes should phone the Beau fort Chamber of Commerce office, 8241. or drop them a postcard. Fifty-one persons within the past month indicated their interest by contacting the Chamber. If the Chamber of Commerce is thus no tified. these veterans will be in formed whenever meetings are to be held. Dan Walker, manager of the | Chamber of Commerce, conducted j the meeting with the assistance of Wiley Taylor. Jr., chairman of the Chamber's Veteran Housing com mittee. Mr. Walker predicted that the | houses could be ready for occu I pancy within four months after I the plans are set up to go ahead, j The Chamber proposes that the veterans purchase their lots with I in the designated area of the site I chosen by the group, then Indivi t dually but at the same time, re quest loans from- F11A. i After obtaining the' loans they I would obtain a contractor to do the building, using four or five basic i floor plans. Mr. Walker told the group that approximately 20 per cent can be saved in building a home if it is done at the same time and over plans similar to other homes in the immediate vi I cinity. Those who attended the meeting i in addition to members of the exe cutive committee mentioned above were Edwin G. Carrow. Frank H. Jordan, Frank W. Beach. Tull E. Williams, and Owen G. Hill. ? Newport Farm Bureau Member Goes to Raleigh While representing Carteret County Farm bureau as district director at a state directors meet ing Thursday at the Sir Walter Hotel in Raleigh. S. I). 'Edwards of Newpcrt stated that it was one of the best-planned end most interest > ing meetings he has at^nded. I A. C. Edwards of Hookerton. | newly-elected State Frrm Bureau ! rresidetjt. presided and a number I of important committees was clect ' cd at this meeting. The board voted to hold t?o live stock meetings in the state on April 22 and 23 under the co sponsor.1 hip of the American Farm bureau and the State Farm bureau Herman C. Aabcrg, head of the livestock department of the Ameri can Farm Bureau federation, will speak at these meetings. Another resolution passed by the board advocated to continue he policy of requiring flue cured tobacco to go under loan to the ~tibili*?tion corporation unless the bid cn the warehouse floor is one bid jbove the government- support ">rice. The Farm bureau officials, wi'h he aid of a grain committee, will nit forth an effort to bring North r rolina grain producers under the government loan program through "Btabtiahniert of grain storage and redrying facilities in the SHte The directors wept on record. ?dcpting in principal only, a bill introduced in the (ieneral Assem hlv from Onslow county regarding I simplified method for farmers to obtain a rebate on non-highway gasoline used for firm tractor writ. R. M. Williams, county farm agent, accompanied Mr. Edwards ' to Raleigh. Ports Bill Reaches End of Legislative Mill; Thoughts Turn Toward Actual Building Plans Morehead City Chamber Members Will Meet Tonight Mrs. Ruth Emley Wins Grand Prize Top Contestant in Talent Show Takes Home $60 In Cash Friday Night A charming rendition of "How Peep Is the Ocean" plus a super lative encore of "Always" proved enough to tip the balance in favor of Mrs. Ruth Emley, of Beaufort winner of the vocal over 1(5 group and grand prize winner in Friday night's final Talent Search pro giam. The last in the series of programs sponsored by the More head City Lions club was held in the Beaufort high school auditor ium. Mrs. Emley received a $35 prize for winning in the vocal competition and also received a $25 bonus award for being judg ed the best contestant in the en tire program. More than COO people turned out to see and hear the finale and all were rewarded with a ga laxy of entertainers. Twenty-one competitive acts and two special acts provided a full bill of fine performers. Laura Mae Ilardison of New port sang "Galway Bay" anil won the honors in the one through 15 vocal group. Jean and Joyce Chadwick of Beaufort won the one through 15 novelty prize when they tap and toe danced to the tune of "April Showers." Bob Hessee of Morehead City won Against only two other com petitory ill' the instrumental over 16 group when he presented Brahms "Ballade Number Three" ? ill iiHC I'lOIIU, The Harker's Island chorus un 00,000 bond issue Thursday ; it passed the first reading unani mously in the Senate the same day, and passed roll call 37-0 Fri day. The bill passed without opposi tion in the Mouse of Rcpresenta tlves Wednesday. Under state tow, a bond issue of that size does not have to be approved by a referendum. : The money will be made available for "construction, re construction. enlargement or improvement of seaports in North Carolina, including, but not con fined to the construction, recon struction or enlargement, im provement of wharves, docks, warehouses, loading and unload ing machinery and equipment, and other terminal buildings. . The bonds would mature with I in 20 years of their issuance date i and would carry an interest rate I of not more than 4 per cent a j I year. Three Countians Will Attend Harbors Meeting Robert Hick*, Roger! G. Low* Morehead City, and W. H. Pot ter, Beaufort, will attend the river* and harHora coifgreas Thursday, Friday and Saturday at Washington, D. C., as Car teret county'* delegate. Lambert R. Morris, Atlantic, and H. S. Gibbs, Morehead City, wer? appointed but will be un able to attend. The meeting will be held in the Mayflower hotel. The first session to be At tended by the local delegates will be the meeting of the pro jects committee at 10 o'clock Thuraday morning. Connty Board Settles Three Tax Matters Throe tax matterH were settled by the county board at it* meet ing in the court house yesterday. William Hathell, Beaufort town board to sell a lot on Marsh street, clerk, received an okay from the lying within the town limits, for $600. The lot adjoint* the proper ty owned by James Whitehurst and runs northward from the Venetian blind factory. The Beau fort town hoard was asked to give its approval on sale for the lot at its meeting last night. The valuation on four and a half acres of land belonging to Vergil Styron at Atlantic wan ad justed. Valuation per acre now is $25. David Willis, Jr., paid $150 in back taxes on property in the name of James Gillikin, Markers Island. The commissioners also author ized purchase of a full-page ad in the May issue of the Tar Hael Woman which will be sponsored by the Carteret Business and Pro fessional Women's club. Cost of th? ad was $30. The Queen Street high school band of Beaufort will pl?y at an Elk Memorial Service to be held in JackionwUe Sunday. Five Fires Occur Over Weekend Merry Ann Collage, At lantic Beach, Burns To Ground Friday Fire, originating from an oil stove explosion, completely de storyed the Merry Ann cottage on Atlantic Beach early Friday morn in*. B. R. Hunt of Rocky Mount, brother-in law of the cottage own er, W. E. Gardner of New Bern, discovered the fire between 5 and 6 Friday morning. While other members of his party, who were staying at the cottage, attempted to extinguish the flames, he raced to Morehead City to request assis tance of Morehead City firemen. When he reached the draw on the Atlantic Beach bridge he found it open and was delayed 15 min utes. By the time he had reach ed Morehead City and the firemen had returned with him, the cottage had burned completely to uhe ground. All that remained was a few lead pipes and other bitR of soot blackened metal above the ground. The cottage and some of the con tents were partially covered by insurance. Morehead City firemen were called out for two other fires over the weekend. Thursday at 7:30 p. m. they put out a small grass fire at the cemetery, 20th and Bay streets. Sunday ^ 3 p. m. an ofl stove fire occur?! in a room upstairs over the l'ender store on Aren dell street. Firemen worked 20 minutes to extinguish the fire which caused little damage. The building is owned by Walter Free man of Morehead City. Beaufort% firemen experienced a relatively quiet weekend. Fri day at 1 :30 p. m. a stove flared up at the home of Mrs. Jenny Bell at 206 Ann Street. Firemen found the fire had been extinguished be fore they arrived. Front scat upholstery in a car belonging to Dominic Femia of Morchca dCity caught fire at the corner of 10th and Arendell streets at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. Firemen said the car, a 1937 Chrys ler. would have been badly da maged if a quickwitted bystander had not pulled the burning, seat liom the car and thrown it into the street where it was extinguish ed. JCs Unanimously Endorse B. Leary Morehead City Jaycees have given their unanimoUH endorse ment to the candidacy of Bernard. Loary for district vice-president of the Jaycees. Mr. Leary was a charter mem ber of the Morehead City Jaycees and in 1037 was president of the local club. At that time he was the youngest Jaycee president in the south. He was a state direc tor of the organization for two years and was chairman of the first Coastal Festival held in Morehead City. Mr. Leary's civic record fol lows: one time Scoutmaster, mem ber of the Elks, the American Legion, the Chamber of Com merce and the First Baptist church. He is also president of the Morehead City Merchants as sociation and the Carteret County Softball league. Hia army record consists of be ginning as a private and ending as a Captain after four and a half years of service. Mr. Leary operated a clothing store before entering the Army and resumed the operation of this business fol lowing his discharge. Mrs. Leary is the former Sarah Louise Lancaster. They have two children, Bernard Leary, .Jr., and Linda Lou. Marines Aboard Bexar Pal into Quarantine Nearly all of the 1,200 Marine! aboard the Navy's USS Bexar which docked here over the weekend hsvc debarked fp>m the troop ship to barracks on Onslow Beach and been placed under quarantine, it waa levned today. Reports aaid that one Marine on the ship, returning from ma neuver* in the Carribean, contract ed spinal meningitis, causing the quarintine. Other Marines will be kept in, the barracks, built dur ing the war. for examinations by Medical Corps officers.