Nwflroi* * ^ \ MERRIMON April IS ? Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Lawrence and ^C. Mclntyre spent the week end in Norfolk, Va. Mr. E. S. Martin and tion, "Bud" Martin, of Norfolk, Va., spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Adams and Miss Nita Carraway. Mr. H. B. Salter wfs in Beau fort on Saturday. Ifps. J. M. Stalling* spent Fri day in Beaufort she attended tfct Demonstration in Mrs. Gillikins office on Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Duffie Carraway of Beaufort anil John Carraway of Camp Lejune .??pent the week end at home with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. H. 1). Carraway. Mrs. Sam Mills of Bridgeton spent the week -end here with rela tives. She returned home on Sun day night. Mr. North Nelson of Bridgeton was over on Sunday morning. Mrs. 4. M. Stalling* and daugh ter, Elizabeth, Mr. D. M. Salter \V. B. Matlin and C.eo, Dixon motored to Vanceboro on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Sailings visiter her daughter, Mrs. (Jus Robinson. ? Quite a number from Merrlmon attended the senior play in Beau fort on Friday night. Mr. Bill Mclntyre anil a party from Rocky Mount spent the week end at his cottage 011 the creek I Mr. and Mrs. Henry Carraway , had the following children home ] for the week-end: Mrs. James Kohinson and children from More head City, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Pittman of Beaufort, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Flythu and Margaret of 1 Jacksonville. Rev. and Mrs. Willie Stilley and children, Ruth Kilen and Mane, of Bi idgeton "pent Satur day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Carraway. Mrs. P. F. Carraway was hostess for a Stanley Party given at her home on Thursday evening by Mrs. (jus Lancaster of North UfMr. After the Demonstration several games and contests. Mrs. Carraway served assorted cookies and iced drink* to tne twenty-one present. It was a nice party and everyone had fun. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Carraway and children, Charles and Geo. irjan, of Bachelor, Mr. afid Mrs. tfifk Ewer and Mr. and Mrs. X?ni Carraway of Cherry Point spent the Week end with Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Carraway. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Pitlman, Mrs. Thurman Pittman, Bettie Lou l'lttmon, Mr. Geo. Dixon, Mrs. Emily Nelson and Mrs. Sam Mills attended service at South River on Saturday nigh*. Mr. E. S. Martin,' Bud Martin and Mrs. J. W. Adams visited Mr. and Mra. G. M. Carraway on Sun day evifcping. Mrs.'fcm Mills spent Saturday night wrtlh her sister, Mrs. Emily Nelson. Mrs. Emma Boachum spent Sun -day with Mrs. Ruth Eubanks at South- River. Rev. and Mrs. Willie Stilley and children, Ruth Ellen and Marie, of Bridgeton spent Satur day night with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Wallace. ^BONDED^ %$m fiN II jrnn of atWutorr Far ?tonic service unto you it'? "EASTERN CAROLINA'S OLDEST FUt 8TORAGJE SHOP" New Bern, N. C. Austin^NicKols g?i BLENDED WHISKEY X\ Code No. 292 in this prat Mt III t fMM tr MX SM|M nw?r, /t^TOnta MmM SfUK MX SM|M Mk hqr f ywi ?M, 5 % M|kl MMuy 4 J?n M, S% ilMfkt MWur M pr**> Austir^tichola j Mr. D. M. Salter and Mr. W. B. Martin visited Miss Ella Lee at Vanceboro on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. W.6B. Martin was dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Pitt man on Sunday. The Sunday School Council^ met with Mrs. Oscar Pittman on Friday evening with seven present. After the business {fort of the meeting, Mrs. Pittman served cookies and Coca Cola. TJ. M. Carrawajrtlnd J. M. Stall ings were in Beaufort on Friday. Quite a?Bumber from Merrimon attended the revival at South Riv er last week. Rev. Mitchell, Miss Briton andj Rufus Carraway attended service at South River on Wednesday night they also visited Mrs. G. M. Carraway. Mr. and Mrs. John Nelson of Beaufort were over on Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beever and little daughter, Diane, of More head City, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Eubanks and baby, Bettie, ofi jouth River spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Wallace. Mr. C'^Rpld Mrs. Rone Wallace pent Sunday afternoon with Mr. tnd Mrs. Rubin Wallace. N?-w? fron GLOUCESTER *m-\ tf Mrs. Pickett DuiTy of New Bern was a week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wade Meadows and daugh ter, Sarah, at their summer cot tage on Sleepy Creek. Mrs. Nina Wade returned to Beaufort Sunday after spending a week with Mrs. Tannie Nelson. Mrs. Elizabeth Servin is con fined to her home with a bad knee. MU\ and Mrs. J. A. Eubanks and cialpllter, Ethel, and son, Josh, spent Sunday at Merrimon with relatives. Mr. Lacey W. Dixon left Mon day for Burlington, N. C., to at tend tfte funeral of his uncle. Mrs. Christine Stryon and chil dren of Morehead City spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Bates. Mr. and Mrs. Don S. Pigott are visiting at Raleigh and Selma, N. C., for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Giles Willis and sons of Morehead City were guests of the Whitehuist family Satur day. r* j Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Chadwick of Morehead City spent Saturday afternoon here with relatives. Mrs. Marvin Fulford is still con fined to her home with rheuma tism. Mrs. Kell Gillikin of Marshall berg spent Thursday with Mrs. John Nelson. Mr. Cranston Nelson has been ill for several weeks. Friends wish him a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. L. <}. Dickenson of Beaufort were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Nelson Sunday. New? from LENNOX VILIE ) ?-s ri April 13 ? Mr. Charlie Day was taken ill last Wednesday. No ira provement in his condition at this time. Mr. Walter J. Goodwin of Kor folk, Va-, was a visitor in the cdijnunity Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mcintosh visited his father at Marshallberg Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Larry Hunnings spent Sun day at New Bern. Mrs. Burton Daniels and daugh ter, Mildred, shopped in New Bern Saturday. Mr. Robert Van - 9(j)fen, who spent some time with his parents at McFarland, Wisconsin, returned to his home here Saturady. Mrs. Julia Pake visited Mrs. Charlie Pake at Marshallberg Sun day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Garner of Sound View visited relatives here last Wednesday. Mrs. lola Goodwin and son, Swindell, of Roe visited Mr. and Mrs. . Chartffe Day Sunday. Mrs. Alvanio Garner is visiting her son, Allen, and family at Bogue. nd Mrs. Luther Pitman visit#*! at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Femie Mcintosh at Marshall berg Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Willis and children spent the week-end here with her parents, j&r. and Mrs. Roy Goodwin. Messrs. Ivey Willis, Gtne Dud ley, ?eroy Goodwin and Bennie Willis left last week for Miss issippi. / Mrs. Dallas Willis visited Mrs. Preston Bell at Morehead City last week. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Pake visit ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Arthur on North River Road Sunday night. Artificial lures or "flies" were used as early as 300 A. D., ac cording to the writings of Aelian, a Macedonian. 1? SOUTH RIVER L JJJ April 13 ? Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Morris and Mr. and Mrs. Hoitoise Morris and sons, Walter and Jeff rey, of Atlantic spent Sunday with Mrs. Nannie J. Pittman and mo ther, Mrs. Lizzie Tosto. Mr. and Mrs. John Hardy of Oriental spent the week end with' his mother, Mrs. Mary E. Hardy,1 and Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Hardy. Mrs. Ruth Eubanks, Mabel Eu banks and Mrs. William Carmon ?isited Mrs. Luke Lewis Monday afternoon. Chief Harry Hardy and Mrs. Hardy of Norfolk spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Hardy. Key, Willie Stilly, Mrs. Stilly and daughters, Ruth and Marie of Bridge ton spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace. Mrs. Cora Hanks and daughter, j Mrs. Mattie Pittman, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pittman of Oriental visited in the community Sunday after noon. Mrs. Mary Willis and grand daughter, Sarah Francis Mason, of Stacy spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Mormie Norman. Mr. and Mrs. Ivy Pittman spent Saturday afternoon with iter par tuts, Mr. and Mrs. Rone Wailace. Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Eubank* and son, Joshua, of Gloucester spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Mary Tosco. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pittman and son, Nelson, of Beaufort spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Hardy. Mr. and Mrs. Lem Hardy, Jr., and .Mr. Lem Hardy went to More head Sunday afternoon to see Mrs. Hardy. She is in the hospital, nope she will soon be so she can come home. Mr. and Mrs. Johnnie Stilly and daughters, Eloise and Nancy, of Bridgeton and Mrs. Stillys mother, Mrs. Lizzif} Lane, of Reelsboro spent SatoflMay afternoon witn Mr. aiid Mrs. Rone Wallace. Mr. Marvin Fulcher came Thurs day after Mrs. Fulcher and son, Ronnie, they left Friday afternoon for Baltimore. Mrs. Garton Hill and her aunt. Miss Bettie Mason, visited Mrs. Mary Tosco last Thursday after noon. Ethel Eubanks of Glouccstei spent Sunday with Marie Cannon. Miss Alberta Pitlman of Beau fort spent Sunday with Janice Hdmare. Mr. and Mrs. Harman Bennett JOIN THE EASTER PARADE WITH CLOTHING from WEBB'S Good Quality - Superbly Tailored GABARDINE SUITS ?Single. & Double - Breasted? $25 to $42 FREEMAN SPORT SHOES We are now featuring the largest stock of summer shoes ever shown. Moccasins ? Wingtips ? Ventilators TWO TONE TANS?BROWN & WHITES $5.00 10 $16.50 LOAFERS? $6.95 to $9.95 STEP OUT IN A NEW Peanut Straw or Genuine Panama $1.50? $5.00 BUR-MIL RAYONS ARE ARRIVING DAILY! A ? EASTER FINERY FOR THE . YOUNGER CROWD at WEBB'S DRESSES - COATS ' TAFETTA IN PASTELS? WHITE & BLACK 98c yd. ? JTist Received? New Shipment b( POLL PARROT * jfe . BABY DEER SHOES D. B. WEBB'S I >t .V . . 5 >' fimrvKc.V.. and children of Russell Creek spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Hardy. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Wallace spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Rone Wallace. Our revival came to a close Sun day nigfyt. Rev. Maurice Roach and Mrs. Roach of Durham con ducted the meeting. They both brought some wonderful message? and Sunday night at the close of the meeting two united with the church. Nrw? from \ SMYRNA V April 11.? Mm. D. V. Wade is taking several days^eatment in the Morehead City hospital. Her many friends wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Taylor and children left Thursday for Florida, where they will spend sometime with Mr. Taylor's mother. Mrs. Howard Baker arid Mrs. Brady Wade of Williston spent Wednesday here with Mrs. Wade's daughter. Mrs. Bob Chadwick. Mrs. Hugh Willis, who has been ill for the past several days, is much improved at this time. Miss Flsie, her daughter, was home from her work several days on ac count of her mother's illness. Due to the forest fire, and thun den storm last Thursday night, the Woman's Society of Christian ser vice, did not have their regular weekly meeting, which was to have met with Mrs. Tom Davis. If nothing prevents, Mrs. Davis will have the society at her home next Thursday night. April 14. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wade, of Morehead City, visited Mrs. Bobby Chadwick Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Swindell and children and mother, Mrs. Laura Swindell of Morehead City visited Mrs. Herbert Hancock Sunday af ternoon. Mrs. Dewey Willis and children of Staten Island, New York, were visitors with Mrs. Hugh Willis a short time Sunday. Mrs. V. A. Chadwick returned to Morebead City Sund?y night to be with her daughter, Mrs. George Adam! this week. Nrw from ^ CEDAR ISLAMD V April 13 ? Mr. and Mrs. Connie Daniels and daughter of Stacy pent Sunday aft?jfck>n here with nis parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Daniels. Mr. Allen Lupton of Beaufort It.F.D? spent Sunday and Sunday night here with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vanhorn. of Morehead spent the week end lere with her mother, Mrs. Dora Day. Mr. Norwood Lupton spent Sun lay afternoon with his mother, Mrs. Hellen Lupton. Mrs. Wilbert Goodwin and son, Garland, returned home Saturday night from Charlotte, N. C., where <he spent a month with her sister, Mrs. Carl Daniels, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Goodwin '.nd two children of Morehead -pent Sunday here with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Goodwin. Quite a number of people from Morehead and B? aufort attended the horse penning here Sunday afternoon. Mr. J. M. Goodwin took his car Atlantic Saturday to Mr. Ger^k's garage to have some work done on it. He hopes to get it back on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Lupton of Vandemere spent Wednesday here visiting relatives. Mr. and live J. E. Reilly and son spent Sunday afternoon here with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Goodwin. Some of the school children here have the measels. Hope they will soon be well again. Dannie, the small son of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Styron, was very ill Sunday and was taken to the doctor. Messrs. J. M. and Arthur Good win were visitors at New Bern last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Goodwin of Atlantic spent Sunday after noon with his parents, Mr. and Mrs., Walter Goodwin. Mr. Martea * Lupton, who is working in New Bern, spent the week end here with his family. Mr. Courtland Gillikin spent Saturday morning: at Atlantic. Mr. James Arthur of Norfolk, Va., arrived here Monday after noon to visit his half-brother J. M. Goodwin and other relatives. Poland Places Accent On Babulding Warsaw WARSA^ ? (AP) ? The war ruined city of Warsaw has made so much progress in salvag- j ing and rebuilding what the Ger mans demolished that accent in the future is to be placed upon jjpew building". Poles, working day and night, and often without the aid of machinery, have cleared hundreds of thousands#>f tons of debris end rubble from the city and rebuilt living places for the present-day population of 600, 000. In 1939, a total of 1,289* 000 Poles lived here. Now, says Dr. Stefan Jedry- ( chowski, vice-president of the Central Planning Board, ihe citf^ is passing "from rebuilding to new buiding." Among the War saw investments planned for 1949 are new works representing 83.6 per cent of the total plan. Only ' 16.4 per cent is listed M re building." Sale Deposit Boxes ior Beni GET THE HABIT Use the DRIVE-IN DEPOSITORY SERVICE "BANK FROM YOUR CAR FOB YOUR PBOTECTION Rent Lock Bag and Key FOR NIGHT DEPOSITORY $12.00 Per Year First Citizens Bank & Trust Co. I 823 Arendell St. Morehead City, N. C. Phone 437|l MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT ? INSURANCE CORK The Amazing new Philco 794 has the new full width built-in freezer locker, that holds a big supply of frozen foods, with additional space for ice trays. ? COMPLETELY ADJUSTABLE SHELVES 14 sq. ft. Of shelf area with the Philco shelf sup port invention for the utmost flexibility of ar ' rangement. And you get 30% more shelf space. * C0U> STORAGE TRAY . k A large, handy shelf directly benesth freezing element. -Keeps meats and other foods extra cold. Also provides receptacle to catch de frost water. ? 2 CR/SPER DRAWERS 2 deep, glass -covered storage drawee that keep vegetables and fruits fresh and <9Kp in moist cold. ? fULL WIDTH MEIER LOCKER ' ECONOMY A-UTO & , APPLIANCE STOVE. MOEEHEAD CUT, N C. ' * N 92M ?

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