~5? CARTERET COUNTY NEWS-TIMES ,tk A Merger of THE BEAUFORT NEWS (E*UblUh*light and pickle worm. This dust should be applied as a preventative every ten days and in adition after each rain that is heavy enough to wash off the dust. The dust should be applied thq roughly. It is a waste of time to shake the dust over the plant through a sack. The proper equip | ment should be used to get com plete "coverage of the plant. The copper dust is also effective in controlling the same disease on cantelopes. Health Office Packages Poison In an effort to bring about ef fectivc rat control in Beaufort and Morehead City and with the cooperation of the governments of the two towns, the Carteret County health department has bought raw materials and put up rat poison in small packages. These packages are at present available at the following stores in Beaufort: Rumley's Feet Store, Broad Street grocery, Stanley's grocery, in Morehead CMty, Ream's grocery, Dixon's grocery, and J. S. Parker grocery. The Health Department will at j tempt to supply any additional stores upon request* the health of ficer, Dr. N. T. Ennett, announced. Instructions for the use of the poison is attached to each package and each package contains 3-4 pound of bait sufficient for one period baiting. The persons re tails at 35 cents per package. LATE BULLETIN: Al ? cost of $5,410 Morehead Ciljr yeaterdajr purchased a Garwood Load-Parker garbage truck. This truck, described In more detail iu the stary on the Beaufort ton board meeting on this page, will be mounted on ? two ton GMC truck chassis. Mob ley Bulck company waa low bidder on the mounting Job. Tide Water Power Company laid 500 feet of cable under water at the Morehead City draw bridge yeatrday morning. In about a week ? cable crew will come here from Wilmington to tie the line in with the one coming from Beau fort. Judge Don Gilliam will preside at federal court Monday morning on the second floor of the munic ipal building, Morehead City. Judge Gilliam will hear further proceedings, in the caie concern UK Madi* Asphalt corporation. ? ' Officer Demands Compliance With Sanitation Law Beaufort Commissioners Agree io Take Immedi ate Action on Issue Beaufort commissioners decid ed at their meeting Monday night in Beaufort town hall that immed iate action should he taken against violators of hte town's sanitary ordinance. Dr. N. Thomas Ennett, county health officer, appeared before the commissioners and gave a re sume of the sanitary situation over the past two years. He said that a survey two years ago dis closed that there were U3 outside privies in Beaufort and that 83 of hte 83 unsanitary privies, how also found that 37 residences had no sewage facilities at all, either inside or outside. The health officer said that at tempts were made to correct the situation but that material and labor shortages made enforcement of the law difficult. Thirty-three of the i83 unsanitary privies, haw ever, have been connected with sewer lines since that time, he added. I)r. Ennett stated that he has the authority to enforce the privy law in the courts but he has been reluctant to do so thus far. He said the time had finally arrived, however, to enforce the law rigid ly since there was no longer a shortage of materials or labor. He added that he had no authority to require sewage connections to be See COMMISSIONERS Page 4 Garbage Track Salesman Visits Beaufort Board A representative of the Gar wood Equipment company, man ufacturers of a hydraulic enclosed body garbage truck, appeared be-, fore BeAufort town commissioner^ at their meeting Monday night in Beaufort town hall and extolled the virtues of his truck in an ef fort to have the town purchase one. He said the truck would replace two ordinary trucks, save money in orperation, carry all sorts of garbage and rubbish except large tree lim7>s and be much less annoy ing to citizens of the town since no garbage could blow out of^it.. It is also leak proof. He said there are 260 of the trucks in use in North and South Carolina and Virginia. Commissioner Graham Duncan, Jr., stated that he agreed that the truck was worth, its cost, $6,000 for the garbage unit plus the cost of a truck and installation, but that the town was in no finan cial condition to take on new ob ligations. Commission Taylor said the town owed the bank $7,000 and other debts amounted to $11, 000, not including the large bond ed indebtness. The commissioners agreed to having a free demonstration of the truck but decided to withhold purchase of one until the time when the town is better off finan cially. The town board voted to accept the bid of Auditor William Wall for an audit of the town's book! for $325. A request was received from Gerald Hill for permission to pur chase a large iron grill wheih was removed from one of the jail win dows in order to construct a door way. Commissioner J. O. Bar bour, Jr., was appointed to set ? See TRUCK Page 6 SS Froaluuc Asphalt lo The 8 S Frontenac. * arrived at port terminal Wedn day morning following a trip from Aruba, Nether West Indies. The Frontenac, a No ?hip operated by Norwegian { pen, Inc.. carried a cargo of phalt which waa discharged night. The ahlp left port morning on it* return ?ojr Aruba.