NEWS-TIMES OFFICES Beaufort lit Craven St ? Phase 44*1 Morehead City M4 Arendell St ? Phoae Mil CARTERET COUNTY NEWS-TIMES A Merger of THE BEAUFORT NEWS (EtUkluliod 1912) and THE TWIN CITY TIMES (E*U UUM 1936) VI 10c FULL PAGE COMICS 88th YEAR, NO. 95 EIGHT PAGES MOREHEAD CITY AND. BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1949 PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS Dixie B. Burns Off Cape Dr. J. H. Hilton Will Speak At Farm Bureau Meeting Utilities Board Firs Petition Tin A&EC Line < cs of the Atlantic and East ( r Hailroad told the SUte t't . s commission Thursday t ,?? cannot afford to contin v er.ger service. Edwards of New Bern, c i of the A&EC board and ? mrer, and other offi ' c : i passenger operations I a losing proposition i ? .1 3 of t*ic war en the case is not ex 1 "veral weeks. C, a privately-owned cr fates by lease agree l' ? ' ate-owned tracks be t . rciitad City and Golds b ! application before the C.. .n:1' .on. it proposed to discon ti- Train: No. 2 and No. 5 on v ' and Trains No. 12 and N r IT) on Sundays. The trains have K. n oi"jrati:!g for approximately 61- years. An exhibit filed showing the line's financial condition listed a total loss on passenger operations of $126,090 a year. A&EC spokes i man explained, however, that the figure included indirect as well as dircct costs. Indirect costs are de termined by crediting part of gen eral operating costs and mainten ance to the passenger runs. When indirect costs are not considered, the balance between income and expense u more favorable. Matthew Alien of Kinston ap peared as attorney for the line. The case wai heard by Chairman Steqjey. .winborne and Comiqla sioner rred C. Hunter, Edwards McMahan and Josh James. Com missioner Robert Orady Johnson is ill. Secretary James Butler of the Goldsboro Chamber of Commerce and Merchants Association sat in as a protestant. He told the Com mission Goldsboro wanted to be sure it would not lose services vi tal to ita businesses and residents. Dr. James H. Hilton, director of North Carolina Experiment Sta tions and dean of State College School of Agriculture, will be the speaker at the annual farm bureau meeting at 6:45 Thursday night at the American Legion hut west of Mdrefcead City. A barbecue supper will be serv ed cafeteria Style at 6:45 and the program will start at -8 p.m. Raymond Ball, president of the Farm Bureau, urges all members and associate members, their wives Dr. J. H. Hilton and friends to attend. The supper I is free to members, others will be j charged for the supper. ; At this annual meeting officers and members of the board of di rectors will be elected and Oscar Salter, chairman of the Farm Bu reau membership comihittee. will make a report on the recent mem bership drive. Speaker at last year's annual Farm Bureau meeting was Frank Jeter, Raleigh, editor of extension ttUbllcatloqi. , t ? Oifi ewr* M the FaVfti Bureau are Mr. Ball, president Robert Laugh ton, vice-president; Mrs. Made Campen, secMtary-treoorer; Mr. Salter, chairman of membership; R. M. Williams, advisor. Directors are H. T. Can-away, D. W. Truck ner, T. C. Oglesby, Gor don Laughton, Roy T. Garner, Neal Campen, L. W. Pelletier, Floyd Garner, and Guion Lewis. Court Grants Four Divorces In First Session of Civil Term Four divorces were granted in superior court yesterday morning. The one-week term of civil cases will continue through Thursday, Judge R. Hunt Parker presiding. Divorces granted were as fol lows: Clarence Willis vs. Lola Pearl Millis with custody of the child, Georgia Carol, to the mother, Rose Heath Gaskins vs. J. Robert Gas kins; Virginia Webb Purifoy vs. William Francis Purifoy. The plaintiff was given custody of the child, William Francis, Jr. The oLh 'r divorce granted was Joseph Lewis vs. Iris Adams Lewis. Being tried yesterday afternoon i we s th" ease of Edwards vs. Jobn sc . concerning an automobile ac- ; ck ^nt which occurred several; ye a "o upstate. rving as jurors are the follow- 1 in Carl Hatsell, Mrs. Mary Tit le C. "fgc- Eastman, Charles Lew is. ! unk L. King, all of Beaufort; O- ' (iillikin, C, R. Pate, both of B' n urn. . ; : Davis, W. G. Murphy, V, " ii:rpiiy, c 1 1 of Davis; Wil 1'i Tvuc'.mer, Telletier; James T ,? :a Lovel; Wilbert Good v :? ie Kobinson, both of At }? ; "ticy W. Davis, Allen K ilarkers Island. C. ''undine, B. J. Mann, C. H. ( r, 'Maude Garner. Eugene C. Q. n, all of Newport; L A. Mur C. T. Murdoch, both of Wild v 1. E. Pitt man, Abbott Mor jris. J. W. Whealton. Justin Robin fcpn. ell of Morchead City. Van B. Willis, Marshallberg; L. N. i'igott, Gloucester. The follow irp, were excused: W. R. Stewart, Gloucester; Harvey Hamilton, An drew English, and D. J. Hall, all of Morehead City; and George W. Lewis, Beaufort HmMs ?< CUUnb See CvInb Show Satartoy A theater full of children turned out Saturday morning to give toy* for admission to ? ear toon and comedy show sponsored by Morehead City Jaycees at the City theater. Jaycees collected mote tk?s 10 large boxes of t*ys which will be repaired at the fire department u yd fctven to children at * Jhycee Christmas pttty, December Jl. Dr. K. T. Euwtl, Bod Cross (Unuii Btriy* Dr. N. Thomas Eunett, Beau fart, has rntiaed ? chairman ?( the Beaufort chapter af the American Id Crass. to Ma letter of resignation Saturday, Dec. 3, to headquar ter! at Atlanta, Dr. Eattt ex preaaed Ma full ayaspathy with Red Crass work but laid that ether duties make it impossible to continue hia chaimanakip. He explained that he subssit ted hia reaiguaOaa m iu order that hia auceaaear will have time to asake arrangements for the fund-raiaing program In March. WeHart Saporialoadenl WiU Speak to Lions Thomas McGinnis, superinten dent of welfare, Carteret county, will speak to Morchead City Lions Thursday night on work for the blind done by the county welfare department. At last week's Lions club meet ing, the men contributed $15 to the Overseas Blind association. Lions were told that the fund would be used to aid blind persons throughout Western Europe. The money will purchase Braille slates, writing paper, typewriters and oth er educational Materials. ? During the buainess session, > several requests for Christmas bas kets were delegated to the health and welfare committee for investf 1 gation and several members of the group announced that they would attend a charter night Jan. 3 at Zebulon where a new Lions club has been formed: - . Program tor the evening was en tertainment by George Washing ton, 10-year-old Camp Glenn boy who sang hillbilly songs and play ed a guitar. Paper Ceaaei Publication The Beaufort Journal, a weekly newspaper started last February, ceased publication with it* Nov. in issue. IU owaar* M. f. SUrren and Brmano Mssotti. have offered Its jhacMnery for tale Bub oa SchMl Annex Edncatian Bnri to Open The county board of education will meet tomorrow afternoon for Ita December session. Of major importance on ita schedule it the opening of bida for the proposed annex to the Morehead City white school. However, H. U Jotlyn, superin tendent of schools, said, if the bids are not low enough to fall within the amount of funds a vailable, it will be impossible to start the building. State REA Officer Congratulates Local CoeseiEt'vs ? *? "Your 'bocrd < ' able msnager, I'1' '1 should be corgrattil H ' - t '???> fine j(?b they h ivo <! t year," Gwyn B. l'ric the North Caroli:>:i . ! bers of the - '?! vi If.': trie Electric Mer I. Vp c ation at their i.v .? urday afternoon in *?!; ??. ..'1 (.'it v. Over 500 nfcnibm". ' c attended the raect:n;? to in. r their officers' annual report, elect <i board of directors, and discuss the co-op's business. In addition to Price other REA personages present were Kenneth Hardy, R. M. Williams and Earl U. Patterson, all of the national REA office in Washington, D. C. Directors clectcd were L. W. Pelletier, Stella; G. W. Ball, New Jones, Swansboro; Wren Law rence, Merrimon; Gilbert WhUe hurst. Straits; George Brockway, Havelock; Clarence C. Millis, New port; and Karl C. Day, Lola. Electrical appliance dealers dis played their wares throughout the meeting and also offered 22 gifts as prises. Gerald Whitehurst of Straits won the electric range, Mrs. W. F. Sbolar won an electric pump and Mrs. Henry D. and Mrs. F. K. Smith won a combination battery-electric radio. Price and Hardy, head of the ap plications and loans division of the REA in Washington, spoke to the group as did Paul H. Jernigan, Carteret-Craven manager. Their speeches dealt chiefly with REA progress since its beginning and with the progress made by the lo cal unit in the last year. The members were told that con sumers in the local unit bad grown from 1.380 to 1,648, an increase of 208; mileage of lines had grown from 276 to 313, an increase of 37; and that the unit itself had gone from one that was in debt to one that ia completely out of debt and on a paying basis. Driver Examiner Issues Warning Many L and M drivers who have been operating motor vehicles for a number of years do not realize that they must pass a road test be fore getting a license renewal, driver's license examiner M. H. Everett reported today. Persons whose surnames h?j;n with L and M must have ^hnir li censes renewed before Dei'. 31. "Every day or so somiT.c wh-> holds an old Mis rac he did not understand that he hat! to stand a roid test since ho !-sd been driving for years." Examiner Tver ? ett said. "Usually "thess rppli- 1 cants report to me l.-te ir. the aft- j ernoon and then h??e !o rc'urn the next day because I d:> mt have; time to give them a ri. : tcit be fore the station closes, ' he contin ued. To avoid unnecessary loai of time, drivers whose last n mc.. be gin with L and M were urged by Kxaaioer Everett to report at bis station at Beaufort or Mciehcad , City la plenty or time to take the entire examination, which consists t of vision, road sign, road rules and ' driving teats. The driver's license examiner . unit Is a part of the Highway Saf - ety division of tbe North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles. County superintendent of schools. H. LI Joetyo. will leave tomorrow (or a thrte-dsy meeting of North Carotiaa school superi itmdaptt la Hatteras The fishing boat, Dixie B. of Morehead City, caught fin Thurr day off Cape Hatteras and burned extensively throughout the engine room and cabin. All hands aboard escaped uninjured. No estimate has been made as yet as to the cost of damage, according to E. C. Ballou. Morehead City, owner of the boat. Mr. Ballou said the in surance adjuster is expected to make an investigation the early part of this week. Aboard the boat when fire J broke out were Alton Dickinson, j captain. Douglas Edwards, Carl ton Guthrie, Frederick Hughes, all of Morehead City, and the en gineer, a native of Maryland Crew Abandons Ship The spread of flames, which, according to Mr Ballou, originat ed in the engi-c room, caused the | crew to abandon ship after putting i in a call Hatteras Inlet Coast1 Guard station. The boa' E:ii?!i, of Atlantic, hap-j pened to be passing by am) used its fire apfer 'j help extingu ! ish the I: !(? Hatteras res cue bout ' i;<y W. Austin,! Mr. ;:ooJ ?> the 0 83x27 i from I" ? Boat sLt'mi, comm. i i,'. j;'j> o.tis ; readied ? I tpwol tin \ >ixn i, ? , r/'. ?A i: For County Groap Committers from llirec of ihe Carteret Coin'y Future Home makers of America chapters in the county met r.t the Lottie Son dent Educational building in Beau fort Wednesday night to make plant for formatjo^qf | county MM. Florence Cordova of More head City was elected temporary chairman, and Rachel Mundine of Newport, temporary secretary. It was decided to have eight of ficers, as in the local chapters, and after this year that any officer should hold at least one degree. Each chapter ia to elect two offic ers, and these will be rotated each year. Mrs. Cordova was elected ad viser for the county group, and ft was decided that the president should come from the same chap ter. It was also decided that the officers be choaen in the same or der in which the clubs were affili ated. They are aa follows: Morehead City, president and reporter: Beaufort, vice-president and parliamentarian; Newport, sec retary and hiatorian: Smyrna, treasurer and song leader. The Morehead chapter invited the others to attend a Christmas party and dance at the Carteret rec reational center Wednesday, De cember 14. The members from Beaufort and Mrs. David Beveridge served the group cokes and salted nuta. The following attended: Beau fort? Letty Eudy, Shirley Springle, Mrs. Beveridge. adviser; Newport ? Rachel Mundine, Claudctte Slaughter, Ann Mozingo, Mrs. Ru by Simmon.- adviser; Morehead City ? .Tane Ilowerton, Jean Bowles. Betsy Wade, Mrs. Flor ence Cordova, adviser. Botarians Discuss Business Wviors Thursday Morchecd Rotaiians spent their TI. >y ri^ht .*\s.sion in the Carteret . n I Center dit cusfin'' it- i'tfary business. Se' tn.! rit! Ijiions for con iW v ' Inrs were dis cussed sc<! ,t*! Aiao.g. those ii.-.-s . 5 cr . ;? !>t .ovofcc4 tor arrivirj ; .!!ings anJ an orher pc r- .{ ?> Ko'ariau fails to ??all c ttU^T member l>y hie first name. Ti;c Uub ".Ic.I to provide a school ' n-rh s'rr chill at More head City ii'bool for the remainder at the irl.^ol ;rs. t..t ?;11 be $0 p:r noon tit. Club president Cleorge W Dill, Jr.. urged mc.nbcrs to contribute to the community band drive. The group spect tome tin* in discuss ing tbc dri.e and iuud raising for . the band. Clyde Jonef. procrara chairman, ' assigned to Rotarians programs for the second half of the fiscal >ear. j Ernest Davis Chairman Ernest J. Davis has been appoint ed Chairman of arrangements for a men's supper at 6:30 tomorrow j night in St Paul's Episcopal parish hoOse It is hoped that tbe supper will become a monthly affair, t nucleus for organiutioi of i Mob's diih. ? Four W eekend Highway W recks Cause Damage Totaling $2,135 Membership Drive for N. C. Symphony Orchestra Begins Notice of membership payment! to tbe North Carolina Little Sym phony were sent out over the weekend, launching tbe Little Sym phony Membership drive in Carter et county. The symphony will present a free concert for school children the afternoon of Feb. 14 and a con cert that evening in Beaufort school auditorium. The featured soloist will be Bobby Morris of At lantic, pianist. Towns Added Eight new towns Have been add ed to the 1949-50 tour schedule of the North Carolina Symphony or chestra, Albin Pikutis, symphony business manager .announced this 1 ' ' i Ju-ksonvilie, Southern Pines, ' u'.lov^iee jinrl . Harrogate, Ten ? s>e will heaV the fill) orchestra f tr, musicians for the first time ? : c&son. N*',v *U>i\s on the Lit- , Vtrr,' ftur Incluje North ? ?sUru, Mil, Wake For I ?. ! C\ .c! iiiil Tern. fcuil Symphony ? ?. 'cun'.-fmen' of Jackson ? > ;n*.al)le foj; "the town has 1 . n the Little Symphony i 1 Ml s; iii>Vii?v j'.'ht.lule. Tlje ' ? 1 >11 b - ;ti c njUrtc- ? u . :i Ga.iip Lcjeunr. The or- 1 cK iiv :?t visited the camp in J 1, yii> concerts in the c,imp ' : ni(?r shd nuatflctf ( h-crir.n fcr the Jacksonville! 'drive an Mrs. K. p. Thompson,] .til UsonViilc; Mrs. Ralph t'oneely, | Midway i'aik, and Mrs. tfohert Bal I :ice. Camp Lcjeune. According to Pikutis, the tour , schedule for the state symphony ! l will be completed shortly although other towns arc requesting concert j reservations and dates are still un der dUcusaion. Thr Little- Symphony personnel will asseTblt in January and .tour North Carolhu. Tennessee, an<J Georgia through March. The full symphony will play concerts in April and May. Pikutis emphasized the state wide value of a symphony member ship. Symphony society member ship cards wilt: be honored for ad mission to all- society-sponsored eoncerts in every part of the state. Jaycees Make 1250 Od Show More head City Jaycees realized an estimated $250 profit on their show. "Then. Later, and Now," which waa presented Friday night in the Morehead City school audi torium. i A portion of tbia money will go to Morehead City school for foot ball, if football is instituted io tbi sports program next year. Chairman of the sbow, Jimmy Wallace, aaid he was pleased With the Urge turnout, and expresses his appreciation to all who assist ed with the production. Two outstanding numbers were the evolution of the bathing suit and the can-can girls. Al Dewey was pianist and George W. Dill, Jr., served as master of ceremon ies. The show was directed by Tres sa Royal Vickers, assisted by Edith Davis. Missionary to Africa Will Speak Thursday An address by Mrs Vivian Now. "'! missionary from Nigeria. West Africa, will highlight the Week of Prajcr for foreign Missions at the Thursday evening meeting in I the First Baptist church. Mrs ] Jon Wacastcr, field representative [ u : Uc Woman's Mi.-sion-.ry Union of North Carolina, will conduct I tho devotions at that meeting. ? The Week of Prayer with its ; thema, "Uulo Us Is Give#? Give, ?i , " was opened at tht- Sunday evening service when 'he young piople hid charge Mrs Ben K. Koyal was devotional speaker Mon day when the Edith Broadway Cir p)? presented the program, "His Name thill Be Called Wonder ful '? The countries studied were Ja pan, Hawaii, and China, with Mri. Margaret Hall, Mrs D. A. S win ford and Mrs. W. C. Carlton dis cussing them respectively. Mri. Ralph Wade furnished special mu sic. The Week of Prayer will K ob served with meetings Tuesday aod Wednesday afternoon. Thursday evening, continuing through Fri day which is World Day of Primer. Robert (Bobby) Morris Up Tomorrow At Postoffice Dock ; Mrs. Santa finished packing her jolly husband's pack last night and already he is on his way to Beau fort, traveling by reindeer and sleigh through the North. He will board the Mistletoe, his own pri vate boat, tor the trip along the coast tomorrow and at 4 p.m. he is scheduled in tie up at the dock in front pf the postoffice. In a telegram to Dan Walker, imiiaager of the chamber of com rtiMVi Santa rat* may delay his visit until the neKt day, 4 o' clock Thursday. However, his gifts are all ready for each boy and girl who brings i letter. After he leaves the boat, he will climb into a shiny red Beaufort fire truck and lead a grand parade west, on Front st. Jjl the parade will be bands, Boy Shifts, Girl Scouts, and other mkfCMng units. Gtlly colored lights have already been strung along Front street for th<( holiday season and Beaufort 6ualne*am?n. as well as kiddles frpm all over the county, guaran tee the gay old fellow a splendid welcome tomorrow. Month's Bnttdmg Projects Increase New construction in Morehead City took a decided increase dur ing the month of November a mounting tc $44,305 over * record low of only $2,915 for the month of October. The month's record as given by A. B. Roberta, build ing inspector, shows nine permits issued for new homes, six for ga rages and one each for a store house ^nd a small office building. Houses estimated to cost $10,000 ?rc being built by Marion Mills on Evans street in the 2500 block and by K. B. Nelson at the extreme end of Evans street at the corner of 34th street and the Section Base east line. The house being crected by Mr. Nelson is a Lustron house, all steel construction and enamel porcelain with radiant panel heating No wood at all is used in the construction of this building. This is the first Lustron house to be UUilt in this section of the state. Other houses under construction or about ready for occupancy are R. W. Freeman, Evans street, $7. 700; Albert Lea, Fisher street. $5,000; Jack May, Bridges St., $2. 000; E. D. O'Neil, Shackleford street, $2 000; James fisher. Fish er street, $300; Ed Jones. Fisher street, $125; Ruby M. Willis. Fish er street, $1,500. The estimated cost of these nine houses total $36,625. Li. K. Norris is erecting an Office building on Arendell street to bouse the Western Un ion (t ? cost ?f 93.000. E. C. Wil lis a storehouse. $500. and six ga rages about tbe city totaling $2, 180. Tbe record for November ia the highest for tbe construction of new homes in tbe city the past year, tbe nine buildings are esti roated at ? cost of 138,625. > 'Bruce Goodwin, chair nan of the Community Band usociatioa an nounced that there will be prac tice at 7.30 Wednesday nlgkt State highway patrolmen over the weekend Investi gated four accidents which caused damages amounting to $2,135. No one, however, was seriously injured. , A car tore away the front of a service station on high way 70 Friday morning, a truck overturned several times Saturday afternoon on highway 101, two cars collided just Station Damaged C?v?T 'T Wrst 01 ,hc Morehe'ild m h i J ? W,"'H >' '4fi Olds ??bllr d"w" by Kandolpl, Jul . front of "i SmaS"fd >?>' Johnson's fool was slightly in lured and damages to the tn.? boon estimated at $sno Aecordini; t? Patrolman 1 w Sykes who invostk" ,i. . ?f the Oidsniehil-' v . such high 'ivil i when npproai i , from 1 1].. , i , travi lir;; , , - 1 { ?U" Skirfs The riHhl rv:;r struck I' . .( Chevrolet, driven t,v ? cits 1' riinks, .'.kiiit.'i i -j.j' an iron po 1 0(11 station, just ((l. a couple ie. t i , lolet 15 estimated i Charges of mn i ,, , 'irhinK I,,,, ,, against Mr .tohrv ? , , ' that lie will pay all ,| cording t? Patrolman Sykes. Truck Overturns A 'II pjck?p tntek James Howell Smith oi Heaa'o. 'urn,,1d ???'? several t,,.. ?'?JO Saturday all,, Wau ,V" ?PP??im?li|.v , in! . ' "'c hi' ''?ay 70 .', ,| 101 intersection. The (ruck skiddel 135 f, , , , , turner? 103 " fcncc a,ld turned over several time: ,/id 1,11 ed a hog owned by Manlv St,, ? gle ? The truck is a i?ta| |^^ attl. '"KtoO. 11. w-oolard, I* i rL tnjlman who invvstig^n iffi truck Ig valued at $#)u and |jIt. sh.v ' .The dr,ver- who was aken up a bit, has been charged With careless and reckless driving . ??Car' Truck Collide A 49 Chevrolet pickup truck and a 49 Nash collided at 7 15 ! as? ,r ssssTcSr*" According to Patrolman R. H JBrown who investigated, the Cher? PVC". by C' D Shores Cherry Point, attempted to pass l''e P'ck"P driven by Charles Kitz gerald of Morchead City. Both were proceeding west on highway j The vehicles collided when KHz n.m attempted to turn left. MO1 f1, ,C1Cl! uas cstim?'ed at liih , ! P" c,t hos be?" charged I with failure to give a hand signal causing an accident. ' Truck Burns A 42 Chevrolet pickup truck burn*! at 9 o'clock Sunday mo," 2 1# ? e* c"5t of Bogue and owned "h ?' r?Ulc 24 Thc tr"ek. Port RFn Jam? Tayl?r of New Taylo^, Newport by coming from I he SUfllng Robinson residence on a private drive when the steering Fire l0ckcd and 'lit a tree! ire broke out, destroying the ve ! 'c; which was valued at $7<M> Patrolman Brown and Cpl. W I ? ClaKen investigated. ! Veterans fey Lsls In Hancsc!: f:r': I All lots in Haneo ?. j of Beaufort, eonti'cu ' Tidewater Veterans Housing co I operative, haw l?\ :i barring complicaiiu s, m.:sUu ' ' tjon will begin about Jan. 1. Doug las Mcrrell, chairman of tin; cro, ;? announced today. Loans lor house.* to !>r huilt in the project probably will be pro cessed by Christmas. Merrell eon tinucd, and alter that construe lion can begin. Three lots still to be sold were purchased by the co-op and will be sold to interested parties at cost, he stated- Persons interfil ed should contact Dan Walker .it the Beaufort Chamber of Com merce. Members of the cooperative wii! meet Friday night at ? 7:30 in Beaufort town hall to consider letting of bids on the houses, wa ter. and electrical work- All mem bers hive been urged by Mcrrell to be pretest. Farm Contest Families Will Receive Prizes Awards in Better Living (' niesi Will Be Made at ' ":i Bureau Meeting ? n an 1 home ' c nnouitcd that ri ! . :i> soaring Bet i for Better Living ' milk's will receive prizes ! T\ m Bureau meet i iyht v t the Ameri ? 1. ion, hut west of Morehead li. M. Williams and i?.!! ' n. :tatcd that 26 '?'li t oi.t i;i -JtJ who enter t .it the beginning of y > completed and turned in ! books. Kach of these he j. resented with in recognition of their ;h ?? ?I'.hments during the year ement of their farm ' the highlights which ;; worked on during la" improvement of liv i..> include J activities mtinity life, the pro II I) ?I -I need diet for . improvement of the ? of their homes, carry many recommended .ticiiS on the fsrm as i'l planning an even tjl the V ? 4aTaneT -t ca?b 1 n 'i livestock production. ! fs remarked that they pleased with the pro le through this program. I prize of $15 cash will go to Uu. ;i l ake. Bettie; second prise, $10 to R. P. Gooding, Beau* fort RFD, third prize, $5, to Alton Dei. lane, Newport, and fourth pri/c, $5, to Y. Z. Simmons, New port. Other prizes will be given also to the following: fifth place, Noah Avery, Beaufort ;sixth place, C. A. McCabc, Wildwood; seventh, Le land Morris, Stella; and eighth, Norman Bell, Newport. Thb eighteen other participants j are as follows: Bettie ? Dyon Simp son. Roland Salter, Gardner Oilli- j kin ,Guy Gillikin, C. R. Pake, and Martin Lawrence. Newport ? G. C. Pollard, Leo L. <j Higgins, James Kelly, G. C. Gar ner: Beaufort RFD (route 101) ? .'] J. G. Broda, L. D. Springle, W. B. j Norris. D. W. Truckner, Pelletier; John i D. Young, Stella; Joe C. Barnes, Wildwood; Elwood Piner, Straits; and Rufus Oglcsby. Crab Point. Mr. Oglesby, the 1948 county win ner, was not eligible for a prise this year because of his winning \ , last year. Twenty-five dollars of the prise < money is contributed by Tide Wst "V Power company, and $10 by the '? First-Citizens Bank and Trust Co., Beaufort and Morehead City. Newro Cut by Kniie In Argument Over Woma (i n Hudson. Beaufort Negro, re (I cuts about Ihe neck Sun ;: it 1 1 tn affray on Queen sll " in Bcillfort. <ifcB ! i mI polic stated thai Gad id another Negro. Booker T. I '(Us, were e ? Rased in an ar ; ; vivor a woman when Pitt* ? ' . t a knife and slashed C.,ids<m in the neck several times. U-x'.-on was taken to Dr. L. W ha sewed the wounds up ?r.i ieim '1 njuries ?minor." I'.tla could not be found y ester '.i.v njJ police said they under lie was out lishiny on a men boat. They said they in- > i.r.l Lo :.r,e I him on a charge of' , nit vith a deadly weapon. Tide Table ~i ' s at Beaufort Bar HIGH Tuiiday, Dec. 6 >. 2:05 i Jf.oi ji m. 2:08 | iVidnesday, Dec. 1 'V : m. >41 I >? ? - i ''-M 3:43 ; . Thnrjfay. Pec. ? U : - a tu. 3:3 10:11 I'M. 4:1 I'riOey. Pet ? 10.30 in 1C:J? >.JS.

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