tieaufart j^acfctl ^eftra Mr*. Lockwood Phillips, Society Editor Phone B-44S1 I Robert Robinson returned home Saturday from the Veteran's ho* oital in Fayettevtlle where he had been receiving treatment. Miu Janice Murdoch, a student f at Flora McDonald college, spent ' last weekend at her home in Wild wood. Mrs. Arthur Boyd and son, Paul, and Mr. and Mrs. Jame& Boyd, all of Pinetown, spent Sunday with Mrs. Atleen Mason and her son. Luther. ( Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Lewis, Wi 'ley, jr., and Mrs. Jack Parkin spent last Thursday in Greenville where they visited Mr. and Mrs. Newman Lewis. Mrs. Prudie Willis of Atlantic spent last weekend with her sis ter. Mrs. L. C. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Barbour. Mrs. R. N. Hudnal and daughter, Donna spent last Sunday in Washington. Dan Walker ia spending this weekend in Greensboro and Burl ington. George Piver of Highland Park celebrated his 44th birthday Wed nesday. Mrs. Louis Hill. Miss Haddie Neal. Miss Alice Sanders. Miss Florence Pigott, Mrs. Rtlh Mus ser. Mrs. Virginia Davis. Miss Zara Beaehem. Mr. and Mrs. James Davis and Braxton Adair will at tend a Banters convention in Goldsboro tomorrow. Mfs. Charles Hassell and infant son returned home Tuesday from Morehead City hospital Mrs. John llendrix of Raleigh .is visiting her daughter and son-in law. Mr. and Mrs. Joe House. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Rice have moved from 114 Moore St., to an apartment in Mrs. Math Owens house. SOUTHERN CROSS' 66T1I ANNIVERSARY SPECIAI. MATTRESS and SPRINGS $66.66 (without legs) A real humdinger for com fort. Innerspring mattress and matching box springs by Southern Cross ... a Dame known for excellence In creating sleeping comfort. Extra added delights are the two layers of rubber flakes in the mattress . . . just the thing to make this a solid bargain for comfort ?and economy. Shop at Heilit-Leviiie and Save EASY TERMS Heiug-Levibe So. Frost St, New tern, N. C? Dial 4M3 We Deliver Within a Radios of IN Miles. MONDAY, FEB. 2? THROUGH SATURDAY, FEB. 25 RaOy-Ml . CLASS f THMBLIIIS I ltd ?*d whif? bowdtd fVim. tWlMlW; VACUUM 10 Till. Wrt.l?'IJ>. . Wc ItKAY'S SOAf FUUES. :rVi? * 2k j ?nut cxoa hxhv ih>iH 1 l-nlhcwIn.'mwIwWi I twit ms?t n? ? M 1 hr W lytfWB n i r* *, ?mt 1 hr ?c AMU bfcillM ! hi* CLOVES 1 i ??19: ' : mu??? ?m? *?*.*"?*? ******* ri>-ar ^ QUAllTY i*JI ?t *?.**. Istatiomry 'rmmm. tM.lfa.MMh Ml 7 Ml ~~ \,flM Car* Imh UMTKK ?** |Wiw i tnN?.l?aK?M UM 2" NawteMMMKttMLMI ?* MtaMhlMr.taaft MUbmkt...NH?R MIN Italatlln^ljri. MH W??UWtai..||M|>,|k Ml* ?fc r?*"* 1 ?????>???*? ? Ma^Mko^Utt mm i Ml Ik JOE HOUSE DBOC STORE b m-i - ? FKONT STREET ~ ^ BCAVTOtT, K. C. Mr. ahd Mrs. Robert TiUett will I spend thii weekend in Wilming- 1 ton. Mr. and Mrs Dick Rice and children of Have lock spent last weekend with Mrs. Louis Rice. Mrs. Billy Wells and two child ren, Billy Jean and Jimmy, will leave Friday for Fort Monmouth, N. J., where they will join Cpl, Wells who is attending Signal Corps school there. Mrs. A. Wade returned to New Bern Friday after a visit with Mrs. M. P. Skull <*n Frank Rice and Robert Robinson will leave Sunday for a visit to Montreal. Canada. From there they Mill go to New fane. Vt., where Mr. Robinson Mill take part in the Medding of his sister. Mar garet. to Mr. Stanley Irving Bills on Feb. 28. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Woolard and infant son. Tommy, will spend this Meekend in Richmond visiting her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Lewis spent Tuesday in Raleigh. Mrs. D. F. Merrill and Odell Merrill Mill return today from Greensboro where they went yes terday to attend the Junior class play at WC which Mhs Betty Lou Merrill wrote and directed. Mrs. George Mason spent last I Meekend in Raleigh visiting her husband who is ill. Colon Ilayes Wilson, a member ! of the freshman class at Duke Uni- j versity. will sing with the Duke University Men's Glee club at the annual midwinter conceit at Duke this evening. Mrs. Odell Merrill and son, Dav id. went to Greenville yesterday to visit Mrs. Jack Moy. Mrs. Lambert Morris and Mrs. Nadine Harris spent Tuesday in Beaufort. Mrs. Edith Stevens is* working at the Vogue. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Skarren cele brated their 34th wedding anniver sary Tuesday with a family din ner party. Dr. and Mrs. Luther Fulcher spent Thursday in Wilmington. Mr. Allen Mason, jr.. is ill at his home on Ann st. Pat Skarren, who is working at j Manteo, will arrive today for a | short visit with his family. Louann Mason has. returned to school after being out two weeks because of illness. Miss Lorraine Willis left Tues day for Great Lakes, Mich., where she will take boot training for the Waves. Milton Lipman returned home Tuesday night from Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Lytic Mason have returned to New Bern after spend ing a few days with his sister. Mrs. L. C. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Norris and Mrs. Thomas Dixon spent Tuesday in Goldsboro and Wilmington. Mrs. P. 1. Mitchell of Jackson ville, Mrs. J. E. Miles of Wilson, and Mrs. W. R. Fleming of Youngsville are visiting their sis ter and brother - in - law, Mr. and Mrs. Will Arrington. Mrs. C. R. Wheatly spent Wed nesday in Rocky Mount. Mrs. C. L. Beam is able to be out again after being confined to her home because of illness. Miss Mary Frances Ruggles of Raleigh spent last weekend with Miss Elizabeth Bell. Mrs. Louise Case left last week for a visit to Norfolk. QUICK RtLlCF r ROM Symptom* ?< OUirus Arising from STOMACH ULCERS duct* EXCESS ACID' Froe BookTollso ?H o moTroaJmentthat Mut Help or it Wilt Coot You Nothing Ormr ikm million bottlea of tho Wn lakh Thoatmbnt have bae.i tor relief <;i ?ymptomsoffMofcri-sKurUm# from ?#omach Kd Duodenal Ulocra due 1 o -??*? Add ? er Ipwtion. fjour or Uo*? teamach. OMilnHi. Heartburn, etc. due to E*c*s? Add. Sold on 15 days trial' KmU for "WWIardU M mm??" which fully capl.il ?? " ' ? ? -mi Morebrad City Drug Cm. Uitfcfta Jones Drue Co.. Beaafnrt | Beauforteens | By Vftt I on Loft in RADIO PROGRAM ? Congratu lation. girls, lor a vwy nice radio program Saturday. Those who dld.it hear Libby Bell announcer; Nancy Russell, pianist; Marie Webb, soloist and Connie Lewis, reader, missed a real treat. Some of the other girls who were sup posed to help out, lost their voices with Fridays night's game. Can't blame them for shouting over a game like that. Listen to the Moiehead Teeh-Age club this Sat urday at 9:30. BIRTHDAY PARTY The Scout building was beautifully dec orated. Valentino style, Monday night for Ellen and Ann Norcom, who celebrated their 16th birth day. Everyone had such a won derful time that some of the kids carried the party t.o the Norcom home Mom and Pop Norcortt en joyed the party as much a> the kids. LITTLE SYMPHONY ? Little Symphony on Tuesday night at the Beaufort II i g n School Audi torium save a I wonderful per formance. Car i teret County F should be proud that we have the opportunity t o have that type of music, and more than anything else that we are the proud "own Vera Lou or" of so talent ~ """ ed a musician as i Bobby Morris of Atlantic. Sell ing tickets tor Little Symphony i should be an easy task. But, 1 j wonder if it is00? FEBRUARY PARTY This | Saturday there will be a Valen tine party ;it the Teen-Afce Club. The mothers who are entertaining J us will be announced in next week's article. Smyrna Teen-Age i boys and girls have been invited to attend. TALENT SHOW On Monday night, Feb. 20, the Teen- Age Club of Morehead City will present a talent show to parents and the public. This will be a benefit show and the proceeds will go to maintenance of the Recreational Center. Admission: 35c adults; 25c Teen-Agers. Some of the Teen Agcrs of Beaufort have already | offered to take part in the show. If there arc others, please call I me 572 6 and I will turn your i name in to Mrs. Sampson. Calls will be accepted as late us Mon, day. INVITATION TO MOREHEAD CLUB On Saturday night, Feb. 25 the Beaufort Teen-Agers are invited over to the Morehead Teen-Age Club. New Bern Teen Agers are also invited and will have transportation on their own busses. There will be no charges to invited Teen-Agers. Refresh - I ments will be served. Beaufort Club plans to have cars available for those who wish to accept this invitation. We will leave from the Club about 8:30, this will give ample time for those boys who are | working, to get to the party. I : would like to take this opportuni ty to thank Mrs. Sampson and the Morehead Teen-Agers for this in | vitation. I know we will have a I wonderful time. | Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Steed at tended an oyster roast and barbe I cue given by Mr. and Mrs. Scott Topping at Belhaven Wednesday evening. Miss Audrey Gaylor of Pink Hill spent last weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Steed. Charles Davis, Robert Lee num ber, and Robert Lee Humber, jr., ; all of Greenville, spent Wednes I day her^. Mrs. Joe House is still ill at her i home. Mrs. J.'S. Steed will return to I day from a short visit in Grecn I ville. Lt. Robert Hill flew down from Virginia Beach Wednesday to vis it hi* brother, Dave HiJI, who is recuperating at his home. |i George Brooks is expected to re jturn today from a trip to Wash 1 ington, D. C., and Philadelphia. Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Pi.ier arrived today to visit Mrs. Vernon Lewis in Marshallberg. Mr. Piner was j retired from the Coast Guard ser I vice on Jan. 31. G*W SEVEN STAR Hreight wMaUti ata 4 ytan or dim aid. I7M% Mrs Jght whl.koy. *14% iplrltt dlstlllod from f rain. 1 SS straight whUkoy 4 year* aid. (??L - ? * ? ---i- ?-l | ? j? niw|M wmimy 9 Han aM. TYfik (Might whlakay * yaara aid." VI. 90 PROOF ?OOMtHJUl * WC Court (Continued from page one) * had his case hound over to superi or court under $50 bond. A suspended sentence of six months on the roads was given to William Fulford for reckless and careless driving and speeding 90 miles an hour. Sentence was sus pended on payment of $50 and costs. Norman O. Hill, charged with Kell-Crozier Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Crozier ! of Rutherford. N. J., have announ 1 ced the engagement of their daughter. Agnes Marie, to Cope | land Kelt. III. son of Mr. and Mrs. i Copt' land Kell of Manasquan. N. * Miss Crazier is a senior at New ; Jersey college for Women and Mr. Kcll is a senior at Rutgers uni ! versify. No date has been set lor 1 the wedding. Mr. Hell lived in Beaufort for i several years, and attended St. Paul's school. Mrs. Balson Honored At Surprise Parly Mrs. Ray Garner of Beaufort and Mrs. Hamlin Sailer of Crab ! Point entertained at a surprise j party Tuesday evening at the ! home of Mrs. Garner on Pivers I Island to honor Mrs. Harold Bat- 1 son. sister of Mrs. Salter. The Valentine motif was used i in decorations throughout the! house and the refreshments were cokes, cup cakes decorated with Valentines and Valentine candy. | Games were played with prizes | being given the winners. Mrs Hatson received many love- : I ly gifts from the thirty guests. Mrs. V/heatley Hostess To Bridge Club Tuesday .Mrs *\lbert Chappell was spec ial guest Tuesday afternoon when Mrs. James Wheatley entertained her bridge elub. High score prize, a box of Val entine candy, was won by Mrs. James l'otter. 111. At the end of the play Mrs. Wheatley served ginger bread with whipped cream, nuts and coffee. Daughter Horn Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Marshall. 211 K. Capitola ave.. Kinston, an nounce the birth of a daughter Mary Elizabeth, on Tuesday, Feb. 7. Mr. Marshall formerly lived in Beaufort. The Ilev. and Mrs. Winfrey Da vis returned Saturday from a trip i to Wilmington and Tabor City. I While away Mrs. Davis visited a cnmellia show 1.1 Darlington, S. C. and gardens in Darlington ami Timmonsville. S. C. Four Appear In Court Four men were charged with public drunkenness Monday af ternoon in mayor's court, Beaufort. Alfred Bicrman, jr., pleaded guil ty and paid a fine and costs amoun ting to $17. Willie Moore, colored paid $5 and costs: Willie Fulford, colored, was sentenced to work 10 days on the town streets; and William Chadwick, colored, was lined $9.50. CAP Dance Scheduled Prospective members of the Civ ilian Air Patrol and the public are invited to the Channel club for a dance Saturday night. CAP ap plications, pictures, and finger prints will be taken in order to fulfill requirements for the CAP charter. Always ai Your Service We are ready to ' serve you in all emergencies with quality pharmacals prepared to your phytician't pre scriptions. PHONE B-323-1 BELL DRUG STORE Front Street BEAUFORT, N. C ?. speeding and reckless and careless driving wu fined $2T> and costs James Powell pleaded guilty to giving a bad check and was fined one-half the costs and required to make the check good Pays 110 and Costs Bernard F Maurer was fined $10 and costs for allowing an un licensed person to drive. Claude Wallace. Violet Turnage and Jack B. Cheyney pleaded guilty to driv ing without a license. The first defendant was fined the costs and $10 and the last two costs Six persons were charged with speeding. Pour of them. Hallls W. Lawrence, Tiltori Lawrence. Harold D. Alexius and Grady C. Beacham. failed to appear in court and had their bonds forfeited. rarker B Whitman pleaded guil ty ami was fined $10 and costs. Pete C. Paulsen was tined the costs when he pleaded guilty. Willie E. Baitlett and Uilell Lewis were tined one-half the costs . ach when the;* pleaded guilty to driving without a valid license plate on a trailer Prosecu tion was withheld in the case of Goine Johnson, charged with driv ing with improper brakes. Twelve cases were continued The defendants, Theodore J. Le maire, Rebecca Jones. Robert (i. Bell, Lemuel D. Ooldeti, Geraldine Barker, Willie Motley, l.ovie Da vis and Alice Lasaiter, alias Alice Davis, Thomas 11. Riley. James W. Chartier. Samuel T. Tracy, jr.. Ed die Collins and Horace I). Taylor. GIVE YOURSELF THE NEW LOOK! With one of our many up-to-the min ute. becoming hair styles. SKILLED SCALP AND FACE MASSAGES 1 ?WItcss ^Beauty ^hup f MERRII.I. BLDG. BEAUFORT j1 # On the dangers or delights of dice, we have nothing to say. But we do want to speak out against gambling with your health. Here's one game you simply can't win. Don't take chances on the compounding of your Doctor's prescription. Bring H here to Prescription Headquarters, where you are assured of careful compounding, fresh, potent drugs and uniformly fair prkes. r , 0 , GUTHRIE-JONES DRUG CO. I>ay Phone K-4981 ? Might Phone B-MOti and K-8:i82 FRONT STREET BEAUEOR1 ?v '*4 sr \ &\ v, at a prUe You can afford Yom can own the Model G Tractor and tools enough to farm with ... for lees than the price of about 9 bale* of cotton.* Put cash crops on your present mule feed in acres. And the Model G will furnish the power to prepare ^he soil, plant and cultivate your acreage of cotton, in addition to doing other jobs. Here is a typical Model G package including four key implements: it Rear-engine Trader A 34-inch Disc Plow ? One-row Cotton and Cern Planter if Front-mounted Cultivator ? Full S-foot Mower ?figured St 25 cento per pound This may be your chance to change over to modem power. Stop in and talk it over. We carry D, C. WD, G and B Model Tractors in stock at all tine*. Our repair shop also can do maintenance work on those tractors and any other make or model. Now Is the time lor you to look over yoar mechanical equip, meat with an eye on having it ready for spring planting. We will be glad to have you stop by our shop and aee the work we do. Every customer is satisfied. (l?imowuHii?) NEWPORT TRACTOR ? AND ? EQUIPMENT COMPANY nmi,ic REMOVAL SALE STILL CONTINUING AT SARA 'S DRESS SHOP MOREHEAD CITY There Are Still Leil a Great Many Excellent Bargains ! Check Them Carefully And You Will Save ai You Never Have Before Ladies' WOOL COATS $10.00 (Values to $35.00) Ladies' RAINCOATS $5.00 (Values to $16.95 LADIES' Beautiful Crepe, Faille, Satin, Taffeta DRESSES $3.50-$5x0-$6.00 Ladies' Fine Crepe and Wool Jersey BLOUSES $1.00 (Values to $4.99) LADIES' U Wool, Crepe, Faille, Nyloa And Gabardine SKIRTS $4J0 (Value* to $7.99) Children's *-* FALL COATS $3.50 and $7.50 (Valuei to $16.98) Girls' Cotton DRESSES $1.00 Don't wait, shop today at the one and only great re moval sale in, Carteret County, for ladies' chil dren's and boys' wear. Remember, too, thai Sara's Brew Shop in Beaufort ia helping the Morehead City ?lore lo dispose of their clothing before they move, so if you ran't find what you want at Sara's In More head City, (o to Sara's In Beaufort and you will be, sure to find it there. SARA'S] DRESS SHOP BEAUFOBT # * ? MQIEHEAD CUT

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