NEWS-TIMES OFFICES Beaufort 120 Craven St ? Phone 4481 More head City 5M Arendell St.? Phone 8811 CARTERET COUNTY NEWS-TIMES A Merger of THE BEAUFORT NEWS (E.tabli.hed 1912) and THE TWIN CITY TIMES (EtUblithed 1936) 39th YEAR, NO. 23 EIGHT PAGES MOREHEAD CITY AND BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY, MARCH 21, 1950 PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS Minstrel Tickets Go On Sale Today Boy and Girl Scouts Will Sell Ducats for Jaycee Show March 31 Tickets for the annual Beaufort Jaycee ainstrol show will go on sale this morning. They will be sold by Girl and Boy Scouts of Beaufort who will got 10 per cent of the funds they accumulate through the sale of the tickets. Admission will be 75 cents for adults and 50 cents for chil dren. Dr. Lawrence Rudder is in charge of ticket sales The 1950 show will be in two parts, the first, the minstrel and the second. "Congo Capers." "Con go Capers" is an added attraction to the usual blackface comedy. The scene is laid on a south sea isle and features pretty girls and three marooned sailors. Leading parts in the minstrel are played by Claud Wheatly, George Cottingham, Gerald Wool ard, Odell Merrill, l'hil Liverman. Dan Walker, and Gene Smith. ^ The show will be given at 8 o'clock Friday night. March .'11, in the Beaufort school auditorium. Two Accidents Bring Indictment Of Motorists Two drivers have been indicted for violation ol tlie motor vehic le law as the result of accidents Tuesday on highway 70 west of Mo rr- head City. Charles Edward Moore, route 1 Morehead City, is being charged with driving while drunk and mak ing an improper left-hand turn. Fred Thompson Jones, also of route 1, Morehead City, is being charged with passing al an inter, section. f Both accidents wore investigated by W. .1. Smith, jr., state high way patrolman. The accident in which Moore was involved occurred at 1:10 Tuesday just east of Copoland's motor court. Actording to Patrol man Smith, Moore, driving a '41 Chevrolet pick-up truck, made a left turn and collided with a '49 Jeepstcr being driven by K. C. Blanchard of Morehead City. The other accident occurred a( 6 p.m. Tuesday when Jones at tempted to pass a 46 Buick driven by Theodore Spray of route 1, Morehead City. The collision oc #curred about 1.8 miles west of Morehead City near the Blue Rib bon club. No -one was injured in either accident Total damage to all "Jour vehicles is estimated at $100. Phone Company Reports Progress In lljr past (our years l^SSO tele phones have been added to Caro lina Telephone and Telegraph service in Carteret eoftity. In 1949 alone there were 366 in Morehead City and 104 in Beau to'rt. The number of telephones in Morehead City, as of J he last day of. 1949, was 1,706 and in Beau fort, 785. Morehead City rural phones numbered 152 and Beau fort, 82. Plant investment in Beaufort and Morehead City last year to taled $174.602 86; in Morehead City $130,110.42, and in Beaufort, $44,49244. The investment by Carolina Telephone and Telegraph co., since 19t."> totals $381,216.43; in Morehead City $284,259.40 and in Beaufort $96,957.03. This report was made this week by W. C. Darrow, commercial manager of Carolina Telephone and Telegraph co. Bankrupt Cannery Nay Begin Operation Again Prospects are that the 'Beaufort Cannery, bankrupt canning firm on the Icnnoxvtlle road, may resume operations, it was reported today by those involved in the legal pro ceedings Dr. Romeo A. Luonga of Phila delphia. who holds a $60,000 deed of trust on the cannery ia negoti I a tine with the Kftod Machinery cor poration of Hoopstoi, 111., for the , machinery firm's interest in ma I thine ry in the plant. If negotiations are successful Dr I Luoni? intends reopening the can & Wry at noon aa practicable. H waa ported. Bed Cross Chairmen Make Beports on Collections Mrs E. II. Potter. Beaufort, fund chairman for the Red Cross drive, hat reported $5*4.43 col lected thus far. The goal is $1,. 199. Of this amount $45 was given by the Beaufort school children. Charles Willis, chairman for Morehead City, said the campaign in his area is "coming along i fine and that financial reports i will be forthcoming the latter | part of the month. Recreation Board Resigns, Issues Official Statement At a recent special meeting of the Morehead City town board the executive board of the Carteret recreation center presented their resignations. The resignations were accepted by the commissioners. Following the meeting, the for mer recreation board issued the following statement: Two years ago the town board purchased the U.S.O. building from the government with the intentions I of having the building used for a recreation center mainly a place lor the teen-agers to meet for sn pervised recreation. Tile town appointed a board ol governors for the building This executive board consisted of W r. Freeman. W. C. Carlton, Clyde Jones, 11 i>. Sampson, Mrs. if |> Sampson and W. C. Matthews. Mrs! H. p. Sampson was employed to manage the center and supervise recreation for the Teen-Age club I he board learned that the over head expense, operating as con servatively as possible was Sti.OOO per year. The first year, through the good managnne it of Mrs. H. P. Sampson, this amount was raised through membership and receipts at the door. The second vcar. with economic changes, the board saw that ample funds could not he raised in this manner so the town helped to the extent of $4,500 which look us through* 'Al. "l"' Wd ?f Uie second vcar the Town nut being in position to assist financially for the coming year, the board saw no wav to con tinue to o|>erate. The board re grettcd very much to find it neces sary lo cease operating and turn the property back to the town. Having spent considerable time in (he center and seeing the activ ities there, the board is very con scious of the importance of super vised recreation. Kor the two years of operating some 80.000 people enjoyed the privileges and some 40.000 teen-agers attended meetings there. The board wishes to take this opportunity to thank Mrs. II. P.1 Sampson for Ihe fine service she has rendered both in recreational supervision and raising funds. She has spent her entire time boosting and carrying on this wor thy club We feel that every teen-i age parent and the community as .a whole is indebted to Mrs. Samp son for her efforts in starting and seeing this project through. It is hoped that the citizens of this tow a can realize the import ance of such a recreational center and take advantage of the wonder ful building and facilities and in some way reorganise and carry on this important project. I (Enufipruatum plriigc I give my pledge os on Americon to save ond faithfully to defend from waste the natural resources of my country -its soil and minerals, its forests, wotei and wildlife. Wildlife Federation Celebrates Fifth Anniversary This Week Women to Attend Special Meeting Two special meetings have been scheduled on the program of the home extension service during the co minj; week. Miss Rita Dubois will give' a special demonstration at 2 o'clock Thursday afternoon in the home agent's office and Miss Virginia Wilson will conduct a j demonstration at 2 o'clock Wed nesday afternoon. March 29, in the homo agent's office. Miss Dubois, extension jiutfJMo l iat from Kalcigh will spea; - I dairy foods. All adult 4 11 leader will attend. Miss Wilson, also from Raleigh. will conduct a special in terest meeting on cakc baking. Mrs. Carrie Giliikin. home agent, has announced the home demon stration club meetings for the com ing week and also the following: j 10 a. m. today, training school for food conservation leaders in her office: 2:30 this afternoon, home demonstration county council meet ing in the home agent's office: 7:30 tonight, Young Men and Young Women's club meeting at llarlowc community hall. Home Demonstration club meet ings: Camp Glenn at 2:30 tomor row afternoon with. Mrs. Clara Wade; Williston at 7:30 tomorrow night with Mrs. Jeanette Willis at Davis. Wildwood club at 2:30 Thursday afternoon with Mrs. .1. F. Goode; Cedar Island at 1 o'clock Monday afternoon with Mrs. Lydia Lupton: Atlantic club at 3 o'clock Monday afternoon with Mrs. A. M. Fulcher; and Russell Creek club at 7:30 next Tuesday night with Mrs. Lee Garner. The demonstration at all club meetings will be "Building Charac ter in Children." The North Carolina Wildlife Federation is celebrating its fifth anniversary during this week, ac cording to Charles llassell. Beau tort, of the Carteret County Wild life club. The week of March 18-25 has been designated as National Wild lite Week and has been set aside by Governor Kerr Scott as a week to give special emphasis to wild life conservation in North Caro lina. Throughout North America efforts will be directed toward focusing attention on wildlife res toration and protection as well as soil, forest and water conscrva lion. "North Carolina has come a long way forward with its wildlife Von ?mr\ alien, .. ? *6 ports Ttoland MeClamroch? fc*esi dent of the North Carolina Wildlife Federation. Inc. "There is much more to do. and all citizens of our slate should be interested in do ing their bit. The North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission is leading the way, but only through united efforts of all will progress be fast enough," Mr. Clamroch concluded. According to Hoss (). Stevens, executive secretary, the North Car olina Wildlife Federation, Inc., now lias more than eighty active clubs. "In sonio counties the sports men thoughl that with passage of the Wildlife Resources Commission law in 1947 the work of the Wild life Federation was over. For this reason clubs in some counties died. Actually Ihe work was just begin ning. Gradually the people are coming to realize this fact and sev eral long-dormant groups again are pulling themselves together and ad ding their weight to the united conservation effort," said Mr. Stev ens. The Federation has taken on as a major project assistance in the forthcoming pollution control pro gram. Jury Finds Edward Barrett, Morehead -Negro, Not Guilty Stale Board Manias County Board of Elections Named by the slate hoard of elections Saturday to the Car teret County Board of Elections are Fred K. Seeley, Beaufort; D. Ira Garner. Newport? and James H. Davis, Beaufort. Nr. Seeley and Mr. Garner are the Democratic members of the hoard and Mr. Davis the Repub lican. Three names were sub mitted to the state body from Carteret county. They were Mr. Seeley, Mr. Gtrner, and Brucc Goodwin, Morehead City. Mr. ttwii'i name was submitted by the county Republican party. At the first meeting of the board, the three new members will choose their officers. Firemen Answer Call Morehead City firemen were summoned to a grass fire at 24th and Fisher st. at 2:45 p m. Sun day. The fire was extinguished quickly with no damage caused. William C. Gorham, chief boat swain'! mate. USN, of 1010 Aren dell at., Morehead City, has recent ly reported aboard the aircraft car rier USS Coral Sea for duty with the Atlantic Fleet. * The jury brought in the verdict "Not Guilty" in the ease of Kd ward Barrett, Morchead City Ne- | gro, who was charged with break ing and entering and larceny. The court appointed Gene Smith. Beau fori attorney, as Barrett's defense counsel. This was the lengthiest criminal case in the recent term of superi or court which closed Friday af ternoon. It was alleged that Barrett en tered, through a window, the house of Herman Wetherington, More head City, at midnight, Nov. 27, 1949, and that he intended to steal, and succeeded in carrying out his intentions. The state did not pre sent, according to the defense, evi dence that anything had been re moved from the Wetherington home. Bloodhound Borrowed The state offered testimony to the effect that a bloodhound, bor rowed from the Craven county sheriff, led officers directly to Bar rett's bedroom where the defend ant wis sleeping, leaped up on the bed and licked his face. Mr. Smith's witnesses testified thft Barrett had been with his wife all evening in a public place and that when thqy returned home that night, she made a bologna JURY, Pace Three Atlanta Grammar Grades To Give Operetta Friday "Kay and Gerta." an operetta In three act*, will be presented by thfc grammar grades of Atlantic school Friday night in the school audi torium. Kay, the male lead in the play is played by David Murray Ham mer. The feminine' lead. Gerta, is played by Judy Guthrie Admission to the theatrical is 25 cents for children and 50 cents [or adults. Proceeds will .go toward purchasing a curtain for the audi torium of the new Atlantic school. Tide Table Tides at Beaufort Bar HIGH LOW Tuesday. March 21 9:54 am. . 3:55 a.I*. 10:12 p m. 3:59 p. m Wednesday, Mar<& 22 10:27 am. 4:31am 10:48 p.m. 4:31 p.m. Thursday, March 22 11:01a.m. 5:09 a.m. 11:26 p.m. 5:05 p.m. Friday, March 24 11:40 a.m. 5:90 a.m. 12 NOON 5:46 p.m. Frank Edward Gillikin, Otway, Hurt Fatally in Accident Friday KeauforicritK Teen-Agers to Present l*ianist ; History of Club Summarized CAP Unit to Get Stinson Plane 25 Members of New Unil Meet ai Airport, Inspect Equipment TwciiIa -live members <>l t lit? Car tcrtt county unit of t lit* Civil Air Patrol met Sunday afternoon at Beaufort airport and heard their executive officer, A. I). Ellsworth, announced that a surplus L-5 Stin son plane has been permanently assigned to the Carteret unit. This Information was forwarded to Mr. Kllsworth last week by Capt llarvey A. MeKee. North Car. olina Wini;, Charlotte When this plane is licensed by the Civil Aeronautics administra tion and insurance requirements met. it will bo put into use immed iately. It is based at the Beau fort-Morchcad City airport in | Beaufort. I At Sunday afternoon's meeting the group inspected the aerial 'camera, field phones, parachutes and telegraph equipment which has been sent here for use by this unit. Kadio equipment for contact with the Charlotte office is en route. Six applications have been re ceived from prospective members and the next meeting will bo to ac tivate the unit. Time and place of the meeting will be announced v,ti* -i ? Anyone ttflyjiesKitWH joining the CAP should contact either the Beaufort or Morehead City cham ber of commerce or the airport. Merchants Elect New Officers J. Warren Bock and Frank E. Moran were elected president and vice-president respectively of the Morehead City Merchants associa tion for 1950 at the association's meeting Thursday in the Jefferson Restaurant. Beck succeeds Bernard Leary, president during the first year of the association, Moran succeeds Sidney Ijcvinson, first year vice president. President Beck will ap point a secretary to succeed the in cumbent, Bill Chalk. A discussion on whether to con duct a city-wide promotional cam paign within the next six weeks occupied most of the meeting. A committee composed of Warren Beck, Walter Morris and George Eastman was appointed to investi gate the idea and present an ade quate plan for a promotion at the next meeting ot the group. Bob Lowe, manager of the chamber of commerce, gave a fi nancial report 01 the Christmas promotion staged last year by the association. He said the program ended with a deficit of * $96.69. Cause of this, he pointed out, was that the merchants purchased 22, 000 less tickets than in 1948, there by reducing last year's income by $220. It was suggested that dues be charged each member of the asso ciation to pay this deficit and to maintain a small fund W necessary expenses. This proposal was tabled until the first meeting when new officers will take over. Cargo Ship, Submarine Arrive a! Port Terminal The Navy cargo ship, Whitley, arrived in port Saturday with a cargo of Cherry Point Marines and equipment returning from maneuv ers in the Carribbcan. The Whitley is due to ship out Thursday morn ing. Sunday the submarine, Sea Lion, arrived in port with several Cherry Point technicians returning from the Carribbean maneuvers. The Sea Lion remained in port only two hours. Licenet Revoked Three Carteret countiant have had their operators' - licenses re voked. .They are Russell Herman Blake. Newport; James Webster Cole, Swansboro; and llarvey Lee Beardcn, Morehead City. TMs in formation was released this week by the safety division of tb* depart ment of motor vehicles. Ily Vera I .on I .oft in IIOKKIE MORRIS Beaufort Teen Age Radio Program Saturday, the 25th, will have as their guest Bobbie Morris Of Atlantic. Guy Smith of Beaufort will announce and sing also. Those who have had the privilege of hearing Bob bie and Guy already know the treat awaiting them The Teen-Age pro gram goes on the air at 9:30 every j Saturday morning. So be sure and turn to 740 on your radio dial ATLANTIC TEEN-AGERS You have bee i invited to our party of the month Saturday night. March 1 25th. Sure hope you find trans portation to Beaufort that night. GUEST Teen-Agers from More head numbered more than fifty I Saturday night. Was nice having you with us. Wish that more could find transportation NEW FLOOR Yes. at last. We have our new floor, and it is beau tiful. It's like walking in a new room a room that seems like home. That was the remark one of the girls said, it's like walking in our own home.' Our chairman, Mrs. Martha Loftin received many hand shakes and hugs of congratu lations from the teen-agers during the night. Her one remark was. it was made possible only by the See TEEN AGERS. Page Three Nine Counlians Attend Meeting On Cancer Friday Nino representatives from Car teret county attended the district two mooting of tlio American Can cer society, North Carolina divis ion, Friday at the Trent Fines club, New Bern. Present were Mrs. George Mc Neill, Morchead City, commander ol Carteret, county; Jimmy Wal lace, campaign chairman for 1950 in Morchead City; Mrs. Glenn Adair, campaigi chairman for this year in Beaufort, and the follow ing: Thomas C. McGinnis. Carter et county' superintendent of public welfare, Mrs. Hobert Lowe, Mrs. George Wallace, and Mrs. O. II. I Johnson, all of Morchead City; Mrs. Hobert Stephens and Miss Ruth Peeling, both of Beaufort. Mrs. Jesse Jones, Kinston, dis ; trict two commander, presided at the meeting which was attended by 50 representatives from 12 cou ties in the district as well as representatives of the medical profession. History Presented The morning session was spent in presenting the group with in formation on the history of cancer control i;i North Carolina. At the afternoon meeting facts and fig ures on disbursement of campaign funds and general information of the coining campaign were given. The cancer fund campaign will begin April 1 and continue until the end of the month. Mrs. George E. Marshall, Ml. Airy, state . commander of the See COUNTIANS, Page Three Beaufort Seniors To Stage Comedy Beaufort high school seniors will present their annual play Friday night, April 14. Title of the pro Juction this year will be "The Adorable Imp,'' a farce in three acts. Rehearsals began yesterday under the direction of Miss Lena Duncan, senior class advisor. The seniors class rings arrived Friday afternoon and were dis tributed to their owners. They are gold with a red stone. Flans are also being made for the seniors annual spring trip to Washington, D. C Members of the cast in the sen ior play arc Olive Taylor as Hor tense Hosetter; Helen Paul as Bet ty I,ou Gordon: Neva Dail as Mrs. Abbie Simpkins; John Haynes as Brian Barker. LeUtia House as Malvina Bak er; Betty Jean Tyler as Pamela Gordon; Pat Fodrie as Clint Pur dy; Mary Fratier Paul as lmo gene Van Ryndon: Guy Smith as Winston Pickrel; Julian Austin as Dilworth Pickrel; and Ward King as Rots Waldron. In Carteret county the first red circle to be painted on a highway, denoting a fatal accident, was placed on the Markers Island road. Frank Edward Gillikin, 18. of Ot way. Was killed there at 7:45 Fri day night. Willie Brown Lawrence, jr . of Keltic, was arrested ami placed in the county jail on charges ol manslaughter, driving without an operator's license, speeding, driv ing drunk, and careless and reck less driving. He was released to his mother, j Mrs. Willie Brown Lawrence, un der $500 mortgage bond Saturday afternoon, according to Sheriff C. Gchrmann Holland. Funeral Sunday Funeral services for y o u n g Gillikin, the son of Kunilcy Gilli kin, were conducted Sunday af ternoon at the home ol his aunt. Miss Lina Gillikin. Otway. Inter ment was in the family cemetery. Survivors include the hoy's par ents. three brothers. Norman Rus sell and Gerald, all of the county; four sisters. Mrs. Carl Lawrence. New York. Mrs. Henry Gentry, jr., j Decatur, III.. Mrs. Andrew Pitt man of Beaufort HFI). and Bren :la Gillikin of the home. According to investigating offic ers, the death car was driven and owned by Lawrence. Also in the car was Ellis Gray Gillikin, IK, of Otway. Neither Gillikin nor Law - rence were injured. At first, ot ficers said, the two reported that Gillikin, who was killed, was driv ing At A o'clock Saturd:i\ attcrnoon Lawrence told police that he was driving the ear. lie will l>e given a hearing in recorder's court Tucs day, March 28. Dies on Way to Hospital Gillikin died en route to More head City hospital. From the scene of the accident, he was car ried near to Beaufort by .1 F. Fair cloth. Sam Salter, and Mark l.x?wis jr., all of Harkcrs Island, and they were met just east of Beaufort jhy lii^ht'.av Patrolman .1. W. Sykes. Patrolman Sykes said he believed Gillikin was still alive when he was transferred to the patrolman's tar. The accident occurred at M. L. Yeoman's store. The car ran off the road instead of making the curve, hit a telephone pole and Mapped that off, proceeded through a grove of trees and stopped 270 feet from the highway. Gillikin Dra&ged Officers said that Ellis Gillikin was thrown from the automobile first, then Frank Edward Gillikin. who was apparently dragged by the car, but the driver stayed in the vehicle. Patrolman Sykes said the car was speeding, it had no brakes, and that the boys had been drinking. Dam age to the Buick is $400. Making the investigation besides Patrolman Sykes, were Cpl. W. S. Clagon and Sheriff l|olland. Coroner Pritehard Lewis, Beau fort, impanelled a coroner's jury Friday night They are Cecil Har rcll, Leslie Springlc, Joseph Lew is, Willie Lewis, and O. T. Mun dy, all of Beaufort, and iLirold Tippctt of Morehead City. The jury will render a verdict, Coroner Lewis said, after com plction of investigation by offi cers. Sgt. Vernon L. Spruill, in com mand of division 8 State Highway patrol, reported that the red circle was painted on the highway Satur day morning, the day following the accident. This is in keeping with a new policy instituted by the patrol to reduce the number of highway fa talities. Every place a fatal aeci See GILLIKIN, Page Three Beaufort Man's Brother Drowns Woodtow Evans Barefoot Victim in Saturday After noon Tragedy Woodrow Evans Barefoot. 37, brother of Ralph Barefoot, man ager of the Beaufort theatre and a forme, i esident of Hallshoio ' Co lumbus county, was the victim of a triple drowning tragedy Saturday afternoon when a small boat tap sized. The accident occurred in the sound off the ?ast o[1,I'un5W"^ county between Southport and Wilmington The two others who drowned were Mr. Bar?fo? nephew. II II Kabon, jr., 4. and Harold Kields. WilminRto'i. l ather Survives The lather of the Habon youth was the lone survivor but he was re ported to be unable to explain cause of the accident. The <iuartrt were returnlnt, to shore from an oystcring trip The eldei Kabon was rescued by .lohnny Williams, a passing fisher man Barefoot, who still showed si lis of lile when being taken the water, was brought to shore a short time later but rcsus eitation efforts proved unsuccess ful Habon s body was found ,bout !l o'clock Saturday night, but the body of the Wilmington man had not been found Sunday after noon. Double funeral services for Bnrelnot I'ld his nephew were con ducted yesterday afternooi at -i O'clock from Chapel HiH lhl,rc,! one mile east ol Shallotte. by the Hev Ira Britt and the Kev. Janus Carroll. Survivors The boy is survived by his par ent* Mr and Mrs H. B Kabon ,!i Shallotte; his paternal grand mother, Mrs. Annie Habon of Shal lotte and his maternal grandpar ents. Mi and Mrs. T. N. Barefoot of Hallshoro. Surviving Barefoot arc his wile, Mrs. Lillie H Barefoot of Supply; a soil, Carl Marion, of the home; his parents, Mr. aid Mrs. T. N. Barefoot ; two brothers, Ralph Barefoot of Beaufort and fclton Al len Barefoot of the IT. S. Army, lour sisters. Ina Fay Kabon of Shal lotte. Arbutus U..refoot of Wilming ton. Mrs. Irvin Stephens of White ville and Sally Barefoot of llalls boro. ? ? ? ? Six Women Attend Diitrid B&PW Meeting at Kinston Six members of the Carteret County Business and Professional Women's club attended the district meeting at Kinston Sunday. The next district meeting will be held in ( arterct county in September. Those who made the trip Sunday were Mrs. Marian Ryan, Miss Betty Joyner. Mrs Blanda McLohon, Mrs. Violet Howard, Mrs. I.adigole Lind say. and Mrs. Grace Ayscue. 35 Attend Clinic Thirty five persons attended the free I ,enoi r County Cancer clinic Thursday at Kinsto i. There were 22 white women, five white men. six colored women and two colored men. Those who attended were from Ml. Olive, Havclock, Warsaw, (irifton. Seven Springs, Deep Run, Clinton Trenton, LiOmnjf, Whortonsviile, Wallace, and Kins Ion. Chamber oi Commerce Will Meet Tonight in Beanforl What is expectcd to be one of the most successful Beaufort cham ber of commerce meetings will be held tonight at U.56 in the Scout building on I'ullock st. A barbe cue wilt prrceed the business ses sion. Brief .reports will be made by the following: Wiley Taylor, Mer rimon road: Al Stinson, progress in the county's livestock industry; Ilolden Ballou, tourist trade; George Eastman, marine radio station. Braxton Adair, Tide Water Tow er company rate hearing and in dustrial committee; James Davis; treasurer's report, and Dan Walk er, manager, publicity and what has been accomplished by the chamber of commerce office and the housing committee Mr. Walker reported yesterday that four more loans for the new Beaulort housing project have been approved by the Federal Housing admintftrdtion. twinging the total to six. Miss Barbara Willis Will Participate in Festival Barbara Willis, 16-year-old iliughlcr of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Willis of Morchead City, has been selected to represent Carteret county at the Wilmington Azalea festival March 31. April 1 and 2. Miss Willis will arrive in Wil mington the morning of the 31st with teen age girls from 14 other counties who will compose the court of the Azalea Festival queen. That afternoon one of these 15 girls will be chosen to bccome the [(uccn's maid of honor during Uw festival. During the festival the IS girls Hill attend s parade, a dance, and other events planned for the three day affair. All 15 will be guests of the festival while in Wilmington. Morchead City Lioot an sponsor ins Miss Willis.

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