SSI CARTERET COUNTY NEWS-TIMES a A Merger of THE BEAUFORT NEWS (Established 1912) and THE TWIN CITY TIMES (Established 1936) _ ; ________ 39th YEAR, NO. 30 FOUR SECTIONS? TWENTY-TWO PAGES MOREHEAD CITY AND BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY, APRIL 14, 1950 PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS Mayor George Dill of Morehead City to Run for State Legislature Two Persons Meet Death on Hiways Cpl. W. S Clagon, Head i 01 Counly Palrol, Makes Quarterly Hepoit Cpl W. S. 1 1 a j* on of the State Highway patrol. Carteret county, reported that there have been two highway fatalities 111 the roun ty lor the first quarter of I'JbO. (iuy Watson, W, New Hern, died ?lan. 10 fti Mbrehead City hospital as the result of injuries sustained early that morn in", in a crash on highway 70 just west of ! t Morehcad City. The s'ccond fatal ity occurred the night of March I 17 when Frank Edward i Uikin, Otway youth, died following an accident on Markers island. There ha, been a total of J8 accidents during J .nuary, Febru ary and March of this year as com pared with 1U dining the same period lust year in which there were no' fatalities. During the recently past three month, 13 persons were injured and property damage amounted to $12,660. During the first quart er of UHy seven persons were in jured and property damage a mounted to $1 1,18b. Corporal Clagon ako reported that higlhvav patiolmeu complct* cd inspection of the school busses Tuesday. Of the L'ti. only one. the Markers Island bu:, was iiot in good umdition He said t floor was lit* < red with paper and one gluss was broken . 70 Rotarians Attend Inter-City Meeting, New Bern Twenty Beaufort Rotarians and frO Morehcad Cit> Rotarians and 'heir wives attended the inter city k Hotarv meeting Tuesday night at New Bern 111 the Centenary Meth odist church. In additio i to rep resentatives from those clubs, Ro tarians attended from Trenton, Maysville, PollocksviHe, Vance boro, and New Bern making a total of 300 Stanley Woodland of the More head City club was master of cere monies. Mrs Harden Eurc of Morehcad City responded to the address of welcome by Med Husscy mavor of New Bern. The principal speaker was Dr. C. Sylvester Green of Chapel Hill, who spoke on the topic, "The Fu ture is" Special musical numbers were presented by Phyllis Caldwell, ac Ucompanied by Lawrence Stith. Under the direction of George Ar rington, manager of the New Bern chambcr of Commerce, a blackface skit, "Parson Grasshopper," was presented Group singing was led by Frank Wade of New Bern and th?- invo cation was given by the Rev. Rob ert Jerome. Special guests were Mr. and Mrs. Howard McGinnis of Greenville and 11. . Marks, district governor. Wilmington. Mr. Mc Ginnis will succcd Mr. Marks as district governor in July. Pupils to Present Stunts Tonight Pupils in giadcs 1 lo 7 of More head City school will parade be fore the footlights tonight at 7:30. Each grade will present a stunt, and in the main hal! high school pupils will sell peanuts, popcorn, candy and soda pop. Proceed;, from the affair will go to the Parent Teacher association There will be no formal PTA meeting this month, A. B. Coop er, president, has announced. To night's activities will take the place of a meeting Ui charge of directing the Hunts are the following teachers: Ralph Wade, chgfman Mrs Robert Tay lor and Mrs. John Willis. A prke of $5 will be given to ' the primary grade presenting the best stunt and S3 also to the gram mar grade giving the best skit. Hi addition to selling refresb . menu, high school pupils have L also aided grade mothers in sale k of tickets and decorating the aud I itorium. ^ " itliiin i ml ii II ^ 4 - H Boys Receive 'Chain' Pigs zrsr 1 ..i ?iii?p? mi Pictured above ate the first pigs of the county pig chain ami the boys to whom they have been giv en lor raising and breeding. Stand ing are some of the boys' fathers. First row, left to right .Gerald Miller, son of Mr. <^nd Mrs Ken neth Miller, Wiidwood; the broth er of Thomas Gooding is holding Thomas's pig because Torn is suf fering from a shoulder injury. He :s the son oi K. I\? Gooding, beau "ort RFD; Colon Merrill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kcrney Merrill. Beaufort KFD; Edwin Lee Beeton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Breton; North Harlowe; Karl Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Taylor. Pellet ier; F-rnest Lee Willis, son of Mr. and Mrs Hoss Willis. New port KFD 2; Thomas Oglesby. son of Mr and Mrs. Thomas Oglesty, Crab Point; Joe Howard, son of Mr. and Mrs. Loume Howard. Newport. At the extreme right is Thomas ? IMiotu by A I Stinson Oglesby .holding the Hampshire boar purchased for t In* pig chain recent l\ at a -lock show Standing in front ot the truck are Thomas lioodui^. K I*. Good iti|*. Kerne\ Merrill. Herman Tay lor. Ross Willis, and Lonnie How ard. At the extreme right is (iibb Farrier trom whom the five Hampshire puis wen- purchased. Three Durocs were bought from It. It. Barbour. Lion's Club Appropriates $150 for County Blind Work Woman's Editor | To Speak at Camp Sea Gull Mtss IrftC Davenport, woman's editor of the Southern Agricultur ist. Farm and ranch magazine, will be the principal speaker at the dis trict 110 meeting of home demon stration clubs Thursday at Camp Sea Gull in Painlica county. Members of Carteret county's home demonstration clubs will trav el to the camp by bus, leaving the home agent's office in beau IRIS DAVENPORT tort at 8:15 Thursday morning. They will return following the all day meeting. Miss Davenport, outstanding car- 1 cer vmman in home economics, was recently chose'! one of top seven southern women. A native North Carolinian, she started with South ern Agriculturist in 1942 as asso ciate woman's editor. In January 1946 she was made editor. A grad uatc of the University of Georgia she earned her master's degree at Columbia university and thtn con tinued her studies in Paris and at Louisiana State university. Inauguarating her home eco nomics work as a teacher, she soon became head of the home econom ics department at Georgia' State Normal school, furthered her pro gram with extension work in Louis iana, ultimately servng as specialist in extension service at the Univer sity of Kentucky. The topic of Miss Davenport's address Thursday will l^e "You Are Important," Two Teams ol Eight Will ComptU in Bridge Towney Eight players from e?ch town Beaufort and Morehead City, will compete in the Beaufort - More head City duplicate bridge tounu ment, A1 I)ewey, Moiehead City touinamenr manager, annuonced today. -Date for the torunament hat not been set, but it will take place in the near future, Mr. Dewey Mid. Five Duplicate bridge tournaments have been held since March 3 at the Jefferson restaurant lifliuuMJu m The Lion's club oi Morehead City has appropriated $150 annually to pay for the service of a case worker tor the blind one day a month in Carteret county. In ad dition they will also pay tor glasses for needy persons, as recommended hy the welfare department Thomas C. McGinnis. ^uperin tendent of county welfare, who spoke to the Lions at their re ^ nt inoetiAg ?>UgrV 'dated the cl? their .m^ioo, i financing of a caseworker one "of the most progressive steps made by any organization in the county lie spoke on the topic "What is Carteret County Doing About Its Responsibility for the Needy Blind?" He reviewed the four major functions of the State Commission for the Blind. These functions in elude: financial aid ior the needy blind, prevention of blindness, vocational guidance and workshops. All are administered in cooperation with the welfare department In addition to these broad func tions, the blind case worker, ren ders many special services, he said. She helps the blind person to adjust to his handicap, avoid peculiar mannerisms, use the white cane, read and write Braille, type write, make application to tin' Stale School for the Blmd, a d to secure medical services. The role of the school - health program was emphasizied as anoth er attempt to aid the visually han dicappcd through eye clinics at tended by an ophthalmologist. What the federal, state and coun ty governments are doing about their responsibility for the blind was seen in the light of in creases in the number of persons receiving aid to the blind and the increase in average payments, Mr McGinnis said. A total of 39 per sons now receive an average grant of $29.28 per month. After reviewing what other agen cies arc doing. Mr. McGinnis re quested the Lion's club to in crease their activity in helping the blind by sponsoring the caseworker in Carteret county for one day of service each month. In conclusion, he commented. "Since we live in a poor eoun ty with few resources, financial and material, the combined efforts of clubs, churches, welfare depart ment, and other organizations will be required to do more adequately meet the physical, economical, men tal and emotional needs of our people." New 5 and 19 Cent Store Will Open In Beaufort i* -'"L 1 Opening of Fox-Downum'fi I) ;md 10 cent store tomorrow will create another major mercantile change on Beaufort's Front street Located in the building adjoin ing (he Fox - Down urn Department Store and connected by a passage way, the !> and 10 cent store will display thousands of items costing thousands of dollars for sale at prices less than all competitors. For more than a decade its site was familiar as the Miller Furn iture company, more recently a % that of the furniture business of Dcwcy Willis. The Fox-Downum dept. store was founded by K. Wilford Downum on Feb. 1. 1047. Mr. Downum mar ried and the father of three child rcn, is secretary of the bond ol stewards of Ann Street Methodist church and secretary of Franklin .Lodge 101) AF and AM Pacing the changes of recent months which have witnessed erec tion of the modernistic Merrill building, in which are located Beaufort Hardware co , Guthrie Jones Drug store a, id offices of doctors and dentists, sale of Da vis Brothers Store to Mr. .Mid Mrs. Hubert Herring, laying of a foun dation tor Calvin Jones' new Wes tern Auto Store, both Fast man Furniture company and Joe House drug shire have undertaken exten sive building alterations. Eastman's store will be complete ly re-ceilingcd, flush - type indir ect lighting installed, a mez zanine display arranged in the front interior, the office removed to the rear, chrome hardware finish ings replacing wood. furniture section', built to l>crmit proper grouping display. , Present plans call for rebuilding of the House Drug store front but this operation is expected to be followed within a few months by interior changes. The new front will be made of clear glass brick. Defendant Sentenced To Two Years on Roads Two sentences 011 the roads, one (or two years and one for six months, to run concurrently, were given Jiles Hill in Tuesday's ses sion ol recorder's court for reckles: ?nd careless driving temporuy lar ceny of an automobile and seve 1 dollars" according to charges in the warrant. J. M Garrett and Lonmr Moore also received roid sentences for passing bad checks. Garrett for three*months and Moore for 60 days. Tofbmie Lewis receievcd ^ one year's suspended sentence for the -larceny of copper wire from United State* Coast Guard lines at i^i? nail? -- *t-" ?*?*- - ? ' Atlantic Beach. Sentence wji sus pended on three years good be havior and payment of the costs. Willie L. Lee and Jesse Lew is a'so received a year's suspended sentence each tor assaulting Nath an Minoi with a deadly weapon The sentence, were suspended on pavmeit o{ a $10 tine and costs and on condition that the defen dants remain on three years' good behavior Fines totalling fko were charg ed against Fred B Bryant and D Tinsle). Bryant was fined $100 and costs in lieu of a six months be* DU'ENDANTrf, Pwt 3 ? .mi, <ii_, .a... ? hi > ? i . ?? . Jaycees to Select Beauty of 1950 Winner Will Participate In Miss North Carolina Contest at Wrighlsville A lovely Morehead t. it v girl agnn will Ik- chosen (<> represent the town in ( lie Mrs Nortli Caro lina contest to In- staged at WVightsvillc Beach this year. Wal ter Morris is chairman of a Jay eei* committee in charge of choos ing the pill. lie said .it the Jaycec meeting Monday night the deadline for entries in the Miss Morehead City pageant is May. 2!) with the pageant planned for two weeks af ter the deadline.. As previously, a girl will In- chosen on the basis of beauty, personality, poise and tal ent. The winner will be sent to the Miss North Carolina pageant at Wriglitsville Beach .s Mary Sue Tcnney was chosen to represent Morchuad City last year. Installation May I The club voted In have it, in stallation of new officers and lad ies night banquet Monday, May 1, at the Blue Ribbon club Further plans for the evening will be re vealed at a later date. Chairman Bud Dixon stated Ten volunteers were accepted by the public affairs chairman. 11 S Gibhs. jr.. to assist in promoting the Clcan-tJp, Paint -Up program going on this. week. The ten arc to inspect all property in Morehead City and report on those that need work done on them. I,.?r*p Group I-a|H'< (?-<l Indications arr that attendance for the Jayeee district eight quart crly meet in c in More head City next weekend will et a new reeord, the committee chairman, Boh How aid. reported lie said l!i> (iolds boro .laycees already had signified ?he> v o'lld In- present and it is exerted that similar response will be hea?,. from most ot the other 1? ,.h.r? , the district fc Folluwitit,' tT>^ business session, Bill Geitfer, Cherry Point magi cian, who was a ?;uest of Lester Willi . entertained the croup with sleight of-hand feats. Two Accidents Occur in Morehead One person was cited to court lor driving without a license and damage was caused to three \c hicle:, as the result of two acci dents in Morehead City within the past week. Saturday morning at 9:40 a Ford automobile' driven by Mrs. Ned Willi:, of Morehead City and own ed by Coast Guardsman Bernard Bonner collided with the left fTont fender of a 19ii0 Ford truck driven by Kilby Guthrie of More head City,.' police report. Only damage in the accident was to the truck's fender. Guthrie was stopped at the in tersect ion of 12th and Evan* sts., headed south, while waiting for a red light to change. Mrs. Willis was headed west on Evans and turned north into 12th. She did not turn sharp enough and ran into the truck, according to police. She was charged with driving without a license. Monday afternoon at 2:4b Mis. Noel C. Marine, Atlantic Beach, ran into the parked car of Duffy Wade between the 2100 and 2200 blocks of Evans st. Mrs. Marine was driving east on Evans in a 1949 Hudson and at tempted to pass between two cars that were parked opposite cach other. She drove too far to her left and ran into the left rear fender of Mr Wade's car, the in vestigating officer reported) Only slight damage was caused to eith er car and no charges were pre ferred. Police Officer Herbert Griffin investigated both accidents. Complement at Edenton Reduced trom 1,800 !? 300 The Edenton Marine Corps air Iwe ha.. been reduced from a com plement of 1.800 to 300 men. The base, re -conditioned a year ago as a feeder installation to Cherry Point will be closed or reverted to caretaker status by June 30. Four hundred thousand dollars has been spvnt during the past year to re-condition it. Marines at Edenton have been aligned to other stations, many' of them returning to Cherry Point, #om whence they were bent to Edenton liat gprm^. ' U ? - ? ?- ' - ? - I . . George \V. Dill, mayor of Morehead City, will run foiv.state assemblyman from Carteret cyunty. Mayor Dill made public his candidacy Wednesday when he filed with the hoard of elections, lie will run in place of II. S. Gibbs of Morehead City who told his supporters he did not care to seek re-election. The announcement of Mr. Dill':, candidacy came as ;? surprise, for the Incumbent Democratic parly was desperately seeking a candidate as hte as Tuesday. I'olitical leaders, in a g?*onp. converged on Mayor Pill Wednesday morning and asked that lie run, The mayor, if elected, will Ik.* required by law to relinquish his municipal office. In that instance. W. I, Dcrriekson. mayor pro-teni. will become ttie tlnel executive of Morehead City. All iueiimbent .. with, tile exception of Mr. (iibbs and County Commissioner Lionel I'el leticr, have filed for re-election. They are C (ichrmaiiu Holland, sheriff; l.anibert It. Morris, judge of recorder's court; Irvin W. Dav is. register of deeds; Alfonso M James, clerk of superior court; M Leslie Davis, solicitor; Philip Ball, county surveyor; and the county commissioners. Dr. K I' B. Bonner. Tilton Davis. Wallace Styroii. and Hugh Saltei Moses Howard. Newport, r. running fur commissioner in place of Mr. Pel let ier. Elwood Willis of Marsliallberg is seeking election to the state senate from this, district Marl Davis of IJatkcrs Island has de clared his intention <?! seeking election to the county 'board un der the banner of Scott. I iliiiu Delayed' Ma\or Lawrence W. llassell. Beaufort. who announce;! several months ago that he will run pro Seoll candidates against the in I cuuiberit Democrats, told officials of the election board this week that lie will not file his complete ticket until tomorow afternoon. Deadline for filing is b p m. In addition to Mr. Davis. Allen Vinson of Pcllcti'H is running for county commissioner on the Has sell ticket Others whom Mr llas sell said wilt file for commission ers' seats arc \icrald Hill, Beau fort. John W Smith. Atlantic, and Victor Wickizcr. Morehead City. Juh.Tn Browiv. Manrftoilbcig. who is also running for county commissioner, told a NKWS TIMES reporter this week that he is not "running independent of any ticket" as stated in Friday's issue. I'm running as a Demo crat!'' lie exclaimed. He further stated that the plat form on which it was stated he is running, is not his platform at all It was stated in last Friday's paper that he is in favor of lower taxes, lower county salaries rais ing tcachcrs' salaries and increas ing old age benefits. Leo F. Simpson of Morehead City is opposing Mr Holland as sheriff. Seniors Present Comedy Tonight The signal for the opening cur fain on the "Adorable Imp" at 13 o'clock tonight will be "footlights up". The Beaufort seniors will present the three-act comedy in Beaufort school auditorium and they promise that for two hours the audience will be delightfully entertained. Helen Paul plays the role of an 1 1 year-old while Guy Smith is the only one that thinks she's an insufferable brat and not an ador able imp. Under the expert direction of Miss Lena Duncan, senior class adviser, the cast has been rehear sing constantly for the past month Proceeds for the show will help fi nance their annual trip to the na tion's capital. In the cast arc Olive Taylor as Hortensc; Helen Paul as Betty Lou Gordon, Neva Dail, Mrs. Abby Simpkins; Brian Barclay, Johnny Haynes. Malvina Bartla). Letitia House. Betty Jean Tyler, Pamela Gordo Pat Fodrie, Clint Purdy; Mary Frailer Paul. Imogene Van Ryn don: Guy Smith. Winston Pick rell; Julian Austin, Dilworth Pick rell and Ward King, " Ross Wald ron Following the play, high school jtudlhts will he entertained at a party given in honor of the cast by the Carteret chapter of Deniolay [ at the Legion hut on Turner st. Vergil Slyron, Davis, Returns Irom Key West Ver;il Styron of Davis has re turned from the shrimping grounds at Key We.t with his two boiti the Gulfitreim and the Dolphin Mr. Styron skippered the Gulf stream and his brother. Leon, was skipper of the Dolphin The Sty ron brothers took their boats to Key West durin; the "shrimp rush" about two monUu *io. Slate Symphony to Appear At Camp Lejeune Tonight The Hi < aiolina symphon\ Hill appiar at K ;30 tonight at lamp l.cjciiuc with Miss Javne Winfield, 15-year-old piarst <>f little Washington us soloist. 'I'his performance will In* hv (In* hill syinphnm uiirlrr the hatou of l)r. Ilrujamio Swalin. Ciirtrrrt count ians who houuht M'iisun tickets of the North Car olina Symphony society are eli gible to attend this concert with their membership cards. Miss Winfield will piny Negro Ithapsody by John Powell, Vir ginia composer with the Tar Heel Symphony. Senate Considers Harbor Projects Two Proposals Concern Marshallbeui, Taylor's Creek at Beaulorl 1'nder ennsidet at ion l?\ I In- Sen ate t lt^. week is the river-, har bors ,im*I tlonil conhol lull w liich nit hull's live Noilh Carolina pro jects, two of wliii'h conrtMii i ;i r- j tort county Tin." c luo arc tin wyteiway hum P.nnlico sound to Iicaufort | harbor with harboj improvements at Marshal I berg. $19,100, ami Tay loi \s crock, $ii'..V<'00 \\ ilinmcton Woik I lie other three .include the Cape Fear river project at and below Wilmington, aimed at im provum. \VilniiHMtoJ? pni'l ?yuilitl(^, $ 1 ,.'W 1 ,001); inland watci way near Fairfield, $1111,400; and Far creek, $80,000 Amendments recommended by the Senate committee which con sidered the legislation -would af fect three other proposed projects: channel irom Manlce^to Oio^on inlet, $Bt>0 aOO; Masonoboro inlet to ocean on (.'ape Fear, $1,980,000. Annual maintenance in these would be $07,000 lor tire Manteo project and $i>6.0')0 foV Mason boro, according to estimates. Pasquotank Project In Title II of the bill, which I deals with llood control projects, tjierc is one proposed Senate a mendmeut that would affect North Carolina. This is the Pasquotank ri\cr, which flows into Albemarle sound. About HO square miles of the drainage basin are in an area known as Dismal swamp. Klirtt bctli City is the principal city in> the area. Estimated c<)M to the United States of the project is $109,900. An amendment by Senator Krank P. (riaham in bchalt of Middle creek w;is agreed to by the Senate today. CAP to GetL-4 For Three Months From Aug. 1, 1880 to Oct 31 1II:>0 the Carteret county unit of the Civ il Air l'atrol will be loaned an L-4 This plane will be used in addi lion to the L-S lo be stationed in Carteret county permanently. The L-4 is loaned to North Car olina .squadrons of the CAP with the provision that it must be flown a minimum of eight hours a month, according to A U. Ellsworth, ex ecutive officer of the Carteret unit He also announced that the squadron must have M members by May IS if they are to retain squadron status At present there arc 37 members from Beaufort, Morehead City, and the surround ing area Squadron designation mean:, that the unit is entitled to more equip ment and personnel with lank At present the unit is in need ot re cruit! in communications and stcn ogriphic work. Officer Ellsworth emphasucd the fact that women arc eligible and welcome. Urcnjcn Save Lumber Beaufort firemen ispent an houi Tuesday afternoon at Smith'a Fish factory in west Beaufort exting uishing a fire that began among some lumber stored in the ship yard Only slight damage wa. cawwd. a .. ' L.- . - Marines to Engage In Vast Attack' At Camp Lejeune Supporting Vessels Will Load id Morcheatl Cily Tuesday, April 18 The pint ot Morehead City will reflect extensive maneuvers in which Marines will engage the lat tcr part of tins month on Onslow Beach, Camp Lejeune. Transports, cargo transports, landing barges, atul craft ot all types will start loading lor actual amphibious ulcerations at Morehead City April 1H The trainiug phase of the excerciscs, "Crossover," will end on that day. The climax of actual operations will come with landings on Onslow Beach Friday morning. April *.!8. The Second Marine division, com manded by Maj Gen. franklin A. Hart, will send 6,000 Marines char ging into flu* attack, supported by ir>o planes ol Cherry Point's sec ond Marine air wing. \mphihious warfare will be dem onstrated in its most modern tech inpies in .Crossover. Five years' development in new assault meth od1. will be tested as the II), 000 M nine and Naval pcrsoncl. take put m t he largest maneuver to [be. held ? mi Lejeu tie's 111,000 acres j since w orld. war 1 1 The tactics and techniques (ff it tacking an enemy bcach have un dergone numerous changes since { Okinawa campaign ol 191!), mili itary authorities comment. A late development to be tested in Cross over will be the wider 'dispersion ol Inps arid landing craft from the ?mbaikation point to the target beach Willi the advent ol possible atomic warfare, the necessity tor spreading out all formations is apparent. Marine and Navy offi cials point out i Crossover will employ an entire division anil aircraft wing. Doctors Hear Talk By Superintendent Of T6 Sanatoria Dr II S. Willis. McCain, super intendent ol the state's sanatoria, spoke it the meeting of the Car teret County Medical society Mon niglit at the Morehead City hospital. I'lio meeting followed supper, served by the hospital. Dr. Willis was introduced by Dr. K. P. H lionncr of Morehcad City. 1M Willis stated that the wait in : list ,tl present for the three sanatoria uas more than 150 pa tichts ami that with this long wait in;: list many patients died before they could Ik: admitted to a sana tormm He said that at present the tHrcc sanatoria had a total ol I.UMI beds but that the new buildtm: pro>;ratp. which should Ik- completed within 12 to 15 months would bring the total beds no to l.;i40. This will mean that instead ol a patient waiting from two to live months for admission that it the Joctor diagnosed a patient in the morning the patient could be admitted to a sanatorium that afternoon. Dr. Willi,' talk revolved chiefly aroond vaccination against tuber culosis and the treatment of eert tam types of cases with strepto imcin and other types with surg es lie called attention to the tact that even though the tuber - | culosis death rate in the general population had been remarkably reduced in the p?st 30 years, tu berculosis is still the chief cause ot death in the age group 20 to >ears Dr. S. W Thompson! Morehcad Cit> president of the second dis trict medical society, which will hold its semi-annual meeting in Morehcad City next month, re ported progress in preparations being made for entertainment of the society. Tide Table liiUi at Beaufort Bar HIUH LOW Friday, April 11 6.2t> a Iti. 12:22 a.m. fi:44 p.m. 12:36 p.m. Saturday, April 15 7 0* am. 1:04 a.m. 7:23 p.m. 1:12 p.m. Sunday, April 13 7.41 a.m. 1:44 *.m. 7:59 p.m. 1:47 p.m. Monday, April IT 817 a.m. * 2:20 ?.m. 8:33 p.m. ' 2:19 p.m. Tuesday, April U 8:51 a.m. 2:36 a.m. 9:07 p.m. 2:41 pan.

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