c?torel|eah fittg foetal Sfefos HlM Norma GaikiU, Society Editor Phone M-861-1 The Claud Watkins family of Winston Salem spent last weekend at their cottage. ? . Mr. and Mrs. John Fusora, jr have returned to their home hi Philadelphia after spending a week with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Broadhurst. Mrs. Harry Willis and son. Hai ry Thomas and Miss Lena Gray lett Friday night to tour Miami and Key West, Fla . before continuing on to Cameron. La , where Mrs. Willis will join lirr husband They plan to return in December. Mr and Mrs Frank F.xum re lumed home Wednesday from Ash villc and Bennettsville where they , spent Easier holidays. \ IT'S FUR STORAGE TIME! ' EASTERN CAROLINA'S ONLY CERTIFIED FUR COLD STORAGE * (Vaults inspected and approved by American In stitute of Refrigeration) piFiti, COLD fe: u STOHAGt m ? " Ml |l? ' v Cleaning and Glazing * Certified Cold Storage Complete Remodeling 4 Expert Repairs 100% Insurance Protection B NJIW BERN, N. I Mrs William A. Allen and Mrs. | William Allen, both of Raleigh, ar i lived last night for a brief stay | with Mt and Mrs. Oliver II. Al len. v ? Mr. ;iikI Mrs. S. .! Rabon have returned from Concord where they 'were called last Friday due to the | illness and death of Mr. Rabon's i lather. J. W Kabon ! j Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bowman i and daughter, .lane ?of Raleigh spent last weekend a* Bogue Sound. ! Mrs. (ieorge McNeill, Mrs. | George Wallace and Mis. .1 C. i Taylor spent Wednesday in Kins . oil. hi and Mrs John Morris re- 1 {turned Wednesday from Richmond, I Va. Harvey Hamilton, jr., l)r. {Alvah Hamilton. Bruce Goodwin. Horn lernia. I), G Bell. I, on Willi: of Beaufort and Sum Adler spent Wednesday at Mr. Adler':* tamp near Swansbor o Mis F. W Pittman and children are spending I lie week with her pare its. Mr. and Mrs. Syrus Brock, near Wallace. Pfc. Ralph Sterlen spent I ? st Sunday at home with his parent: Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Sterlen. He returned Monday to Belvillc, III . where he is stationed in the Air Force. Mi:. J ('. B Morton left Tue . day for Four Oaks where she will visit Mi. and Mrs. B. I. Tart lor the next month. Mrs. Bertha Stallings, Jack Stal lings and Mrs Ben Wade and son will leave tomorrow for Hollywood. Calif, where Mrs. Wade will join her husband. Mrs. Stalliugs plans to be gone a month. Mrs. Sally Purifoy lias returned from Rocky Mount where she spent two weeks with her son. Mrs. I'aul Bra lull was ill Wil mington recently to get her moth er. Mrs. Mint/, and take her to Dukes hospital in Durham She returned home Wednesday. Dr. and Mrs Taylor Vernon and children ol Cambridge, Mass, re turned td their home Saturday af ter spending a week with her par ents. Dr. and Mrs. B. F. Royal. Mrs. Sam Barnes and son of Lex ington, Va . left Monday having j?pcnt a week with her parents. Dr. ^nI00L - Z?n? Stole ? ?WJIMJU FULLER MUSIC HOUSE MIDDLE STREET NEW BERN vMts. George Stovall returned last I Saturday from Jacksonville. Fla . where she spent two weeks with , her sister. Mrs. C. J. Wolfe and other relatives. Mrs. George We"bb and daughter Naomi and Mr. Dail Brown, of Greensboro were the Easter guest s of Mrs. Charles Wallace. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wheeh r have returned from their trip aouth and are at home at 1UU1> Kvaus St. i Miss Lukevh Wade, student nurse at Watts hospital in Durham; spent the weekend at home with | her parents, Mr. ami Mrs. Robert Wade. Mrs. John Andrews of Graham , and Miss I'atsy McBaui <>1 liiuli * ton 'spent last -.weekend with Mr. and Mis. K. St? titty ftavi Mr and Mrs Joseph l oh'iida and children of Danville, V i returned j to their home Monday idler' ;m nd Iiij: the weekend svith hi moth* r. j Lanier Book Club Mcels With Mrs. Charles Wullace The Lanier Bool; club nivt I u< day ni^ht with Mr. G. He. .' Jaek- J so'i .il the home ??f Mi (hallo Wallace Guest for the evenm:;. were Mr' ? t .'hoi l< . Wall ic? Mi Ada Taylor anil Mi I \ Weneiie Mrs B.y?d W ad' wa in i har of tile prom .tin. ?i i'i ; a h< n* ject the life history of Wa Inn ton Irving; During the;. social horn Mi .l.e I; ; son seivcd ice (ream and block! cake j Medical Society Auxiliary* Meets al 13 F. Koyal 1 Ionic The < jrlerel Count \ Ay .ill ? i y of the Medical .Society I n?- 1 Aim ) r ? night at Hie home 61 Mr B? i I Hoy ill. Follow in# a c " ei cd di li supper, con -i.-tinj' o* chhkeii po' pie. j:recn pe > . toin tlo a.pic hot rolls and coffee, new olfn < r were elected for the con-un:' > ar They are president. Mi S W Hatcher, vice preside ill'. Mr. M. j B. Morcy, treasurer. Mi I W. Moore and secretary, Mi W. j Thompson. Miss Ann Mills Wins High Score al Untlcje Ml/.:; Ann Mill:, w . hiijh comt lor tin eveJiinj? vvlu-n Mi Arthur La Montague entertained Iter j bridge chili Tuesday night Sec ond high went to M< Bob Will iam;. and Mr?. William Cherry. low. During progressions the hash ., served candy and soft drinks and I at the end of play, maple nut roll I and coffee. Carter Broad io Wed Miss Ellen Marie Smith Mrs. Rorie Oliver Smith, of Barnsville. Ga , announces the en gagement of her daughter, Ellen Marie, to Alired Carter Broad, of j Morehead City, amjl Mountain I Lakes, N. J. The marriage will j take place on June 10 in the First Methodist church,' in Barnesville. | The bride-elect is the daughter of the late Hone Oliver Smith, of j Bar nesville. Her mother is the former Miss Flossie O'Neal, daugh ter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Olin | Wood aid O'Neal ol Jackson, Ga. j She is the sister of Mrs. James H. McBride of Nuernberg, Germany, M i'aul W. Ledridge of Lexing tp i Kentucky, and Captain Ander son U Smith of Fort Betining, Ga. Miss Smith was graduated from; (lie high school department of Gor don Military college, Barnesville ,'ui.d attended Shorter college, Rome Ga . where she w as a member of the Kunomian society and the Shorter Player? She received her bachelor of its degree from the 1 nivi'i Mty of North Carolina. She i .( member of Alpha Gamma Del ia national moritv and the Cat pi ma I'layntaker:,." At present ? I"' i te clii r. at Aldora elementary school in Barnesville Mr. Broad is the Sou of Mr. and Mr. Fred I. Broad of Moun tain I akc ? His mother ? . the for in< r Miv. JKth? I Carter ? daughter ol the late Mr. and Mr... Ldward Klieben C-r'tcr ol Salem. Va The Rev Fred I.. Broad, tr.. ol < .'orli wall Conn, and Donald Hay Broad Jcffeison Restaurant Every body VVelcoine . 1 BlrAUTY IS . . . more than skin deep? lis the re:. ult of Hood sense. Such as dee'iduTR on your beauty routine. One day f til) Week let lis wash and ?it your hair . . . lacquer your naii. t ? ? <:ive you the oomed look that is beauty. Ehtcljess Seautu S>l]op Phone B-511 -6 wl MERRILL BUlLDINCi BEAUFORT, N. C. I J Tim from *\ MARKERS ISLAND ] 7W ? K? Sunrise services were held on Shell Point Easter morning under the direction of Rev. H. S. liar rel! who brought a message re tailing Christ's resurrection. A goodly number was in attendance Easter services at eleven o'clock were held at the Free Grace, Lat ter Day Saints and 1'entecostal Hol iness churches. The Methodist church had an Easter program Sunday night by (he young people i under the direction of the Sun j day school departments. The Easter program at the Pen- ' lecostal Holiness church was given j Saturday evening at C 30. This was a candlelight service - a portrayal j of "The Old Hugged Cross" en I ar^'d by a cast of five with He v. Bagwell doing the singing. "Frank burns Fulford of Fort j Bridge Playeis Meet Wilh Mjs. G. A. Aspenburtj Mrs Percy Deyo received a set, of scatter pins for high score ? hen Mr;; (i. A. Aspen burg entertained her bridge club Wednesday eve nun:. Ciuest for the evening was J Miss Betty Marker. During progressions the hos- 1 tess served soft drinks and at the end of play, jello topped with whipped cream and assorted cook ics. Mi James llowland, who cele brated her birthday on Wednesday wa remembered with gifts by the guests. Houston, Va who has been visit ' ing his parents, Mr. and Mrs. | Owen Fulford, left Sunday for Fort Lewis. Washington where he will be stationed. Mr. and Mrs. George Williams and son, John of Greensboro spent Monday on the Island visit ing the Harkers. Mr. and Mrs Reid Fuller of New Bern spent Easter weekend at their cottage here and had as | their guests Mr. and Mis. McDon ! aid of New Bern. Mr. Hooper and friends of Bur lington also spent Easter weekend on the Island at his cottage. The Rose Brothers Boat builders , have recently completed a boat for Benny Brooks who intends to use it for party fishing during the summer months ami commercial fishing in fall and winter. It is quite a trim craft. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Smith and daughter Candace have moved to Gloucester where th?y are plann ing to build their new home. The Junior - Seniori of H*r kers Island school are buail* pie paring for their banquet Which will be held this year in the school auditorium. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph C. Bolton and son. Cecil of Greensboro and Mr. and Mi?.. James E. Conway and son, Jolin of Durham spent Easter Monday at Cap<> Lookout aboard Jimmy Markers boat. Snaring is the preferred way to obtain crocodiles for leather since it does not damage the hide. LAIRD'S APPLE BRANDY I $3 70 Vs Quart 86.4 PROOF LAIRD & CO., Scobeyville, N. ). LET BELL'S \ BE YOUR I DRUG STORE * I'itmi iptiou Sci vice Day or N i^lit ^ Bell's Drug Store m CALL B-3231 I ROM ST. BKAUFORT = I'ROMPI MAIL ORDER SERVICE | N^er&stcb FOR THE YOUNGER SET 25% OFF! ON Children's COATS SUITS AND SKIRTS SHOP EARLY I OK THE BEST BUYS TH miversaiy of BFAUTYREST! Yes. nnw's the time to Ret your Beaut yr est, the mattress you'tc been w ant in;; to own for so Ions. We've ordered plenty to make sure that no out wilt r.o without. There are litany striking eovers to rhocse from, too! Make it a point to eome in and seleet your Reautyrcst this week! You'll he glad you did onee you sleep 011 lleagilyiest and feel its luxurious eomfort hug and caress each and every curve of your body. There's nothing like sleeping on a Beauty rest, VBSOLLTLLY NOTHING! $5gso only ^IMMOJIS m akzs BeAUTYR^S^ EASTMAN FURNITURE CO. Carlerel County's Oldest And Large*! Furniture Store BEAUFORT MOHEHEAD CITY