7 HOLLYWOOD^ ? g%4tuUa4et \ WjOf.I.YWQQD Sometimes ai *Iafty has to per spire and pet * forui ed for her art Today when I Ai iie.l Lucille Balll's set, she j iui in i hefty stunt AMD in I tlur luce with a stalk 01 bananas. Refr.re that she's been rolling | around a ship's deck on a couple I <4 lilt* preservers that encircled j her F.he w::s like an axle on wheels. ? 'ometimes it just isn't worth it " the t lame haired star moaned statu hin'g wearily between scenes >111 a canvas chair. She's just suf lered her 3fith bruise of the pic lure when slumped on the back with j lit*' preserver. I asked her to enumerate some of the oth- ? < r more interested contusions. I sprained my wrists from han; iu^ onto the ship's radio ar- ' irl. f ucille be?, an (Stunt people do the Ion!' shots, but Lucille aud Co Star' ftddie Albert must do the *cl<> ? - ups.) 1 put one toe out ot joint in a scuttle with a lot .-ml people. I went over a fence, land t on my neck, ami hurt six ver t elu e. lioth arms are black and blue and I'm criss cross witjt ! In lira's here" l.ucy indicated li.M tummy "from a belt that h' Ul me up in the air in another ;,iene. T.ut the worst was a blast of air that packed my ritfht eyelid full oi bath powder. That was a throe d:<\ job with the doctors," In that sequence I. ucille is a tele phone operator. The bath pow I I i talis off the top of her switch I- aid. It blows into her face when she accidentally plugs her metal lipstick" Into the switchboard, cans in. a short circuit and an explos ion. These improbable rieors have been concocted for Miss Rail's ti - , tie tole of The Fpllcr Brush ( i irl". i The shpstiil; nonsense is pattern ; ed frankly after that uf "The Full- 1 ei Brush Man. ' rne of 19-48's h?p- | ^est grosser* I.ucille, though st?il l pame and friendly as usual. ha ! the slightly mood\ look of an ov- \ envorke.t nirl the e days, Desi (Arnez. her bandleader husband) think . I'm crazy to be doing this." i she said. And I am. because I'm trying to have a !?:?!?> " I asked it these frantic antics were art. I.ucille smiled thought j fully and admitted "I don't fcnow." Albert put in confidently. No. but they sure are boxoftirc. ' , !V ? Bacteria Succumb in High, Unnatural Pressure Zones I. A .101 I A Calif (AIM Hue teria usually die when put lor very : loii!- in pressure zones much dit lerent from their own. ? sa\ >. I>r. Claude !?' ZoBell of the Kcripps In stitution of Oceanography. He put R3 species ??of bacteria 1 1 n tier pressure up to 9.000 pcNinds j per square " inch. None wetv in- i jit red by a few minutes of such pressures. Nor were tlv?y hurl b> sudden, release <?t the pi ie Hut after a few hours or days most of! Ihein died, (hi the other haiul bacteria t.ken from the deep sea where pressure is hr. h. lived a ad i multiplied under such pressure ITHACA. V \ (AIM Farm f und Values in New York state declined three per cent from ; July to November. 1949, accordin to a Cornell IJpixersity a;ricuhui al economist. Pr. C. A Br.itton extension; economist at the State colle e of ? Agriculture here, said No-\ ember land values last year were one per tent below those of November ! l?48y DRESSED & DELIVERED Call on us today if you want information on fish ing boats for charter or an order of diessed fish. Phones M 4011 or M 402-1 OTTIS* FISH MARKET 8lh and Evans Sis. Morehead City Spring house cleaning ? House (leaning has been so revolution ized Ihil the homemaker can, with a little planning, practice and observation, cut her work hours tremendously 'aud need not exper ience the semi-annual attii-to ceilar work rituals Modern homes tool cleaning supplies :.nd meth ??!?? have made it possible to have il'taner, neater homes with less ft toi t . Ilousecleaning need not in- a back breaking task. Work i'\ Plan List all the bi'ii ehold t.sks that must be done rid put iK?m into categories ? lails. weekly, monthly, and seas onal A brief example would be: Daily: dusting floors and furni ture. pi. kin" up and putting things in order, emptying waste baskets ;.iul hlrays, \..cmimin:; or sweep in tlu' main traiuc areas of lugs, ileahili' sinks and bathroom fix ture-, making beds. Weekly: de frosting and cleaning refrigera tor. dust ite. and piping up floors; thoroii: lil\ cleaning . rugs; chang iii". linens; dusting windows, mir ror '? lampshades and electric 1 1 ? 1 h! bulbs, brushing or vacuum i n?v upholstered furniture, clean- 1 in?; closets. Monthly washing! windows, brushing walls, polishing1 furniture, waving traffic areas, ?and cleaiiin:; drawers. Seasonally or annually: having rugs and up holstered furniture cleaned washing and waxing wodowork or pultioi', away woolens for the sum niei' willing or drs cleaning slli'oNers, cleaning and waxing wooden furniture, papers and |t:ti til ill);. Fach household needs a special plan. Tlie various tasks and the Dequeues with which they are do he depends on the particular house and its furnishing.-., the amount of dust and dirt in the aiea and the attitude of the family toward dirt and cleaning. Keep tin* number of tasks down. For instance, not ironing sheets and towels can save time Do not do the weekly and monthly la.ks all on one day. Do the weekly tasks in one room each (lay ?alone with the daily tasks. F.y net allowing work to pile up on . i itain d.\\ s. the home is always clean, the house does not become completely upset and less strain k put* Upon the homemaker Health Official Visits Mrs. ni.mchc Vincent. consult ant nurse for the Stale TlOard of Health, visited the Carteret Coun ty lie. Ith department recently. Mis Vincent expressed pleasure with Hie successful school health prn.'.ram now heing carried 01 by the health department in conjunc tion with the hoard of education and e.a'Vo the opinion that it was one of the host in the state, Dr. V Thomas Ivnnett, county health Officer, reported. FOOD VALUES The whole town's CHIRPIkG about these LOW PRICES! . & S & P BED DISC COFFE 67c OUR OWN BRANO INGHAM'S" BUTTER " lb. 74c FRFSH C'Ol'NTRY EGGS ? doz. 42c Fresh MILK Ql. 22c "DEL-MONTE" CRUSHED Pineapple No. 2 can 29c T\RNAT10N" MILK 3cans 35c SDGAB 5 lb. 45c S&P's RECIFE Or TIE WEEK MEAT LOAF 1 >b. Bound Steak, (.round Z Tablespoons Melted Butter 1 Egg, slightly Beaten 2 Tablespoons ( hopped Onions 1 1 Teaspoon Pepper 1 Cup Coarsely Kroken Crac kers 1 Cuo Milk 1 Teaspoon Salt 2 Slices Baron Combine all inprcdicnts except bacon. Form in loaf. Lay slices of bacon across top. Bake in moderate oven ( 375 F. ) 2 hours. If desired substitute cup un cooked oat ccreal for cnp crac kcr crumbs. Serve with tomato sauce. (4 servings). 'I ROUND STEAK lb. 79c ( T RONE & SIRLOIN STEAK lb. 85c 1 RATII'S SLICED BACON lb. 47c | CHOCK BOATS lb. 49c , HOMP BOAST lb. 49c < "KipGIIAM'S" WIIOLF OR HALE BAMS lb. 47c < "KINGH>*'S" PICNIC BANS lb. 39c | "KINGHAM'S" Ollophanr Parked FRANKS lib cello 49c ' LOOK FOR OUR RECIPE EACH WEEK IN THIS PAPER AND REMEMBER IT'S S & P for Service & Price 430 FRONT ST. Phon* B-408-1 BEAUFORT I Soil Conservation Farm News I'.v Roy Berk So'.! Conservation Service "When farmer-; come to realize the value of iile drainage. they will l>e using tile trenching mach ines to lay it." This statement by Jason Morris of Stella has been borne out in adjoining counties where machines like the one pic tured above .'re used to lay up to Jt.OOO teet of tile a day. Mr Mortis sa.Ns he also believes that tile drainage will pa> for itself in years by just saving the cost of open ditch shrubbing and clean ing. NrVis from "\i (SOUTH RIVER ?' -?> VNs^vV , V April (5 Mis Ruth I'.ubanfcs and sou Ralph, spent 1 hi* weekend 111 HcaUfOll Willi III* 1" daughter,' Mi s Dewe> (in! hi ic and Mis Ste phen Reachem. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Morris and Mrs. Hoitoiso Mol l is and soil, , Walter ami Jeffrey, and Mrs Sue I Robinson ol Atlantic sjvent Sun- j day wilh Mrs. !\.nini<> .1 I'ittman ; and mother. Mrs. Liz/ie Tosto. Mr. and Mrs. Fra/ier Smilh and baby of Atlantic spent Sunday > with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. l,e vi Hardy. Mr. Smith went bark and Mrs Smith will stay a while with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. .I.eo Simpson and , daughter. Sfl'llie ol Morehead, weir ; in the community Sun:iny alter noon. There's a News Times """"route open in your community for some ! boy or Kill who would like lo earh Rood money and, while doing so, business. Any Interested boy or | learn the fundamentals of modern ; girl is invited to apply in person at either the Beaufort or More ; head City office of The "News Times or address a postcard to j Mr. Hill Willis signifying a desire ! to operate and manage n News j Times route. Mr. Willis will per sonally instruct the boy or kiiI. j Mrs. Heuben Wallace spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs Lin/ie Can- ' non. Mr. and Mrs. Lem Hardy, jr., 1 and Mrs. Elijah Dixon and son. Junior, were iu Beaufort Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Dixon went to Dr. F u Ichor for treatment. Mrs. Mary Tosto spent last Wed nesday morning with Mis. Nannie J. I'ittman. Mrs. Rone Wallace spent Sun - i day afternoon with her daughter, Mrs. Ivy Pitt man. Mr. and Mrs. John Wallace spent Sunday with Mr ami Mis. Monnie Norman and Mr. and Mrs. Ivy Pit I man Mr. and Mrs. Garland Guthrie ! and mother. Mrs. Mattie Guthrie j and Mrs. Donald Lewis of Sta- 1 Soil Conservation Service Photo Willie Roberts of Newport in stalled another .100 t ????! ol drain i till- I. si ??ok ami (itl> Karrior of j Wild wood laid a thousand let* I in j some springy land ho planting to tobacco litis year fee Saw rev of Tellcticr seeded | a hadly washed I'ield to sericca j lespede.'a last woek Mr. Sawre> j says he ho|H?s tt> net the f irst crop | in several years frotn this f ield j when he mow- it this fall. ?\ visited Mi and Mi ? Willie Pitt mm Sutidav afternoon. M; liny I lards and daughters . >l?ent Mond:<v afternoon willi Mr. and Mh. Monnir Norman. Mrs, .lolmnie ( jtinnn and son, spent TiitU'sdiiA j \\ J 4 1 1 her moth er. Mi s. W 1 1 1 if 1 '? 1 1 man. j .1 unity Norman spent Sunday al- J lernoon unli Kathleen Hank. Mr. and Mi - Charlie Mdwards ; and daughter. Virginia. moved in- I their new lioine last week. Mi- I >?*w *?> (iuthrie and son, Jimmy, Mi '. Stephen Keachem, ; n . of Keaulort visited their moth- I er, Mis. IJilfh Kubanks. Friday nij'.hf. Mrs William Pittman visited in the eomniiiuity Wednesday morn- j intf. We really had a killing frost Saturday morning and lots of lie loo. Stuffed Meat Micas it n- urn. (?? gr<in p?| f?w grain* p?pp? 2 cup* ?ook?d noodlas ? slice* lunch Mil* V* ifxpoua Mil Mix milk, cheese, mustard, talc and pepper. Cook and atir over soiling water until cheese melt*. Add noodle# and heat thoroughly. Brown meat slices slowly on both aide*. Put half of meat alicea on aerving plate*. Cover with noodle micture. Top with re maining meat slices. Makes 4 aervinga. ?Carried lunch meat, large bologna or boiled or baked ham can b? used. Pat MHk, Lunch Mnat, Noodlas and Amnrlcan Chans*. POTTER'S GROCERY You will n*e4 1 AND GRADE "A" MEAT MARKET B-4441 Front St. Braulort =3WJ ???????? $0io mm PINT *3.45 4A Quart ? GIBSON'S DIAMOND 8 BLENDED WHISTEY ? 86 R PROOF ? 65% GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRIT^ ? GJ8SON DISTILLERS, INC., NEW YORK, N. Y. Get Daily Servings off ivingsat A&P FRESH FRUITS & VEGETABLES Winesap Apples 4 lb. 43c Lemons 360s dozen 33c Yellow Onions lb. 5c Green Cabbage lb. 3' c Carrots bunch 7' c Siring Beans 2 lb. 25c Grapefruit 9c each Oranges 5 lb. 35c lona Standard Pa lona iStandard Pack" Corn Tomatoes lona Sliced or Halves Peaches Kailocs's Corn Flakes - - - Golden Maid Colorad Margarine - - - - Coldstream' Pink Salmon Post's ? Sugar Crisps - - - A*P Apple Sauce ? 2 Libby's Fruit Cocktail Doles Pineapple Chunks Pick o' Carolina Sweet Mixed Pickles Packers Label Sou Cherries Libby's Peas - - - No 2 Can 11c 2 No. 2 nn can 23C N0c^ 20c 1 5 c l-Lb Pkg. 3 1 c 39c 14c No 1 Tall Can Packers Label Sour Pitted No. 2 Cans No 303 Can No. 2 Can 16-Oz But. No. 2 Can No. 2 Can 27c 21c 21c 17c 29c 21c Ann Page FOODS Ann Page Salad Dressing Jar 39c Ann Page Gelatin Desserts Sparkle 3 Pkft. 17c Ann Page ? with Pork and Tomato Sauce Beans w 2 c.? 19c Ann Page Prepared Spaghetti 2 'ci?1 25c Ann Page Tomato Ketchup 19c ANN PAGE CRABAPPLE JELLY 'SS 15c Mild American Cheese ^ 42c Cheese Food Spread Ched-o-Bit US 77c American or Pimento Cheese Mel-o-Bit Loaf 89c Kraft Philadelphia Cream Cheese Pk?. 16c A&P COFFEE 3 O'Clock Mellow ..... Bag 67c Red Circle Full Bodied .... Bag 70c Bokar '2S lie A&P FOOD STORES SUPER RICHT Meats SMOkl'l) PICNICS - - lb. 39c BONFI.ESS BI4T (HICK ROAST - ? lb. 79c BKRF SHORT RIBS - lb. 35c lllll END I'ORK LOIN ROAST -lb. 43c KIK OR I.OIN ENI> I'OKK CHOPS - - lb. 45c WII.SON'S CORN KIN4. SLICED BACON - - lb 43c FRESH DRESSED ' FRYERS - - lb. 52c FRESH DRESSED HENS - - lb. 42c Horn* Style or Sandwich Marvel Bread 'w" 18c Jane Parker Spanish _ Bar Caka Each 29c Jane Parker Anqel Food Caka 39c Jane Parker Sugared Donuts 'm! 19c Jane Parker Golden Loaf . . c.*. 25c LIBBY'S ^ CANNED MEAT CORNED BEEF HASH cm ^ 35c VIENNA SAUSACE & 17c POTTED MEAT vi?" 9c *<&? 14c CORNED BEEF ,2c??l 45c DEVILED HAM *cr i7c DASH DOG FOOD 13c JEWEL OIL Bot 29c Wheaties p ? 14c SWIFT JEWEL Mb. carton LUX TOILET SOAP 6? 11c octagon Tonxr SOAP 2 ?? tic PALMOUVB- LITTBUOY VEL SOAP SOAP is 26cX'67e sj 11c ~ 11c DREFT DUZ soTp a26t's69c x26e'g"69t t? 11c

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