NEWS-TIMES OFFICES Beaufort 120 Craven St. ? Phone MSI Morehead City 604 Arendell St ? Phone 8611 CARTERET COUNTY NEWS-TIMES _Sl. A Merger of THE BEAUFORT NEWS (Established 1912) and THE TWIN CITY TIMES (Established 1936) 39th ^ EAR, NO. 31 EIGHT PAGES MOREHEAD CITY AND BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA, TUESDAY, APRIL 18, 1950 PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS 80- Acre Forest Fire at North River Endangers Church, Dwellings Sunday The church, a service station, and several homes at North River were endangered by a forest fire Sunday afternoon Approximately 80 acres of merchantable timber burned and flames threatened to destroy the home* of Willie Dail, Hernian Merrill, and Dan Hill, as well as Claude Martin's Pure Oil Service station and the North Riv er church Thr Beaufort tire department, called at 4 30 in the afternoon, viel down the back of the church, to prevent heat and flames from doing any damage The- buildings were saved by "back-firing," burn ing off the land adjacent to the buildings before forest flames came near i; M Foreman, county fire war den. ? said the flames were brought under control when they met natural barriers which ?pre vented them from spreading The lire broke out at 1 o'clock and at the same time another fire occur red in Craven corners Sterling Godette, Harlowe color ed man, has been turned over to Craven county authorities by Mr. Foreman He will be charged with deliberately setting a fire Mr. Foreman said Godette w-as waiking along the road throwing a match into the woods every few feet I he colored man did not know that the fire warden was riding in a car a short distance behind him observing his actions. Thirty five acM's of voting growth were destroyed bv that fire At 10 o'clock Sunday morning VO acres of timber land on the Lake Ellis road, belonging to the Inter national Co . were burned. Croatyn National foresters assisted in bringing that fire under con trol Marketable timber and young growth were destroyed late Sun day night in a fn e near Atlantic on property owned by the North Carolina Pulp Co The fire cover ed 50 acre , and was not brought under control until 2 a m. yester day. Mi Foreman investigated by helicopter another fire on Open Grounds yesterday morning. Fur ther reports on that . fire / will ap pear in Friday's paper. Two Cars Collide Oo Highway 24 Ernest B Miller, Marine station id at Ch^ny Point, has been charged with drunken driving as the res\ilt of an accident at 7:40 Saturday night on highway 24. Miller, driving a '47 Hudson, plowed into the rear of a '49 Ply mouth convertible being driven by Charles Walker Phillips of Swans boro, according to the report made by W. J. Smith, investigating highway patrolma n. Patrolman Smith sjid Phillips reported he was proceeding east on highway 24 at about 35 miles an hour when the Hudson ran into the rear of his car. No one was injured. Riding with Phillips were Charles and Erline Dunn of Hu bert and Jo Etta and Bennie Lamm of Swansboro. Damage to the Hudson is estimated at 200 to the Plymouth $150. David F. Merrill Sells Beaufort Hardware Co. David F Merrill, Beaufort, has sold Beaufort Hardware Co., to Leonard Safnt, 0 S. (Tobe) Claw son, and J. Elbert Dudley, all of Beaufort. The transaction was completed yesterday. Mr. Safnt is a member . of the firm of Scarboro 1 Safnt Lumber co, Beaufort, Mr Clawson is af filiated with Carteret Hardware Co., Beaufort and Mr. Dudley is with Beaufort Hardware. Mr Merrill is owne> of the Mer rill Proiessione! building in which Beaufort Hardware is located. He also owns other Beaufort proper ties. Two Marine Jet Pilots Die in Crashes Wednesday Two jet pilot;,, stationed at Cherry Point, were killed Wed nesday when their planes crashed The pilots, both captains, and both with Marine li?httr ..quadron 224, were Captain A. J Kugler and Capt. A T I.avtr. These are the first fatalities at the station since jets camc into use in November 1M7. Captain Hurler's place failed to pull out of a dive and he crashed 10 miles north of Kinston Capt. La vers' plane cra-hed and ex ploded on runway 13 ju.,t as he was landing. Each pilot is survived by a wife and young daughter. Cancer Discovered Through work of the Lenoir county cancer center, eight can cers ware discovered dirir.g Jan 'u*ry, February and March of tku year. Morehead Cily Endures Hoar oi Drought Saturday Fmh water bathers from mid night Friday until 1 a m Satur day morning were out of lurk In Morehead City. There was no water. To make a periodic inspection of the tail water tank at Tide Water Power company, all the water was drained out. The bottom was cleaned and every thing found to be OK, then the water was put in again. tieorge Slovall, manager of Tide Water Tower company said the public was not notified of the cut - off due to the dan ger of a "prankster" starting a fire. This decision was made after conferring with town of ficials and the fire department. Committeeman Clarifies Cotton Acreage Rules New cotton legislation recently passed by Congress provi^ s for minimum 1950 acreage allotments based on one of three provisions, Sam L>. Edwards, chairman of the county PMA committee, said to day. The revised allotments are based on the larger of (1) 66 per cent of the average acreage planted to cotton (or devoted to war crops in place of cotton) in 1946, 1947, and 1948; (2) 4!) per rent of the high est acreage planted to cotton (or devoted to war crops in place of cotton) on the farm during any one of the three years; but (3) not more th."i 40 per cent of the 1949 acreage which was tilled on the farm or in regular rotation. Any owner or operator of a cot ton farm in Carteret county who believes he is entitled to an acre age increase and wants to be con' sldered by the county committee for possible allotment adjustment under the legislation must file an application not later than Fri day April 21, 1950. "We urge owners or operators who want their farms considered for revised allotments to file ap plications by this date," Mr. Ed wards said. "Farmers who are sat isfied with their present allotments need not file applications. How ever, those desiring increases will be considered by the county com mittee after applications for such increases are filed in the county office." Each operator of a farm, for which an application is filed, will receive a notice from the county committee of the revised 195# cot tdn acreage allotment. When the new allotment notice is mailed, it will replace any previous 1950 al lotment notice already received by the farm operator. Application forms may be ob tained from tbe county PMA office in Beaufort. Dr. N. N. Baxter lo Keep Ottice lor J. 0. Baxter Due to the serious illness of Dr. J. O. Baxter, Be?ufort optome trist, his brother, Dr N. M. Bax ter, New Bern optometrist, will be in the Beaufort office Thursday and Friday of every week until Dr. Baxter is able to resume his practice. The Beaufort optometrist was ta ken ill the latter part of last week. His offices are located in the Mer rill Professional building, Beau fort. Dr. S. W. Hatcher to Talk To YMYW flab Members Dr. S. W. Hatcher, Morehead City, will discuss socialized medi cine at the meeting of Young Men and Young Women's club at 7:30 tonight at Taylor community ha!!. The recreational part of the pro gram will be conducted by L. B. Dixon, assistant state 4-H leader from Raleigh Serving on com mittees are the following: A! Stinson. program, R M Williams, recreation; and Mrs. Sue Russell and Miss Jean Springlc, refresh ments. Tide Table Tides at Beaufort Bar HIGH LOW | Tuesday, April It 8:51 a.m. 2:56 a.m. | 9 07 p.m. 2:51 p.m. Wednesday, April 19 9:25 a.m. 3:30 a.m. I ?:? p.m. 3:23 p.m. Thursday, April 29 3:58 a.m. 40S a.m. | 10:15 p.m 3:55 p.m. Friday, AprU^l 1 i4B l.'ial * m 10:32 p.m. I 4:30 pjn. Camp Glenn PTA To Stage Show Thursday Night "The Coonville 'Histocrat Club." a comedy in three acts, will be pre sented at 8 o'clock Thursday night at the '.'amp Glenn school. The minstrel is being staged by the Parent - Teacher association for the purpose of raising money to complete work on the new school room. Prior to the show, members of the Morehead City Lions club will be served supper in the present lunch room and they will hold their weekly meeting. Music for "The Coonville 'Histo crat Club" will be provided by Joe Rose and his accordion There wilt also be solo-- by A1 McElmon and George Washington Members of the cast are as fol lows: Eleanor Adams, lona Sal ter, Mrs. Julius Nelson, Mr and Mrs. Joseph C Smith, diaries' Price. Eugene Lockhart, Leslie Brinson. George Lillis. Hamlin Salter, Mrs. John Danielson. Mrs. Colrn Wilson, Mrs. Julius Lewis. Mrs Rachel Fulcher, Mrs. Eunice Wil lis. Florence Lewis, Gendvnc Wil lis, Alberta Dixon, and Sally Mor ris. Couotians Attend Farm Meeting S. D Edwaids of Newport, coun ty farm bureau director, ami It. M Williams, county farm agent, at tended the recent state tann bui eau directors' meeting at Raleigh Agriculture i> being challenged with innumerable problems as nev er before, officials of the btate or ganiiation declared R. Hake Shaw, executive vice-president, comment ed, "Lots of different people are trying to pass laws for agriculture They are advocating things that the farmer cannot do. Socialism is a creeping form of communism and when it gets into high gear is communism.'' Competition Keen The speaker further stated that farmers are going to compete in the market as never before "Things are so different in North Carolina in the way of. farm prob lems, that we need to study our situation in order to determine the direction that we are going to take," pointed out Mr Shaw. "It will be the farmers who ob serve all approved phases of crop and livestock production, with sup erior quality as their goal, who will be in a position to compete with production in other areas," the speaker related. It was voted at the meeting that the state organization go on the air with programs, informing the people of things that Farm Bureau stands for. It was also decided to hold a June Workshop for the men, similar to the program sponsored for the Associated Women's organ ization. for the past two years. This program is designed to tram county officials with factual in formation and helpful suggestions to be passed on to other Farm Bur eau members. Recommendation Made B. C. Mangum of Henderson was recommended for next year's state membership chairman. The Pitt County Farm Bureau presented a resolution, requesting that State Directors set up a com mittee to clear the state of con fusion which exists, regarding the agricultural program. J. V Whitfield, state fruit and vegetable chairman, of Burgaw, warned of the danger of using con verted control acreage to plant in truck crop:,. "There is a danger of jeopardizing the whole support program, If we don't hold the con trol program oh a sound basis," Mr. Whitfield said. He sent the following telegram recently to Congre-siman Harold D. Cooley, chairman of houot com mittee on agriculture: "Fruit and vegetable grower., are in constant danger .from di verted acreage of controlled crops They feel that their livelihood should be protected from thi acreage being planted into their crops just a- much as controlled crops are protected from the fruit and vegetable grower. The growing Of fruits and vegetables represents 4 two and half -billion dollar indust ry and the Congress will be dere lict in its duty if it fails to enact' legislation that will reasonably protect fruit ?sd vegetable grow er* txom tke diverted ecreige of the controlled crops." 29 Democrats Will Run in May Primary Smyrna Pnpils Study Safely The seventh grade pupils of Smyrna school are pit lured above with the model of Smyrna sehool and adjacent highways. The model was built in conjunction with their safrty project which is an outgrowth of a discussion of accidents in their com munity during the Christmas holidays. I'icturrd above air the following: left foreground, Jeannette While hurst; left to right, Edward Davis, Nancy Willis, Crawford IMnott. Ha/cl tiilgo, and Thomas liarl Willis. Their instructor is C. II. Mavis ? Photo hv Ciuv Paul Dixon _ _ . ? ? ?' ' ' ? - - Legislature Candidate Issues Statement of Opinion , Policy (To familiarize voters with candidates who arc seeking election in the Democratic primary, Till. NEWS-TIMES will run statements of their policy and a brief biographical sketch of each candidate who is interested in supplying this inform ation to the voting public. THE NEWS-TIMES reserves the right to limit the amount of space given each nominee. The lust of this political scries fellows. ? The Editor.) Wiley H. Taylor, jr., Bcauloit attorney, is seeking election to the rotate legislature. It elected, this will be his first political of lice. He h the sou of Mr and Mrs. Wiley II Taylor. His lathei le eently retired from service as Beaufort's postmaster. Wake Forest Graduate Young Mr Taylor is a graduate oi Wake Forest college, class ot '4?>, a member of the First Baptist j church, and has served on num erous municipal committees He I is attorney foi the town of Beau fort and was elected Jaycee man- 1 of-the-year lor 1950. A full statement of Mr Tay i lor's opinions and his policies, if ! elected, appears brlow: ?'It is known positively that Carteret county has been com- j pletely out ol tune with the state j government since the last guber- j national campaign As a result. Carteret county very definitely must consider its position with j the powers that be, I shall at all] times work toward close eoopera | tion between the state and local governments "The public school being Jhe j foundation of our great country, j it will always be my policy to sup- j poi t any reasonable measure to | continue improvement of the 1 school system. "Although coet nation meas ures are absolute essentials to preserve our natural resources I am of the opinion that sufficient legislation ?xists to protect our fisheries Hirther measures tend ing to restrict commercial fisher ies would be vigorously opposed by me unless positive proof could be presented that further restric ions are absolutely necessary. "Carteret county, and Moiehead City m particular, having a poten tially great future as one of the outstanding ports on the Atlantic coast, will be constantly brought to the attention of the proper authorities to assume a fair share of any appropriation made for port development. "The farming potential in Car teret county having been sorely neglected, I shall support any rea sonable legislation which will tend to develop that potential. Since telephones are necessary to de velop our farming to the fullest, rural telephones will be among the proposals which I shall sup port vigorously If elected 1 shall at all times endeavor to see that equal id vantages will be guaranteed to all sections of Carteret county with out favor to any individual or group of individuals. "The continued support of many friends throughout Carteret coun ty will be appreciated." Capt. Alfred Pi Anchor of Bloc A Confederate blockade runner which ran out of fuel and attemp ted to burn bacon, part of her cargo, in the bollen> to keep up steam bailed into the surf of Bogue Banks between Salter Path and what is today the resort town of Atlantic Beach during the Civil War I he beachtd vessel could not be refloated and she settled in the sand as a derelict Her name is not recalled here but during the 83 years that she has been in the surf, just beyond the off break -of Bogue Banks most everyone has referred tq the wreckage as "The Old Iron Steamer " Wreckage Tears Nets The .wreckage has torn up the nets of many fishermen and thus her location has been avoided by trawlers and other craft fishing in the area. Anglers who enjoy their surf casting and shctpshead fishing, on the other hand, have sought the "Iron Steamer ' as one of the best places to catch fish along the Bogue Banks The vessel's wreckage has been avoided by fishermen but last week Alfred Pittman of Morehead City got too close with his traw! net which was soon snagged In efforts to unroul the net he and his crew hauled a massive anchor aboard. The anchor, entrusted with jhells and marine growth of nearly one century, measured about JO feet from it* arms and flukes to the hiwter ring at the top of the shank, the stock of the anchor was mis sic i and one of tbc flukes broke off as it was being unloaded. Captain Pittman brought the old snchor into port Mi gave it to Ot? U? puriioy owner of tbc tub house where be sells his catches. , ittnian Snags *kade Runner Cancer Drive lo Receive Proceeds from 'Hayride' The Cancer drl\e, spearheaded in Beaufort by Uie Junior Wo man's i lub, will receive all -pro teeds from Carolina Hayride, a show which will be given at the school auditorium in Morehead City Wednesday eve nine and in the Beaufort school Thursday evening. Featured on the Hayride will be Winstead and Untie Ray and Mr. Lindsay and the girls. L. Hamilton Adminsters Oath lo Son, Luther, Jr. Luther Hamilton jr., was sworn into law practice Thursday morn ing in New Bern superior court by his father. Judge Luther Ham ilton of Morehead City. Young Hamilton reccievd his bachelor of arts degree and his law degree at the University of North Carolina. Hi has opened of fices in the Royal building. More head City. Merohead School Band* To Give Contort Friday Ralph Wade, public -ehoo! mu-ic instructor Morchud City, haj an nounced that the Moreheld City graded school and high school bands will five their annual spring concert at 8 o'clock Friday nijht in the school auditorium. Mr Wade stated that the school'; choral froups will present their concert Jlay 12 There wC be so admission charge to Friday mihts concert. PTA Makes $275 On Stunt Night Grades 2 and 4 Win; New Oliicers Elected for School Year 1950-bl A profit of $27b 53 was realized by Morehead City Parent-Teacher association from Stunt Night which was presented at the school Friday .night. Winning stunts were given by grade U in the elementary depart ment and grade <| in (he secondary department. Each tirade received a $5 cash prize Judges were W C. Matthews. Elizabeth Lambeth, and Mi v. George Ball. In charge of the program were Mrs. 1) J Kurc and Walter Morris Mr Morris acted as master of ceremonies and reviewed the work the PTA eom leted at the school this year With PT\ funds playground equipment has been replaced and repaired, school halls and the caf eteria painted, asphalt tiling laid on the auditorium flout, one end of the driveway paved, raincoats pui chased for the safety patrol, and salary of a rest room mai l paid Stunts presented by the child ren were as follows: grade 1. The Easter 1'aiade, grade 2, When we Group t'p; grade :t, Hail, the Months Are All llere; grade 4. Reddv':; MaMuth Show; grade 5, The Clock and Toy Shop; grade 6. We Hold These Truths; and grade 7, The Chicken Shack or Why Did 1 Leave Home? Pianist' lor the program were M?: Ralph Wade and Miss Ann Dai den Webb New otttcers for the PTA were elected during h brief business session Friday night They are S A Chalk, jr.. president; Mrs. Wh an Davis, vice president; Miss Charlotte Guthrie, secretary, and Mrs. H. F. Lindsay, treasurer. Lions lo Sponsor Annual Search For County Talent A new field of Carte ret county talent will be uncovered within the next three weeks when the third annual Morehead City Lions club Talent Search will get un derway. . Announcement of the talent search was made at the Lions meet ing Thursday night in the Kort Macon hotel dining room. A special committee to work out final plans for the program will meet tonight at 7:30 at the home of President Frank Moran. Plans call for starting the program within three weeks. Interested Lions have been invited to the meeting. Presi dent Moran stated. It jvas also revealed at Thurs day night's meeting that $81 had been paid from the Lions treasury tor glasses and eye treatment for indigent persons. Another S100 will have to be spent within the next few months for the same pur pose, the blind committee chair man reported. Lions will meet Thursday night in the Camp Glenn lunch room. Lash LaRue to Appear At City Theatre Friday Lash LaRue, Kin: of the Whip, and his band of cowboys and cow girls will be on the stage of the City theatre, Morehead City, Fri day for a 45-minutr Western pro gram with LaRue starring with his whip exhibitions. LaRue is only 28 years of age, but in a short time he has become known as one of the stars of West ern moving pictures. He special lies In he-man feats of strength ind fortitude and is famous for the tricks he can perform with a bull whip. On the screen Friday, in con junction with the Aage show, will be "Dead Man's Gold," starring LaRue, his sidekick, Fuzzy St. John, and his horse, Hush. Town Officials Attend League Meeting, New Bern George W. Dili, mayor of More head City, John . Lashley, city clerk of Morehead. and William Hatiell, city clerk of Beaufort, at tended the meeting of the North Carolina League of Municipalities Wednesday at New Bern. Mayor Dill, ? member of the board of directors, gave a sljort speech thanking New Bern hoits ?and various construction compan ies for coumuea extended the league during their meeting there. Twenty - nine names will appear on the ballot in the Democratic primary May 1!7. None of those will be Republican candidates be cause office - seekers from that party are unopposed The office of F. K See Icy. chair man of the board of elections look ed like a "sittin -up" at a funeral Saturday a:, the 6 p.m. filing dead line neared The last candidate to be sworn in as political leaders sat waiting was Wiley I! Taylor, jr . Beau fort who is running for the state legislature. Hoard Meets The county board of elections met yesterday moinini: md de clared unopposed candidates as nominees for the November elec tion. They are as follows Demo crath. Kiwood H Willi: Marshatl beru, for state senator; Alfonso II. .lames, More head City, tor clerk of superior court; Lambert K Mor ris. Atlantic, for jud^c of recor der's court; M. Leslie Davis. Beau fort. for solicitor. Pritchard lvew is, Bcautmt. for coroner Republicans .lames II Davis, Beaufort, tor sheriff; C Gas kill. Beaufort. F .1 Mason. New port KFD. Fliner I) Willis, Davis, Del ni as Lewis, Mat shallherg. .< nd John Fdwin Lewis. Morehead City for county commissioners. A. L Wilson. Newport, for uugutiate of Newport township. Roy T ear ner. Newport, constable for Now port township; and C.rorge F. (< re raid) Woolard. Beaufort, con stable for Beaufort township, Candidates lasted To be voted on in the Demo cratic primal y novt nmnth arc the following: Georp' \V Mill, jr.. Morehead ?*??>". and Wile\ t( Tay lor, jr. Beaufort, lor tai?- legis lature; Iivin W Davi , Davis and Hugh C. Willi:-, Smyrna, for reg istei oi deeds < K Howe. Beaufoit tin! I'hihp K Hall. Morehead City, foi coun ty surveyor; C Gehrmarin Holland, Beaufort. Vivian C Chadwick, Smyrna, Leo F Simpson, More head City and Kay Hiflhsmith, Morehead City, for sheriff; , affect on tobacco, bi|t he doubts if tobacco plants were damaged Probably the first tp bacco to be set out in the county was planted last Wednesday, ke said, by Gut, and Wijlie Qodwio. tew * f?r?cr ' x !>*: *' twlilitr lafnl in the western parr of tflfe county. They set out five acres. E. Stamey Davis, official weath er observer, said the lowest tem perature recorded this month was 33 degrees Friday night. The thermometer dropped from a high of fiU Thursday to the Friday night low and rose again to a nuximum of 63 Sunday. Temper atures throughout other parts of the county dropped to freezing and below. 1 Instructor Schedules Tuesday Sewing Class Mrs. Davis Beveridge, home eco nomics instructor at Beautot I/high school, has announced that there will be a special adult sewing class Tuesday nights at Beaufort school. The class will start promptly at 7.30 beginning tonight, and will be for those who would like to do extra work or those who have special problems. The other classes will be held Wednesday nights at 7:30. T. C. Hyman of Morehead City will dem onstrate sewing machine attach ments 3 Assisting Mrs. Beveridge with in structions is Mrs. L. 3. Klein of Beaufort HKL> No charge is made to cnrollces. PTA lo Meet Tonight Al Newport School The Newport Parent-Teacher as sociation will hold its last meet ing ot the year tonight at 7:30 tonight in the Newport school auditorium. The 10th grade will present j play, "The Younger Generation " An operetta, "The Wedding of the Flowers" will be presented Fri day night at tile school by pupils in the primary grades. WSCS Members to Attend Training School Friday A training school for members ot j tht Woman's Society of Christian j Service will be held from 2 p.m. ] to 4 p m. Friday at the Harlowe j church. Mr- Jamci L Smith, Carteret j county zone leader, will be in * charge, .insisted by several mem- j trict officers. The North River Core Creek, and Oak Grave tocfe- j ties will attend the school. Crab Point 4-1 Boy Mb j Two Steers at Kbutea Two itecrs, one weighing 810 ] Founds J?d the other 900 pouMs, were sold by Tommy Ogletby. tin 1 of Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Oglesbjr, 1 Crab Point. atkthe fat stock sate 1 at Kiaston recently. Al Stmson, club member. Farm agent, att< R. M. Wil^ua i tended the salt