NEWS-TIMES OFFICES Beaufort 120 Craven St. ? Phone 4481 Morehead City 604 Arendell St.? Phone 8611 CARTERET COUNTY NEWS-TIMES ?! Eight Page* Color Comic* A Merger of THE BEAUFORT NEWS ( Established 1913) ami THE TWIN CITY TIMES (Established 1936) 39th YEAR. NO. 32 THKKE~SE?T10NS ? TWENTY PAGES MOREHEAD CITY AND BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA, FRIDAY. APRIL 21, 1950 PUBLISHED TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS Town Board Says No on Revising Zoning Ordinance Repoils Heatd on Finan ces, Sewers, Wink oi Adjustment Hoard Morehead Citv comniis toners have lefused (o revise the /ouinu law to ? nable a monument y-llwc establishment to I'M'atc ue;?r the town cemetery The area about tin cemetery e il< i;;nated as re:, idential under the zoiii ' ordm a nee .1 A Conway .mm) < | .lat\is appeared before the board at the la t re mi la r meeting in Much and requested that a ?rv?: ion Im* undo Their request wa- referred lo Hie board oi adju.sim nt and this board reeomniended tint the area : hould remain residential. Would Set Precedent To make ;? change in this in-' stance would set a prei'edent which would e iilse innumerable compli cations. they .said The tow i board in their meet in,;. Tim* .day uight ;it the municipal huildiii;:. concur red Willi the adjustment boards opinion. Mr t'onw y i. a resident 1 of lireenville and Mi Jai*. ;? i a res ident of Morehead < rly. A petition, filed in . Deeenibvi . requesting permisaon t-? buijd a grocers -fore rii evidential bjoelt 11K, Morehe >d * ' 1 1 \ w.i. roiisidei ed The mayor reque: ted thai Hie prospective buildc. li he w i In ? to continue with In. pi mi . obtain a buildin;; permit \\h*M that is done, the matter will be sent Iq the board of adjustment lor in vestigation. Mayor tieoi ; ?? \\ Hill announced] that sewei - are l> m : laid in quare 200 under the new tipulHtiou . et up bv the town board. The ?; stipulation., specify that il the majority of the property owners i in the block will pay , $!>') tap plug fee e 'W?. the town will pa> the rrmaind' r of the expense and : lay the sewn Mayoi Dill aid that othei prop erty owner - wishing to entei this j agreement lmutd Contact John : 1 a hley, ? it v clerk ~ It wa reported that residents i i .the bm> V of Bnd-'.es -,i have "X'tilioiied lor scwei lin? ? al so. Krantlme lleviscd Mayor Dill stated tint the Caro- i lira Telephone and telegraph 1 1 an- 1 chise ha, been revised Matin* in writing that t'ne base rate r I applicable to all pho'ie usei with in the city limit This procedure has been followed in practice but in writing the peciin ntio ? for base rate was designated only a within .i one mile i,?diu from the telephone officc. A quarterly tatenicnt on the town's financial conditio ? showed that jII municipal departments, were wthin their bud et with the exception ol administrative, which was over-expended by less than a thousand dollar the mayor aid Emrieyees lined Tin- was due. he cxpl. ????*??!, to the hiiins of a watchman at the recreation center a id the hu m. of two more lirmen in compliance witft the lire underwriters' law. The repoit from the board of adjustment a! o stated that a con cession tfas made in the ca^o of A. r Monks, who is buildin;; on 1<j| j1<, bunset Shores Mr. Monks' building was not exactly in line with the specifications set up by the .onng ordin an c. Mr. Lashley, reported tint cer tain partie, were interested in purcbasmr. IV Sawyer proper ties on which both town and coun ty taxes are owed The board in structed the cleik to obtain of fers from those interested and they would act o*i the matter at a sub sequent meeting. Chapel Nelson Supports Democratic Incnmbcnts "The interest:- of all the citrens of Carteret eoimty will he erved best by re nomination ot current political office holders," chapel Nelson of MarshaUber;* commented today in giving his reason for not filing a3 a candidate fei lieriff. He said that hr wcu'd whole heartedly support the entire regu lar Democratic ti?i-pt and, in par ticular, ^herritt tiehrmann Holland who would have K n his chief op ponent h? I he tiled with the boaid ot election Mr own, and eptratcs a fish business at MarsFia!lber? and a hsb meal pbnt at H irkers Island Thirty - sfr\ ye**? of aw. married and a nati\e of Carteret. Mr. Nel son is well known by fishermen, many of whom had pledged him full support. Optrttti Tonight The primary department of New- 1 port r.chool, under sponsorship of i the F I'A, will present at 7:30 to night in the Newport school judit orium the operetta, "Wtddin. of , the Flow-era." Fires Continue Destruction of Carteret Marshlands , Forests Senator Graham Is Already There! " * *' ? This interesting arrangement of senatorial campaign banners intrigued Young Democrats at their recent regional rally in .V ? \ille. I'irst, supporters of Willis Smith put u,. their sign. , Sr.on, adherents of Hob Reynolds spread their iiauner above Smith's sign. A little later, Senator l-'rank (italiani's supporters topped tlicin all wtyh tlieir slop"*: "1'iank (?lali.un is Already There." (l'hato ? rtesy of the Asht'ville Citizen-Times). Health Officer Lists Pre-School Clinic Schedule . The schedule uf pre school clin ics throughout the county has been announced by Dr. N Thomas I'unrtt comity Hi oil ict1 1 Pi iinnett emphasized tin* ne it y ? ?t mothers coining to the ctiun s With thou* children He ? i id if the mother accompanies the child it would enable the ex amm g physician to get a reliable nvlu-al liistot > and to give better < advice -bout the child - health In addition to a regular physical examination, small pox. v\hooi? iug cou::h and diptberia shots willj be ;'iven to children attending the clinu The chedule follow : Monday, l April i'4 Stella, 9:30 am . Bogue, | a jn a''?t t'^l . *1' "*n r to Tuesday, April 25. South Kiver, 0 30 am. Mernmon, 10 a 'm and North Kiver, 10 30 ? in. W edm sdav, April I!H: More head ! < Ne/ro school. 'J a.m. and Camp lite mi, 11 a.m IhUjsday, April L'7: Cedar Is land. 8 30 a in ; Atlantic, 10 a m . Sea Level. ll:Ui a.m.; and Stacy, 11.45 a m Thursday, May 4: More head City whit* school. I p.m. Kridav, May ? Beaufort white ? hoot, t pin Moiday. May il Ot jwjy :i a m and Beaufort Negro hool in ' m I'upsdiiv, May 0. Newport. !* a ui Wednesday, May I'l Market's |. land, 5) a.m. and j Smyrna, lift: 30 a in. Prowlers Enter Leo Harvey Home Pruwfei s. who evidently were nuschievou, children, broke into the home ol Leo II. Harvey. 2909 F.vans st. Morehead City, some lime between Monday noon and Wednesday morning. Nothing was stolen, but those who entered did i thorough job ot ransacking the house, police reported.* I'nlianec was rained by cutting a screen from a door on the east side of the house, smashing the pane to a second glass door and re moving a chair that wao propped against the door to keep 7t closed After entering .the prowlers made their rounds. Nothing was damaged or stolen Everything in the house was "turned upside riown," office! s aid One reason poln .aid they believed the prowl ti were children was that a bottle of whiskey in plain sight was left untouched. 0 The break-in was discovered Wednesday morning when Alec Roberts, caretaker, caine to open it for spring cleaning He had 'locked the house Monday morn ing and nothing had been touched 'i time of the break -in was placed between Monday noon and Wednes day morning. Investigating th* incident ate Police Chief V I. Wilis andKJfficer Herbert Griltin. Men Viiil Wester* Pari 01 Stale in Buy Gallic Kufus Ojkiby. dairy farmer of Crib Point and R M. William,, I county agent viU return today ] from a trip throughout the Piedf 1 mont ?ect 0r to buy dairy cattle ' j Mr William* i:. looking for dairy ] calves for the 4-W calf cba;n and i Mr. Ojlejljy i iiitcrc ted in pur chaiinj Guetr^y and Holstem cov/.i which will be housed in hii new aairy barn. taJ ? . .'<u* . .. s.' . t ? . . Improving Operations Begin on Broad Sired At last Hio.'d s(mt( ? Kail iim'I si reef, ?' t, i: being ? 1 paved. I or .{.? ye foil's town i ! oininisioiiors ha hearing J l?teas 1 01 I lie i>.?vin ,\ 'f broad j l stieet. Ihr railroad has been j atiaeked. cussed, discussed, I lor causing so rfiucli dill and | i ii tinn;; housewives* Monday washes. Now liaid -sill Fat iii;'. will allay much of the d>il. Mavor L. VV. j lla.ssell annouiMcrt Incsdav llial ' i Mm- road woik would begin Wed- ' nesday. Hmad street is herns |, filled and graded, hxeess III I is | being used to level stierts iu j | the hack pail of the town. Bands to Present I C^cert Tonight I Morrhead <itys junior and sen j ior bands will present a concert I tonight at S oVlock in the school auditorium. Ralph Wade, direc j tor and instructor of public school rmiiiie, has issued a special invi I tation to everyone to attend. . There will be no admission . charge. I The junior band, which was just | organized this year, wil play | America. fa y Steps March. e'hor 3 1, Shadowland Walt/, and Junior ' Band March. 1 l'he senior hand, with a mem bership of 41, will play School Sony. Silver lord Overture. Love's Old Sweet Sonjjj ran American Spanish March. High School < 'adets March, P>awn tone Poem, In a Persian- .Market, ^ al j Berlin; Have a little Fun, j a comedy tune and Washington l'o t Ma? ch. Mr. Wade, commenting on the junior band which ban 46 players, said that in addition to having its own music and playing <|iiite well, it will >enc as a feeder to the seiimr band. He predicts that the senioi band will eventually grow to >4 members and serve the coinmu nity as a combination marching and concert band. District Jaycees To Convene Here State. district and local officer^ (.( the Junior Chamber ol Com merce, a l"ll progiam of inter- 1 Uinment and j lengthy b'l.iinc ^ ses.-ion ate on the schedule thib I weekend when a quarterly meet- ; nig ol dun let eight. North Caro- 1 lma Junior Chamber of Commerce. | will be held at Morchead City and Atlantic Beach. Registration will begin tomorow afternoon al the Ocean King hotel on Atlantic Heath, headquarters for the two-dav meeting In the late afternoon a cocktail paity w'iH be held, followed by movies and a iance tomorrow night. ':u!fctiy morning the bu.,me.._ of the meeting will be transacted in a bunnt;. .i:;iun . tarting at 9:30 lhL 15 expected to continue tor several hour;, :,incc the district will not meet again before the ;,tatt convention in May. ."j| even larger crowd than pre v 10? y cjrpc.ted will be on hand, according to Bernard Lean' vfee president in chasje of district eight He aid at lea I 15(1 laycees and their wive:, will In present and perhaps more than 200 will arrive. The Mo:thtid City Jaciar Cham ber of Commerce u the host club. Crew Leaders Give Favorable Report on Census I I'uplv It.-tvt* twi n must '" kivhik information til ecu Mm, 1'-m ?"T""lln? ?" William ,,v 11 -'"'I Karl Join, soli. < 'i rtrl run nly crew leaders. V '71" '1 ",c <oiinting til be mi 'I' Ltnl In April .Hi To dale pin I . Ii.ue not culm- in (ion, ?,IIC ' " i. it"i . anil lout' urban I'lUMHTatprs ' ounilii.: within the i0wn iiln ' ' Beaulort i complete, but ".irk i c, d()nt, |n M ne.Mi < 1 1 y u l"lai? Murray |s '. "r-r M?whcad i itv and tec |"mi. we t ?i thcic while Karl 1 cha?o ot Beaut. i I'. ?"? ' ?l-t ..f there , , ?? ""-"'i .'T, thai ,|ai?{7Jh< who hue I,,,,.,, eoitacteil liv hr ,e,,,us laker- telephone him u i ? ? ?' ".7 " "uo" 5ud 1 I"" al B li. M. Ho is anxious to ob ? ""urate count and will appieeiate ,tich information I be enumerators afe doing a I, . ... ",b' uov leaders re poi ii Nunc have become dis couraged or walked oil the job Wallace Slyron, Sea level, Dies V tor eight car, member of the county '? Mid ol commissioners a .,1 ? can i ? i1"""" '? . ill' (I Jt b ,io Wednesday night at he home in Sea Level. He wj, ti7 years old. fnrM,rh ,Ke" Miflering lor the pa-,1 >eai fiom a heart ail "'Z h h,:' son. he op" . ted a machine shop al Sea Level ,,e ' r*ed lor l!? years with the '?n.inee, d. part me nt o( the I'm it n Males ^'ovtrnnicnt. He also contributed articles Ire 'luently to I'HK NEWS TIMKS. He is survived by his wife the lormer Mary Ktta Lewis; two r i ?f| SU, V Hard oi Sea, Level; a daufihtcr. Mrs hen re? Mr"11;"' V'J L"d: v' ' Mr,:: ?**?"? 'Ud Mrs NaJicy laylor both ul Sea Level; ? brother. John ul Atlantic and numerous grandchildren, nieces and nephews ted'T-' '?r,vhf Wl" ^ tun<lue M o i lo< k tomorruw after noo . Iron, the home The Kev u , ',00'l,h'i'1 I'f .'oi ol the Methodist church. Sea I eve I will otiiciatc. Interment will be in Sty i on cemetery. Sea Level Chrimher's Industrial Committee Hears Reports The industrial committee of the Beauior, chamber of commerce met last ni3ht al the chamber Ollict , to hear reports on the cui -ent analysis of the county's mm craj resource... n^tcriaL are botag cata logued to enable a more compe marV^rVty-i!?r ,0Ci,lnf Pottntia! markets. Ihe commercial valu< of p^jt formations and physical studied free of chars* by com Petent,. Braxton Adair C..ajrman of the commltee, re veakd. Mtmbers of he industrial com mittee in addition to Mr. Adair are Ode'l Merrill. Leonard Sa ?"lh "unlk>- Gene bob Mater, and A. T. I Allen J. Vinson, Candidate, Sets Forth Policy Pcllctier Resident Seeks I Election hs Commissioner On County Hoard ( I his is llir second in a scries of articles on candidates scrk i?K nomination in the May S7 primary in < arlcret county.) Allen .1 Vinson of Pcllctier, one ol ('artcict county's foremost far IlI'MS. IS MTkin ; election (o the coii n t> board of commissioners. Mi Vinson, a native of Wayne eonnty, has lived in Carteret conn ty lor the past 15 vears His two larnis in the western section of the county total 125 acres and lie has served on the county Agriculture Adjustment administration and the Farm Security administration com i nutters | Member of I arm Bureau I A member of the Farm Bureau. | In- ha been appointed member J hip solicitor for this section of the county, lie jS a member of the Pellcti'T Rooster club, and his | wife, the former Miss Thetma Jones of Pellet icr. is secretary- treasurer | of the club They have two child | rcn, a daughter. Joyce, 13. and a j son. Walter, six. Mr Vinson is the son of Tom Vinson, also of I Pcllctier. \ statement of Mr. Vinson's op ! inions ,uhI his stand on public ' matters, follows: In announcing my candidacy ' election I t|,, ?.,) beeauso of my in good local government, run strictly on a business likr is. and I shall strive at all times to render service tlial w ill be of b"netit In all the people of Carter count * I have been and I am still an ardent supporter of the program ot better schools, better roads, and rural telephones initiated by our st? e administration headed by ' pernor Scott and I will coiitm lie to support any program alter I am thoroughly convinced that it is tor the betterment of our pco pie in i ai teret county. More Industry i With the turthcr development ol (he Morehead City Port Termin Jl in the neai future I deem it proper and necessary that a prog ram be initiated at oncc in Carteret county to endeavor to bring more industry to this locality which would mean more jobs and a higher standard of living for all of our people. "We have in eastern Carteret one of the most progressive and promising sections in the state for the production of truck crops and in the west some of the finest to bacco producing soils in the coun try, not to speak of the other a.l vantages in producing livestock poultry and other commercial crops wluch would make tor a better living for our farmers. I ?hall count it a pleasure to serve in any way possible that will fur thcr the development of agricul ture and unite our fanners for one common good for all. "Since a great number of our citizens of Carteret county obtain a livelihood through the fishing ndustry and arc continuously having problems to be coped with, it is the duty of each county of ficial to be on the alert at all times and render in any way possi ble. service Uiat will help make the fishermen a more prosperous peo ple. "In the event that I am elected to this important office, it will be my policy to carefully and conscien tiously consider all problems that affect - our county financially and strive to get the most possible for each tax dollar spelt." Farmers to Meet ' farmers interested in corn pro Juction will meet Monday night at /:30 in Lionel Conner's store, Harlowe, to discuss means of in creasing production in the county and to see color slides shown by County Agent R, M Williams. All interested farmers were urged to attend by Mr. Williams. Tide Table Tides at thr Beaufort Bar HIGH LOW | Friday, April 21 10 33 a.m. 4:42 a.m. | 10 52 p.m. 130am Saturday, April 22 11:11a.m. 5 21 a.m. | 1135 p.m. j:10 p.m. bunday, April 23 11 ifea ni. 6:06 a.m. ] 12 midnight 6:00 p.m. Monday, April 24 12:2o a.m. 6:b5> a.m. 12:52 p.m. 7:01 p.m. TucMby, April U l:.i a.m. 7:?0 440.1 1:54 p.m. 8:10 pm Hundreds of acres of pocosin in Open Grounds is burn ing with 110 way of bringing the flames under control, K. M. Foreman, county fire warden, reported yesterday. The fire was reported Monday afternoon. Mr. Fore man flew over the area in hopes of .sighting places where the fire could he cut off. but there were none, In* said. The lire near Sea Level and Atlantic on North Carolina l'ulp co . property which was brought under control at 1! a.m. Monday, started again Wednesday. The war den said it was set again by a per son or persons who evidently want the place burned out Fire lighting operations here are seriously hampered because much of the available equipment is it llotman forest where fire fight crs succeeded in Im iu;:itu: a 10U, 000 acre fire under control Wed nesday Flames broke out there last Thursday and have destroyed thousands of feet of valuable Inn be i'. Mr. Forcmui reports that as ot yesterday morning the fire near Sea Level and Atlantic was still burning lie and fro dan foresters put out a fire a i Gale's ('reek Wednesday. The fire started at 2 p.m. and was under control at 4 The ilofmau forest fire broke out on the White Oak river road and moved toward Maysville ami Tren ton. This fire, as well .is others in this section, was deliberately set, wardens say. Hwflllni'.s Saved K 1 ' Wink worth, district fores ter. New Bern, reported that back firing by many home owners and volunteer fire lighter, saved dwel lings' in the path of Ihc flaltle: It j w as hoped that the fnc could be checked at the edges of highways 258, '11 and li! which I or in an are around llofman forest. Foresters said the lire was the worst hi the history of the forest and that large numbers ot wild an imals were destroyed or displaced by flic flames. Registration Begins April 29 Persons who wish to vote lit the May primary, Saturday, May IV, and who are not already reg istered, may do so beginning Sa t urday, April 1!*J. Registrars in the various com munities will be at the polls to register voters each Saturday thereafter until May 20 which is challenge day. At that time pei* ions may question the qualifica tions of any ot those who have registered, and if it can be proved that a registrant has not lived in the county or state the required number of years, or is not a cit izen, or is not of age, his name will be removed from the registra tion book. Anyone who will bo L'l before4 the November election may regis ter, and will be able to vote in the May primary. The residence requirtnent tor voting is three months in the county and one year in the state. Registrars will accept names any time after April L>9, but they will be at the polling places Saturdays only. Case Dismissed The charge of attempted assault with a deadly weapon brought a gainst Beatrice Williams by Genora Jones, was dismissed in Monday' session of Morehcad City mayor's court. Mrs. M. Leslia Davis Wins Prize lor Oil Painling Mis. M Leslie Oavls, Reauforl. won a silver cup ?<? ,hl" landscape painting in the Kjd eratcd Women's < lul? exhibit (liis week at Kalcipl' <M l!M? paint inns submitted by Women's <)<?>> numbers. V! wne I selected I or exhibit. <?l these, two wcrr Mrs. Mavis's. The prirr I winner, The Sentinels, is aa nil ; painting ol live aaks at III' "'ai of SI. Paul's Episcopal church. Beaufort. Mrs. Davis's paintings have Won many pii/cs in |ncyious an anal Wcnnn's rlnb exhibits. Judge Suspends Year Sentence Against Dudley A our yen so peudcd sentence till tin' rii'id was given Ciuv Kli'l ley when In' was fuuiid I'lllMv t.l I : v ault on a leniali' in 'I in . ?.("?si iccordri' ? omit, fudge" ] ,a i u t h' rt Mi" ii' presiding \, i i.nlin" to lr .Iiiiioih, Hinlli v ! threw- i glass lit Ins will' limine i .111 awiiinriii Sentence W.I upended on on | J it iuii tin deli ndailt remain miIwi ? mil oil i,ihhI belnvtm tui Iim'i years. In addition, I"' ?'??? "' 1411K I'll lo pay I hi' 1 lists ot lull. I Plead* t'Utlly Im ?)?? , t tt Milli'i . iliarerd with ilrunkcii ill ivini'.. entered .1 I'I' i of Knilt S to reckics, driving wliii'h was accepted lb' w ' ? tini'il *'''H anil costs. I.iwrence W Huberts alyo was fined ami i < ?* Is lot icckless ilnvmi'. t'oui prisons will' fined tin' cost) fur speeding They were IJenrgi' \Y Green. Hubert tl Kailow Sam Martin and Eddie M Tootle Two others. William I Jsiamei and Kt w lit I'onlon, wrrr lined $10 and rusts lor thr sanir oflensr rhr vrrdict ot guilty ol driving without a license in the ra'-r ot Cecil II Mason was apprtlnl to superior court under $H> bond Mimic Fisher was lined $10 and the costs lor driving without a liccnsc Lester I., lours paid onr hall the costs lor failing to display a red n?g. Bonds Forfeited. Four persons, all ol tin' 111 char ged with speeding. had thru bonds lorlritrd when Ihry did not ap pear 10 ruurt. 'I'hry wi'ie Clyde II Meadows. Samuel K. Hunter, John 1. Knight and William I' Simpson. The bond ol Gene I' Murphy, charged with pas in;', a stop sign, also was lorlritrd lor not appearing. Prosecution was withheld 01 tlie case ol Joseph It Wells, charged with driving without a valid li cense plate. Thirteen cases were continued. Thr defendants arc Willie A Joy ner. Earnest B V. Matthews. Na than Minor. Cirlistus E. Williams, Orba K Mint/, W V. Mellon. Ju lius I'. Godwin, jr.. Eric Johnson, Larry 1) Hall, E. S Gaskms. fail Watson, Dean y Ward ami 1 eh Buck. Waterway Canal to Close Two Days During Marine Exercise The inland waterway canal link ing Boguc inlet and New River in let will be closed to shipping next Friday and Saturday, April L'8 and 29 Tin* canal i:> slated lor bridging by engineers of the Second Marine division during operation Cross over. Ships Leave Newport Thirty - one ships involved in the operation left Norfolk Monday bound for Morehcad City u here this week they have been loading men and equipment from C?mp Le jeune These forces will storm On slow Beach next week, supported by the second Marine nr wing in the largest training operation here since the end of the war. The fleet is headed by the USS Mt Olympus, flagship of the am phibious Usk force of Rear Admir al H. D Baker. UbN, task force commander, and includes attack transports cargo vessels, control ships, and amphibious landing crait. The transports are under the :ommand of Capt. W. A. Riley I'SN and Capt. S D. WiUingham, L'SN, heads of the landing ship force The portion of the inland wit arwjy which will be closed for :wo days is located a few hundred yard. froa the Imdic; beaches. The 300 ? foot caaal pre scnts a formidable ohs'a< ^ tu the Marines as they move In from Onslow beach. Two pontoon l>riH ges a^d numerous pontoon ferries will be thrown across (he water way as the breakout {rem Ihc beach head begins on 1) -Day ?, Ap ril 28. i Successful Passaic Essential Successful passage of the canal will enable Major General F lanklin A. Hart, commanding general of the second Marine division, to send tanks and 6.000 inlantry fanning out against objective., defended by green-clad "Agressor ' force . ft p resenting the enemy. So important to the sweets. of the excercise is the crossing of tli< canal that Mannc planners ta;:;:ed the entire operation "Cios over" when assigning a code name to the triphibiuos assault. The ona! is a part of the sys tem of bas. canals. inlet. and :ma!! rivers comprising the Intra coastal Waterway., a continuous inland passageway Ihre 'din.; Hit Atlantic ?caboard from New tng lffid to Florida. It is a favorable route of Florida-bound yachijmcn who wish to avoid the rough w i ters of the open sea. and carrits considerable commercial shippin ; Closure of the canal during the beach-head pha_c of the Opt rat ion "Cro^iover" waj authorised*!,./ the army's Corps of fen^mttrs. VA Seeks Work For Disabled Men Six Vclerans in This Area Found Able, Heady to Un deilakc Employment The Veterans administration is see.kni ? hi tin . area opportuni ties to place Hi:, a bled veterans in on i hi ? job rehabilitation work. (iilbcrt I Winder:-;, Veterans administration officer for this ar i .1 .ays that awaiting opportuni tie. an* two disabled veterans qual lied as automoblc media *<?:?. two .v. electricians, one a., a cabinet hi ?K?t and oin as sheet metal worker. l ilted F or Jobs Kaeh ol these veterans lias un dergone expert counseling, includ ing tests and interviews which pointed lip his aptitudes, talents and interests. \|m>. it has been medically determined that the oc cupation im w Inch it Ins been rec ommended that lie train, will not interfere with In:, employability nor aggravate hi: disability, Mr. Winder explained The actual ti dnin;'. of. each of these veterans depend . oil the as sistamo offered the veteran by industry, bii-ancs. establishments, ollice. and thr like \ \ Assists When an establishment offeis .1 veteran a training opportunity in the line <?t work for which he is be I wifletl. Vetciaus Adniiuis 1 1 at ion training specialists work hand in hand with the management ami Hi" veteran throughout the traiuinr program seeing tint the veteran'., interest in his work does not vane Hid he is cooperating full;' with his trainei supervisor; an I that In- recievtr. the necessary medical attention to keep him ?. i the job The veteran begins Ins t? tinin;: on the apprentice wage ind is supplied subsistence a'!aw ance hv the Veterans Adnjinstra tidn until be attains the journey man ? \va;:e ami i fully rehabili tated Veterans Await Openings These Veterans have been wait in ;m days or longer for an op portunity to train under Public I. aw 1?. and each has a need for vocational rehabilitation in order to help him overcome the handi cap of Ins wartime disability and a;*, am put sue a gainful occupation, Mi Winders explains. Dmployers desiring full informa tion as to the working agreements that can In? made with the Veterans VlmiMtration for participating in the on the job rehabilitaton pro gram tor the di abled veterans, are urged by Mr. Winders to contact him at thr Armory Building, tii eenv illc. N. C. by letter or by telephone him at Greenville 1!720. He staled that either lie or one of the training facilities officers from the V A regional office will visit the employer and explain de tails of thep rogram. Rolarians Elect New directors, one of whom will become president ot the club, were, elected .?t the Tuesday meeting of the Beaufort Rotary ciub. They were li V Copeland, K. W. Dowti um. T. K. Jenkins, John Steed, and H M Willtams. Some ot the suggestions nude during the meeting to improve Ro tary pior.rams wero to obtain more and better speakers, adding more music to the prouranv?, and having another Ladles' Night. In line vxith obtaining better ; speaker- President N Thomas En lett announced that Dr. Sylvester I Circe n secretary of the North Caro lina Medical Foundation, would ad dres. the club in June. He said other Hotarians and Kotary-Anns j won! I be iimted to hear Dr. Green. ] Also, Dr Unnttt said, James But ler of itoldsboro. former Rotary district governor. will speak to the club within the next lew weeks. 1 ] Visitors at the meeting were AU v -* 1 1 Hamilton and Thomas McGin- | nis of Morehead City. Island Road Paving Begins; 5c ?> Level Road Graded J. L. Humphrey, county high- , way engineer, announced this >vetk that |>aving operations on the C idar I J and Road have be- ' jun Ik alco rcportetd that the road at St a Level, leading from highway .i' to <hr community it 1 being gradid, rocked and treated so that it will be ready for hard surfacing ..omttime in the futur*. The Sea Level hud hat not ? n srhidu!rd loi paving un der the . tcond phase of the cm^ _ t ion program announced la*t week.

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