51E CARTERET COUNTY NEWS-TIMES 10c A Merger of THE BEAUFQRT NEWS (E.Ubli.hed 1912) and THE TWIN CITY TIMES (E*tablUhed 1936) , ^3!)tli YEAR, NO. 34 THREE SECTIONS? TWENTY-FOUR PAGES MOREHEAD 1TY AND BEAUFORT, NORTH CAROLINA. FRIDAY. APRIL 28, 1950 PUBLISHED 'TUESDAYS AND FRIDAY9 State Withholds Prosecution In ( >asc Against Fishermen Fungus Disease Attacks Dogwood, State's Floiver ;ir >rwsKdiui('S X'I'HKNS, <1 ? . The dogwood, lovel u'st of I hf .prim: s f lower ing tr? ?? iacrs a dreary aiu) blighted future Werau.se ol a new ly func.us ci lea's ?? The disea . which attacks only I he dogwood. vvitjiers or splotches the delicate bloom l>? .lull - n II Millc i of the I'm verity ol (ieorftia, o >e of the na (ion's tup' | > I ; 1 1 1 pathologists. re port thr disease umv has been found in I'lorida, lieorgia. (lie Car olina, ? Virginia and Maryland Thr gnat tragrdy is, says Mil Jpi. that the disease c?n be control led. but who is going ! ?? look alter tin- wild douw ood which ca'*h year turns tin- ton t mto white and pink lair\ land, " To those fortunate enough to boast .1 dogwood o i thru private patcln- Miller wants it known that In- In ? I on nd the fungicide railed thr Hordr.nix Mr.turr inosl eflee five in controlling tin," disease The best tune to :.pr ?> . hr rou tinin '? in ? before the tree, be ;;tll to bloom ? I low the di *'.r,e In t ratne to It h| in I1HK i. i '.tory iii it, all j Pi \ \ Bit ai.icoui I plant patho- ' lor.i' < from Sao I'aulo, Rra/il, was pas Mil". 1 1 1 1 on v h Savannah pne day) rn rou i e to Washington. Willi time to kill between train:. , Di Udancon'it went lor a vv.dk: The | walk took him pr-t a dogwood ; tier and tint \ya ? about a . nuich j as he saw of Savannah 011 that I rip. H<- found tl>?- tire bb ;htrd and ' like any ?urn'ist., .wondered wh\ i j?r -Hdancourl took ? mple-.* and j found to In . anpn -?? upon arrival in Washing to i that the fungi ha l | not been classified pjrviously Since thru Miller has i^iiie to work on the problrni and round j tiiat the diseasr lives over thr win trr m the biid:.. twins and dead lea\r . of tlx- frees from New Hug land and Sonfliw *rd. .Air Service Will Begin Monday H I TurbiviHo, stations mana :;cr ??f Piedmont Airlines announc ed tod .(% that summer operation' to Beaufort and MorebeacfCity will ] start Monda> * I'irdmont . "Operation Vacation" I will begin officially when their sil | *e?" flap, ship romes in on Beau tort rum* a* .it 'M\ pm This flight originates m Cincinnati ani make-, ronnrrtions with north >otith and fvj-. t west flights in Phi t h.nu <nd Kaleir.h Th?' .return flight from Beaufort is scheduled for 1' r m. This s on Piedmont Virlines. in t'on.iuiu*tio'ti with Karl Taylor, manager ??! B^auio't airport, is ai lanptn: P Inn trip- bv private pt,?ne to t hp outer banks for the famous drum fish < he;ter Nut t. lo<il station man a?er announces that since May to November ser.\ice was inaugurated t hi ><\ * ? ,r:?? Piedmont Virlines has ;;i??wn until "it now tarries 10, IHKI p.? euro monthly, t'nntin nation o( the < ompan\ policy of providing a inan\ ??? heduled flights as are necessary will he continued In addition to -ate air transpor tation for bu: in? men and vaca tionist Piedmont will again carry air mail and air express and pro vide "nr\t morning" delivery to most points in thr t'niteJ States, officials announced. Signal Corps Team to Give Demonstration lor Reserves N modern ' m*"*s ace to Garcia'* j will ho enacted l?>r l ho Organized Reserve Corp-, units of Greenville ORC area at 7 aO pi" . Monday at ! 10ti l u kien M . Greenville, it was announced toda* by It Col. Geo. McNeill. local commander. In eonionnn'nrr with the Army's polt? v of keeping jf\, reserve forc es up to datr with tho latest de velopments. a Signal Corps in j irfrort'on t?M?n of tu?j officers and four enlisted men from Third Ar my hea iquaj ters at Fort McFhcr son. Ga.. and V Corps headquar ters at Kort Bra?;?r will visit Greenville to give lectures and demonstrations covering the latest communications equipment Demonstration w ill include dis plays of ne? field wire %ower ap- ' paratus, telet\D*~ writer set:, new I type batteries, photographic equip- 1 meat and radiosonde apparatus j ?Pmcussions will be conducted on I , integrated si una I communication ! systems, miniaturization of >ignal equipment. "Radar to the Moon.'] the military amateur radio system 1 **d the Arm> command adminis hV'" itive network. Blooms to I'rolrct Town Board Calls For Referendum Comtnissioncis Hcai Report On Recreation at Spccial Meeting Tuesday Molehead ( jlv < onimr .ioners. i lollow hi|; a report from (ho i? o< nt l,\ ippointed mmiK ipil m.'i cation committer. derided Tuesday 'o ??. II a referendum .'I'll is will allow 'be irstdmls ol Mm* town to voif on! .In tic '< m tavor or against nsr ol the 10 cent port levy (which i no I longer neves arv ? for a municipal I rrefaiioir program. The ?i)intnrssio?eio met in spec ial sta-sion Tne* day afternoon fit I tin- municipal building Member* j of (In i ?'(.Teat ion committer'. Pr t?ai>l?;ii Fore. Robert Lowe. Clyde Jones, and Harvey lo.lvn, marie their report. Two other com mitter members, George Roberto Wallace and W. C. Matthews', could not attend. l etter Head Mr foslyn read a lettci from Mr Harold 1). Mevcr ol the state recreation commission in which Dr. Myer suggested that the town as sume responsibility for upkeep on the building pa^ tor lights, water, heat, and through the recreation, program raise $2.tfcM?. thus oneiat i n ; : on about $ti,.'?00 .1 >ear. H.' al .o suggested that .> per cent of thv i ce track profit,, go into the tec "cation program. Dr Meyer stated that a man to head the recreation program could he hired lor about $.'<.600 or a wo man for $2,800 a year, also that local leaders could assist. Income Reviewed Income figures compiled by Mr Matthews from last year's opera tion were present -d Rental, tor See TOWN BOARD. Page 5 Forces Begin Lejeune Attack Camp Lejeune ? (VP) ? Opera tion Crossover, the first largescale amphibious maneuver at this huge Marine base since the end of the war, reached the battle stage this morning. Six thousand Marines of the Sec oiTil Division led by Mai Gen. Franklin A Hart debarked a* Ons low Beach and invaded San Le jeune Island, an imaginary enemy held strip. In all, |:-vO0O Marine and Navy personnel will t^st out new ideas on this type air land sea warfare developed siorc tbo explosion of [the first atomic bomb. D Day invasion started eaily ' this morning For four days the American inva"der> of the enemy jislaud'will test out their offensive i i techniques in the operation: Observing the maneuvers as a I guest of Admiral H D Baker. | commanding officer of amphibious group two. Atlantic fleet, is ] <?? k wood Phillips, publisher of THE NEWSTlMFh Crossover gets its name because j of a 300-foot canal which iausi b* | bridged soon after a beachhead i3 j established on Onslow Beach on the lower North Carolina coast. The canal, part of the intracoastal I waterway passageway for >aciiis men bound between New Englard and Florida points, will be closed today and tomorrow. Seven lisherimu I?.?n ? ? been ar rested lor alleged violation of one of the Mate'., fishery commission laws and weir scheduled for trial in Tuesday's session of recorder's roiut. hut the state withheld pro ecu t ion The fishermen ate charged with trawling in the area bounded hv a line drawn from tin- outcr^tip of < 'ape l.ool.oul t?reak water to Hell' Island. Conservation and llevelop merit inle III prohibit, this prae fice The defendant were ? harlie < (iuthrie. Bradford Nelson, Saminie Willis, Cicero Jones. Ira Willis Henry Hamilton and Dallas Rhode They \\ * i ? apprehended Friday. Pays lllHl l,rb Buck w as lined $ltM) and rosC for drunken driving l.airv l> flail paid a tun- and cost* for driving after lus license was susper h I Leonard C \nios, I charged with drunken driving. was I fined $ ItHi and costs lor careless and reckless drivin : \ hue nl $10(1 ;oi<| eo I were paid hv Mi wm I Contort for | speodlnr. Kaipn ? was 1 found guiltv of peedm.-. 7> mile an bour and dri\m without t li | cense, lie was fined S; ?o md cost'. Pen dollars .?nd eo I n ,v jhe pen all \ paid In .1 tine . !?' Volt/ I <*r spei din;v n I nnprop?i us*- of an cNb.au I whistle I I Kned/K' i K S ( . < kins and Charles K. Moor bead all paid He cu t . for ..peed ?n ; I'le.ols l?i|i*l\ I ?? .??? <) Win 'I i li O K' d with dn\ in. without i In ii .e antl with nit \alid license plati pleaded guilty ti? dtivine without a license He w a lined tin en . I Fan tohu >Dii paid one h t!f I'm < ? 1 for tail in", to di p! ?> !?' "per liccu plates. The bonds ??! thtee defendant . were I mi teii e I \vlien't lie\ faded t ?? .appeal" in court \H 1 1 1 r ? ?? Me*- U Mltiiek Kn..<n \ , I'lmuip.-on |i and Carl Watson weie charged ,\itli speed in : Motion Mel all and Wither! Lew is. jr.. weie {lied the en I . tot' 1 1 1\ in r* without ;i In ense Harold I, Howe ami ll iiold I'" William. a ere lined $Hl and i the fir4 1 defendant lor taituu' to stop at a stop t"n and the soeond for I riv ing af iii m h f without le'ht . I'ro .et ution wa. withheld in the -a e of Nathan Minor ? harped M?h ? ? . anlt with a deadly weapon, ind WaMei ? Sullivan, charged! Altll driMU". without i In en " Kiev en ca.i-s were continued The defendant . are Willie \ Joy ner. Karnest It I- Mattliew ?. ? ?. Williams. Orha K Mint/, w l Merion. Julius o Cindwm. jr. Hob ->rt I Jones. William F Hegistci Julian C (iilheit . Ha> mond \ Zajac/kewski and Calvin New kirk Rotarians Elect New President The !?<?* T it .tonkin:- h i ? ho>ii lleclcd president the Keantort Hotary Huh Uolarians m< t I'm Jay tti^ht in (he Inict Inn tlimrr: room. F,le? lei I ?<? rivv with M> .Vuk ins as M'cr<M.?rv treasurer was n.r \V. I, YVoodard I'rrviousJy, B !?' Copeland. K M Williams, John Steed r? n?l ?? \\ Downum had hfru elected to the hoard ??! Iire?t??r The new officers will tako ofijiee the first Tuosdav hi .liil\ Mr. Jenkins will miuwI Or \ T Ennett Entertainment during Tuv dav ;? program consisted of a singim; pro gram under the direction of M? and Mrs Graydon Paul Guest at the Jneetinq w as Kev. .!. J. Hive-, of Staunton. Va. Cottingfaam Wins Presidential Office in Jaycees New Kxeculives Will 13c Installed at Dance Sat uiday, May (J (ieon:e Cotljngham w;f e I rcted i pr?-. nlerit dl tli.- Heuufort Junior Chamber of < omineree Monday in lit 1 1?- muhm 'I., Oi It'll Merrill, prr: ident l"i UMlMitl. who reeently reeeived (he .lay eee key man award lor I he mo I outstanding Jaycce in t Im ? oi j'.am/atioii Ollu i newdy rlreted ottieers are Jams tl?*i r 1 1? ; ? internal vie** presi dent ? ie'ne Smith, external viee plt'Sidrnt l.eslie Mavis, ji reeord in .rirlai> Hubert Stephens, eoi it.. ponding secretary. Wiley I'aylor. treasurer. and bail Walker, .state d i reel or. hitet let s M 'Iiom'ii Alt m.be i > ot t In* hoard of direc 1 01 . air Joseph llons?'. n . Kenneth 'In i m'ii, ami Mi Merrill \ 1 1 will he ii|. tailed formally at i <l.im< Saturday nmUl . May f?, at' tin < haunt I i lu!'. lieaiilort The plihlii in i ii v it ??? I Mu k will lie I rovulr I i'V I!m hill Willis <|iii 11 li/l < riii . iiiiimi .d enseuihh* plays f.-i 1 1 : ..it 1'i l.iy nii'hl at 'Tin; Trent I'rur. ehih New Item, ami each SumJ.i. ilteinoon at tin- Noli Cm n i ? 1 1 nun 'I ( >lln ? i . ( lull ;il Cherry Point > 1 1 n i n t o i mi i ; ' pre-. nleiil heads 1 1 n ? ? l.i i it ?? roinuiiltco. assisted hy \l tin. on ami Mi Stephens. f.ionp to Im <;i poi ale In Order to n.ilei a Im: ines; ti n: m i ion |oi tin- pui rha.se of ti; i;f to ? <fiiif? I In- hall diamond it ;r;i ri'il durin;' Monday ne III' lni' iue . ,i s Km at tin* In-. I? i Inn to incorporate lln: or^an i.ition Yftei unoi pol at ion, the ? roup Mill In- Kinnyn a. tin- IW*au toit Junior Chamber ol ( 'omnieree. im oi pol aled tin* I hi sine s uneiiuj: was pre ( I II' d In .i l? al. dinner B&PW Giib Gives Modern Oxygen Tent lo Hospital I T|n> Carteret County Husinc ? j and Professional Women's club | forma lt> presented a new air coiv ditioned ux> j'cii ten! to Morehead C'.tx hospital Tup:, day nisht. The presentation was made In | vii s C?raee 'Vyseue. president ot the club the r:ii i was accepted b> H 1 Greene. hospital admin ; istrator. w ho was a special guest .0 tlir ? lul* \pt il meetim: in t ii J Mrtho'li t rhu < h. Morrhead : < "i t v Vccompanv inc Mr tireenc w.i \ Iv KoVrts. chairman of the hospital hoard of trustees l'r< H-ntalion of. the air condi .tinned oxygen tent culminated a twojear. project hy the B & W ? tub to ? ais?- money for the piece "t equipment The hospital now i has two oxjp n tents. Mr <?rcone thanked the club for the j:ift. say in i; that it whs greatly . appreciated hy the hospital, and ? iHomcndr I the business club on the progressive work they arc ac < oinnli -hintf in the county. Following dinner, which was served b\ the \ouu-; Women's < I is > of the First Methodist church, the club celebrated its second birthday with a party Among the special guests was Mrs Catherine Walsh, of Green \ ille, district director, Pupils Express Appreciation For If ebb Library Facilities More hra<l ?'rt> chool pupil, cn joyed their recent visit-, to flu- pub lie library in Webb Memorial ? i\ ic center so much that when the> returned to their clas-. rooms the\ wrote letters ot thanks to Mr I \ Council. librarian. Several of the letters appear below. , Mrs i). II loftoson. More head <jtv Woman's club member. who, assists with the library program, b s announced that the usual sum mer program which has become very popular with the children, will be carried out again the year. The younger* hear records, hear stories told, and receive cer tificates for reading a required number ol book.. The libiary is open every day from 9 to ?'? vith the exception of Tuesday and Saturday afternoons ! Although children are urged to make use of the library, there are also book* and current periodicals for adults, ^Irs -hjffe ison empha | M7CS. K Reaction oi certain oi the child > rm in lh?*'r \ i*-?t to the lihrary is ?how n in their letter* 1S0H Ev?n,> SI, Morrhrad City, V 1". \pril 3. I9.S0 l?rat Mrs. Ountll. I m surr u r all h<i?l a nice time Kridav atternnnn I thought th? tncord* were very nire After wo got bark to OUT classroom. ue talk j ed about what we liked be'?t at the library I liked the hooks. I think you have a very nirr <ol left ion oi them Thank you \cry much for asking us to comr. Yours sincerely Citeda Lewis Mm the Ml City Hish School April 3. 1950 Dear Mrs. Council: 1 We liked the pretty pictures oil the wall and the story hooks about birds. animals, and other stories. 1 Ami we all liked the records about Jack and the Mean Stalk. And See PL PELS, l>ge 4 ? i T Captain Nelson Formally Resigns; Fisheries Office to Go to Raleigh ___ .... Tlir M,lr It... I .1 ,.f l i.li .11 t :i(l?)ll ' - - W. C. Matiews lo Assume Town's Chamber Presidency \\ C Matthews. well known and admired owner of tin* Morehead ( lis hriiu company, was named j prrsident ol I In- Morehead City i chamber of commerce at the re cent meet in*; of Hit* chamber's board of directors. His term of oilier begins Monday and will ex tend through April 11151. Mr. Matthews has served on the j boar -I of the chamber of commerce for the past two years and has been consist ent lv active in many phases' :>l civic el fort for many years. I . I?. tiurr Retires I l> tiore retirinu president of the or^ani/alion, saul "Mi Mat 'hews' wide experience. Ins well known interest in all things eon ! leetcd with ciyic progress, as well is hi tailhtnl service to this or | 'ani/ation for the past several vears, assures ns that the coming vear. under Ins administration, will L-videnee even greater progress than ever helore. There is no ipies lion regardine. the meat task wlueli the Morehead I'tly eli imher ??t ; mnieree h.i > set ont to aeeomp ' lish There is even less question . to (lie success nf the prosram inder the imidance of Buck Mat 'lieu " Olh?'? till ie? i ?. eleeted hv nnan imOu . \ ote were t?r Harden I "me, v K ? 'president, and Milliard \1 1 .111 e re eleeted as treasurer hoard ordere I that a lettei >1 appreciation he presented Mi ^in e foi the outstanding work that , w has done m handling the fiuan ?lal details of the operation ol the ?hauiber diuim: the past loin vear M<?iM!!rr Re Appointed Robert I, owe was reappointed ! ?general manaj?ei f?r. another vrai. ?s was In secretary. Hachel I'. Willi. Serving as member S of the eham j Vr's advisory council will be II v < iihhs. Dr. s W lf^tele r i*rorue 1 1 WjtUnee, -l?r, .i?p| o ?. Aiuri 'ieor^e Hall. John I. ('rump. W. I Deri lekson Alfred H Cooper, I I*., 1'ilt nun. and (irorne Stovall W H chalk, president ol the j Morche.nl City Jaycees and .1 War ? en Bei k . president of the More head Citv Merchants association will be invited to serve on the council also. Mr Matthews staled that he was J in the process of lining up the , chairmen ??f the I :? major Commit tee., which constitute the actual i working force of the chamber's inembei ship and that he would an 1 , nounce those names within a few da> s Including the officers, the board j ct directors of the Morehead City chamber of commerce for the com j See MATTHEWS, 1'agr 5 Marine Lost LVTs Capsize Sunday ! Vessels participating in opera tion Crossover rode out rough seas I off Morehead City Sunday after nooti. hni not without mishap One i Marine w.r. lost when a landing craft capsized on the seaward side of Shackleford banks. Six other Marines aboard the vessel swam! [ 100 yards to shore The Marine, Pie Frederick C. I l ynch. J13, son of Mr and Mrs. I John J Lynch of Brooklyn, N. V, j has been declared dead by Cpmp | Lejeune officials. His body has not been found but ' Kort Macon Coast Guardsmen re ported yesterday morning that p?' riodic patrols will be made in hopes ot locating it. A helicopter from Cherry Point assisted in the search Monday. Officers said the missing Marine was last seen clinging to the gun tub of the swamped landing crafi Officers reported the LVT's were transporting personnel and equipment to shore when heavy | -eas. due to strong southwest winds, caught them Three LVT's made shore safely but three others [ capsized. Tide Table Tldfs at Hraufnrt Bur HI*. II I.OW Friday, April 28 *4 33 a m. 10.4H a.m' i [ t S9 p m 1 1 :23 p m Saturday, .'uiil 2? jo 28 a rn. 11:37 a m 3.92 p,n# 1? midnight Sunday, .* pnl .IS ! t< 22 am 12:18 a.m. ! H 44 p.m 12:27 p m , Monday . May 1 7 13 a.ra ? 1 11 a..m 7:34 p.m. 1.15 p.m. Tuesday, May 2 I'tiw a m 2:03 am i 3:26 p.m. 2:04 p.m. Robert Morris, Ruth Bailey To Appear in Conccrt To raise money for th?* I artn el ? omit v Chmi'i hlnil, Robert Morris r.f Atlantic and l< nl It W'rlil* llailev of Miitcltc^il City nill he featured soloists ill a t on eert lliiiisdav niv.lit at Iteanfort school. Voiiiiu Morris is widely known tin ouglioiit the state as an a< coinplished pianist. ,%|rs. Ifailrv is an outstanding viMalisf. Then piouiam will brum at H p.m. Mrs. (irorgp McNeill, eoiuitv commander e.f the Cancer soeiet\ annoiineeil yesterda) that !$.%?:? was collected Ihrouuh I lnai s?la\ morning's broadcast and that Hie total ainonnt to date is $753. The Koal is $1.0(10. Lions to Exhibit The Last Supper Wiix figures, Valued <i I $S0, ()()(), Will Come to Huh ii lor I, Moi cliead I ale wax li/'Mtr > 1*1 Leonardo da YuiCI paintinr 'III* I .or#l" I ast Snppi i \\ ill lie i|i:, played hi i laife aufimiol'ilr fini' ei* in the Iihmiwv, district. of M< relo ad City and Beaufort nrvl week. .J alitor. MoimIiv ??i Mor< head City Thr exhibit i. >| m in mihmI by Ihr Lion", dub ot Mori' head City. 'I Ik* seem \alurd . ? f $;>p.imio. i , a nips of ihr 1Mb rent in v da Vnin work. in ( l?? ? Old KrfWIon, Santa Maria del.o-< i a/ir, hi Milan. Italy It l.r I mi,' il \ \ hl< It | < 'lli'isl ;i I ?? Willi In:, disrrplr ?. and a' Hp- uioimnt when fir declared. "Oik- of yon shall betray mr " Thr j ;?tf|f|idcs ??l Ihr I wr Ive h .i ipl<> . ahold Ihr I .'.dd#4 show rmotion ami reaction to ill#- I'M. dirt ion which I was fulfilled by Juda Hiadi' in l!tll Thr wax figures look nion than 1 I months ?<> make and rostum#' Ma.vwood H Maxev and Ins son. I'. ' I? Maxey. of Asheville and \tlantn I City mad#' (lie exhibit in l!*41 II was at Ihr New .Icrsrv^rrsorl mi dor sponsorship of I. ions clubs \n estimated 400,(MN) persons visit it annually Located in a specially built trail ertrnck, the wax figures are pro tected Ix'hind i;lass In an air-con dit toned i ompai tment No Admission i l?arj;r I here will hi" no admission charm* I.Vmations will he accept c I. .i portion of which will ::o to the I, ions club "Blind Fund.'' whirh is nsed to purchase eve glasses for needy pre school ? In I dren and visually handieapped adults ami f??r other benevolent work of the club all over Carteret counts This includes payment of $l.?n per year for work a mom: the blind by the caseworker of the Stale Commission for Blind Dr. John II Bunn. Victor Wicki /cr and Carl V Nelson, members of I ions club committee which ar r.inced for the exhibit, urge all resulents and visitors to see thr i work of art. Specialist lo Speak On Curb Market Displays "<urb Market Displays' will bo thr theme ol i special inhyest meeting at 2 o'clock Thursday af ternoon 111 the home agent s of tiro, Beaufort* Thr meeting will be conducted by Miss Rose F.llwood Bryan, spe cialist in tood conservation and marketing Seller, at the county curb market in Morrhead fitv a id prospective sellers am invited. Because the meeting will con flict uifh the I'ore Creek Harlowe home demonstration ? lub meeting, thr club Hill meet the day preti ous M'?y at 2 o'clock in the at ternoou with Mrs Hay Dickinson Highway Draw Across Newport River Jams Thr MorehMd City drawbridge over Newport river stuck Tuesday night, causing Bj cars and trucks to pile up on the bridge S. T). Weeks, of Crab Point, bridge tender, said that the brakes locked and a fuse was blown. He reported that the bridge was opened at H:42 p.m. and that it jammed, but was in operation a gain by 6:59 p m. Motorists on I the bridge, however, stated that they \%ere not able to gel across | until 7:20 p.m. land Development reei-iwl 1 n ? I ,i< eepte I ( apt. John A Nrl an'-, lor mal resignation .is t ; M ? ? I rvlirrie'. commissioner at it nieetln". m j (ioM'.hnro Morula > afternoon j His aieet-ssor xuM probahlx In I chosen .it flu- 1 1 1 1 1 1 n ? I ItU II 'I lllt't I ' III;: in Moreliead < n\ mi .1 ul \ Tilt' | salary i ? H m ? annnalh OIIm ?? to ll? llov ril Tile hoard also .ipproxv1! i t ct?r j i'.ani/atJOU <?l 111.' I) Il'-I n\ ? I tip I whiHl XX ill place tin I :?!'?? 1 1 lid ;? niiniiii nun i hi I' ilt i ii Ho ! plCSt'lll. Itflh'i: I locjlrtl pi.'.t v. ? ut Mtii cheat I < 'itx I l**ri* l? j? ? ;?i I ?? i I III t III' I <t?* I ISllfj > t ?Mlltlli Ml' ! have heen located. in Mot i-V I | < 'ity t ? 1 1 ma iin \ cai .'aid ii'iivn: ; the .pi In i t<> t!,i tah ? apii.al v. ill j coincide x\ ith ( . 1 1 'I . i ! 1 1 \>'! u conclusion ol 'a? \eai n ? ni . In . a ? - ? vplm !.}'?? ; :??!.. r ; . ol I he \ t't.Tail i . 1 1 ? ? i 1 1 " ? 1 1 1 1 ; ? (' & I) nit inl.r' vt?|t i! to tna.kr iiim j .i i ollMllt:ii'l to tli.- ho. ii (I oil ' i 1 1 I in:1, .ill. in loi III I'rtii tMiiei I I* n I . I I ? I, . 1 1 1 1 \?!'.Ol! U |!l Mi. I 1 1. : ' . t ?J I ? ' ? Ill) i I i 11.: rOU ill ji > I ? I ':?!< win n lir if ; ? rl 'V m .'Ml " i hi ? \ at i t ? 1 1 I hi ret ? ' >i ? I'm tol It l? I'MI I III. MtM '. ; ri.1t ; N ? ' I oil Will ii'.t'.\ Ml')! -' 1(1.111 :? ! f 104-1 I > i n w he" I"' a*. ; up t lie loh Tli.it 'id ho i . ll??- I i . ? amount t!,i< a,ti. ?? h. : , i a . j p. ml ,hi\ ' I ? 1 1 ? I O ' II ll 1 It II ' 'I In uthei .?? i m ?' i * I o i H I . i \ ('it ! ho Mil denied I I ' . 1 1' < i I ll. ? I Ml.' I *4.111 1 :< i i'ivi i in ? \|.i ? mi i , i : itii < ;o oil". I I" ?'!?? ? "I lo pore. I ? Ii ill' I' \ I ? 1 1 ? I ? ' ? t |||i Ii i I . | oil I'M !!? ?<> onh In ' ' . i ' p.i I ll" pi'.- Ml ! I' Mil" ll'ltf ol \ I I ll ? \ oh, M I heai hi ; lo < <m>- id< ; ? ? ? one. 1 that . ' min i h i ll" 1. 1 il Iirl .i : purl:. Ir.!l I in . I ? ist lis ' i! thai .1 the < iii n ol l ii t I ii . ; situation lei no d. t nl I'eii anil Hi" WlMl t i IK'. ' I:1 II ;>|i i In -I at I i'Hi to eii.ihiiel more loi;d . into hnyio new t ire J ii;?itnn oipnpiiM ii' Vol oil I oi: .i In o in hi oi I t 1 1 i <? M.r ! IS lo < h : i i':. tin pt o i'ri | . ? i o I I In* el.iin 1 if " > j pi r | on ill.- M 'piu ih '. of tariff h -r1 > I oral ion t> f Trx-hp' I'al.n a New I i hi t'lif ih lo-- 1 ?' lo ? i .iii ^ out flu' pi'on ? t pi i i hi v ' in ilc at pun il wilhin tin '".j i'i ihki i ;i\ #i i l.i hlf . I In ho . 1 11 \\ .? . I o l? I j lit n il thai 't u'tlJ hi- in i ? .ii \ ; to 1'iiJariM' tin- i.lafl ot tin- -late Atlvei t I' lin; Mivi ion it Kalen'h lo | liainlle the thnii mil o| iiiqini i' j .ihonl North t '.'irolina that aio I' ; mi', ret eived in i< ipotr,e t" t.iP | uppiov*'il >.pet i.il i mix ami 1 1 SI arch projeels lo lead the wa> to ! iirxv Tar 'Heel intlnslrie. Thr> uoiilt.l he Itnanee I xvilli uneoniitiil , ted l innl , m the tlixi ion ol i oin I men e and ititlusli 4-1! Boys Receive First Eight Calves In County Chain Guernsey, Jersey Hteetls Obtained by Kami Agent In Western N. C. I he < u l? t cl ( ?mhiI ? 4 M Live 1 I. I.inpi . ? \ > 4 n?- 1 . 1 . i ...(?? i.it i? i 1 1 he hi ilu , "Hi | .ha ol it.s pro i . m I ,.v ?v hen ? i : lit calves \\i I i ? ? iil? ?? In ill club i lit.* in- . | : I )? I . . . ^ ?Mm- i -< who incivi'il these 'i vv i i I ? ? 1 1 ? 'I.I Pini'i . .(ill of 1 Mi .< t. I Mi i:Iv.imw| I'mcr of KFD, !? ? if i?i t w ' '< ?' CiUtMn mhi i?l Mr. nl Mi i.u tijilikiH of Kettle; ! ? i ? . i?i < ' mi .>1 Mi and I ? >. !? hv of f Yab Point; fl M.n ' !'" 1 1 ! ? ,i 1 1 1\ ?e , I Mr ;iud Mrs J M ni ? ?il'.ir! oi |\ l- 1 ? flrmlort; lit ' : I oh.inl nil ol Mr and Mi l v ? ? ? I ? 1 1 1 ? . 1 1 1 1 of lit l? Hcau tiit Hi rlu rl I *:? ? : ? ? .on til Mr ;md M' Villi- I' i.c i I route I Ncw P"Vf i -I \\ .iKiiii, son of Mr ami Mi W'o'li \\ if . < ? i ? Hclletier; i I I'.ilh Simmon . m i of Mi ami ? Siiuiiioii of Newport. I In ? ? I-mv. \ ill i ,1 i- I In* calves ] to'i i ' i i?rn iIm i 1 1 i iioffct off i ?. i : i li.i Hi. <?< i itjorr who vy l|| il. ? ? : ? :inol |i?'i I II ? I ul? hr?y. i? nl Mo- i il\i rr i ?' !i stefcd ? ? ? i ? ? i' ov\ .'ii.l ui'ii purchased lii hi Hi. l..?M;i I'.rntHer f;ii ins of jl.il. I.. n? ||?. her two .or let- ? ? V 1 1 1? I u? re iv ? 1 1 to lip. I'hain 1 le i. Mi.i i > ?!.? !. ,inl (iiadv Willis. * .{ ( I. ill Polllt M i lor i a f in i ho ? a|f and pi ? liaiu . in He- county was ? on t ? 1 1 - : 1 1 .I h\ I i : hoe shop. Mar- I i t? l i nn. iH<i Snp|?l\ in . Ilean* ! Whil'' I. -. i 'rram ? '.? More ! to ."I mi .oil \'< v I 'em * nl ;ind I' <?! i tli ? i i ii ?r?j I ? ;? 1 1 . Fertilizer J i .. \? v. i * ? iii v 1 1 1 i*i ? portion t ! 1 iii -d'-a vi .r r ru by the Lf.i'jo Hi i hi ' 'JIi.oiiIhm <i| .iiininci c ol More- jl ? i "I lit* >fi?l I i mlnrt cooperated 1 1 j pM>v uliM t'l jii'i ioii for solicr -1 i |l it UOI III tpi MOr sincil \ i i fi <1 i, in i iim'.v bull calf v> i pnr? hi od lor I he chain front J the ' iiiei n.'.'l lb- 1' nni. ?i l,nivrr-/ j iiv 1 1 1 < >ratiy coimlv He ha* not ' j . I I .-. ii ? i 'lied lo .i I H club ill* I II be.l It o v r i.;niM,i of Neuport, . h i i r mi.i n of th?" i ii ter-t bounty J mi r^i-.tock I tn p i ovenient ;isso- ; ? i. it ion %ud Jh.it thf iul: .ind calf . ' nn .. o?.\\ in ?ip< ' . I ion w ill be a .. .it in ? 1 1 1 to tin- ih velopincnt of i,i ? on ml li\ i ? t oi k program in the I ? oiinlv Official C.oimm'iits on Mental Health U Orl; in Carteret County iu riioin?i* i Mi Siipr rinli -ndrnt 1 arteret ? ounl> WrK^rc The ?*?li I hi I ii? mI.?\ \ ii trret (anility NKW S w.i t h* "kirk oil m ohsfrvanri: oi Vdlon m. mi.,1 ftfcaHli Wecj i in . . itorial -presented iveial ,j it ;-.i?! mr, lads about iii?"??l it he.ilth tin- nation's No. I brail Ii pvoMitn 40 per rent. oi Ihr pal !? 11: in mental hospital . ran be ? u?c<i ow I I '.*,0 prisons Will MOW' lllllr in a mental hospital dining ?* lit** lime Thr purpose ol l h?' follow ? ? hurl reviru is lo a<<tuamt l.o? .d , cjti.ens with the if vn ? ? otln?<l hv flir ( on i|t V Well. ire lo pro mot"' bettor itirn!.;l h?" * It Ii '.tin all> , almost all ol in imltijriii.il ? activities all ret hi mental health ivid, consequently rtiir*! ol o ii* 'Ion financial service. deal with mr i fal health \ brief review ol vmr "I thr ? Will r;|ve .in idra ot thr si npr oi this program I ? thr field ol adop lion thr tii'h of thr natural p ii cut . I hr rti'iil and thr pi nsprfijivc adopti\r paiettls i. made hi or dei Ih it tin- rhild i ?n be pl.n .-d in a home Hi.it will meet his mm tal and ph\ i? al need'. I osier Ilium . Whllr ? onir rhiMrrn ? ' ' ? for adoption Others need bo.odni' hemr rarr in homr, wilh a I" t? ? father and motflrr hr? an** thro I own homr* no lon-.rr ?prmid? lo.? them We nrr lust h? ;i min to develop a fostn homr pio <<tm in Cirtetet ? 'MinU I oven i lr court luinislv an c* eellent opportunity to -tud\ ^ rhild ? p?:i >onalitv ,i , it rrUU < l? hi> background Itfveni'r delin quenry i , not a i onditioii but seems, to he the result ol many factors which rntrr into a child's life and inlo his eivrronmcnt. lnshhition.il rare, which is of ten deniable, mutes available lo the fcrblcmindrd. deaf. dumb. See ML.N TAL, P-*c a PTA lo Stage Minstrel Again m I- nil i t hf ('.imp ?. it rut I'.'ifni l< ich?'? association j 'Mil | - , . ? ? ? i ? t .I'm) it H o'clock to ?r lil the MTH'si i I 'Thf Coobville U I'll m I ;?t * < iil? I'hc show will j in- nr i in VH? Morehead City | ? lm??J auditorium. It w.i t it ?-? i*M riitr.l la-.f Thurs I ? l ? \ ni Jit at ihi- Camp tilenn ? 1 1? ?? ? I fijiw broom . Mmmi v ill It provided bv Joe '?'?? ? mil I- .h i onlioii, w ith %olo3 ! it \i M?Tlm?m and George Wash iMr.ifOP M i ? i ? ? I ?i i?l ? In last are fc'.leanor \il.ihi: ,1 ? ? 1 1 . i ^ iltn . Mr:- Julius 1 \ i I -I ? 1 1 Mi .mil Mi Joseph C. smith rh.trje I'nre, fcu^enc Lock ii.irt l - In- Htmswi, ? I ilii Hamlin Salter, ! Mi . i.'lm DaMcl-on, Mis t'nlen Mv il I'o Mis tuliu.-* lewis, Mrs. j i* ii h- i I iiich'M Mrs lunice Wil !? I mt i . Cen n Wil ? i- Vlbnta iMxon and sally Mor H,i' Cn-ck Sails; Naval Vcssrls Rue Tomorrow Hie ?anl?iM Hal Cree^ sailed t toro Morehead City at .' 3D Wed tw i?.?\ afternoon, after unloading 'aviation *5 .olme at the Ks30 ter mwal. The Hat Creek arrived from Baton Hough, la at 730 Wednes day morning Its next port will j l>r Haytown, Tex Naval vessels from Norfolk will arrive at Morehead City tomorrow, i \monj: them w ill he I he USS Mon : ir.ur. a earj.o Iran, sport, and i 'oral LSTs. After loading they ' i citibaik loi the Mediterranean.

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