(JHoreljeah Cttitg foetal Niu Norma Gukill, Society Editor ? Phone M-Kl-1 Miss Dorothy Sampson attended the annual UNC Pharmacy school dance Saturday night ? at Chapel Hill as the guest of Floyd Jones, president of Pharmacy Senate. frke.l Lewis, teacher supervisor for*'arteret county schools, will attend tin* supervisor's workshop and summer school at East Caro lina Teachers college this summer^ He is working Jpward h?| master's degree Mrs. Elbert Chadwick, Hilma Chadwick, Mrs. Dan I'igott and Miss Florence Ti'iott. tJie latter two of Gloucester, returned Wed liesdav from a week's visit in Wash ington, I). L'.. and New York. Mrs. Bill Kanto of Norton, Va.. is the guc t oi Mr. and Mrs. George Snooks. The C laud Watsons of Winston Salem an- at their summer cottage 011 Shepara st. Mr and Mrs. F'dtHf < anieitrti of Durham spent the past week at their liome 011 Boguc Sound. f Mr and Mi George Wallace. Mr and Mis. liobcrt Lowe and Mr. and Mrs fnnnr Wallace returned Sunday afternoon Iroin Hog Island. The Wiley Sunt lis ol Gnldshoro spent tli?' weekend at then home oh- Sunset Shore.. Mr. ..and Mi Hub A tide1. sou oJ i Wilson spent the weekend at At lantic Beach. Monroe Gillikin of Cedar Island was in tovn Sunday to bring his wife to the hospital. The Clifton Guthries' of Norfolk. Va., spent the weekend in town with then mothers. Kobci t Freeman lclt Saturday for Wichita Kails. Texas, to join his wife and child The Frcemans will ijuikr their homo in Texas. , Mrs Hubert Hayiies and Mrs. Tom Moore of Winston Salem were here last week preparing their cot tages lor summer occupancy.. Mrs Frank Grantham is ;i patient in Marine hospital in Baltimore, Md. Mrs. Herbert Thornton and Miss Sudie Nelson returned Saturday from Wilson. Mrs. Bruce l'oe and daughter. Betty, and Mrs. Aivin Garner and laughter. Bettv Kuft ti 11. speqt Sat urday in Oriental with tliuir jnotU. er. Dr. John Bell lei t yesterday for Veterans hospital in Keeoughtan. - after a three months' visit in town. J. S. Bennett and daughter of Chapel Hill and Mr. and Mrs. Guy Bennett aad son. Guy. jr.. of Dur ham were the weekend guests of then paftnts, Mr. and Mra* C. H. Bennett. Ralph Styron. son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Styron. has finished his training in officers' school at the Air Force base. Waco. fix., and has been sent to Arizona where he will complete his training Sept. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Sterling Marriner of Warsaw spent the weekend with his mother. Mrs. Ella Marriner. Mi . and Mrs. Larry Whitford and children of Kaleigh were the week end guests of Mi*, and Mrs. Jacob Wade and their dJMightcr, Mrs. A. r. Leary, jr. Mr. and Mrs. Trannie Crank and Mrs. Louis Price of Elizabeth City and Henry Crank oi Greenville spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Scott at C?ib Point. Mr* lit? ! F. Lane. Mr and Mrs Charles %tyron. and Miss Ruth Myron spent the weekend in Dur ham with Mr. and Mrs. Elmore Daniels. Mrs. Daniels, who is a patient in Duke hospital, is improv ing and expects to. return next weekend to her home in Miami. G & W William Penn Blended Whiskey Retail Pftcs 1 $1.95 I Plntt 1*3.15 V Fifths Mr. and Mrs A. T. Leary and Mrs. A. B. Vick motored to Ral eigh Tuesday returning Wednesday night. Garden and Civics Club Will Meei Tomorrow The(Carden and Civics depart Anient of the Woman's club will meet tomorrow afternoon at 3 o' clock at$th<' Civic Center. The guc$t speaker will be Harvey Ham ilton, jr.. attorney at law. Hostesses will be Mrs. N. T. En nett, Mrs. M Iv<:slie Davis, both of Beaufort, Mrs. P. H. <l*er and Mrs. I) B Willis Mrs G D. Gamble reminds mem bers to bring plants for exchange. Bridge Players Give Tray To Mr. and Mrs. A1 Dewey Duplicate bridge players at the Jefferson restaurant presented Mr. and Mrs. K. M. (Al) Dewey, man agers of the tournament* with a sterling silver tray Friday night. They also presented Mfc*. Dewey with an orchid. Prior to the regular tournament, there was a epektaft party at the hole I and I hose participating ill the I tournaments were Mr. and Mrs. I)ewey's dinner guests. Winners for U?e evening were as follows: Norfn South. Harvey Hamilton, jr., and Hud Dixon, first; Dr. K P. B. 'Bonner and Dr. Dar ken IJure and Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor, tie for second place. Kast West. Mrs. Harry Saunders and Mrs. J. C. Keel, first, Mrs. Beam and Mrs. Jack Windley, sec j ond. TJjere were 36 players. Mrs. H. L. Joslyn Hostess To Bridge Club Friday Mrs. .1 W. Kellogg and Mrs. Ben F. Royal were special guests Fri day afternoon when the Fortnight ly Bridge club met with Mrs. H. L. 'oslyn. Candy was served during play and at the end of the second pro gression, the hostess served afulad plate and hot tea. Club high scaifc went to Mrs. G. Henry Jackson, low score to Mrs Kugene Hoelofs and Mrs. Royal was winner of guest high. Bridge Players Meet At Mrs. Morris's Home Mrs. A B Morris wa? hostess Saturday afternoon when she en tcrtained at bridge at h?r home on Fvatis st. Cut flowers and french ivy were used throughout the home. After a number of progressions, prizes were awarded high scorers. During the course of the af'er noon, home made cake, toasted pe cans, mints and k&d drinks were served the guests. . Mrs. Dan Swindell Hostess to Bridge Club Three tables were in play when Mrs. Dan Swindell entertained her bridge club Thursday night. Guests for the evening were Mrs. John D. Willis, Mrs. Karl Stiles and Mrs. Charles Stanley, jr. Winners were Mrs. Joe Devon Chik. club high, Mrs. Raymond Rogers, second high, and Mrs. Wil lis, guest high. Between progressions the hostess served soft drinks, date bars and salted nuts. Mrs. Wade Betl Wins Guest High Wednesday Mrs. Wade Bell was winner of guest high when Mrs. Karl Stiles entertained at two tables of bridge Wednesday evening. Mrs. Gordon Laughton was also a guest. Club high score went to Mrs. Kadtord Bowen. During play, soft drinks mre served and at the end of play, or ange lime sherbet, sandwiches and cookies. District President Installs New Officers of Woman's Club Mrs. E. A. Council was installed Thursday night as president of the Morehead City Woman's club dur ing special installation ceremonies at the general meeting at the civic center. Mrs. Council succeeds Mrs. D G Bell, the club's founder and lust president, who served as head ol the organization during l?49.r>0. As a token of their appreciation club members presented Mrs. Bell with a silver loving cup This same cup was given her in 1025 at the conclusion of four years as pres- ; ident. Engraved on the cup then were the years of her term of office Added to the insciption thiOyear were the dates "1949-50." Presiding at the installation was Mrs. Karl Cleve, Vanceboro, dis trict 8 president of the Woman's cUib Other officers installed, in aadition to Mrs. Council, were Mrs. George Ball, vice-president; and heads of the three departments. Mrs. George Roberts Wallace, sec retary, and Mrs. 1). B Webb, treasurer, will serve during tlifc coming two years, but were not present at the meeting. Chairmen of the departments are Mrs. A. B. Roberts, literary and , art; Mrs. G. T). Gamble, garde i and , civics, and Mrs. Bruce Goodwin, \ American home Following the brief business scs | bion, Mrs. Council reported on the state convention recently held at \ Raleigh and atitfeUQccd that the club received an award for its work j in international iclatious and fori meeting all club requirements. The outgoing president was named a delegate to the national conveii tion at Boston Mrs. Bell presented a review of the club's 29 years of activity Seventeen charter members of the organization attended Thursday s meeting. The club was organized May 11. 1921 at the Palace theatre with 3<) women attending. Mrs. Jack Hoi lister of New Bern assisted in the orgtfiization and Mrs Bell was elected president, Mrs. B F. Roy al, vice president. Mrs. John Lash ley, recording secretary. Mrs. Cap pie Gillikin. treasurer, the .late Mrs S. A. Chalk, corresponding see rotary, Miss fcunie Nelson, auditoi . and Mrs. Eva Tolson. publicity. Presidents of the club have peen as follows: Mrs. U. G Bell. Mio A 11. Webb. Mrs. J. F. Giddcn the late Mrs. S. A Chalk. Mrs. H W Taylor. Mrs. Floyd Chadwick. Mrs. J. C. Taylor. Mrs. O. 11 Johnson, Mrs. Luther Hamilton. Mrs John Lashley, Mrs. Louis Norris. Mrs. H. M Kurt', Mrs Harold Sampson, and Mrs. D G. Bell, second term During the past years the Wo man's club has renovated the hos pital. organized its various club departments, purchased curtains and drapes for the school, pre sented a portrait of Charles S. Wal lace to the school, planted yau pons and cedaff along the high way leading to the cemetery, pro moted a home betterment ffrogram anions the colored population of the town, presented as a memorial the drinking fountain which now stands on the lawn of the municip al building, organized a Junior Woman's club, and helped whole heartedly in civic drives and war time, "Victory" projects. Mrs. Jdfcn Lashley, daughter of Jtfrs. Giddens who for 10 ycMH was chairman of the garden ani civics club, gave the report on that or ganization. Mrs. G. D. Gamble is the present chairman. Beautif} ing the town has been the depart ment's chief objective. They planted trees, shrubs and crepe myrtle from 4th to i!.0th sUeets, yuccas by the seawall, campaigned in the early days for a law to keep chickens from roaming the streets, sponsored home decoration contests at Christmas time, pur chased a refrigerator for* the kit chen at the civic center, sent seeds to England, during the war, gave gifts to hospital patients at Christ mas time, contributed to national drives and became affiliated with the National Federation of Garden clubs. ? The report on the now non-exis tent music department was pre sented in the iorm o! an obituary by Mrs. B. F. Royal The club was organized in 1922 but went out of existence in 1948 as a *war cas ualty." Its first president was Mrs. Norman Webb. The club, dur ing the war, collected records and had used instruments repaired and sent to camps, sponsored music coutetfein the schools, public con certs, Christmas music programs, and organized a Junior music club. Mrs. Robert Taylor reported on the literary and art department which was organized under the leadership of Mrs. A. II. Webb with Mrs. Taylor as its first chair man. The group discusses art and literature, has exhibited paintings, sponged drawing Contests, pro sented the portrait of John M Morchead to the town, has deflated money to the school and town !i braries, purchased dishes lor the civic center kitchen, contributed to the school baud and athletic association, participated in civic | drives, ann fostered Girl Scout work Thr present enrollment in the Club is 41 and this year it eel- j ebrates its silver anniversary. Mrs. O H. Johnson reviewed the history of the American Home de partment which was organized Oct 27, 1937. The idea originated with the I ? te Mi v Paul Webb and Mrs. l>eltnlo Cordova serve# a? itb lirst chairman. ' ? : ' ? ' ? , The home department pioneered I hi county health improvement. | municipal cleanup campaigns, spoil sored fashion .shows, aided in bond drives. served coffer to hndge guards during the war, sponsored Victory clothing drives, projects to raise money, patched over .tutted fin uture at the civic center, mi tiated a hospital nursery project, paid for school lunches for indigent children, and presents a book to the town library annually. A report on the Junior Woinau'o club was presented by Miss Doro tliy Ilarrell. president. The club was organized Sept. 10. 1946 under the direction of Mrs. II. M. Kmc. There were 44 charter members. Their major project has been sponsorship of the Girl Scout j They planted dogwood tree along ArehdeH street, and have worked | on beautifying the hospital grounds At present the club has 64 members Miss Harrell cxpies sod their thanks to the Woman's club for its help and guidance. Following the meeting, a three tier birthday cake, decorated in blue and white icing was served b.v the hoiu?' department, which was hostess club for the evening. Al so served were punch and salted nuts. Sevcnlii Giaders Give Parly al Legion Hui Camp Glenn seventh grade rb entertained Camp Glenn eighth graders at a party Thursday night at the Morehcad City American I egi<wi lint There was music and dancing and refreshments consisted of chic ken salad sandwiches, fruit punch, nuts, and cakes. The hut was dcc oiatcd in pink and blue. Mrs. W. L. Fulcher. seventh grade teacher, was in charge of the party. She was assisted by Mrs. Clyde Willi > Mrs. Joseph Smith, and Mrs. John Danielson. Miss Sara Boyd Hosiess To Bridge Club Thursday Miss Mary Frances 1'ittman won high score when Miss Sara Boyd entertained her bridge club Thurs day evening at her home on Crab Point. Mrs. J. B Macy, jr., was sec ond high winner. Ice cream pie and salted nuts were served by the hostess at the end of progressions. Guest for the evening was Miss Edna Williams. Bible Class to Hien The Madie Bell Bible class of the First Methodist church will meet at 8 o'clock Friday evening in the Ladies Parlor of the church. Mem bers are urged to attend. Holy Name Society Meets At Si. Egbert's Rectory The regular monthly meeting of the Holy Name aociety of St. Eg bert's parish was held Wednesday night at the rectory. The annual election was held. Officers are Raymond Rogers, president, Ted Hardy, vice - president, Kenneth Johnson of Beaufort, secretary, and Robert J. Spellman, treasur er. . The members of the society re ceived Holy Communion in a moiij* at the 0 o clock mass on Sunday. Bridge ClutfeMeets With Mrs. Inez Temple i)?s Inez Tempiewas hostess to her bridge club Wednesday after noon and had as guests Mrs Bruce Willi Mr W. Kellogg and Mrs. II. E. Laughton. Mrs Willis was gucsl high. Mrs. Gib Farrior club high, aud Mrs Harold Webb, low. Light refreshments were served during the afternoon; Nmlfou /j r BAY VIEW ^ ' ^ V April I!6 Rev Olive Alton Car don of Burlington will begin Thurt* day evening at Mr and Mis Ogles by's store. Everyone is invited to attend We all hope that Allen Graham and Ellery II rdcstv, who eonti.iue quite sick, will soon be feeling bet tel. Mi. and Mi . Jesse Pincr and fainJTy ol Davis an; spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ogtesby. Jesse Small. USC<?. spent Mon day ni&ht with his wife and daugh ter. Mr and M? ?' C Skinner and family and Miss Pearl Small at tended the sinking convention at Broad ( reek Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hardest y ol Oyster Creek spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Kllery llardesty. Mrs. Lena Lewis of Beaufort spent Svnday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. May. Mrs Nannie Small of Beauiort is .pending a tew days in the com munity with relatives. ( Charlie L Freeman of Bridge ton pent a while Saturday after noon in the community. Miss Pearl Bordeaux of New Bern held her appointment at Gra i ham's Chapel Sunday. Rev. Douthit (if Have Lock held i'ivkt:. at the Bay View Baptist rhurch Sunday. Mr arid Mis. Lester Haskell aild -daughter of Havelock spent a while Sunday with Mr. and Mis. Thomas Haskett and Mr. and Mrs. J. F. SmaU. y:.*t a few iroin the community -tfrnded the Operetta at Newport Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. .1 C Skinner. Nor ma Lou Skinner and i'eaii Bord eaux attended services at Otway Sunday evening. J aw ton Mason and Fram e Wha ley spent the weekend with Mrs. Cal Whaley ot Camp Glenn Duffy Arnold is spending a few d.tjk in Burlington. Mr and Mr Giltord Cannon and son spent Saturday 111 Mays \ ilie and Stella. William Cottle ^pent Monday in New Bern. Mrs Sinia Carrawan oi New Bern spent Sunday 111 the community. Eugene Lilly spent a few days recently with Thad Lilly of Vance boroi Misb Pearl Small spent Wednes day night with Mis. L. t. Hasket ot Havelock. w Custom Halmaker Says Car: Encourage Mai* Sloppines BINGHAMTON, N. Y.-(AP) - Michael Sanlalutia. the last o Binqhamtons custom hatmakers ? laims the automobile has encour aged sartorial sloppiness. "Men stopped dressing up be cause of the auto. * Santalucia saye "They got sloppy. They don't hav to look nice any more, 'flfcy'r! ne^ er on the street. They're alway hidden in cars." Whether you think an illness is contagious or not ? ocril upon a physician to make sure. y?t him make a thorough check of your condition then fol low his instructions closely; we hope, too that you will bring the doctor's prescriptions HERE for careful compounding. ? Morehead Citig Druq Co. AREMDELL ST. A GOOD DRUG STORE PHONE N-500I NOBEHEAD CITY, N. C. Km froi SOUTH RIVER <7 May 10'? Mr and Mrs. Marvin Fulcher and son, Ronnie arc spend ing a feu days at Stacy with his parents, Mr. and Mis. Irvin Ful cher. Mrs. Kiit h Eubank*) and son, .Ralph, went to Beaufort Friday 'for a few days with her daughters, Mrs. Dewey Guthrie and Mrs. Stephen Beachem, jr. Mr. aQd Mrs. Roland Styr& of Davis visited Mr. and Mrs. John Mason and other friends Sunday. Mrs. Mary Tosto spent Saturday night at Cherry Point with Mr. and !%>. Marvin Fore. Mr. and Mrs. George Hardy spent the weekfhd at Newport with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Goodwin. Sergeant Carlenton Clemm and Mrs. Clemm and children. Marie Linda and Junior, of Cherry Point, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Fore. Mr and Mrs."* Charlie Pittman of Beaufort visited Mr. and Mrs. Monnie Norman Sunday afternoon. Mrs. George Martin ? of North River visited her grandmother, Mrs. Lizzie Tosto and aunt, Mrs. Nannie J. Pittman, Sunday. Mrs. Joe Blake and son, George* of North River spent t lie weekend with her sister, Mrs. Elijah Dixon. Mrs. Charlie Glover and son, G ray don. Miss Pearl Mason of Beaufort spent Sunday afternoon and night with Mr. and Mrs. John Mason. Mr and Mrs. Marvin Fore, Ml . I and Mrs. Brooks Ball and son, jun I ior, ol Cherry Point, spent thei weekend at their cabin. Mr. and Mfb Marvin Fore of Cherry Point are building them a! cabin. Hope they will have good j luck and soon get it finished Mi null Mrs. Clarence Lubanks i and children. Bethe and Lester, spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. I William Cannon. Mrs. William Pittman mid daughter. Nancy, are spending thib week with Mrs. Luke Lewis. She ha.Jjeen very siek but is getting better. Mr. and Mrs Johnnie Cannon and children. Butch and Donnie. spent Sunday afternoon with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Pitt man. * OUlnariM MRS. ELLEN B. ANDERSON Wilson? Mrs Ellen Branch An derson, wife of Selby H. Anderson, died Friday morning. The Andersons have a home on Evans St.. More-head City, and have been spending summers there for many years. Mrs. Anderson was born Aug ust 21, 1881, and was married Aug' il, t 7. 1801. Shr is survived by her husband; her daughter, Mrs R. P. Watson, jr., and two gland daughters. The funeral was held at the home Saturday ^fternooi^at 5 o'clock. Burial tirak place in Maplewood Cemetery. @ MRS. CHARLES LYTLE Mr , Charles Lytic, mother of Mrs. 0. W. Duncan, died Sunday. May 14, alter an illness if several months. Besides Mrs. Duncan, Mrs. Lytic is survived by three sons. The Mason-Dixon Line was sur veyed by two British surveyors. Charles Mason anil Jeremiah Dix on, beginning in 1783 H. Earls Mobley Atlcn^s Aulo Dealers Convention H Earle Mobley, president of Mobley Buick company. Moreh?a4 City, is attending the North Caro lina Automobile Dealers associa tion convention this week at Pine hurst. The convention will establish a mvmciial in honor of the late Claude L (.'arrow, Kinston, father of Mrs. Mobley. Mr. Carrow is a post president of the state automo bile dealers association and wax head of an auto agency in K^stou. St. Paul's Men's Club Will Nee! Tomorrow Night The Men's club of St. Paul's Episcopal church will meet at 6:30 Wednesday night at the pariah house in Beaufort, bleaks will be prepared and slrieri b_ Ernest J. Davis and George Taylor. Following dinner a film will be shown on the life of the Seminole Indian. v Vermont was the first state to abolish property or income quali fication* for voting. fNOW...? PowmT) Mower that "doe? \ EVERYTHING"! J NEW 18-Inch "7? mm . Ret. U.8. Pat. Off. I POWER MOWER// ? Ho tary -Scythe blade icuts grass, weeds, tqpgled growth with equaJ eaae! ? "Suction-Lift" action holda clip pings, chops them to fine mulch. Reduces raking! ? Trims close to walls, treea ??i eliminates hand trimming! ? Fading handle for easy trans port. Take it to farm, camp, summer home! SEE IT! The perfect power mower for every kind of lawn. Cuts all types of lawn growth to even carpet-smoothness. Won't nuae up wun wueds or vegeta- + tiorf. Fine nil-steel I i 0 .1 i ruction. I I'owerlul engine. 1 ASK ABOUT EASY PAYMENT PLAN CARTERET HARDWARE CO. B-421-1 CFRONT ST. BEAUFORT sinsmionm OUe* Beautifully sculptured "Lady Betty" pattern ( J 53-*? ?Pilwbiwt/ie ?Pet Complete Service for Eight Made by the World's Largest Silversmiths ? ' * as a Gift to You when you purchase qny . UNIVERSAL Washer for as little as <1 -19 ok the Ironer shown. * ' 5 ? $1 79.9b f* * FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY WASHER ? Leisure such j as you've dreamed of I witha Universal Washer! I 3 models to choose. All ' Universal's exclusive conveniences. All yours plus exquisitely sculp tured silverware! IRONIR ? Imagine this work- y saving Universal Ironer that American housewives are raving about ... all yours at the regular purchase price plus this beautiful0 53-Piece Silver set as a gift to youl $ MODEL shown is #WMK 2701 $159.95 with pump t 1 ? Se? Them Today! ? BLANCHARD'S ELECTRIC SERVICE 914 AIENDELL ST. H 757-1 . NOREHtAD CITY

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