^Beaufort ?orml Mrs. Lockwood ?hilllps, Society Editor Phone B-UKl ? Mr and Mrs l.uther Umphlett | and children, Evelyn Faye and j Jackie, of Franklin, Va . were the > weekend quests ot Mrs. Charles \V ' ? Smith. ? i ? Mayor and Mrs. I.awre^e Has sell attended a homecoming Sundru ^ at South River church. Mr. and MiC>.l F. Danieley of 1 Flon spent Sunday with Mrs. Dan iele\ s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bur ' ton l>aniels. Mr. and Mrs (J. \V Duncan were called lo Old Fort Sunday by the dwrt'h t?l Mrs Duncan's mother, Mrs. Huules Lytic. Mr. and Mrs John Chadwick ol ' Hotk\ Mount spent Sunda\ with In mother. Mrs \ Artie Chadwick. Mrs Boh Humphrey and dau&h tiir. Beth, will return today from Durham where fhey have been vis iting Mrs. Humphrey's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin .Tones and tbtljrap spent Sunday in Swans boro. nffr- James D. Rumley spent Sun ! d;?v in l-lkton where she visited her mother, Mrs. Bessie Nicholson. Mr. and Mrs J. F. Duncan re turned home Friday from Eliza beth City where they attended the North Carolina F.astern diocesan mfcetinfi. \. \\ Taylor, a student at ( hap- 1 el Mill, spent the weekend at home. ' Mi. and Mrs. Dick Hire of Have- 1 lock spent Sunday witlt.Jdrs. Louie' Rice. Mr and Mrs. Meekin who have ' been living at 010 Ann si., moved Saturday tp 11 10 Ann st. .Mr. and Mrs. M. P. (Pat) Skar- . ren and children, spent Sunday in ' New pern visiting friends and rel atives. Mrs. Fva Hrafaldp is now as- ? * sriciuted with the 'Carteret Hard ware CO. The Misses Mary Ruth and Mar garet Nelson, students at KCTC, arrived home Friday tor their sum nver vacation. The executive hoard of the .Jun ior Women's club met Friday at Utfajoon with the president, Mrs. , f**kU> iVloti* w. w - i vfpft ? ? ^ ? ? ; ? Mr and Mrs. Nicholas Walker I will attend the Shrine Spring cer emonial ia Rocky Mount Wed nesday and Thursday. Jimmy Jarmnn. who is living in RaFeiih, tipont the weekend at home with his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil PMerson re- j tyrned home Saturday I'rom Rich- j mond where they had been visit- j ing for a week. Th** Misses Rosemary Bessent and Jean Dickinson arrived home Saturday for a two- week vacation ir om lames Walker Memorial hos pital in Wilmington where they art itudent nurses. j! Miss Neva Allen retttned home yiUfarday for a two week vaca tiott'irom James Walker Memorial hospital in Wilmington where she j is a student nurse. ------ Mrs. J. W. Humphrey returned hoi$e Sunday from Wilson and Snow Hill where she had been visit ing for a week. Mr. and Mrs. John Duncan and son of Raleigh arrived Saturday for a visit with Miss Lena Duncan. T Mi.ss Annie Morton arrived home Monday from ECTc. Harvey Smith arsived home Mon Jay from Cameron. I.a. The Misses Kay Pry t berth aiul Catherine Potter spent the week end in C.reenvville where they u ited Memrie Mosier ami attended her birthday party Saturday. Mr and Mrs. .tames Davis Potter drove to Cireenville Sund. y to get the l irls and brinn them home. Mr. and Mrs. l\ F. Sw.mn had a their weekend guest Airs ,i. M Jennings of Nashville. I'enn. ? , Miss Hilary Arrin ton spent Sat urdav in New Bern Charles Kin# arrived home F?i day from F.cTi tor hi summer \ i cation. Mr. and %lrs. T. T. Poller. Mr and Mrs Cehrmann Holla -d ami! Mr. .nid Mrs. I|atve\ Smith w ill ; KO to Koe k.N Mount Wed'iu^day t c? I attend the Shrine Spring leremurt I ial. Jane Hill Becomes Pride Of William L. Congletoii Mr. and Mrs (iuion Hill of \\ il liston have announced the marriage ' of their daughter. Jane, to William Everett Congleton of Hcaulori son of Mrs. William C. Divon ot More head City The wedding took place on Sal urday. May Oth, hi Norfolk, with the Hev. Moffett C. liookef per forming the single ring ce?emon\. The bridti who wore a green gabardine soil wilh white accessor ; ies and a corsage of white carna | 1 1 oiks, was attended by Mrs. Wil I ia in Karl ( onglelon. -the fornvr Nevada l.ewts. of Beaufort and Norfolk. _ i William Karl Congleton ot Beau fort and reorfolk. was hest man lor *his cousin. The bride will graduate from Smyrna high school ??n May 1MJ. The groom is a graduate of Pur ham high school, served in I he navy for two years, ami will attend I'NC in the fall. Follow iiv. Mrs. Congleton's grad uation from school, the young cou ple will leave foi Norfolk wlitfc ! Mr /'ongleton will be associated with the Currituck Hacin ; assiHia lion f*?r the summer. Pcnnuell - Pollard y )|f|* Auoiv l ''*' Pollard. tl.?u liter Of i>n^ ^Irs I re I'ollard ol Newport, became the bride of Pvt. Isaac Penuell, son of |Hi. and Mis. Albert Peirt|ell of Newport on May 0, 1 1)50. The twilight ceremony took Atace in the home ot the bride's grand father, the Rev. K. K Pollard of Jacksoifville. with Mr. Pollard of ficiating. Mrs. Penuell will be graduated from Newport high school May ?.fi. Private Penuell is with the g.M id Airborne division and is stationed at Kort Bragg. Surprise Parly Given Neil Windley Monday M*. Neil Windley enterta.aed at a surprise birthday party for her husband last evening. The twenty guests present played games with prizes awarded the winners. * * Fruit punch ami birthday cake with candy and nuts were serfed. Miss Morton Recognized Dr. Howard .1. McGi'nnis, direc tor of the field services at KCTC. and at one time acting president ] of the college, paid tribute to Miss Aanie L. Morton, dean of women, who is retiring this year. Dr. Mc Ciinnis spoke Saturday at Alumni | Day at KCTC. Bookr. Jennet t were appointed as a committee to meet with a roup ol Ic^mIiii;' colored citizens I with the idea that the colored peop le form a cemetery association sim ilar to the lieaufort Cemetery as Toelat Ion. "look inc. to lhf?*tmprove meiit of the colored cemetery. This 1 idea w.is presented by (J. W. Dun can. Dr. Knnelt told t ln> association that he was placi vg in hotels, res fau rants, drug slores and other ! strategic points the old Heaufort cemetery leaflets giving interesting historical facts about the cemetery. Mrs. I).. F. Merrill, president of the association, presided. Mrs. Rudder Hostess To Bridge Club Thursday Mrs. Odcll Merrill was winner of hit'.h score prize, note paper. Thurs day evening when Mrs. Lawrence Rudder entertained her bridge club. * Mrs Hudder served peach short cake at the end of the bridge Play. Mrs. Poller Hostess To Bridge Club Friday Mrs. Hilton Hill received high score prize, a handkerchief, Friday evening when Mrs. T. T. Potter eaterjjiined her bridge club. M|? Potter served London fog Irifewnies and nuts at the #nr protection against dust. Some of I he most serviceable cottons for slip covers are: pet nianently glazed chintz, cretonne, plain or striped denim, galatea, rep and French ticking For .? dressy appearance, lightweight tapestries, drapery sateen and da mask, ginghams and percales was|| easily but often wrinkle more than heavier fabrics. They are good : lightweight materials lor slip cov ers but generally are only M\ inch es wide, thus may not cut to as .good advantage as wider materials. If fabric is not labelled as pie shrunk and fast color against light and laundering, it is wise to buy about three-fourths of a yard and lairtider it at home. Measure the [ fabric before and after laundering to see how much it shrinks. Note any loss of eoloi If slu inkable ma terial still is the choice it pays to wash ami iron it before making up into slip covers. tipper back and arms of chairs or lounges usually gel the most soil and wear. So it often pays to buy enough extra fabric for pieces to baste flat on back aiitl arms These can be washed separately if necessary. sure the design of | the extia piece and sup covei match so that these extras don't show. County Council, YMYW Will Meet in Beaulort The county council of Home Demonstration plubs will meet at j 2 p.m. this atternoon in the home | .^Kent's oil it-ft; Itcaufort. and the 'Voting Men and Youn?i Women's | club will -meet in the same place i ;it 7 IK) lot light. Two home demonstration clubs will meet this week. They are a-, follows' Camp Glenn, li : III) p.m. to morrow, with Mrs. Georgia Fulch ier; Crab Point al Thursday ^tiernoon with Mrs. Ilamlin Sal i fer. V The topic for discussion will he '(?'lower Arrangement." Russians Hold French STRASBOURG t ( A P ) ? Several ; hundred Alsace-born youths, who j were pressed into service with the ! German army after Hitler annexed i Alsace-Lorraine in' 194J), are still j beinu held as prisoners ' some i where in Russia." local officials I say. Most of them were still at I school when the Nazi panzer* swept into their rustic villages a i long the Rhine and in the foothills of the Vosges. Today the con I scripts from Alsace and Lorraine find themselves pawn in the cold I war between the western powers ! ;ini Russia. i Son llorn 1 Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Matt us of I. in J coin. Neb., announce the birth ot h son. Michaci Wayne, Sunday, May ! 7 Mrs. Mattus is the formi&Alice ' Marie Mason of this city. ! f Our Annual SPRING SALE 9 * Ends Saturday 9 May 20 SO HURRY DOWN TO OUR STORE AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF SOME REAL BARGAINS City Appliance & Furniture Co. FRONTST. BEAUFORT HOLLYWOOD... HOLLYWOOD "The Asphalt Jungle," the most exciting crime j movie in months is a sharp re J minder of how pupd the topsan^ lubbers formula can he. It has jew elr> store burglary that \\ill| practically stop vour breathing Part ot the scene's suspense from understatement the inu . le man doesn't funi tile the \ial ot ni troglycerin. as you halt expec t him to. A lot is from the crooks' quiet competence t h e safecracker calmly replacing a broken drill, the mastermind delilu?ratel\ exam inin.rt each trav oi iewel-; bcfoi ? dumpiif ther into In . valise. \nd all the while, police siren wad-, {?row louder outside The a. |?h. ill i ii i 1 ?? is a b.u: cil\. \ hulk in tt si it I; up ni in and liorv player tSterliii", llaydem hecunn involved in the i?* w ?-l fhelt. ti i planned and e\pri|l> ?.;uideil h\ a recent I \ released consul ^f.vim laffev I oiiis t'alheni pl. vs a hank nipt ci i it1. II'. .. I f?.w\ i \y\u ? e rale in the crime \< to di p. *.?? ot the loot. Hut he tries to douhie < 1'osn his nals. John Mi Initio portrays a hard I ilriviii" point- tommi ... ioin r, iru ? I lavon fho \h.?v\ irl who loyos 1 1 .1 . don. Mill .laiitos \\ hit mi*! ?*. tin1 pro 1 priotor ol .1 ohoap Inmhroom Man i l.awronoo plays ;i iiltory hi;' tiii>o I hook 10 Tin* poi forinanoos ol tin I entire oast arc ovrollont. John | llitalon iliroolotl Ihr piitnro Iroin I a sorOoilpla\ 00 aillhorotl h\ linn ell li w.is hasotl on a no\ol l?\ \V. I! I'linii'li. I AloritU s woro film oil in finoinnali O ami I o\in ion K\ llaxtlcn h\ | ho \\;i\, i'oos hark io spoil 1 ii" his first nanio \% 1 r 1 1 in "o. i.l> 01 canal t ami l> \oy ion, inslWMl ol an 1" . \\ 1 itor hiivolor Uioharil Silo 1 .1 railroad cnllnisutsi anil inoiiol railroad Innhloi So is his writ of wifo. Mai \ I 00s ((iain.hlor ol Nov ??list Anita' rhoi.r icoirvlt on tin Wost s iMi l\ ?h\ 11. iTi?\\ i' roads su'Va'slOil a nio\ io plot whioh tliov wnlo ami ho au. Dai Icy ami Atino tVaxtor pan phu . \ 1 1 1 ?? - hep salesman t r:? v **lm lhioti?hl i i liti .ido bai I; in I8?U\. J?dge Hamilton Speaks at Bansnei .h-tk'o I ulhor Ilainiltmi pliKi' la tilt' \r\V|)(?ll | (III KM . : ? > ? I <4)| I ?? l.i ^ ??-. Ill tth'il . . 1 1 n i ' : : I l< 1 M:iv .? .it llii1 r.luf K'ihiuin r1t.l>. I tii' senior. \U'|V riti" i .-I" the |Uti ii i :it liu'i r annua! ? ? mi fonn I !?:in?|ii;'t :nul niam 'ri??? M v l?a\ .* . nw > II-. ! T illlt . ? I'llfW' |'l? t 1 ? ? ? : . - i ? <1 < i I 1 1 lI'lM : *? tla.il ill 1 1 '.* ? HI ?? H h I'luo ? .ml ii> a i I'wtiM" caijiUo. 1 hi* t-. ? : t.?r si hiMuc was hlitc i?l Vi liow | lv.* ( hnel coloi Nam \ 1 1 \ ?!< r. jimi.T ( I pre di'llt. r\t?'llilr 't i t'wi' ! ! K. itl? Ni.t- ?i . i< i i< I ilir - $rv ? i W J i it h 1 ? 1 . 1 1** tii ;i\ n mni?h\;l 1 Y:u I Small s.iti \ M.iv f>:?\ i arol," I Kii'iM 1 1 \ liopkiri t i'.r i .*tl tin' I '.it ii 1 1 v iiiit I! I fruit prin cipal. responded. .lay \\ II u dr-on Siliii. 1'iHtr W ? llil- .HI 4 J l !ir S.-\ Mis I; . ' ! ?\ Wf? |M: umI I i|? ultM ' t'lin, \ orris ml t ! ? 'lid v Hamilton w ho spoke on h'i .her e.hi ? alum and pr'epaiv.toie Tin' ??l! ice t x i?i lli - junior : n,l dlli >1 vl.l' ?'s .11' I I 111' 1 1" ( ,?i Ii.l tile " Ma> roll- dance l i mit i - Mas-mi ? ii(<>. i. hi I'l l s.lltcd SIUIXI'JIH s III C \ i ' tl' S?'Illvl III . I ; ' ! I \ 'fl'f'C-l tin' l.lHurll ;i.ltll|j. \ > and from 1 hcri\ Point luir..hed (li?> music. The i'ti'-i w i n- (Ititu il l?v Mi IV uf i II . Ih'I i \ 1 1 1 1 1 1 ? i I. advisor. The i i.ilil ( .' i t in y?i ???] \ i 1 1 i ahoiif I lit' ? i i * *>! Mlmii i i i . 1 . ? m ta the Saiioirai ,el:t. Society: Boouty Coo r, to Your liocid The a rt is I ry of ;i pcrnia nV'iif ;i! 1 1 1 ? ? hands of a kilU'il opcrattyf raiiiU'l l?c do t>1 i I r I, l.rl u *h rf |..r \ ??ur ]w?nn:i ni'iit <1 n < i y? ?i' .1 , lu?ol vi' a r. ! I .? i inili tlt?kv pO#M.tl out th .1 1 i. (??". ;- t t lii- ? It i?> 1 *> ii? . it i'. it .k on ?h?' abilitx of thf i i. I'll hi iv ..il rapiilh . ir. ? I in it liivcntlv. I w?y i'U'im.tiI ,ry school li'arlior >0144 . Ii hoon not ih. ut ??t 1 !?*? < iitn wild, Trt'-I I i : lit 1 iiiiivi .T, anuoiinriul In if,.' *'1 1 #1 in .? ot h?T factor* will lit* k ?>' itl.'H il, In till. improve in . . hi th.' ? lontent us ? 1 .uli Nut War's Eve and New Vear',5 U..y Wi!u ther are known as the .1 lit iia> ." m Scotland. LAIRD'S l APPLE BRANDY *370 4/5 Quart H6.4 I'KOOF I*. SO X CO Siob?y?illf, H J. I laoji+Uf Special Every One 01 These Items Mult fie MaoedJ. chick i ni sr. low pricks ANY PLACE ? ANY C VTAl.OC.UF. 45 1 ?{?r, ! (;f, i 110 I 15 I 30 1 Roll Roofing $1.59 Roll Roll Roofing . 1 95 Roll Roll Roofing 2.29 Roll Roll Slate Coated 2.59 Roll Roll Fell 116 Sq. Ft. 2.70 Roll Roll Felt 208 Sq. I t. 2.70 Roll ?10 1 It. 3 tab ^>liii??les . 5.70 Sq. \hovt* \M Cash < art v Prices. V t . Sah's Tax \??.l?'?l \ II Oth ?*r Itoofint* I'rmlmts Priced In I ? lie \\ if h \ho\ Ii Is Om \ i in To Make Our Plate p o o r i \ <; ii i \ im> i \ i: i i i: s I ??r I .?i 4?-i et i oliilty. \o matter what > F