ATHLETES FOOT (iRRM HOW TO KILL IT! IN ONE HOL'K. IF NOT PLEASED, your 40c bark from any drucsifct T-4-L it specially made for HIGH CONCENTRATION Undilut ed alcohol base gives great PENE TRATING power. Kills IMBEDDED germs r?n contact NOW at F. Ft. BELL DRUG STORE ? IT'S FUR STORAGE TIME! EASTERN CAROLINA'S ONLY CERTIFIED TUR COLD STORAGE f \ .1 ii 1 1 i it -fnl ami approviMl liv Amorir;??' In stlllitr <>l Krli !?:? l<it lutl > ? Cleaning and Glazing ? Certified Cold Storage ? Complete Remodeling ? Expert Repairs ? 100' Insurance Protection * i I Julius Nelson's Enierlain Warren Family al Reunion Mr and Mrs. Julius A. Nelson were host Sunday to 75 members of the Warren family at a reunion fit t? Nelson home just west of Morenead City on highway 70. Thr reunion, an annual affair, is always held the third Sunday in May. Lunch was served out of doors un the lawn. Kio Grande National Forest in Colorado has the highest average -Ir vat ion ol any national forest in he United States. Nil Give >*& yoUr Qrad the FINEST ln a handsome, new Gift Box! IADT i IU10VA jj IT (#??)? ( U2? Saw S" GRADUATION Cards & Gifts Dee Gee's South 8lli i>t. ^JHareljeah City foetal Miss Norma Gaskill, Society Editor Phone M 861 1 * li Lukevia Wade, student nur c at Watts hospital in Durham. spent the weekend wilh her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wade. Mrs. ,1. C B. Morton returned Saturday from Four Oaks alter a month's visit with her sister, Mrs. B I. Tart. Mrs. Bertha Mailings returned home SaSfcday after a month's visit in Hollywood, Calif . with her daughter. En route home she stop ped in Detroit. Mieh.. to see her daughter. Mrs. Jack Lazenby. i ? Mis. bill Barwiek of New Bern spent the weekend with her par ents, Mr. andrws. VN' I' Freeman Mrs George Boss I'ou of Baleigii has been spending I p.e.t week at her (laughter ;, cottage on Atlan tic Beach. Mrs. Earl Webb lett recently fui her home in New York where she will visit for a while Dr. Iv W Boelols of the Institute of Fisheries research and Dr. W A Chipman nf Fivers Island spent Friday and Saturday in Solomons, Md . attending a meeting of the Estuary society Mr. and Mrs William Chalk .it tended the Jayeees convention in Raleigh during tlie weekend Mrs. Paul Webb spent the week end in Greenville I)r and Mrs. Alvali ll.i iiiiltuii. ji attended tin* welding of In ? uncle. Roherl W McWilliams t ?> Mi - Dor othy .lo Osborne in York county. Va.. Saturday. Mr. and Mr Kenneth Wagnei wcrr among those attending tin .layeee convrritiou in Haleigh dur ing the weekend. Mr. and Mrs Bernard Leary were in Haleigh over tin* weekend at tending the Jaycee convention Mrs. A II .loynee and datigh ter, Betty, attended the .foyner family reunion Sunday .it Faun ville Approximately 7:? person attended. Mr. and Mrs Bobby Bell spent the weekend in Italeigh and attend ed t he .layccc convention l>eing held there. Mi's Thomas Wade returned Sat unlay from New Bern wlieie he Spent several days with her hus band. Mrs. Alvali Hamilton, ji . wa<. in Raleigh Wednesdav to meet her aunt. Miss I ucjlle Renougate, ot New Orleans, who will \isit with the Hamilton.* until" Saturday. Among those attending the .lav cee convention in Raleigh this weekend were Luther Lewis and II. S. (iibbs. jr. Mis Alvali Hamilton returned Sunday from Norfolk. \a. where she spent the past month with her mother and attended the wedding of her brother. Robert W McWil hams to Dorothy .lo Osborne Sat urday Mr. Hamilton went yp for the wedding, also returning Satur day. n Mrs Alwayne Darnron and daugh ter. Billie Jay, of F.lora, Term, ar rived here recently to spend a month with her parents, Mr. and Mrs (J T. Windell. For the GRADUATE . . . And All Othcfi Who Appreciate l ine Jewelry Dinner and Princess Rinys Sei With a Variety of btones Sterling and Plated Silverware? is aft.iys ?< prU? d gift- Matchul tots ut individual pieces. Many patterns to choose from. WATCHtS By Elgin. Hamilton, ?Grucn Priccd To hit bvety Pocketbook Wacom ? ems i You'll Always Find The Best In Watches, Jewelry and Silverware at Walter S. Morris Jeweler 807 Arendell St. Morehead City Dial 6-4046 Mrs. Elbert Chadwick spent the weekend in Kaleigh with Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hudgtns. Mrs W, (i Oelesby l?jfl recent ly for New Jersey where slir will visit her daughter, Mrs. Robert Shaw. Mrs. W. (i Oylesby ami Mr* If obeil itarreli motored to Wash ington recently to take Mrs Og lesby's mother. Mrs. Herbert Uavi ,, who will visit there n Mr. and Mrs. A. li Vnk and Joyce Vick spent Sunday in Hose Hill with friends. Mr and Mrs YVcldon I'ulther will return today from .larksoi ville. fr'la where they have been since Friday visiting their on. Jean larnor, student .it I ' M . is .pending the summer months with h?r parents. Mr. and Mrs. (jib I'anioi . 'Slaves' in First Year Lalin Class Serve Banquet The home economics room ??l Morehead City high, school wa ? tin1 ?cene ol a Homait Bati<|not Tors day evening. May Hi, given l?.v both I .(tin rlav.r-, under the dnectKiri ol Win John I'hilhp. Invitation,, were written in I 'In, sealed will' wa.\ and requested lliat (lie ftpe .1 I wear Komi, in apparel AHer I lie iliyor itioii by tin.' Im ?? ? Horace finer. t lie In 1 coin av w i ; i ''rvt'd by membei of tic In i I year eta ? ;i vi?I consisted "I < ,:i: ?, j lettuce. omon;> and radi: lies lie ' 1 ? ween the first and :.reond eoin Mary Ion Norwood and I'atneia ! Willi an;:. " lotej;or Vita . I In- ' fond ? on? .? ol baked ham i friar. b? all beet . and Horn >1.1 j bread was tin n served, alter whn li ,i trumpet olo H I n't I .Hi wa- played by havid Kr c liwafei and a poem "Tile Lay ol Aneient Homo,", was rented by Ira Hardy The laves then served tin- third nun .?? of honey eakr,., ? Ine .o and appl?- firape jnice was served altei each < ? >n i ? Special :;n? .? . ,?i tin liawiuel v\ ere Mi and Mis I ? 1 'oidova on! Mi. Kalph Wade Membei . ol the ? ?oiid year I, aim ela . air ,taa? ! Stroud. Hon: Midrtlt. I*' i .???? ?? Hi in., on, .lean Barbour. Maiy Kuk man. < olleen Swinson. Horace I'm er. and Hobby Matthew.. Set Vint: a , t h?* slaves were mem lie i . ?il tin- (nai year ? Ja . ... Tommy Ballon. Kdwanl Beard, Ira dv Br ir Fd'verton. Shirley I .on Pees. Uavnl Freshwater, f'barlr Kel l\ . Marv I ,o(i Norwood, Marion n wait. Patricia Willis and Mack I air Willi. Madie Bell Class to liive Window loi New Uhuicli I'lii' Mjdic- Bell Bible C Ih "I the First Mcthodr4 church m?*t Friday r veiling in. the ladies parlor c>f tho Educational buildin;: Mr - Robert llarrell. president, presided Devotional* were led by Mrs Theo dorr Kronoinrn after will oh Jim my Smith san?; two songs accom panied "by Mrv licoiiomen at the piano follow lli^s .1 di-ciisMou oil ;;ivm : a stained glass window to t lie church, the class voted affirma tively. The hostesses, of which Mrs. D M. Freshwater' was chairman, serv ed punch and cake \ contest of hymns was won by Mrs. Economy n. Miss Helen Martin Lnletlains LJi idyc Club M? -: Helen Martin was hostc s to her bridge club Thursday evening. Mrs. Joe Devonchik of Beaufort was winner ot high score, Mrs Ted Hardy \vo"? second lm:li and Mis llan Swindell was low scorer During play Mis, Martin served cookies, salted nuts, and soft drinks and at the end of plav she served strawberries topped with whipped cream. For Little Brother's and Little Sister's WEARING APPAREL BE SUBE AND VISIT THL Commercial Center HAVLLOCK McWilliains - Osborne York, Va.,? "Rowraac - on - the York' in York county was the scene on Saturday, May 20, at high noon of the wedding of Miss Dorothy Jo Oiborne of Richmond, daughter of Mrs. Charles Cullen Os borne of Wallace, N C , and the late Mr O, borne and Robert Wheal ton MfWiUiatm of Norfolk, son of, Mrs. ( harfps Small McWilliams of Newport News, Va., and the late i apt M< Willi. unv Only members ol the t vv <> I ? tin lies were present. (?nests from out of town v.vre Mr. and Mrs Alvah Hamilton and Mr. and Mi Alvah Hamilton, jr., MOrehead C'ily. Mr McWilliains is the brother ul the elder Mrs. Hamilton. The Rev. Albert K. Simms, pastor | of the Calvary Baptist church of Newport News, was the officiating ! minister. For her wedding, the bride wore an Adele Simpso.i original suit of dove pink imported linen with a matching lace blouse, dove pink milan straw hat and navy access ones. Her shoulder corsage was a white purple throated orchid. Following thp ceremony, a wed* dins breakfast was held after which the couple left for ;i motor trip through the New Kngland States. They will make their home in Nor folk alter June 4 For travel tlie bride changed to a Paul liar nc. original suit oi periwinkle blue imported sheer wool with a matching lace blouse and navy accessories. She is a grad uate of Meredith college in Raleigh. The bridegroom was graduated Iron: the University of North Caro lina. Eastman College, Poughkeep sie, N. Y., and the Life Insurance Agency Management association. Hartford. Conn, lie is a member of Pi Kappa Phi fiatcrnity. MORE MOHKIIKAII CITY SOCIAL NEWS ON PAGE j POISON OAK or SUMAC Slop itching, dry uiL. ?m. Mr up blisters quick Kllly ly. ?afely. 5i< I W ? IVY-DRY SCHENLEY $^40 *2 10 ^ r B I ? ? d ? d J whl?k?y 66 f proof. 65% groin fnowtrol spirits. rSchenley Dist., rl?c^ N. Y. C. SPECMAi , SALE ? ON ? USED ICE BOXES - WASHING MACHINES ELECTRIC STOVES and OIL STOVES ALL RECONDITIONED We Will Allow You S10.00 For Your Old Ice Box On a New Re frigerator ? and $30.00 Allowance For Your Old Siove On a New Electric Range WE WILL ALLOW YOU THE DOWN PAYMENT OR MORE ON A NEW WASHING MACHINE TOR ANY OLD WASHING MACHINE THAT WILL RUN BLANCHARD'S ELECTRIC SERVICE PHONE 6-3230 YOUK DM ARENDELL ST. UNIVERSAL MOREHEAL) CITY DEALER A PHTSCIAN TELLS WHY HE'S FOR I WILLIS SMITH Dr. Randolph Doifermyre of Dunn. Distinguished Physician, Slate Vice President oi Lhc American Academy oi General Practi tioners, And President ? elect at the Filth Medical District Says: The Selection oi a Sen ator is "A Choice Which Will Proioiindly Allect the Course oi Our National Aiiairs ior years % come." "Ilr u?l| be .t represent the interests the welfare and fie thoughts oi the people of North Carolina. " "1 know his fundamental convictions, his background and record of service, his fort brightness, his splendid character and ability, bis sound business judgment, his bread understanding of our problems and his devotion to the principles of individual liberty." "He ha:, expressed his strong convictions and oppo sition to the socialistic trend 111 the Federal Government." \ou tan onlv judge a man's future actions bv his past record, a??d we know bow Willis .Smith stands be cause be is not the sort of man who would change his philosophy and principles during the heat of a political campaign. DR. RANDOLPH DOFKLRMYRL THAT'S THE STAND OF AN OUTSTANDING PHYSICIAN, WHO IS ALSO A PROMINENT MASON, SHKINLR, ROTARIAN AND BAPTIST? A MAN WHO IS SINCERELY CONCERNED ABOUT THE SO CIALISTIC TREND OF GOVERNMENT IN AMERICA. SUPPORT WILLIS SMITH FOR U. S. SENATE Paid For By Carteret County Supporters

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