Complete, Official Election Returns in This Issue ?liE. CARTERET COUNTY NEWS-TIMES I0< A Merger of THE BEAUFORT NEWS ( Ertablished 1912) and THE TWIN CITY TIMES (E.tabluhed 1936) 39th~YEAR, NO. 44 TWO SECTIONS? SIXTEEN PAGES MOKEHK A I > CITY ANiTbEAUFOBT. NORTH CAROLINA., KRIUAY, JUNK l!l5 Beaufort Recreation Group Stages Square Dance Tonight Demonstration Club Show Will Open at 8 P.M. Club Members, 4 H Girls To Model Dresses, Flow ers Will Be Shown The annual home demonstration Hull flower show and 4 11 elub dress, revue will l,e helil at the eouit house, Beaufort a( 0 p.m., I Tliur.daj Judges foi liolli events were an I Pounced yesterday by Mrs Carrie (iillikin. home agent. They are as I follows lor the flower show, Mrs. John I shley. Mrs A B Hob 'It. .Hill Mrs I ieorge McNeill, all of Morehead City; f?r (he dress levur Mi William J. Ferry, Mrs. Harden Kiire and Mrs. S. W. Hat cher. all of Morehead City. Flower Classification Houcrs may be entered in the following classes (lass A. best arrangement created by a home demonstration club; class B. cut I lowers best specimens and liest arrangeme its; clas . C, individual arrangement or idea crdated by Hub member, class E. most origin al arrangement by club members Uibbons will be awarded to the lust and second place winners ill all classes (inhibits Due 7:30 Inhibits should be in the home agent's office by 7 30 llie night i'l the I lower show all containers must be marked on the bottom with the owner's name, judgrig will take place trom 8 p.m. to a : (lie show Mill be open lo the public Irom 8 P 111 to 'J 30 Home demonstration club mem fiers may model in the dress re vuc in addition to 1 H club girls. There will be three classifications best individual garment by a home demonstration club member (best dress, sport dress, house dress, sack dress I best individual garment by ?1 II club member, best child's dress Hibbons "ill be given for lust place in each classification. Per sons modeling dresses must be in the court room by 7 p in Judging on construction of garments will be from 7 to 8 p.m Dogs Develop Encephalitis Even though' several dogs in the Morehead City area have develop cd symptoms of rabies recently their affliction is not rabies but encephalitis, or a type of virus of the brain, l)r C E. Paden. veteri Parian, reported yesterday. Dr Paden said many people had become alarmed at seeing rabies symptoms in their dogs However, he emphasized, the animals are suf fering from encephalitis which has similar symptoms but does not have the harmful affect on humans that rabies has Eirst symptoms of this disease are a fever and lack of appetite, he explained After five or six days the dog, if more than a yea'r old, will recover after passing a stage where he experiences stiffness in the hind legs If the dog is less than a year old, the veterinarian said, he will us ually go into convulsions and die. However, if he does recover he will have a twitching paralysis and probably go blind There is no known preventative or vaccine for erfcephalitis, Dr. Paden continued When an animal is found suffering from it, the vet erinanan uses what medicines he has to relieve any misery that ex ists. IFIrct traces of the disease local ly were recorded in February though it was prevalent in New Bern as early as three years ago Chiefc danger from it is not to the dog, the doctor continued, but from the fact thai humans are likely to judge it as rabies and become fran tic in their efforts to gjspose of tha dog A Ihe money-raising end of Beau fort's summer recreation program will start off with an "Allemand Right" and "Dosie Do" at the square dance. 8 o'clock tonight at the Channel club, Beaufort 'lye Frost and His Melody Boys will play and call the figures for the dance which is being sponsored by the Beaufort Recreation com mittee. H. M" Williams. chairman of the recreation committee, urges every one. whether they "know how" to square dance or not. to come. "It's easy to do and more fun than a barrel of monkeys," he added In charge of the recreation pro gram, which starts June 19. will be Raz Autry. He will supervise baseball for l?oys and softball for girls, and also teach swimming, dancing and tennis. Members of the recreation <0111 t mittee. in addition to Mr. Williams, are Mrs. W. L. Woodard, Mrs. Eric Moore, George Nottingham. Numa Eure, Mrs. Lockwood Phillips. Mrs. James Potter. Ill, Mrs Ralph Rudy, the Rev. T. R Jenkins, pastor of the Ann Street Methodist church, the Rev. Winfrey Davis, pastor of the First Baptist ehurch. and the Rev. W. L. Martin, rector of St. I Paul's Episcopal church 15 Enroll for WC Summer Art Class ! Fifeteen student* have enrollw jp'ttie Women's college act school | lit feeafcfort Three courses ]/ire being offered, two of them for grad uate students. The instructor is Gregory I). Ivy, head ot the art department, Woman's college The class meets in the morning on the second floor of the town hall and in tho afternoon goes on "field trips." doing outdoor work, each pupil selecting whatever he chooses as a subject for painting Five of the students are gradu ates, working toward the Woman's college newly established degree, master of fine arts, with a major in painting. The graduate students are An drew Morgan, Cleveland, O., Ann Wall, Lilesville, Martyvonne De honey, Upper Montelair, N. J., Lisa 1 beth Coleman. N. Wilkesboro, and | Wilma King, Greensboro. I The others arc Sally Zieger, Wal I dcen Reams, Patricia Workman, Laura White, Betty Alexander, I Joan Taylor, Mrs. Berkley Birch. Mrs, John Foushee, Betty Petteway, and Mrs. M. Leslie Davis of Beau fort Classes began this week and will end June 23. Candidate Says 'No Complaints' i Wiley Taylor, jr . candidal in : ! Saturday's primary for Carteret' I county's representative 111 the house, said yesterday that he doe ? not intend to file any complaints with the county election hoard Karl < Davis, Markers Island.' candid te for county commission I er. added. "They stole that elec tion. they could steal anothei one. too " Mi Davis also criticized. THE NEWS TIMES for running tabula tions in Tuesday's paper undei Go Forward Ticket " "We're all Demo crats." he declared, then added "and there were no independents." He was referring to vlesse .lone:, land Leo Simpson. Democrats who were running unsupported hv either of the two organized pa?* ties. The number of votes receiver j by these two candidates were inn i under headline "Independent Tick ct." To date, threats <>t complaining 1 have been me re I. \ verbal and in formal Fred Seeley. chairman of the elections board, said that it any complaints ai'4l liled. the> must be in writing and witnesses to ? ! leged irregularities must be named Chamber Office Gets New Location i The Beaufort chamlw r of com merce office will be located alter the middle of this month on the | second floor (if the town hall Two rooms upstairs, which have formerly been used as storage space, have been cleared out and Dan Walker, manager of the chain her. is doing the necessary paint ' ing and renovating Mr Walker said the move was necessary because of the heavy v traffic in the downstairs office which is also the office of the town | clerk. i JAne of the rooms upstairs will be the manager's office and the other will, be the mimeograph room. Mr, Walker said thanks is due the county library which permitted the town to store articles formerly in the upstairs rooms in the li i brary, Adair Funeral home which has donated paint, the fire depart ment. and the Woolard Metal Fin i ishing company which have donat ed tools. B. J. While's Land Gianl Cabio with Hogiish Hook A ???' : pou ml cabio met his fate ??n ebb tide at '? o'clock Tuesday ifternoon sat the end of a little ole' hogftsh hook. The giant fish, 13 inches in length, was snagged by Mrs. B. J. White of Morehcad t lty Beaufoit cause to a> She was fishing with a party lit tout in a skiff near buoy I I II Beaufort inlet. Iler hushaud helped hrr land the cabio, a feat which required gf? nimutes. The hook was a 20 and the line 15 pound lest. Shrimp was used as Im it . With Mr. and Mrs. While, who own and manage fishing cabins 4?ii the causeway, were Mrs. White's mother, Mrs. \. Kapp of Kiiiu. and Mrs. While's broth er, \., jr. Typhoid Clinics Begin Monday Typhoid clinic:*; conducted by ? In' health department, will be held throughout I lie county this month, beginning Mondax The schedule follows. 'unc ??. l'. 1!' K.30 a.m. II Stvi'On; .lore. I'cdar Island. !>.!!? ?\ in near net factory, Atlantic, !M:? a.m.. near Primitive Baptist church. Sea Level, 10:15 a.m.. I'itt man':, tore. Stacy ii i m . Willis Brothers store. Willi. tun. I2;30 pin. postofticc, Mai-luillberi:. 130 pm, school house. Markers Island. 2:30 p.m., Fdward's Grocery, Bettie; 3 MO p m. * 'miner's store Marlowe June 7, 14. 21 a m . postoffice. Stolla.ll.4h am. Odell Smith's house, Bogue. 10. li? am Gulf filling station, Broad ("reel.. It in Mason Tow n sign, Nine Foot road. Newport 11,30 a.m . Fdward's Drug store, Newport: 12:30 p.m. MuHocH's store. Wildwood; 1 p in . Fred's Place, Camp Glenn. Drink Company Builds Storehouse Construction Progresses on Six Major Building Pro jects in Morehead City By ( . Salisbury The Pepsi Cola company of New Hern has started construction on | a large storehouse at Camp Glenn in order to better serve the trade I in Carteret county. Five other building projects in and near More head < ity are well under way. I Site ut the I'epsi Cola building j adjoins the property owned by the Asphalt and Petroleum company ot Kinston. The Pepsi Cola company ; previously used the Croatan Frozen Food plant on the Beaufort More j head City causeway as a storage place, but fire destroyed that build ing several months ago. Unable to find another suitable warehouse, the -joft drink company decided to build The new lv formed asphalt com , pany, which transports asphalt and | petroleum products stored at port terminal, is building a garage and repair building just west of the road that leads to Morehead City ; : Technical institute, also an office and home for the loreman and a set of .r?0 ton scales for the weigh itig of trucks The cement base and | | pit foi the scales have been com- , pletcd and work on the buildings i is under wav The Asphalt and Petroleum com I pany now has a fleet of 10 Diesel ! tank truck# and will add to the j fleet as necessity demands Construction is continuing rap , j idly on the annex to the white j ] school in Morehead City, the col fc school, ajul tVork on the First i Methe iist cbiirtfli is expected to be I complete by flic middle of this ' month. Work has started on the interior jo! the white school annex, and the I See 1 ONSTRUf HON. Page 7 I'H.SKIN rm i.lMINAHV! Jaycees Will Stage Gala Football Banauet Wednesilay Some of the nat ion's best known football personages arc* expected Wednesday night for the Morehead City Jaycee football banquet, it was announced at the Jaycee meet ing Monday night at the JFort Ma con hotel Coach <"arl Snavely of the Uni vcrsity of North Carolina. Coach Beattie Feathers of North Carolina State and representatives from both Duke and Wake Forest are expected to help get. off a fund raising drive to reinstate football j at Morehead Cit> high school. Jimmy Wallace, chairman of the iuothall committee, said tickets for the banquet were being sold by every Jaycee and are available at Leary's store. Time of the banquet i> 0:30 Wednesday night. The place will he announced a# soon as the approximate number attending is known. ** In addition, moving pictures of one of UNC's 1949 football games will be shown, a barbecuc dinner will be served, and informal talks giving the football picture through out the state will be given. Lester Willis, chairman of the See JAYCEES, Page 7 Appraisal of official election Its in the calm after I two months of politicking shows that the Hassell ticket, I more formally known as the "Go Forward" ticket, il i.-pl.?> eil telling strength in only two western precincts, ami sur prisingly piled in the votes in about eight down east pre I cincts. Pelletier and Cedar Point veered awav from tlx ' |iai ty line as did Marshallbcrg. Smy 1 rna, Bettie, Stacy. Otway, Mcrri i mun. Straits, and Williston Go Backward? The "Go Forward" party, which I in comparison to then opponents almost looked as though they were ? going backward, failed to tally the I tremendous vote they expected ?t Cedar Island where Lawrence Has j sell, head of the "Go Forwards" i said, "I not yon your t oad, boys.' i Nor did Salter Path follow in tin Scott Hassell train. Promise of paving the road to that isolated community was dangled hv "con tenders for the crown" before tin eyes of Salter Pat hers Stella, in the bailiwick of Allen ' J. Vinson, commissioner candidate on the Hassell ticket, went right down the line for "the court house gang." Mr. Vinson excepted lie polled the highest commissioner vote in that precinct The eight down east precincts which saw fit this time to cast their lot with the county's new Demo cratic faction are concentrated, with the exception ol Mernmon. in 1 the home territory of two of tin leading candidates on the Hassell ticket, Hugh Willis and Vivian Chad wick. Mcrrimoii Speaks Merrunon just got a new road, j one the folks have been lighting for. lo these many years, and the v reflected their sentiment at the polls Saturday. Without exception the other pic i cmcts gave a repeat performance | of their usUal election day drarfc* High meh on the county ticket, j i according to the official count re ; leaded* after the votes were can i vasaed ty the elections board 'l ues j day morning, is Philip K Ball. Morehead City, who was re elected ; ! county surveyor, lie and his op poncnt, ('. K. Howe. Beaufort, are j probably the two who cotnpaigned the least. Howe's vote was next to j the lowest among county candi j dates. Leo Simpson, candidate for sheriff, takes "consolation prize" I with 671!. I Second high was Hugh Salter, county commissioner. .'144.'). follow ed by Irvin Davis, register of j deeds. 3,859, then George W. Dill, legislature candidate, 3.121. and Dr. K. P. B Bonner, county com | j missioncr, who completes the top j liw with 3,181. I Sheriff C. G. Holland was the ' only other candidate who polled more than three thousand votes. Salter led all other county coin j missioner candidates in the follow ing precincts. Atlantic, Bettie. Beaufort. Cedar IMand, Sea Level. Stella, and Wiregrass. The re-elect ed register of deeds carried all pre I cincts except seven. The sheriff carried all except nine, but in llar See ELECTION, Page 7 Chamber Gives Advice on Bad Check Losses A recent "bad check" incident in the county brought forth the following adyicc lroni the chamber of commerce, Beaufort Merchants have alw.-iy . b?l some trouble in connection with cashing checks and take if toi granted thai they' will have .onie losses This loss can he significant l.v decreased by following a lew simple principles 1 Don't lei j list ;?n\bod\ mi th<' store cash cheek:. 2. Don't cash -.cheeks l per cent of tliein have eithei micoi reel or noiievi tent addresses 4 Require proper identification (Any type ??f identification card can be counterfeited) !?. Watch the kind ot cheek pre sented. Contrary to common belief. See ( HAMREB. Page 7 Board Rejects Resignation ' The hoard of director:, of the Morehead f ity chamber ol com merce refuser! to accept the re00 less than last year, was tentatively adopted, and a regular date tor the board's meeting set. It will be the last Thursday of each month at 7:30 p.m. at the civic center. Hobcrt (J. Lowe, manager of the chamber, said these meetings are open to the public, anyone is wel come and he hopes thai many people will attend in order to be come better acquainted with work of the chamber. Results of the May Primary in Carteret County I1. S. Senator Atlantic Beaufort Settle B ?" ? n g a & 140 113 804 413 Broad Creek JCcXuTlsland Cedar Point Davis Markers Island >W)awe Marsh allberg Merrimnn 24 21 12 23 n 11 43 Marehead 28 V 59 28 _ 82 Tj8 234 47 :!4 154 92 43 ?r ?? K 21~ 120 S 3 38 615 133 123 108 21 7 3" S 0 12 0 1 0 Newport Otway Pelletler Portsmouth Salter Path 54 37" 3 27 55 94 0 Sea Level 56 44 10 0 Stacy 46 ~22~ 12 SteDa 11 Straits Wild wood 94 WIUMm Wiregnm 31 29 10 3 15 3 TOTALS 23 13 2571 2*38 415 0 24 House Of Rep. 2*05 908 .1071 Register Deed* Surveyor Sheriff 10 ! 2 53 ; 39 1 44 27 5 tf 6 I 27 8 20 81' S? in 14 22J 20 1? j 10 14S1 IMS 3 19 3 76 "~"5T] 26 4 3466 672 33 *49 14 28 3040 County I ommiNMnnt ts ?j _ . JB -o a X 3 I I I I s I I | % 1 ' g ? Jg I I I ui | I 80 50 172 181 148 237 163 72 14s 69 392" "263 " 706 741 69B 908 63!) 150 284 27? 20 21 jp 24 18 26 li 13~ 15 ~31 12 37 22 15 32 Z3~~ 11 13 " 4 10 44 52 99 8l ST 43 36 26 23 28 17 29 26 20 90 " 25 27 49 31 11 34 14 15 1 2 14 3 14 8 12 69 59 58 74 58 80 58 65 89 .>? 62 27 216 340 178 263 2M 164 44 50 37 24 37 ? 54 ~ "48 28 34" 22" 24 124 109 118 134 103 124 111 lS U8 125 56 43 "25 34 3t 41 31 45 44 :>3 392 232 1105 755 889 863 780 451 213 gj 887 53 HH m " 252" "174 126 71 4? ill 45 40 27 34 31 41" 34 47 4:' >9 38 56 7 10 24 15 13 4? 37 30 0 0 10 10 9" W 10 0 I n 24 29 118 115 104 115 lib 30 19 33 28 13 63 80 ft 110 89" W M {I 43 42 8 12 10 13 11 40 i fij 42 28 12 7 6 39~ 11 34 49 ifj" 7 35 29 28 23 30 4 1 ' 6 78 81 21 35 ~ja 33" 28 80 65 S 8> 21 75 70 83 76 66 17 10 [l zf 16 11 ~f? IS? 25 14 18 SI 23 a? fi m ii a a? a iaa " 13 18 I 1966 1375 3181 2994 299* 3445 2679 1915 1417 1379 This k Ike only complete and official primary tabulation publish- ' a ropy of the May 27. 1950 Carteiri county primary rewlU. The num Uut copies of thii iiuue of THE NEWS-TIMES will be available in the ed. We souest that fwm keep Ihia paper If yen fre intended la havlai ber of pa pen carryiag lM> uMe are United and we caanot guaraatee , feUr*. ? The Editor. * T : k ^ Moreheari City Residents Will Vote on Tax Levy Poll s Open Tomorrow al b 30 A. M in Municipal Building < jty residents who registered to vote in the special clccfioti hiuimiow will cast a Ual lot rither loi hi against .in annual I?m> of Hi ? Tills | mm" bundled t ? i;i\ til this month Mil ertot s Kesiuned I In* deeiMon I ? ? call .i referen dum 'on llir rerrr.itmti issue was in. i'lr when the hoard of directors of llir i iii ti'iTl tatc In contrast lie emphasized, heie in the United States the individual i free to do almost anything he please:- ?s long as it docs not inter tere with others This is a privilege dearly tou#;ht tor. one that few appreciate he concluded N V Kurc, ? hail man of the l adies Night program to be held .'une 20. announced that Dr. C Sylvester Green, vice-president and executive ,ecrel,uv of the North Carolina Medical Foundation, will be the principal speaker at the meeting His talk will be of an inspirational nature, Mr. Eure ex plained Tide Table fides at lUaufort Bar Mlftll LOW f nda*, June 2 9:20 a m ib p m 3 32 a m. 3.31 p.m. Saturday, June 3 10 24 a ni 10 . 48 f m 4:29 a.m. 4 26 p.m. Sunda>, June 4 1118 am II 4'