NEWS-TIMES OFFICES Beaufort 130 Craven St. ? Phone 2-4481 Morehead City M4 ArendeU St. ? Phone 6-4 175 CARTERET COUNTY NEWS-TIMES A Merger of THE BEAUFORT NEWS (Established 1912) and THE TWIN CITY TIMES (Established 1936) 39th YEAR, NO. 45 EIGHT PAGES MOREHEAD CITY AND BEAUFORT, NbRTH CAROLINA. TUESDAY, JUNE 6, 1950 PUBLISHED Tl'ESD-YS AND FRIDAYS Miss Annie Morton , Dean of W omen , ECTC \ Returns to Her Beaufort Home State Amvets Elect Officers Business Session Sunday Morning Climaxes Week end Meeting Here Election of state officers for the ( omiiig year climaxed the state meeting of Amvets in More he ad City over the weekend. Ralph An drews. Raleigh, was elected state commander, succeeding Tom Saw yer of Durham. The Aiuvets, veterans of world war II, convened in Morehcad City Saturday with headquarters at the Jefferson hotel. Host to the conven tion was Havelock Post No. 1, Da vid Oglesby, commander. ?Sad Sacks* Initiated The opening business session was conducted in the municipal build ing at 9:30 Saturday morning. In the afternoon 16 candidates were initiated into the "Sad Sacks." fun and honor organization of the Am vets, similar to the 40 and 0 of the American Legion The male candidates were parad ed throuuli the streets of More head City dressed in long purple underwear, the female candidates wore burlap bags and all followed in the wake of a brilliant red "wat er wagon." Guest of honor at the convention was Mrs. Kva Manchester, National Saddest Sad Sack of Washington, D. C. Banquet and Dance A banquet and dance was held at H o'clock Saturday night at the Jefierson restaurant New officers, in addition to Com mander Andrews, are J. P. McLcn doll, ,u Greensboro, first vice commander; Rart O'Neal. Raleigh, second vice-commander; Tom Dud ley, Durham, third vice-coinman der, Maurice Richardson, Have lock, fourth vice commander; Capt. Paul Johnson. Charlotte, fifth vice !?r, Creerfc, He! eigli, vice commander at Urge; Don Norman. Durham, fiuftqffe officer; Edwin Pou. Raleigh, judge advo cate Paul Hester, Durham, provost marshal, Tom Sawyer, national ex ecutive committeeman; and J. C. Powell. Winston Salem, alternate national executive committeeman. Mr Oglesbv. Havelock. served during the past year as second vice-commander. The PJ41I annual meeting was held at Raleigh. Ap proximately 100 attended the week end session here. GREENVILLE, June 6? After a quarter of a century of service to East Carolina Teachers college. Dean of Women Annie L. Morton, now living in Beaufort, gave an official farewell last month to her ' girls" and to the campus which has been her home for many years. In 1925 Miss Morton came to Greenville as East Carolina's sec ond dean of women. She replaced Mrs. Kate W. Beck with, who had held the position for sixteen years. "When 1 talked to President Wright about the work," said Miss Morton a few days ago, "I told him I was a teacher whose experience j had been largely with children. I didn't know whether 1 could be a dean." she commented. "That's all right," replied the East Carolina president. "You'll just be dealing with children slight ly grown up." So Miss Morton left her position as principal of an I elementary school and became the friend and advisor of women stu dents at the college. Her devotion | to her work, her ability to handle difficult situations with tact and I efficiency, her interest in the wel , fare of students indicate that Dr. Wright's confidence in her was : justified. 700 Mudents When Miss Morton became dean of women at East Carolina, the i college was a different place from j what it has become in tin* last twenty five years, she savs. The student body was composed of wo men 700 in number, many of them i enrolled in the "normal" courses | now discontinued at the college. ' Now. with an enrollment o! more i than 1,600 each quarter of the J 941) 1950 term, the college has had 1 ! this year a slightly larger number j of men than of women. j As Miss Morton looks back over ' her years at the college, one of the things which impress her is j the rapid growth of East Carolina. 1 I The campus has changed remark ably, she says. East Carolina was in 1925 not nearly so beautiful as ; ; it is today There was little grass, and a good deal of mud in wet i weather and dust on dry days ; Ifardlv a sprout of green showed ; itself from Jarvis Hill on the west I I campus eastward to the limits of | the college property. Vast Improvement vVlie improvement," Miss Mor I ton said recently, "is wonderful Spacious lawns, a growing grove j of holly and other trees on the cam pus lacing Fifth street, shrubbery including more than 300 handsome camellias, paved roads and walks all these, she commented, have made the campus one of which the | state may be proud. Miss Morton has seen a lot of . building being done in the past. | and as she leaves much is still in ! ( progress. The Administration build- ' i See MISS ANNIE, Pago 7 Miss Annie I.. Mm ion June Superior Court Term Will Open Nexl Monday The June term ol superior court in Carteret county will open next Monday, June I'.' The first week ill m ma I cases will It tried, .r well r?s divorce cases The second week. Juno J!t to .lu ik.' *' ? vi I ease.- will he heard. Presidiur, j imI>*?* will he Walter .1 Bone. I'i f teen divorce case. ami .even motion: are doekeied f ? ? ? Monday. June l ' The crinima) locket ha not yet been drawn up by the soli L'ltur. V\ I Blind. v Docket for the second weyk tol lows Monday. June lu, Kogers vs Roger's. Simmons v. liar'tim-. Whit Irv \ . Hunt, Hamilton \ live, Naeo v. Beaufort Cauneiy. Kent v;. Atlantic Beach Tuesday. June :mi. l-'ullord v Pickett. Davis v. .limr,. Bolieli v. Taylor Pake vs Davis. HoneVcutt vs. Bridge- and Bruton Wednesday, June *J1. Smith \ Finer. Daniels v, l?a\ is, Mmehead City Grocery eo \ kiouse. Cro ni*T vs Ballon Thursday." June iJ'J. (iillikm v Laurence Tuten vs Guthrie. Daus vs /ci :lrr Kline. I.evvi*. v . Willi;.. New Bern Buildm;*, Supply ? * Keonoincn et al . Outline vs Moure. Friday, .lime '.'H. Davis v. Tav lor. Has:, ell vs Morgan. Midyetto vs Hodge -, H.uicock vs. Hancock. Stewart vs Kionomen. Mallard Griffin vs. Ballon Willis vs \V il lis. Kiiootz vs. Wade. Batemau vs Willis. C. D. Kirkpatrick Will Fill Captain John Nelson's Position Elks to Sponsor Flag Day Coremony Hex! Wednesday Kor the first time in the history of Morehcad Cit> Beaufort lodge, the Elks will observe Flag Day, Wednesday. June 14. with a cere mony at Morehead City high school auditorium. Everyone is invited to attend this e%ent which will take place at 3 p.m Elks will meet at the school at 2:30 and will be assigned special seats * in charge of stage arrangements | it Paul .tones, Beaufort, publicity, j Ixickwood Phillips. Beaufort, and A. H James. Morehead City, will recruit flag carriers. George \V. Dill, jr.. mayor of , Morehcad City, will give the his tory of the flag Health Officer to Attend Mental Health Seminar Dr N Thomas Ennett. county j I health officer, will leave this morn i ing for Wrightsville Beach to at tend a five day mental health sem- 1 inar, it was announced yesterday. The seminar is sponsored by the State Board of Health for health officers Several well-known psy chiatrists will be featured as speak ers on the program Mental health is becoming more Mid more important in connection *(th preventive medicine. Dr. En nett commented. He said the State Health department is anxious that local health officers become well | informed on this new phase of pub- ( lie health work. Rotanans Meet at Camp Morehead City Rotanans met Thursday night at Dr Ben Royal's I flailing camp on Adam's Creek for i a seafood supper and social gath < ering. Many of the group traveled i to the camp aboard the yacht Ala I U which departed from the More- i head City yacht basia docks. < Complete Returns Show Graham Had 52.763 Lead RALEIGH ? (AIM ? Senator Frank Graham had a If ad of 52, 763 vote* in Saturday's May 27 Democratic senatorial priman , complete unofficial returns show. The returns, released Friday by Secretary Raymond Maxwell of the State Board of Elections, gave Graham 303.606 votes; Wil lis Smith 250,842; former Sena: tor Robert R. Reynolds 51.752,' and Olla Ray Rnvd 5,932. Hie board will meet here to morrow to certify the returns. Other returns releaaed by Max well: Supreme court justice ? Emery R. Denny 278,923, Oscar O. Efird 180,839. Insurance Commissioner? Wal do C. Cheek 319,684. Hoke R. BosUan 132,640. Boaolort Jaycees Will NmI at 7 P. M. Tomorrow Beaufort Jaycees will attend a special mectinc at 7 o'clock tomor row night at the Inlet inn to hear i talk on social security by N. W. \vera, Wilmington. Mr. Avera is social security representative for this area. This meeting will take the place jf their regular meeting Monday, lune 12, and will be preceded by linner. The topic of Mr Avera'i talk will M "Loss of Social Security Bene iits in Carteret County." Negro Fined Gerald W Becton. Negro, wts lined $15 and costs in yesterday's \ session of Moiehead City mayor's rourt for failing to give the right >f way to an emergency vehicle He was chargrd with running into Ml ambulance driven by Mayor feorge W. Dill Saturday, May 27. | J Mc latest report from H,ilcigh names C. I> Kirkpatrick to till the position which will he left j vacant this month when ("apt 'ohn Nelson, state fisheries commission I er. retires. It is also announced that Kirk | Patrick will remain in offices ;?? I Morehead City, hut an overall ? om tnercisl fisheries director, who has not yet been named, will operate ' from Raleigh However, ih?* gen cral assembly must approve thai plan, advocated hy the Board of Conservation and Development at its tioldsboro meeting Kirkpatrick has been serving as assistant to Captain Nelson for the past several months, ever since i Captain Nelson's intention to retire was announced. He will hold the I title of assistant fisheries commi i sioner It has l>een announced that j ' most" of the la persons employed by the commercial fisheries dtvi jifton are expected to be retained when Kirkpatrick takes over. Kirkpatrick is a former law en forcement director for the old Pi vision of Game and Inland Fisher les before that division was abol ished in 1947. He is a native ol j Mecklenburg county and a grad I uate of State college. His wife teaches at Peace college in Raleigh i Slory Hour Will Ifagin . 1 A! Library. 10 A. N. Friday The Storv Hour and Reading ? i club at Webh Memorial civic cen ter library will begin at 10 o'clock Friday morning. The Story Hour nil! continue tor one month and under rules of the reading club older children who read 10 book . during the summer will receive j , certificate and younger children uho read fixe during the summei , will be awarded a certificate The Story Hour an;l Reading , club is under the supervision of Mrs. E. A. Council and the librai V board. Children 5 to 9 years of age, inclusive, may attend. Morehead City Recreation Referendum Passes by Margin of Three Votes Ponies Will Be Penned Friday OnShackleford By Aycock Hi own I In* mm oih! puir i 11 1 1 1 1 1 of t lie '?'.iMtn will Ik- held Friday on I Shark U?l oid ImiiK.s. Then (luring July .< 1 1? I \iil;uM on the same diil<^ j the ponies v. ill a^am be rounded up at Mir .mm- localities The ( Ii.ihiImms o| commerce in Carteret county incive hundreds f let t?*i >car iront persona who want to come down to tho coast .ii*l attend the colorful I round lips ??( tin- picturesque semi i wild .'iiuiiials winch roam the bank.-, of (.'ore and Shack leford Modern i ?la\ stoek laws prohibit ponn s on .ill tin I ??uk'. e\cept Con1. Shack j lelord .ind < icia* oke iJaml M one time there were several Inn >? I r?*? t ponies on llatteras but tlie.v wen- taken t?f f the island when lln park^ service bailed i In sand fixation projects dor 'inc. Hie i!wn\ Tin , was done ! m .in .?? Hie ponies were said to he i eat in;: the grasses an I shrubbery w H?eh aiichoi i I the sand: l Thousand-. ot persons have wit in ,cd'.th?'. pemnn '.s held at i ape 1 1 uii't and on Shack let ord bank} dm in:: un ii! veai ? \i tu i||\ there aie only about t ? ?i the pome: left mi the i laud but each veai in n . nit aie born and that is one of Hie main leasoo:. Hie animals are penned Although in a slate ol uitdne . . Hie pome roaminj: Hu banks have owners When the pen nin ;ne held the owners bi ind then new i nil Sometimes pniiies ii' -Id it the penumns but in re * ei 1 1 years the price ot the animal haw advanced to such an extent that many persons who otherwise would bli> one tor their children l nl to do v.i ? hie to the price ? ? j minimum price is usually about $!?? |ht ooii\ ' ape Lookout and Shacklefoi I ennm ? at ti act pmst of the torn ? ists because these two locations ar? easier to feaeti lion* the mainland To reach either location one trav els h\ boat iroin Markers Island and Marsha libera Occasionalh boats are chartered in MoreheaH City or nearby Beaufort by per sons /;oin to the penninqs j The banker ponies are said to be descendants of either Barbary or I Arabian horses which were cast a I shore along the coast of this coun try three or four centuries ago Interbreeding is believed to have resulted in dwarfing the original horses. Motorists May Exchange Tags KAl Motorist: having on their vehicles two 1950 license plates on which flic paint is peel in;' today wore asked bv the North Carolina Department of Motor Ve hicles to exchange the tags for new one.v The exchange will be made with out cost to the motorist either by mail from the Raleigh office or upon application to any branch of fire in the State. Where paint is peeling on the front plate only, the department did not request motorists to make an exchange. However if the motorist wishes new plates m such cases, the exchange will br made free of charge Where the back plate remains legible, mo tonsts may use the plates through out the remainder of the >i:ar. Only one plate was Used during the war it was pointed out The plates which arc peeling all have an aluminum base. Since oth er states have used aluminum sue cessfully. department officials stat ed that the manufacturing process was believed to be responsible for the defective plates. A shortage of steel brought about by the steel strike of several months ago made it necessary for the department to use aluminum for 100,000 sets ol lOijO plates. The department was hopeful that all 100,000 sets would not have to be replaced smce steel allocated to manufacture of 1951 plates would 'ha\e to be u^ed, delaying production off next year's plates. Ne*pmt "Man Sworn In \ H. James, clerk of superior court, appointed Moses C. Howard. Newport, to fill the vacancy on the county board left by the death of Commissioner Wallace Styron, Sea Level. Mr. Howard look office Fri day morning. A 10-cent recreation levy for each $100 valuation xvas carried by three votes in Sat urday's referendum in More head City. One hundred for ty five person:; voted, 71 fur and 71 against I lie levy. Three hundred forty -five person* had registered for t h .? special election. I* ('. Salisbury, registrar, com mented that persons who register ed hut did not vote probably be lieved that an old law. h pealed in 1947, was still hi cffcet. This law stipulated that a person registered i *o vote, who did not east a ballot, automatically registered an "a gainst" or ? no" opinion. THE NKWSTIMKS pointed out editor ially .several weeks ago that this law was no longer in effect. Approval of the 10 cent levy means that Morchead City's tax iate will remain at $2.00 per bun ? died. Mad the recreation proposi tion been voted down, the rate would have cone down to $1.00 A former port levy of 10 cents will be dropped June M) The 10 cent tax now will go into a recreation fund rather than the port fund. Mow the town board proposes to set up the recreation program re mams to be seen. There is a large building on Shepard street, the Car teret Wecreation center, which coii Id be used as headquarters for the program Persons m favor of the tax supported recreation sys tem generally Itelicved that voting foi the Ml cent levy Was a vote for retention ol the recreation center. Tin . is not necessarily so The ballot reads as follows: "FOB an annual levy of I0c on each $100.00 of asscsse 1 valuation ot the taxable property within the corporate lun its of the Town of Morchead City fi r providm conducting and main taming .i supervised recreational system for the Town ol Morchead City " The seeond proposition read "ACS A INST . etc." It remains entirely within the 1 jurisdiction of the town board ah to the manner of netting up More 1 head < itys first tax-supported rec reation program on au income of 1 approximately $4,300 annually wlii' li the levy will provide. Fire Causes $300 Damage to Home approximately $300 lainage w as caused to the home of Mrs. Molly l>a\i>>, N. 8th st., Morehead City, Knday altrrnoon at J :1b when sparks ignited the ceiling of one : room. Kiremen arrived to find smoke coming through the roof and from under the eawis on the north cor ner of the house. However, the roof did not catch fire and dam age was confined to one room. Firemen stated that apparently the tire was caused by sparks from the chimney igniting some paper , that had been stuffed under the caves. They discounted the theory made by bystanders that children in the neighborhood threw matches to July 14. Colenda will be attached to a group of 23 senior eadets who have been assigned to noncruise shi|*? encaged in routine Jutie?> lie is the son of Mrs. Frank Co lenda, 70'.! Bridges st. Tide Table Ttdps at Beaufort Bar HIGH ? Tuesday, June 6 1^7 a m. 1 .14 p m LOW 7:03 a m. 7 28 pm Wednesday, June 7 1 32 a.m. ' 2:15 p m 7 58 a m. 8:34 pm Thursday, June * 2:30 a m. 3:12 p.m. 8 52 a.m. 9:35 p.m. Friday, June 9 I 3:25 a.m. ' 4:04 p.m. 9:42 a.m. 10:32 p.m. County Operating Expenses Pass Half Million Dollar Mark ? I()50-\51 Tom Potter Serves As Aide to Sudan Temple's Ruler ; T. T. (Tom) Potter, Beaufort , was recently appointed potentate's ante by S. S Toler, jr.. of Rocky 1 Mount, potentate of Sudan Temple. 1 ? Mr. Potter and his wife will make i the pilgrimage to l.os Angeles June , : lit where Dr. Hubert I'otcat ot , j Wake Forest college will become , 1 imperial potentate of all Shriendom 1 in North America. Dr. I'otcat i: a member of Su ( dan Temple, as is Mr. Potter and , | the following Carteret eountians , who will attend the Shrine conven ( tion in California: Sheriff and Mrs ; ( . Putt* i will leave HikKj Mount next Tuesday morn , T. T. ( l oin ) Potter ? ing on a special train which will, also carry MOO other Nobles from . j Sudan Temple and their wives Places at which the train will (" slop en route and where the pa:. ( sengcrs will be entertained by | Shrine temples in the respective | cities are New Orleans, Houston. ! J Albuquerque, the Grand Canyon 4 and San Diego; on the return trip. San Francisco, Yoscmite National Park, Heno. Salt Lake < it v. i'hi j j cago. Washington, and Richmond. ( The entire trip will require lb | days, four beiny spent at Los An ; gc!ej?. , Prior to Mr. Potter's appoint mcnt as potentate's aide, he served as president of the f artcret Coun ty Shrine club, member of the ^ Wrecking Crew, Sudan Temple, and r was general chairman of the sprinj: I ceremonial at Beaufort Morehead ? j City -Atlantic Beach in 11M7. , For the special California con v clave he has been named to the eer j cmonial cast committee of Sudan Temple. C aiteret eoUlity cotnnu ? l"U< 1 lii regular session ve\terda\ mom inu .it tin- court house approved a tor 1 ;?;>(! .')! which repiv seiils all increase of ail estimate I WIMMHI over la t m ai ? total Imi.I yet which amounted to $4H'> 'MY >0 riiis shoves operating expense aver the halt million dollar marl Where the moneys Coiiun;. Ironi is the Ihu problem. I inic. Potter iiiditor. lol l the board. All additional $7 imio wa eiant I'd I he welfare department The lOiinty's putting no tins imoiuil m| money V ill hi lie i lot 1 1 m tin n ill state and lederal eiailts ol $8ti POP and the board I ? ? 1 1 lliev t ? hi Id not attoi d not to nial,e 'lie ' m\? t ineiit " !|>I.|IIMI fin /.Oil 1 1| j'. Seveial month, a no. tin- hoard > old tin- Cherry Point /oiiin coin mission that they would pay He n proportionate shaie ol e\per. ?< per cent ot tin- < : 1 ' ?? .? 1 1 1 1 1 1 ( M 1 .1 f I < <1 1 at jj|r i?-?| turn iii?I women ?nif I white nun an ! t\ OllM' H. Sheriff ' I. Ili?l|.?ti?l ? 1 ted III (I anuthei in.illfi l.ul !??? limit Mir jail because : 1 . 1 1 ? ? law i< pun's that pivcuiles he put nndri I root separate from that ovn i?l 11 It offender- llr added that 'most oi flip prisoner. these i1u\ - II I' kid;, b?twr?n Hi and i! I ? ? ,u\. A age " lie pointed ?>iit t I1.1t t lir .sfieiill l??partni? nt budget 'hadn > increa . ??| more than $i?i>00 shut l!WH YVe Ion t |i:?vc paid deputie don't lave radio facilities. and now t h<* ail's talliii apart' A 10 year-old ud with a blade ran pn l< lus wav Hit of it it In- has tunc, and that ill lie's not in then.', tune " llr told the board also that tin* '.rand jury will convcnc next week ind that something will ha\r to be I ont' about thf rvpQati'il recoin Herniations 011 the iai I . Although $20,000 was mentioned is a figure for tail improvement-, lir sherift -aid he thought they ould ge t by with $10,000 Vault Kr?iursl shelved The request to enlarge the re ? ster of deeds vault, raised time md time again b> the county':, awyers. was shelved 111 view of the ithcr requests It was estimated hat at least $110,000 would Ik* re |i'ired to do that work The health department wj [ranted $11!, 000 lor the coming car The sum of $12,846.87 was equested. The state forestry divi ion requested $ 1 ,7.45 and wa - ranted $750 but two commission rs. Moses ( Howard and Hugh ialter. were requested to see the arise holders of timber land 111 tin* Sec lAI'fcNSfcS, |*aj;e 7 Register of Deeds. Inquires About 'High-Handed* Paving When Ralph Pollock, second di j vision highway commissioner went | before the county board yesterda\ morning to obtain approval of a re routing of the Wiggins Neck road, Pelletier, Irvin Davis, regis tcr of deeds, asked "Can you tell me how the state can comc down here and pave roads without ap proval or recommendation ot tb?* county '.ommissioners?" Mr Pollock L-aid he didn't know oi any roads that were paved with ou,t the recommendation of the countv Hoard. Mr Davis said that the road at Otway never was brought up before the county com missioners. and that several other s were handled in a "high handed'* manner He further stated that the Cedar Island road is not on the county system any farther than about 100 feet beyond the last house toward Pamlico sound, yet paving is going all the way to the sound .1 L. Humphrey, county highwav engineer, said he was merely fol lowing the mileage on the map given him Mr. Davis asked: "What I'd like to know is where they ?o^the mileage from!" ? Kvtr since the Scott administra tion took over, county officials said, commissioners have not been consulted on road pawn;: projot It was suggested t lidt the. attorney general be consulted on the ity of the procedure Mr Davi ?? claims is being practiced in thi:> county Mr. Pollock pointed out that the Wiggins Ne? k road had to be re directed because right of ua.v could not be obtained This means that a portion of the "old" road will be abandoned. The board approved the new routing. The board added to the county highway system Xakeview Drive ' just w est of Newport which leads from highway 70 north to the rail road At the request ot V. I Wilson the county agreed to sell the Jim Smith property, Newport townsh* to the higher bidder Corey N Hobbn, Morehcad City, who also requested that the county ^ell th* Martha Lewis property at auction was referred to the tax collector :, office to determine how many back taxes were owed Beaufort firemen were summon ed to a grass fire next to the Fi vcr's Island road on the Beaufort Morehcad City causeway at 1 p m Saturday. The fire was extinguish ed within five iniuutes with 110 dA age caused. ? Sm Blaze Destroys Wright Potato House \ 1 1 . < - 1 1 I'M' tii t through I ho K W 1 1 ! ? 1 1 1 |Mit;)(o hoiiM' on I ? i : : 1 1 v\ . ? \ HH out' nil U* ,ea*>t of IV.nilori i ti l\ Sinitla> morning, ? ilr .Ii o.m <1 lilt*, Iioio-r ;iiul .'til its . ..tif. ni I >aftu?*u* lot ilert )3Q ?hmi. \ i?ii till mi I lit* Wrii'Jil farm .? ;? l?'? I III it lit' i' ? ? 'I lli?' |M)l;it?i I Mil in*' il V .? in .on In? way lo milk In-, row . ? 1 1 ? I I In ? rt ? w.i . no '.inoki* or I t unc lili\ Hiilinltv. later h" w .i it In |ii?nitv v lion a nriRhbor calVtl lino in It'll Into llio house V\ .? i| II r r.f.tlllii1 I Ili' ilH'll \wTr Mllllinoll imI i i i . ii it'i I i .i i lht> lire ltoui i'i ? ,1'lin", l* ? ? whirli were hnini ?l damage l.rnoi tin- lo?' war r: lini.ilrtl at >.iiHiiin ( i,i 1 1 of wjiii'h wa:v t ovt'icil In hi ot .HH r Fort Macon Beach Opens (or Season I -i| i M.h oii St ;i I ? Park':, swini t*i if i ; : opened officially ovei the \v? ? Krii-I with it I .*ir turnout i ? 'oil. ? ii I'* nil'" the weathei. Clnrles jSI'itl, iiv.j .taut fate director of pa its reported vest rid a v Mi Sfoff said i.iinv weather tin donhti M n kept mans visitors away 1 \ paificnlai ly farrr number of ' 1 1 In -t in* mi wcic pM sent Sunday. lie aililril It hoped tfiat shell either iivri the boardwalk or placed apart from fhc boardwalk area, can he rrcctcd nun. flic director said lie explained that there was a need ? in t he .?? - heifer , in case of rain ami at' o for u In those wht) do . not w i h tn ' \\ini hut come for a \ iew i?f th? ih can Houevci he pointed out. appro priation- by the state are limited inidcnt. hr. John II Mum IhjrU \ icr president* Carl \ Nrl on, .ccrciar\. Harry Van Horn treasurer. (Jcrald Davis, tail j (hi , I'm i "Nil Stocks, lion tamer, ? ml Mo ran and Victor Wi : cki/cr. directors. Member , reported success with | their sale of tickets to the Rogers j Brother > circus w hich will appear in Morehcad < it v June 15) under Lien:, auspice-' Some stated they li.irl old ;?o tickets and asked for more. Astronomers Seek More BhIa on Meleor Showers 1 H I' i on. regional director, \merican Meteor society, ;>04 W. \ ?m.?- ,i . Wilson, has requested th?*t pfci ons in this section who | : ee melee? or fireballs in the heavens Mould rcpoit what he saw either to him Or to ? harles Oli v i?;r Mower Ubservatorv, Upper | ; Dall'V f'a On Wednesday June 2n the Pons- y l\ ihimm \>r is p\pectr.| This shower : may bc^in pr?or to that date but > ? ??a*.!> its maximum on tie 28th, to- ^ i trrnomers say. included in thp observer's report - S ; should t?r the point in the sky at J which i the phenomena appeared * ? nd disappeared, the direction ii) which it moved, and at what time i it appeal c J and disappeared.