(JHoreljeah Cittt Social Nefos Mil* Norma Gtkkill, Society Editor Hhonr 6 4175 Mrs. D. J. Market and Mrs. Mar garet Tasker of Altoona, Pa., re turned to their home Saturday aftoi spending two weeks with Mrs. J W. Jackson. Guests of Nancy Oerrickson .his week are l.ucy Ann Buddie ai. I Robin Arrington of Rocky Mount Ann Miles of Durham and Mickey Shannon of Greenville, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Webb, Mrs. J. W. Kellogg and Miss Nannie Pot ter of Beaufort spent Friday in Raleigh. Mrs. W. L Derrickson and Miss Lucille Piner spent yesterday in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. D. T. Bunn and daughter of Chowan college in Murfreesboro spent the weekend with fir. and Mrs. John Bunn. Dr. John II Bunn attended grad nation exercises at Wake Forest yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lazenby ol Ann Arbor, Mich., and Clyde Sty ron of Washington. D. C.. will ar rive here tomorrow for a visit witt their mother. Mrs. Bertha Stallings Mr. and W. F. Moreness anc children, .loe and Ann of Indianap olis are visiting her parents. Mr and Mrs. II. L. .loslvn. Arthur Joyner. jr., and Dr Frank Harris of Farmville wen weekend visitors in town. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Wado. Mrs R. F. Laine and Mrs. Howard Wade spent the weekend in Durhan where they visited Jack Riggs patient at Duke hospital and Luk evia Wade, student at Watts hos pital. Mrs. Allen Colenda and child ren of Durham arrived Sunday t< spend a week with her mother Mrs. Howard Wade. M T. Mills and Miss Dorothj Mills spent Sunday in Maysvilh with his mother, Mrs. Rosa Mills Miss Barbara Rogers returned t? Raleigh Sunday after spending ; week with Mr. and Mrs. Raymom Rogers. Mrs. Alan Ferebee spent the pas week in Washington, D. C. Wilier l-isker spent yesterday ? in Smithfield on business. Mrs. Walter Morris and ion, Wal ter, jr., will leave tomorrow for a . visit alone the eastern shores of Maryland. Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Patterson of Winston-Salem will arrive today for a weeks visit with their ton and family, Mr. and Mrs. William F. Patterson. Edith Ann Patter son who remained in Winston-Si,' lem with her grandparents to com plete the school year will return i with them and spend the summer with her parents on Atlantic Beach Mr. and Mrs. William Allen, jr., 1 and son of Kinston spent the week i end with Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Allen I at their home on Evans st. Mrs. Carrol V. Willis has return ed from a weeks visit in Snow Hill t with her mother. I Two Hostesses Enteriain For Bride, Bride-io-Be ' Mrs. G. T. Windell and Mrs. S. C. Holloway entertained at a show I er Thursday evening in the civic center to honor Mrs. John Jones, bride of two weeks, and Miss Dor- 1 othy Mills, bride-elect of this month. Upon arrival the hostesses presented the honorees with cor- j [ sages and pieces ol silver in their selected patterns. An array of spring cut flowers decorated the room and on each ; table was a lighted white candle. Miniature corsages of gladiola and 1 sweet peas were placed with the * placards for each guest. After a course of block ice cream and cake, colored in the tradition al green and white, six tables of bridge and rummy were in play. High score for bridge went to Miss ' Mills and second high to Miss Nan ? cy Derrickson. Mrs. Waldron Bai ley, III, won high for rummy and ! Mrs. Oscar Laine took low score. 1 Out-of-town guest was Mrs. Ai wa ine Damron of Klora, Tenn. ) | Receives Degree 1 | William F. Patterson of Frontier i I Village, Atlantic Beach, received j his bachelor of arts degree with honors at the University of North t Carolina last evening. He majored ' in political science. Two Piano Instructors Present Pupils in Recital Mrs. N. R. Webb and Miss Pearl I Brinson presented their piano pu pils in a recital Tuesday evening, | May 30. in tHe Civic Center. Starting at 8 o'clock the program was opened with Betty land Eure playing Holland Festival by Aaron. Bruce Goodwm played A Marching We Will Go by Wilson and Indian : War Dance by Aaron, followed by Sandra Guthrie playing The Danc ing Elf by Thomas and Singing Bells by Seuel and Hoist. Others on the program were George Wallace playing Big Brown Bear by Raezer. Thelma Midgette played Remembrance by Chopin, Jimmy Smith. Old English Song and Little Tune. Florence Lewis. Finding Fairies by Forest. Paul Mitchell, Wee Folks March by Rae zer and March of the Cadets by Rasbach. Gregory Lewis followed with Daddy's Waltz by Rolfe and Rose Daniels played Highland Fling by Meuller. The Elfin Dance by Spindler was presented by Nancy Willis. Frcdia Lewis played In the Pavilion by Cadman, Cecilia Perry. Dance of the Elves by Grieg. Charles Can field, Charmante by Greton. Thel ma meniaKis, ine .loyiui reasani. Transcript ion by Schuman. Carolyn Laine, First Valse by Duranii, Co rinne Bell Webb. Pomp and Cir cumstance by Elgar, Janice Keller. I the first movement of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata. Opus 27. Ann Harden Eure played Solfeg gietto by P. E. Bach and Theme from Piano Concerto in C Minor i by Rachmaninoff. Ann Garner, | Prelude in C Sharp Minor by i Rachmainoff, Patricia Willis fol ! lowed with the waltz. Wine, Wom en aTid Song, by Strauss and con cluding the program was a duet | by Ann Harden Eure and Mrs. Nor mann Webb. Andante from Sym i phony No. 1 by Beethoven. A social hour followed the pro gram at which time Mrs. .losiah Bailey, and Mrs. Paul Branch serv I cd punch and cakes. William Caffrey Wins Pi Gamma Nu Award \ Terrc Haute, Ind., William Dan iel Caffrey, 1400 Arendell street. ; was the recipient of the Pi Gamma I Mu award at the Honor Day con vocation ceremonies recently at j Indiana State Teachers college. The award is given in the form j of a medal to the graduating senior j with a major in social studies who | has done the most in the promotion j of the scholarship ideals of Pi Gam I ma Mu. Spoxt SA>latb ! Styled for active sports ? by a noted designer . , Knitted for active sports by All over America, men are getting outdoor* more, play ing more. They're getting more relaxation from week-end and evening hours ? taking part in sjK>rts. enjoying their leisure! Dress the /xirl with a wardrolw of llanes sport shirt-, and you'll LOOK as smart and comfortable as >ou FEEL. Hanes colors are wonderfully fresh, out doorsy, fast to sun and tub. 4 Ml ' ' 4! SUIDEKNIT* shirt with open collar ami colorful insert in harmonising stripe*. Body of sierra blue, birch gray, $050 white, canary. ? SUEDEKNITQAttOHO collar shirt. I.onpcd button vent front. Sierra blue, champagne, birch gray, canary, white, fairway green, tnarlin $425 blue, palomino. ? SUEDEKNIT two-tone "V** nhirt. (Ihoicr of Mirrra blue, birch pray, canary or cliampagnc with har monizing "V** $195 panel. SUEDEKNIT CREW NECK two-tone nliirt. Gray body with collarette and sleeve trim of burgundy, green or navy blue. $]75 SVEDEKNIT OKCW NECK wJid-rolor shirt. Sierra blue, champagne, birch gray, white, canary, fair way green* marlin $150 blue, palomino tan. I NANESKNIT CHEST STRIPE ?thirt . F.mphaftizrft full chfiu! Blue, beige, white, gray or ranary body with har- $450 mocuxingstripea. i MANES SURREY III ahirt I with pocket. Givn a waitt-ilimminf effect. i Blue, while, (ham- $1 pagtie, gray, canary. I N ANESKN IT SPORTS SHI it* nilh pockfl. Morr itjic ?nd color for T-nhirt ad mirer*. Canary, blue. M [?iiampainr, gray. FAMOUS FOR OUTSTANDING VALUiS in rop-QUAimr knitwear for nalf a csntury P. M. HANK! KNITTINt COMPANY, i. n.e. DEALER D. B. WEBB * AKCNDKIX ST. MOREHEAD CITY DEALER R. T. WILLIS ft SONS ARENDELL ST. MOREHF.AD CITY Garden and Civics Club Will Picnic Tomorrow The Garden and Civics club will hold their annual picnic tomorrow afternoon at I o'clock. Through courtesy of Mrs. Charles Wallace, the picnic this year will be held in the grove in front of Wallace Fisheries, Camp Glenn. Members should bring a knife, fork, and spoon. Mrs. Robert Taylor Entertains at Bridge Mrs. Robert W. Taylor entertain ed at two tables of bridge Friday and had as special guests, Jesse Hall of Raleigh, and Mrs. D. J. Market and Mrs. Margaret Tasker of Altooh'i. h. Mr. H:? 1 1 was declared winner of high sec re and Mrs. Markel, fee ond high. Mr l a1 lor served ice cream and cake between progressions. Mrs. Josiah Bailey, Jr., - Entertains Bridge Club Mrs. Austin Dc Vol was a spec ial guest when Mrs. Josiah Bailey, jr., entertained her bridge club Thursday evening at the civic cen ter. Winner of high score was Mrs. Virginia Purifoy and second high Miss Francis Pitt man. During play the hostess served iced drinks, cookies, and candy. Obituaries II ARIt Y JOHNSON Funeral services for Harry John Son. 52. who died Thursday eve ning were held from bis home at Markers Island Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock with the Riders Russell and Latham officiating. Burial was in the family plot. Mr. Johnson was found on the path leading to his boat landing, and Coroner Pritchard l.^wis said death was due to a heart attack. Surviving Mr. Johnson are his wife, three sons. Karl, Harry, jr.. Ronald, oae daughter. Mrs. Doris I'iner. two brothers. Karl and Ken neth. one sister. Mrs Sadie Guth rie and five grandchildren. Ill Till LAWRENCE Funeral services for Hugh Law- i rente, 47. who died Thursday at 1 the Marine hospital in New Or leans. La., after a short illness were 1 held from the home of his moth- I er iu Otwav yesterday afternoon at 3 o'clock with the Rev. W. K. An- < derson officiating. Burial was in 1 [the family plot. ( I Surviving Mr. Lawrence are his 1 wife. Mrs. Irene Gillikin Lawrence, a daughter. Ramona, his Mother, I Mrs. Lucrieia Lawrence, four broth lers, Fernie, Lindsay, Rufus and < John, and four sisters. Mrs. Thom as Lawrence, Mrs. Connie Gillikin, 1 Mrs. E. D. Lawrence and Mrs. H. 1 T. Dudley, all of Otway. MRS. CHARLES GORDON Funeral services for Mrs. Betty 1 Pel letter Gordon, 54, who died in the hospital at Elizabeth City Fri day afternoon were held from the home of her sister, Mrs. Doil Hancock. 1011 Evans st., Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock with the Rev. L)r. John II. Bunn officiating. Bur ial was in Bay View cemetery. Surviving Mrs. Gordon are her husband, Charles Gordon of Gales creek, two sisters. Mrs. Harry Moore and Mrs. Hancock and sev eral nieces and nephews. NOLA DARE LEWIS Mr. and Mrs. James I). Lewis of Harkcrs Island announce the birth and death of an infant daughter, Nola Dare, on Friday, June 2. MRS. MARY F. GASKILL Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Frances Gaskill, 73, were conducted at 1 1 o'clock yesterday morning at her home on Barkers Island. Mrs. Gaskill died at 12:15 p.m. at her home Sunday. Interment was in the family plot on the island. Mrs. Gaskill. who was a resident of Harkers Island all her life, is survived by three children, Mrs. David C. Willis, William A. Gaskill, and John D. Gaskill, all of the is land; seven grandchildren; four sisters, Mrs. John Willis and Mrs. M. L. Yeomans. Markers Island, Mrs. Fred Gillikin, and Mrs. John May 29 ? Mrs. I*on Mounts of I ''ore Creek spent Wednesday with | Mrs. Ashby B. Morton. Mrs. Charles Young and son. | Wayne, of Raleigh, Were here Tues day to see Mrs. Charlie Bell. Mrs. k'oung and son were visiting Mrs. | fiarl Dickinson at Core Creek. Koyal Hell of Washington, D. C., ?pent Wednesda> night with his tiot her. Mrs. A. N. Bell. Clyde and .'arl Bell returned to Washington vith their brother for a three day it ay. Burne.v L. Witherington of Vane# >oro spent Wednesday afternoon iore. Mrs. W. C. Williams and (iary Williams who had been visiting he Witheringtons returned home vith him. Mrs. C. M. Harris and daughters, Susie and Linda, Mrs. Bob Larson uid daughter, Carol Ann, were at herry Point Thursday morning. Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Williams and I son, Gary, were in Beaufort Tues- 1 lay afternoon for Mr. Williams, to | m? treated for an infected foot. Mr. and Mrs. Joel Davis, Mr. and Vlrs. Raymond Ball, Mrs. Carl II. Vlorton and Mrs. James R. Ward ittended class day exercises Thurs lay morning at the Beaufort High school. Mrs. Nannie Small who has been ,'isiting Mrs. A. N. Bell was carried o Bridgeton Friday evening by %dsel Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Creech visited I datives in Norfolk during the | veekend. Mrs. Ray Mason, Mrs. Xenophon Mason, Miss Mary Lou Mason and harles Mason were in Beaufort Friday. T/Sgt. and Mrs. C. M. Harris and laughters. Susie and Linda, left Friday afternoon to visit relatives n Dunn. Mr. and Mrs. A. Bvrd went to I Worehead City Tuesday for Mrs. | Eunice Willis who had been a pa lient in the hospital. Mrs. Lionel Conner was in Beau- 1 fort Friday to see Dr. Hyde. Miss Marie Smith of Beaufort /isited Miss Jean Ball during the weekend. Miss Catherine Noe of Beaufort was a guest Sunday of Mrs. Carl II. Morton and family. Mrs. Ashby B. Morton, Mrs. Vin ?ent Karl Beet on, Mrs. Raymond Sail, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Williams, iary Williams, Mrs. A. N. Bell, Mrs. Nannie Small, Mrs. Luke Turner and son, Kddie, were in Beaufort Friday morning. Rev. J. M. Jolliff will hold 11 o' clock services here Sunday. The Woman's Society of Chris tian Service will meet Wednesday evening, June 8, with Mrs. George W. Ball. Mr. and Mrs. Ashby B. Morton were in New Bern Sunday after noon. Mrs. Morton visited Mrs. M I). Taylor and Mr. Morton attended Hie hall game. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Whitley of Core Creek were in the community Sunday afternoon. John W. Ives of Raleigh spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. John W. Ives, jr. Jean Small and Linwood Jarman were given a birthday dinner Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jarman. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Dyess an nounce the birth of a son Monday night. May 22, at the Morehead City hospital. The American Radio Relay Lea gue. organization of amateur radio station operators and owners, was founded in 1914 by the late Hiram Percy Maxim. Lewis, Marshallberg; and two bro thers. Thomas and John Lewis, both of the island. Correction In the obituary of Gatha Joyner Willis, which apeared Friday, May 26. the list u0 survivors should have read as follows: his wife, the former Lovina Forbes; his mother, Mrs. Hardy Willis; and three sis ters. Mrs. M. G. Woolard. Mrs. Walter Patrick, and Mrs. Charles Robinson, jr., all of Morehead City. NR. FARMER! For Your Tobacco Caring SINCLAIR 10 FUEL OIL CLEAN-UNIFORM QUICK-ECONOMICAL T. T. "Tom" POTTER ^ AGENT SINCLAIR REFINING CO. MOREHEAD CITY v 6-3218 Kntirw L , ll May 26 Winston Ellis and Ron- ^ nie Oickerson of Durham were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. j VV 1^ Adams and family. Mr. and Mrs. Jaek Beck of Ra s leigh spent last week with Mr. and ^ Mrs. J. A. Taylor. ^ Mrs. Walter Tiech and daughter. ^ June, of Chicago, returned here Monday after several weeks' visit a with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. j drover Paul. J. L. Smith, jr.. is convalescing r in the Morehead City hospital after News from ] MSSEEIS CREEK ! ? r? May 24 ? Three youiyg folks from this community were graduated from Beaufort high school. They are Mrs. Richard Wyman, L. I). Springle, jr., and Miss Mamie i 5pringle. We wish them all sue- j cess and happiness We are hoping that Mrs. L. L. Springle, who is in Duke hospital will soon be much improved and able to come home. The home demonstration club met recently with Mrs. Jessie Pow ell. Mr. and Mrs. Cordon Brown and little girl moved Monday to their apartment. W e wish them lots of j success and happiness. Mrs. W. W. Russell is on the .-ick i list. Here's hoping she will soon be j much improved. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Morton ha;l a family reunion on Mother s Day. Those attending were Mrs. Beatrice Fulcher and two children of More head City, Mr. and Mrs. CJiarle Morton and two children of Nor folk, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Morton and little girl of Morehead, and Mr. and Mrs. O'Neal Morton. Mrs. Morton received several nice Mot ti er's Day presents. Mrs. J. T. Fodrie is home again after spending several weeks with Mrs. Violet Whitley of Newport. Mrs. Lain Brown spent a while last Wednesday with Mrs. J. I. Morton. major operation last Tuesday. '?Rfrs.'Jfcrries'Oglesb# of "New Bern isited her father, J. F. Smith and irother's family 1 uesday. Mrs. &ara Small recently return d home from Kaleigh where she pent the past three months with ler sons, Dave Donald and Oscar imall and families. Mrs. C. II. Smith ana Mrs. E. L. Jecton spent Tuesday at New Bern. Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Taylor and on. Gerald, were in Greensboro Vednesday and brought home their laughter. Dorothy, who was a stu lent at Woman's college. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Belangia nd the Misses Vivian and Lois lee ton attended the exercises at ieaufort high school Friday eve ling. # Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Adams and heir house guests, Winston Ellis nd Konnie Dickinson, Misses iwynn and Emily Adams, Ernest lay Adams, Misses Vivian and Lois j Jet ton. Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Be- 1 langia and Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Bee ton attended the house worming for Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Worthington at Core Creek Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Smith were in Beaufort and Morehead City Wed nesday. The Woman's Society of Chris tian service held a study course at the church Wednesday afternoon. Upwards of a thousand different type radio receiving tubes have been developed, most of which can still be purchased. ABOUT ATHLETE'S FOOT 21*2? Prominent Druggists Can't Be Wrong Here's what stout of rarkershurg, \V. Va.. Kity n. "The sale of T 4 I. ha, heen \ery pleasing. One euKlomer haul il In (lie first thing in si\ years liiat Kate relii-f." j IN ONE HOI R if not rontpletelv pleased \ <?ur Iftc liaek "t ant drug t?lore. I.oeullx at I . It hm.i. I?KI t. SIOItK. d'amon & ?4 ?tifct miwiHW -is $0io M PINT $3.454A Quart GIBSON'S DIAMOND 8 BLENDED W! K.'KEY ? 86 PROOF ? 65% GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS ? GIBSON DISTILLERS, INC., NEW YORK, N. Y. K.4RLY. JEtt'ELEKS We are Privileged to Announce Our Appointment as an AUTHORIZED KEEPSAKE JEWELER DIAMOND RINGS Winner of the Fashion Academy Gold Medal Award for "exquisite design and brilliant fashion styling." CASTLE Ring Alio $125 Wl Adding Ring 87.50 HI ATHER Ring Also $100 to 2475 ond in Sk plotinum $300 to 3450 A Wedding Ring 12.50 1 JONQUIL ting tdding Ring 62.30 MX Ring Wvdding Ring 125 00 mm W?Q| "The beauty of Keepsake diamond s, has ben enhanced in settings that art lovely in design." FASHION ACADEMY Today, more than ever, Keepsake is the diamond ring most wanted and admired. Not only for "gold medal" styling but for guaran teed high quality. The words "guaranteed reg istered perfect gem" appear on every Keepsake Tag. See . . . our award-winning Keepsake collection, now on display. OTHER SETS FROM $65 nm JEWELERS 812 Arendell St. Dial 6-3186 MOREHEAD CITY

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