Opal Lewis, David HiH Married In Davis Church Saturday Night The marriage of Opal Lewis, (laughter of Mrs. Kobert Davis and the late Mr. Davis of Davis, to David Arreudell Hill, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. Hugh Hill of Beau fort. was solemnized Saturday eve ning. June 3. in the Davis Mission ary Baptist church. The Rev. I.. C. Chandler per formed the single ring ceremony before an altar banked in pine, ivy. fern and white gladiolas. l*rior to the wedding ceremony, Miss Joyce Willis of Morehead City, organist, gave a program of nup tial music, and Mrs. Kalph Wade of Moreheadi City, soloist, sang Through the Years and All For You. At the end of the ceremony Mrs. Wade sang The Prayer. The bride, who * was given in marriage by her uncle. W. C. Wil lis. wore an ivory satin gown with a lace yoke and petticoat skirt. Her long sleeves terminated in points over her wrists. Her finger tip veil was of .illusion. She carried a shower bouquet of white calla iillics Mrs. Carrel! Willis of Atlantic, sister of the bride, was matron of honor. She wore a pink organdy dress i.i bouffant style over a taf fetta slip matching hat and mitts and carried an arm bouquet of yel low gladiolas. Miss Melba Willis of Davis and Mis Bruce Smith of Marshallberg, bridesmaids, wore aqua gowns on the same style as the matron's matching hats and mitts and car ried arm bouquets of yellow and I lame gladiolas. He t man for Mr. Hill was his brother. I.t. Robert II. Hill, jr., and ushers were .lack Barnes. Dick Parker, Jackie Sewell and Lindsay Hill, brother of the groom. Immediately following the wed ding ceremony a reception was giv en at the home of the bride's sis ter, Mrs. Gordon Willis, to honor the bridal couple. Guests were received at the door by Mrs. Thomas II. Totter and Mrs. Frank Hunt, and ushered to the receiving line composed of Mrs. Robert Davis. Mrs. It. Hugh Hill, the bride and groom and the bri dal party. Mrs. Flric Hill presided over the, i bride's book and Miss Aleeze Davis was in charge of the gift room. 1 Miss Lessie Mae Styron and Mrs. Clinton Piner served the punch and Mrs. Wesley Salter served the cake. Mrs. Davis, mother of the bride wore a black lace gown and a white orchid corsage. Mrs. Hill, mother of the groom, wore a blue chiffon dress and a white orchid corsage. The bride is a graduate of Smyr na high school and of the Carolina , Beauty college. She is owner and manager of the Ann Street Beauty :Shop in Beaufort. I The groom is a graduate of Beau I fort high school, attended UNO and | transferred to State college where he received his degree in engineer ing. lie served for three years in i the Army and was stationed in India He is now connected with J the Norfolk Baltimore and Caro- ' Una freight line in Beaufort. Mr. and Mrs. ,1. W. Love and j children of Little Falls. N. Y., ar- ' rived yesterday for a visit with 1 | Mrs. Love's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C.eorge Taylor. I Every One Oi These Items Mu&t Be Moved! CHECK THESE LOW PRICES ANY PLACE ? ANY CATALOGUE 45 Lb. Roll Roofing $1.59 Roll 55 Lb. Roll Roofing 1.95 Roll 65 Lb. Roll Roofing 2.29 Roll 90 Lb. Roll Slate Coated . 2.59 Roll 15 Lb. Roll Felt 416 Sq. Ft. 2.70 Roll 30 Lb. Roll Felt 208 Sq. Ft. 2.70 Roll 210 Lb. 3 Tab Shingles 5.70 Sq. ? * * Above Net Cash-Carry Prices. N. C. Sales Tax Added. All Oth er Roofing Products Priced In Line With Above. (loojjWUf, Special It Is Our Aim To Make Our Place R O O F I N C. HEADQUARTERS For Carteret County. No matter what your roofing requirements may be, see us first. HUNTLEY'S Atlantic Highway Dial 2-4871 Glenn.- Way Mrs B. C. Way requests the honour of your presenee at the marriage of her daughter * Varena Callo to Mr. Eric Folkner Glenn on Sunda> the eleventh of June at four o'clock in the afternoon Ann Street Methodist Church Beaufort No formal invitations have been sent in the county but all friends are cordially invited.. Mrs. Wheatly Entertains For June Bride Elect Mrs. Claud Wheatly, jr.. enter tained five tables at bridge Satur afternoon to honor Miss Doro thy Mills of More head City, who will be married on Saturday. June 17. to Dr. Howard Elsworth Straw cutter. Lime punch was served the quests on arrival, and at the end of three progression, congealed fruit salad with rolled and colored sand wiches. carrying out the color scheme of green and white. Each guest received at her place a small corsage of sweet peas, while the guest of honor received a corsage of gardenias. High score prize, a plastic bridge table cover, was won by Miss Ann Mills, second high prize, a linen towel, went to Mrs. Malcolm Col lins and Mrs. Marshall Ayscue, winner of consolation prize, re ceived an apron. The bride elect was presented with a piece of silver in her pattern, as a special gift from her hostess. Wagenhoffers Entertain Couples Club at Bridge I.t. and Mrs. M. T. Waggcnhoffcr were hosts Friday evening when they entertained their couples club at bridge. Guests for the evening were Dr. and Mrs. Theodore Salter. Mrs. Iulmund Nelson received high score prize for ladies, while Dr. Salter won high score prize for men and Mrs. Saltei* received the floating prize. Mr. and Mrs. Wagenhoffer served a ham plate and coffee for re freshments. Mrs. Wheatly Hostess At Supper and Bridge Mrs*. ('. B. Wheatly was hostess Thursday evening when she enter tained members of her bridge club. Special guests for the .evening were Miss Annie Morton. Miss Gladys Chadwick and Mrs. L. W. Moore. Following a ham plate and cof fee, three progressions were i played. Miss Mildred Jones, win ner of high score, received a set of snack dishes, and Miss Morton, guest high winner, received a hand kerchief. Mrs. Adair Entertains Bridge Club Thursday Mrs. Jack Barnes was special guest Thursday afternoon when Mrs. (ilenn Adair entertained her bridge club. High score, a silk scarf, was won by Mrs. Katy Lou Darrler. Mrs. Adair served ice cream and cake and lemonade at the end of the bridge play. 32 Attend Clinic Residents of Beaufort were a mong the 32 who attended the free cancer clinic at Kinston Thursday. Examinations are free to all men and women, 35 and over, and to anyone with a symptom of a can cer "danger signal" regardless of age. Gene C. Smith spent yesterday in Smithfield on business. JUST ARRIVED AT EASTMAN'S in Beaufort CERAMICS By ohannes brahm of CALIFORNIA IDEAL Ml WEDDINGS AMD TODD OFT DATS EASTMAN FURNITURE CO, * BEAUTOBT, N. C. Scaufurt Uncial (7 ? C Mrs. I.mkwootl Phillip*. SwiSty Editor Phonr 2-44 HI | Mrs. Mary Thomas arrived last Monday for a visit with Mrs. N. W. Taylor. Miss Mary Sue l.ynch has ac cepted the position as manager of the Beaufort office for the Caro lina Telephone and Telegraph company. Wiley Taylor spent the weekend at Wake Forest. Mr. and Mis. Uohert llill and young daughter of Virginia Beach arrived Friday for a visit with Mr. and Mis It. Hugh llill. Sv:t . and Mrs. Curtis J. Turner have moved into the Snowden Mar age apartment. Allan O'Bryan of Greensboro visited Mrs. N. \V. Taylor Thurs day and Friday. Mr. and Mrs. ileorge Taylor have moved into their home at 114 Ann St. I.indsey Hill arrived home Thurs day from Chapel Hill for his sum mer vacation. Mi s. Jenny I pock returned home Fri lay from a short visit to Kins ton. Mrs. M. S. Snowden visited Mrs. Rosa Bland in New Bern for a few days last week. Mrs. Berkley* Simpson and son and daughter. Mildred and Jackie, left Sunday lor Port Arthur, Tex., to join Mr. Simpson who is there j for the fishing season. I ... mis. .mnn I'uriHMi aiui oauK"ii'r Jane of Durham who are visit iilKf M ? s. Carrie Davis, with Mrs. Davis. Patricia Willis ami Nor man Gerard, will return Wodnes tlay from Cape Lookout. The Rev. and Mrs. T. R Jen kins and daughter, .lean will return to Beaufort I'ridav from Duke where Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins at tended their class reunions, and where* Mr. Jenkins also attended Pastor's school this week. Harold Simpson left Sunday for I'ort Arthur, Tex., for a two weeks visit. The Misses Shirley I.ipman and I Elizabeth Bell went to Greens boro over the weekend to attend < i iris State, which is sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary. M. Leslie Davis, Leslie Davivs jr.. and Dowd Davis left Sunday for Durham to attend the gradu at ion exercises of John Davis who received his bachelor of divinity degree at Duke Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Hill and daughter; Ann, will return today from Chapel Hill where they went to attend the graduation exercises of Danforth Hill. Lt. Commander and Mrs. F. II Potter, jr.. and their daughter, Robin will leave Thursday for Se attle. after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. K. II. Potter. Mrs. R. W. Safrit and Henry Sa frit left for Mount Gilcad. Mr. Safrit drove them there and re turned home Sunday, while Mrs. Safrit and Henry will remain on for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Euro will re I turn toil ay from Duke whore they have been attending Mr. Kure's I class reunion. Mr. John Ruroley of Norfolk is visiting his sister, Mrs. E. 11 Mar ! tin. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wheal ley, 'jr., | and John Daniels, all of Charlotte, i arrived Friday for a visit. Mr. and Mrs. B. 11. Noe and I children of Washington spent Sun day here. Mrs Joe Buttry and children left Monday for Port Monmouth. N. J., to join Mr. Butt ry and spend | the summer there. Douglas House and Mrs. Jose phine Harris of lonishuru will leave Wednesday after a Vjs|t With 1 their mother, Mrs. \V. I . House. Mrs. R. C. Modlin is ill at her home. Mrs. 1,. ('. Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Staton. Mrs. J. (I. Walters i and Harry Davis went to Wake For est yesterday to attend the i;radu I at ion of Billy Davis. Mr. and Mrs David Boone and three children of Wilmington spent the weekend with Mrs. Frances Boor.e. Mrs. Sallie Mason left Monday for (Ireenville t ?> attend summer school at F.CTC, Mrs. J;-ck Cordon and son. Rich ard, of New York, are visit im*. Mr. and Mrs. (ierald Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Tanies (I. While hurst were guests til Dr. and Mrs. W. I Cause hi New Horn Sunday 1 afternoon who 1 I hoy ontortainod al open house welcoming Dr. and Mrs. Troy ('. Tucker. Dr. Tucker | is now associated with Dr. Cause. Miss Mildred Simpson arrived ; home Friday from Meredith coir ; loj'.e. Mr. and Mrs. Robert King, Charles King and Miss Sally Poole , Thomas will return today from Chapel Hill after attending the I graduation exercises ??l Robert i King. Mr. and Mrs. Don Martin and | Mrs. William Charles Smith were called to Kockv Mount Sunday ho i cause of Hie illness of Mrs. (ins Lancaster. ! Mr. and Mrs. .loo Chadwick re ! turned to Wilmington Sunday after a visit with Mr. I. W. Chadwick. Mr. and Mi's. U. I'. Swann return od home Thursday from Bainhridge j(ia., where they visited Mr. and i Mrs. Kdtfar Swann. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Norris. Mr. and Mrs. .1. C. Rroda and children, Nancy and (Soorfce, of Heanfort route 1. spent last weekend in Portsmouth^ Va.. where they at tended the graduation of Kovn Morris from the King's Daughter's Hospital School of Nursing. Hova I accompanied the family home and will return to Portsmouth Sunday. George Rroda, jr., underwent an j operation at Morehead City hos pital Tuesday. He is recovering I nicely. I Beauforteens | By Vera I .ou I .oft in Now that school is over and wo are beginning our summer vacation, much thought has been given to the question. "What shall we do lor a good time it' the canteen closes?" Mrs. Loft in was faced willi a very grave problem. Some even said, we'll have to go to the beach to .lance now. The 1 loiiou iiil; in ;i per sonal statement from Mrs. Martha l,oft in. Teen-Age Chairman of t lie* 1940 50 school year, ami I quote: "To the parents of Beaufort. I wish to say that I personally would feel guilty if we close our canteen. So after much bought I have de rided to keep the Vera I. on canter n open for the month ??l .lumv We'll tall this a trial month. I am organizing a Garden ( enter, this flu!) is sponsored l>y the Beau tort Woman's Club, in turn the Garden Club will sponsor the can teen. "The (lanlen Tenter will hold j their business meetings every Sat- I ur?l:i> night at 7 p.m. and the can- j teen w ill open at 8 p.m. and close I at II p.m. The admission will he 2f? cents instead of the original 10 cents. This fund will In* used to beautify the grounds of the Com munity building, or as some call il. the Scout Building. "Our ad\ isots for the Garden Center at present are: ('apt. Walt Dunkle and Mr. Bennic Copeland. Next week we hope to take the club on field trips to ('apt. Walt's gar den and hot house, also to Mr. Copeland's Nursery, ('apt Walt and Mr. Copeland will advise the club on what, when and how the shrub l?ery and flowers should be planted at the Community building. "The Garden Center will be brok en down m different clubs, such as those interested in gardening, those interested in flower arrange merits, (lower show fans some may join for purely social reasons, or to be entertained (let's hope these are few ). "Our Camera Club will play a big part in takim: pictures to go on exhibit, before and after a project has been completed. This division ' has about tifteen signed up at pres ent. with advisors 'from the Photo Lab at Cherry Point. "Those interested in birds will have Mr. Cox as advisor. Mr. Cox is already making his plans to have Dr. Schat'tVsbiir.x show films when lie arrives in Beaufort for his sum iner school. "The Public Library will furnish 3 corner space for the members to keep reading material. "The dues will be low, not over $1.00 a year. The membership is open to everyone in the commun ity. especially those who are in terested hi beautifying their own properly. When each property owner becomes interested in their own property. Beaufort will soon he a beautiful town. You need not be garden wise to participate, by joining you will learn to be. It will not be a selected membership club made up of people with simi lar educations, social prestige, or worldly possessions, l-'veryone can be a member. "Those who are interested in a more Beautiful Beaufort of Tomor row be present Saturday night at seven o'clock at the Community Building. Officers will be elected at ih is time. "At this time I wish to thank the chairman of the teen age com Hollar for Dollar - you cant beat a POJ?TIA? A Wonderful Performer -at a Wonderful I'rice! Almost everybody has a good word for the immensely popular i'ontiac. The most enthusiastic spokesmen are those who ?u,m this great car. The facts behind this admiration of Pontiac are very simple ? Pontiac is America's lowest priced Straight Fight. .Pontiac is the lowest-priced car with (iM liydra-Matic Drive. Pontiac is the most beautiful thing on wheels. And Pontiac is f.imed everywhere for its dependability and economy. Those are the facts, and they are impressive. But they are a lot more imprettive to the person behind the wheel of a Pontiac. He knows for sure that dollar for dollar, you can't heat a Pontiac f Dfl/VFPED Hffff $1780 5-Passenfer Streamliner Six Cylinder Seta Coupe Statr and Itxal laxrt, if any, In r fir of'! tonal equipment and arcimriei? extra. I'rk** imkjett In rhante without mtkr. #*rir? tmay vary ht ?*? raandmg cam muni tin dm * li lranip*rtalirm di?rreniialu SOUND CHEVROLET CO., INC. Dial 6-4071 1308 ArendiU SItmI Morehead Cily, N. C. nuttee of mothers, also Billy Craw ford and his teen-atfe committee and all those who helped us enter tain the teenagers during the year. I personally am proud of our club room and hope the public will he equally as proud and help keep it :is beautiful as it is now Those who have not had the privilege of visit inn it should put it down as a must on their list. My thanks also no to those who entertained on the radio. "One mother came to me a few days ago and said. "Write down a list of the things the club nets Is and I will trV to get as much as possible." With a few more parents .* ? ? like this we can always keep our boys and girls home .and happy. "If there are any objections to keeping the canteen open this sum mer or any criticisms at any time, please see me in person.'^ I.ast Saturday night we had 160 present at the club We need chairs more than anything else, so an> one interested in buying a chair or helping to buy one, go by Ceorge Kast man's and see the ones we hope to lurnish the club with. Also any merchant that has a fan or blower they are not using ? we need that too. Tll.-YNKS. ? . THE HAIR STYLE OF THE MONTH IS A SHORT CUT TO KEAUTY Our delightfully versatile short -cut makes the mosl of your hair's slightest tendency to wave. Sucljess Heauty Sljop I'hono B-511-6 MFRRILI. Bim niNG BEAUFORT, N. C. * (jViaujiit ketihuhj ^ou/dwii $Q95 *H QUART 4 YEARS OLD 94 f ROOF 111 KSJoisnf o,s> ?. r ? BENMONT PAPER DRAPERIES THESE DRAPES ARE MOST ECONOMICAL Can Re Purchased in Stripes and Florals oi Reauliiul Rich Colors to Suit your iaste and Suit Any Room in Your House 79 1 Per Pair LW.DOWNOMCO. 5 It 10 c STORE PROMT ST. REAUFItT

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